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Feldmans essentials of understanding psychology 8th ed

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EIGHTH EDITION Essentials of Understanding Psychology Robert S Feldman University of Massachusetts, Amherst fel70207_fm_i-li.indd i 9/30/08 6:22:15 PM ESSENTIALS OF UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY Published by McGraw-Hill, an imprint of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 Copyright © 2009, 2008, 2005, 2002, 1999, 1996, 1993, 1990, 1987 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited to, in any network or other electronic storage or transmission, or broadcast for distance learning Some ancillaries, including electronic and print components, may not be available to customers outside the United States This book is printed on acid-free paper DOW/DOW ISBN: 978-0-07-337020-0 MHID: 0-07-337020-7 Vice President and Editor in Chief: Michael Ryan Editorial Director: Beth Mejia Publisher: Michael Sugarman Director of Development: Dawn Groundwater Development Editor: Barbara Conover Supplements Editor: Emily Pecora Editorial Coordinator: Jillian Allison Executive Marketing Manager: James R Headley Production Editors: Melissa Williams and Scott Hitchcock, EPS Inc NYC Manuscript Editor: Laura Glenn Cover Designer: Allister Fein Interior Designer: Ellen Pettengell Senior Production Supervisor: Rich DeVitto Photo Researcher: Connie Mueller Cover Photos: (c) Royalty-Free/Corbis Psychology Advisory Board: Melissa Acevedo, Westchester Community College Jennifer Brooks, Collin County Community College Jeffrey Green, Virginia Commonwealth University Holly Haynes, Georgia Perimeter College Julie Bauer Morrison, Glendale Community College Phil Pegg, Western Kentucky University Tammy Rahhal, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Tanya Renner, University of Hawaii Carla Strassle, York College of Pennsylvania Jim Stringham, University of Georgia This book was set in 9.5/12 Palatino by Electronic Publishing Services, Inc and printed on 45# Pub Influence Gloss by R.R Donnelley and Sons Photo and text credits can be found following the References on page C-1, a continuation of the copyright page Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Feldman, Robert S (Robert Stephen) Essentials of understanding psychology / Robert S Feldman 8th ed p cm Includes bibliographical references and indexes ISBN-13: 978-0-07-337020-0 ISBN-10: 0-07-337020-7 Psychology Textbooks I Title BF121.F34 2009 150 dc22 2008041141 www.mhhe.com fel70207_fm_i-li.indd ii 10/7/08 10:23:48 AM To Jonathan, Leigh, Alex, Joshua, Julie, Sarah, and Kathy fel70207_fm_i-li.indd iii 9/30/08 6:22:16 PM fel70207_fm_i-li.indd iv 9/30/08 6:22:16 PM About the Author ROBERT S FELDMAN is Professor of Psychology and Associate Dean of the College of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst Feldman, a winner of the College Distinguished Teacher award, has also taught courses at Mount Holyoke College, Wesleyan University, and Virginia Commonwealth University Feldman, who initiated the Minority Mentoring Program, teaches introductory psychology to classes ranging in size from 20 to nearly 500 students He also has served as a Hewlett Teaching Fellow and Senior Online Teaching Fellow, and he frequently gives talks on the use of technology in teaching He initiated distance learning courses in psychology at the University of Massachusetts Feldman also is actively involved in promoting the field of psychology He is on the Board of Directors of the Federation of Behavioral, Psychological, and Cognitive Sciences, and also is on the Board of the Foundation for the Advancement of Behavioral and Brain Sciences A Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Association for Psychological Science, Feldman received a B.A with High Honors from Wesleyan University and an M.S and Ph.D from the University of Wisconsin–Madison He is a winner of a Fulbright Senior Research Scholar and Lecturer award, and has written more than 100 books, book chapters, and scientific articles His books include Fundamentals of Nonverbal Behavior, Development of Nonverbal Behavior in Children, Social Psychology, Development Across the Life Span, and P.O.W.E.R Learning: Strategies for Success in College and Life, and they have been translated into a number of languages, including Spanish, French, Portuguese, Dutch, Chinese, and Japanese His research interests include honesty and deception and the use of nonverbal behavior in impression management, and his research has been supported by grants from the National Institute of Mental Health and the National Institute on Disabilities and Rehabilitation Research Feldman’s spare time is most often devoted to earnest, if not entirely expert, piano playing, and serious cooking He also loves to travel He has three children and lives with his wife, who is also a psychologist, overlooking the Holyoke mountain range in Amherst, Massachusetts v fel70207_fm_i-li.indd v 9/30/08 6:22:16 PM fel70207_fm_i-li.indd vi 9/30/08 6:22:21 PM Brief Contents CHAPTER Introduction to Psychology MODULE MODULE MODULE MODULE CHAPTER Neuroscience and Behavior 50 MODULE MODULE MODULE CHAPTER Psychologists at Work A Science Evolves: The Past, the Present, and the Future 15 Research in Psychology 27 Research Challenges: Exploring the Process 41 Neurons: The Basic Elements of Behavior 53 The Nervous System and the Endocrine System: Communicating Within the Body 61 The Brain 71 Sensation and Perception 88 MODULE MODULE MODULE 10 MODULE 11 Sensing the World Around Us 91 Vision: Shedding Light on the Eye 95 Hearing and the Other Senses 105 Perceptual Organization: Constructing Our View of the World 117 vii fel70207_fm_i-li.indd vii 9/30/08 6:22:21 PM viii Brief Contents CHAPTER States of Conciousness 130 MODULE 12 MODULE 13 MODULE 14 CHAPTER Learning 166 MODULE 15 MODULE 16 MODULE 17 CHAPTER MODULE 19 MODULE 20 MODULE 22 MODULE 23 Thinking and Reasoning 241 Language 257 Intelligence 267 Motivation and Emotion 286 MODULE 24 MODULE 25 MODULE 26 fel70207_fm_i-li.indd viii The Foundations of Memory 205 Recalling Long-Term Memories 219 Forgetting: When Memory Fails 229 Thinking, Language, and Intelligence 238 MODULE 21 CHAPTER Classical Conditioning 169 Operant Conditioning 177 Cognitive Approaches to Learning 191 Memory 202 MODULE 18 CHAPTER Sleep and Dreams 133 Hypnosis and Meditation 145 Drug Use: The Highs and Lows of Conciousness 151 Explaining Motivation 289 Human Needs and Motivation: Eat, Drink, and Be Daring 297 Understanding Emotional Experiences 313 9/30/08 6:22:21 PM Brief Contents CHAPTER Development 324 MODULE 27 MODULE 28 MODULE 29 MODULE 30 CHAPTER 10 MODULE 32 MODULE 33 MODULE 35 MODULE 36 Stress and Coping 417 Psychological Aspects of Illness and Well-Being 429 Promoting Health and Wellness 437 Psychological Disorders 444 MODULE 37 MODULE 38 MODULE 39 fel70207_fm_i-li.indd ix Psychodynamic Approaches to Personality 383 Trait, Learning, Biological and Evolutionary, and Humanistic Approaches to Personality 393 Assessing Personality: Determining What Makes Us Distinctive 405 Health Psychology: Stress, Coping, and Well-Being 414 MODULE 34 CHAPTER 12 Nature and Nurture, and Prenatal Development 327 Infancy and Childhood 339 Adolescence: Becoming an Adult 359 Adulthood 369 Personality 380 MODULE 31 CHAPTER 11 ix Normal Versus Abnormal: Making the Distinction 447 The Major Psychological Disorders 457 Psychological Disorders in Perspective 477 9/30/08 6:22:21 PM Subject Index Page numbers followed by f refer to figures Page numbers preceded by an A refer to the appendix A A-B-C model, 495, 495f Abnormal behavior See also Psychological disorders in behavioral therapy, 490 classification of, 453–455 defining, 447–448 psychological perspectives on, 450f in superstition, 449 Absolute threshold, 92 Absorption trait, 400f Abu Ghraib prison, 534 Academic success attribution of, 529 immigration and, 196 peer rejection and, 348 segregation and, 543 stereotype threat and, 540 Acceptance, 377 Accommodation, of lens, 97 Accutane, 336f Acetylcholine (ACh), 58, 59f Achievement See also Success genetic component of, 399, 400f need for, 309–310 Achievement tests, 275–276 Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), 335, 336f Acrophobia, 458, 459f Action potential, 55, 55f, 86f–87f Activation-synthesis theory, 139 Activity theory of aging, 376 Acupuncture, 112f, 113 Adams, Maurianne, 196 Adaptation, 93–94 Adaptive testing, 278 Addiction, 151 biological, 151 causes of, 151 to exercise, 301 genetic factors in, 152 to heroin, 160 to nicotine, 433 prevalence of, 477 psychological, 151 signs of, 161–162 treatment for, 152–153 Adenosine, 153–154 ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), 475 Adipose tissue, 67f Adler, Alfred, 390–391 Adolescence cultural differences in, 367 definition of, 359 Adolescent development, 359–368 discord in, 364–365 moral, 361–362, 362f physical, 359–361 psychosocial, 363–364 social, 363–367 Adolescents alcohol abuse in, 151, 151f depression in, 474–475 drug use in, 151, 152f egocentrism of, 365 marijuana use in, 160f smoking by, 433, 433f suicide of, 365–367, 365f Adrenal glands, 67f Adult development, 369–378 late adulthood, 372–377 physical, 369–370 psychosocial, 364 social, 370 Adult neurogenesis, 80 Affiliation, need for, 310 Afterimage, 101–102, 102f Age of viability, 333, 336f Aggression definition of, 548, 549f from frustration, 550 genetic component of, 400f media violence and, 21, 31–32, 31f, 32f, 48f–49f, 194–195 observational learning of, 550–551 psychology applied to, 21 punishment and, 181 as release, 549–550 Aggressive cues, 550 Aging, 373, 376–377 Agoraphobia, 459 Agreeableness (trait factor), 395, 395f AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome), 335, 336f Ainsworth, Mary, 345 Ainsworth strange situation, 345 Air, in sound, 106 Alarm and mobilization stage, 421, 422f Alcohol cerebellum and, 74 as depressant, 155f, 156–158 effects of, 158f use during pregnancy, 279, 335, 336f Alcohol abuse in adolescents, 151, 151f in college students, 156–157, 157f, 159 Alcohol use disorders, 475 Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), 502 Alcoholism, 157–158 aversion therapy for, 490–491 Korsakoff’s syndrome from, 233 prevalence of, 477 self-help therapy for, 502 Algorithms, 243 Alienation trait, 400f All-or-none law, 54, 87f Allport, Gordon, 394 Altered states of consciousness, 132, 148–149, 151 Alternation model, 264 Altruism, 552 Alzheimer’s disease, 58, 232, 233f, 375 Amabile, Teresa, 254 Ambivalent children, 345 Amino acids, taste of, 109 Amnesia anterograde amnesia, 233 definition of, 233 dissociative amnesia, 463–464 dissociative fugue, 464 Korsakoff’s syndrome, 233 retrograde amnesia, 204, 233 source amnesia, 222 Amok, 480 Amphetamines, 154, 155f Amplitude, of sound, 107, 107f Amygdala in brain structure, 75, 76f in emotion, 318–319, 319f injury to, 76 in memory, 214, 214f prejudice and, 541–542, 542f Anal stage, 385f, 386 Analogies, 255 Analytical intelligence, 271 Analytical learning style, 196, 196f Anderson, Craig, 21, 195 Anderson, James, 196 Andrews, Karl, 313 Androgen, 304 Anesthesia, memory and, 221 Anger, 377, 474, 553 Animal research, 43 Animals language used by, 262–263, 262f sexual behavior of, 304 Anomalous process of information transfer (psi), 125 Anorexia nervosa, 300–302, 301f, 302f, 475, 480 Anterior cingulate cortex, 459, 459f Anterior commissure, 308 Anterograde amnesia, 233 Antianxiety drugs, 509–510 Antibacterial bandages, 240, 285 Antidepressant drugs, 58, 508–509, 508f, 509f Anti-immigration movement, A-4 Antipsychotic drugs, 507–508, 508f Antisocial personality disorder, 474 Anvil, 105, 106f Anxiety from cognitive decline, 375 from compulsions, 461 defense mechanisms against, 386–387, 388f definition of, 457 drug therapy for, 509–510 self-concepts and, 402, 402f smoking and, A-15 Anxiety disorders, 457–462 behavioral therapy for, 493 causes of, 461–462 generalized anxiety disorder, 460, 460f obsessive-compulsive disorder, 461 panic disorder, 459 phobic disorders, 457–458, 458f Apache tribe, 367 Aphasia, 79 Apnea See Sleep apnea Aptitude tests, 275–276 Archetypes, 389 Archival research, 29, 37f Armstrong, Lance, 289 Arndt, Lisa, 297 Arousal approaches to motivation, 291f, 292 I-11 fel70207_subind_I11-I24.indd I-11 9/30/08 11:20:46 AM I-12 Subject Index Arrangement problems, 245f, 246, 246f Artificial retina, 103, 103f Asch, Solomon, 531–532 Association areas, 79, 139 Assumed-similarity bias, 528 Ataque de nervios, 480 Athletic performance, 147, 241, 242f Atkinson, Holly, 439 Attachment, 344–345 Attention during cell phone usage, 21 working memory usage and, 210 Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 475 Attitude communicator, 521 Attitudes behavior and, 523–524 cancer and, 430–432, 432f changing See Persuasion about health care, 437 about smoking, 433 Attractiveness, 546 Attribution theory, 526–529, 527f Atypical antipsychotics, 507, 508f Audio speaker, 106 Auditory area, 78, 78f Auditory canal, 105, 106f Auditory cortex, 107–108 Auditory nerve, 106f Authoritarian parenting, 347, 348f Authoritative parenting, 347, 348f Autism, 65, 181, 475 Autobiographical memory, 226, 226f Autonomic division, 62, 64f definition of, 63 divisions of, 62–63 in panic disorder, 461 Autonomy-versus-shame-and-doubt stage, 349–350, 363f Autrey, Wesley, 520, 555 Availability heuristic, 243 Average See Mean Aversive conditioning, 490–491 Avoidance, 462 Avoidant children, 345 Avoidant coping, 424 Awa tribe, 367 Axons, 53–54, 54f, 86f Aztecs, 148 B Babble, 258 Babinski reflex, 340 Background stressors, 419–420, 420f Balance, 74, 74f, 108 Bandages, antibacterial, 240, 285 Bandura, Albert, 193, 193f Bar/bat mitzvahs, 367 Barbiturates, 155f, 158–159 Bargaining, 377 Barry, Lauren, 359 Bartlett, Frederic, 223 Basilar membrane, 105, 106f, 107 Bautista, Victor, 194 Beck, Aaron, 467, 495 Bedtime, 142 Behavior attitudes and, 523–524 attribution of, 526 biological foundations of, 6, 450 conditioned, 172–173 definition of, desirable, 182, 188 determinants of, unconscious vs conscious, 22f, 23 in functionalism, 16 heredity in See Behavioral genetics implicit memory and, 222 learning vs maturation, 169 in personality development, 397, 398 stress-induced, 423, 423f traits and, 396 fel70207_subind_I11-I24.indd I-12 Behavior analysis, 188 Behavior modification, 188–189 Behavior patterns, 429–430 Behavioral assessment of personality, 410–411 Behavioral genetics, 7f, 9, 65–66, 328 Behavioral neuroscience, 6, 7f, 132 Behavioral neuroscientists (biopsychologists), 52 Behavioral perspective, 18f, 19–20 on abnormal behavior, 450f, 451 on anxiety disorders, 462 on depression, 467 on heredity vs environment, 22f, 23 on key issues, 22f on observable behavior vs internal mental processes, 22f, 23 therapeutic approaches, 490–493, 503 Behavioral strategies, for quitting smoking, 433 Behaviorist approach to personality, 396–397, 398 Bell Curve, The (Herrnstein and Murray), 281–282 Benoit, Chris, 68 Benzedrine, 154, 155f Bereavement support groups, 502 Beta amyloid, 232, 375 Bias in attribution processes, 527–529 confirmation, 252 experimental, 44 of intelligence tests, 374 Biculturalism, 264 “Big Five” trait factors, 394–395, 395f, 396f Bilingual education, 263–264, 263f Bilingual speakers, 263–264, 263f, 264f Bimodal distribution, A-7 Binet, Alfred, 273, 273f Binge drinking, 156–157, 157f Binge eating, 301 Binge-eating disorder, 475 Binocular disparity, 121 Biofeedback, 83, 113, 427 Biological and evolutionary approach to personality, 399–401, 403f Biological constraints, 186–187, 186f Biology in clinical neuropsychology, in mood disorders, 467 in neuroscience perspective, 19 Biomedical therapy, 507–516 definition of, 486 drug therapy, 507–509 electroconvulsive therapy, 510 psychosurgery, 510–511 uses of, 511–513 Biopsychologists See Behavioral neuroscientists Bipolar cells, 97–98, 98f Bipolar disorder, 466, 466f, 467, 509 Birth, complications during, 279 Bisexuality, 307–309 Blakeslee, Matthew, 114 Blind spot, 98, 99f Blindness, 66, 103 Blocker, Ashlyn, 111 Blood, 298–299 Bock, Laszlo, 382 Bodily kinesthetic intelligence, 269, 270f Body motor area mapped to, 77 perceptions of ideal, 297–298 Body mass index (BMI), 297, 297f Boomerang children, 365 Borderline personality disorder, 474 Bottom-up processing, 118–120, 128f Brain, 71–84, 71f behavioral therapy and, 493, 494f in bilingual speakers, 264, 264f capabilities of, 71 in central nervous system, 61, 63f in depression, 467, 468f direct interface with, 73 in eating disorders, 302, 302f in eating regulation, 299 electrical activity in, 71–72 in emotion, 317, 318–319 in endocrine system, 67f functions of, 52, 61 during hypnosis, 145 language-acquisition device in, 260, 261 neuroplasticity of, 79–80 panic disorder and, 459, 459f, 461 prejudice and, 541–542, 542f during REM sleep, 139 scanning, 71–73 in schizophrenia, 471–472, 472f in sexual orientation, 308 during sleep, 134, 139 social support and, 426, 427f stimulation of, for pain management, 113 structure of, 71–84, 75f See also specific parts in visual information processing, 99–100 Brain fag, 480 Brain injuries, 73, 76, 210–211 Broca’s aphasia, 79 Brodhead, John, 151, 151f Bruce, Doug, 204, 237 Buchkovich, Brian, 330 Buchkovich, Ethan, 330 Buchkovich, Jennifer, 330 Bulimia, 300–302, 475 Bupropion (Wellbutrin; Zyban), 508 Burke, Chris, 279 Bushman, Brad, 21 Buyukkokten, Orkut, 254, 254f Bystander intervention See Helping behavior C Caffeine, 142, 153–154, 153f Calkins, Mary, 18 Camera, 95, 96f Cancer gene therapy for, 66 genetic predisposition to, 432–433 psychological response to, 430–432, 432f Cannabis, 155f, 160 Cannon-Bard theory of emotion, 317, 317f Capp, Alex, 416, 443 Carbamazepine (Tegretol), 509 Cardinal traits, 394 Career, 370 Caring, 362 Carroll, Lewis, 257 Case studies, 30–31, 37f Castration anxiety, 386 Cataclysmic events, 418 Catatonic schizophrenia, 469f, 480 Catharsis, 549 Cattell, Raymond, 394 Causality correlation and, 31–32, 32f, A-18 in experiments, 31–32, 49f Cell body, of neurons, 53, 54f, 86f Cell phone usage, and driving, 21 Central core, 74–75, 74f Central executive, 209, 210f Central nervous system, 61–63, 63f Central route processing, 522–523, 522f, 556f Central tendency, A-6 Central traits, 394, 525–526 Cerebellum, 74, 74f, 75f Cerebral cortex association areas of, 79 in brain structure, 74f, 75f, 76–79, 77f definition of, 76 in emotion, 317, 318 in endocrine system, 67f function of, 76 in memory, 214 motor area of, 77–78 neurons in, 99 sensory area of, 78 Challenge, 425 Chantrix, 433 Charles, Joseph, 359 Chess, 208, 208f 9/30/08 11:20:46 AM Subject Index Chilcotin Indians, 195 Child care, 346–347, 346f Child development child care in, 346–347, 346f cognitive, 350–356 culture in, 355–356 information-processing approaches to, 354–355 Piaget’s theory of, 350–354, 351f social interaction in, 355–356 father in, 345 parenting styles in, 347–349, 348f physical, 343–344, 343f playing in, 345–346 psychosexual stages and, 384–386, 385f psychosocial, 349–350 social, 344–350 social relationships in, 345–346 Children abnormal behavior in, 451 in adult development, 371–372 aggression in, 31–32, 31f, 48f–49f depression in, 474–475 egocentrism of, 351 as eyewitnesses, 224–225 language development in, 258–259 psychological disorders in, 474–475 recall in, 226 resilience of, 349 in single-parent families, 372 smoking, 434 temperament of, 349 Chimpanzees, 262–263, 262f China, 480 Chlorpromazine, 507 Cho, Seung-Hui, 4, 348 Chomsky, Noam, 260, 260f Christian rites of passage, 367 Chromosomes abnormalities in, 279 definition of, 330 in Down syndrome, 279, 334 gene sequences on, 65 in genetics, 330, 331f Chunks, 207–208, 354 Cingulotomy, 511 Circadian rhythms, 140–141, 141f Clandestine labs, 154 Clark, Mamie Phipps, 18 Clark, Ryan, Classical conditioning, 169–176 application of, 172–173 assumptions about, 174–175 basics of, 170–172 in behavioral therapy, 490–492 definition of, 170 discrimination of, 174 extinction of, 173–174 generalization of, 174 vs operant conditioning, 187, 187f Claustrophobia, 458 Client-centered therapy, 500 Clinical neuropsychology, 7f, Clinical psychologists, 487f Clinical psychology, 7f, 8, 9, 23, 168 Clinical social workers, 487f Closure (perception), 118, 118f Cocaine, 154–156, 155f Cochlea, 105, 106f Cognition in abnormal behavior, 451 emotion and, 313–314, 318 in motivation, 292–293 need for, 523, 523f in personality development, 397 Cognitive abilities child care centers and, 347 genetics in, 331 in late adulthood, 373–375, 374f Cognitive appraisal, 495–496 Cognitive approaches to motivation, 292–293 fel70207_subind_I11-I24.indd I-13 Cognitive complexity, 253 Cognitive development, in children, 350–356 culture in, 355–356 information-processing approaches to, 354–355 Piaget’s theory of, 350–354, 351f social interaction in, 355–356 Cognitive dissonance, 523–524, 524f Cognitive learning theory, 191–198 Cognitive maps, 192 Cognitive perspective, 18f, 20 on abnormal behavior, 450f, 451–452 on anxiety disorders, 462 on conscious vs unconscious determinants of behavior, 22f, 23 on depression, 467 on key issues, 22f on mood disorders, 467 on observable behavior vs internal mental processes, 22f, 23 on schizophrenia, 472–473 therapeutic approaches, 494–496, 503 Cognitive psychology, 6, 7f, 240 Cognitive restructuring, 113 Cognitive-behavioral therapy, 494 Cold medication, 154 Coles, Chris, 446, 450f, 483 Collective unconscious, 389 Collectivistic orientation, 529 College students alcohol use among, 156, 157f, 159 depression in, 477 as experiment participants, 42, 42f flashbulb memories of, 222, 223f psychological disorders among, 477, 478f Colleges, 8, 10, 10f Color vision, 101–102 Colorblindness, 100–101, 101f Colors, 100, 101–102, 102f Columbia (space shuttle), 532–533 Columbine High School, 216 Commitment, 425, 547 Commonsense, contradictions in, 27 Communication emotion in, 314 in health care, 438–439, 439f schizophrenia and, 472 Community psychology, 513–514 Comorbidity, 477 Companionate love, 546 Compassion, 362 Compliance, 534–536 Compulsions behavioral therapy for, 493 exercise, 301 in obsessive-compulsive disorder, 461 Computer, interfacing with brain, 73 Computerized testing, 278 Conception, 330, 331f Concepts, 242–243, 255 Concrete operational stage, 351f, 353 Conditional positive regard, 402, 402f Conditioned response (CR), 170–172, 171f, 173–174 Conditioned stimulus (CS), 170–172, 171f, 173 Conditioning See Classical conditioning; Operant conditioning Cones, 97, 98f, 101 Confederate, 35 Confirmation bias, 252 Confirmation ceremonies, 367 Conformity, 531–534 definition of, 531–534 findings about, 532 in groupthink, 532–533 in social roles, 533–534 Conscience, 384 Conscientiousness (trait factor), 395, 395f Conscious determinants of behavior, vs unconscious, 22f, 23 Consciousness altered, 132, 148–149, 151 definition of, 132 I-13 hypnosis as state of, 145–147 studying, 132 waking, 132 Conservation, principle of, 352, 352f Consolidation, 214–215, 214f, 216 Constructive processes, 223–227 Context, in perception, 119, 119f Contingency contracting, 492 Continuous reinforcement schedule, 182 Control in autonomy development, 349–350 genetic component of, 400f in happiness, 441 in hardiness, 425 Control group, 33–34, 48f Conventional morality, 362f Convergent thinking, 253 Conversion disorders, 462, 463f Coping, 424–426 Copycat crimes, 194–195 Cornea, 96, 98f Coronary heart disease, 430, 431 Corpus callosum, 75f, 81–82 Correlation, 31–32, 32f, A-16, A-18 Correlation coefficient, A-16–A-17, A-18f Correlational research, 31–32, 37f Cortex See Cerebral cortex Counseling See Psychological treatment Counseling psychologists, 487f Counseling psychology, 7f, CR See Conditioned response Crack, 154, 155f Creative intelligence, 271 Creative nonadherence, 437 Creativity, 253f bipolar disorder and, 466, 466f emotion and, 254 improving, 254–255 intelligence and, 253 in problem solving, 252–253 in workplace, 254 Crimes, recall of, 224 Criminality, 66 Crisis centers, 514 Critical period in attachment, 344 in fetal development, 333 in language development, 258 Critical perspective, 255 Critical thinking, 254–255 Cross-cultural psychology, 7f, Cross-sectional research, 329 Crystallized intelligence, 268–269, 272f, 374 CS See Conditioned stimulus (CS) Cue-dependent forgetting, 231 Cultural differences See also Ethnic differences; Racial differences in adolescents, 359 in age-related memory loss, 375 in alcohol use, 157 in altered consciousness, 148–149 in brain lateralization, 82 in depression, 465 in depth perception, 124–125, 124f in describing emotion, 315 in eating, 299 in facial expressions, 320–321, 320f in family, 505 in formal operational stage, 353 in fundamental attribution error, 529 happiness and, 442 in health-care communication, 438–439 in ideal weight perceptions, 297 in learning styles, 195–196 in long-term memory, 226–227 about love in marriage, 547, 548f in memory, 226–227, 227f in menopause, 370, 370f in pain, 113 in parenting styles, 349 in perception, 123–125, 124f 9/30/08 11:20:46 AM I-14 Subject Index Cultural differences—continued in play styles, 346 psychoanalytic theory and, 388 in psychological disorders, 477, 479–480 in psychological treatment, 504–505 in rites of passage, 367 in self-esteem, 398 in sense of time, 149 in short-term memory, 226–227 in speech patterns, 261 Culture in personality development, 390 personality tests for, 409 in schizophrenia, 480 Culture-fair intelligence tests, 281–283 Curiosity, 291 D Daily hassles, 419–420, 420f DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), 153 Dark adaptation, 97 Darley, John, 28 See also Helping behavior Darling, Jennifer, 111 Darwin, Charles, Data, in behavior modification, 188, 189 Date-rape drugs, 155f, 159 Daydreams, 141–142, 141f Deafness, and babbling, 258, 258f Death, 377 Decay, 231 Deception, in experiments, 41, 44 Decibels, 107 Decision, in love, 547 Declan (dog), 168, 199 Declarative memory, 211, 212f Deep brain stimulation, 73 Defense mechanisms, 386–387, 388f, 424–425, 488 Deinstitutionalization, 513–514, 514f Delusion, 470 DeMichael, Tammy, 83 Dendrites, 53–54, 54f, 86f Denial, 377, 388f Denollet, Johan, 430 Depakote (divalproex sodium), 509 Dependent variable, 34, 35, 36f, 49f Depressants, 155f, 156–158 Depression, 464–465, 465f in accepting death, 377 in adolescents, 366 in bipolar disorder, 466 in children, 474–475 from cognitive decline, 375 in college students, 477 cultural differences in, 465 drug therapy for, 508–509 electroconvulsive therapy for, 510 gender differences in, 465 prevalence of, 477 Depth perception, 121, 122f, 124–125, 124f, 129f DES (diethylstilbestrol), 307–308, 336f Descarte, René, 15 Descriptive research See Archival research; Case study; Naturalistic observation; Survey research Desirable behavior, 182, 188 Determinism, 20, 22f, 23 Development adolescent, 359–368 discord in, 364–365 moral, 361–362, 362f physical, 359–361 psychosocial, 363–364 social, 363–367 adult, 369–378 late adulthood, 372–377 physical, 369–370 psychosocial, 364 social, 370 child child care in, 346–347, 346f cognitive, 350–356, 351f fel70207_subind_I11-I24.indd I-14 father in, 345 parenting styles in, 347–349, 348f physical, 343–344, 343f playing in, 345–346 psychosocial, 349–350 social development, 344–350 social relationships in, 345–346 maturation in, 328 neonatal, 339–342 movement in, 340, 342f reflexes in, 339–340 of senses, 340–342 prenatal, 330–336 embryonic period of, 332 environmental influences on, 334–335, 336f fetal period of, 333–336 genetic influences on, 334 germinal period of, 332 Developmental psychology behavioral genetics in, 328 description of, 6, 7f, 326 evolutionary psychology in, 328 on heredity vs environment, 23, 327–329 learning studied in, 168 research techniques in, 329–330 Deviation IQ scores, 274 Devil’s tuning fork, 124, 124f Dewey, John, 17 Dexedrine, 154, 155f Diabetes, in pregnancy, 335 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR), 453–455, 454f controversy over, 478–479 cultural differences and, 479–480 shortcomings of, 454–455 stigma from, 455 Dialectical behavior therapy, 493 DID (dissociative identity disorder), 463, 480 Diethylstilbestrol (DES), 307–308, 336f Dieting, 303 Difference thresholds (just noticeable difference), 93 Diffusion of responsibility, 28, 33, 551 See also Helping behavior Discomfort, as abnormality, 448 Discrimination, 539–544 definition of, 539 gender-based See Sexism implicit memory and, 221 measuring, 542–543 reducing, 543–544 in standardized tests, 281 Discrimination (stimulus) in classical conditioning, 174 in operant conditioning, 184 Discussion groups, 429 Disease detection of, 440 and prenatal development, 335 prevention of, 440 psychological aspects of, 429–436 from stress, 421 Disengagement theory of aging, 376 Disorganized (hebephrenic) schizophrenia, 469f Disorganized-disoriented children, 345 Displacement, 388f Dispositional causes, 527, 528–529 Dissociative amnesia, 463–464 Dissociative disorders, 462–464 Dissociative fugue, 464 Dissociative identity disorder (DID), 463, 480 Distractions, 21, 210 Divalproex sodium (Depakote), 509 Divergent thinking, 253, 255 Diversion, 185 Diversity See also Cultural differences; Ethnic differences; Gender differences; Racial differences of adolescents, 359 of experiment participants, 42 in future of psychology, 24 in psychology field, 10–11 Division of labor, 372 Divorce, 371–372 DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), 330–331, 331f Door-in-the-face technique, 535 Dopamine (DA), 59, 59f antidepressants and, 508 antipsychotic drugs and, 507–508 in cocaine high, 154 in schizophrenia, 471–472 from stem cells, 80 Dopamine hypothesis, 471 Dopamine-4 receptor gene, 400–401 Double standard, 306 Double-blind procedure, 44 Down syndrome, 279, 334 Downey, June Etta, 18 Dreams, 137–139 common themes of, 137, 137f interpretation of, 488 latent content of, 138, 138f, 488 manifest content of, 138, 138f, 488 in psychodynamic perspective, 19 in REM sleep, 136 theories about, 138–139 unconscious in, 388 Dreams-for-survival theory, 139 Drive, 290, 292 Drive-reduction approaches to motivation, 290–291 Driving, and cell phone usage, 21 Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE), 153 Drug addiction See Addiction Drug reduction programs, 153 Drug therapy, 507–509, 508f, 511–513 Drug use adolescent, 151, 152f effects of, 151, 152f genetic factors in, 152 during pregnancy, 335, 336f reasons for, 152 signs of, 161–162 Drug-detector dogs, 168, 199 Drugs depressants, 155f, 156–158 hallucinogens, 155f, 160–161 narcotics, 155f, 159–161 psychoactive, 151 stimulants, 153–156, 155f DSM-IV-TR See Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Dukakis, Kitty, 486, 510, 517 E Ear, 105–106, 106f, 108 Eardrum, 105, 106f Eating, 299–302, 300 Eating disorders, 297, 300–302, 475 Ebbinghaus, Hermann, 17, 229 Echoic memory, 206 Eclectic approach to psychotherapy, 504 Ecstasy, 155f, 161 ECT (electroconvulsive therapy), 486, 510 Education bilingual, 263–264, 263f emotional intelligence and, 272 of mentally retarded individuals, 280 Piaget’s theory in, 354 of psychologists, 11 about stereotyping, 544 Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1974, 280 Education Testing Service (ETS), 278 Educational psychology, 7f Effect, law of, 177–178, 178f Ego, 384, 389 Egocentrism, 351, 365 Ego-integrity-versus-despair stage, 363f, 364 Einstein, Albert, 328 Ejaculation, 360 Ekman, Paul, 320, 321 Elaborative rehearsal, 209 Electric current, for pain management, 113 9/30/08 11:20:47 AM Subject Index Electrical activity in brain, 71–72, 139, 145 in neurons, 54–55, 55f, 56f, 87f Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 486, 510 Electroencephalogram (EEG), 71–72, 72f Electrophobia, 458 Embryo, 332, 333f Embryonic period, 332 Emotion in antisocial personality, 474 in borderline personality disorder, 474 cancer affected by, 430–432, 432f Cannon-Bard theory of, 317, 317f cataloging, 314–315, 315f cognition and, 313–314, 318 complexity of, 319 conditioned, 172 creativity and, 254 cultural differences in, 320–321, 320f definition of, 313 eating and, 300 expressed, 472 facial expressions of, 320–321, 320f functions of, 314 James-Lange theory of, 316, 317f neuroscience of, 318–319 perception of pain and, 111 physical symptoms of, 315–319 prenatal development and, 335 roots of, 315–319, 317f Schachter-Singer theory of, 317–318, 317f in schizophrenia, 470 study of, 288 Emotional insulation, 425 Emotional intelligence, 271–272, 272f Emotion-focused coping, 424 Empathy in helping behavior, 552 mirror neurons in, 56 narcissism and, 474 Employment, in psychology, 9–12, 10f, 12f Encoding, 205, 205f, 230, 230f Endocrine system, 66–68, 67f Endorphins, 59–60, 59f, 113 Engrams, 213–214 Entrapment, 533 Environment (nurture) in anxiety disorders, 462 in behavioral perspective, 19–20 in emotion, 318 emotional responses to, 314 and heredity, 9, 327–329 behavioral genetics and, 65 as key issue, 22–23 perspectives on, 22f intelligence and, 281–283 in language development, 261 in mental retardation, 279 in personality development, 397, 400–401 in prenatal development, 334–335, 336f relative influence of, 329 in schizophrenia, 472–473 in sexual orientation, 308 in smoking behavior, 433 Environmental psychology, 7f Epileptic seizures, surgery for, 79 Epinephrine, from hostility, 430 Episodic buffer, 209, 210f Episodic memory, 211–212, 212f, 375 Erikson, Erik, 349, 363, 391 Esteem, 294 Estrogen, 304, 369–370 Ethical guidelines, 41, 43, 172 Ethics of animal research, 43 in antisocial personality, 474 of obedience experiment, 537 of psychological research, 41–42 Ethnic differences, 306, 365–366 See also Cultural differences Ethnic group, 539 fel70207_subind_I11-I24.indd I-15 Ethnocentricity, 541 ETS (Education Testing Service), 278 Eustachian tube, 106f Evidence-based psychotherapy practice, 504 Evil archetype, 389 Evolutionary psychology on depression, 467 description of, 7f, 8–9, 64 in developmental psychology, 328 nervous system in, 64 Excitatory messages, 58 Executive functions, 79 Exercise dependency on, 301 for sleep disorders, 142 in weight loss, 303 Exercise bulimia, 301 Exhaustion stage, 422f, 423 Existential intelligence, 269 Experience, 249, 268–269, 281 Experiment(s) animals used in, 43 on attachment, 344, 345, 345f causality in, 31–32, 49f on classical conditioning, 170–171, 171f on cognitive dissonance, 524 on conformity, 531–532 debriefing after, 41–42 definition of, 32 on door-in-the-face technique, 535 on emotion and cognition, 318 ethical guidelines for, 41, 43, 172 ethical review of, 41, 43 in experimental research, 32, 35–36, 36f on foot-in-the-door phenomenon, 534 informed consent for, 41–42 in latent learning, 191–192, 192f on obedience, 536, 537f on operational conditioning, 179 on priming, 221 on schemas, 224 significant outcome of, 36 on social role conformity, 534 statistical analysis of, 36 on that’s-not-all technique, 535 Experimental bias, 44 Experimental group, 33–34, 48f Experimental manipulation, 32 Experimental psychology, 6, 7f Experimental research, 32–38, 37f, 48f–49f double-blind procedure in, 44 theories in, 27–28, 48f Experimenter expectations, 44 Explicit memory, 221 Exposure, in liking, 545–546 Exposure treatments, 492, 503 Expressed emotion, 472 Extinction, 173–174, 173f, 182–183 Extramarital sexual intercourse, 307 Extrasensory perception (ESP), 125 Extraversion, 394, 394f, 395, 395f Extrinsic motivation, 292–293 Extroversion, 441 Eye camera compared to, 95, 96f structure of, 78, 96–100, 98f Eyewitness testimony, 21, 147, 224–226 Eysenck, Hans, 394, 502 F Faceblindness, 90 Facial expressions of emotion, 320–321, 320f infant reactions to, 342, 342f neonatal imitation of, 341, 341f Facial-affect program, 321, 321f Facial-feedback hypothesis, 321 Factor analysis, 394 Factors, of traits, 394–395, 395f, 396f FAE (fetal alcohol effects), 335 Failure, avoidance of, 310 I-15 False memories, 225–226 Familial retardation, 279–280 Family adolescent suicide and, 366 in adult development, 371–372 cultural differences in, 505 gender roles in, 372 in schizophrenia treatment, 512 single-parent, 371–372 Family therapy, 501 Fantasies, sexual, 305 FAS (fetal alcohol syndrome), 279 Fat cells, 300 Father, in child development, 345 Fear conditioned, 172 death from, 63 hierarchy of, 491–492 physical symptoms of, 315–316 predisposal to, 186–187 Fearless Peer, 493, 493f Feature detection, 99 Feminine archetype, 389 Feminism, 390 Fetal alcohol effects (FAE), 335 Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), 279, 335 Fetal period, 333–336 Fetus, 333–336, 333f, 336f “Fight or flight” response, 63 Figure, in perception, 117, 117f Fixation, 384, 385–386 Fixed-interval schedule, 183f, 184 Fixed-ratio schedule, 183, 183f Flashbulb memories, 222, 223f Fluid intelligence, 268, 272f, 374 Fluoxetine (Prozac), 509 fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging), 71, 72, 72f Food, obsession with, 301 Foot-in-the-door technique, 534 Forensic psychology, 7f Forgetting, 229–236 benefits of, 233 cue-dependent, 231 from decay, 231 essential to memory, 229 from interference, 231–232, 232f rate of, 229, 230f reasons for, 230–231 Formal operational stage, 351f, 353 Fovea, 97, 98f Fowler, Raymond, 108 Fox, Michael J., 59, 59f Fractionation, 254–255 Franklin, George, Sr., 225 Free association, 488 Free will, 20, 22f, 23 Frequency, of sound, 106–107, 107f, 108 Frequency distribution, A-5, A-6f Frequency theory of hearing, 107 Freud, Anna, 18, 387, 391 Freud, Sigmund, 19f, 383–387 on abnormal behavior, 451 on aggression, 549 case studies used by, 30 dreams theory of, 138–139 legacy of, 387–389 in psychodynamic perspective, 19 Freudian psychotherapy See Psychoanalysis Freudian slip See Slip of the tongue Friedman, Peach, 301 Friendship, 310 Frontal lobes, 76–77 Frontiers of psychology, 8–9 Frustration, 402, 402f, 550 Fugue state, 464 Functional fixedness, 250 Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 71, 72, 72f Functionalism, 16–17 Fundamental attribution error, 528–529 9/30/08 11:20:47 AM I-16 Subject Index G G (g-factor), 268 Gag reflex, 339 Gage, Phineas, 79 Gall, Franz Josef, 15 Galton, Francis, 273, 278 Gamma-amino butyric acid (GABA), 58–59, 59f Ganglion cells, 97–98, 98f, 99 Garcia, John, 175 Gardner, Howard, 269 GAS See General adaptation syndrome Gate-control theory of pain, 111–113, 112f Gay, 307 Gender, 539 Gender differences in adolescent suicide, 365 in alcohol use, 157 in brain, 81–82 in depression, 465, 467–468 in eating disorders, 301 in friendship, 310 happiness and, 442 in health-care communication, 438 in learning styles, 196 in masturbation behavior, 305 in moral development, 362–363 in need for power, 311 in pain, 111 in persuasibility, 521 in rites of passage, 367 in sense of smell, 109 in sex drive, 305 in sexual fantasies, 305 Gender roles, 372 Gene therapy, 66, 331–332, 511 General adaptation syndrome (GAS), 421–423, 422f General Aptitude Test Battery, 406 Generalization (stimulus), 172f, 174, 184–185 Generalized anxiety disorder, 460, 460f Generativity-versus-stagnation stage, 363f, 364 Genes, 330–331, 331f See also Heredity in anxiety disorders, 461 behaviors linked to, 65 in cancer predisposition, 432–433 cognitive abilities and, 331 definition of, 330 in language development, 260 pain susceptibility and, 111 in personality, 399–401 personality and, 331 psychological disorders and, 331 in schizophrenia, 471, 471f Genetic counseling, 66 Genetic markers, 65 Genetic preprogramming theories of aging, 373 Genetic testing, 66 Genetics, 8–9, 334 See also Behavioral genetics; Heredity Genital stage, 385f, 386 Genitals, 304, 304f, 386 Genome, 65 Genovese, Kitty, 28, 551 See also Diffusion of responsibility; Helping behavior Germinal period, 332 Gestalt laws of organization, 117–118, 118f, 119f, 129f Gestalt psychology, 17, 118 Ghrelin, 299 Gilligan, Carol, 364 Glial cells, 53 Glove anesthesia, 462, 463f Glucose, 298–299 Glutamate, 58, 59f, 472 Goldsmith, Jeffrey, 185 Good archetype, 389 Google, 254, 382, 411, 413 Graded exposure, 492 Grammar, 257–258, 260 Grinspoon, Stuart, 437 Ground, in perception, 117, 117f Group, 531, 532, 541 fel70207_subind_I11-I24.indd I-16 Group therapy, 501, 501f Groupthink, 532–533 Growth, 67, 343, 343f Gustation See Taste H Habituation, 169, 341 Hagaii, 315 Hair cells, 106 Hallucinations, 470 Hallucinogens, 155f, 160–161 Halo effect, 528 Hammer, 105, 106f Happiness, 440–442, 442f Happiness set point, 441 Hardiness, 425 Harlow, Harry, 344 Harm avoidance, 400f Hash oil, 155f Hashish, 155f Hasidism, 148 Hattrill, Kevin, 168 Head size, 273, 278, 344, 344f Headaches, 83 Health happiness and, 440–442 physical, psychological factors in, 8, 429–436 sexual orientation and, 309 stress and, 421–424 Health care, 437, 438–439, 439f Health psychology, 7f, 8, 416 Hearing See Sound Heart, 67f Hebephrenic (disorganized) schizophrenia, 469f Height, 343, 343f Helping behavior, 28, 551f See also Diffusion of responsibility archival research on, 29 experimental research on, 33–38, 38f, 41, 42 naturalistic observation of, 29–30 as social behavior, 551–552 survey research on, 30 Hemimegalencephaly, 52 Hemispherectomy, 52 Hemispheres (brain), 80–83, 83f Heredity (nature) See also Genes; Genetics in alcoholism, 157 in anxiety disorders, 461 in behavior See Behavioral genetics in bipolar disorder, 467 characteristics influenced by, 328, 328f in drug use and addiction, 152 and environment, 9, 327–329 behavioral genetics and, 65 as key issue, 22–23 perspectives on, 22f in happiness, 441 intelligence and, 281–283, 282f, 328, 328f in language development, 260–261 in mental retardation, 279–280 in metabolism, 299 in mood disorders, 467 in narcolepsy, 140 in observational learning, 193 in personality, 399–401, 400f of physical abilities, 328, 328f relative influence of, 329 in schizophrenia, 471, 471f, 473 in sexual orientation, 307 in smoking behavior, 432–433 in weight set point, 299 Heritability, 282 Heroin, 155f, 159–160 Herrnstein, Richard, 281–282 Heterosexuality, 306 Heuristics, 243, 248, 255 Hierarchy of fears, 491–492 Hierarchy of needs See Maslow’s hierarchy of needs High blood pressure, in pregnancy, 335 Hilscher, Emily, Hindbrain, 74 Hippocampus in brain structure, 75, 76f in emotion, 319, 319f function of, 76 in memory, 214, 214f, 215f Histogram, A-5–A-6, A-6f H.M (alias), 229 Hobson, J Allan, 139 Hollingworth, Leta Stetter, 18 Hollopeter, Cameron, 520 Homeostasis, 290–291 Homosexuality, 307–309 Honesty, in medical communication, 439–440 Hook-swinging ritual, 113 Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), 68, 370 Hormones definition of, 66 in depression, 468 in endocrine system, 66 ingestion of, 68 neurotransmitters compared to, 66 pain susceptibility and, 111 in sexual behavior, 304–305 in sexual orientation, 307–308 Horney, Karen, 18, 389–390, 391f Hostility, 430 Hot lines, 514 HOXA1 variant gene, 65 HRT (hormone replacement therapy), 68, 370 Hubel, David, 99 Hughes, Louise, 326 Human Genome Project, 331–332 Humanistic perspective, 18f, 20 on abnormal behavior, 450f, 452 on individual differences vs universal principles, 22f, 23 on key issues, 22f on personality, 401–402, 403f therapeutic approaches, 499–500 Hunger, 298–299 Hypnosis, 113, 145–147, 146f Hypochondriasis, 462 Hypothalamus in brain structure, 75f definition of, 75 in eating regulation, 299 in emotion, 317 endocrine system and, 66, 67, 67f function of, 75 in sexual orientation, 308 Hypotheses definition of, 28 in experimental research, 32–33, 35, 36f, 48f limitations of, 37 participant expectations of, 44 in psychological research, 28 usefulness of, 28 I IAT (Implicit Association Test), 542–543 Iconic memory, 206 Id, 384 Ideal, deviation from, 447–448 Identification, 386, 387f Identity, 363, 364, 474 Identity-versus-role-confusion stage, 363–364, 363f Ill-defined problems, 244 Immersion programs, 263 Immigration, 196, A-4 Immune system, 416, 423–424 Implicit Association Test (IAT), 542–543 Implicit memory, 221–222, 375, 388 Impression formation, 525–526 Imprinting, 344 Impulses, 53, 54f, 86f, 97–99 Inability to function, 448 Incentive approaches to motivation, 292 Independent variable, 34, 35, 36f, 49f India, 512 Individual differences, vs universal principles, 22f, 23 9/30/08 11:20:48 AM Subject Index Individualist orientation, 529 Inducing structure problems, 245f, 246, 246f Industrial/organizational psychology, 7f, 9, 536 Industry-versus-inferiority stage, 350, 363f Ineffability, 149 Infant development See Child development Inferential statistics, A-15–A-16 Inferiority complex, 390–391 Information processing in cognitive development, 354–355 in cognitive perspective, 20 dreams and, 139 in fluid intelligence, 268 in impression formation, 526 as intelligence, 269–271, 272f lateralization and, 81 panic disorder and, 459, 459f in persuasion, 522–523, 522f in recall, 220–221 speed of, 271, 354 in vision, 99–100 Informed consent, 41–42 Ingroup, 541 Inhibitory messages, 58 Initiative-versus-guilt stage, 350, 363f Inner ear, 105, 106f Insanity, 448 Insight, 249, 249f Insomnia, 140 Instinct theory, 549–550 Instincts, 289–290 Intellectual disabilities, 279–280 Intellectually gifted, 280 Intelligence assessing, 273–279 child care centers and, 347 creativity and, 253 crystallized, 268–269, 272f defining, 267–268 definition of, 268 emotional, 271–272, 272f fluid, 268, 272f general factor of, 268 head size and, 273, 278 heritability of, 282, 282f, 328, 328f immigrants and, A-4 information processing as, 269–271, 272f in late adulthood, 374 as multidimensional concept, 268 multiple, 269, 270f, 272f in persuasibility, 521 practical, 271, 272f processes in, 269 types of, 272f Intelligence quotient (IQ), 274 Intelligence tests, 273–279 administration of, 275 age bias of, 374 culture-fair, 281–283 definition of, 273 experience and, 281 for multiple intelligences, 269 socioeconomic status and, 282 Stanford-Binet, 273–275 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale–III (WAIS–III), 275, 276f–277f Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–IV (WISC–IV), 275, 276f–277f Interactionist theory on developmental psychology, 328 on language development, 261 Interference, 231–232, 232f Intermittent reinforcement schedule See Partial reinforcement schedule Internal mental process, vs observable behavior, 22f, 23 Interneurons, 61, 62 Interpersonal attraction (close relationships), 545–547 Interpersonal intelligence, 269, 270f Interpersonal therapy, 500–501 fel70207_subind_I11-I24.indd I-17 Intimacy, 547 Intimacy-versus-isolation stage, 363f, 364 Intoxication, 156 Intrapersonal intelligence, 269, 270f Intrinsic motivation, 292–293 Introspection, 15–16 Ions, 54–55 IQ (intelligence quotient), 274 IQ scores, 274, 274f, 347, 406 IQ test See Intelligence tests Issues, psychology and, 21, 24 J “Jabberwocky” (Carroll), 257 James, William, 15, 16–17, 316 James-Lange theory of emotion, 316, 317f Jeter, Derek, 328 Jewish rites of passage, 367 Jones, Jimmy, 504 Joyce, James, 447 Judgment, 249–250 Jung, Carl, 389 Just noticeable difference (difference thresholds), 93 K Kanzi (chimpanzee), 262 Kelson, Trevor, 359 Keyword technique, 234 Kidneys, 67f Kinsey, Alfred, 307 Kohlberg, Lawrence, 361, 362f Köhler, Wolfgang, 249 Koro, 480 Korsakoff’s syndrome, 233 Krieger, Ana, 132 Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 377 L La belle indifference, 462 Lange, Carl, 316 Language, 257–266 in animals, 262–263, 262f attribution and, 529 development of, 258–261 child care centers and, 347 critical periods for, 333 in preoperational stage, 351 theories of, 259–261 grammar of, 257–258 lateralization and, 81–82 neonatal recognition of, 342 production of, 258–259 in schizophrenia, 469–470 Language-acquisition device, 260, 261 Lanugo, 339 Latané, Bibb, 28 See also Diffusion of responsibility; Helping behavior Late adulthood, 372–377 Latency period, 385f, 386 Latent content of dreams, 138, 138f, 488 Latent learning, 191–193, 192f Lateral hypothalamus, 299 Lateralization, 81–82 Law, abnormal behavior under, 448 Law of effect, 177–178, 178f Learned helplessness, 425, 467 Learned taste aversion, 175 Learning See also Classical conditioning; Operant conditioning active nature of, 174–175 in behavioral therapy, 490 biological constraints on, 186–187, 186f cognitive approaches to, 191–198 cultural differences in, 195–196 definition of, 169 in depression, 467 emotion in, 314 fetal capacity for, 333 identifying, 169 limbic system in, 76 I-17 vs maturation, 169 in psychology, 168 schedules of reinforcement in, 182 Learning styles, 195–196, 196f Learning theory on abnormal behavior, 451 cognitive, 191–198 in cognitive therapy, 494 on language development, 259–260 on personality development, 396–398, 403f, 410–411 on sexual orientation, 308 Leisure activities, 373 Lens, 97, 98f Lepre, Anthony, 417 Leptin, 300 Lesbian, 307 Levels-of-processing theory, 220–221 Levey, Gerald, 327, 327f Librescu, Liviu, Life review, 377 Light, 95, 95f, 99 Light adaptation, 97 Light therapy, 113, 141 Liking, 545–546 Limbic system in brain structure, 75–76, 76f definition of, 75 in emotion, 317 function of, 75–76 in panic disorder, 461 during REM sleep, 139 stimulation of, 76 Lindholm, Marjorie, 216 Linear perspective, 121, 122f Linguistic intelligence, 269, 270f Linguistic-relativity hypothesis, 261 Link, Danielle, 326, 379 Lithium, 509 Liver, 67f Lobes, 76–77, 77f Lobotomy, 511 Locke, John, 15 Locked-in syndrome, 73 Locus ceruleus, 461 Loftus, Elizabeth, 225 Logical capabilities of children, 353 Logical-mathematical intelligence, 269, 270f London bombers, 30 Loneliness, 376 Longitudinal research, 330 Long-term memory, 210–215 capacity of, 219 in crystallized intelligence, 268–269 cultural differences in, 226–227 definition of, 206 evidence of, 210–211 modules of, 211–212, 212f problem solutions in, 247–248 semantic networks in, 212–213, 213f short-term memory transferred to, 209 Long-term potentiation, 214 Lorenz, Konrad, 344, 549–550 Love, 546–547, 547f Low self-esteem, 398, 398f LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide), 155f, 161 Luria, A R., 233 Lymphocytes, 424 M Mainstreaming, 280 Major depression See Depression Male archetype, 389 Mania, 465–466, 509 Manifest content of dreams, 138, 138f, 488 Mantra, 147 MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitors, 508, 508f Marijuana, 155f, 160–161, 160f Marital sexual intercourse, 306–307 Marriage, 371 Maslow, Abraham, 20, 293–294, 452 9/30/08 11:20:48 AM I-18 Subject Index Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 293–294, 293f Master’s degree, 11 Masturbation, 305–306 Maturation, 169, 328 McDougall, William, 289 MDMA, 155f, 161 Mead, Margaret, 367 Meal schedule, 300 Mean, 447, A-6, A-8–A-9, A-9f, A-10f Meaning, in memory, 223–227 Means-ends analysis, 248 Media aggression linked to, 21, 31–32, 31f, 32f, 48f–49f, 194–195 obesity and, 303 stereotypes in, 541 Medial temporal lobes, 214 Median, A-7, A-8–A-9, A-9f, A-10f Medical advice, compliance with, 437–440 Medical perspective, 450, 450f, 455 Medical student’s disease, 480–481 Medication marijuana as, 161 memory enhancers, 234 memory intensity and, 216 in methamphetamine, 154 for pain management, 113 for sleep disorders, 142 for smoking, 433 Meditation, 147–149, 148f Medulla, 67f, 74, 75f Memory See also Long-term memory; Sensory memory; Short-term memory accuracy of, 222 acetylcholine in, 58 autobiographical, 226, 226f basic processes of, 205–206, 205f in child development, 354, 355f constructive processes in, 223–227 cultural differences in, 226–227, 227f decay in, 231 in dissociative amnesia, 463–464 dreams in, 139 explicit, 221 failure of, 229–236 See also Forgetting false, 225–226 flashbulb memories, 222 in fluid intelligence, 268 forgetting essential to, 229 glutamate in, 58 implicit, 221–222 improving, 234 interference in, 231 in late adulthood, 375 levels-of-processing theory of, 220–221 limbic system in, 76 neuroscience of, 213–215 physical location of, 213–215, 214f in preliterate societies, 226 recall, 219–221, 219f, 224, 226, 233 recognition, 219–220, 220f reducing intensity of, 216 reliability of, 224–226 repressed, 225–226, 464 schemas in, 223–224 three-system approach to, 205–206, 206f Memory dysfunctions, 232–233, 233f Memory traces, fading of, 231 Men, 370 See also Gender differences Menopause, 68, 369–370 Menstrual cycle, 18 Mental age, 273 Mental health workers, labelling and, 455 Mental images, 241, 242f Mental processes, Mental retardation, 279–280, 334 Mental set, 251, 251f Message, persuasive, 521, 556f Meta-analysis, 37, 503 Metabolism, 299 Metacognition, 355 fel70207_subind_I11-I24.indd I-18 Methadone, 160 Methamphetamine, 154 Middle ear, 105, 106f Midlife crisis, 370 Midlife transition, 370 Mild retardation, 279 Milgram, Stanley, 536 Milk, and sleep, 142 Mind, theory of, 355 Mind-body issue, 416 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2), 407–409, 408f Minority groups, 10–11, 221 See also Ethnic group; Race; Women Mirror neurons, 55–56, 193 Mistaken identity, 224 Mitchell, Brooks, 185 Mitchell, Duncan, 90, 127 Mitchell, Margaret, 90 Mnemonics, 209 Mode, A-7, A-8–A-9, A-9f, A-10f Models, in observational learning, 193 Moderate retardation, 279 Modern racism, 539 Molecular genetics, 65 Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors, 508, 508f Monoamines, 136 Monocular cues, 121 Montejo, Matthew, 194 Mood disorders, 464–468, 465f Mood stabilizers, 509 Moon, perceptual constancy and, 120–121, 120f Moral development, 361–362, 362f, 474 Moral judgment, vs moral behavior, 362 Morphine, 155f, 159 Mother archetype, 389 Motion parallax, 121 Motion perception, 122 Motivation for achievement, 309–310 for affiliation, 310 applying approaches to, 294 arousal approaches to, 291f, 292 cognitive approaches to, 292–293 definition of, 289 drive-reduction approaches to, 290–291 extrinsic, 292–293 hierarchy of needs in, 293–294, 293f incentive approaches to, 292 instincts in, 289–290 intrinsic, 292–293 measuring, 310, 310f for power, 310–311 study of, 288 Motor (efferent) neurons, 61, 62 Motor area, 77–78 Movement, in neonatal development, 340, 342f Müller-Lyer illusion, 123, 124f Multiple intelligences, theory of, 269, 270f, 272f Multiple personality disorder See Dissociative identity disorder Murray, Charles, 281–282 Musical intelligence, 269, 270f Musu, 315 Myelin sheath, 54, 54f, 55 Myers-Briggs personality test, 389 N Napping, 142 Narcissistic personality, 474 Narcolepsy, 140 Narcotics, 155f, 159–161 NASA, 532–533 National character, 409 National Institute of Mental Health, 42 National Science Foundation, 42 Native Americans, 148, 195, 479 Nativist approach to language development, 260 Natural disasters, 418 Naturalist intelligence, 269, 270f Naturalistic observation, 29–30, 37f Nature See Heredity Nature–nurture issue, 327–329 Navigation method, Trukese, 267, 267f Need for cognition, 523, 523f Nefazodone (Serzone), 508, 509f Negative correlation, 31, A-16, A-17f Negative punishment, 180, 181f, 201f Negative reinforcer, 180, 181f, 200f Negatively framed messages, 440 Negative-symptom schizophrenia, 471 Neighbors, Clayton, 159 Nembutal, 155f, 158 Neo-Freudian psychoanalysts, 389–391 Neonatal development, 339–342, 342f Neonate, 339, 339f NEO-PI-R (Revised NEO Personality Inventory), 409 Nerves, 15, 113 Nervous system, 61–63 in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, 475 drug use and, 151, 152f evolutionary foundations of, 63–66 in evolutionary psychology, 64 functions of, 52 hierarchical organization of, 64 neurogenesis and, 80 relationship of parts of, 62f Neural impulses, 53, 54f, 86f in hearing, 106, 107 in vision, 97–99 Neurogenesis, in adults, 80 Neurons, 53–60 action potential of, 55, 55f, 86f–87f in auditory cortex, 107–108 communication between, 53 in cortex, 99 creation of, 80 definition of, 53 excitatory messages in, 58 firing, 54–56, 55f, 56f, 86f–87f inhibitory messages in, 58 in memory, 214–215 mirror neurons, 55–56 neurotransmitters in, 57–58, 57f receptor sites in, 57–58, 57f resting state of, 54, 87f structure of, 53–54, 54f, 86f synapses of, 56–58, 57f, 86f Neuroplasticity, 79–80 Neuroscience of emotion, 318–319 in future of psychology, 24 in social psychology, 24 Neuroscience perspective, 18f, 19, 22f, 23 Neuroscientists, 52 Neurosis, 387, 453 Neurotic anxiety, 386–387 Neurotic symptoms, 488 Neuroticism, 394, 394f, 395, 395f Neurotransmitters in depression, 467 in drug therapy, 507 hormones compared to, 66 in neuron firing, 57–58, 57f, 86f reuptake of, 58 in schizophrenia, 471–472 during sleep, 136 types of, 58–60, 59f Neutral stimulus, 170–172, 171f New brain See Cerebral cortex Newborn See Neonate Newman, Mark, 327, 327f Nicotine, 154, 335, 336f, 433 See also Smoking Night terrors, 140 Night vision, 97 Nightmares, 137 Nissley, Lacy, 52, 85 Nissley, Wendy, 52 Nobel Prize, 170 9/30/08 11:20:48 AM Subject Index Noise, 92 Nondeclarative memory See Procedural memory Nondirective counseling, 500 Non-REM sleep See Sleep, stages of Nontasters, 110, 110f Norepinephrine, 430, 508 Normal distribution, A-8, A-9f Norms establishing, 406–407 of groups, 531 against prejudice, 544 in psychological testing, 278, 406 racial and ethnic bases for, 406–407 of reciprocity, 535 Note-taking, 234 Not-so-free sample, 535 Novello, Antonia, 479 Nucleus, of neurons, 53 Nurture See Environment Nutrition, in prenatal development, 335, 336f O Obedience, 536–537, 537f Obesity definition of, 297 psychology applied to, 21 roots of, 300 television and, 303 Object permanence, 351 Observable behavior, vs internal mental process, 22f, 23 Observational learning, 193, 193f, 194f, 195f of aggression, 550–551 in behavioral therapy, 493, 493f in personality development, 397 of prejudices, 541 of stereotypes, 541 Obsession, 461 Obsessive-compulsive disorder, 461, 511 Occipital lobes, 76–77 Oedipal conflict, 386 Olanzapine, 507 Old brain See Central core Olfaction See Smell Olfactory cells, 109, 109f On the Origin of Species (Darwin), Openness to experience (trait factor), 395, 395f Operant conditioning, 177–190 basics of, 178–187 in behavioral therapy, 492–493 vs classical conditioning, 187, 187f cognitive maps and, 193 definition of, 177 discrimination in, 184–185 in eating habits, 300 generalization in, 184–185 in language development, 259 punishment in, 180–181, 181f reinforcement in, 179–181, 181f schedules of reinforcement in, 182–184 shaping in, 186 Operational definitions, 28, 33 Opponent-process theory of color vision, 102 Optic chiasm, 98, 99f, 100f Optic nerve, 98, 100f Optimism, 441 Oral contraceptives, 468 Oral stage, 385–386, 385f Organic mental disorders, 475 Organization cues, 234 Orgasm, 63 Orkut, 254 Otoliths, 108 Outer ear, 105, 106f Outgroup, 541 Oval window, 105, 106f Ovaries, 67f, 304 Overattention, 472–473 Overgeneralization, 259 Overlearning, 234 fel70207_subind_I11-I24.indd I-19 Ovulation, 304 Oxytocin, 67–68 P Pain, 111–113, 112f Pain management, 112, 113, 146 Paliperidone, 507 Pancreas, 67f Panic disorder, 457, 459, 477, 503 Paralimbic system, 139 Paranoid schizophrenia, 469f Paraphilias, 475 Parasympathetic division, 63, 64f Parathyroid glands, 67f Parenting, 308, 347–349, 348f Parietal lobes, 76–77 Parkinson’s disease, 59, 80 Parthenon, 122–123, 123f Partial (intermittent) reinforcement schedule, 182–184 Participant(s), in experimental research, 34, 41–42 Participant expectations, 44 Passion, 547 Passionate (romantic) love, 546 Pavlov, Ivan, 170, 170f, 174–175 Peers, 159, 345–346, 348, 364 Pendulum problem, 353 Penis envy, 386, 387, 390 Perception, 117–126 See also Sensation in altered consciousness, 149 bottom-up processing in, 118–120, 128f context in, 119, 119f definition of, 90, 91 of depth, 121, 129f gestalt laws of organization of, 117–118, 129f illusions in, 122–125, 123f language in, 261 of motion, 122 in neonates, 340–342 noise and, 92 in schizophrenia, 470 vs sensation, 90, 128f–129f in stress, 418 top-down processing in, 118–120, 129f Perceptual constancy, 120–121, 120f Perceptual illusions, 122–125, 123f Perfectionism, in adolescents, 366 Peripheral nervous system, 62 Peripheral route processing, 522–523, 522f, 557f Peripheral vision, 97 Permissive parenting, 347, 348f Personal fables, 365 Personal stressors, 418 Personality assessment of See Personality tests behaviorist theories of, 396–397, 398 biological and evolutionary theories of, 399–401, 403f characteristics of See Traits comparing approaches to, 403, 403f culture in, 390 definition of, 382 dimensions of, 394, 394f genetics in, 9, 331 in helping behavior, 552 heredity in, 399–401, 400f humanistic theory of, 401–402, 403f learning theories of, 396–398, 403f, 410–411 psychoanalytic theories of, 383–389, 403f defense mechanisms in, 386–387, 388f neo-Freudian, 389 psychosexual stages in, 384–386, 385f risk and, 432 schemas of, 525, 526 self-efficacy in, 397, 397f self-esteem in, 397–398, 398f social cognitive approaches to, 397, 398 trait theories of, 393–396, 403f in women, 389–390 in workplace, 382 Personality disorders, 473–474 I-19 Personality psychology, 6, 7f Personality tests, 405–412 assessing, 411 behavioral, 410–411 for cultures, 409 projective, 409–410, 410f self-report measures, 407–409, 407f Person-centered therapy, 499–500 Perspectives of psychology, 18–20, 18f on abnormal behavior, 450f on key issues, 22f specialization and, 22 Persuasion, 521–524, 556f–557f PET (positron emission tomography), 71, 72, 72f Phallic stage, 385f, 386 PhD degree, 11 Phenobarbital, 155f, 158 Phenylketonuria (PKU), 334 Pheromones, 109 Philosophy, 15, 132 Phobia, 458, 458f, 462, 493, 503 Phobic disorders, 457–458, 458f Phonemes, 257 Phonology, 257 Photoreceptor cells, 97, 98f, 101, 102, 103 See also Cones; Rods Phrenology, 15 Physical abilities, 328, 328f, 373 Physical development of adolescents, 359–361 of adults, 369–370 of children, 343–344, 343f Physical health, 8, 308 Physical punishment, 181 Physiological responses to hostility, 430 to panic, 459 to stress, 421–424, 423f, 431 Piaget, Jean, 350–354, 351f Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, 350–354, 351f Pineal gland, 67f Pinna, 106f Pitch, 106, 107, 107f Pitman, Roger, 216 Pituitary gland, 66–67, 67f, 75f PKU (phenylketonuria), 334 Place theory of hearing, 107 Placebo, 44, 60 Plains Indians, 479 Plato, 15 Playing, 345–346 Pleasure principle, 384 PNI (psychoneuroimmunology), 416, 423–424 Pons, 74, 75f Population, 30, A-15 Positive correlation, 31, A-16, A-17f Positive illusions, 441 Positive punishment, 180, 181f, 201f Positive reinforcer, 179, 180, 181f, 200f Positively framed messages, 440 Positive-symptom schizophrenia, 471 Positron emission tomography (PET), 71, 72, 72f Postconventional morality, 362f Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 173, 418–419, 461, 477 Power, need for, 310–311 Power, Raymond, Jr., 464 Power hour, 159 Practical intelligence, 271, 272f Practice, 234 Preconscious, 383 Preconventional morality, 362f Predisposition model of schizophrenia, 473 Prefrontal lobotomy, 511 Pregnancy, 161, 334–335, 336f Prejudice, 539–544 brain and, 541–542, 542f definition of, 539 foundations of, 541–542 implicit memory and, 221 measuring, 542–543 9/30/08 11:20:49 AM I-20 Subject Index Prejudice—continued reducing, 543–544 in schemas, 224 Preliterate societies, 226 Premarital sexual intercourse, 306 Premenstrual dysmorphic disorder, 479 Prenatal development, 330–336 embryonic period of, 332 environmental influences on, 334–335, 336f fetal period of, 333–336 genetic influences on, 334 germinal period of, 332 Preoperational stage, 351, 351f Pressure, 111–113 Preterm infants, 333–334 Preventive treatment, 509 Primacy effect, 211 Primary drives, 290–291, 293–294 Primary reinforcer, 179 Prime, 125 Priming, 221–222 Principle of conservation, 352, 352f Proactive coping, 427 Proactive interference, 231, 232f Probability, A-15–A-16 Problem solving, 244–252, 244f See also Problems; Solutions in attribution, 526–527 creativity in, 252–253 in crystallized intelligence, 268–269 by heuristics, 248 impediments to, 250–252, 250f, 251f by insight, 249, 249f judgment in, 249–250 preparation in, 244–247 production in, 247–249 representing in, 247 by trial and error, 248 Problem-focused coping, 424 Problems framing of, 247, 247f ill-defined, 245 redefining, 254 types of, 245–246, 245f, 246f well-defined, 244 Procedural (nondeclarative) memory, 211, 211f, 212f Process schizophrenia, 470 Production, 247–249 Productivity, 185 Profound retardation, 279 Progesterone, 304 Program evaluation, 7f Projection, 388f Projective personality tests, 409–410, 410f Propranolol, 216 Prosocial behavior, 551–552 Prosopagnosia, 90 Prototypes, 242–243 Proximity in liking, 545 in perception, 118, 118f Prozac (fluoxetine), 509 Psychiatric social workers, 487f Psychiatrists, 487f Psychic energy, 384 Psychoactive drugs, 151 Psychoactive substance-use disorder, 475 Psychoanalysis, 388, 488–489 Psychoanalysts, 487f Psychoanalytic theory, 383–389 on abnormal behavior, 450–451, 450f criticisms of, 387–388 defense mechanisms in, 386–387, 388f on depression, 467 legacy of, 387–389 in psychodynamic approach, 488 psychosexual stages in, 384–386, 385f on schizophrenia, 472 Psychodynamic perspective, 18f, 19 on conscious vs unconscious determinants of behavior, 22f, 23 fel70207_subind_I11-I24.indd I-20 on key issues, 22f on personality, 383–392, 403f therapeutic approaches, 488–490 Psychological disorders See also Abnormal behavior ancient beliefs about, 15 from anxiety, 387 in childhood, 474–475 classification of, 453–455, 454f among college students, 477, 478f cultural differences in, 477, 479–480 definition of, 453 genetic markers for, 65, 331 global prevalence of, 477, 479f prevalence of, 477 suicide bombers and, 449 treatment of See Psychological treatment; Psychotherapy Psychological research, 27–40 See also specific types archival research, 29 case studies, 30–31 correlational research, 31–32, 37f critical evaluation of, 45 critical issues in, 41–46 deception in, 41, 44 ethics of, 41–42 experimental research, 32–38, 37f hypotheses in, 28 naturalistic observation, 29–30, 37f operational definitions in, 28 questions in, 27 scientific method in, 5, 27–29 survey research, 30, 37f techniques in, 329–330 theories in, 27–28 “truths” in, 5f Psychological response, to cancer, 430–432, 432f Psychological testing, 405–406 See also Intelligence tests; Personality tests in case studies, 30 reliability of, 276–278, 405 standardization of, 408 validity of, 276–278, 405 Psychological treatment biomedical, 507–516, 508f decision to seek, 481 economic disparities and, 477 in experimental research, 33–34 health benefits of, 432 hypnosis as, 147 psychotherapy See Psychotherapy for quitting smoking, 433 specific to disorders, 503–504 Psychologists, 10–11, 487f, 514–515, 515f Psychology applications to modern problems, 21 controversies in, 22–23 definition of, earlier beliefs about, 15 employment in, 9–12, 10f frontiers of, 8–9 future of, 24 historical development of, 15–18, 16f–17f key issues in, 22–23, 22f modern perspectives of, 18–20, 18f subfields of, 6–9, 7f “truths” in, 5f Psychology major, 11, 12f Psychology of women See Women, psychology of Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), 416, 423–424 Psychophysics, 91 Psychophysiological disorders, 421 Psychosexual stages, 384–386, 385f Psychosocial development, 349–350, 363–364 Psychosurgery, 510–511 Psychotherapy behavioral approaches, 490–493 choosing provider, 514–515, 515f cognitive approaches, 494–496 definition of, 486 vs drug therapy, 511–513 eclectic approach, 504 effectiveness of, 502 evaluating, 502–504 evidence-based, 504 family, 501 Freudian See Psychoanalysis group, 501, 501f humanistic approaches, 499–500 interpersonal, 500–501 providers of, 487f psychodynamic approaches, 488–490 self-help, 502 superior type of, 502–503, 502f, 504f Psychoticism, 394, 394f PsyD degree, 11 PTSD See Posttraumatic stress disorder Puberty, 360, 360f, 361 Punishment, 180–182, 181f, 193, 200f–201f Pupil, 96–97, 96f Purging, 301 Q Quadriplegia, 61–62 Questions in psychological research, 27 wording of, and recall, 224, 225, 225f R Race prejudice based on, 539 stereotype threat and, 540 Race norming, 406–407 Racial differences See also Cultural differences in adolescent suicide, 365–366 happiness and, 442 in masturbation behavior, 305 in premarital sexual behavior, 306 in test norms, 406–407 Racism, modern, 539 Radiation, 72, 336f Ralston, Aron, 288, 294, 323 Random assignment to condition, 34–35, 36f Range, A-11 Rational-emotive behavior therapy, 494–495, 495f Rationalization, 388f Reactance, 437–438 Reaction formation, 388f Reactive schizophrenia, 470 Reality principle, 384 Reasoning, 268 Rebound effect, 136 Recall, 219–221, 219f, 224, 226, 233 Recency effect, 211 Receptor cells, 290 See also Hair cells; Olfactory cells; Photoreceptor cells; Skin receptor cells; Taste buds Receptor sites, in neurons, 57–58, 57f Reciprocity, norm of, 535 Reciprocity-of-liking effect, 546 Recognition, 219–220, 220f Reflex, 61, 339–340 Reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome (RSDS), 111 Regression, 388f, 472 Rehearsal, 209, 234 Reinforcement cognitive learning theory and, 191 in language development, 259 latent learning and, 191 in operant conditioning, 179–181, 181f in personality development, 396–397 vs punishment, 180–182, 200f–201f schedules of, 182–184, 183f Reinforcers, 179–180 Relational learning style, 195–196, 196f Relationship harmony, 398 Relationships See also Interpersonal attraction in abnormal behavior, 452 in antisocial personality disorder, 474 in borderline personality disorder, 474 in interpersonal therapy, 500 in intimacy-versus-isolation stage, 364 with peers, in child development, 345–346 9/30/08 11:20:49 AM Subject Index in psychosocial development of women, 364 Relative size, 121 Relaxation techniques, 113, 491–492, 491f, 553 Reliability, 276–278, 405 Religion, 426, 449, 539 REM sleep, 135–136, 135f Replicated research, 37 Representativeness heuristic, 243 Repressed memories, 225–226, 464 Repression, 387, 388–389, 388f, 488 Research See also Experimental research; Psychological research Residual schizophrenia, 469f Resilience, 349, 425–426 Resistance, 488 Resistance stage, 421, 422f Resting state, 54, 87f Reticular formation, 74–75, 75f Retina, 97, 98f, 103, 103f, 121 Retinitis pigmentosa (RP), 103 Retrieval, 205, 205f Retrieval cues, 219–220, 231 Retroactive interference, 231–232, 232f Retrograde amnesia, 204, 233 Reuptake, 58 Reversibility, 353 Reward, 179, 193 Rewards-costs approach to helping, 552 Rhodopsin, 97 Ridge, Tim, 417 Risk, 432 Rites of passage, 367 Ritual, 461 Rizperidone, 507 RJ Reynolds Company, 434 Rock, Gregg, 159 Rods, 97, 98f Rogers, Carl, 20, 401, 452 Rohypnol, 155f, 159 Rooting reflex, 339 Rorschach, Hermann, 409–410 Rorschach test, 409–410, 410f Rosenhan, David, 454–455 Rothman, Alex, 440 RP (retinitis pigmentosa), 103 RSDS (reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome), 111 Rubella (German measles), 335, 336f Running, 60 Ruud, Judith, 343 Ruud, Russell, 342–343 S Salovey, Peter, 440 Sample, 30, A-15 Scaffolding, 356 Scatterplot, A-16, A-17f Schachter-Singer theory of emotion, 317–318, 317f Schadenfreude, 315 Schedules of reinforcement, 182–184, 183f Schemas, 223–224, 525, 526 Schiff, Nicholas, 73 Schizophrenia, 468–473 biological causes of, 471–472, 472f characteristics of, 469–470 courses of, 470 cultural issues in, 480 dopamine and, 59 drug therapy for, 507 environmental causes of, 472–473 in India, 512 predisposition model of, 473 socioeconomic status and, 452 symptoms of, 446, 471 types of, 469f Schizophrenia Research Foundation (SCARF), 512 School psychology, 7f, School shootings, 4, 216, 348 Schultz, Gregory, 240, 285 Schumann, Robert, 466, 466f Scientific method, 5, 27–29, 28f, 38 Seasonal affective disorder, 141–142, 141f fel70207_subind_I11-I24.indd I-21 Seconal, 155f, 158 Second shift, 372 Secondary drives, 290 Secondary reinforcer, 179 Secondary traits, 394 Secure attachment, 345 Segregation, 543 Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 58, 508, 508f, 509f Self-actualization, 294, 401, 402f Self-affirmation, 540 Self-concepts, 401–402, 433 Self-control, 149 Self-defeating personality disorder, 478–479 Self-efficacy, 397, 397f Self-esteem in happiness, 440–441 in personality, 397–398, 398f segregation and, 543 Self-fulfilling prophecy, 539 Self-help therapy, 502 Self-injury, 181 Self-perception, 376–377, 535 Self-report measures of personality, 407–409, 407f Self-serving bias, 528 Seligman, Martin, 467 Selye, Hans, 421 Semantic memory, 211, 212f, 375 Semantic networks, 212–213, 213f Semantics, 258 Semicircular canals, 108 Senility, 375 Sensation, 90, 91, 128f–129f See also Perception Senses See also Hearing; Smell; Taste; Touch; Vision interaction of, 114, 115f in late adulthood, 373 in middle adulthood, 369 neonatal development of, 340–342 number of, 91 Sensitive period See Critical period Sensitivity, 92f Sensorimotor stage, 351, 351f Sensory (afferent) neurons, 61, 62 Sensory area, 78 Sensory memory, 206–207, 207f September 11 attacks, 222, 418, 419, 419f Sequential research, 330 Serial position effect, 211 Serotonin, 59, 59f antidepressants and, 508, 509f antipsychotic drugs and, 507–508 in anxiety disorders, 461 in Ecstasy high, 161 in LSD high, 161 Serzone (nefazodone), 508, 509f SES See Socioeconomic status Set point happiness, 441 weight, 299, 300 Settling point, 300 Seven Dwarves, 219f, 220f Severe retardation, 279 Sex, 81–82, 331, 331f Sex drive, 305 Sex-change operation, 309 Sexual arousal, 63 Sexual arousal disorders, 475 Sexual attraction, 360 Sexual behavior, 303–309 Sexual desire disorders, 475 Sexual disorders, 475 Sexual intercourse, 306 Sexual morality, 30 Sexual orientation, 307–309 Sexual orientation scale, 307 Shaping, 186, 193 Short-term memory, 207–210 chunks in, 207–208, 208f cultural differences in, 226–227 definition of, 206 retention period of, 207, 208 I-21 sensory memories and, 207 transfer to long-term memory, 209 as working memory, 209–210 Siblings, 329 Sickle-cell anemia, 334 SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome), 140 Siesta, 141 Significant outcome, 36, A-16 Similarity in liking, 545–546 in perception, 118, 118f Simplicity (perception), 118, 118f Sipes, Brian, 369 Situational causes, 527, 528–529 Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF), 394 Skewed distribution, A-8–A-9, A-9f, A-10f Skills, improving, 241 Skin receptor cells, 111, 112f Skin senses, 111–113 Skinner, B F., 20, 178–179, 178f, 396–397 Skinner box, 178–179, 178f Sleep, 133–144 See also REM sleep amount required, 136, 136f brain during, 134 disturbances in, 140 See also Sleep apnea questions about, 133, 133f stages of, 134, 134f, 135f theories about, 136 Sleep apnea, 132, 140 Sleep deprivation, 133, 136–137 Sleep spindles, 134, 134f Sleeptalking, 140 Sleepwalking, 140 Slip of the tongue, 19, 383 Slot machines, 185 Small intestine, 67f Smell (olfaction), 109, 342 Smoking See also Nicotine by adolescents, 433, 433f anxiety and, A-15 cognitive dissonance about, 524 global marketing of, 434 hypnosis and, 147 quitting, 433 reasons for, 432–433 statistics on, A-5 Snow, words for, 261 Social closeness, 399, 400f Social cognition, 525–529 Social cognitive learning, 193, 397, 398 Social development in adolescents, 363–367 in adults, 370 in children, 344–350 attachment in, 344–345 father in, 345 outside child care in, 346–347 parenting styles in, 347–349, 348f peer relationships in, 345–346 in late adulthood, 376–377 Social identity theory, 541 Social influence, 531–538 compliance, 534–536 conformity, 531–534 obedience, 536–537, 537f Social interaction, in cognitive development, 355–356 Social networks, Social neuroscience, 541–542 Social phobia, 458 Social potency, 399, 400f Social psychology description of, 7f, 8, 520 learning studied in, 168 neuroscience used in, 24 Social roles, 533–534 Social services, 11 Social support network, 426, 427f, 441 Social supporter, 532 Socialization, 362 Society, influence on behavior, 9/30/08 11:20:49 AM I-22 Subject Index Sociocultural perspective, 450f, 452, 474 Socioeconomic status (SES) antisocial personality and, 474 intelligence tests and, 282 schizophrenia and, 452 treatment and, 477 Sociopathic personality See Antisocial personality disorder Soldiers, 112, 418 Solutions evaluating, 249–250 experimenting with, 255 generating, 247–249 inaccurate evaluation of, 252 Somatic division, 62 Somatoform disorders, 462 Somatosensory area, 78, 79f Sopranos, The (television), 194 Sound, 105–108 in neonatal development, 342 physical properties of, 106–108, 107f theories of, 107–108 Sound localization, 105 Source amnesia, 222 Source traits, 394 Space sickness, 105, 108, 108f Spatial intelligence, 269, 270f Specialization, 22 Speed (drug), 154, 155f Sperling, George, 206–207 Spermarche, 360 Sperry, Roger, 82 Spinal cord, 61, 63–64, 63f, 83 Split-brain patients, 82–83, 83f Spontaneous recovery, 173–174, 173f Spontaneous remission, 502 Sport psychology, 7f Spreading activation, 213 SSRIs See Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors St John’s wort, 509 Standard deviation, A-11, A-13f Standardized tests, 278, 281, 408 Stanford-Binet test, 273–275 Stark, Jacob, 79 Stark, Sally, 79 Startle reflex, 339 Statistical analysis, 36 Statistics, A-2–A-21 correlation coefficient, A-16–A-17, A-18f definition of, A-5 descriptive, A-5–A-10 inferential statistics, A-15–A-16 variability, A-11–A-14, A-12f Status, in conformity, 532 Stem cells, 80 Stereotype threat, 540 Stereotyping of cultures, 409 in prejudice, 539–544 reducing, 543–544 Sternberg, Robert, 271, 547, 547f Steroids, 68, 68f Stimulants, 153–156, 155f Stimuli adaptation to, 93–94 aggressive cues, 550 competing, 112 conditioned (CS), 170–172, 171f, 173 constant, 93 definition of, 91 difference thresholds between, 93 emotion from, 317 intensity of, 91, 92, 93 judgments of, 94 neutral, 170–172, 171f overattention to, 472–473 pain from, 111 for pain management, 113 predisposed fear of, 186–187 reinforcer, 179–180 types of, 91 fel70207_subind_I11-I24.indd I-22 unconditioned (UCS), 170–172, 171f, 173 underattention to, 473 Stimulus control training, 184 Stimulus discrimination, 174, 184 Stimulus generalization, 172f, 174, 184–185 Stirrup, 105, 106f Stoddard, Lathrop, A-4 Stomach, 67f Storage, in memory, 205, 205f Storytellers, 226, 227f Strategy for behavior modification, 188 Stress autonomic division in, 62–63 behaviors induced by, 423, 423f biofeedback for, 427 consequences of, 421–424, 423f coping with, 424–426 coronary heart disease and, 431 definition of, 417 in health psychology, level of, 422f long-term exposure to, 421 personal nature of, 417–418 physiological response to, 421–424, 423f, 431 working memory and, 210 Stress reaction, 400f Stressors, categorizing, 418–420 Structuralism, 15–16 Students, See also College students Subgoals, 248, 254–255 Sublimation, 388f Subliminal perception, 125 Substance P, 111 Success See also Achievement academic attribution of, 529 immigration and, 196 peer rejection and, 348 segregation and, 543 stereotype threat and, 540 intellectual giftedness and, 280 intelligence in, 271 need for, 309–310 Sucking reflex, 339 Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), 140 Suicide, 365–367, 365f, 508 Suicide bombers, 449 Sulci, 77 Superego, 384 Superiority, 390 Supertasters, 110, 110f Surgery, for pain management, 113 Survey research, 30, 37f Survival, skin senses in, 111 Sybil (book), 462 Symbols, in dreams, 138, 138f Sympathetic division, 63, 64f Synapses, 56–58, 57f, 86f Synesthesia, 114, 114f Syntax, 257, 259 Syphilis, 335, 336f Systematic desensitization, 491, 491f T Tabula rasa, 15 Target, of persuasion, 521, 556f Taste (gustation), 109–110, 110f, 114, 342 Taste aversion, learned, 175 Taste buds, 109–110, 109f TAT (Thematic Apperception Test), 310, 310f, 410 Tay-Sachs disease, 334 Teaching, cultural differences in, 195–196 Tegretol (carbamazepine), 509 Telegraphic speech, 259 Television, 303, 541 Tellegen, Auke, 399 Temperament, 349, 400, 401f Temperature (sense), 111–113 Temporal lobes, 76–77, 214 Terman, Lewis, 280 Terminal buttons, 53, 54f, 86f Terrorism posttraumatic stress disorder from, 419 psychology, 21f psychology applied to, 21 stress from, 418 suicide bombers, 449 Terrorist cells, 449 Terrorists, 30 Testes, 67f, 304 Testosterone, 68 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 160 Texture gradient, 121 Thalamus, 73, 75, 75f, 317 That’s-not-all technique, 535 Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), 310, 310f, 410 Theories, 27–28, 37, 48f Theory of mind, 355 Theory of multiple intelligences, 269, 270f, 272f Thin slices of behavior, 526 Thinking, 241 in altered consciousness, 149 in children, 351, 353 in cognitive perspective, 20 in cognitive therapy, 494–496 definition of, 241 language and, 261 for pain management, 113 in schizophrenia, 469–470 Thorndike, Edward L., 177 Three Faces of Eve, The (film), 462 Thrill-seeking, 291 Thyroid, 67f Time, sense of, 149 Tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon, 219 Token system, 492 Top-down processing, 118–120, 129f Total recall, 233 Touch, 111–113 Tower of Hanoi problem, 244, 244f Traditionalism, 399, 400f Trait theories of personality, 393–396, 403f Traits, 393 behavior and, 396 “Big Five,” 394–395, 395f, 396f categories of, 394 factor analysis of, 394 factors of, 394 in impression formation, 525–526 Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), 71, 72–73, 72f, 510 Transference, 489 Transformation problems, 245f, 246, 246f Transsexualism, 309 Treatment See Psychological treatment Trephining, 15 Trevino, Mike, 133 Trial and error, 248, 249 Trichromatic theory of color vision, 101–102 Tricyclic antidepressants, 508, 508f Trukese tribe, 267, 267f Trust-versus-mistrust stage, 349, 363f 12-step programs, 502 Twins, 329, 399 Type A behavior pattern, 429–430 Type B behavior pattern, 430 Type D behavior pattern, 430 Type I schizophrenia, 471 Type II schizophrenia, 471 U Ulysses (Joyce), 447 Unconditional positive regard, 402, 402f, 500 Unconditioned response (UCR), 170–172, 171f Unconditioned stimulus (UCS), 170–172, 171f, 173 Unconscious, 383, 388 Unconscious determinants of behavior, vs conscious, 22f, 23 Unconscious wish fulfillment theory, 138–139 Underattention, 473 Understanding, 20, 261 Undifferentiated schizophrenia, 469f 9/30/08 11:20:50 AM Subject Index Uninvolved parenting, 347, 348f Universal grammar, 260 Universal principles, vs individual differences, 22f, 23 Universities, employment at, 10, 10f Uplifts, 420, 420f Uptown cigarettes, 434 V Validity, 276–278, 405 Valium, 510 Values, against prejudice, 544 Variability, A-11–A-14, A-12f Variable, 31 Variable-interval schedule, 183f, 184 Variable-ratio schedule, 183, 183f Ventromedial hypothalamus, 299 Verbal store, 209, 210f Vernix, 339 Vestibular system, 106f Veterans, suicide rate for, 418 Viability, age of, 333 Video games, 21, 48f–49f, 185, 195 Violence, aggression linked to, 21, 31–32, 31f, 32f, 48f–49f, 194–195 Virginia Tech University, 4, 216, 348 Visceral experience, 316, 317 Vision, 95–104 See also Perception color, 101–102 ganglion cells in, 99 light in, 95 neonatal development of, 340–342 neural impulses in, 97–99 Visual area, 78 Visual cortex, 319, 319f Visual illusions, 122–125, 123f Visual spectrum, 95, 95f Visual store, 209, 210f “Voodoo death,” 63 fel70207_subind_I11-I24.indd I-23 Vorwerk, Selma, A-4, A-21 Vygotsky, Lev, 355 W Waking consciousness, 132 Washburn, Margaret Floy, 18 Washington, Barbara, 526, 527 Washoe (chimpanzee), 262 Watson, John B., 19–20 Weapons, in crimes, and recall, 224 Wear-and-tear theories of aging, 373 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale–III (WAIS–III), 275, 276f–277f Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children–IV (WISC–IV), 275, 276f–277f Weight in fetal development, 333–334 in middle adulthood, 369 perceptions of ideal, 297–298 in physical development, 343, 343f Weight loss, 300, 303 Weight set point, 299, 300 Weight settling point, 300 Weisel, Torsten, 99 Welch, Charlie, 486 Well-being, 400f, 440–442 Wellbutrin (bupropion), 508 Well-defined problems, 244 Wernicke’s aphasia, 79 Wertheimer, Max, 17 Whitbourne, Susan, 364 Williams, Serena, 169 Withdrawal, in schizophrenia, 470 Wolpaw, Jonathan, 73 Women See also Gender differences alcohol use in, 157 depression in, 467–468 in development of psychology, 17–18 eating disorders in, 301 I-23 employed, family and, 372 Freud on, 387 identity development in, 364 middle adulthood of, 369 moral development in, 362–363 personality development in, 389–390 premarital intercourse and, 306 premenstrual dysmorphic disorder in, 479 in psychoanalytic theory, 386, 387 in psychology field, 10 Women, psychology of (field), 7f Working memory, 209–210, 210f Workplace compliance in, 535–536 creativity in, 254 operant conditioning in, 185 personality in, 382 video games as incentive in, 185 World Trade Center attack, 222, 418, 419, 419f Wundt, Wilhelm, 15–16, 15f X Xanax, 510 Xenophobia, 458 Y Yasso, Martha, 132, 165 Yates, Andrea, 448 Z Zen Buddhism, 147 Zilly, Glen, 326, 379 Zimbardo, Philip, 534 Zone of proximal development (ZPD), 355–356, 356f Zyban (bupropion), 433, 508 Zygote, 332 9/30/08 11:20:50 AM fel70207_subind_I11-I24.indd I-24 9/30/08 11:20:50 AM ... Essentials of Understanding Psychology is the involvement of both professionals and students in the review process The Eighth Edition of Essentials of Understanding Psychology has relied heavily—and... EDITION Essentials of Understanding Psychology Robert S Feldman University of Massachusetts, Amherst fel70207_fm_i-li.indd i 9/30/08 6:22:15 PM ESSENTIALS OF UNDERSTANDING PSYCHOLOGY Published... mastery of psychology s key principles and concepts A Framework for Learning and Assessment Essentials of Understanding Psychology, Eighth Edition, is the core of a learningcentered multimedia package

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