Before&After ® i U X Designa Logo ofletters! Continued Continued Howtodesignalogoofletters 0363 Before&After ® i U X Howtodesignalogoofletters Areyouknownbyyourinitials?Turnthoselettersintoaterrificsignature! JackintheBox Companies of every kind sign their names with linked letters called ligatures Ligature means to tie Ligatures make excellent business signatures They’re handsome, simple and compact And they’re fun, too—we all have initials! Some letters link in one typeface but not another Others link in lowercase but not in upper What follows are a variety of ways to get your letter pairs beautifully together Cotton Incorporated www.cottoninc com ® ® AmericanDentalAssociation CableNewsNetwork ® GeneralElectric| of 18 Howtodesignalogoofletters 0363 Before&After ® How to design a logo of letters of 18 i U X Fortypefacenames,see Article resources,pages13–17 Usesharedstrokes Many letter pairs form natural links; they have identical parts or complementary shapes that fit like hand in glove Let’s begin with the easiest letters to link—those that have identical adjacent strokes Almost-identicalstrokes Pairs like UR share not-quiteidentical strokes, yet often flow naturally together To link neatly, you must usually sacrifice some parts; here, the R gave up a foot, the U a serif HKareanidealpair;eachletterisdistinctfromthe other,buttheiradjacentstemsareidentical.Linkby removingeitherstemandabuttingtheletters.Two colorsputtheemphasisononeletterortheother. Thisisagoodwaytohandleanacronyminwhichthe secondletteristhemoreimportant InIllustrator,settheletters,CreateOutlines,andmove together.Cutawaytheunneededpieces,leavingthe remaindersoverlapped,theninthePathfinderdialog, selectAddtoshapearea(below) of 18 Howtodesignalogoofletters 0363 Before&After ® How to design a logo of letters of 18 i U X Angledtovertical Angled strokes often link well to vertical strokes The easiest technique is simply to cut the angled letter in half HalvingtheAjoineditneatlytotheB,butthecrossbarsdid notalign.BorrowingtheflourishfromatoptheAwasaneasy andartfulsolution Ifyourletterstrokesdon’tquitematch.. AN an AN AN Trychangingcase Thelowercasealphabetismuchdifferentfrom uppercase,andmanylettersthatdonotlinkinone willlinkintheother.Asarule,lowercaseimpartsa lessformal,morecasualimage Tryadifferentfont Similarly,lettersthatdon’tlinkinonetypefacemaylinkin another.Trymany!Typefacesthatwouldbetoostylizedfor everydayuseoftenmakeexcellentligatures of 18 Howtodesignalogoofletters 0363 Before&After ® How to design a logo of letters Curvedtovertical The more decorative the typeface, the more easily dissimilar strokes can be linked Even a curving stroke can replace a vertical You need gentle curves, though, circles won’t (far right) Uppercase-lowercase Uppercase letters can often link to lowercase with excellent results An uppercase I, though, won’t link to anything—its body just disappears! But a lowercase i has the advantage of its distinctive dot and can link with many letters of 18 i U X Manyletterpairscanbemadetolinkbutshouldn’tbe; forexample,thisoddassemblylookslikewe’veinvented anewcharacter!Akeyattributeofagoodligatureisthat itslettersreadasindividualsevenafterbeingjoined. DistanceColorStyle Howfarapart?... Here,alowercaseihasbeendoctoredtolinkwithan uppercaseM.Letterscanbeseparatedbydistance,color, typestyleoranycombination of 18 Howtodesignalogoofletters 0363 Before&After ® How to design a logo of letters of 18 Horizontalcrossbars A few letter pairs share top crossbars, which are easy to link Similarly, some typefaces have exaggerated serifs that can be linked OUTFITTERS i U X Crossbarslinksoobviouslythatinsan-serif typefacestheycanappeartobemerelytightly kerned.Toavoidthisimpression,addapattern (above)oranoutline(left).Betteristousea seriftypefaceandsharetheserif(left)). Mid-lettercrossbars Many letters, such as ABEFHPR, have mid-letter crossbars that can be connected with a little help—just cut the letter apart and s-t-r-e-t-c-h the bar! Keytothistechniqueistokeeptheletterformsdistinct. Youcandothisbyseparatingtheletterswithtwo colors(above)orforaone-colorligaturebymakinga gapintheintersectingstroke(left). of 18 Howtodesignalogoofletters 0363 Before&After ® How to design a logo of letters Removeastroke Here, a phantom stroke hints at what’s not there! This is particularly effective with Modern typestyles such as Bodoni and Didi that have extremely thin strokes Removepartofastroke Letters with angled and overhanging arms—FKTVWXYZ— benefit from this technique, which is especially attractive in serif typestyles The illusion is that of a stencil; the line is interrupted, yet our eyes “fill in” the missing part! of 18 i U X Removeonelegandmovetheletterstogether cosmetics What’sinthenegativespace? Negativespaceistheareainandaroundyourletters;ithasshapeandvolumeandalwaysaffectsthe viewer’sperception.Negativespaceisalwayspresent.Inthebestdesignitplaysanactiverole,asit doesintheTPabove.Watchyournegativespace! of 18 Howtodesignalogoofletters 0363 Before&After ® How to design a logo of letters of 18 i U X Sharethelove! E-mailthisarticle! Reversethefield Put negative space to positive use! Add a same-color field behind your letter, then reverse the second letter out of the field Especially effective with threecharacter acronyms YO! YO! Settightly.. ...addafield.. (Colorsadded (forclarity) ..color Crop! Your intrigued reader will linger for valuable moments on this design! Crop away the bottoms of your letters, and the viewer’s eye must complete the image Add a company name or other horizontal graphic to span the gap (far right) Reversingthefield(light ondark)modifiesthe lookandoftenimproves it.Alwayscheck! of 18 Howtodesignalogoofletters 0363 Before&After ® How to design a logo of letters of 18 Followthewhiteline Create the illusion of attachment! Rather than abut letters, leave a gap, then make a flowing centerline that draws the eye smoothly around i U X Don’tcloseit!Doing sobreakstheflow Disconnectandattach An entertaining ligature unique to the T, disconnect one arm and attach it to its neighbor! Tomaintaintheformofbothletters, keepthestrokewidthsthesame of 18 Howtodesignalogoofletters 0363 Before&After ® How to design a logo of letters Interlock Circular letters flow most naturally into other circular letters Interlocked here like wedding bands or Olympic rings, two complete letters function as one 10 of 18 Set InIllustrator,set theletters,Create Outlines,andmove together. Divide Selectbothletters, theninthePathfinderdialog,click Divide(below) i U X Cut UsetheDirect SelectionToolto clickanintersection,thenCut Overlay A simple alternative to interlocking is to lay one letter atop the other, then “link” with a common fill or stroke Here, a colorful gradient turns two letters into one object Whatcolors? Easilycreateapleasinggradientbyusing analogouscolors(colorsadjacentonthewheel), inthiscasegreentoblue.Analogouscolors alwaysworkwelltogether 10 of 18 Howtodesignalogoofletters 0363 Before&After ® How to design a logo of letters 14 of 18 i U X Articleresources Typefaces 1ClarendonRoman 10 11 Colors 2HelveticaNeueStdHeavyItalic 3GillSansBold 4EurostileExtended#2(Modified) OUTFITTERS 5Didi 6HelveticaNeueStdUltraLight 7CenturyOldStyleStdRegular C26M91Y100K35 C46M27Y100K35 10 C43M68Y51K70 11 C40M35Y65K25 12 C89M25Y87K23 13 C0M91Y91K0 13 12 14 C20M100Y0K0 14 15 C7M24Y37K0 16 C20M100Y100K15 17 C100M0Y30K5 15 16 cosmetics 17 14 of 18 Howtodesignalogoofletters 0363 Before&After ® How to design a logo of letters 15 of 18 i U X Articleresources Typefaces 10 11 Colors 1FuturaExtraBold 2BernhardModernRoman 3ITCLeawoodBook 4HelveticaNeueStdBlack(Modified) 5ITCGoudySansBoldItalic 6FuturaBoldOblique 7ITCFranklinGothicStdHeavy 8AdobeGaramondRegular 12 C0M50Y100K0 10 C33M93Y0K0 11 C0M53Y26K0 12 C72M22Y42K0 13 C100M60Y0K10 14 C100M90Y0K0 15 C29M63Y53K8 13 16 C11M43Y67K8 14 17 C0M100Y85K0 18 C0M20Y100K0 15 16 17 18 15 of 18 Howtodesignalogoofletters 0363 Before&After ® 16 of 18 How to design a logo of letters i U X Articleresources Typefaces Colors 1FuturaBook 2ITCKabelStdDemi 3ITCGoudySansBold 4BauerBodoniRoman 5GillSansUltraBold C100M0Y90K30 C100M0Y40K0 C100M60Y0K0 C0M30Y100K0 10 C40M80Y0K0 10 11 C60M100Y0K0 12 C80M0Y100K0 11 12 16 of 18 Howtodesignalogoofletters 0363 Before&After ® How to design a logo of letters 17 of 18 i U X Articleresources abc interior design Typefaces Colors 1Vectora95Black C0M100Y100K40 C40M35Y65K25 C60M30Y10K15 C19M37Y59K0 C4M6Y4K0 C20M0Y100K19 2SloopScriptOne 3ITCGoudySansBold 10 C0M53Y100K0 11 C40M45Y0K0 10 11 17 of 18 Howtodesignalogoofletters 0363 Before&After ® How to design a logo of letters 18 of 18 SubscribetoBefore&After Did you learn from this article? Subscribe, and become a more capable, confident designer for pennies per article To learn more, go to E-mailthisarticle To pass along a free copy of this article to others, click here Joinoure-list To be notified by e-mail of new articles as they become available, go to i U X Before&Aftermagazine Before&Afterhasbeensharingitspracticalapproach tographicdesignsince1990.Becauseourmodernworld hasmadedesignersofusall(readyornot),Before& Afterisdedicatedtomakinggraphicdesignunderstandable,usefulandevenfunforeveryone. JohnMcWadePublisherandcreativedirector GayeMcWadeAssociatepublisher VincentPascual Staffdesigner DexterMarkAbelleraStaffdesigner Designadvisor GwenAmos Before&Aftermagazine 323LincolnStreet,Roseville,CA95678 Telephone916-784-3880 Fax916-784-3995 www Copyright©2005Before&Aftermagazine,ISSN 1049-0035.Allrightsreserved Youmaypassthisarticlearound,butyoumaynotalter it,andyoumaynotchargeforit.Youmayquotebrief sectionsforreview.Ifyoudothis,pleasecreditBefore &Aftermagazine,andletusknow.Tofeaturefree Before&AfterarticlesonyourWebsite,pleasecontact us.Forpermissiontoincludeallorpartofthisarticlein anotherwork,pleasecontactus 18 of 18 | Printing formats Howtodesignalogoofletters 0363 Before&After ® i U X Before&Afterismadetofityourbinder Before & After articles are intended for permanent reference All are titled and numbered For the current table of contents, click here To save time and paper, a paper-saver format of this article, suitable for one- or two-sided printing, is provided on the following pages Forpresentationformat Print:(Specifypages1–18) Forpaper-saverformat Print:(Specifypages20–28) Print Format:Landscape PageSize:FittoPage Save Presentationformator Paper-saverformat Back | Paper-saver format Designa Logo ofletters! JackintheBox Companies of every kind sign their names with linked letters called ligatures Ligature means to tie Ligatures make excellent business signatures They’re handsome, simple and compact And they’re fun, too—we all have initials! Some letters link in one typeface but not another Others link in lowercase but not in upper What follows are a variety of ways to get your letter pairs beautifully together Cotton Incorporated www.cottoninc com ® ® AmericanDentalAssociation 0363 Howtodesignalogoofletters! CableNewsNetwork Before&After| 1 of ® GeneralElectric| Howtodesignalogoofletters! 0363 Usesharedstrokes Many letter pairs form natural links; they have identical parts or complementary shapes that fit like hand in glove Let’s begin with the easiest letters to link—those that have identical adjacent strokes HKareanidealpair;eachletterisdistinctfromthe other,buttheiradjacentstemsareidentical.Linkby removingeitherstemandabuttingtheletters.Two colorsputtheemphasisononeletterortheother. Thisisagoodwaytohandleanacronyminwhichthe secondletteristhemoreimportant Almost-identicalstrokes Pairs like UR share not-quiteidentical strokes, yet often flow naturally together To link neatly, you must usually sacrifice some parts; here, the R gave up a foot, the U a serif InIllustrator,settheletters,CreateOutlines,andmove together.Cutawaytheunneededpieces,leavingthe remaindersoverlapped,theninthePathfinderdialog, selectAddtoshapearea(below) Angledtovertical Angled strokes often link well to vertical strokes The easiest technique is simply to cut the angled letter in half HalvingtheAjoineditneatlytotheB,butthecrossbarsdid notalign.BorrowingtheflourishfromatoptheAwasaneasy andartfulsolution Ifyourletterstrokesdon’tquitematch.. AN an AN AN Trychangingcase Thelowercasealphabetismuchdifferentfrom uppercase,andmanylettersthatdonotlinkinone willlinkintheother.Asarule,lowercaseimpartsa lessformal,morecasualimage 0363 Howtodesignalogoofletters! Tryadifferentfont Similarly,lettersthatdon’tlinkinonetypefacemaylinkin another.Trymany!Typefacesthatwouldbetoostylizedfor everydayuseoftenmakeexcellentligatures Before&After| 2 of Howtodesignalogoofletters! 0363 Curvedtovertical The more decorative the typeface, the more easily dissimilar strokes can be linked Even a curving stroke can replace a vertical You need gentle curves, though, circles won’t (far right) Manyletterpairscanbemadetolinkbutshouldn’tbe; forexample,thisoddassemblylookslikewe’veinvented anewcharacter!Akeyattributeofagoodligatureisthat itslettersreadasindividualsevenafterbeingjoined. Uppercase-lowercase Uppercase letters can often link to lowercase with excellent results An uppercase I, though, won’t link to anything—its body just disappears! But a lowercase i has the advantage of its distinctive dot and can link with many letters DistanceColorStyle Howfarapart?... Here,alowercaseihasbeendoctoredtolinkwithan uppercaseM.Letterscanbeseparatedbydistance,color, typestyleoranycombination Horizontalcrossbars A few letter pairs share top crossbars, which are easy to link Similarly, some typefaces have exaggerated serifs that can be linked Crossbarslinksoobviouslythatinsan-serif typefacestheycanappeartobemerelytightly kerned.Toavoidthisimpression,addapattern (above)oranoutline(left).Betteristousea seriftypefaceandsharetheserif(left)). OUTFITTERS Mid-lettercrossbars Many letters, such as ABEFHPR, have mid-letter crossbars that can be connected with a little help—just cut the letter apart and s-t-r-e-t-c-h the bar! Keytothistechniqueistokeeptheletterformsdistinct. Youcandothisbyseparatingtheletterswithtwo colors(above)orforaone-colorligaturebymakinga gapintheintersectingstroke(left). 0363 Howtodesignalogoofletters! Before&After| 3 of Howtodesignalogoofletters! 0363 Removeastroke Here, a phantom stroke hints at what’s not there! This is particularly effective with Modern typestyles such as Bodoni and Didi that have extremely thin strokes Removeonelegandmovetheletterstogether cosmetics Removepartofastroke Letters with angled and overhanging arms—FKTVWXYZ— benefit from this technique, which is especially attractive in serif typestyles The illusion is that of a stencil; the line is interrupted, yet our eyes “fill in” the missing part! What’sinthenegativespace? Negativespaceistheareainandaroundyourletters;ithasshapeandvolumeandalwaysaffectsthe viewer’sperception.Negativespaceisalwayspresent.Inthebestdesignitplaysanactiverole,asit doesintheTPabove.Watchyournegativespace! YO! YO! Reversethefield Put negative space to positive use! Add a same-color field behind your letter, then reverse the second letter out of the field Especially effective with threecharacter acronyms Settightly.. ...addafield.. (Colorsadded (forclarity) ..color Crop! Your intrigued reader will linger for valuable moments on this design! Crop away the bottoms of your letters, and the viewer’s eye must complete the image Add a company name or other horizontal graphic to span the gap (far right) 0363 Howtodesignalogoofletters! Reversingthefield(light ondark)modifiesthe lookandoftenimproves it.Alwayscheck! Before&After| 4 of Howtodesignalogoofletters! 0363 Followthewhiteline Create the illusion of attachment! Rather than abut letters, leave a gap, then make a flowing centerline that draws the eye smoothly around Don’tcloseit!Doing sobreakstheflow Disconnectandattach An entertaining ligature unique to the T, disconnect one arm and attach it to its neighbor! Tomaintaintheformofbothletters, keepthestrokewidthsthesame Interlock Circular letters flow most naturally into other circular letters Interlocked here like wedding bands or Olympic rings, two complete letters function as one Set InIllustrator,set theletters,Create Outlines,andmove together. Divide Selectbothletters, theninthePathfinderdialog,click Divide(below) Cut UsetheDirect SelectionToolto clickanintersection,thenCut Overlay A simple alternative to interlocking is to lay one letter atop the other, then “link” with a common fill or stroke Here, a colorful gradient turns two letters into one object Whatcolors? Easilycreateapleasinggradientbyusing analogouscolors(colorsadjacentonthewheel), inthiscasegreentoblue.Analogouscolors alwaysworkwelltogether 0363 Howtodesignalogoofletters! Before&After| 5 of Howtodesignalogoofletters! 0363 Buildbridges This technique works when nothing else will! Abut your letters, then conceal the junction with a decorative graphic, line or a series of lines and shapes Easy, fun and always engaging Usetransparency Transparency softens Create a gossamer effect on even the boldest ligature by lowering the opacity of one or more characters Here, all three letters are set at 50% Layontop Evenlyspaceddotsjustlayontop Pasteinto Diagonallinesare“pastedinto”(InDesign) Replaceletterparts Barelytouchinglettersarebroughttogether byplayfulshapesandcolors Fillaspace Thediamonddoesdoubleduty—itlinksthe lettersandhelpsformtheshapeoftheR! abc interior design Colorthenegativespaces Finally, some stubborn letters just won’t link physically So try linking the background! Put the letters in a box, and color the negatives spaces; you can get all kinds of energetic results! 0363 Howtodesignalogoofletters! abc Doyouliketheoverlapeffectbutneed strongcolors?Keepyourcolorsat100% opacity,butintheBlendingmodedialog selectMultiply,whichaddsthecolors ofanobjecttothe onesbeneathit Nosoftwarestuntshere.Justdraw andcolorfunnyshapesbehindtheletters,thenpasteeverythingintoabox Before&After| 6 of Howtodesignalogoofletters! 0363 Articleresources Typefaces 10 1AdobeGaramondBold 11 2ITCSerifGothicHeavy 12 3ITCGoudySansBook 13 4FuturaMedium 5HelveticaNeueStdRoman AN an 14 AN 6RussellSquareRoman 7Spring 8Avenir55Roman 9BodoniRoman Colors 10 C100M60Y0K50 11 C70M60Y0K10 12 C0M100Y85K30 13 C0M15Y100K0 14 C0M70Y0K30 15 C26M7Y24K3 16 C73M15Y38K6 17 C37M66Y6K3 16 17 15 Articleresources Typefaces 1ClarendonRoman 10 11 2HelveticaNeueStdHeavyItalic 3GillSansBold 4EurostileExtended#2(Modified) OUTFITTERS 5Didi 6HelveticaNeueStdUltraLight 7CenturyOldStyleStdRegular C26M91Y100K35 C46M27Y100K35 10 C43M68Y51K70 11 C40M35Y65K25 12 C89M25Y87K23 13 C0M91Y91K0 13 12 Colors 14 C20M100Y0K0 14 15 C7M24Y37K0 16 C20M100Y100K15 17 C100M0Y30K5 15 16 cosmetics 17 0363 Howtodesignalogoofletters! Before&After| 7 of Howtodesignalogoofletters! 0363 Articleresources Typefaces 1FuturaExtraBold 2BernhardModernRoman 10 3ITCLeawoodBook 11 4HelveticaNeueStdBlack(Modified) 5ITCGoudySansBoldItalic 6FuturaBoldOblique 7ITCFranklinGothicStdHeavy 8AdobeGaramondRegular 12 Colors C0M50Y100K0 10 C33M93Y0K0 11 C0M53Y26K0 12 C72M22Y42K0 13 C100M60Y0K10 14 C100M90Y0K0 15 C29M63Y53K8 13 16 C11M43Y67K8 14 17 C0M100Y85K0 18 C0M20Y100K0 15 17 16 18 Articleresources Typefaces 1FuturaBook 2ITCKabelStdDemi 3ITCGoudySansBold 4BauerBodoniRoman 5GillSansUltraBold Colors C100M0Y90K30 C100M0Y40K0 C100M60Y0K0 C0M30Y100K0 10 C40M80Y0K0 10 11 C60M100Y0K0 12 C80M0Y100K0 11 12 0363 Howtodesignalogoofletters! Before&After| 8 of Howtodesignalogoofletters! 0363 Articleresources abc interior design Typefaces Colors 1Vectora95Black C0M100Y100K40 C40M35Y65K25 C60M30Y10K15 C19M37Y59K0 C4M6Y4K0 C20M0Y100K19 2SloopScriptOne 3ITCGoudySansBold 10 C0M53Y100K0 11 C40M45Y0K0 10 11 SubscribetoBefore&After Did you learn from this article? Subscribe, and become a more capable, confident designer for pennies per article To learn more, go to Before&Aftermagazine Before&Afterhasbeensharingitspracticalapproach tographicdesignsince1990.Becauseourmodernworld hasmadedesignersofusall(readyornot),Before& Afterisdedicatedtomakinggraphicdesignunderstandable,usefulandevenfunforeveryone. JohnMcWadePublisherandcreativedirector GayeMcWadeAssociatepublisher VincentPascual Staffdesigner DexterMarkAbelleraStaffdesigner E-mailthisarticle To pass along a free copy of this article to Designadvisor GwenAmos Before&Aftermagazine 323LincolnStreet,Roseville,CA95678 Telephone916-784-3880 Fax916-784-3995 www others, click here Joinoure-list To be notified by e-mail of new articles as they become available, go to Copyright©2005Before&Aftermagazine,ISSN 1049-0035.Allrightsreserved Youmaypassthisarticlearound,butyoumaynotalter it,andyoumaynotchargeforit.Youmayquotebrief sectionsforreview.Ifyoudothis,pleasecreditBefore &Aftermagazine,andletusknow.Tofeaturefree Before&AfterarticlesonyourWebsite,pleasecontact us.Forpermissiontoincludeallorpartofthisarticlein anotherwork,pleasecontactus 0363 Howtodesignalogoofletters! Before&After| 9 of Howtodesignalogoofletters! 0363 ... Tomaintaintheform of both letters, keepthestrokewidthsthesame of 18 Howtodesigna logo of letters 0363 Before&After ® How to design a logo of letters Interlock Circular letters flow... uppercaseM. Letters canbeseparatedbydistance,color, typestyleoranycombination of 18 Howtodesigna logo of letters 0363 Before&After ® How to design a logo of letters of. .. seriftypefaceandsharetheserif(left)). Mid-lettercrossbars Many letters, such as ABEFHPR, have mid-letter crossbars that can be connected with a little help—just cut the letter apart and s-t-r-e-t-c-h the bar! Keytothistechniqueistokeeptheletterformsdistinct.