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Luận văn thạc sĩ economic efficiency of organic vegetable production in kim long ward, hue city, thuathien hue province

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Situation of organic vegetables model in Hue city and Kim Long ward...19 Chapter 2: ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF ORGANIC VEGETABLES PRODUCTION IN KIM LONG WARD, HUE CITY, THUA THIEN HUE PROVIN

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First of all, we would like to express the appreciation to our supervisorAssoc Prof

Dr Bui Dung The Dr The already encouraged and directed us with his skillful guidance,innovative idea and stoic patience Without his help, we would never complete ourresearch

We would like to acknowledge the valuable input of Dr Nguyen QuangPhuc, whohelped to shapethis research, resolve the most difficult modeling in this research

We are very thankful to the professors and lecturers of the Advanced Program,who have helped us and co-operated with us during the conducting time

We give deep thanks to all of households in Kim Long Ward who are enthusiastic

in supply us data and answer our questionnaire

Finally, we express to our family for their love and encouragement, we havereceived so much personal support from family and friends

Hue, October 2017

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1 Rationale of this research 1

2 Research objectives 2

3 Research methods 2

3.1 Data collection 2

3.2 Analysis methods 2

4 Research scope 3



1.1 Theoretical analysis 4

1.1.1 What is organic agriculture? 4 Motivation of growing organic agriculture 4 Characteristics of organic agriculture 5 Basic criteria of organic agriculture 6 Quality standards of organic production 9 Why is organic vegetable necessary? 11

1.1.2 Definition of economic efficiency 12

1.1.3 Indicators reflect production results 13

1.2 Practical basis 15

1.2.1 Situation of organic agriculture model in the world 15

1.2.2 Situation of organic vegetables model in Vietnam 17

1.2.3 Situation of organic vegetables model in Hue city and Kim Long ward 19


2.1 Study site 20

2.1.1 Natural conditions 20 Geographical location 20 Topography 21 Climate 21 Hydrological 22

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Trang 3 The resources 22 The situation of the environment 22 General assessment of natural features in Kim Long ward 22

2.1.2 Current situation of using land in Kim Long ward, Hue City 23

2.1.3 Economic and Social conditions 24 Economic growth and economic structure 24 Population and labor 24 The infrastructure 25 A general assessment of socio-economic features in Kim Long Ward 26

2.2 Organic vegetable producing situation in Kim Long Ward 26

2.2.1 Characteristics of surveyed households 26

2.2.2 Technical process of organic vegetable production of surveyed households28 2.2.3 Economic efficiency of organic vegetable production of surveyed households 35

2.2.4 Distribution channel of market for organic vegetable model in Kim Long Ward 40 2.2.5 SWOT analysis 43


3.1 Orientation of organic vegetable production in Kim Long ward 46

3.2 Some of solutions to improve the efficiency of organic vegetables production in Kim Long ward 46 3.2.1 Solutions about land 46

3.2.2 Solutions about infrastructure investment 47

3.2.3 Solutions about labor 48

3.2.4 Solutions about market 49

3.2.5 Solution about raising awareness about organic catering 50


1 Conclusion 52

2 Recommendation 52

2.1 Recommendation for local government 52

2.2 Recommendation for farmers 52

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Table 2-1 : Land using situation of Kim Long ward in 2015 23Table 2-2 : The situation of population and labor of Kim Long ward over 2013-2015

25Table 2-3 : Technical measures used in organic vegetable production 30

Table 2-5 : Type of vegetables grown follow twelve months 34Table 2-6 : Labor and average hour farm working of Smallholder Farmers 35

Table 2-9 :Gross output of organic vegetable of production of surveyed households

38Table 2-10: Economic efficiency indicators of organic vegetable production 39

Table 2-12: SWOT of organic vegetable model in Kim Long ward 43

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Figure 2-2: Distribution channel of organic farms in Kim Long ward 41


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ACCD Action Center for the City DevelopmentADDA The Danish Asian Agriculture Development Project

DANIDA The Danish GovernmentFAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

HFI Human Factors IntegrationIFOAM International Organic Agriculture Organization

NGOs Non-Government Organizations

SWOT Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat

USDA The United State Development of Agriculture

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VND Vietnam Dong

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1 Rationale of this research

Constructing green agriculture towards using organic methods, biologicalmeasures is friendly to environmental that were successfully applied in manycountries It provides high efficiency in consumption, the export of agriculturalproducts, branding of agriculture products favored by consumers Currently, the worldhas 130 agriculture countries are under organic farming methods with approximately35.6 million hectares of area, revenue of organic products worldwide reached about 55billion US dollars (FAO statistic, 2015)

Under the impact of urbanization progress to agricultural land, the level ofenvironmental pollution increases due to using more fertilizers, pesticides, whichaffect the value of annual agricultural production in Vietnam Besides, misusechemicals in agriculture production also impacts on human health In this situation, thedevelopment of clean agriculture, high-tech agriculture will be right direction forsustainable agricultural development

Due to this circumstance, Thua Thien Hue province always care about growingorganic vegetables in a wide range.Two farmers in Kim Long ward was initialsuccessful with small scale pioneers in application of organic vegetables growingmodel in ThuaThien Hue province Especially, after perceiving the prospects oforganicmethod, local government in Kim Long Ward mobilize farmers to convert thecultivated cropping patterns to expand the area planted vegetables according to thismethod They expanded organic vegetable model with 6 households include more over

3000 square meters of land

From 2015 until now, Kim Long's farmers not only improve their income butalso contribute to protect environment when they bring organic vegetables toconsumers in Hue city With beginning 600 square meters of land, a farmer earnedabout 150,000 VND each day on average They also extensive farming on many types

of vegetable such as basellaalba, salad, fennel, and sweet potato buds, depending onseason There are some problemswhich researchers should solve obviouslysuch aswhat organic agriculture is The result of this case study provides information aboutorganic vegetable production and its benefits The study also shows how organicvegetable in Kim Long Ward grow and develop from the beginning, and providessmallholder farmers with the necessary information on profitability of organicvegetable production system to facilitate making informed decision when converting

to organic farming By determining the effect of social economic, farm and marketcharacteristics on profitability of smallholder vegetable production system, the study

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assists providing additional way of increasing profit margins in smallholder vegetableproduction systems and value chains Capability of expanding organic vegetablemodel to other wards in Hue is feasible.

Base on all above reasons weselect the topic:“Economic efficiency of organic vegetable production in Kim Long ward, Hue city, ThuaThien Hue province” to

become our science research report

2 Research objectives

General objectives: Assessing economic efficiency and expandability of organicvegetables model at Kim Long Ward

The study had the following specific objectives:

- Codifying theoretical basis on organic vegetable production andeconomic efficiency From this basis, having more overall viewpoint about situation ofmodel organic vegetables in Kim Long

- Figuring out the process of planting the organic vegetables such as theproduction, and expenditure cost, analysis the characteristic and situation of growingorganic vegetables in Kim Long ward

- Offerring some recommendations to enhance the efficiency of organicvegetable in Kim Long ward and expand this model other wards of Hue city

3 Research methods 3.1 Data collection

- Secondary data: is collected from books, magazines, professionaljournals, the state policy is concerned, the scientific studies have been published, thesereports about economic effectiveness of organic vegetable production in local and overthe world; data is collected from ACCD, information are collected from the beginning

of converting conventional vegetable into organic vegetable

- Primary data: The questionnaire is designed to conduct the survey of 8smallholder farmers, who growing organic vegetable in Kim Long ward, Hue city.From the results of interviewing farmers, this research gathers information about areaunder cultivation, process of growing organic vegetable, how to convert the model,type of vegetable according to the season

3.2 Analysis methods

Analyzing economic- social issues as well as used the inputs of organicvegetable grow, the results and the efficiency productivity of households over theyears

Researchers docase study by describing detail farm households situation andclarifying their activities And then analyzing efficiency of households by answeringthese questions such as what inputs are, how output price changes, what cost ofproducts is, what happen to famers or other factors such as weathers, seasons,…(what

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seasons they can produce to get more profit, famers should consider, which kinds ofvegetables to produce more than one) Why the famers decide to produce in while themarket has many challenges to organic vegetables model and the way whichgovernment (or some organizations) supports the households to sell products.

3.3 SWOT analysis

In addition, because SWOT analysis is an important part of case study, it

is used to identify strengths, weakness, and the external environment asopportunity and threats of framing activities Therefore, researchers could providepossible solution to overcome the difficulties of farmers

Concern the concept of efficiency: gross output, value added, mixed income,intermediate cost

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1.1 Theoretical analysis

1.1.1 What is organic agriculture?

Development is a growth process that consists of a variety of constituentelements such as economics, politics, society, technology, culture, etc The goal ofdevelopment is to improve conditions and quality of life of human, to make peopleless dependent on nature, to create a fair and equal life among members Thetransformation of human society from primitive to slave society, then from feudalism

to capitalist society, etc., is a process of development Development assessments areusually based on a number of criteria However, with each of type of development,there are different criteria systems For example: Assessing a country's economicdevelopment is based on GDP, GNP, GDP / Cap, GDP / growth and GDP structure

After a period of rapid development of world economies in the 50s and 80s ofthe twentieth century, humanity is aware that economic measures do not adequatelyreflect development Instead of the only indicator that evaluates the development ofcountries is GDP, GNP, there are more other indicators such as HDI, HFI, etc Therapid economic growth and the rapid increase in world population in the past decadesand our impact on the Earth's environment have led humanity to consider and evaluaterelationships: Human - Earth, socio-economic development - environmentalprotection

Nowadays, human knew that the Earth's natural resources are not endless,impossible to exploit indiscriminately and the ability to assimilate waste from theEarth's environment is limited Therefore, humans need to live in harmony with nature

It is necessary to account for common good of the community, of future generationsand costs of environment for development, etc

On the other side, development in biology refers to the physical accumulation

of biological objects to produce the final product For example, growth of plants is theprocess of accumulation, reproduction, and yielding of plants In breeding,development is the maturity in the physiology to perfect the reproductive function All

of these requirements lead to the emergence of a human notion that is: Sustainabledevelopment Sustainable development is a development that will satisfy the growingneeds of the present generation without compromising the ability to satisfy needs offuture generations According to sustainable development, human are starting to

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research in order to have effective solutions to prevent the negative trends fromintensive farming One of the most effective solutions is to make the agriculturalproduction process follow the law of inherent biological nature From that, organicagriculture and bio-agriculture were constituted.

Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils,ecosystems and based on the principles set in the International Standard (IFOAM) It is

a method of growing plant without using any toxic substances such as pesticides, weedkillers as well as chemical fertilizers

Organic agriculture has the following characteristics (Haccius, 1996; Alsing,1995):

- Agricultural production in the direction of ecological system Humans, land,plants and livestock are all within a unity, as an organism

- The basic idea of organic agriculture is that economic activity must be inharmony with nature These activities will have bad consequences and will notdevelop sustainably if they are not follow natural laws

- Production will develop well on the basis of using and enhancing the naturalfertility of the soil as well as increasing the resistance of plants and animals to pests

- Breeding is an important adaptation component of organic agriculture

- Farming systems are unaffected by the use of off-farm materials such asinorganic fertilizers and plant protection chemicals

Organic farm produce agricultural products by below close cycle:

Figure 1-1: Closed cycle of organic farm

(Source: GiaotrinhNongNghiephuu co, Agricutural Publishing House, 2013)

research in order to have effective solutions to prevent the negative trends fromintensive farming One of the most effective solutions is to make the agriculturalproduction process follow the law of inherent biological nature From that, organicagriculture and bio-agriculture were constituted

Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils,ecosystems and based on the principles set in the International Standard (IFOAM) It is

a method of growing plant without using any toxic substances such as pesticides, weedkillers as well as chemical fertilizers

Organic agriculture has the following characteristics (Haccius, 1996; Alsing,1995):

- Agricultural production in the direction of ecological system Humans, land,plants and livestock are all within a unity, as an organism

- The basic idea of organic agriculture is that economic activity must be inharmony with nature These activities will have bad consequences and will notdevelop sustainably if they are not follow natural laws

- Production will develop well on the basis of using and enhancing the naturalfertility of the soil as well as increasing the resistance of plants and animals to pests

- Breeding is an important adaptation component of organic agriculture

- Farming systems are unaffected by the use of off-farm materials such asinorganic fertilizers and plant protection chemicals

Organic farm produce agricultural products by below close cycle:

Figure 1-1: Closed cycle of organic farm

(Source: GiaotrinhNongNghiephuu co, Agricutural Publishing House, 2013)

research in order to have effective solutions to prevent the negative trends fromintensive farming One of the most effective solutions is to make the agriculturalproduction process follow the law of inherent biological nature From that, organicagriculture and bio-agriculture were constituted

Organic agriculture is a production system that sustains the health of soils,ecosystems and based on the principles set in the International Standard (IFOAM) It is

a method of growing plant without using any toxic substances such as pesticides, weedkillers as well as chemical fertilizers

Organic agriculture has the following characteristics (Haccius, 1996; Alsing,1995):

- Agricultural production in the direction of ecological system Humans, land,plants and livestock are all within a unity, as an organism

- The basic idea of organic agriculture is that economic activity must be inharmony with nature These activities will have bad consequences and will notdevelop sustainably if they are not follow natural laws

- Production will develop well on the basis of using and enhancing the naturalfertility of the soil as well as increasing the resistance of plants and animals to pests

- Breeding is an important adaptation component of organic agriculture

- Farming systems are unaffected by the use of off-farm materials such asinorganic fertilizers and plant protection chemicals

Organic farm produce agricultural products by below close cycle:

Figure 1-1: Closed cycle of organic farm

(Source: GiaotrinhNongNghiephuu co, Agricutural Publishing House, 2013)

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Close cycle of organic farm, Neuerburg W and S Padel (1992) illustrated andexplained the fundamental principle of organic agriculture It shows that organicagriculture farms should coordinate the cycle life and natural system by combinedlivestock suitably for cultivated area They should encourage and promote thebiological cycle in the farming system, including micro-organisms, flora and fauna insoil; maintain and increase soil fertility in long term by using dung of cattle, plants,cattle feeds By applying organic manures from breeding of farm households, plantswould be provided nutrition easily In addition, diversity rotation could prevent pestseffectively.

Conditions for producing organic vegetables:

- Vegetable production sites must be located in safe production areas asregulated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development This regulationassesses soil and water quality without being contaminated with toxic chemicals,heavy metals, etc

- Vegetable production sites are not in flood-prone areas, not in industrialzones

- Any citizen can participate in growing organic vegetables to protect thehealth of the community and protect the ecological environment

- Organic agriculture is an agricultural form that avoids or eliminates most

of the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, plant growth regulators, and additives inanimal feed Organic agriculture relies on natural cycles and systems adapted to localconditions, combination of tradition, innovation and science in production systems thatpromote fair relations along supply chains (IFOAM, 2004)

- The primary goal of organic agriculture is to maximize the health andproductivity of independent communities in terms of livelihoods, crops, livestock andhumans

- According to International Organic Agriculture Organization, IFOAM:

"The role of organic agriculture, whether in cultivation, processing, distribution orconsumption, is to maintain the health of ecosystems and livelihoods, animals from thesmallest organisms live in the soil to humans."

In general, organic farming will improve and maintain natural landscape andagricultural ecosystems, avoid overexploitation and pollution of natural resources,minimize the use of non-renewable energy and resources, produce nutritious, non-toxic, and high quality food In addition, it ensures, maintains and increases soilfertility in the long run and strengthens the biological cycles of the farm, especially thenutrient cycles

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Organic agriculture is a mode of agricultural production based on the use ofbiological processes in nature In other words, organic agriculture is a mode ofproduction in which production processes apply by natural biology.

Organic agriculture is not only an agricultural without chemical, but also it isfull of ecological, social and economic sustainability Therefore, it is a sustainableform of agriculture That means that organic agriculture is a way of maintaining anecological balance in the farming system and using the available resource in asustainable manner with a special attention to the socio- economics of production.Reconstitution of nutrient cycles, optimal use of available resources, diversification is

an important ecological aspect of organic agriculture Socio-economic aspects such asfood safety, fair trade, increased resources etc are also important aspects of organicagriculture

Organic agriculture is growing more and more because:

- Resolve the conflict between intensive farming and environmental issues.Organic agriculture has increased the use of natural seedlings and diversity ofagricultural production It also has reduced the pollution of soil, water and agriculturalproducts because it did not use inorganic fertilizers, plant protection drugs, and breedfeeds

- Organic farming ensures, maintains and increases long-term fertility of thesoil, consolidates of biological cycles in the farm, especially nutrient cycles Besides, itprotects crops based on prevention instead of curing, diversifying crops and livestocktypes suitable to local conditions

- Resolve human needs like clean eating, beautiful and clean environment.Clean foods are those that contain nutrients content as in nature

Organic vegetable production process:

Figure 1-2: Organic vegetable production process

(Source: Green Life Vietnam, 2012)

(1) Land preparation

(2) Production planning

(3) Fertilizer preparing

( 4) Preparation of irrigation water

(5) Pest control

(6) Planting and tending organic vegetables

(7) Record

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(1) Land preparation:

Isolate organic lands with other lands by grass In other words, it is necessary tocreate a buffer zone to separate from the normal production land Isolation will helpprevent harmful chemicals from pesticides or chemical fertilizers from spreading tothe organic farm

(2) Production planning:

An indispensable requirement of organic production is crop rotation With thesupport of the ADDA project and the agricultural engineer of the company, farmersgrouped vegetables together: leaf group, fruit group, legume group and then planrotation This measure helps the vegetables to avoid pests and diseases It also helpsusing more balanced nutrients in the soil

(3) Preparing fertilizer:

The first requirement of organic production is not allowed to use inorganicfertilizers (chemical) To compensate for vegetable nutrients, farmers have to compost.Composting materials include:

- Manure such as chicken manure, pig manure, cow dung .: provideprotein

- Green materials such as leafy vegetables, fresh grasses: provide minerals

- Brown materials such as straw, dried leaves: potassium supplyThe above materials must be mixed together and heated for 2-3 months untilcompletely rot

In addition, during the annealing process, the microbial respiration producesheat Therefore, the internal temperature of the compost can be as high as 60 ° C to 70

° C, depending on each stage, so pests and diseases are eliminated during compostingand weeds will no longer germinate The compost is then applied to the soil Freshfeces and urine are strictly prohibited in organic production regulations All the aboveingredients must be heated before applying to the soil

(4) Preparation of irrigation water:

Irrigation in organic production, especially in vegetable production, is veryimportant Irrigation water sources must ensure the non-contamination of agriculturaland industrial chemicals in the area Therefore, the organic production areas must digwells or get direct water from the tap into the field

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to organic vegetables diseases is much higher.

(6) Planting and tending organic vegetables:

The principle of growing and tending organic vegetables is not different fromthe usual However, growing organic vegetables requires more labor because it mustprepare all production materials from buffer zone, fertilizer, irrigation to preventivemeasures In addition, farmers are not allowed to use herbicides so they have to do thegrass completely by hand

(7) Records:

Organic farming management requires the farmer to keep a record of all inputmaterials, measures to be taken during the cultivation process Farmers must alsorecord crop yields This information shows the transparency in organic production,which avoids the reuse of chemicals

Because it is not allowed to use genetically modified varieties, growthstimulants, the growth time of organic vegetables is longer than that of normalvegetables For example, for leaf vegetables: if there is enough fertilizer, chemicals,the time from sowing to harvest is about 25 days Meanwhile, vegetables produced byorganic process will take 35 days This has a great impact on the quality of vegetables.Longer growing times and longer photosynthesis time help organic vegetables toaccumulate higher nutrients, higher levels of vitamins and give them a moredistinctive, rich flavor

These standards are based on National standards on organic production andprocessing (10TCN 602-2006), issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment (MARD) (2006a)

1 Water sources used in organic vegetables production must be clean andunpolluted water

2 The organic production area must be well isolated from polluting sourcessuch as factories, industrial zones, construction sites, major roads, etc

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3 Ban on the use of chemical fertilizers in organic production.

4 Ban on the use of plant protection chemicals

5 Ban on the use of synthetic growth stimulant

6 The spray equipment used in conventional cultivation is not used in organicfarming

7 Tools used in conventional farming must be cleaned before being used inorganic farming

8 Farmers must maintain records of all input materials used in organic farming

9 Parallel production is not allowed Organic crop plants must be differentfrom conventional field crops

10 If neighboring land uses organic substances banned in organic farming,organic soils must have a buffer zone to inhibit the infiltration of chemicals fromadjacent fields Organic vegetables must be planted at least one meter (01 m) from thebuffer zone

If infections take place through the air, there should be a plant grown in thebuffer zone to prevent The type of plant in the buffer zone should be different fromthat of the organic crop If infections take place through water, there must be ashoreline or drainage ditch to avoid infections by spilled water

11 Short-term crops produced in accordance with the organic standards of acomplete life cycle from tillage to post-harvest can be sold as organic products

12 Perennial crops produced by organic standards complete a life cycle fromthe end of the previous harvest to the flowering and harvesting of the next crop thatcan be sold as organic products

13 It is forbidden to use all input materials containing Genetically ModifiedOrganisms (GMOs)

14 Available seed and organic material should be used If not available, it ispossible to use conventional planting materials but it is prohibited to be treated withchemical pesticides prior to sowing

15 Burning branches and straw are prohibited except for traditional shiftingcultivation

16 It is forbidden to use human excreta

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17 Animal dung that is get from outside the farm must be tempered before use

in organic farming

18 It is prohibited to use compost made from urban waste

19 Farmers must take measures to prevent soil erosion and soil salinization

20 Bags and containers for the transportation and storage of organic productsmust either be new or cleaned Do not use bags and banned substances in organicfarming

Organic vegetables has more of the antioxidant compounds linked to betterhealth than ordinal food, and lower levels of toxic metals and pesticides, according tothe most comprehensive scientific analysis to date The team led by Professor CarloLeifert at Newcastle University, concludes that there were "statistically significant,meaningful" differences, with a range of antioxidants being "substantially higher" –between 19% and 69% – in organic food It is the first study to demonstrate clear andwide-ranging differences between organic and conventional fruits, vegetables andcereals Besides, it must ensure farming vegetables with natural conditions: Nochemical fertilizing, do not spray plant protection, do not spray growth, do not useherbicides, do not use genetically modified products

Organic vegetable growers are highly trained in how to vegetable, care for andpreserve vegetables and soil, and in selection irrigation water that is not polluted byheavy metals (mercury, arsenic, etc.) and is not affected by industrial wastewater (due

to the nearby factories, untreated sewage vegetables)

Nutritional quality and safety of organic versus conventional produce:

- Nutritional value of organic vegetables: Organic foods contain morenutrients than other foods Antioxidant content in organic fruits and vegetables ≥ 40%compared to normal (according to researchers at Newcastle University) Organic foodscontain more minerals that are more beneficial to the body (iron, zinc, etc)

- However, other recent systemic reviews of nutrition and health effects oforganic foods conductedin the US have revealed few health benefits from consumingorganic foods Another recentstudy by the American Academy of Pediatrics examiningthe potential health and environmentaladvantages and disadvantages of organic foodsrevealed the following: due to a lack of controlas well as other issues withmeasurement, nutritional differences between organic and conventionalproduce appear

to be minimal; organic produce contains fewer pesticide residues, but itremainedunclear how clinically relevant this is

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In terms of safety, there seems to be a consensus in literature that grown fruits andvegetables tend to have lower incidences of pesticide residuecontamination and lower levels ofnitrates In the United States, according to the latest(2013) report from the USDA, more than99% of all products sampled by the programhad pesticide residues below the EPA tolerance However,this report did notdistinguish between organic or conventional production It simply designatedthesample as domestic, imported, or unknown It is notable that fresh and processedfruit and vegetablesaccounted for 84% of the 10,104 collected samples for pesticide

organically-analyses More than 40% of the sampleshad no detectable pesticide residue Produce

with detectable pesticide residues (5%) included bananas,broccoli, carrots, cauliflower,celery, green beans, mushrooms, nectarines, peaches, plums, raspberries,and summerand winter squashes

Experts agree that quality (including nutritional quality) and safety of freshproduce is a complexissue which is affected by a variety of factors, such asenvironmental conditions, production practices,postharvest processing and handling,and bioavailability after consumption The compositional differences between organicand conventional produce depends on productionpractices and surroundingenvironments for both systems In addition, postharvest processing, storage,handling,preparation, cooking, and processing prior to consumption all affect nutrition,bioavailability,and functionality

Once produce is consumed, only certain amounts of nutrients are absorbedintothe human body, bloodstream, or targeted tissue and reach clinically relevant levels Itseemsthat comparing the absolute difference in the nutrients of fruits and vegetablegrown under differentproduction methods may not be sufficient Many experts havesuggested conducting further research,looking at a broader range of nutrients andpotential impact on human health outcomes

1.1.2 Definition of economic efficiency

Economic efficiency of production and business activity is an economiccategory reflects the level of use resource (labor, machinery, equipment, raw materialsand working capital funds) to achieve the goals that the business has identified.Economic efficiency reflects the level of exploitation of investment factors, naturalresources and management methods Economic efficiency expression the relationalcomparison between economic results achieved with economic cost spent

There are some different views on economic efficiency, but we can summarizethree views as follows:

o The first point is that economic efficiency is determined by the ratioresults obtained and cost spent

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H= In which,H: economic efficiency (times)

Q: results obtained C: cost

This method reflect efficiency of the use of resources of a given businessprocess, considering how much of a resource unit has been used On this basis, theyassess the economic efficiency between production units, different product sectors anddifferent periods

If only focus on this view is not comprehensive, the ratio between productionresults and cost is relatively, this indicator has not analyzed the impact of humanresources factor

o The second view considers economic efficiency in the volatility betweencost and production In this view, EE is expressed in the term of the ratio between theincrease in output and increase in cost

Each view has its own advantages and disadvantages If only economicefficiency is measured in terms of profit (revenue minus cost), productivity cannot bedetermined However, the ratio between revenue and cost is just relative indicator Ithas not yet analyzed the impact and influence of resources Therefore, when analyzingeconomic efficiency, it is necessary to combine the indicators to reflect both the leveland the scale both reflecting the quality of the entire production process We have toconsider in all aspects to have a comprehensive, accurate view, depending on thepurpose and requirements of the study

However, due to limited time and especially the suit of the model, we onlystudied the first view The second is for reference purpose only

1.1.3 Indicators reflect production results

o Gross output: (GO): is an economic concept used to measure totaleconomic activity in production of household It’s monetary value of all products offarmers in a given period

GO is only calculated to products which household produce and sale to otherproducers or consumers It is not includes products used for in internal farm or for

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other process of production Profit from arbitrage does not account for Besides,subsides account for GO.

GO consists of intermediate cost (IC), income of labor, depreciation of fixedasset and surplus of production There are some methods to calculate GO One of thosemethods applied in agricultural sector is:

P i : price of i th product

In addition, there are some other methods, such as:

- Measuring GO based on revenue:

GO= Gross revenue + subsidy +/- difference of beginning & ending of inventory.

- Measuring GO by sale revenue and cost of goods sold

GO = Total cost + profit + subsides

o Intermediate Cost (IC): is a part of total cost including costs formanufacturing and services (excluding depreciation fee) and cost of services

o Value added (VA): is the whole added value compared to the cost ofproduction (without depreciation)

VA = GO – IC

IC would be calculated by price of selling; GO follows basic price or marketprice; VA would follow price of GO

Value added includes:

+ Income of labors which consist of salary, wages (involve paying byproducts), security, subsidy, etc

+ Other tax: tax paid by corporation

o Depreciation of fixed asset:

- Cost of constructing the irrigation system, the composting houses aredepreciated over 5 years

- Expenditures for equipment are depreciated over 4 year

- Cost of land rent is calculated according to average price in local

o Surplus value involves gross income of business, playing interest inbank and insurance asset

o Mixed income (MI): is an indicator of result of household’s farm activitywithout deducting family labor

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MI = VA - fixed assets depreciation – Tax

o Profit (Pr): Gross output minus total production cost

Pr = GO – TC

Profit is mixed income remaining after deducting family labor cost and familyartifacts costs

Pr = MI – family labor cost – family artifact cost

Economic efficiency indicators significance

o Gross output per intermediate cost (GO/IC): is the ratio of value ofoutput per unit cost, it means for 1 unit direct cost spent can create how much valueproduced during a period of time

o VA/IC is the ratio of value added per unit of cost or reflects that for eachunit direct cost spent can create how much value added In the other word, whenincreasing 1 unit of intermediate cost, we will find how much value will be gained

o MI/IC: is the ratio of mixed income per each intermediate cost Witheach unit cost of intermediate cost, we can get how much value of mixed income

o Pr/TC: each unit cost spent farmer can get how much money

1.2 Practical basis

1.2.1 Situation of organic agriculture model in the world

The world has more than 37 million hectares of organic farmland with 1.6million production facilities The total value of organic world market is estimated at $

63 billion in 2012, compared to the official agricultural market of $ 1,362 billion in2010

In 2010, 160 countries were certified organic farming In terms of area, 37.3million hectares of organic agriculture occupy 0.9% of the area of global agriculturalland, of which two thirds (23 million hectares) is grass land and cattle grazing Thereare 2.72 million hectares of organic farming of annual crops, including 2.51 millionhectares of cereals (including rice) and 0.27 million hectares of vegetables The area oforganic perennial crops is 2.7 million hectares (0.6% of total organic farming area), ofwhich the three most important crops are (0.64 million hectares), olives (0.5 millionhectares) and oilseed crops (0.47 million hectares) There are 7/160 countries thatachieve more than 10% organic farmland Europe has an area of organic land of about

10 million hectares with about 280,000 farmer households, followed by Latin Americawith 8.4 million hectares, Asia with 2.8 million hectares, North America with 2.7million hectares and Africa with over 1 million hectares Certified organic landsoccupy 0.9% of the world's agricultural land

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Table 1-1: Square of organic agricultural of areas

Unit: million hectares

The US organic sector has a market value of about $ 29 billion, accounting for3.5% of the national food market The US has 1.9 million hectares of USDA organiccertification with 12,941 manufacturing facilities and 17,281 farms US exports 23organic goods, mostly fresh fruits & vegetables, baby food, drinks The Canadianorganic industry has a market value of about 2.6 billion CAD Canada has 703,000hectares of organic certified and 3929 certified farms 45% of organic products aresold in supermarkets, 25% of which are organic

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Japan: Organic market in Japan is the largest, most organized, and the most

sophisticated market in Asia, accounting for 67% of the organic market in Asia.Japanese consumers are also extremely strict, and very concern about the quality ofproducts compared to any consumer in the world

China: China is the strongest organic growth market in the region In China,

safe and environmentally friendly food is sold under the "green food" label, whichincludes "non-polluted food / hazard-free food", "green food" "and" organic food", themost valuable of which is organic food The" green food "market in China is worthabout $ 12 billion (2012), with about 2.03 million hectares certified

India: Organic land area is about 1.18 million hectares (2009), mostly used for

cotton However, India's organic area is falling due to high organic cotton prices,which has led many farmers to convert to conventional cotton

South Korea: Focused on rice, South Korea is also actively campaigning to

develop organic agriculture on traditional agriculture in plow and animal husbandry.South Korea has 32,000 certified organic production facilities and farms (2000) SouthKorea's organic market in 2010 will reach 4 trillion won, and if annual growthcontinues to grow at 26% per year (2013)

Singapore: Singapore is a country without agriculture Most organic products

are imported In addition, there is a very limited amount of organic produce produceddomestically The size of Singapore's organic market is small, only $ 5 million

Australia is the largest organic area in the world More than half of the world'sorganic agriculture is grassland with 22 million hectares, with Australia accounting formore than 30 percent In addition, Australian organic agriculture also has the largestcertified acreage in the world: 11,199,577.4 hectares from 3,069 business units out of atotal of 13,637,541.9 hectares of total organic agricultural area (2012)

There are 1.1 million hectares of organic farmland certified with about 544,000farms Africa's main organic producers are Uganda (228,419 hectares), Tunisia(175,066 hectares) and Ethiopia (137,196 hectares)

1.2.2 Situation of organic vegetables model in Vietnam

The concept of organic farming in Vietnam is quite strange and new However,our country's agriculture is facing many challenges such as environmental pollution,

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soil depletion, loss of biodiversity, poisoning of protection plants chemicals inhumans Building a clean and friendly with health of human environment which basedagriculture is a pressing requirement In addition, the demand for organic agriculturalproducts is increasing rapidly, especially in big cities as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh and Hue,because more and more people realize benefits of using organic food and effects ofcases of food poisoning are related to infections and pesticide residues.

The organic agriculture model has been implemented in Vietnam since 2005under the cooperation program of the Vietnam Farmers' Association and the DanishAsian Agriculture Development Project (ADDA) Up to now, there are 9 provincesparticipating in this project with diversified models such as organic vegetables, organicorange, organic fish

ADDA is a Danish (NGO) founded in 1994 ADDA was created to meetdemands of the growth of agricultural and rural development sector and thebeneficiaries are poor and disadvantaged people in rural areas The project is funded

by DANIDA (the Danish Government) through the ADDA (ADA) with a total budget

of $ 2,110,000 The duration of project is from November 2004 to October 2010 Theproject partners include Vietnamese Association, Ministry of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment, research institutes, NGOs, private companies

This is one of few projects supporting the development of organic agriculture inVietnam And this is also the only organic agriculture support project targeting thedomestic market Thanks to this project, early in 2010, domestic consumers were firstacquainted with organic products for the first time through training Specifically,training on organic rice for farmers in Ta Vai commune, Sapa district, Lao Caiprovince; Organic farming for farmers in ThanhHai commune, Luc Ngan district,BacGiang; Organic vegetable training for farmer groups in PhuLuu Commune, HamYen District, TuyenQuang, DinhPhuc Commune, Vinh Yen, VinhPhuc, Dinh Bangcommune, BacNinh; And organic fishery training for farmer groups in Tan Dan,HaiPhong It is expected that by 2010, there will be about 3,000 to 3,750 farmerstrained in organic agriculture

The project advisor, Koen den Braber, said that, in organic agriculture, farmers

do not use chemical fertilizers and growth stimulants; do not use chemical plantprotection or herbicides and genetically modified products Therefore, organicagriculture products are high quality and safe for human health

With long-term benefits, organic agriculture needs to be developed andreplicated in Vietnam This requires attention of government ministries and agencies tofacilitate the research on organic agriculture that helps consumers and producers

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realize the importance of organic agriculture, build a reliable relationship betweenproducers and consumers.

1.2.3 Situation of organic vegetables model in Hue city and Kim Long ward

In recently, the organic growing trend is developing in Hue city There are somespontaneous gardens and especially small farms distribute around suburb It is tomention about Bach Duong gardens in agricultural university campus, Huong Vanfarm at Lai Bang, Huong Van ward, HuongTra and Kim Long farms at Kim Longward, Hue city

Kim Long, a ward of Hue city, is located in the north part of Hue city and to thewest of the Citadel Kim Long is one of two first priority wards on growing vegetable

of Hue City The project is combined to agricultural co-operative Kim Long andAction Center for the City Development (ACCD) in 2015 Kim Long’s farmers havejust started about 2 years with supporting of ACCD experts Therefore, organicvegetables production is larger potential development with kind of vegetables such aswater spinach, cabbage, onions, scallion, salad, spice vegetables, etc

In survey, the total area of vegetable in Kim Long is about 1,300 square meters

in 2015 and increases 4,800 square meters in 2016 Besides, the farmers changeconventional vegetables to organic vegetables model from 2 farmers to 8 farmers Themain reason of this changing is market price Price of organic vegetables is higher thannormal vegetables They have been trust to use more and more by customers due togood quality, friendly with environment

When Kim Long’s farmers took part in project, they improved standard ofliving by producing fresh foods and apart of small revenue are money ticket fromtourists They revenue is about 70 million in 2015 Mr Truong DinhTu has the biggestarea with square is 1,200 square meter, his farm grows 6 types of organic vegetables,bring high efficient economic

After more than one year operation, these 8 households have regularly providedclean vegetables, safe for the shops in the city, especially 8 smallholder farmers signed

a contract to supply vegetables to the shop SuSuXanh At 32 Dong Da-Hue City,owned by Mrs Nguyen Thi Van, 30-40 kg per day on average, selling price 25,000-30,000 VND per kilogram, preferred by consumers This is a reliable address for cleanand safe vegetables

Currently, Kim Long Organic Vegetables are developing well, although theyalways cost about 10-20% higher than safe vegetables at the initial process Productsare only enough to supply for some organic vegetables stores in Hue City and notenough to sell widely available in the market Organic vegetables are currentlyconsidered clean and absolutely safe products for both producers and consumers

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2.1 Study site

2.1.1 Natural conditions

Image 2-1: Map of Kim Long ward

(Source: Google Maps, 2017)

Kim Long Ward is an administrative unit of Hue City It is located in the west

of Hue City and on the northern bank of the Huong River with a total natural land area

of 247.95 hectares, a population of 15,120 people (2012) It is the administrative unittype II Administrative boundaries are defined as follows:

- East borders PhuThuan ward

- West bordersHuong Long Ward

- South borders Huong River and Phuong Duc Ward

- North borders An Hoa ward

Image 2-1: Map of Kim Long ward

(Source: Google Maps, 2017)

Kim Long Ward is an administrative unit of Hue City It is located in the west

of Hue City and on the northern bank of the Huong River with a total natural land area

of 247.95 hectares, a population of 15,120 people (2012) It is the administrative unittype II Administrative boundaries are defined as follows:

- East borders PhuThuan ward

- West bordersHuong Long Ward

- South borders Huong River and Phuong Duc Ward

- North borders An Hoa ward

Image 2-1: Map of Kim Long ward

(Source: Google Maps, 2017)

Kim Long Ward is an administrative unit of Hue City It is located in the west

of Hue City and on the northern bank of the Huong River with a total natural land area

of 247.95 hectares, a population of 15,120 people (2012) It is the administrative unittype II Administrative boundaries are defined as follows:

- East borders PhuThuan ward

- West bordersHuong Long Ward

- South borders Huong River and Phuong Duc Ward

- North borders An Hoa ward

Huong river

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Hue city area is a plain in the lower reach of Huongriver and Bo river andhigher than sea level about 3-4m It is often flooded when the head reach of river isunder heavy and moderate rainfall The plain area is relatively flat, although there arealternating between some hills and low mountains

The terrain of Kim Long ward is relatively flat The ground inclination ispopular from 0.0005 to 0.001 Because Kim Long's location has many rivers that crossover, the soil is very fertile due to accreting alluvium every year by the great floods

- Cold season: From October to March next year, affected by theNortheast monsoon, so it is cold and has rain much The average temperature inthe cold season in the delta is 20 - 22 degrees Celsius

Rainfall in this area is about 2,500mm / year Rainy season starts fromSeptember to February next year The highest is rainfall in November, account for30% of total annual rainfall The average humidity is from 85% to 86% Rainfall isuneven and gradually increases from east to west, from north to south It concentrates

on some months with high intensity, thus causes floods and erosion Typhoons andfloods usually occur from August to October

This area is mainly influenced by two main wind directions:

- Southwest monsoons: From April to August, its characteristics are dryand hot Therefore, it causes prolonged drought

- Northeast monsoon: starting from September to March next year Windoften accompanied by rain makes the climate moist, easy to cause flood

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Kim Long is affected by the hydrological regime of Van Xuan river, Bach Yenriver and mainly Huong river In Huong River system flows through the ward in therainy season, the river water rises from 2-4m (the flood peak in 1999, the water levelrises 6m) Thus, it led to floods the residential areas and caused much damage to theinfrastructure

 Land resourcesLand in this area is mainly alluvial soil Land is accreted annually by rivers andsuitable for rice cultivation and some other annual crops

 Water ResourcesWater sources in this area are mainly from the Huong River Current watersupply is enough to meet the demand for production and living However, as thepopulation grows and agricultural production increases sharply, the problem ofpollution will appear In this area, there are two main sources of water: surface waterand underground water

- Surface water source: The water supply in the area is mainly from theHuong River However, the amount of water is distributed by season andirregularly during the year In the dry season, water level is low but there is alarge amounts of water used for irrigation By contrast, in wet season, water level

is higher It causes floods and affects agricultural production and life

- Underground water source: Underground water source is 5-10m deep inhilly areas Other areas have a depth of 1.5-2m

In this area, the nonagricultural sector has not developed yet, so the waste doesnot affect the environment Activities such as agricultural production, waste water anddomestic waste are factors affecting the environment, but levels are not high and can

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- It located in a humid tropical climate It is suitable for growing crops.

- Land is fertile and amount of water from rivers is large It is convenientfor growing crops

2.1.2 Current situation of using land in Kim Long ward, Hue City

In a state of growing economy, proper land use will bring more efficiency Inorder to meet the increasing demand for land use, it is necessary to identify land useobjectives and allocation of land by sectors Table 2-1 shows the land use situation inKim Long in 2005

Table 2-1: Land using situation of Kim Long ward in 2015


Distribution (%)

Agricultural production land

 Land for perennial crops

 Land for rice

 Land for annual crops



(Source: People's Committee of Kim Long, 2015)

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Kim Long Ward has smaller area of agricultural land than its before, but stilloccupies a large area In 2006, 97.48 ha agricultural land accounted for 39.21% of thetotal natural area of the ward In 2015, it will be reduced to 79.79 ha, accounted for32.18% The area of agricultural land decreases mainly in the area of agriculturalproduction, including perennial crop land and annual crop land According to the landusing plan in 2016, agricultural land continues to decline to 78.02 hectares Table 1-1shows the main types of land used for agricultural production in the area are perennialcrops, rice and annual crops In particular, the largest proportion is land for perennialcrops, followed by land for rice Compared with plan for developing urban agriculture,aquaculture land accounts for only a very modest area of 1.39 ha, accounting for0.56% of agricultural land.

2.1.3 Economic and Social conditions

Kim Long ward over years has seen a steady growth with the economicstructure shifted towards agriculture - industry, cottage industry - tourism

 Trade - industry, cottage industry - tourismThe situation of trading in Kim Long market has been maintained anddeveloped smoothly to meet the demands of the people

The production and trading of products in this area such as carpentry, sawingwood, traditionally cakes still maintain and have high economic efficiency At thesame time, they have created stable jobs for many workers in Ward The food andbeverage stores operate efficient, the purchase power of goods and services of touristswas increasing

 AgricultureAccording to the report on the performance of socio-economic developmentand security-defense tasks in Kim Long ward in 2015, the ward has harvested twocrops: winter-spring and summer-autumn over 22 hectares with an averageproductivity of 11.8 tons per hectare and 9 hectares of vegetables with the value of 560billion VND

According to statistics by 2015, the total population of Kim Long Ward is15,536 people, of which, 8,735 people are in working age and the average populationdensity is 6341 people / km2 The population has increased steadily over the years.The situation of population and labor of Kim Long ward through 3 years from 2013 to

2015 is shown in Table 2-2

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Table 2-2: The situation of population and labor of Kim Long ward over 2013 –

(Source: Population and labor statistics in Kim Long Ward)

In general, the population in the ward is increasing The population in 2014increased to 117 people compared to 2013, it increased to 111 people in 2015compared with 2014 In it, the number of men and women in this area do not muchdifferences, the number of women is more than men The labor force in 2015 is 8735people and accounts for more than half of the total population Although the number ofemployees is high, agricultural workers account for only a small proportion of totalemployment Non-agricultural workers also tend to increase, but the level of growth isdecreasing By 2015, non-agricultural workers are 6687 out of a total of 8735 labors,which indicates that non-agricultural activities are more attractive than agriculturalactivities Therefore, the local authorities should take solutions to involve farmers inagricultural production such as attracting investment, opening agricultural trainingclasses, etc

Infrastructure plays an important role in agricultural production, especiallyirrigation At present, the irrigation systems in Kim Long ward has been severelydegraded due to being used for too long Thus, irrigation become difficult and it led tolow productivity and reduced production efficiency Therefore, it is necessary to investand build some irrigation systems to meet the demand for production Kim Long Ward

is located near the city center so it is convenient for transportation, accessing marketsand applying scientific and technological advances The roads in ward have been

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expanded and poured concrete to create the best conditions for traveling andtransporting.

2.2 Organic vegetable producing situation in Kim Long Ward

2.2.1 Characteristics of surveyed households

The three type of farms described below were selected for case study becausethey represent two central and different historical courses from conventionalagriculture farm and conventional horticultural farm into organic vegetable farming.Centrality of these paths is due to understanding of organic vegetable production atcrossroads of agriculture and horticulture where skills and crop from both are needed.Eight smallholder farmers, who started organic vegetable model at Kim Long ward,have a little different context and situations

Truong DinhTu Smallholder Farmer

Truong DinhTu, 70 years old, and his wife, 65 years old, have five childrenwho are approximately 40-50 years old and have independent finance Therefore Mr.Tu’s revenue can be gotten from selling vegetables which just taken care of his lifeand his wife Moreover, vegetables can be served in his daily meal During theresearch, the farm had 500m2 which mainly planted short-term vegetables Mr.Tu andhis family live near farm as well and take part in the farming tasks Receivedsupporting from ACCD, Mr Tu is not only farmer but also participates in theaccounting and in planning the farming

Mr Tu took over the farm in 2014 and started to cultivate and convert hisconventional vegetables into organic vegetables After that, he expanded organic areainto 1,200 square meters Mr Tu faced many difficulties in an early stage that his soil

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was too poor, so he amended it with lots of organic matters Thank to improving soil,vegetables are also easier to grow There are many kinds of vegetables such asspinach, vegetables, lettuce, tomatoes, pumpkin, and cucumber in his farm Hechooses kinds of vegetables depend on seasons There are 2 main seasons which aredry and wet The dry season from April to the end of the September when is good timefor growing organic vegetable In this season, organic vegetables had stronglydeveloped There are a lot of types of vegetables and crops that are suitable for dryseason like onion, cabbages and others In this season, he equally makes more profitthen than rainy seasons Another season in Hue is the wet season, from October to theMarch Hue gets some long days with rain, creating special rain During the rainydays, many kinds of vegetable were not grown That is reason why it is hard for him tolive on his farmlands in this season He only plant vegetables that can survive therains, like lettuce He said that life has always been difficult during rainy season, eventhough he work less at that time of the year.

In 2016, Mr Tu and other households founded together a store to sell theirvegetables products and signed a contract about daily sale At that time, ACCD plays

an important role in supporting organic vegetable farming Moreover, this makes Mr.Tu’s income is higher approximately 150 thousand VND per day Now though theyhave to take more time to harvest vegetables but they are really well priced

Tran Huu Hung Smallholder Farmer

One-legged 74-year-old man can benefit on growing and selling organicvegetable This is the case of a man who has no other, without a child or a wife, evenany dependent Moreover, he was accustomed to traditional farming, so he just got aminimum wage every day He could not make enough money for his life that was why

he has met with serious difficulties

Until 2014, Tran Huu Hung and Truong DinhTu were chosen to become thefirst farmers to execute “organic” garden in Kim Long Ward, Hue City ACCDsupported and invited some experts who are from Hanoi to teach the ways andmethods to grow organic vegetable model ACCD also gave Mr Hung in a variety offorms such as document delivery, knowledge training, and organic farming techniques.After three months soil renovation, the very first harvest vegetable season wascollected on December, 2015 Some young volunteers supported his farm by findingthe market, product marketing and sales channels and sometimes being farmers to helphim directly in vegetable garden From there on, he was dependent on income oforganic vegetable farming He confirmed that his life was better day by day

Six Gather Smallholder Farmers

There are six households to work full-time organic vegetables on their farm inthe same area which has 3000m2 The average age of farmers is about 70 They areNguyen Van Truong (leader of group), Truong Dinh Thu (Vice-Leader), Tran HuuThin, Tran Huu Bon, Nguyen Van Mung, and Nguyen Van Thuong Most of their

Đại học kinh tế Huế

Ngày đăng: 28/11/2019, 21:40

Nguồn tham khảo

Tài liệu tham khảo Loại Chi tiết
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