NGOẠI NGỮ 24H WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN Lesson Sound /r/ I II SPELLING Spelling r rr wr rh Examples red, around carrot, purring write rhythm Frequency often often sometimes rarely HOW TO MAKE SOUND /R/ - Turn the tip of your tongue up as in the picture - Do not touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue - The sides of your tongue should touch your top back teeth If the /r/ comes at the beginning of a word, like Round, the lips may take a very tight circle Ex: Run Ring Wrong Rich Rhythm If /r/ comes at the end of a word or a syllable, it may be more relaxed, like Father Ex: father daughter car Far Doctor Better Spoken /r/ If you see an /r/ before a vowel sound, it is spoken Ex: Right – red – alright – around – nearest Bright – trust – children – arrow – rhyme Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội Silent /r/ (some parts only: England, South Africa, Australia) - At the end of a word near – four – car – fur – clear - Followed by a silence more – there – share – fire – pure - Followed by a consonant sound force – nurse – argue – start – burn - work – heard – girl - warn Practice: The nurse started to cure the four men of their diseases I'm super thirsty Please pour me some more water Did you park the car near here, or did you park it over there? Did you ever tell your manager that you got here so early? The linking /r/ If you see an /r/ between two vowel sounds, it is spoken Remember: vowel sounds, not vowel spelling!!! far /fɑː(r)/ Far away /fɑːrəˈweɪ/ there /ðeə(r)/ There is /ðerɪz/ clear /klɪə(r)/ Clear up /klɪərʌp / never /ˈnevə(r)/ Never again /ˈnevərəˈɡen/ III PRONOUNCE /R/ FAMILY /ɔːr/ Short /ʃɔːrt/ /ɑːr/ part /pɑːrt/ TYPE THE DOCUMENT TITLE Thorn /θɔːrn/ Smart phone /smɑːrt foʊn/ More /mɔːr/ Heart /hɑːrt/ NGOẠI NGỮ 24H WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN /ɜːr/ First /fɜːrst/ / ɪr/ Year / jɪr/ Burn /bɜːrn/ Period /ˈpɪriəd/ Bird /bɜːrd/ Beer /bɪr/ /ʊr/ Sure /sʊr/ Poor /pʊr/ Tour /tʊr/ Share /ʃer/ Hair / her/ /er/ Care / ker/ Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội IV PRACTICE Exercise 1: Divide the following words into two groups: Spoken /r/ and silent /r/ Arrange Doctor Rare Storm Poor Sorrow Sorry Rich Arrive Better Road Raise Right Car Crack Wonderful Wrong Core Quarter Restaurant Group Real Depart Marry Exercise 2: Which word did you hear? Long - Wrong Jelly - Jerry Glass - Grass Collect - Correct Lane - Rain Round - Loud Reading - Leading Red - Sad Cloud - Crowd 10 Right - Might 11 Pirate - Pilot 12 Ring - Sing 13 Write - Light 14 Rock - Sock 15 Fly - Fry Exercise 3: Listen and fill each blank with one word having sound /r/ Then read aloud Hey, look! I found these old _ _ in a _ bin! _ again – what _ weather! Are you _ sure this is the _ _ ? Stop _ _ the _ We’ve got to get _ to go out A: Oh, no I’ve lost an _ B; I’m _ Anna _ it! A: _up! B: Why? It isn’t a _ A: We’re _ late! B: Don’t _, they’ll wait till we _ TYPE THE DOCUMENT TITLE NGOẠI NGỮ 24H WWW.NGOAINGU24H.VN Exercise 4: Read the hints aloud Identify the creature described The names of the creatures all contain the consonant [r] This creature has black and white stripes This creature is a _ This forest creature has long ears and is a celebrity at Easter This creature is a _ This creature has large antlers and is around at Christmas This creature is a _ This creature has spots and a very long neck This creature is a _ This creature lives in the arctic, is large, and is very hungry This creature is a polar This forest creature carries her babies in a pouch This creature is a _ This friendly creature “croaks” and says “ribbit, ribbit." This creature is a _ This forest creature is a very talkative bird This colorful creature is a _ This fierce creature has black and yellow stripes This ferocious creature is a 10 This graceful creature started as a caterpillar This pretty creature is a Exercise 5: Listen to the dialogue, paying attention to the target sound Then practice reading the conversation aloud LARA: Are all the up now, Ruth? RUTH: Oh, yes, Lara Ruby is the one She's a in the public LARA: And what about Laura? RUTH: She's a at the central station LARA: And what about Rose? She was always a child RUTH: Rose is a in a in Paris She's to an electrician LARA: And what about Jerry and Roland? RUTH: Jerry a He drives in LARA: ? Which countries does he drive to? RUTH: France and Austria and Greece and Russia LARA: And does Roland drive a too? RUTH: Oh, no Roland is a pilot, Lara LARA: ? Which countries does he fly to? RUTH: Australia and America “Các em xem đáp án chữa” Đăng ký học: 0962 60 8801 – 04 6260 3948 Địa chỉ: Số 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội ... Better Road Raise Right Car Crack Wonderful Wrong Core Quarter Restaurant Group Real Depart Marry Exercise 2: Which word did you hear? Long - Wrong Jelly - Jerry Glass - Grass Collect - Correct... /fɜːrst/ / r/ Year / j r/ Burn /bɜːrn/ Period /ˈpɪriəd/ Bird /bɜːrd/ Beer /b r/ / r/ Sure /s r/ Poor /p r/ Tour /t r/ Share /ʃer/ Hair / her/ /er/ Care / ker/ Đăng ký học: 09 62 60 8801 – 04 626 0 3948... 18 Trần Đại Nghĩa – Q Hai Bà Trưng – Hà nội IV PRACTICE Exercise 1: Divide the following words into two groups: Spoken /r/ and silent /r/ Arrange Doctor Rare Storm Poor Sorrow Sorry Rich Arrive