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VIETNAM ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES PHAM NGOC HUONG QUYNH STATE MANAGEMENT OF AGRICULTURAL LAND ACQUASITION IN HANOI PHÁT TRIỂN HỢÁC XÃ VẬN TÀI THỦY-BỘ Majors: Economic Management Major Code: SUMMARY OF DOCTORIAL DISSERTATION IN ECONOMICS HANOI – 2019 The research is completed at: GRADUATE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES VIETNAM ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Group of scientific supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Ngoc Thanh Dr Nguyen Dinh Duong Reviewer 1: Assoc Prof Dr To Trung Thanh Reviewer 2: Assoc Prof Dr Pham Thị Hong Diep Reviewer 3: Assoc Prof Dr Bui Tat Thang The dissertation will be presented at the Academy-level Dissertation Committee, in Graduate Academy of Social Sciences, 477 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi At the time …… hour, date ……… month …… year …… The thesis can be found at: - Library of Graduate Academy of Social Sciences - National library of Vietnam INTRODUTION The necessity of the topic Since the expansion of administrative boundaries in 2008, in Hanoi, including the center and the surrounding areas of city, there are large areas of agricultural land acquired The process of converting agricultural land into urban land and using it for industrial, service and infrastructure activities helps promote the process of economic restructuring of the locality to become more advanced, contributing to socio-economic development However, this process significantly has narrowed the area of agricultural land and affected a large number of people who relied heavily on agricultural production in Hanoi In order for this transition to take smoothly, the State has issued and implemented policies to support the process of land acquisition This is considered as one of the basic tools used by the State to manage land, regulating the process of changing land use purposes, allocating and using land resources more effectively However, the implementation of land acquisition is showing many shortcomings in practice In Hanoi, the shortcomings mainly come from those cases of acquisition of agricultural land to serve socio-economic development projects for national and public interests These projects, although, are served the national and public interests, bring great investment opportunities for real estate business due to the differential ground rent for landlords Therefore, investors always aim at “gold” lands to set up projects to earn profit Meanwhile, the interests of the State, especially the interests of the people whose land is recovered are not adequately secured The compensation for agricultural land for people is often not enough to buy similar agricultural land, or urban land, also not enough for transfering to non-agricultural jobs In addition, ensuring livelihoods, jobs, and creating living conditions for people after land acquisition has not been well done, making many difficulties for people In this situation, the role of State management in the process of recovery of agricultural land is extremely important Vietnam, as well as Hanoi in particular, for a long time, has focused on improving the capacity of State management on land, and land acquisition, but there still appear many weaknesses in both theorical and practical implementation For example, the perception and viewpoints of citizens on management are simple, considering management just only is the task of State agencies; or the managers not pay enough attention the feedback from society, not encourage the involve of different stakeholders; or management content and management methods are not suitable with practical requirements; or the assessment of management results is not based on the system of scientific evaluation criteria, etc Therefore, many policies are still irrational; the implementation of policies is still lack of transparency, cannot create consensus among citizens; land resources have not been used effectively and wasted; corruption, negativity, mistakes, are spreaded causing grievances and complaints In this context, if State management in the process of recovering agricultural land is not changed, it will easily lead to the lack of trust and annoyance of citizens Therefore, the change of State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition is extremely necessary The change of State management in the process of recovery of agricultural land is difficult, so this should be based on scientific theories, and has comprehensive and proper solutions From the above theoretical and practical issues, it is necessary to understand and evaluate the State management in the process of recovering agricultural land in Hanoi, determining the direction of future innovation to help managing process to achieve higher results Purpose and content of thesis 2.1 Purpose of thesis Based on systematizing the basis theory of State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition, the dissertation evaluates the state management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Ha Noi from 2008 to 2018, showing the successes and limitations of this management Then, proposing solutions to overcome the negative aspects, to promote the positive aspects of State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi in the future 2.2 Content of thesis To achieve that purpose, the thesis follows several tasks: - Overviewing the theoretical framework of agricultural land acquisition and State management, including definitions, nature, content, methods and impact factors in the process of agricultural land acquisition - Developing a system of criteria to assess State management in the process of land acquisition - Analyzing and assessing the situation of State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi from 2008 to 2018 Clarifying the successes, limitations and causes of the limitations of this management process - Proposing solutions to renovate State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi in the future Objective and scope of thesis 3.1 Objective of thesis The thesis researchs on the State management in the process of land acquisition 3.2 Scope of thesis - Scope of content: The thesis explores the State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition, in which, the State management focuses on 03 contents (building the legal systerm; implementing policy; and inspecting, superving and resoluting complaints), and the process of agricultural land acquisition is focused on the process of changing land use purposes; and the process of transferring land use rights In addition, the thesis only focuses on researching the State management on projects to recover agricultural land to move to use for socio-economic development purposes for the national and public interests (including projects on construction of public agencies, infrastructure development, transportation, urban development, rural residential areas, urban embellishment, development of industrial zone, etc.) - Scope of space: The area of Hanoi since expansing administrative boundaries in 2008 - Scope of time: Secondary data is collected for the period from 2008 to 2018; primary data is collected in 2018; the proposal of management change is proposed to 2030 Methodology and method of thesis 4.1 Analytical framework of the thesis 4.2 Particular research methods Methods for data collection: The thesis uses two data sources: - Secondary data The thesis is based on the results of analysing secondary documents, which are studies related to the state management in the process of agricultural land recovery, helping the author to study and synthesize views and make your conclusions according to your own approach - Primary data was collected through sociological surveys The purpose of this method is to survey and assess the fact of State management in the agricultural acquisition process in Hanoi in the period of 2008 - 2018 The topic was surveyed with a sample of 278, of which: 246 votes for farmer households whose agricultural land is withdrawn in areas with large projects of Hanoi land acquisition; and 32 votes for commune-level officials and public employees in the above localities Methods used in thesis research: - Research methods at the table - Methods of analysis and synthesis - Descriptive statistics method - Professional consultation method - The method of analyzing problem trees New scientific contributions of the thesis - The thesis analyzes and clarifies the nature, purpose, content, and management methods of the State in the process of recovering agricultural land to ensure the development objectives of the State, ensuring harmony of interests between groups related to the process of land acquisition - The thesis also clarifies the factors affecting this management - The thesis proposes a set of criteria to evaluate the state management in the process of land acquisition - The thesis analyzes and assesses the status of State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi in the period of 2008-2018; clarifíes the successes, limitations and causes of this limitations - The thesis provides views and solutions to renovate the state management according to the needs of socio-economic development and State management requirements in Hanoi toward 2030 The theoretical and practical significance of the thesis - Theoretical significance: The thesis contributes to enrich the scientific background of State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition, including theoretical issues about the process of agricultural land recovery and State management in the process of agricultural land recovery - Practical significance: The systerm of evaluation criteria will be a good reference; The survey data will be important evidence and basis; The proposed solutions will be practical suggestions Structure of thesis In addition to the Introduction, Conclusion, List of references, and Appendix, the thesis is organized into 04 chapters: Chapter Literature review on State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition Chapter Theorical issues and experience on State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition Chapter State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi Chapter Views and solutions to continue to innovate in state management in the process of agricultural land acquisition CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW ON STATE MANAGEMENT IN THE PROCESS OF AGRICULTURAL LAND ACQUISITION 1.1 Overview of overseas studies on State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition Studies abroad can be generalized including the following trends: - Research on the role and function of State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition - Research on the ways and practices of State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition 1.2 Overview of domestic studies on State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition Studies in Vietnam can be generalized including the following trends: - Research on the role and function of State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition - Studies on State management practices in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Vietnam - Studies on State management practices in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi city 1.3 General assessment of studies The review of domestic and foreign studies helps the thesis to inherit theoretical background along with diversified viewpoints and approaches on State management for agricultural land recovery; to provide practical management of agricultural land acquisition to change to non-agricultural purposes in association with effective use of land resources and socio-economic development in many countries, to provide the particular situation of Hanoi and other localities in Vietnam Regarding the research field of thesis, there have been relatively many studies, but there still exist problems that have not been studied The research gap can be seen as: - There are still absent researches on State management in the process of agricultural land recovery in Hanoi, standing on the perspective of “good governance” and the basic characteristics of this model - The application of approaches to State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in the direction of market such as “benefit sharing”, “land contribution”, development of “transferable development rights” on the sitiation of Hanoi still needs to be studied further - There are not many analytical works and assessment of the reality of State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi but using the evaluation criteria system based on the viewpoint of “good governance” - Many authors have proposed solutions and recommendations to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of State management, as well as to solve shortcomings and conflicts of interests in the process of land acquisition However, the application and performance of these solutions in fact is not high CHAPTER THEORETICAL ISSUES AND EXPERIENCE 2.1 Some theoretical issues about State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition 2.1.1 Overview of the process of agricultural land acquisition Definitions and characteristics of agricultural land acquisition The dissertation introduces the concept of agricultural land acquisition, which is the state's use of its power to regain the right to use the agricultural land area of land users (possibly individuals and organizations, households and communities) have been granted the right to use by the State previously, to serve the national and public purposes Countries only use this power is limited when it is necessary in the interests of society, public purposes, or for the benefit of public Recovery of agricultural land can be done in many different forms in different countries The State may rely on or not rely on markets for agricultural land acquisition, but some countries require the State to try to “buy” land before using force to enforce recovery In Vietnam, in terms of form, the recovery of agricultural land is an administrative decision, expressed in the form of an administrative document of a competent State agency In particular, the State uses the power to recover the right to use the agricultural land area allocated to individuals and organizations, for the purpose acquisition are the overall methods of intentional impact of the State on the subjects involved in the process of land acquisition in order to achieve the objectives set out in specific conditions for certain space and time a Policy and legislation; b Land use plan; c Financial instruments; e Propaganda and advocacy; d Administrative tools 2.1.3 Factors affecting the state management in the process of agricultural land acquisition Internal factors a Organization and operation of the political system; b Institution of economy on land management; c Organizing the State management apparatus on land; d The contingent of cadres and civil servants; e Public finance External factors a The support and participation of the people for the State management apparatus on land and agricultural land acquisition; b Cultural, historical, customary and traditional elements; c The trend of renovation of state management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in the world; d Shortcomings in resolving benefit relations between the State, investors and farmers in the process of agricultural land acquisition 2.1.4 Criteria for evaluating State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition Criteria of the World Bank (WB) Criteria of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Proposing criteria for evaluating State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition The systerm of criteria includes the system of 07 criteria groups (transparency, responsiveness, people's participation, fairness, effectiveness, effectiveness, accountability), 21 evaluation criteria Specifically, with 03 levels (Good, Medium, Weak), for 03 contents 11 (building laws and legal bases, implementing, and inspecting and supervising) of State management in the process of recovering agricultural land Table 2.1 Criteria for evaluating State management in the process of recovering agricultural land Group of criteria Transparency Responsivenes s Participation of the people Evaluati on methods The clarity and publicity of policies, laws and regulations on land acquisition for people whose agricultural land is recovered Accessibility to information on local land price lists of people whose agricultural land is withdrawn The publicity of the benefits and costs of projects that require land acquisition for people whose agricultural land is recovered The use of benefit-sharing mechanisms among target groups when carrying out agricultural land acquisition The appropriateness of policies, laws, and regulations on agricultural land acquisition with practical requirements The ability of complaints and denunciations of people whose agricultural land is withdrawn The nature and extent of participation of people and stakeholders (socio-political organizations, professional social organizations, public service organizations, scientists, experts and applications) media) in the process of developing policies and laws on agricultural land acquisition in the locality The nature and extent of participation of people and stakeholders (socio-political organizations, professional social organizations, public service organizations, scientists, experts and applications) media) to develop the local land price list Negotiations between the competent authority and the person whose land is withdrawn on the land acquisition plan 10 The negotiation between the competent authority and the person whose land is withdrawn on compensation and support plan 11 Consultation with independent agencies and experts 12 Fairness Effectiveness Effectiveness Accountability to help people whose land is recovered twelfth Satisfaction of compensation and support for people whose agricultural land is withdrawn 13 The fairness of compensation and support for people whose land is recovered 14 Effectiveness of the payment of compensation and assistance to people whose agricultural land is withdrawn 15 Time to pay compensation and support for people whose agricultural land is withdrawn 16 The nature and time of settling complaints and denunciations of people whose agricultural land is withdrawn 17 Using budgets, resources, institutional capacity to implement policies and laws on agricultural land acquisition in the locality 18 Use of land resources after recovery of agriculture 19 Duplication of functions and tasks of management agencies in the process of land acquisition 20 Examination and accountability requirements of people and stakeholders (political-social groups, professional social organizations, public service organizations, scientists, experts, applications) media) for state agencies 21 Sanctioning penalties when State agencies can not explain 2.1 International and domestic experience on State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition 2.2.1 Experience of some countries Chinese experience Experience of Korea Experience of Australia 2.2.2 Experience of some localities Experience of Ho Chi Minh City Experience of Da Nang City Experience of Bac Ninh province 2.2.3 Lessons learned for Hanoi City on State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition 13 Firstly, lesson on perceiving the role and management function of the State; Second, lesson on creating benefit-sharing mechanisms; Thirdly, lesson on approaches to compensation and support; Fourth, lesson on setting up a dialogue mechanism CHAPTER STATE MANAGEMENT IN THE AGRICULTURAL LAND REVENUE PROCESS ON HANOI LOCATION 3.1 Overview of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi 3.1.1 Current status of agricultural land use in Hanoi After expanding administrative boundaries in 2008, from 2009 to 2017, the total natural land area of Hanoi city increased by 1,399 hectares In particular, the area of agricultural land increased by 6,695 hectares in years, while the area of non-agricultural land and unused land decreased 5,296 hectares in the same period Current status of land use in the last years (in the period of 2015 - 2017), it can be seen that the area of agricultural land and unused land tends to decrease Agricultural land decreased by 1,639 ha, unused land decreased by 266 from 2015 to 2017 Meanwhile, non-agricultural land (including urban land, rural land, and specialized land) increased 1,863 in same time That shows that agricultural land continues to be primarily soils are collected in order to serve the purpose for living and building 3.1.2 The fact of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi In the period 2015 - 2018, the total number of projects and land acquisition area always increases with a large number of years; however, the number of projects and the area of the State approved by the city government has not increased significantly, even decreased in 2017 and 2018 That shows the policy, development strategy and interest of the city government in keeping the agricultural land area from falling sharply in the coming years 3.2 State management in the pro cess o f ag ricultural 14 land acquis itio n in Hano i 3.2.1 Building legal condition Through the author's survey from Hanoi National Database of Legal Documents, from January 2009 to December 12, 2016, People's Council and City People's Committee announced about 74 legal normative documents laws relating to land management, directly or indirectly related to agricultural land acquisition, (including, City Council issued resolutions; City People's Committee issued 65 decisions) Among them, there are 17 separate documents adjusting the process of land acquisition and agricultural land acquisition 3.2.2 Organizing the implementation of agricultural land recovery In Hanoi, agricultural land is reclaimed for socio-economic development for national and public interests to serve projects such as construction of public works; infrastructure development, transportation; develop KDT, rural residential areas, urban embellishment; developing IPs, EPZs etc Currently, the main form is to acquire agricultural land when an investment project is approved for the land Households eligible for compensation when the state collected in agricultural land will be compensated in cash at the specific price by the city People's Committee decision In addition, households and individuals whose land is acquired can be granted other agricultural land or service land, and enjoy other support levels such as life stabilization assistance, training support, and job conversion, find jobs, borrow money, etc State management agencies involved in the process of agricultural land acquisition are structured into 03 levels (provincial, district and commune levels) In addition, the state management agencies involved in the process of land acquisition have implemented the arrangement of cadres and civil servants in state management, training and retraining, improving qualifications and expertise, professional subject 3.2.3 Inspecting, supervising, and settling complaints 15 and denunciations In the city area, there is still a state of suspended projects, slow progress causing waste of land resources, and has become a frustration of the authorities and pressing people Business revenue land recovery, compensation, support, the number of complaints is always a high percentage (about 70% of total complaints) In some districts, there are numerous complaints and protests 3.3 Assessing the state management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi This content is analyzed based on the criteria developed in Chapter to evaluate the state management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi, including criteria groups, with 21 points specific evaluation criteria, 03 degree evaluation, the content manager 03 House Perfumery 3.4 General assessment of State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi 3.4.1 Achievements Success in building the legal basis for collecting land agriculture as a basis for the process of land acquisition - The city government has built a wide and extensive system of policies, laws and legal bases; - The government also has specific provisions on the Statistics receive complaints and denunciations and implemented in practice; - Budget, resources and institutional capacity of local basic enough to implement policies and laws; - Many people living on not deteriorate, even better after being collected land agriculture; - Land resources are basically used for the right purpose in the process of land acquisition Success in organizing implementation of agricultural land acquisition - The payment of compensation, support and resettlement, as well as compensation payment time, support in the city is basically in 16 accordance with the order and schedule Success in inspection and supervision; resolving complaints, report - The government has made great efforts in resolving complaints and denunciations, as well as recommendations and suggestions of the people Basically, the city has received and handled cases in accordance with the order and time limit for settlement according to law provisions 3.4.2 Limitations Restrictions on the construction of the legal basis for collecting land NN process as a basis for land acquisition NN - Policies, laws, and regulations on agricultural land acquisition, though quite a lot, still have some unreasonable points, which are in line with practical requirements; - The participation of people in the process of developing a legal basis on agricultural land acquisition is limited; - The mechanism of agricultural land acquisition is mainly used in Hanoi, which is compulsory withdrawal based on administrative rules and enforcement for people, unrealized benefit sharing and risk sharing mechanisms show Restrictions on organizations performing receivables land NN - The functions and tasks of management agencies in the process of agricultural land acquisition still have overlapping and overlapping features; - Not transparent and public in the selection of projects to carry out agricultural land acquisition; - Lack of negotiations and mobilization of people to practice the implementation of agricultural land acquisition; - The current value of agricultural land compensation based mainly on agricultural land prices determined in the local land prices is too low, which is not satisfactory, reflecting inequality for people; - Regarding payment of compensation and support for people whose land is recovered, there is still the phenomenon of embezzlement, slow in the progress of implementing many projects, 17 the mobilization and persuasion work is still limited by the local authorities and many people lack consciousness; - There is still a waste of land resources due to the suspension of the project Restrictions on checking and monitoring the process of recovery of agricultural land; settle complaints and denunciations related to the process of recovery of agricultural land - There is still a phenomenon of resolving without legal order, irresponsibility, prolonging time, even silence; - The quality of people's complaints settlement is not high; - Due diligence for people of state agencies is limited 3.4.3 The cause s of limitations Internal causes - Current mechanisms, policies and laws, regulations on recovery of agricultural land are incomplete and change over time - Viewpoints and perceptions of state management in the process of land acquisition have not kept pace to adjust land relations in practice - Organizing the State management apparatus at all levels in the locality is still cumbersome, many clues, functions and tasks are overlapping and there are unclear areas of work - The contingent of cadres and civil servants at the grassroots level and at the commune and local levels still face difficulties - The awareness of observing the law on land acquisition of a part of officials is not good Extenal causes - Limited knowledge and awareness of observing laws on agricultural land acquisition by some people - People still suffer a great influence of cultural, historical, traditional and traditional elements - In addition, people's awareness of complaints and denunciations is still limited 18 CHAPTER VIEWPOINTS AND SOLUTIONS FOR CONTINUING INNOVATION OF STATE MANAGEMENT IN THE AGRICULTURAL LAND ACQUISITION PROCESS IN HANOI 4.1 Background of Hanoi 4.1.1 Forecasting agricultural land acquisition in the Hanoi toward 2030 In the period from 2020 to 2030, the trend of narrowing the area of agricultural land to shift to non-agricultural purposes will continue 4.1.2 Factors affect State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi Favorable factors - C he reform the State administration - High quality human resources - T often change in thinking and habits of people Difficulties and limitations - Pressure from population growth, industrialization and urbanization - The market of agricultural land still many barriers to development - The limitations of building work planning and land use planning 4.2 The viewpoint of renovation of state management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi The key issue to innovate the state management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi in the view of the author, first and foremost, is to change the perception and thinking about governance State in the process of recovery of agricultural land The thesis proposes to take the view of good governance on agricultural land acquisition, and should be institutionalized in the process of building a legal basis 19 4.3 Proposing solutions to continue renovating the state management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi 4.3.1 Reviewing, revising and supplementing legal documents on agricultural land acquisition as the background for the process of agricultural land acquisition Regulations on cases of agricultural land acquisition The thesis proposes to divide cases where the State recovers land for socio-economic development for national and public interests in Hanoi into different project groups They are: Group of non-economic social-economic development projects, not associated with business activities and profit; Group of socio-economic development projects for public interests and national interests with business activities and profit Regulations on the mechanism of agricultural land acquisition for different land acquisition cases The key to good performance of agricultural land acquisition is whether the State directly takes over land, or the State creates a legal environment for people and investors to negotiate and transfer land on their own, must be based on a common principle that is "benefit sharing" - For land acquisition projects for non-economic purposes that are not associated with business activities: The State should take direct land recovery - apply compulsory land acquisition mechanism, and apply principles of benefit sharing when calculating compensation value and support for people - For land acquisition for socio-economic development for public interests and national interests with business activities: land acquisition should be made according to the mechanism that investors agree with land users Particularly for projects of adjusting urban areas, constructing new urban areas, rural residential areas, the agreement mechanism can be implemented in the specific form of "land 20 contribution" Provisions on the valuation of agricultural land as a basis for compensation when conducting collectin g land - For land acquisition projects for socio-economic development projects for public interests and national interests without business activities: Land prices as a basis for compensation must be calculated correctly and calculated enough value for land use rights, losses and benefits to people both in the short and long term - For projects obtained land for economic development society for the benefit of public, national interests have included business activities: to follow market principles Provisions on the form of compensation and support for people who suffer from collecting agricultural land Support and compensation for agricultural land not only as an asset but also as a resource and means of production Ensuring livelihood and income is an important task that must be done when carrying out agricultural land acquisition, instead of being burdened with support for vocational training for people whose land is recovered for the State and investors also need to be asked to discuss with them the opportunity to find new livelihoods for them Need to change and enact specific provisions in the form of support for the people to ensure livelihood, receiver type, and a stable life post-land acquisition 4.3.2 The solution continues to innovate the implementation of agricultural land recovery Improving the capacity of local officials and public servants to perform land acquisition and site clearance Organizing training courses, training, fostering knowledge, skills and professional skills for cadastral cadres working in the locality; organizing seminars, seminars, sharing experiences among localities, other localities, and foreign countries on management of agricultural land acquisition Improving accountability; public service ethics of officials, public servants and employees performing work of collecting land acquisition, clearance locally 21 Enhancing the participation and consensus of the people in the process of agricultural land acquisition In order to enhance the participation of the people in order to improve social consensus, the thesis proposes to take people's opinions in all steps when carrying out agricultural land acquisition Enhancing the participation of professional land valuation organizations in the process of land acquisition The thesis proposes to renovate the mechanism of determining the compensation value in the direction of market Strengthening the information system, database on land 4.3.3 Solutions continues to innovate the inspection and monitoring process of collecting land agriculture; resolving complaints and denunciations related to the process of agricultural land recovery Enhancing the quality of settling complaints and denunciations about the collection land agriculture Strengthening dialogue in resolving complaints and denunciations about agricultural land acquisition When resolving a complaint, it is necessary to organize a dialogue with both sides in the same way as a round table conference Enhancing the participation of intermediary organizations in resolving complaints and denunciations about agricultural land acquisition Enhance accountability to the people of the agency collecting agricultural land CONCLUSION The development of industrialization and modernization process and even urbanization requires increasing conversion of land use and occupation, from agriculture to industry and service However, compared to the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, the state management of land, especially land policies to regulate the relations between the State - the subject of management, with the people and enterprises - those who are subject 22 to management change slowly In the process of land acquisition changing the purpose of land use and land users, the benefits are falling heavily on private enterprises, while the people suffer Farmers are the poor in society, and the process of urbanization and CNH also pushes them into a series of poverty traps Learn about the state management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi, we have achieved some results: i) The thesis has contributed to enriching the scientific basis of State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition, including theoretical views on the process of agricultural land recovery and State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition In particular, the thesis has built a set of criteria to evaluate 03 contents of the State management in the process of agricultural land acquisition, including 07 criteria groups, 21 evaluation criteria, 03 level The thesis also explored the experiences of some countries as well as some localities, and learned a meaningful lesson to renovate the state management in the process of agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi ii) The dissertation has analyzed the status of State management in the process of recovering agricultural land in Hanoi from 2008 to 2018 based on the set of criteria developed Through analysis and evaluation, the thesis has pointed out the successes and limitations of this management work Conflicts and shortcomings will hinder the process of land acquisition , causing tensions between related subjects, and creating social instability iii) Since then, the thesis has proposed some solutions to change the state management on agricultural land acquisition in Hanoi to promote successes and overcome the limitations in the process of land acquisition In the short term, it is necessary to review, improve the legal framework, improve regulations on land prices, and strengthen the land information data system In addition, the participation and consensus of the people should be strengthened in the process of land acquisition, strengthening the state management effect, and improving the quality of complaint 23 settlement In the long term, support and compensation should be provided for land as resources and means of production In the process of land acquisition, the State should create a more open and transparent market mechanism through which households and investors can negotiate land prices based on public market prices Government intervention is expressed by ensuring that equilibrium measures between buyers and sellers can increase the fairness and feasibility of these negotiations At the same time, strengthen the participation of intermediary organizations, and strengthen dialogue in resolving complaints about agricultural land acquisition iv) The thesis also opens other important issues for further studies on economic management and public policy in Vietnam, as well as for other developing countries around the world Industrialization, modernization and urbanization are happening in many countries, affecting the lives of millions of households Agricultural land is essential for livelihoods and food security When the management of agricultural land recovery shows many shortcomings and weaknesses, it can lead to conflicts on land, poverty in rural areas and social evils in urban areas Therefore, state management in the process of recovering agricultural land to ensure people's land use rights are protected for economic development and social stability is a big challenge for many developing countries development 24 LIST OF PUBLISHED WORKS RELATED BY THE THESIS Pham Ngoc Huong Quynh (2018), "Experience in managing and recovering agricultural land in some countries and lessons for Vietnam", Journal of Industry and Trade (No 13 October 2018), p 161- 166 Pham Ngoc Huong Quynh (2018), "Need to renovate the management of land acquisition in Hanoi", Journal of Economics and Forecasting (No 14 May 2018), p 69-72 Pham Ngoc Huong Quynh (2016), "Models of land acquisition in the world and experience for Vietnam", Journal of Economics and Forecasting (No 30, December 2016), p 44-47 25 ... SCIENCES Group of scientific supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Ngoc Thanh Dr Nguyen Dinh Duong Reviewer 1: Assoc Prof Dr To Trung Thanh Reviewer 2: Assoc Prof Dr Pham Thị Hong Diep Reviewer 3: Assoc... dissertation will be presented at the Academy-level Dissertation Committee, in Graduate Academy of Social Sciences, 477 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi At the time …… hour, date ……… month …… year ……... considering management just only is the task of State agencies; or the managers not pay enough attention the feedback from society, not encourage the involve of different stakeholders; or management

Ngày đăng: 28/10/2019, 08:04

