USCULAR USCU LAR EVELOPMENT EV ELOPMENT GET ULTIMATE ARM BLAST! G R OW I N G N OW ! 2019 SPECIAL! ARNOLD CLASSIC PREDICTIONS AND PREVIEW! REDCON RAISES THE BREAKFAST BAR, PAGE 60 GET RIPPED TO SHREDS! BURN 100% MORE FAT! BUILD LEAN MUSCLE FAST! MUSCULARDEVELOPMENT.COM FEBRUARY 2019 DISPLAY UNTIL MARCH 4th R ELOPMENT EDITOR’s LETTER BY STEVE BLECHMAN, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief 2019 ARNOLD CLASSIC PREVIEW Who Will Be the Last Man Standing? MD February 2019 JASON BREEZE PHOTO Antoine Vaillant has never won a pro show, but he’s a champion and an inspiration to many He has overcome adversity and pushed himself to make improvements in size and conditioning, and battled drug addiction— and won Antoine Vaillant has all the ingredients of a winner, pushing himself every day in the gym to train harder and inspiring others to the same The cover shot of Antoine is designed to inspire you in the gym to train harder and get ripped, shredded and build lean muscle mass Also to get pumped up for the 2019 competitive season, beginning with this year’s Arnold Classic, with one of the best lineups in years The Arnold Classic is part of the Arnold Sports Festival, a mega-event held each year in Columbus, Ohio that attracts athletes who compete in a wide variety of sports The Arnold Sports Festival is one of the industry’s mostly highly anticipated and iconic weekends and has expanded to global appeal and success Muscular Development is proud to give you the best coverage of the 2019 Arnold Classic anywhere, in print and online at I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, MD’s Arnold Classic sponsor, for their support to make this happen Redcon1 athlete Antoine Vaillant was known as far back as his days as a teenage competitor for his crazy delts and quads Arms are something he’s had to work a little longer and harder to turn into an impressive body part In “21 Questions About Antoine Vaillant’s 21-inch Arms” on page 62, the man from Quebec explains how he turned his guns into 21-inch cannons “I try to maximize every rep,” he tells us “Before every arm workout, I remind myself that I have to give it 100 percent because they need to grow.” Brandon Curry is coming off two very successful seasons He kicked off 2017 with back-to-back wins in New Zealand and Australia, took eighth at the Mr Olympia, and finished the season off with yet another win at the Ferrigno Legacy In 2018, Curry made top five at the Mr Olympia for the first time EXCLUSIVE RONNIE COLEMAN COLUMN! With Big Ronnie Coleman, Eight-Time Mr Olympia BUILDING BIG TRAPS Ronnie, you had some of the biggest traps I’ve ever seen Do you think those came mostly deadlifts, or from shrugs? shrugs? I’ve from your heavy deadlifts, heard people say that if you heavy deads, you don’t even need to shrugs I don’t agree with that I did more than my share of heavy deadlifts, deadlifts, but I never felt like that was enough for full development of my traps That’s why I did shrugs too In my DVD “The Cost of Redemption,” you can see me doing 10 good reps with 735 pounds Some people got confused and didn’t think it was that much because I had three 100-pound plates plus a 45 on each side, so they thought it was all 45s, or 405 pounds I would alternate from workout to workout using the barbell or dumbbells For a while, the heaviest dumbbells we had were 200s, and I would well over 20 reps with those Later on we got a pair of 225s, and I could 20 with those too The only thing you need to figure out is whether you work traps on back or figure shoulder day To me it always made more sense to train them with back INTENSITY TECHNIQUES FOR MAXIMUM GROWTH What were your favorite intensity techniques? For the most part, I did heavy straight sets That worked well for me the whole time I was competing, so I didn’t see a need to get fancy Supersets were something I liked to occasionally On my leg day, I used to superset leg extensions and hack squats For arms, one of my favorite things was a tri-set of cable pushdowns, cable curls and overhead extensions with a cable too That always gave me a real good pump Another thing I would sometimes was to go up and down the dumbbell rack on lateral raises A lot of people drop sets, but this was different different I would start off light and keep picking up heavier pairs without resting until I got to the heaviest weight I could use for about 10 reps, which was maybe 60s, then go all the way back down My shoulders used to blow up like crazy from those 110 MD February 2019 PER BERNAL “I DID MORE THAN MY SHARE OF HEAVY DEADLIFTS, BUT I NEVER FELT LIKE THAT WAS ENOUGH FOR FULL DEVELOPMENT OF MY TRAPS THAT’S WHY I DID SHRUGS TOO IN MY DVD ‘THE COST OF REDEMPTION,’ YOU CAN SEE ME DOING 10 GOOD REPS WITH 735 POUNDS.” WeIghIng 300 POunds dIdn’T BOTheR me smalleR mIdseCTIOns aCROss The BOaRd Is there anything you don’t miss about being 300 pounds? People ask me that now that I’m lighter, because they assume I was uncomfortable at 300-315 pounds Most guys are miserable at 300 pounds or more They complain about getting out of breath climbing a flight of stairs, or not being able to tie their shoes without their heads feeling about ready to explode They must have had high blood pressure and carried a lot of body fat and water Maybe they also put that weight on fast It took me years to get to that size I turned pro at 210 pounds, and my off-season weight back then was only about 220 I added 10-12 pounds a year, so it was gradual I won the 2004 Mr Olympia at 296 pounds, but that was 13 years after I turned pro I was still pretty lean at 300 pounds or more, and I could a split! I was down to 220 pounds after my last surgery, but now I’m back up to 250 I feel fine at this weight, just like I did at 315 But I know those days are long gone I don’t need to be that big ever again and I can’t train the way I would need to if I wanted to stay that size anyway Do you feel Classic Physique has had an influence on how open bodybuilding is judged? That was a theory going around after Shawn Rhoden won the Mr Olympia I wouldn’t say that We were always supposed to have smaller midsections They told me at one point I needed to get mine down I think Classic Physique is a good thing, and those guys look great But I don’t think the judges suddenly decided to change their criteria to get it closer to that new division That doesn’t even make sense It’s all bodybuilding, so they’re always looking for the guy with the best total package Classic is the same as open, they just happen to be lighter BIg ROn’s gym: TRaIn haRd and heavy If you had a gym, what would it be like, and what would your rules be? It would be a serious, hardcore gym for people who wanted to train hard and heavy I would model it off Metroflex, just make it cleaner and put some newer equipment in It would have to have dumbbells up to 200 pounds, plenty of bars, plates, benches, squat racks and power racks The music would be on louder than at most other gyms Anyone who wants to train hard, whether they can bench press 100 pounds or 1,000 pounds, would be welcome My only real rule would be to treat the gym and all the other members with respect Clean up after yourself Planet Fitness won’t let you wear anything that reveals too much of your body Heck, you can wear a string tank top in my gym! The ICOn COlleCTIOn Check Out Ronnie’s Websites Facebook: Ronnie Coleman Signature Series Instagram: @RonnieColeman8 February 2019 Even though I have been selling my own T-shirts, tank tops and hats for years, it was never anything too organized I would mainly just take them to expos and appearances to sell at my table This past June, I started planning to formally come out with my own clothing line, called The Icon Collection It went on sale in November, and so far sales have been pretty good I didn’t even really start advertising it until December, so I’m glad to see it’s doing well We have T-shirts and hoodies for sale now, and I’m looking to add a couple of more items; maybe tights or shorts Those can all be found on www MD 111 CLASSIC TRAINING CAMP By IFBB Classic Physique Pro Chris Bumstead Building Thick Lower Lats I am in dire need of lower lat development What should I for that? Join the club! That’s an area I need to improve on too On my back days, I have been focusing on rowing movements where I pull much lower, as in below the belly button level I keep my elbows in tight to my body and pull toward my hips, as opposed to having the elbows flared out more and pulling higher up on the torso I also a lot of pulldowns and rows with an underhand grip, again pulling to the navel or lower When I my pulldowns that way, I arch my lower back so the end of the rep looks like that pose where you’re showing the Christmas tree of a ripped lower back It takes a while, but I am seeing more thickness down lower in my lats Training and Recovery: Listen to Your Body You said last month that you usually train on a six-day split and rarely take days off from the weights How can you possibly recover doing that? The order I set my split up in has every body part recovered before I train it again I understand that it’s not just the body parts that need to recover It’s also your CNS (central nervous system) and your tendons and ligaments I go by how my body feels If my energy levels are dropping, my workouts are starting to get shitty and especially if I am getting weaker, I know I need to take a day or possibly two off I also take days off when I know it makes sense For instance, I had to a really long drive not long ago, and my lower back got super tight from sitting in the car so long I knew that training that night would have been a bad idea and I might have gotten hurt I think we all need to pay close attention to our bodies and how we’re feeling That will let you know when it’s time to step on the gas, or hit the brakes How Long for Bulking Before Cutting? “We all need to pay close attention to our bodies and how we’re feeling That will let you know when it’s time to step on the gas, or hit the brakes.” 112 MD How long did you bulk for before you dieted down, either to compete or just to get lean? I’m 17 and have been bulking since the end of summer Should I a cut now? A lot of young guys will start training and bulking before suddenly deciding they need to get lean after only two or three months Bad idea! I started training in grade nine, and it was a good five years before I did a cut I spent those five years eating tons of good food and training hard My mom used to make me a whole lasagna every day to eat, and I took chicken and rice to school with me I used to eat eight whole eggs as part of my breakfast every morning It takes time to grow, even when you have pretty decent genetics My first contest was at age 19, so that’s the first time I went into a caloric deficit after being in surplus mode all that time Don’t be in any rush to get ripped or compete if you still need to put a lot more muscle on Just keep eating as much quality food as you can and have fun training hard and heavy February 2019 Meeting Women in the Gym Is it OK to ask a girl for her number at the gym? I work with all guys and I don’t the bar scene, so the gym is the only place I really have a chance to meet women Just want to know if it’s considered rude Shoot your shot, bro! If you’re crushing, you’re crushing But you got to read the signs The outfit and how a woman acts in the gym tells you a lot If she isn’t wearing makeup, has a hat pulled down or a hoodie pulled up, has her headphones on, and isn’t making any eye contact with you or anyone else, stay far away from that girl She’s there purely to work out and will shut you down for sure If she’s dressed up nice and is made up, isn’t listening to headphones, and is giving you looks here and there, go for it I would still wait until she’s done with her workout, though Most girls complain how they hate when guys interrupt their workout to flirt with them Then again, sometimes you just have to take your shot Use your best judgment My Quad Tear and Lopsided Nipple I know you have already been asked about your biceps being torn and you say it isn’t, but I also noticed an odd line going across one of your quads Don’t get mad, but is that a tear? In this case, I think it is It must have happened back when I was younger and ran track and field, but I never paid much attention because that was before I cared how my body looked It probably healed with some impingement over it My massage therapist has been working on it and trying to loosen it up, because judges notice every little thing One did mention it to me last year, because he said it throws off the symmetry of my legs But wait, there’s more A judge once told me that my left nipple was higher than my right! That was due to tightness in my left shoulder so that side of my chest would rise up a little higher in my front double biceps and front lat spread poses That judge told me I could lose points for that lopsided nipple! One Food I Never Get Sick Of What one food could you eat every day and never get sick of? I love stir-fry or pad Thai Anyone who’s ever been out to eat with me knows I can put down a bucket of chicken fried rice, especially in the off-season Tingling Sensation in Elbows and Forearms Do you ever get a tingling sensation running down your elbows and forearms? Yes, every time I fly and I have to sit with my arms wedged in tight to my body It’s annoying because I will be just falling asleep, and that wakes me up I have to stand up and shake them out, which I’m sure makes me look crazy February 2019 Stay in touch with MHP athlete Chris Bumstead: IG: cbum_ Facebook: Chris Bumstead CHRIS BUMSTEAD’S MHP™ STACK Upon waking, before fasted cardio: scoop BCAA Energy scoop Glutamine-SR Post-workout: scoops Super Premium Whey Protein scoop Glutamine-SR Pre-workout: scoop Hyper Crush™ (Sour Ball) scoops BCAA-XL™ For more information about MHP, visit MD 113 The PROPHECY By Nathan De asha Cycling Your Training: Keep It Simple Do you intentionally cycle your training so that you go heavier in some weeks and lighter in others? Or you always go heavy? I just go by feel I bang weights out and always go as heavy as I can at that particular time For example, one week I might have some shoulder pain and the heaviest I can go on incline dumbbell presses would be a pair of 150s Maybe a week later when everything is feeling fine again, I can get the 170s I go by feel and I try to keep things simple Off-season Eating Does Not Include Tupperware In the off-season, are you as meticulous about your meals as you are in prep? What I mean is, you make sure to eat at the exact same times every day, and you take food with you everywhere you go? Or you relax a bit? I think living your life that way is boring If you have to carry coolers and Tupperware around with you everywhere you go, all year round, you might as well just shoot yourself in the head Life is for living When I’m out with my family, I don’t want to be checking my watch all the time to see when it’s time to eat, then cracking open containers of cold fish or chicken, or even looking for the nearest microwave I’ll go out and eat with them at KFC instead! You want to make good memories and cherish the time you have with your friends and family, because life is short and then it’s over I will say that even in the off-season, I tend to be more regimented with my eating Monday through Friday, and more lenient on the weekends If I want to have something, I will have it Once I’m in prep, my eating is 100 percent strict and on time Other than that, I don’t stress out over it If I’m out for dinner with the missus and I want dessert, I’m having bloody dessert You need to have balance in your life or else you will be one miserable bastard “You can’t reach your ultimate potential as a bodybuilder, or anything in life really, if you’re constantly stressed and freaking out So chill the F out, mate!” 114 MD February 2019 Beat the Hell Out of Arms for Growth How can I get my arms to grow? Mine are so bad I never even wear tank tops Believe it or not, my arms were pretty pathetic when I first started training and were nothing special for a couple of years until I started giving them their own training day and beat the hell out of them I also found a mix of rep ranges that gave me the best results Try different rep ranges and see how you respond I found that my biceps grew best from sets in the 12-20 rep range, while I needed to go heavier and 8-12 reps for my triceps to grow Try my workout for a while and see how you on it: Machine Preacher Curls Seated One-arm Dumbbell Curls EZ-bar Curls Cable Curls Rope Cable Pushdowns Close-grip Bench Press Cable Pushdowns One-arm Overhead Dumbbell Extensions Tips for Hardgainers to Put Meat on Their Bones I know a lot of people say they are hardgainers, but I am like the poster boy I eat four big meals and have a protein shake every day, but I can’t get over 140 pounds at just under feet tall This is after lifting consistently for over a year! Please, Nathan— any advice at all would be much appreciated It sounds like you really could use some more meat on your bones What you really need are more calories, because it’s obvious that your body is burning right through everything you eat My best advice would be to keep eating the four big solid meals, but let’s have you start drinking two shakes a day Not just any shake, but the new Carnivor Mass Big Steer 1250 from MuscleMeds As you may have guessed from its name, each serving provides 1,250 calories The macro breakdown is 50 grams of protein from hydrolyzed beef protein isolate, 255 grams of carbs with zero sugar, just 2.5 grams of fat, and grams of creatine for good measure Two of those a day would give you 2,500 calories If you can manage to get a little over 500 calories each from your four solid meals, that takes your daily total up to about 5,000 calories That should be plenty for a guy your size, even with a fast metabolism Just make sure you’re also training hard and heavy and getting plenty of good sleep, and you should start seeing the numbers on your scale creeping up right away x 12-20 x 12-20 drop sets x 21 x 8-12 x 8-12 x (wide), (narrow) x 8-12 JASON BREEZE Stress Hurts Your Gains, So Chill Out People call me “high strung” or “nervous,” and I guess I worry and get stressed a lot over stupid things Someone told me this could hurt my gains—is there any truth to that? Absolutely, mate! Cortisol is called “the stress hormone” because the body releases it in times of danger Unfortunately, that danger can be real or imagined, and it seems like you a good job of imagining trouble in your life! Cortisol is very catabolic, meaning it leads to muscle loss if your body releases enough of it regularly Try to relax more and take things in stride I’m not going to tell you to start meditating or doing yoga, but people say those work well I think it’s more about managing your emotions and your attitude Don’t make a big deal out of little things When anything gets you all stressed out, ask yourself, “will I give a shit about this in 20 years?” That usually puts things in perspective You can’t reach your ultimate potential as a bodybuilder, or anything in life really, if you’re constantly stressed and freaking out So chill the F out, mate! February 2019 “If you have to carry coolers and Tupperware around with you everywhere you go, all year round, you might as well just shoot yourself in the head.” IG: nathandeasha prophecyperformancecentre To download and watch my new video, “Chasing The Gift,” filmed up to and including the 2018 Mr Olympia, please visit MD 115 By 2-Time Olympia Classic Physique Champion and Arnold Classic Champion Breon Ansley Old SchOOl Training camp Advice to Teenagers: Be Patient and Eat a Lot 116 MD February 2019 JASON BREEZE “ The pump isn’t just something that’s cool to look at in the mirror in the gym It means you’re pushing a lot of blood into the muscle, and that blood is rich with oxygen and nutrients You want to get a good pump in your biceps every time you train them.” What’s the best advice you can give to teenagers just starting out? The most important thing I want to impress upon you is to be patient Building muscle is a long process In the beginning, you will make gains quickly It’s still not as fast as you would like it to be, because we’re talking about the human body here It doesn’t transform into a much larger and more muscular version of itself in just a month no matter how hard you train and how much food you eat Luckily, as a teenager, you’re already at the time in your life when your body is naturally growing and developing anyway Most boys grow taller and larger without any type of exercise or eating any differently That means if you train regularly with weights and eat a lot more good food than usual, you’re bound to make some very satisfactory gains So, let’s talk about the training and eating more I wouldn’t recommend training the way a pro bodybuilder or Classic Physique competitor like me does We’re advanced and have already built most of the size we need, so we break up the body into individual workouts for chest, shoulders, legs, arms, etc Since you are still trying to build that base of size and strength, you should consolidate your muscle groups more Here are three options Full-body routine every other day Upper body, lower body, day off, repeat Push (chest, shoulders, triceps), Pull (back and biceps), Legs, repeat Whichever split you decide on, focus on using mainly basic compound movements like squats, bench presses, deadlifts, barbell or dumbbell rows, military presses, chins, and dips You can still add in some isolation movements like curls, skull-crushers, lateral raises, leg extensions, and leg curls, but don’t spend too much time and energy on those The big, basic lifts are what will help you get bigger and stronger as fast as possible Try to get stronger gradually, and never sacrifice form just to use a heavier weight You won’t be working muscle properly, and you will be opening yourself up to the risk of injury Use good form! As for eating, you don’t need to get too fancy You’re not dieting for the Olympia just yet What you want are four to five good meals a day, and a shake or two if you can also add those in A big reason a lot of teens don’t make the best gains they can is they simply don’t eat enough You can’t eat like a regular person and expect to be built much better than one Try to get a gram and a half of quality protein every day for every pound of bodyweight So if you weigh 150 pounds, you would want to take in 225 grams a day, divided equally among your meals and shakes Get them from chicken, eggs, red meat, turkey and fish For carbohydrates, start off with double the grams of protein, 450 a day in this case, from rice, oats, Cream of Rice, sweet potatoes, and fresh fruit And like you mom told you, eat your vegetables! Finally, be sure you get plenty of rest Don’t stay up until 3:00 a.m.4:00 a.m every night playing video games! This is the ideal time of your life to lay a solid foundation of size and strength you can continue to build on and improve for many more years Make the most of it Big Biceps: Train for the Pump How did you build those awesome biceps? I have to give a lot of credit to genetics in this case They were something that responded well for me from day one with the weights The muscle bellies are long, which is important for overall size, and I also got that peaked shape to them rather than the fuller shape that most guys have That peak became more pronounced as they grew larger Since I can’t give you my genetics, let me pass on what I know can help you For one thing, never go heavy on biceps unless you are still getting a good squeeze and a nice pump The pump isn’t just something that’s cool to look at in the mirror in the gym It means you’re pushing a lot of blood into the muscle, and that blood is rich with oxygen and nutrients You want to get a good pump in your biceps every time you train them Forget about very low reps Do at least eight per set, and you’re probably better off with the 10-12 range, even up to 15 at times You can also occasionally use techniques like drop sets and supersets to keep the biceps under tension longer and get an even better pump Try different rep tempos too Go slower on some sets, faster on others Try lifting the weight as fast as you can, then lowering it slowly and feeling the biceps stretch on the way down Flex and stretch them between sets Work the biceps twice a week, but don’t spend an hour on them I love all varieties of dumbbell curls About 10-15 work sets each is plenty Remember that they’re getting worked whenever you train back in exercises like chins, rows and pulldowns Keep putting in the hard work and they will grow! Here’s my routine if you want to give it a try BICEPS ROUTINE Machine Preacher Curls Warm-ups: Sets: Incline Dumbbell Curls EZ-bar Curls (wider grip) Superset with EZ-bar Curls (closer grip) Dumbbell Concentration Curls OR Alternate Dumbbell Curls* EZ-bar Reverse Curls OR Hammer Dumbbell Curls x 15 x 10-12 x 10-12 x 10-12 MY CLOTHING LINE x 10-12 x 10-12 x 10-12 x 10-12 x 10-12 February 2019 IG: breonma_ Facebook: Breon Ansley I’ve just launched my first series of shirts and hats with my inspirational slogans on them, with a more extensive apparel line to come For now, please visit www.4thedamnwin com and check out what I have to offer! MD 117 By IFBB Pro Josh Wade Presented by ALLMAX® Nutrition MD is proud to introduce a new monthly column by Josh Wade, renowned as one of the hardest-working men in the sport as well as a prep coach with a solid reputation for client success HOW I BECAME A BODYBUILDER JOSH’S ALLMAX® STACK Intra-workout: scoops (100g carbs) Carbion+ scoops PM Aminocore scoop PM H-Vol 10g Glutamine 5g Creatine With Meal 1: Vitastack pack 2g Omega ALLFLEX Yohimbine Rapidcuts Shredded Post-workout: 10g Glutamine scoop PB Choc Isoflex scoop C&C Isoflex Pre-workout: 1/2 scoop (25g carbs) Carbion+ scoop PM Impact Bedtime shake: scoops C&C Hexapro scoop PB Choc Isoflex Upon rising (pre-cardio): scoop Piủa colada A-cuts scoop Aỗaớ Berry Cytogreens 10g Glutamine 3.2g Beta-alanine Digestive enzymes with every meal! For more information, visit “I’m excited to answer readers’ questions and share some of what I’ve learned, and continue to learn along my journey We’re all stronger when we support one another in the relentless pursuit of our passion!” 118 MD I first picked up a copy of MD when I was 15 years old I’ve relied on it since for information and inspiration, so having a column here is a dream come true. I’m excited to answer readers’ questions and share some of what I’ve learned, and continue to learn along my journey We’re all stronger when we support one another in the relentless pursuit of our passion! Now, let me share the story of how I got into the sport that would become my lifelong passion Growing up in the Sacramento area, I lacked selfconfidence and did things I thought would help me fit in as a minority in a community that was mainly African-American and Asian I was a class clown and got into fights over nothing Basically, I was a punk kid who was in and out of juvenile hall When I was 18, I got into a more serious fight and was sentenced to a year in the county jail I served eight months and got out on my 19th birthday That day I realized I didn’t like the path I was on, and I joined the local Gold’s Gym This was back when Gold’s Gyms were serious bodybuilding gyms, full of big, strong guys They taught me gym etiquette and courtesy You help each other, you put your weights away, and there was a camaraderie among us My body began to change For the first time in my life, I felt a sense of accomplishment and finally began to develop real selfconfidence I’d never felt that before, and it changed my life for the better Without the weights, there is a very good chance I would have gone back to jail or even died doing stupid things I didn’t know who I was until I found bodybuilding That was 1998 A few years later, a bodybuilder named Faramarz Aghazadeh joined the gym He was the first guy I ever saw in person that made me say wow, I want to look like that! Faramarz had been second place at the 2005 USA to Phil Heath, which should give you an idea of how good he was I decided to enter my first contest, the Sacramento Championships, to be held in November of 2006, and I asked Faramarz to help me get ready for it I had no idea what I was in for! He had me doing two hours of cardio every day on top of 90-minute weight-training sessions In those years, I also had a very physical job working as a plumber At five weeks out from the show, I slipped while cutting some PVC pipe and severed my left thumb tendon That night, out of depression, I cheated on my diet The next morning, I decided I wasn’t a quitter I went back on my diet, used straps to hold on to the weights, and got back on my diet and training even before the surgery a couple of days later I went from 220 to a shredded 176 pounds for that prep and won the novice and open middleweight divisions I was on my way! Please send questions for this column to joshwade@ Website: Instagram: @ifbbprojoshwade February 2019 [ BUSTED!] LEGAL Q&A BY RICK COLLINS, J.D., cscs The Juiced Elephant in the Room Q Are they thinking about making the use of steroids in sports a crime? A In certain countries, like Italy, it already is.1 Some anti-doping advocates are suggesting such policies be universally accepted Check out “The spirit of sport: the case for criminalisation of doping in the UK,” by Claire Sumner.2 Sumner makes the case that criminalizing sports doping is needed to reverse a cynical public perception that sports are dirty, and also to support the “spirit of sport”— defined as the “essence of Olympism, the pursuit of human excellence, through the dedicated perfection of each person’s natural talents.” In addition to existing antidoping sanctions, she favors arresting and prosecuting doped athletes for fraud by false representation, which she says could “act as a greater deterrent” and help “raise the overall ‘price’ of doping.” She sees this approach as part of a “growing global movement toward such criminalisation at national level.” In a pointed rebuttal, “Do public perception and the ‘spirit of sport’ justify the criminalization of doping? A reply to Claire Sumner”,3 Jacob Kornbeck and Bengt Kayser lay out the counter arguments, finding her position “fatally flawed.” They say “Sumner’s positing of a blanket loss of faith in elite sports performance by the public” confuses “what is depicted in the media and communicated by anti-doping authorities and their allies, with what the general public’s (largely undescribed) opinion actually is.” They question Sumner’s account of the history of doping in sport, and assert that “public perceptions alone cannot suffice to justify a legislative change, especially not if this would lead to new criminal sanctions.” In other words, unverified “public perceptions” are a lame-ass basis to start locking people up As for the “spirit of sport,” Kornbeck and Kayser find the vague concept to be an unpersuasive reason to impose “draconian” criminal sanctions They fear for the rights of athletes who would be pursued as criminals based on a testing system of “strict liability” in which even accidental ingestion of a banned substance is a violation I get it But both sides fail to acknowledge the proverbial elephant in the room Sports doping IS criminalized in many countries including the United States, or at least that was the idea Congress passed the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990 (ASCA) for the purpose of getting steroids out of competitive sports by making the unlawful possession of steroids a federal crime In passing the law, Congress expressed concern over the “unfair advantage” of steroid-enhanced professional and top-level athletes Words like “unequal playing field” and “cheating” were used throughout the proceedings by witnesses and legislators alike Then-Senator Joe Biden gave voice to what Congress was really afraid of: “… I think you are going to see, over the next several years some real backlash from the public about sports in America, from Olympians straight through to college sports, to pro sports There is a feeling of resentment that is growing, and I not know how it will manifest itself.”4 Sounds like Sumner’s recent argument, huh? Why does this matter? It matters because anti-doping advocates hold significant sway over government policy Congress passed the ASCA to satisfy the anti-dopers’ demands for a “level playing field”— and yet, 40 years later, these advocates want the further action of criminalizing doping as fraud Maybe they should have asked for this remedy back in 1990, instead of seeking a controlled substance approach to the problem If they had, then thousands of otherwise law-abiding Americans who had absolutely nothing to with competitive sports might not have been arrested and prosecuted for the possession of steroids for personal use (merely for the purpose of looking more muscular, which is the primary motivation for most non-medical steroid use5) The curious blindness by all involved in the anti-doping debate makes a larger point Their tussle over steroid use in sports fails to see that sports cheating is a small slice of the non-medical steroid pie chart, but that the effects of anti-doping policies spill well beyond sports Hmm Suppose Sumner is right after all, and we should prosecute drug-tested dopers for fraud But if we do, will we stop arresting personal-use possessors who are NOT drugtested athletes? Not likely In a nation where most elected officials are scared of being labeled soft on crime, the juiced elephant in the room isn’t going anywhere References: resources/files/2013-Paoli-Donati-Report-ExecutiveSummary-EN.pdf Sumner C Int Sports Law J (2017) 16: 217 https://doi org/10.1007/s40318-016-0103-2 Kornbeck J and Kayser B Int Sports Law J (2018) 18: 61 Steroids in Amateur and Professional Sports-The Medical and Social Costs of Steroid Abuse: Hearings before the Comm on the Judiciary U.S Senate, 101st Cong 45 (1990) (Quote by Sen Biden contained in Statement of Dorothy R Baker, April 3, 1989) articles/10.1186/1550-2783-4-12 Anti-doping advocates hold significant sway over government policy Congress passed the ASCA to satisfy the anti-dopers’ demands for a “level playing field”— and yet, 40 years later, these advocates want the further action of criminalizing doping as fraud Rick Collins, JD, CSCS [] is the lawyer that members of the bodybuilding community and nutritional supplement industry turn to when they need legal help or representation [© Rick Collins, 2018 All rights reserved For informational purposes only, not to be construed as legal or medical advice.] 120 MD February 2019 USCULAR MILLENNIUM MARKETPLACE EVELOPMENT OR CALL: 855-873-4970 RESERVE YOUR SPACE! 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