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SCHAF schaeffler WP1 TD book2 rev0

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TENDER DOCUMENT BOOK – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PROJECT : PACKAGE : LOCATION : SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY MAIN CONTRACTOR AMATA INDUSTRIAL PARK, BIEN HOA, VIETNAM THE EMPLOYER: SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM CO, LTD Date Revision September 15, 2017 00 Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by PM Thanh Nam Mr Le Hoang Son This document is the property of Archetype Group All rights reserved Violators will be pursued under civil and criminal law SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENT OF TENDER DOCUMENT BOOK 0- INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERER A TENDER DATA SHEET (TDS) B GENERAL INTRODUCTION C REQUIREMENTS TO TENDERERS D CONDITIONS OF TENDER E APPENDICES BOOK – PROPOSED CONTRACT A CONTRACT AGREEMENT B LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE C MASTER PROGRAM D APPENDIX TO TENDER E PARTICULAR CONDITIONS F GENERAL CONDITIONS G APPENDICES BOOK – GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B OHSE SUPPLIERS/CONTRACTORS INSTRUCTIONS C OHSE SITE SAFETY PLAN BOOK – METHOD OF MEASUREMENT & BILL OF QUANTITIES A METHOD OF MEASUREMENT B BILL OF QUANTITIES BOOK – TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS A TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BOOK – TENDER DRAWINGS A TENDER DRAWINGS SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page TABLE OF CONTENT OF BOOK A GENERAL REQUIREMENTS B OHSE SUPPLIERS/CONTRACTORS INSTRUCTIONS 49 C OHSE SITE SAFETY PLAN 58 SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page A GENERAL REQUIREMENTS These requirements complete the conditions already stipulated in the General Condition of Contract and the Particular Condition of Contract SECTION I - SUMMARY OF WORK RELATED DOCUMENTS The related documents include General and Particular Conditions of Contract, Drawings, and all Technical Specifications PROJECT DESCRIPTION The scope of the Work is described in the Contract The Works shall be completed in accordance with the Drawings, Schedule, Specifications and Contract Conditions CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES During the construction period the Contractor shall have full use of the premises for construction operations, including use of the site The Contractor's use of the premises is only limited by the Employer's right to perform construction operations with his own forces or to employ separate contractors on portions of the project Where other contractors are engaged by the Employer to work on the site simultaneously, the Contractor shall co-ordinate the site activities with those of the other contractors This shall include sharing the site services, etc with the other contractors WORK TO BE CARRIED OUT BY OTHERS Work to be carried out on Site by other Contractors while these scopes of works are being completed may be assumed to include: SITE WORKING HOURS The Site work hours shall be: From 7h30 AM to 5h00 PM, from Monday to Friday and from 7h30 AM to 11h30 AM of Saturday unless otherwise stated The Contractor shall not work outside the normal working hours without the Engineer’s prior written approval as stated in the Condition of Contract SECTION II - CO-ORDINATION SUMMARY This Section includes administrative and supervisory requirements necessary for coordinating construction operations including, but not necessarily limited to, the following: a General project coordination procedures b Conservation c Co-ordination Drawings d Administrative and supervisory personnel e Inspection Hold and Witness Points SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page f Cleaning and protection RELATED SECTIONS Section III - Field Engineering Section V - Project Meetings Section VI - Submittals Section XIV - Materials and Equipment Section IVI - Contract Closeout CO-ORDINATION The Contractor shall co-ordinate construction operations included in the various Sections of the Specifications to ensure efficient and orderly installation of each part of the Work The Contractor shall co-ordinate construction operations included under different Sections that depend on each other for proper installation, connection, and hand-over to the other contractor(s) The Contractor shall: a Schedule construction operations in the sequence required to obtain the best results where installation of one part of the Work depends on installation of other components, before or after its own installation b Take full responsibility and assume liability for all coordination between subcontractors’ works and the Contractor’s works c Take full responsibility and assume liability for all coordination between other contractors’ works and the Contractor’s works d Coordinate installation of different components to ensure maximum and safe accessibility for required maintenance, service, repair and hand-over to other contractors e Make provisions to accommodate items scheduled for later installation Where necessary, prepare memoranda for distribution to each party involved, outlining special procedures required for coordination Include such items as required notices, reports, and attendance at meetings Prepare similar memoranda for the Employer and separate contractors where coordination of their work is required Administrative Procedures: Coordinate scheduling and timing of required administrative procedures with other construction activities to avoid conflicts and assure orderly progress of the Work Such administrative activities include, but are not limited to, the following: a Preparation of schedules b Installation and removal of temporary facilities c Delivery and processing of submittals d Progress meetings e Contract closeout activities Conservation: Coordinate construction operations to assure that operations are carried out with consideration given to conservation of energy, water, and materials SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page Salvage materials and equipment involved in performance of, but not actually incorporated in, the Works SUBMITTALS 4.1 Coordination Drawings: Prepare coordination drawings where careful coordination is needed for installation of products and materials fabricated by separate entities Prepare coordination drawings where limited space availability necessitates maximum utilization of space for efficient installation of different components a Show the relationship of components shown on separate Shop Drawings b Indicate required installation sequences c Comply with requirements contained in Section "Submittals." 4.2 Staff Names: Within 07 days of commencement of construction operations, submit a list of the Contractor's principal staff, including the supervisors and other personnel in attendance at the Project Site Identify individuals and their duties and responsibilities List their addresses and telephone numbers Post copies of the list in the Project meeting room, the temporary field office, and Engineer’s site office GENERAL COORDINATION PROVISIONS Inspection of Conditions: Require the Installer of each major component to inspect both the substrate and conditions under which Work is to be performed Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected in an acceptable manner Coordinate temporary enclosures with required inspections and tests to minimize the necessity of uncovering completed construction for that purpose INSPECTION FOR HOLD AND WITNESS POINTS The following Hold and Witness Points are required under this Contract and must be included in the Contractor’s program of works The Contractor must notify the Engineer in writing at least 05 days before requiring his review and/or inspection of a Hold Point and at least 24 hours before approaching a Witness Point See the definition of Hold Point and Witness Point in Book 1-“Definition listed alphabetically” HOLD POINTS Before site establishment Before commencing Commissioning Tests Before installing any permanent plant and equipment into the work Reinforcement and form work system inspection before closing up shutters or pouring concrete WITNESS POINTS SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page Pipe and conduit trenches or casting elements before backfilling or pouring concrete Testing of waterproofing area before protective mortar laying and tiling Humidity Testing of plaster surface before applying emulsion paint Before backfilling around any foundations or structures Testing of any equipment or process units on site Testing of any equipment or process units off site CLEANING AND PROTECTION Clean and protect construction in progress and adjoining materials in place, during handling and installation Apply protective covering where required to assure protection from damage or deterioration at completion Clean and provide maintenance on completed construction as frequently as necessary through the construction period If the Contractor fails to perform the clean or protect construction in progress according to the instruction from Engineer, the Engineer may refuse to inspect or accept the materials or the works that has not been protected properly until the Contractor obey the instruction from the Engineer Limiting Exposures: Supervision of construction operations to assure that no part of the construction Works, completed or in progress, is subject to harmful, dangerous, damaging, or otherwise deleterious exposure during the construction period and Defects Notification Period Where applicable, such exposures include, but are not limited to, the following: a Excessive static or dynamic loading b Excessive internal or external pressures c Excessively high or low temperatures d Thermal shock e Excessively high or low humidity f Air contamination or pollution g Water or ice h Solvents i Chemicals j Light k Radiation l Puncture m Abrasion n Heavy traffic o Soiling, staining, and corrosion p Bacteria q Rodent and insect infestation SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page r Combustion s Electrical current t High-speed operation u Improper lubrication v Unusual wear or other misuse w Contact between incompatible materials x Destructive testing y Misalignment z Excessive weathering aa Unprotected storage bb Improper shipping or handling cc Theft dd Vandalism SECTION III - FIELD ENGINEERING SUMMARY This Section specifies administrative and procedural requirements for field-engineering services including, but not limited to, the following: a Land survey work b Civil-engineering services c Damage surveys d Geotechnical monitoring RELATED SECTIONS Section II - Coordination Section VI - Submittals Section XVI - Contract Closeout SUBMITTALS Certificates: Submit a certificate signed by the land surveyor or professional engineer certifying the location and elevation of improvements Final Property Survey: Submit copies of the final property survey Project Record Documents: Submit a record of Work performed and record survey data as required under provisions of "Submittals" and "Contract Closeout" Sections QUALITY ASSURANCE Surveyor Qualifications: Engage a qualified land surveyor to perform required land-surveying services Engineer Qualifications: Engage a qualified engineer of the discipline required to perform required engineering services Provide certificates, on an ongoing basis, for construction of all structural elements Ensure project insurance covers for this certifying role SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page EXAMINATION Identification: The Employer will identify existing control points and property line corner stakes Verify layout information shown on the Drawings, in relation to the property survey and existing benchmarks, before proceeding to lay out the Works Locate and protect existing benchmarks and control points Preserve permanent reference points during construction a Do not change or relocate benchmarks or control points without prior written approval Promptly report lost or destroyed reference points or requirements to relocate reference points because of necessary changes in grades or locations b Promptly replace lost or destroyed project control points Base replacements on the original survey control points Establish and maintain a minimum of permanent benchmarks on the site, referenced to data established by survey control points Record benchmark locations, with horizontal and vertical data, on Project Record Documents Existing Utilities and Equipment: The existence and location of underground and other utilities and construction indicated as existing are not guaranteed Before beginning site work, investigate and verify the existence and location of underground utilities and other construction Prior to construction, verify the location and invert elevation at points of connection of sanitary sewer, storm sewer, and water-service piping PERFORMANCE Work from lines and levels established by the property survey Establish benchmarks and markers to set lines and levels at each story of construction and elsewhere as needed to locate each element of the Works Calculate and measure required dimensions within indicated or recognized tolerances Do not scale Drawings to determine dimensions a Advise entities engaged in construction activities of marked lines and levels provided for their use b As construction proceeds, check every major element for line, level, and plumb Surveyor's Log: Maintain a surveyor's log of control and other survey work Make this log available for reference a Record deviations from required lines and levels, and advise the Engineer when deviations that exceed indicated or recognized tolerances are detected On Project Record Drawings, record deviations that are accepted and not corrected b On completion of foundation walls, major site improvements, and other work requiring fieldengineering services, prepare a certified survey showing dimensions, locations, angles, and elevations of construction and Site work and issue to Engineer Site Improvements: Locate and lay out site improvements, including pavements, stakes for grading, fill and topsoil placement, utility slopes, and invert elevations Building Lines and Levels: Locate and lay out batter boards for structures, building foundations, column grids and locations, floor levels, and control lines and levels required for mechanical and electrical work SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page Existing Utilities: Furnish information necessary to adjust, move, or relocate existing structures, utility poles, lines, services, or other appurtenances located in or affected by construction Coordinate with local authorities having jurisdiction Final Property Survey: Prepare a final property survey showing significant features (real property) for the Works Include on the survey a certification, signed by the surveyor, that principal metes, bounds, lines, and levels of the Works are accurately positioned as shown on the survey Recording: At Practical Completion, have the final property survey recorded by or with local governing authorities as the official "property survey" SECTION IV - REFERENCE STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS DEFINITIONS General: Basic Contract definitions are included in the Conditions of the Contract Indicated: The term indicated refers to graphic representations, notes, or schedules on the Drawings, or other Paragraphs or Schedules in the Specifications, and similar requirements in the Contract Documents Terms such as shown, noted, scheduled, and specified are used to help the reader locate the reference There is no limitation on location Directed: Terms such as directed, requested, authorized, selected, approved, required, and permitted mean directed by the Engineer, requested by the Engineer, and similar phrases Approved: The term approved, when used in conjunction with the Engineer's action on the Contractor's submittals, applications, and requests, is limited to the Engineer's duties and responsibilities as stated in the Conditions of the Contract Regulations: The term regulations includes laws, ordinances, statutes, and lawful orders issued by authorities having jurisdiction, as well as rules, conventions, and agreements within the construction industry that control performance of the Work Furnish: The term furnish means supply and deliver to the Site, ready for unloading, unpacking, assembly, installation, and similar operations Install: The term install describes operations at the Site including the actual unloading, unpacking, assembly, erection, placing, anchoring, applying, working to dimension, finishing, curing, protecting, cleaning, and similar operations Provide: The term provide means to furnish and install, complete and ready for the intended use Installer: An Installer is the Contractor or another entity engaged by the Contractor, either as an employee, subcontractor, or contractor of lower tier, to perform a particular construction activity, including installation, erection, application, and similar operations Installers are required to be experienced in the operations they are engaged to perform The term “experienced”, when used with the term Installer, means having a minimum of five previous projects similar in size and scope to this project, being familiar with the special requirements indicated, and having complied with requirements of the authority having jurisdiction Trades: Using terms such as carpentry is not intended to imply that certain construction activities must be performed by accredited or unionized individuals of a corresponding generic name, such as carpenter It also does not imply that requirements specified apply exclusively to tradespersons of the corresponding generic name SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page Equipment for work at height is inspected and maintained e.g access scaffolding, mobile elevated platforms and ladders; Access systems will be tagged “Safe to Use” via an approved system e.g Scaffolding tag following erection and inspection An example of deciding on the correct method of working at height can be found in the following Working at Height Decision Tree 4.6.3 Working at Height Decision Tree This decision tree reflects the requirements of this guidance which follows the hierarchy of fall protection Each situation where work at height is required should be risk assessed to ensure that the safest and reasonably practicable solution is selected Note: • • 4.6.4 Rescue plan must be in place Ladders may only be used for short duration of work or where fixed fixtures prevent Mobile elevating platform Elevated work and fall protection Fall protection is required in any elevated work area that is more than 1.7 m in height or above the hazardous area and has no protection to prevent workers from falling (i.e., handrails, mid rails, and toe boards) It is the intent of this specification to provide continuous fall protection except while climbing up or down ladders less than m (24 ft) in height Examples for which fall protection is required, (but is not limited to) are: Sloping roofs or flat roofs without handrails or a warning system Open-sided elevated floors or platforms Suspended scaffolds, platforms, or stages All steel erection Work in pipe racks Work in or near the edge of structures that are partially complete (i.e., handrails, mid rails, toe plate that is missing, platforms with grating that is not secured) Use of fall protection equipment When working within a scaffold, the worker need tie off at all time SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page 99 For tank construction, the worker shall be protected by being tied off to a lifeline attached to the side of the tank or be tied off within the confines of a rolling or stationary scaffold When working in an elevated pipe rack, workers shall be protected either by tying off overhead to a temporary lifeline, pipe, or steel or by being protected with a safety net Even when workers are tied off, they shall be on a suitable work platform that is at least 460 mm (18 in) wide that is adequately secured from displacement If a work platform cannot be suitably placed due to surroundings or configuration, a risk assessment shall be completed to assess how to accomplish the work tasks safely Standing directly on pipe (insulated or non-insulated), conduit, steel beams, cable tray shall not be permitted When working in a structure or on a platform and the handrail, mid rail, or toe plate is incomplete, the worker shall be tied when working within 3.1 m (10 ft) of the edge The worker shall also tie off when working on a platform where the grating has not been secured The contractor shall make whatever provisions necessary to install retractable reels, rope grabs, lifelines, and attachment lugs on steel being erected before setting steel in place such that the worker will have fall protection while connecting and unhooking Retractable reels or rope grabs must be installed for use when ascending and descending all uncaged scaffold ladders, extension ladders, as well as permanent ladders over 7.3 m (24 ft) above the ground surface Workers are allowed to climb stepladders without a retractable reel or rope grab; however, the employee must tie off when at the work location When working from inside a telescoping boom man lift or scissors lift, workers must be tied off at all times Rope grabs shall be used in conjunction with a harness and lanyard for fall protection while ascending and descending or for use on sloped surfaces Vertical lifelines shall be of 16 mm (5/8 in) synthetic rope and shall be used with approved rope grabs designed for use with 16 mm (5/8 in) rope Distance between the worker and the rope grab shall be as short as possible with a maximum length of 2m (6 ft) Lifelines shall be properly weighted or pre-tensioned at the bottom to ensure designed movement of the rope grab along its length and to curtail the lifeline's sway Lifelines shall also be terminated at the bottom to preclude the rope grab from falling off the rope Adequate clearance of obstructions shall be provided for lifeline elongation 4.6.5 Types of fall protection equipment A full-body harness with dual shock-absorbing lanyards is the preferred method of fall protection (Note: only using dual shock-absorbing lanyards when working above 4.0 m If the height level is lower than 04m can use a full body harness without shock-absorbing lanyards Encouraging using full body harness with shock-absorbing for any situation) Personal fall-arrest systems shall be rigged so that an employee can neither free fall more than 1.6 m (5 ft.) nor contact any lower level Anchor points and harnesses shall can support 22,200 Newton’s (5000 lb.) for everyone connecting to the anchor point Electrical conduit, plastic piping, or other inadequate anchorage points shall not be used for tie-offs Temporary lifelines shall be placed on elevated structures that are without means of fall protection (i.e., top tier of a pipe rack) A minimum of 6.5 mm (1/4 in) wire-rope cable or a minimum of 16 mm SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page 100 (5/8 in) nylon or 20 mm (3/4 in) manila rope shall be used The lifeline shall have a minimum breaking strength of 22,200 Newton’s (5000 lb.) When determining the size of the lifeline, consideration shall be given to the number of people attaching to the line between anchorage points at one time Lanyards shall have locking snap hooks attached to the ends The locking type has a self-closing, selflocking keeper that remains closed and locked until pressed and unlocked open for connection or disconnection The locking snap hook provides the best protection against rollout of the lanyard The use of none-locking snap hooks is prohibited Note: The lanyard shall be stowed in a manner that it does not create a tripping or snagging hazard while being used Retractable lifeline systems shall be used with a harness They shall be used when working on elevated work areas within which other means of attachment are not possible They shall be connected only to the "D" ring of the safety harness 4.6.6 Inspection of Equipment Equipment used for fall-protection shall be inspected before each use The user must perform a visual inspection to ensure safe equipment condition Any damaged or defective parts or equipment shall be removed from service immediately Some items to watch for during inspection include the following: Stitching Rivets Buckles Buckle taps D" Ring Connection points Test of PPE stability 4.6.7 Cuts Abrasions Acid damage Dry rot Burns General appearance Fall Protection Supervisor The contractor shall assign a competent qualified employee to oversee the fall protection program That person shall be responsible for the installation, maintenance, and repair of all lifelines and safety nets Anyone needing installation, maintenance, repair of any lifeline or safety net shall contact the fall protection supervisor The fall protection rigging supervisor shall oversee the correct installation of all lifelines in applications such as pipe racks, structures, building roofs, and tank walls/roofs, whichever applies Demonstration of use: Contractors shall demonstrate and train all their employees on the proper use of fall protection equipment and procedures 4.6.8 Ladders The use and erection of ladders shall comply with governmental requirements These shall include, but shall not be limited to: Each user shall visually inspect each ladder for defects before use While ascending, or descending a ladder, personnel shall not carry anything that will prevent holding onto the ladder with both hands A hand line shall be used, if necessary, to raise or lower materials and SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page 101 hand tools Ladders shall be securely tied off at the top to a permanent structure or object either supported by a second person during climbing/working on such ladder When working from ladders, the worker shall face the ladder and keep three-point-contact rule always, and never use three top rungs of the ladder All ladders shall have appropriate shoes or footings Workers shall not stand with their waist above the top step of a stepladder without wearing a safety harness that is tied off to a local structure or an anchor point located overhead Stepladders shall not be used leaning against a wall, structure, or equipment Stepladders may not be climbed while in any of these positions Metal ladders shall not be used unless an integral part of scaffolding Wood, Fiber-glass ladders are preferred because they protect against electrocution hazards Job-built ladders or ladders fabricated at the site are not acceptable, unless approved by the Archetype Group and his Client representative and constructed in accordance with national, provincial or local requirements 4.6.9 Scaffolds The use and erection of scaffolds shall comply with governmental requirements These shall include, but not be limited to: The contractor shall designate a competent company / person, as defined by national, provincial, and local regulations, to determine the feasibility, appropriate training, and fall protection required during erection, use, and dismantling of a scaffold This person shall possess the necessary credentials and training to be able to inspect, certify, and authorize changes to ensure a complete and safe system All scaffolds shall be erected level and plumb and be on a proper base support or directly connected to structural members capable of supporting all design loads (i.e., dead, and live loads, and factor of safety) No unsecured counterweight scaffold support shall be used Platforms shall be secured to the scaffold structure If a ladder is used for access, it shall extend above the landing platform a minimum of 1065 mm (42 in) for step through or 1525 mm (60 in) for side-step ladders For manufactured scaffold the ladder shall be mounted on the 1525 mm (60 in) side of the scaffold frame Access to the platform shall be through a swinging safety gate that will act as part of the handrail system Safety chains shall be installed on all scaffolds at all non-continuous handrail points or openings and may be used instead of the swing gate The length of any one-ladder run shall not exceed 6.7 m (25 ft.), and a landing shall be provided between vertical ladder runs For heavily accessed scaffolds, stairs shall be used instead of ladders Appropriate handrails, middle rails, toe boards, and cleats are required When timber planks are used for decking, they shall be tied down or secured to the scaffold structure at both ends The contractor shall provide the proper provisions for the safe lifting/hoisting of scaffold poles, fittings, and boards Lifting equipment must be designed to prevent the possibility of the scaffold falling over if the load snags SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page 102 When work is to take place under or near scaffolds or there is a high risk of falling work items, mesh, or screen material [25 mm (1 in) square opening, maximum] shall be installed to cover the opening from the toe board to the mid guardrail All scaffolding structures shall be inspected by a competent person before initial use, after repositioning or modification, and on a weekly basis thereafter After each inspection, a scaffold inspection tag shall be affixed to each scaffold noting the status No scaffold shall be used without a current tag or when uncorrected deficiencies have been identified Scaffold Tags may be obtained from the Archetype Group and his Client representative Scaffolds that are from a structure shall have redundant support (e.g., safety chains and cables) supporting the decked area Safe working loads on scaffolds shall not be exceeded and scaffold shall be posted to inform personnel of the load restrictions Rigging and hoisting shall never be done from scaffold handrails or braces Ladders shall not be used to extend the height of a scaffold by placing them on the working deck of the scaffold Only pre-manufactured or tubular and coupling scaffold materials are permitted Components used to join or attach scaffold members shall only be provided by the same manufacturer 4.6.10 Vehicle-Mounted, Elevating, and Rotating Aerial Devices Only personnel instructed or trained in the safe and proper operation of the aerial device using the manufacturer's operator plan, the user's work instructions, applicable government regulations, and "hands on" training shall be authorized to operate an aerial lift Operator certification shall be available for ARCHETYPE GROUP AND HIS CLIENT inspection Boom and basket load limits specified by the manufacturer shall not be exceeded All units shall be accompanied by a manufacturer's operator plan and have identification, operation, and instruction placards, decals, plates, or the equivalent that are readily visible Lift controls shall be tested each day before use to determine that such controls are in safe working condition Daily inspection shall also include visual and audible safety devices, hydraulic and pneumatic systems, instructing components, operational markings, and electrical apparatus Corrective actions shall be recorded in writing An annual inspection shall be performed and documented by a qualified person Inspection documentation shall be available to the Archetype Group and his Client representative Employees shall always stand firmly on the floor of the basket, and shall not sit or climb on the edge of the basket or use planks, ladders, or other devices for a work position A body harness shall be worn and a lanyard attached to the boom or basket when working from an aerial lift Attaching to an adjacent pole, structure, or equipment while working from an aerial lift shall not be permitted Articulating boom and extendible boom platforms, primarily designed as personnel carriers, shall have both platform (upper) and lower controls Upper controls shall be in or beside the platform within easy reach of the operator Lower controls shall provide for overriding the upper controls Controls shall be plainly marked as to their function Lower level controls shall not be operated unless permission has SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page 103 been obtained from the employee in the lift except in case of emergency An emergency-stop control shall be available at the platform If outriggers are provided, they shall be used to meet the unit's stability requirements according to the manufacturer's recommendations Ground conditions shall be evaluated to determine if mats need to be placed under outriggers All platforms shall have top and mid guard rails, toe boards, and an access gate Prior to moving, the operator shall confirm that there is adequate head and body clearance Gasoline- or diesel-powered man lifts shall not be operated inside a closed building or confined space The use of electrically powered man lifts or propane are recommended for this application If there is no alternative to the use of fuel-powered man lifts in this application, the contractor shall develop a plan and submit it to the Archetype Group and his Client representative for approval 4.6.11 Safety Nets Safety nets shall be provided when workplaces are more than 7.5 m (25 ft.) above the ground or when the use of ladders, scaffolds, platforms, temporary floors, safety lines, or body harnesses is impractical Nets shall extend the following distances beyond the edge of the work surface: 2.5 m (8 ft.) when the distance between the working level and net is less than 1.5 m (5 ft.) 3.05 m (10 ft.) when the distance from the working level to the net is between 1.5 m (5 ft.) and m (10 ft.) 3.96 m (13 ft.) when the distance from the working level to the net is over 3.05 m (10 ft) The nets shall meet acceptable performance standards of 17,500 foot-pounds minimum impact resistance and shall be tested before use Edge ropes shall provide a minimum breaking strength of 22,200 Newton’s (5000 pounds) For the test, a test weight [181 kg (400 lb.) bag of sand] shall be dropped from a height of 7.5 m (25 ft.) into the center of the net (which is the weakest point of the system) 4.6.12 Openings in Floors, Walls, and Stairwells All holes or openings through floors, decking, or walls at all elevations shall have properly sized hole covers or be barricaded immediately Floor openings shall be guarded by standard railings and toe boards or a cover All open-sided floors or platforms that are 220 mm (4 ft) or more above adjacent floor or ground level shall be guarded by standard railings or the equivalent on all open sides except where there is an entrance to a ramp, stairway, or fixed ladder A cover shall be secured so it cannot slip appreciably beyond the edge of the hole and be sturdy enough to hold the intended load that will be placed over it Covers shall be labelled in large letters with the word “hole.” Equipment or material shall not be stored on any hole-cover On all structures of two or more floors, stairways, ladders, or ramps shall be provided for employees during the construction period 4.7 Excavations, trenching, and shoring SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page 104 Excavation can be dangerous due to the risk of a trench collapse and the possibility of disturbing Underground services, such as a water main Before any excavation work commences, the contractor must obtain from Archetype Group an approved Permit to Excavate This will highlight the need to ensure: A suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks involved is undertaken and safe systems of work made clear to those involved in the works; Utility plans showing the location of underground services are to be obtained; The plans are interpreted by a competent person; Where the plans cannot be interpreted the utility company will be consulted for advice; A cable locator will be used to mark the position of the services up to meter outside the excavation area; Local authority plans showing drainage, fowl water, etc., are to be obtained; Suitable excavation equipment will be used and trial holes dug to confirm the location of the services; Mechanical excavation will not be used closer than 0.5 meter to the service; In the event of a service being damaged the utility company will be informed The area may need to be evacuated and the emergency services called where there is a risk to life or property; 4.7.1 Exposed services will be supported and protected to prevent movement and the risk of damage by other work The area must be cleared and approved by the Archetype Group and his Client representative before the start of excavation For work within an existing operating area see Section 27 of this specification for additional requirements An excavation may be classified as a confined space; therefore, the requirements of Section 15 shall apply 4.7.2 The contractor shall ensure that a competent person is onsite full time during excavation, shoring, and when there are open trenches Excavations and shoring shall be inspected, at a minimum, daily or when conditions change A copy of the competent person certificates(s) shall be made available to the Archetype Group and his Client representative 4.7.3 All soils shall be considered granular soils such as sands and gravels (referred to Class "C" in the United States) unless a soil testing laboratory determines and documents otherwise 4.7.4 An excavation work permit is required for any excavation that penetrates the ground more than 1000 mm This permit shall be obtained from the Archetype Group and his Client representative 4.7.5 All excavations within 1,000 mm (3 ft) of a known active underground pipeline, conduit, or cable shall be hand probed and dug using insulated tools If the underground utility cannot be located, all work at that location shall stop and the Archetype Group and his Client representative shall be notified immediately 4.7.6 In addition to potholing, hand-probing, and notification of the one-call system, the contractor shall employ the use of metal detectors and other underground location devices to aid in locating underground lines and obstructions 4.7.7 All excavations must have safe access ways, be properly barricaded, and at night have flashing light at the perimeter of excavation SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page 105 4.7.8 All excavations 1,220 mm (4 ft) or deeper into which personnel might be allowed to enter (no matter how briefly) shall be shored, benched, and/or sloped or shall comply with governmental requirements if they are more stringent 4.7.9 Spoil dirt or excavated material may be used to barricade one side of a ditch or similar excavation All dirt must be piled at least 1,220 mm (4 ft) back from the edge of the excavation and must be at least 1,065 mm (42 in) high when used as a barricade 4.7.10 Access and egress ladders are required in any excavation at a maximum of 7.5 m (25 ft) of lateral travel from personnel within the excavation or according to governmental requirements if they are more stringent 4.7.11 Excavation walls shall be inspected by a competent person before personnel enter and after a heavy rain or thaw Shoring shall be inspected daily or more often in extremely wet weather 4.7.12 Nobody is permitted to enter an excavation while equipment is being operated next to the edge **Special attention shall be given when working near to drilled piers and other potential cave-in hazards 4.8 Steel erection 4.8.1 Structural steel erection shall comply with governmental requirements This shall include, but not be limited to, the following: During the placing of structural members, the load shall not be released from the hoisting line until the members are secured at each connection with not less than two bolts (or the equivalent) that is drawn up wrench tight Before extra members are assembled, all primary structure joint bolts must be in place Under no circumstances shall the second level of the structure be erected until all the primary structure joint bolts of the first elevation are installed and torqued Taglines or guidelines shall be used for controlling loads Multiple loads shall not be lifted simultaneously by a single crane or lead line 4.8.2 Erection of stairs, handrails, and grating shall be performed concurrently with the structure being erected Erection of the next level may not proceed until they have been completed 4.8.3 The fall protection requirements of Section 4.6 of this specification shall be enforced during steel erection activities 4.9 Lifting Operations 4.9.1 Moving Heavy Loads When moving heavy loads around, there are some practical things that should be done to prevent accidents Firstly, loads should never be moved over people at work If a load needs to be moved where workers or members of the public are present, the area must have barriers or other means to ensure no one is allowed to walk under the load while it is moving Secondly, a trained and certificated banksman (spotter) should always be used when moving heavy loads by crane A Banksman is someone who watches the moving load at all times, and who communicates with SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page 106 the crane driver Often, the driver of the crane is unable to see the load, especially during touch-down, so it is essential that good communication exists between the banksman and the driver Tag lines are used to guide the load away from other structures as it moves from the pick-up point to the touch-down area Tag lines, which are usually attached to the load, are guided by members of the lift crew 4.9.2 Lifting Equipment The first thing to consider is the equipment All equipment used for lifting or moving heavy loads should be properly constructed For example, equipment carrying a CE mark ensures that is has been constructed to international standards In addition, equipment that meets these standards will have documented test procedures that should be adhered to before using the equipment Certain types of lifting equipment, such as cranes, must be inspected by a qualified engineer on a regular basis 4.9.3 Lifting Accessories This means the various items used for attaching the load to the lifting equipment Load means any load or item being lifted or lowered including people The following are examples of lifting equipment or operations: A rope or pulley used to lift a bucket of cement on a building site; A crane, mobile crane, tower crane, etc.; A vehicle tail lift; A mobile elevated working platform (MEWP) (Cherry picker); A loader crane fitted to a lorry for delivery purposes; Tripod and man riding winch The following are examples of lifting accessories: Chains; Slings; Eyebolts; Shackles; Lifting beams; Ropes, wire cables, hooks; Rescue harnesses 4.9.4 Lift Plans For operations that use cranes, a formal Lift Plan or Hoist Permit must be prepared Lift plans are a type of risk assessment, whereby the hazards of the operation are carefully considered, the risks are calculated, and suitable control measures are identified and put in place Before any lift proceeds, the lift plan should be discussed with the lift team, because it gives everyone concerned with the lift an opportunity to ask questions about their role in the operation SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page 107 The main purpose of a Lift Plan or Hoist Permit is that it will prompt you to consider control methodologies such as: Eliminating conflicting movements; Ensuring that all lift equipment (including lifting accessories) are subject to test and inspection regimes; Ensuring only competent crane personnel i.e operator, slinger, signaler and banksmen are deployed; Ensuring that weather constraints are recognized and monitored; Ensuring effective communication from ground to operator is understood and unique to each crane The risk potential when working with one or more crane is recognized and further specific information on the application of Lift Plans or Hoist Permits can be found in the supporting OHSE Catalogue 5.0 ENVIRONMENT REQUIREMENT 5.1 Wastewater When the construction of a section or system of the project has reached a stage of completion such that commissioning, testing of that equipment or system may start, it will be generated wastewater The contractor must report to Archetype Group and his Client HSE team on their wastewater quality by sampling and analyzing or by their available analysis result in similar previous process Water flush permit must be submitted to and approved by Archetype Group and his Client HSE team before discharge such waste water Dumping them into storm drainage or domestic wastewater with exceeded standard discharge limit of domestic waste water will be forbidden at site According to the local legislation, the contractor will be in charge of discharge and treating such waste water In case Archetype Group and his Client construction site have finished its own wastewater treatment plant, either the sewage system is available, Archetype Group and his Client HSE team will support the contractor how to discharge their occurred waste water in proper way 5.2 Solid waste and hazardous waste management The contractor shall address how solid waste and Hazardous Waste will be managed; minimum contents include: 5.2.1 Solid Waste Recyclable solid wastes include: wood, cardboard, glass, paper, aluminum, plastic, ferrous metals (copper, stainless steel, and so forth) must be collected and segregated from domestic waste to reduce generated waste and increase recycled waste (Reduce, recycle) Acknowledge that Contractor shall not permit removal of waste(s) from the Site for personal or other use 5.2.2 Hazardous Waste Normally, all used oil, used lubricant, residue chemical/painting, empty chemical/painting containers, printer cartridges, printer ink, contaminated clothes and PPE by chemicals or oil, medical waste will be considered as hazardous waste Contact Archetype Group and his Client Representative to be further advised types as well as the disposal method of hazardous waste at construction site Describe method to properly collect, identify, and label Hazardous Wastes SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page 108 Identify the disposal plan, including removal of Hazardous Materials brought on- site by Contractor All hazardous waste generated at Archetype Group and his Client must be managed by authorized suppliers according to local law requirement 6.0 OTHER REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Control of Contractors 6.1.1 Pre-Qualification The Company holds historical data on approved contractors Additional vetting of contractors is carried out immediately prior to contract commencement, requiring relevant OHSE information to be provided Application of this process assists Archetype Group in compliance with the OHSE legislation in each country 6.1.2 OHSE in Outsourcing The term outsourcing covers two main areas: a Where Archetype Group obtain the services of consultants or contractors b Where Archetype Group works as an Engineering, Procurement, and Construction Management (EPCM) consultant, making commitments for and on behalf of and for the account of a Client or where Archetype Group acts as a Project Manager and bears the responsibility for compiling complete tender packages for and on behalf of the Client, to procure the services of an Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) Contractor For all out-sourcing the Archetype Group Project Manager (or in case of non-project related outsourcing the Office Director) bears the responsibility to: Make sure the specific hazards and risks for the outsourced work are identified and controlled and that emergency preparedness is in place; Inspect and if necessary correct the OHSE related aspects during the execution of the outsourced work; Make sure that whenever applicable the minimum requirements as given in this OHSE Manual are reflected in the consultants or contractors contract for the outsourced work; 6.1.3 Consultants and Contractors All enquiries for consultancy and contracting shall be made using Archetype Group’s standard consultancy or contracting agreement All OHSE documents and requirements that form part of the Contract between Archetype Group and its Client will be included, when appropriate, in the enquiry for consultancy or contracting services Where no such documents exist, Archetype Group shall include its own OHSE Requirement of Contract or parts hereof whatever is applicable for the nature of the outsourced work No commitment shall be made with a consultant or contractor unless the consultant or contractor has clearly accepted, without reservation, the contents of the consultancy or contracting agreement, including the OHSE content and the terms of the Site Safety Blueprint Engineering, Procurement and Construction Management (EPCM) / Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (PMC) In cases of a EPCM/PMC the Archetype Group Project Manager must actively pursue the Client to obtain a full inventory of the SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page 109 OHSE systems and procedures that the Client normally employs to maintain acceptable OHSE performance These systems and procedures must be included in tender documents that will be issued to vendors and contractors Archetype Group shall actively challenge the completeness and accuracy of the Client’s systems and procedures or add their own specific OHSE requirements Where EPCM/PMC activities require new vendors or contractors to be qualified for bidding, stringent OHSE qualification criteria must be agreed with the Client prior to the commencement of any prequalification being performed Enquiry packages for Purchase Orders and Contracts will only be issued to vendors and Contractors who are qualified to bid, either by their inclusion in an existing list of approved bidders or identification through prequalification exercises Enquiry packages will always include dedicated section on OHSE requirements and evaluation criteria for bidder’s responses to the enquiry must be agreed with the Client prior to the bid closing date of any enquiry In most cases the Archetype Group contract stipulates that we shall supervise contractor OHSE activities and that we shall comment, challenge and approve contractors OHSE documents (when deemed acceptable and prior to start of the work) 6.1.4 Pre-Start Contractor Kick-Off Meeting All contractors have responsibility for the safety, health and welfare of their employees, contractors, and anybody else impacted upon by the contractor’s activities always The exact Archetype Group requirements will be outlined to contractors through a formal pre-start KO meeting chaired by an Archetype Group representative The agenda for the pre-start contractor kick -off meeting can be found in the supporting OHSE Catalogue Commissioning and start-up When the construction of a section or system of the project has reached a stage of completion such that commissioning, energizing, or pressurizing of that equipment or system may start, it will be defined as an "operating area" A Safe to Commission Certificate (STCC) will be issued by the Archetype Group and his Client representative to clearly document which safety measures have been put into place to enable safe commissioning of the designated system From that time onward, the responsibility for all activity within the "operating area" will be that of the Archetype Group and his Client's plant manager, and no work may proceed without their knowledge and permission After construction and/or installation is complete, the contractors’ representative will notify the Archetype Group and his Client's representative in writing that a given system (e.g., building, line, vessel, equipment, area) has been completed and is ready for commissioning, pressurizing, and energizing of the system Just before placing the system into an "operating state," the Archetype Group and his Client representative will notify the contractor in writing and provide a list of the involved system(s) and any restrictions Safe to Operate Certificate (STOC) will be issued by the Archetype Group and his Client representative to clearly document the systems or sections that are operating and what safety measures are required to perform remaining punch list items The contractor shall post notices where they can be reviewed frequently by all contractor and subcontractor employees The Archetype Group and his Client representative might also want to post a notice for their operators The Archetype Group and his Client may elect to barricade these areas to prevent entry by unauthorized personnel SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page 110 6.2 Penalty / Award 6.2.1 Penalty System Staff and workers of contractors / subcontractors who exhibit a poor attitude toward safe work and safety procedures will not be allowed to continue to work Employees removed from this job due to safety violations will not be allowed to return to work without proper authorization The Company and its representatives will impose a penalty system for people violating the rules and regulations as described in this document by means of the Yellow / Red Card system A violator will receive a yellow card, and he/she will be immediately expelled from site for that day Right after, the employer of the violator will be fined depending on the level of risk posed by the unsafe acts or unsafe conditions The amount – approved by client - will be deducted by the Client from the monthly payment claim of the contractor The amount of money includes total number of fines on Yellow Card, Red Card, and Stop/Delay on schedule A person who has received (two) yellow cards, will be given a red card A red card involves expulsion from the site Depending on the seriousness of the violation, Archetype Group, and his Client HSE Manager and the Contractor Site Manager will decide the duration of the expulsion with minimum of one week The Site OHSE Manager report weekly in the weekly report the status of yellow cards, and red cards, and fines issued in the previous week The responsibility chart is applied for violator as follows, contractors / subcontractors shall ensure supervision and instruct their workers to comply with OHSE system Responsibility Chart Needs to be updated as per requirements The following rules shall be applied: Worker gets Yellow Card – Verbal warning to supervisor Same worker gets Yellow card – suspension from site for the day, Supervisor Yellow card Worker gets Red card, suspension from site, 1week; Supervisor yellow card + suspension from site for the day Two workers get red card, the team leader gets a yellow card, and the contractor HSE gets a yellow card Two team leaders get red card, the contractor HSE gets yellow card, and Site Engineer gets a yellow card Two contractors HSE get red card, the Site Engineer gets a yellow card, ACT HSE get yellow card Two Site Engineers get red card, Archetype Group HSE gets a yellow card, site manager gets yellow card Detail penalty program will be depended on site and to be informed as a part of induction training program 6.2.2 Safety Awards Program SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page 111 Every three months from commence date of construction, working on site without LTI, Archetype Group and his Client will reward the teams and workers of contractor(s) on site If LTI occurs, a new three months period will start from the day after the LTI occurrence 6.3 Change management and risk assessment 6.3.1 All of the changes at work-site, for those are not mentioned in this Site OHSE plan, shall be informed in writing to Archetype Group and his Client representative(s) Risk assessment shall be done according to the Corporate OHSE Plan, Site Safety Plan to prevent accident, illness, environmental harm, property damage and general loss Approvals from Archetype Group and his Client representative(s) shall be confirmed in writing prior to further actions 6.3.2 Archetype Group representative(s) shall report all the changes and solutions to Office HSE Manager in order to monitor and to update this Site OHSE plan In the case that the Client want to use his OHSE plan, Archetype Group QHSE Manager and Project Manager shall verify the content to ensure that minimum requirements are met Differences between two plans shall be agreed mutually in writing to both parties prior to executing the project 6.3.3 Contractor(s) shall prepare the site notice board to post all of the information regarding the HSE conditions and statuses of the site The notice board shall be updated in a regular basis according to the changes on site The notice board must contain at least (but not limit to): Emergency response plan Safety requirements and instructions Incident/ Accident Indicators Safety Practices and improvements Safety Training Statuses Safety Penalty/ Awards 6.4 Monitoring & Review Compliance with this plan and specific country legislation is monitored by: 6.4.1 OHSE Coordinator Inspections & Coaching The OHSE Coordinator will undertake a thorough OHSE inspection of projects to agreed timescales The OHSE Coordinator will review the report with Archetype Group site management and with a senior contractor representative (where applicable) to ensure an understanding is reached on the reason for the intervention and the implementation of effective control measures to eliminate or reduce, control or reduce the risk level 6.4.2 Construction Management Inspections & Coaching Regular daily inspections of site activities by Archetype Group site management including the completion of a weekly written inspection report forwarded to the OHSE Coordinator Copies of the weekly OHSE Inspection Report will be forwarded to the client if required SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page 112 6.4.3 Planned Audits & Coaching All active Archetype Group sites will partake in audits of the application of the OHSE Management System to agreed timescales 6.4.4 Senior Management Review & Balanced Score Cards (BSCs) Archetype Group Senior Management will review OHSE performance monthly where statistics will be analyzed for trends, initiatives and other actions agreed to eliminate or reduce, control or reduce the risk level The cornerstone of the analysis methodology is the setting of Key OHSE Objectives via the Balanced Score Card which the Senior Management deems currently to be the major risk potential within our operations 7.0 Appendix Number Title Prepare by Corporate OHSE Manual Archetype Group Site Organization chart Archetype Group Mandatory Signature SCHAEFFLER VIETNAM NEW FACTORY Project – Package WP1 – Tender Document Book Page 113

Ngày đăng: 05/11/2019, 11:13



