NA ME: DATE: Liste ni ng Strate gie s (Unit 4, page 44; Use while completing Exercises A, B, and C) Ta ki ng no tes abou t hi stori cal in for ma ti on Takin g no tes w hil e yo u lis te n wil l h elp you rem e mber t he key id eas You ca n use abbre vi atio ns i n order t o wr ite no tes m ore quickl y It is co mmo n to ab bre via te l on ger words wit h t he fi rst syll abl es or wit h i nit ials Some c ommo n abbre vi atio ns e.g = for example i.e = in other words vs = in contrast to C = century yrs = years 17th = seventeenth 21st = twenty-first / = and / or Some abbre vi atio ns of lo nger w ords Eur = European conserv = conservative soc = social pol = political S.Y = Susan Yigal You c an use th e l eft col um n to writ e da tes and / or ye ars, and th e ri gh t co lum n t o take ge ner al no tes 17 th / 18th C wore wigs, Louis 14th, 40 wigmakers A Pr actic e Listen to Part and take notes about the key ideas in the listening susan, awards, for actors, expert history of hair style men's focus in men 20th century before 17th 18th European upper classes, wig fashion must fashionable, 17th-19th loui 14th of france bald, losing 40 wig makers long curly wigs, 19th stop, fairly long, long beard side burns 20th end of early, norm, very very short, beard, grandfather mustache short until 1960-70s B Pr actic e Now listen to Part and take notes about the key ideas in the listening Summit , Sec ond Edi tio n Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use Unit