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Ngày đăng: 25/10/2019, 01:43
Nguồn tham khảo
Tài liệu tham khảo | Loại | Chi tiết | ||||||
[1] Guo Dengfeng, Xu Shan, Kun, “The Internet of Things hold up Smart Grid networking technology”, North China Electric, 2010.2, pp.59-63 | Sách, tạp chí |
[2] TongKe, Fan. "Smart agriculture based on cloud computing and IOT." Journal of Convergence Information Technology 8.2 (2013):1-6 | Sách, tạp chí |
[3] Li, Li, et al. "The applications of wifi-based wireless sensor network in internet of things and smart grid." Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), 2011 6th IEEE Conference on. IEEE, 2011 | Sách, tạp chí |
[4] Dlodlo, Nomusa, and Josephat Kalezhi. "The internet of things in agriculture for sustainable rural development." Emerging Trends in Networks and Computer Communications (ETNCC), 2015 International Conference on.IEEE, 2015:1-5 | Sách, tạp chí |
[5] Ray, Partha Pratim. "Internet of things for smart agriculture: Technologies, practices and future direction." Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 9.4 (2017): 395-420 | Sách, tạp chí |
[7] Relay 8 channel information valuable from:[8] Esp8266 data sheet valuable from:http://www . m i c rochip . ua/wireless/esp01 . pdf | Link | |||||||
[6] Powering for this project valuable: fromh t t p : / / w w w . t i . c o m /pow e r - m a n a g e m e n t / n o n - i s o l a te d - d c - d c - s w i t c hin g - r e gulat o r s / s te p - do w n - b u c k /b u c k - c o n v e r te r - in t e g r a te d -s w i t c h / s w i f t . h t m l | Khác | |||||||
[9] Data sheet and specifications of LCD 16x02 valuable from:https://www . openha c k s . c o m /uploadspr o ducto s /eon e -1602a1 . pdf [10] Datasheet I2C 1602 Serial LCD Module valuable from | Khác | |||||||
[11] IoT ứng dụng trong nông nghiệphttps://tinhte . vn/threads/io t -u n g - du n g -tro n g -n o n g - n g h i ep . 2785718/ | Khác | |||||||
[12] 4 cấu phần của Internet of Things:h t t p : / / k h o a h o c p h a t t r i e n . v n /c o n g - ngh e / nhin - in t e r n e t - o f - t hin g s - q u a - c hu o i - c un g - un g / 20150 9 26124 9 23149 p 1 c 859 . h t m | Khác | |||||||
[13] Internet of things là gì? :http://iot . dtt . v n / I nternet o fThi n g s . h t m l [14] Các loại máy sưởi hồng ngoại cho nhà kính:https:/ / v i . decoratex . biz/teplica / v id y -infr a k r a s n y h -ob o g r e v atelej/ | Khác | |||||||
[15] Lập trình Arduino - giới thiệu giao diện ArduinoIDE:https://hourofcode . v n/la p -trinh-a r duin o - g ioi-t h ie u - g iao - dien-arduin o -ide/ | Khác |