NA ME: DATE: Vo cabu lar y- Bu ildi n g S tra teg ies (Unit 3, page 32: Vocabulary; Use after Exercise D) Gr oup in g Grou ping is a he lpful voc abula ry- buildin g tech niqu e You can g rou p wor ds by mea nin g to help you differe nt iate a nd re mem ber th em You can also grou p wor ds by par t of speech or usage Grou ping wo rds in differ ent w ays will he lp you bett er reme mbe r them Pract ice First group the nine vocabulary items by meaning: positive, neutral, or negative Then group them by part of speech Describi n g spe ndi ng h abits a big spender a spendthrift a cheapskate a tightwad generous cheap stingy thrifty frugal By me a ni ng Ne utra l Pos itive Ne ga tiv e a big spender By p ar t o f sp ee ch Nouns (He / She is a .) Adjecti ves (He / She is very .) Idea Can you think of any other ways to group these words? How about by similar or opposite meaning? Try grouping new vocabulary you learn in later units Summit , Sec ond Edi tio n Copyright © 2012 by Pearson Education Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use Unit