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This page intentionally left blank New Institutional Economics Institutions frame behaviors and exchanges in markets, business networks, communities, and organizations throughout the world Thanks to the pioneering work of Ronald Coase, Douglass North, and Oliver Williamson, institutions are now recognized as being a key factor in explaining differences in performance between industries, nations, and regions The fast-growing field of “new institutional economics” (NIE) analyzes the economics of institutions and organizations using methodologies, concepts, and analytical tools from a wide range of disciplines (including political science, anthropology, sociology, management, law, and economics) With contributions from an international team of researchers, this book offers theoreticians, practitioners, and advanced students in economics and social sciences a guide to the recent developments in the field It explains the underlying methodologies, identifies issues and questions for future research, and shows how results apply to decision-making law, economic policy, managements, regulations, and institutional design e r i c b r o u s s e a u is Professor of Economics at the University of Paris X and Director of EconomiX, a research center jointly operated by University of Paris X and the CNRS (French National Science Foundation) j e a n - m i c h e l g l a c h a n t is Professor of Economics and Head of the Electricity Reforms Group in the ADIS Research Center, University of Paris-Sud XI New Institutional Economics A Guidebook Edited by  Eric Brousseau and Jean-Michel Glachant CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo Cambridge University Press The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9780521876605 © Cambridge University Press 2008 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provision of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published in print format 2008 ISBN-13 978-0-511-43683-3 eBook (EBL) ISBN-13 978-0-521-87660-5 hardback ISBN-13 978-0-521-70016-0 paperback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate To the more than six hundred fellows who have been teaching, thinking, learning, discussing, sharing meals, and even dancing at the European School for New Institutional Economics (ESNIE) every spring in Corsica since 2002 Contents List of tables List of figures List of contributors Acknowledgements Foreword o li ve r e w ill ia m s o n A Road Map for the Guidebook e r ic b r o u s s ea u a nd j e an - m ic h el g la ch an t Introduction to New Institutional Economics: A Report Card pa u l l j o s k o w Part I Foundations The Theories of the Firm p i e r r e g a r r o u s t e a n d s t e ph a n e s a us si e r Contracts: From Bilateral Sets of Incentives to the Multi-Level Governance of Relations e ri c bro u s s eau page x xi xiii xxi xxiii xxxix 21 23 37 Institutions and the Institutional Environment john nye 67 Human Nature and Institutional Analysis ~ ad a benito arrun 81 Part II Methodology The “Case” for Case Studies in New Institutional Economics l ee j al s to n 101 103 vii viii Contents New Institutional Econometrics: The Case of Research on Contracting and Organization michael e sykuta 122 Experimental Methodology to Inform New Institutional Economics Issues st e ph a n e r o b i n a n d c a r i n e s t a r o p o l i 142 Game Theory and Institutions t h i e r r y p e n ar d Part III Strategy and Management New Institutional Economics, Organization, and Strategy jackson n ickerson and l yda bigelow 158 181 183 10 Inter-Firm Alliances: A New Institutional Economics Approach j o a nn e e o x le y an d b r ia n s s il ve r m a n 209 11 Governance Structure and Contractual Design in Retail Chains e m m an u e l r a y na u d 235 Part IV Industrial Organization 253 12 Make-or-Buy Decisions: A New Institutional Economics Approach m a n u e l go n z a l ez -di a z a nd l uis v a zqu ez 255 13 Transaction Costs, Property Rights, and the Tools of the New Institutional Economics: Water Rights and Water Markets gary d libecap 272 14 Contracting and Organization in Food and Agriculture m i ch a el l c o o k , pe te r g k l ei n, a nd constantine iliopoulos 292 Part V Institutional Design 305 15 Buy, Lobby or Sue: Interest Groups’ Participation in Policy Making: A Selective Survey p a b lo t s p il le r a nd s an n y l ia o 307 References 503 1997b ‘‘Contracts and Competition,’’ Cambridge Journal of Economics, 21, 2, pp 121–25 Deci, E and Ryan, R 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Santa Barbara, USA Before this he was Anheuser Busch Professor of Economics and Law at the University of Arizona He is also a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and... n ar d Part III Strategy and Management New Institutional Economics, Organization, and Strategy jackson n ickerson and l yda bigelow 158 181 183 10 Inter-Firm Alliances: A New Institutional Economics. .. present-day Latin America, and on issues of land use and agricultural contracting in North and South America ~ DA, B E N I T O A R R U NA Professor of Business at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, has

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Mục lục

    A Road Map for the Guidebook

    Part III: Strategy and Management

    Part IV: Industrial Organization

    Part V: Institutional Design

    Part VI: Challenges to Institutional Analysis

    Introduction to New Institutional Economics: A Report Card

    What is new institutional economics?

    A framework for new institutional economics

    Substantial progress has been made

    Vertical integration and the comparative governance paradigm