1.1 High level requirements To identify the non-appropriate high level requirements, let’s begin be by specifying what requirements are considered to be high level: As stated in the course work, a High level requirement is a “functional requirement that can be delivered to the user as part of an incremental approach using a time box” From my understanding, a functional requirement is the equipment for a function and or service that the system provide to the user without details as to how the service/function works Moving on, in the appendix A, there are requirements stated by six people each with a different position within the Walk2Life company Within the given requirements, the ones that are not high level are: Ben Borde: “- We also need the following: * The site should be easy to use and quick to load * We probably need to arrange for this site to actually “be” on the internet * We need to register the web URL Walk2Live.co.uk - The system should replace the current systems at our franchise centres - The look and feel of the website should resemble the healthy lifestyle we are selling.” These requirements, given by Ben Borde, are not high level because none of them focus the system functionality but more on setting up constrain and on how the system should be John Oldman: “- For the most part we can use the system I have already written You just need to write the code to connect the database to the frontend – I’ve already created the database in MS Access.” This requirement, in my opinion is not a high level requirement because it is a nonfunctional requirement since Mr John Oldman is not stating that this is a requirement more so saying how the system should work with using his database Paige McMan: “- We need to ensure that a bookkeeping service is built into the new system, as this will make my job easier - Could I ship online orders in my area and get the money for those sales?” The reason why I consider this to not be a high level requirement is because this requirement is focus on the making it easier to sue for Mr Paige and not improving the system The other requirement that Mr Paige gave that I didn’t consider as a high level requirement because it was a question not an actual statement 1.2 High level requirement for building the system Since this system is an e-commerce system, the main focus of the system will be providing services and products to the clients With that said, here are some high level requirements: Register and log in For customers, they will be able to enter into account to storing their personal information, new customer can also register when first joining in at a franchise For an employee this can be a way to determine their status within the company, this way workers with different level will have different function made available to them Product catalog/menu This is needed since the company will need a way to show client what kind of products are available Search function This function is needed because it will help user find a specific item and or services Services catalog/menu Much like the product catalog, this is needed to inform the client about what kind of services are available Credit card payment In most cases, clients who uses this system will want to pay using credits cards instead of paying in cash Shopping cart function This is function is needed for clients who wants to purchase more than a single product Manage product stock This is required so franchises will know when they need to restock and order from the center office Shipping to specific location With customer ordering products using the system, it is possible that they would want the product to be delivered to a specific location outside of their personal home Manage Charities The W2L, Walk2Life, company take part in many charities so the system should have some sort of function that can help keep track of all the charities that the company is a part of Back-end database connection This function is for the company to manage information such as the products, customer’s information, services, number of orders, etc System framework Focusing on how the system is presented to the user, this mainly involve the layout of the system like the position of the menu, the position and how information is displayed on the system Generate sale’s report For a business to keep track of their sales and annual income, reports must be created and sent to the proper department to compare the sales between the present sales and past sales records 1.3 Prioritizing the high-level requirements # High-level Requirements Prioritize Register and log in Should Product catalog/menu Must Search function Must Services catalog/menu Must Credit card payment Should Shopping cart function Must Manage product stock Must Shipping to specific location Could Manage Charities Would 10 Back-end database connection Must 11 System framework Must 12 Generate sale’s report Should My reason for prioritizing the high-level requirements are: For the requirements that are prioritize as “must”, these are the requirements that the system must have either because they are required for the success of the company’s business or because they are related to the company’s core business Going into each requirement, the “Product catalog/menu” requirement is a must have because this will be how the user will see all the products available, which include both the health food and supplements that the company sells, without this user would have no way of viewing what is available and customers would not be able to decide what to buy thus affecting the company’s business The same with the “Services catalog/menu” requirement, this is to show users what services are available and also for customer to decide what service to use, without this user won’t be able to know what services they can use thus affecting the company’s business The “Search function” requirement is an obvious must have for any e-commerce system since it allows users the ability to find specific items on the system The “Shopping cart function” is prioritized as a must have since the possibility of a user buying more than a single product is fairly high and because each products have its own tax value, having the tax calculating system is a must Besides that, requirements like back-end database and system framework are obviously must have for the system to keep tracks of company information along with operate properly For the requirements that were prioritized as “should”, these requirements are the ones that can bring benefits to the company but not a vital part of the system and because of time constraint should be prioritized less or should be implemented in an updated version of the system Going into details, there are requirements that were labeled as “should” First off is the “Register and log” in requirement, this is set as a should have requirements since the user can use this to enter into the system as well as manage their information but since this is an e-commerce system which mainly deal in selling products and services to customers this function can be developed latter for customers who wished to frequently shop using the site The same can be said with the “Credit card payment”, used to pay for purchases, but since customers can the same in in person when the product is delivered to their home this requirement was prioritized as “should” The last requirement that was prioritized as “should” is the “Generate sale’s report” requirement, the only reason why this requirement is prioritized as should is because of possible time constraint of the system development process and the report can be done view the database list of orders and their prices The “Shipping to specific location” was prioritized as “could” because it is not that important to the business and can be done in a later version The final requirement “Manage Charities” is prioritized as “would” mainly because this is not as important as all the other requirements and also because of the development time constraint this requirement cannot be delivered in the system but may be implemented in an updated version of the system ... requirements are the ones that can bring benefits to the company but not a vital part of the system and because of time constraint should be prioritized less or should be implemented in an updated... user buying more than a single product is fairly high and because each products have its own tax value, having the tax calculating system is a must Besides that, requirements like back-end database... this user would have no way of viewing what is available and customers would not be able to decide what to buy thus affecting the company’s business The same with the “Services catalog/menu” requirement,