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HP4 end of unit test 9 new

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END-OF-UNIT TEST Duration: 75 minutes Section 1: Language knowledge (30 marks) I Fill in each blank in the passage below with ONE suitable word with running make partner preparing make supplier at have to are on about for carry You have got an exciting new product idea and you want to develop and sell it The first thing you have to is (1) …………… a plan You need to see if there is a demand (2) …………… your product, so you should (3) …………… some research to find out how many people might buy it and who these people (4) ……………… You also need to collect information (5) …………… similar products already on the market and what price they sell (6) ……………… Next, you have to estimate the costs of developing, manufacturing and selling your product And of course, you mustn’t forget to add in the costs of (7) …………… your business – office rent, salaries and so on With this information, you can calculate how much profit you could (8) ……………… Then if you need help (9) …………… financing, you can take your plan to a bank Or you could try to find an equity (10) …………… – someone who wants to invest in your idea a prepared a of a a were a of a in a run a a at 10 a person b preparing b for b conduct b had b about b for b running b cost b on b partner c have prepared c in c make c are c in c at c having ran c estimate c with c investor d had prepared d at d a&b are correct d have d at d into d had run d make d about d leader II Choose the best answer 11 Which of the following nouns does NOT go with the verb ‘do’? a profit c research b business d science 12 We have to the meeting for Friday because the CEO is busy all day Thursday a schedule c miss b reschedule d plan 13 Which of the following verbs does NOT go with the noun ‘budget’? a prepare c keep within b collect d balance 14 In order to efficiently ………… these management functions, managers need interpersonal, organizational, and technical skills a prepare b buid c perform d keep 15 Changing the way a company is organized or financed is a re-assessing c re-building b re-defining d restructuring 16 Experts the value of the deal at 20 million euros a plan c.do End-of-unit test 8/Module4 b estimate d decrease 17 In……………changes, managers might have to go back and replan, reorganize and redirect a doing b varying c making d doing 18 Which of the following nouns goes with the verb ‘meet’? a a budget b a report c deadline d a plan 19 I have booked your flight and hotels for your trip to Ethiopia You on the 18th at 6:30 a.m a leave c are leaving b will leave d leaving 20 - Can I have an appointment with Tom Kent on Wednesday afternoon? - I’m afraid Mr Kent is on a business trip to Paris And he back until Saturday a will come c won’t come b is coming d is not coming 21 On next Tuesday evening, I dinner with the local staff a have c had b will have d have had 22 By directing, managers guide, teach, and motivate workers…….they reach their potential abilities a therefore b however c so that d because 23 Which of the following verbs does NOT go with the noun ‘meeting’? a have c meet b rearrange d arrange 24 My colleague has met all her targets and she …………… to get a good bonus a Is hoping c is planning b Is expecting d is looking forward 25 I Angela for a business lunch Do you want to join us? a will meet c am meeting b meet d meeting 26 I’ve just had a call from Richard – He late for the meeting a will be c is being b is d is going to be 27 Management is composed……… a team of managers who have charge of the organization at all level a in b at c of d for 28 In the next meeting, I think we should focus the planning schedule a into c to b at d on 29 …………… all four functions are managerial duties, the importance of each may vary a Because b Although c Since d When 30 In the second phase, managers decide ………the positions to be created a At b for c on d with 31 Planning involves ………… overall company objectives and ………… how these goals can best be achieved a determining/decided c determining/deciding b determined/deciding d determined/decided 32 The attendance Saturday’s meeting was very poor so the CEO decided to put it off a for c on b with d at 33 Agriculture in the in the Nizhny Novgorod region still employs half of the workforce, it accounts for only percent of production End-of-unit test 8/Module4 a because c which b although d where 34 People are critical of small and medium-sized businesses they not usually have good business plans a because c which b although d what 35 our strategy is correct, we are hoping to create work for more than 500,000 a That’s why c If b For that reason d Even though 36 Sorry, but this arrangement is totally to us a acceptable b accept c accepted d unacceptable 37 Cancel all my for the rest of the day, please a engagement b engaging c engagements d disengagement 38 If the company is sound we might consider taking it over a financially b finance c financial d financed 39 The scheme should be fully by this time next year a operated b operative c operation d operating 40 We must on electricity, so switch off those lights a economically b economic c economise d economy Section 2: Language use (70 marks) I Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow BRAZIL TRIES TO KICK-START TOURISM By Geoff Dyer Brazil has everything to offer the visitor: 7,300 km of coastline, much of it empty, endless beaches; the planet's biggest rainforest; an area of wetlands full of alligators and jaguars; colonial cities and spectacular waterfalls The Bahia coast in northeast Brazil is a particularly attractive area for tourism Several luxury resorts have been built there Recently a $170 million five-hotel complex at Sauipe opened With its 18-hole golf course and designer shops, Sauipe is hoping to attract rich, foreign visitors The tourist industry had problems in the past because of high inflation which led to short-term planning Hotels, however, are long-term investments, often with payback periods of over 15 years If resorts such as Sauipe are going to attract significant numbers of tourists, they have to solve several problems For a start, Brazil needs cheaper and more frequent international air travel Brazilian airlines have actually decreased the number of scheduled international flights in the past two years because of a currency devaluation Foreign visitors also demand a level of service that needs lengthy training - a considerable task for most of the resorts in the northeast which not have a well-educated population to provide suitable staff The other big challenge for Sauipe's managers is to avoid the social problems that other new resorts have caused, when large numbers of people have come from the interior in search of jobs, quickly creating slums The resort is hoping to deal with these pressures by setting up courses in the surrounding villages for making handicrafts which will be sold at Sauipe and by organising credit for local co-operatives to produce foodstuffs for the hotels Some people believe that the developers have not planned the new resorts properly 'Sauipe is a resort without adequate infrastructure, training or planning about how the industry will develop,' says Mario Beni, a professor of tourism at the University of Sao Paulo Often created in the middle of nowhere, he says, many of these resorts have poor transport links and no local tourism or sports facilities to take advantage of 'It is time to stop and think about these grand projects,' he adds Not true, replies the Bahia state government, which claims to have spent $2.1 billion over the past decade on basic tourism infrastructure, from roads to airports to sanitation From the Financial Times Choose the best answer End-of-unit test 8/Module4 What does Sauipe offer to attract visitors? a luxury resorts, the Bahia coast and a five-hotel complex b empty endless beaches, the biggest rain forest and spectacular waterfalls c a five-hotel complex, a golf course and designer shops d an area of wetlands full of alligators and jaguars and colonial cities Which of the following problems does Brazil NOT face in attracting more tourists? a not enough flights b levels of service that require lengthy staff training c the creation of slums when people come looking for work d expensive and overbooked international air travel What has the Bahia government done to kick-start tourism? a set up courses in making handicrafts b invested in infrastructure in the last 10 years c organized credit for local co-operatives to produce food for hotels d provided a well-educated population to improve the levels of service What does each of the following underlined words / phrases refer to? ………… they have to solve several problems (paragraph 4) … ……… courses in the surrounding villages for making handicrafts which will be sold at Sauipe … …… (paragraph 8) Which words in the passage mean the following? buildings and equipment that are used for a particular purpose ………………… a group of buildings that are built close together …………………… a reduction in the value of a country's currency …………………… Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word from the passage Put it in its correct form or tense Things such as transport, communications or banks are part of a country’s ………………… 10 The government is trying to bring teachers’ salaries in line with ………… by increasing them by 20% II Writing Vietnam Television (VTV), the leading news and mass communication organisation in Vietnam, provides scientific and educational programmes and entertainment to the general public across the country and overseas Vietnamese It has channels, among which VTV focuses on science, technology and education You are the director of the VTV educational programme Write a letter to Mr Tran Hoang Ngan, Vice Rector of UEH, asking him for an interview about the 2012 Dynamic competition Your letter should cover the following points: • introduce yourself • invite Mr Tran Hoang Ngan • give brief details of the programme and its aim Dear…………, ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… Yours ………., ……………… ……………… End-of-unit test 8/Module4 IV Listen to the talks, and then answer each question about them by marking the correct choice — (A), (B), (C), or (D) The recording will be played twice Which of the following is NOT available at the time this talk is being given? a Water sports b Golf c Skiing d Fishing Which of the following people would be most interested in the festival held in June? a People who enjoy jazz c Classical music fans b Artists and craftspeople d Beginning skiers How summer hotel rates compare to winter rates? a They are twice as high c They are the same b They are slightly higher d They are half as high Which of these products is especially for international use? a The radio b The clock c The iron d The briefcase What claim is NOT made for these products? a They are attractive c They are lightweight b They are very durable d They are inexpensive V You will hear a telephone message from Rachel to Michael talking about the plans for Friday Fill in the missing information The recording will be played twice reason for calling: ………………… on Friday there will be: a large scale ………………… installation of: ………………… after removal of old equipment: ………………… removing all the personal items: after ………………… on Thursday THE END End-of-unit test 8/Module4

Ngày đăng: 26/10/2019, 23:05

