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) ) Lt-ovo ADVERTISING SUITE 605 O O OS U N S E T B L V D t O S A N G E L E S ,C A 0 EveRert & ( )2 - l l l ' ' T E ASE R' ' LETTER COLLECTION (213) 273.7053 Tne GrNV HEUAERT LETTER Surre 20€ 8033 SuNsa BLvD CA 9@46 L-osANGELES Here's How To Get A Free Copy Of An Am azing Report That Could Be Worth Millions To You! ti t_ l_ t_ t_ t_ L l_ t_ L L L Frnm Los Algeles, California Thursday' 3:55 P M I ' a y1 , 9 Dear Friend, I'd like orderlng my book You made a very wise declsion by responding to ny full-page ad in the Rocky Mountaln News, and f'm grateful that you've glven to ghare my mone:r-maklng secrets wltb yorr me this opportunity y o u w l J l !.4!, be dlsappolnted! Belleve me, Listen: many folks ask me why f am wiLling to send ny book Actually, the out to people before I ask them to pay for lt Irve already You See, my book really dellvers answer Is simple received hundreds of Letters and phone calls from people wlro say they love the book and they are making a bundle of money by uslng secrets ! trry lncredilrle I've heard from one nan who said my book Not only that, He sald he was very serlously actually saved his life conslderlng sulclde unt1l he read lt and suddenly reallzed there several ways) be could make enough really was a way (actually, money to change his llfe this l1ke WelI, IrlL te1l you somethlng: I love gettlng letters l i f e i n s o m e o n e ' s m a d e a d l f f e r e n c e and knowing I have Look' right Whlch brlngs me to a favor I want to ask of you brand money-maklng on a rePort uP a neg now I am Just flnlshing how good it ldea that ls so hot even I have trouble bellevlng a n ybody b y It is a Hay to make money that can be used ls l_ ' L L to thank you for Irve ln bed! even if tbey are sick even if they are broke ! ::;".H.'Hl":':iio{o:i:".i':lslness Thls ls probably ever dlscovered or a the best iremote contro1" money-maklng ldea And tt,'s all ln ny new rePort and f want to (over, p1ease ) ) -L< 'Page J 4-/ J, send it to you L-o.tally f.Eee Here is why: as I said, I already have hundreds of letters But, I don't about the book I'm sending you wlth this letter j u st now I ' m m y n e v t r e P o r t a b o u t b e c a u s e have any letters y e t r e a d it, h a s h a d t o n o b o d y a c h a n c e a n d it finishing ,/ So, here's my proposal: my new report is called "The Most Legal) Money-Making Secret In The World" Dangerous (But Perfectly free lf and I'11 send you a coPy totally tJ you agree to wrlte me a short letter me what you after you read lt and tell think of lt ! J-J-_ J td- I'11 send thls report to you via That's all there ls to lt 'l y o u m a i a s s s o o n a s l n dicate to me you would like to c ] -ilfsl i s a There self-addressed envelope encLosed with have a copy y o u w h i c h c a n use to send me a check for 519.95 for this letter, a l r e a d y I ' v e s e n t you and also to let me know you would the book n e w r e P o r t m y r e a d like to t- Thank you agaln to helP You my ad and giving /,/ me thls char.ce /l // + /- ffatasYl fiar%.C, \-/ I L L L L L answering Sincerely, lj l- lj for Gary C Halbert P.S form you can use to check off f've enclosed a Little you want the new reporE or not whether P.P.S Although I'm willing to send this report to you absolutely you that I am doing thls on a firstfree, I must tell basis and, 1f you want to read lt, come/first-selrred you should let roe know as qulckly as possible I l- LLOYD ADVERTISING SUITE 605 O O OS U N S E T B L V D , LOS ANGELES,CA 90069 EvEnerr I & ( )2 - s L l_ l l_ l_ L ttL L L L L: L L_ FULFILLHENTREPORT (a11 thatrs ttteasert' necessary collection for letter) HowTo Use l- l_ LLl_ l_ L L L-.L L t-t_- To MakeYourBusiness GrowLikeCrazy\ Fr om: Gary C Halbert L o s A n g e1 e s , C aI i f o r n i a Mondayr 3z00 P.H Dear Friend, Have you ever heard of a "spiff"? A spiff is sorrething a salesman uses to "sweeten" a deal car dealers, for example, use them alr the time They offer everything frem microwave ovens to factory rebates ani free trips (in fact, to Hawaii often, more often ttan you would believe), the buying decision is made becausE-oFttre rather than "spiff" product that is being sold the actual Look, you can buy a new chevy from any of thousand dealers And, in spite of the bype, about the same profit rnargin to work with and a1I charge you approximately they'I1 the same more than a ail of them have consequentl.y, price; Howeve!, letrs say youtve got a vacation coming up and you'd like to spend it in Las vegas Now, since you get about the same price no matter where you buy, wouldn't you tend to favor that dealer who is offering the free trip to Vegas? Of course 0n the other hand, if you hate Las Vegas, that wouldn't influence you at all, "spiff" would it? the 0.K., now that you know what a spiff right one) it can increase sales, tbe particular is and how (if it is big question becones }IHII IS THE BESI SPIFF TO O8FER? It varies, of course, depending on your market However, v e l y b e s t s p i ff r have discovered so far is a good old !h" you know, it's fashioned u.s silver do11ar a funny thing but, people seem to be absolutely crazy about silver dollars and yet, most people don't ever buy one for themselvesl t.L- rL_ tL_ tL L l-_ 'Page2- know why Haybe they think they cost a bit lDore I don't Could it Haybe they believe they are very rare than they that, they since most people are not coin collectors be that, don' t even know where to get thern? t_ L who knows? But, what I know is I've pump up tbe timtto dollars time after silver of products both for myself and ny clients these littIe suckers are One how effective dollar a locaI dry cleaner who used a silver lines of people clear around his blockl an when you dollars: decide to launch OFEER ONLY VERY ot? SILvER DOLLARSI dollars that are at Least LSg years old silver I only offer the idea of having a' First, There are two reasons for this dollar that is more than a century old seems to have a silver ne) Secondly, great appeal to a great many people (including y o u r c u stomer will not be s i l v e r d o l l a r s , very old when you offer g i v e y o u c o i n a t h a t s h o w s the b i m w h e n d i s p l e a s e d nor surprised o f t e a r a l o t h a n d l i n g o f a n d wear L L* LL_Ll- to consider Here are some tbings program based on silver incentive successfully used sales on a variety Itr s rea11y strange guy told me he knew and had as a spiff "You can see just by looking seen a 1ot of historyl" at it that this coin bas and please your custorDers by And, since you can satisfy coins that have seen a lot of wear, tbat means you delivering can B U Y T H E M C H E A PI (March, 1988) r you should l{e11, as I write this, How cheap? for less than d ollars s i l v e r o l d u s e d b u y L g g y e a r be able to source for these a h a v e y o u a l r e a d y d o n r t i f a p i e c e N o w , S2O.gg to recommend to you xoy very own personal "coin coins, I'd like and wbo is a guy wbo has always treated tre fairly detective" h i s name, Here is seems to come up with a lot of good bargains address and phone numbeE: SamCox c/o Ylotldwide Treasu!e Bu!eau 2230 West Sunnyside Ave., Suite P.0 Box 5912 CA 93278-5012 visalia, ( 9) 137-9222 Phone By the Hdy, that 8gg number is calling frorn California also good even if (9o to Page 3) you are a-_ -Page3I b anything? see now, am I forgetting Anyway, let's Oh yeah, these silver dollars, make sure you te11 your when you offer prospect all about the RO}IANCEOF T H E S E C OI N S I te11 him somethinq I ike this: These coins are amazing In spite of their a9e, some people say they are the most beautiful coins in the entire wor1d In fact, these are the most sought after coins ever minted in the U.S and they are very rich in history This is the type of coin that people Iike Jesse James and CoIe Younger rrere willing to ki11 for This is the type of coin that was used in tbe gambling halls of the O1d West This is tbe type of coin that traveled across the western plains in Wells Fargo strong boxes This is the type of coin that was used in the very early days of our country to settle gambling debts and bank transactions / r J In other words, these beautiful silver dollars are the most important coins in entire history of the United States! see, Let's anything e1se Yes, there is , the DON'T FORGET TO DELIVERI Like I'm doing right noer For you You see, i t' s now t ime for you to open the enelosed envelope and you'11 find your ve!y old coin which is my gift own l00-year to you Just like I pronised rely r - albert I r - S i These things really one of ttre reasons sinply because I you know, are neat, aren,t they? like to offer them as a spiff is LL. l- -l- I' -I I LOVE THEM HYSETFI Peace L) F t-t_: EvgRgrT & LUOYO ADVERTISING sulTE 605 O O OS U N S E T B L V D L O S A N G E L E S ,C A 0 ( )2 - s f-, F F F-t l, t-, r- t- TI: T- tt"r* ' ' E N C L O S E DP I C ' ' L E T T E R b, ) -{ -l a '/ -_a I '/ -< ; -/ (n A -I ,./ l 'l -I ,a l a a t r Dear Friend, I pLease take a moment to look at the photograph am sending you with this letter what you are looking at is a newspaper story that is typicar of hundreds of stories tnat appeared in hundreds ^of papers on that fatefuf a"y : October 29, 1929 Black Tuesday ft was a massacre Mitlions of investors lost billions of dollars There was a nationwide panic rt was t*;ost devasta_ri;;;;y in rhe r-risfory of rhe New York stock market and ithay-have be.;l;; most devastating day in the histo.y oi al_1 s t c c k/ \ r*r"r q r_ ,A-E_ L+5_ _ Whgf dny_ g !{hy r e m i n d i n g y- ,or u n t oo.ft ' n" uBtleaicyk, T u e s d a y ? , T h e " Tp,l eI y o u answer is sim according to s e v e r a l o f t h e w o r l d , s t"oepj , i n v e s t m e n t a d v r s o rs, it is about to happen again! Don,t laugh Nobody believed it would happen back in 1929 either fn flct,_ on October 25, just five davs before Gf T u e s d- Faryi d , na yp,r e s i d e n t Herbert Hoov6r said: ""i ,The fundamental business of the country, that is !h" production ind dtist"r_ bution of commodif res, js on a sound and basi".i- But, n 'n' Ja -ePhc r o u s u of course, president Hoover was wrong (go to page Z) Page The IPO RePorter o Going PubIic: o Penny Mining ProsPector o Low Priced SEock SurveY o OTC Growth Scock l^laEch o Low Priced Stock Digest r Penny Stock NewsletEer o Over-the-Counter SPeciaI o Sicuations Service o The National OTCStock E x c h an g e r Junior Growch Srocks r DowbeaEers o Value Llne OTC o Growth Stock 0utlook r The Speculator I Penny Stock News o Penny Stock Revj-ew r Bowser Report j Penny Stock Journal o Penny Stock Preview oSoeculacive Ventures a ano many more And, here is a sampling of ocher general we review for you which regularly ne!JSletters s t o c k s: "penny" o Professional Tr acier o ZweLg ForecasE r Profir ReporE o New Issue Inves tror r MarkeE Logic r Wall' Street Digesc I N i c h o l s o n R e P o rc o High Tech Scock Digest o XEBEX invesCment highlight r Holt InvestmenE Advisory o Personal WeaIth Digest o WorlC Money Analyst o lnvescing in Crisis oThe Granville Markec o LetEer o Henfrey Gold LeEEer o Professional Tape Reader o and many more from the obscure to the All of these publicacions re-sgarched f or useful advice, arb carefully very popular tipi init ideas, EhaE you'11.be able to use in order to more t'penny" stocks prbf itably invest in Y O U 'L L S A V E T I I " I E A N D M O N E !Y For you to this on Your own would requi re at least $15,000 a year in subscripEion fees, and hundreds of hours in reading Eime each Year Our exPerienced staff exEracts the best advice from these publicaEions for you and gives iE to you for 'iust a b o u t E h e s a m e p r l c e i t w o u l d c o s t y o u t o s u b s cr i b e t o one of these newsletters 2) You'11 geE the nationrs most current promisinP (go to page 6) Page P E N N YS T O C KP E R F O R I ' ' I A NDCI G EE S T "penny"_ stocks researches the stock recommendations of aI1 these newletters, and shows you those stocks most advisors believe have Ehe highest profit poEEnTial each month These stocks are Iisted in a c1ear, easy-to-scan chart you'Il see, at a glance, called Stocks In The Spotlight ';hich stocks are considered "besE buys" by leading-adviAnd which specific newsleEters are recommendine sors chese sEocks _ Knowing Ehat most of the top financial-advisors have confidence in a pa?tTdular stock may give you more confidence co invest in it But there's-oie roi" *.y we reduce your risks Y O U ' L L K N O I ^W J H O ' S R I G H T A N D W H O' S W R O N G )) We help you see whose advice is most profitable tsecause you'll discover key recommend-tfEns of-, each expert and be able to track their resulEs you'll find out which advisors are best at oicki!g Ehe top-performing penny stocks And, best of alI, whose recommend-ations you can CrusE No gcher publication provides you with this valuaEle servrce ror "penny" stocks In short, advi sors are dofT aiE-To-f6u, You'11 4) sect you'I1 learn who the best low-priced stock f but that's geE in not all each issue a critically lmportanE o p p or t u niEy for profits, P E N N YS T O C KP E R F O R M A N C E - D I G E S T ' l l s o races the number of successes and failures of the underwricers for you There are currently about 30 najor underwrlters of low-prlced securities each with iis own criter!a for selectlng new issue stocks; each with its own 'rfornula,' for plcklng winners Anong the un.'orwrl ters we sronitor : Blinder, Roblnson & Co N DonaLd & Co E.J Pltrock & Co Maln Street Securlties (go to page 7) L Page L L L L A.T Brod Jay W Kaufman Wegard, Rosenblurn Moors & Cabot Rigel Securi ties Centennial State Securities Wa11 StreeE West D.H Blair & Co Muller & Co R o ss S t e b b i n s , I n c First Jersey Securities Norch Hi1ls L L L L L L L L L L l_ First Philadelphia Corp J.W Weller & Co Rooney, Pace Inc Securities Clearing of Colorado Paulson Investment Co Engler & Budd Rosenkrantz, Ehrenkrantz Southeast Securi ties Patten Securities R a y m o n dJ a m e s Hyder & Co We show you how successsful each underwriter is at choosing those new lssue stocks that become profitable For instance, one underwriter may pick new issue stocks that eventually gain an hverage of 507" Another's new So, by looking at a stock underissues may gain only 107 new issues, record for picking- profitabte trlck writer's you'1.I have another good indication of whether that stock (along with your investnrent) is headed through the roof or down the tubes perforYou'lI see the bottom line on Ehe underwriters' m a n c e f o r t h e Pr e v i o u s m o n t h a n d f o r t h e l a s t t Z m o n t h s facLs you must have to help you in selecting those penny (This valuable stocks with the greaEest profiE poEenElal ^^^1.'cic ic ottur 5) You'll n^l- a - ' a i 'a' !h l e anvwhere e1se.) atways be able Eo revtew the top 40 performers m o s E w l T e l y r e c o m m e n d e ds t o c k s b y t h e l e a c J i n g a d v i s o r s " But also a running record of the toP 40 Penny stocks those whose prices have climbed most dramatically in the last month Discover which penny stocks are currently the hottest You'11 see the percentage inWa11 Street favorlEes crease over the past month So yourll be able to act quickly and lnvest in those stocks whlch a!e making the heftlesE profits iike yourself, investors, Y O U G E T T H E S EO T H E RV A L U A B L EF E A T U R E SA S I J E L L Each lssue of vou w!th: DE IGESTprovldes P E N N YS T O C KP E R F O R M A N C lI l-.- (go to page 8) Page q 1-., q T H E M o s T A C T I V E s T O c K G R O U P' S B e c a u s e y o u c a n ouP of stocks are hot each issue reportf i n d y o u ' l l liti, WalI StreeC, c u r r e n t ly il \lghest i.g on the st99k-groups are fading in popuw h i c h t h b s e a i w e l l def;and, as lariEY J l-.' Whac'sWallStreet'scurrencposltionono|1and Where Ehe efPerEs chink gold gas securities? End silver penny stocks are headed in the near Wiil pfiurmaceuEicals be able Eo conEinue fufure? t h e i r i m p r e s s i v e g a i n s ? i ^ J eb r i n g y o u t h e l a E e s t high-growth indusstock news from eiery exciting, try including: ( l-.' l-., q o a o o o robotics aquaculture SeneEic engineering develoPments Seriatric bioEechnology personal comPuters a satellites enzyme technologY games a electronic o t h e r s a n d be able Eo gec in on che ground floor of You'll inceresEs vencures as Wa11 Street's many highly-Profitable aid iause a Sroup co make big gains irrifc J U'II I N T E R V I E W SW I T H T H E E X P E R T S E A C h T N O N E hY, O interviews with famous undeiwriEers and consulcants' "h"n" dr " -oac6h ef -rf r o k e r s , keY figures \ WeaskthemspecificquesiionsaboutPromising new companies'so you'11 be Ehe flrsE to know of We question them abouE n." proiic opportlni ties Ehei; cotptny''s investment plans', +nd we pin p a s t r e c o m m e n d a E i o n's them down'on'their \ tJ d'- and wiEh enlightening' Each interview is filled rnore t r a d e t o u s e c a n y o u E i P S useful , investmenL successfullY t- JJ J- P E N N YS T O C K: N D E X Y o u ' 1 g e t a Y l i q u e e x E r a and track maximiZe profits ffiyou m a r k e E' W e ' v e ; ; ; ; ; i i o t o , " n-"o " nu ' ' f c h e - p e n n y - s t , o c k works much I t I n d e x S c _ o c k Penny c reated o"i t r a cking b y che Dow-wor@ iit " r* (go to page 9) Page performance of 100 Eop penny stocks selected !h" Irom manutacturing services, wholesaling, retail, oll 3nd mining You'11 have the besI iidicarion o t t h e g e n e r a l m o v e m e n t so f t h e s e s t o c k s you can compare them Eo several oEher stock indexes market tops and bottoms you'll ny identifying be clued in on the best times Eo buy or-sell t ( ! ! ! ( a i L: L: L- M A R K E TT R E I '-I a D.dSv i Y s oo rus' l b e k e p t i n L o u c h w i C h w h at Ene-TeeAIng are curiently saying about markeE conditions why ls there i rtood"of underwriting pending? What economic or political 't^Jhy events are impacting penny stocks? is a cert:il stock group showing dranatic strengrh? you wi lr be alerted immediately to market tiends that will affect your investment decision J N E W I r y S I G H T Si T T T O P R O F I T A B L EI N V E S T M E N T E C H - NfQUUS ln every fs atest sE-raEegieson successful investing W h a Ei s t h e Fjtt w.ay-to use market timing in f"nny stocks? When should you geE in or oui of tfre market? How you can accurately monitor such groups as gold or high Eech stocks J lNqI;D:3S RqVIEw PLUS, we reveal Eo you major insider sEIes and purchases that can have an im_ pact on your investmenEs n -6m6^hr'- ,,,F'qilJr uwrr (- J C, IC.: ! r L- c -l 5- - - - We will I dilu -t t ul.recLors you if tell arg prl,v_ ".!:ly buying or selling the company's stock l.lith valuable information like trrii, you can Eell if the corporate insider is convinced'his stock is_poised for a valuable upswing or a disastrous tailspin Y O U RC O M P L E T G E U I D E T O P R O F I T A B L EI N V E S T I N G Addrtlonally, able Eips llke: ln every issue, you geE pracEical profit- Is.ug or down gye-raging wise with low-priced securiEles? You'11 learn-how to skillfuliy maximize your profit position Whether your gold penny sEocks should be in currently-producing mlnes or exploratory properties t o g l v e y o u m a x i m u ml e v e r a g e f o r g r e i t l r profics L: t_: (go to page 10) Page 10 ways to tell Lf super low-priced stocks ( lf Eo 5Cl are a good buy and whaE pltfalls to avoid so you lower your risk important lessons you can learn from professional venLure capitalists so you'11 be able to invesE Iike an insider How you should adjust your standards in line with inflation or deflation a unique way you can profic despiEe economic ups and downs Why computer stocks may outrun all others in the next two years and how you can spot the future IBM's And many more profit-making ideas And now, leE me Eell you so mething else ! If yo u decide Eo our newsletEer and, if your order is postto su bscribe marked wiEhin Ehe next 1O-days, we will send you a f ree bonus that conEains the hottest information on penny stoc ks 1n print E h at i s c u r r e n t l y The title o f t h i s b r a n d neht fl ash report tells the whole sto ry It is called: T H E P E N N YS T O C K S M O S TL I K E L Y T O D O U B L EI N & ! t-l lr T I -t '", I t \ \ T h e s t o c k s r e c o m m e n d e di n t h i s e x c l u s i v e r e p o r t h a v e researched by Ehe best expercs in the business been fully Every single stock is in an indusEry with huge growEh and profit poEential These lndustrles include gold mining, home compuEers, oi1 and gas exploration and bio-technology Also included is Ehe background of each stock For example, Ehe company may have a solid position in an explosive new lndustry or it may manufacture a very promising new produc E Obviously, Ehe value of this exclusive reporE is immeasurable If jusE five of these stocks take off as expected you could be counting your profits in tens of thousands of dollars And, we may be lrrong, but we thlnk to explode ! going Anyway, as I said, thls report ls yours to keep free even ff you laEer declde to cancel your subscriptlon And, don'c forget, you also geE to keep free (even lf you cancel) y o u r c o p y o f t h e a f o r e m e n E l o n e d , r r H o wT o I n v e s t I n P e n n y Stocks Wlthout Losing Your Pennles Yes lE's true \ they are all If you subscrtbe right nolr (wiChln ( g o t o p a g e 1l Page 11 b h t h e P E N N YS T O C KP E R F O R E h e n e x t O - d a y s) y o u w l l l r e c e i v e year at the Speclal Charter SubH A N C ED I G E S T i ' " ; ' " ' " ; - q " i t relSg O'0plus you wiil recelve bogh scriber Rate "i' :"ri pott s absolutelY f ree ' DO IT NOW! \ t' ' \ %ti'*Jooot "=='""-#' #i'j""t"o'ut ?%r?"uori'*J GUARANTEE unique \ P,rofltg) Don't llmlt your lnvestment horlzons-lll9 p t H n y S T O C KP E R F O R I ' { A N C DE IGEST show you L " E y i ^ r chis s ln Pelny how co reap cne e v e r and whlle E h a n r i b t < nor,-"t'if e Ehere'i less stocks you;t" protected by thls N0 RISK GUARANTEE' \ C IEG E S T u n c o n d i t i o n a l l y P E N N YS T O C KP E R F O R M A N D \ L y o u w t l l g e t m o n E f t e r m o n E ho f e a s y - E o - r e a d : c n on profitable cise, digesEed"advice from the best sources penny stock investing' I your or you may cancel at _anytime dur.ln€_the term of subscriptlon iat-; i;ii io - AND,keeP Youf FREE artlal refund n i p o n i i , " i t i r - o u ? c o m p l i m e n t s T h t s i s n q t o af - P e v erythlng r e f u n d issues, but a compleEe i;;-;;;iff"a u n t l l then r e c e i v e d y b u ' v e pald Alt ttte lssues ;;;';; ' iri t f be' Yours to keeP f ree \ \ ! T o b e g i n y o u r s u b s c r l p t i o n ( a n d - g e E- y o u r L t e9 '"v er e p o r t s ) l d e n c l o s ed c a r d t o d a y i u s t f 1 u t i n d m a 1t h e ' o r d e r o r l r I y Y c o n v e n l e n c e ' y o u r i-oostage-patd envelope for order'by phoire Our nunber ls 1-(213) 543;' d r !;iI;-;r; ,' lyao' ly-o" ' n betueen AM and PMPaclfic can call " i ' y t t r " Standard T1ne \ \ Please let I ne hear from You todaY! Slncerely, ) -1-/' I -, q Suaran- tees i I I tbci;: uoHeY nacrc CI/^^1"-" Abrahan Presldent (go to pege tZ) H T t_ L- I \ r I -l I- + + \ t t^t ^l a a1 page t? P.S n o v r' o n m y ligttt I have saved the best f or last' e nvel-ope is T h i s ' e n v e l o p e r have a ieaied J.r[, class of course) and' excepE stamped (first readY to mail' i s "f ;f ;t -uti"ai ty t address, s-imple' InWhat is in the envelope? The answer is o on a ptece of P"p"t are the names f three ;i;; poised to skyrockeE 1'0007" "sleeper" stocks that'are been seleci" th; next 12 months Th'ese stocks have t I a t 9oIT3l9 i"a-Uy Ehe veiy test advisors I have M A I S I V E C A I N SI y o u b r i n g c o u l d t h e m o i e v e r y o n e and t i m e s ensitive v e r y In any case, this information ii can Profy o u s o o n e r i E t h e a n d t h e s o o n e i y o r - tr e c e i v e iE T O Y O UW I T H I N I WILL MAIL THIS ENVELOPE THEREFORE I - H O L I RO F R E q E i V i N C Y O U RO R D E R Please don'E del aY EvenErr & Luovo AoveRttstNc sulrE 605 O O OS U N S E T B L V D LOS ANGELES'CA 90069 ( )2 ' s h \ I L c rt-r) I F= f- a" ,, r (* S E C R E T SR E V E A L E D FREE GIFT Free Gift Fror Farnous l{ovie And TY Star liay Help lou look UP To 15 fesre Jerrn8eFI If you would like your face and your body to look as nuch as 15 years ever read t o u n g e r , t h i s i s g o i n g t o b e t h e n o s t e r c i t i n S m e s s a g ey o u r i l l "a,&," _t I i-& I Here is vhy As you already know, Nancy Krvanis famous all over the vorld She co-starred opposite ldilliao Holden in "The tiorld 0f Suzie l,long", t'Flover Drun Songtt, ahe she recej.ved rave reviews for her work j-n the novie h a s b e e n f e a t u r e d j n n t r o e r o u s t e l e v i s j o n s p e c i a l s n c u d u gN o b l e H o u s e a n d , J ust a f ev days 48o she did a dance routine at Ehe fa'ous Beverly Hilton Hotel rhat left the audience standing and cheering and begging for nore ! 'T It I _t tln" I I l This vonan is amazing She starred in t'The\,lorld 0f Suzie Uongttnore rnan 29 years ago but, she still has the skin of a teenager! She is truly a legendari beauty and she.is also a kind and lovj.ng person vho vould like t t y o u t h s e c r e L s r rv i t h y o u T h e r e f o r e , i f y o u r e s p o n d t o Eo share her amazing r h i s n o t i c e v i c h i n t h e n e r t 1 d a y s , N a n c y K w a nr i l l s e n d y o u a b s o l u t e l v free a copy of her nev report called Bov To Use l{Y Ara-i "t Orlental Secrets To Ageproof lour Fece And lour Bodl This report contains infornation never before revealed to the llestern vorld IC is easy-Lo-read, easy-to-understand and 1t could totallv change your 1i.fe Here is a brief description of sone of Lhe secrets 1t reveals: li I - -T YOUIU SECRET11 l -tI I I I l -t I + -1 Hillj.ons of Anerican HorDendo sonething alnost every day that destroys Oriental trotrendo E! thj.s any chance of haviDg young looking skin They knon bett.er and so ri11 you vhen you read the first fev pages of this your face uil1 vith only one chan8e in your lifestyle' Just chink: report ttblooo of youthn I the aPPeaIirU recapture at last be able to YCu,msEcREf t2 You dontt have to vait - -1 // The Often Overlooked nEiddenn Reason l{ost Orleutal Uoreu Ipok 15 Yeare Younger Than llooen In lbe Unlted Statee Hov To iDe-Saltn lour Body And Elush Ort All E:cese Flulds Froo Tour Fsc€ ADd !{ake four SLta Teenage Softr In Jrrst Dayal nonths or eyen ueeks to have eofler, mre translucent skin llith thls secret, You can lt ln g.LE Please, Elf you 8o to an erPensiYesalon, try !u!g you g,o to I plastic surgeon, lggg The results vill astound you! Page YCXJTHSECRET'3 Hoy To Elu.ah < Every Ounce Of Ercess Fat And Leep It C'oneForever I LeE's face i.t: you Just canrE look your best if you are oyerveight [ook, if you noL have a veight problem, you can skip thls sectlon and go on to Secret #4 Hovever, if you have a veighr problen and you yang to f lush out fat the f astegt vay pgssible-and keep it of f forever-yourve pq to read thj.s section It reveals a truly incredible far-fighting secret l h a l j s u s e d e v e r y d a y b y N a n c y K v a n a n d r q i l l i o n s o f o t h e r O r i e n t a l u o n e n! YOLITHSECRET#4 Hov To Hake your Eyee Lle About Your AgeI Unress you knov this secret., your eyes can give you avay But donrt uorry; jusu by readi.ng these few pages, you'lL learn hov to m^ke one si_mple change in your daily routine that will smooth out areas that are starting to s h o r t t f r o u n t t o r t t l a u g h l i n e s t t A n d g e t t h-i s : you can get this age-reversrng effect starLed in jusc 10 or 12 seconds! YOUTHSECRET#5 The Orlental nl*ip Llftr: A Clever tJay To Suooth'l,vay Tboee Te1l-Ta1e Liue.s Around Your Hout,h Area I urinkles around your lips can alnost ruin your appearance They add a8e to your face and give your skin a used-up, erhausted look But nov, thanks to this ingenious 0riental secret r lou can $looth ou! those areas just like ironing vrinkles out of a bed sheetl YOUT}ISECRET'6 A nHaglc Bulletn That Lets You Ageproof lour H-"dsl As you know, hands are one of the very first parts of the body co grov old One reason j.s that the skin on the back of hands ls ertrenely thi.n Another reason is the skin of your hands gets rougher treatnent than the skin anyvhere else on your body Your hands are attacked by l1tera11y everything including strong soaps and at,rong sun Do not acceot this You hands, oake theo appear sof t, and o g&lg?.-your f :an i-n about, 15 seconds per dav! IOIJII SECRST'7 Hov To Have A Touthful LooLl"g llecl At Aay Aget Did you knov there is one group of special yooen (right here 1n Aoerica) vho never have a problen rith thelr neck revealing their age? These votren a-Eftle sonelhing special'r that enabres ah"r giahoua Ju$gg to have a smooth, slender, snan-1ike neck thar see.s to laugl-;;T;;li;fprocess t lfhat ls lhis secret? Yourll find out vhen you read this aod then, y o u t o o c a n t o t a l l y s t o p u o r r y i n g a b o u t t h i s p r o b l e o a r e a""ciioo 0.X., thatfs i.t Y o u r v ej u s t r e a d a b r i e f d e s c r l p t i o n o f N a n c yl y a n r e Page3 I I Nov, vhy does Nancy vant to send you f h-i q rennrl' excitinS nev rePort and send it FREE? The ansner is eiurple: ltfs a brlbe It.'s a gentle y e r y p l a c e t o v h a t t r i a l v ell be bribe to 8et You a order for lbe Host Anazlng OrLental IouBh Secret 0f l11l Have you ever heard about Pearl Crean? Llsten As you knov, pearls have been sought and treasured for their luster and beauty for lhousands of years Hovever, vhat has beenkept secret (from the lJesternvorld) is that, ever since the Hing Dynasty, the Chinese have captured the nagic of the pearl in a gentle (but powerfully effective) facial creamthat helps to reduce almost all signs of lines and wrinkles To this, Renuineprecious pearls are first pulverized into a lustrous powder Then, special Oriental ingredients are added to nake this incredlble skin treatment even trore effective unfortunately, for centuries, Pearl cream vas avalrabre only to the very rich Hoveyer, ln recent years, the lowered cost of gathering pearl o y s t e r s n o H m a f t s s i t p o s s i b l e f o r N a n c y K v a n t o o f f e r t h i s y o u t h c r e a r nh e r e in A.oerica for a Yery 1ov price Here are the facts about Nancyts generous offer: lf you v111 order a - d a y s u p p l y o f P e a r l C r e a mf o r o n l y $ , N a n c y r r i 1 s e n d y o u h e r r e p o r t ( d e s c r i b e d e a r l i e r j n t h i s a n n o u n c e m e n t )a n d s h e r r i l s e n d l t F R E E N o t only that, if you use Pearl Crean for only 10 daysr rou nust look and feel years younSer' your friends lDust accuse you of havlng had a facellft or y o u c a n r e E u r n t h e u n u s e d p o E l n f o r a f u l l a n d f u n m e d i a t er e f u n d p l u s I \ \ \ -t -r -T You Sr111 Gct To Ieep Ite Pree legortl J!-!g product ltorks and it ts easy to order All you have to is pick up your phone and dial 1-800-453-2800 (Note: thls is a to11-free call and it vonrt cost you a penny.) Ttren, vhen our secretary ansvels, give her your nane and address including your zlp code After that, teLl her if you vant the company to send Pearl Crean to you C.o.D or, j.f you yant to use one of your credit cards (By the vay, for our records, please tel1 her the code nuaber of your order is HF-69 ) That's all there is to it Your order 1111 be ehipped rrithin 48 hours And, after that, Iou are the Judge If you are not 100: satlsfied (for any reason) sinply ret,urn the product container to Peerl Crean Cosnetlcs at 6835 Valjean Avenue in Van Nuys, California (zlp code 00OO0) and you rri11 receive a pronpt and complete refund vith no questions yhatsoever And, as stated earlier, you still get to keep the free report ftts a fair deal Please call right aya1r Thank you EveRErr & Luovo AoveRrtstNc s u l T E6 O O OS U N S E T B L V D L O S A N G E L E S ,C A 0 (zt3) 273'7053 PERSONALIZED HEADLINE E !-l -] BenSuorezOf Cqnlon,Ohio Discovers GreolNewWoy ToBeofTheWslem And wins $'lo,ooo At ThesomeTimel I t { r B e n S u a r e z 4626 Cleveland Avenue N.W C a n t o n , O h i o 4 70 Dea! Hr Suarez, How t'rou1d you like come true? N l\ U to see the headline at the top of this letter Don't laugh It IeqLll can happen you can make the firs In fact, part come true in the ExETg-mTnutls and your chanles oi fr;"mg-i'i"' seeond part come true gr""t.r thun ah"i huu" b".n b"for*! "r" "*r", Listen: yourve been picked to receive an invitation to become a nember of a very unigue and exclusive club called nargiin Finders rn fact, if you decide to accept the invitation pAy you we wilIr'in.ffect, TO JOIN Hore about that later First, I want to ask you a question Let me ask you this - what you if you want to get the lowest, possible price when you want to buy something? w"tl, ti,i way ti,",y"a worksr You only have a few choices you can wait for a sale, or get'out the yellow Pages and make a lot of phone callf-or, you can go through the classifieds, run around looking at everything; then, Ir you buy something you hope it works "ni there As a member of Bargain Finders, you just make one carr is to it And, here's what that one calI can-gffiT That's arl 5gt, 5gt and sonetlnes up to an 891 savings on tbe eraet aane brand name products tbat are i n al l tbe st.rreg But, as that I s not a1l You will a l s o e n j o y r D a n yo t h e r b e n e f i t s Dial-A-Bargain- service, 24-hours a day, 7-days a week FREE Just call and we'll give you the lorest (go to page Z\ sr:ch TCLL -Page2- No-interest charging on products obtained payments can be deferred Bargain Finders months So you see, Mr BEAT THE SYSTEM Suarez as a member of Bargain through up to four Finders yOU CAN Now, about winning the SIgrg0g Hr Suarez, your chances of being our grand prize winner are better than in any other why? We11, I'11 teTT-lou sweepstakes A11 of the other toP sweepstakes are open to tbe entire nation This one is an exclusive Bargain Finders Sweepstakes and Iess than 9t of the people are invited to enter So, your chances of winning than ever before are better so, how you get in on a1l this? rt's simple All you have the invitation to is return (it's in the eneloied sealed along with a 919 token membership fee to cover the cost of envelope) up your member order information setting in our computer syAtem But - remember that r told you we would pay you to try Bargain Finders? \ i' ) right As soon as ere receive your invitation and token we will immediately send to your by rerurn mai1, a lembeT:hip l:.1 beautiful 18" SoLID srnnLIttG-srr,ffi neckchain, p€riectly finished and polished This free gift has a true and actual cost of S2g.gg (542.Qfr in most stores!) It can be worn by both men and women so, if you donrt need it for yourserf , it makes a perfect gift That's M R S U A R E ZY O U C A N ' T L O S E after using Bargain Finders, If, you are dissatisfied with the mereh4ndise or service, you will receive a ful1 refund, no guestions asked AND you 9et to keep the silver chain That's al1 theie is to it Don't delay because there are onry a limited number of memberships being offered The invitation is only good for the next 10-days Listen, even if you decide not to join, could you please me a favor and let me know? There are many others waiting The number to call is l-809-447-7467r or if you live in ohio, catt I8gg-447 -6446 Si n c e r e l y , John Kimbetly Hembership Services ) P.S You will find your invitation and can read more about rhat you get as a memberof Bargain Finders Club in tbe enelosed sealed envelope ... already have hundreds of letters But, I don't about the book I'm sending you wlth this letter j u st now I ' m m y n e v t r e P o r t a b o u t b e c a u s e have any letters y e t r e a d it,... thls char.ce /l // + /- ffatasYl fiar%.C, -/ I L L L L L answering Sincerely, lj l- lj for Gary C Halbert P.S form you can use to check off f've enclosed a Little you want the new reporE or... for letter) HowTo Use l- l_ LLl_ l_ L L L-.L L t-t_- To MakeYourBusiness GrowLikeCrazy Fr om: Gary C Halbert L o s A n g e1 e s , C aI i f o r n i a Mondayr 3z00 P.H Dear Friend, Have you ever