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Giáo án Anh 9 – Nguyễn Hữu Kiên – THCS Tiên Hưng Week: 23. Date of making: 26/02/2008 Period: 45. Date of teaching: 30/02/2008 Unit 07: saving energy. Lesson: 4 Read + Language focus 1,2 I) the aims: 1) Objectives: - Helps students know some vocabulary about the first-aids. - By the end of the lesson, students will able to read the text . 2) Teaching points: Read the text . 3) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, picture. Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book. II) Procedures: 1) Organization: (1-2 )’ - Good afternoon! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today? 2) Checking up and warm up (5-7'): Questions Answers + Checking up: S1: Write vocabulary in last period. S2: Summarize the listening text. + Warm up: Have you ever seen anyone: faint? Go into shock? Get burned? What did you do? - Do the exercise. - Answers the questions. 3) New lesson (30-35'): Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities * Pre-teach: - (to) faint: ngÊt xØu (Trans). - chilled (adj): c¶m l¹nh (Exp). - (to) elevate: n©ng lªn (Exp). - (to) revise: phôc håi (Trans). - (to) be in shock: bÞ xèc (Exp). + Check vocabulary: Slap the board. * Pre-reading: T/F statement prediction: 1. When someone has fainted, asks him/ her to sit or stand. 2. When someone has got a burn cool the burn down with ice. 3. When someone has got a shock, give him/ her something to drink. - Asks them to give the answers. * While-reading: - Asks them to open the textbook and read, then check their prediction. 1. F, 2. T, 3. F. a) Matching: - Asks students to do the exercise . A) Fainting B) Shock. C) Burns. D) Fainting. 07' 05' 10' 05' - Listen - Listen and repeat. - Copy down. - Look at the poster and predict for the sentences. - Open the textbook and read, then checks their prediction. - Do the exercise Giáo án Anh 9 – Nguyễn Hữu Kiên – THCS Tiên Hưng E) Fainting. - Checks their answers. b) Gap-fill.: - Asks students to read the text again and complete the sentences. 1. If someone faints, it is important to leave the patient lying f . 2. It is not good for patient to s .when he faints. 3. We should give the fainting victim a cup of tea when he r . 4. When we are in s we should not eat or drink. 5. C .water and s . - Checks their answers. * Post-reading: - Asks students to play a role, S1's child has just had an injury, S2 gives advice to student 1 what to do. - Listens and checks their dialogue. 05' 03' - Do the Gap-fill. 1. flat. 2. sit/ stand. 3. revise. 4. shock. 5. cold/ soap. - Play a role. 4) Consolidation (2-3 ):’ - Asks a good student to translate the text in Vietnamese. 5) Homework (1-2 ):’ - Do the exercises 1 in students' exercise's book. - Prepare new lesson. Week: 23. Date of making: 28/02/2008 Period: 46. Date of teaching: 01/3/2008 Unit 07: saving energy. Lesson: 5 Write. I) the aims: 1) Objectives: - Helps students know some vocabulary about the first-aids. - By the end of the lesson, students will able to write a thank letter to friends. - They have a chance to write a letter. 2) Teaching points: Write a thank letter. 3) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, overhead. Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book. II) Procedures: 1) Organization: (1-2 )’ - Good afternoon! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today? 2) Checking up and warm up (5-7'): Questions Answers + Checking up: - Gives the cases and asks students to give suggestions for the first-aids. a) Your friend has fainted. b) Your mother has burned herself. c) Your friend is in shock. d) Your friend cuts her hand. 1. Don't force him to stand. 2. Give her ice or cold water pack. 3. 4. - Checks and gives them marks. Giáo án Anh 9 – Nguyễn Hữu Kiên – THCS Tiên Hưng 3) New lesson (30-35'): 1. was. 2. were. 3. helped. 4. came. 5. am. 6. will phone. - Asks students to compare and gives the answers. b) Write a thank you letter to a friend who has given a present and invite their friend to go on a picnic. Use the questions as a guide. Dear Phuong. Thank you very much for the books you sent me while I treated my disease at home. They were very interesting and helped me relax a lot. I loved reading them very much. Now I have got over and felt very sad. I want to go out to enjoy the fresh air. Do you want to go on picnic with me this Sunday? If yes, I'll come and pick you up. I am looking forwards to hearing from you. Your friend. Nam. - Asks them to give the letter, checks their group letter. c) Do the exercise 3. - Asks students to work in group of 4. use the same format to write another letter to another friend for the other occasions. - Limits the time for students to write the letter. * Post-writing: + Discussion: - Asks students to ask one or two groups questions about their letters. 12' 07' 04' - Compare and gives the answers. - Do the exercise 3. - Work in group of 4 uses the same format to write another letter to another friend for the other occasions. 4) Consolidation (2-3 ):’ - Asks a good student to give the good letter for the class and hang them on the overhead. 5) Homework (1-2 ):’ - Write a letter to a friend. - Prepare new lesson. Giáo án Anh 9 – Nguyễn Hữu Kiên – THCS Tiên Hưng Week: 24. Date of making: 02/3/2008 Period: 47 Date of teaching: 06/3/2008 ÔN TẬP I) the aims: 1) Objectives: - Helps students know some vocabulary about the computer. - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice doing some exercise - They have a chance to do some kind of exercises. 2) Teaching points: Comparison of present perfect and simple present. 3) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, text book and overhead. Student’s: Text book, notebook, reference book. II) Procedures: 1) Organization: (1 )’ - Good afternoon! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today? 2) Checking up and warm up (7'): Questions Answers - Asks students to: + Retell the use of the present perfect tense: + Retell the use of the present and past simple tense: - Students retell. 3) New lesson (30'): Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities - Asks students to do the exercise 3 (Page 146): a) Finished action. b) Incomplete action. c) Finished action. d) Incomplete action. e) Finished action. f) Finished action. g) Incomplete action. - Asks students to do the exercise 1) Have you seen. 6) was happened. 2) did you live/ lived. 7) have had 3) have not had. 8) felt. 4) have been. 9) broke. 5) Did you hear 10) Have the plane arrived .? * Find someone who ? Name When? 1, .has visited HCM museum. 2, has been HL Bay. 3, has bought a new pen. 4, has seen the film Jurassic Park. *Questions: - Have you ? - When did you ? or When were you .? + Write it up: Example: 5' 5' 5' 5' - Do the exercise . - Do the exercise. - Go around the class and ask these questions, write down the name of the person he/she answers "Yes". Giáo án Anh 9 – Nguyễn Hữu Kiên – THCS Tiên Hưng Hoa has visited HCM museum. She was there last summer. * Presentation: Dialogue to make model sentences. Mum: Have you finished your homework yet, Ba? Ba: Yes, I have already done it. Mum: And have you tidied your room yet? Ba: No, I haven't tidied it yet. S + have/has + already + PII S + have/ has + PII .+ yet. * Practice: - Asks students to complete the dialogue between Ba and his mother - Asks students to work in pairs, ask and answer the questions about the flights 5' 5' - Write it up. - Listen to the teacher and then make the dialogue. - Give the model sentences. - Complete the dialogue between Ba and his mother - Work in pairs, ask and answer the questions about the flights 4) Consolidation (4 ):’ - What have you studied about to day? 5) Homework (3 ):’ - Asks students to learn by heart the lesson. - Prepare new lesson Week: 24. Date of making: 04/3/2008 Period: 48 Date of teaching: 08/3/2008 Test 45 minutes I – Put the verbs in correct form: (2 marks) 1. When I (see) you yestesday, you were sitting in the cafe. => . .…………… ……… ……… 2. You (come) here if you are free, won’t you? => ………………………………… 3. I wish she (finish) her test on time. => . .…………… …………………… 4. They suggested (go) to the cinema. => . .…………… …………………… II – Choose the best answer: (4 marks) 1. They will hold Olympic . Beijing, China. a. from b. in c. at d. on 2. I can't go to the movies with you if it heavily. a. rain b. rains c. rained d. raining 3. He wishes he . English well. a. learns b. can learn c. learnt d. will learn 4. The children suggested . part in the outdoor activities. a. take b. to take c. taking d. taken 5. He can't earn money . he has no job. a. unless b. until c. if d. without 6. You forgot to post my letter, .? a. do you b. don't you c. did you d. didn't you 7. They failed the exam, ? a. they did b. they didn't c. did they d. didn't they Giáo án Anh 9 – Nguyễn Hữu Kiên – THCS Tiên Hưng 8. We haven't seen them they went abroad. a. since b. when c. while d. what III – Rewrite: (2 marks) 1. It is a pity that I have to work tomorrow. => I wish 2. “Are you going to the movies tonight, Phuong?" said Long. => Long asked . . 3. "Why don't you give up that job?" said Smith. => Smith suggested 4. They have sent her a small gift. => She .………………………… IV – Arrange: (2 marks) 1. walking / school / she / to / suggested / in the morning. => ………………………………………………………………… 2. for / he / played / a long time / hasn’t / soccer. => ………………………………………………………………… 3. it / we / go picnic / if / rains / will not. => ………………………………………………………………… 4. listening / they / to / suggested / jazz music. => ………………………………………………………………… Đáp án: I – (2 điểm) 1. saw 3. finished 2. will come 4. going II - (4 điểm) 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. c 6. d 7. c 8. a III - (2 điểm) 1. I wish I didn’t have to …… 2. Long asked Phoung if she was going to the movies that night. 3. Smith suggested giving up that job. 4. She has been sent a small gift. IV – Arrange:(2 điểm) 1. She suggested walking to school in the morning. 2. He hasn’t played soccer for a long time. 3. If it rains we will not go picnic. 4. They suggested listening to jazz music. Week: 25 Date of making: 09/3/2008 Period: 49 Date of teaching: 13/3/2008 unit 8 celebrations. Lesson: 1 Getting started - Listen and read. I) the aims: 1) Objectives: - Helps students know some vocabulary about the invention. - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice skills. - They have a chance to listen and read. 2) Teaching points: Passive voice in present simple. 3) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, text book and overhead. Student’s: Text book, notebook, reference book. II) Procedures: Giáo án Anh 9 – Nguyễn Hữu Kiên – THCS Tiên Hưng 1) Organization: (1 )’ - Good afternoon! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today? 2) Checking up and warm up (15'): Questions Answers - Asks students to talk about the process of producing chocolate. - Using the picture of a telephone, giving some questions: + When was it invented? + Who was it invented by? + What was his nationality? - Talk in the class. - Look at the picture and answer these questions. 3) New lesson (30'): Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities * Pre-teach: - (to) crush: NghiÒn n¸t. - (to) liquify: Lµm cho thµnh níc. - mold (n): C¸i khu«n ®óc. - conveyor (n): B¨ng t¶i. + Check: Slap the board. - Uses a white sheet pf paper and asks some questions: . What is it made of? . What do people use it for? . Did they use it to write long time ago? . What did they write on? - Asks students to match the sentences with the picture. * Practice: - Asks students to practice the dialogue with a partner. - Asks students to match the half-sentences: * Production: Speaking: - Asks students to describe process of producing chocolate. Cocoa beans => 1 wash => 2 weigh => 3 cook => 4 crush => 5 liquify => 6 add with butter, sugar, vanilla milk => 7 grind => 8 roll => 9 pour into mold => 10 chocolate. 5' 2' 5' 8' - Listen three times. - Listen and repeat. - Read individually. - Copy down all the words. - Play the technique. - Match the sentences with the picture. - Practice the dialogue with a partner. - Match the half- sentences - Speak to describe process of producing chocolate. 4) Consolidation (4 ):’ - What have you studied about to day? 5) Homework (3 ):’ - Asks students to learn by heart the lesson. - Prepare new lesson Week: 25 Date of making: 11/3/2008 Period: 50 Date of teaching: 15/3/2008 unit 8 celebrations. Giỏo ỏn Anh 9 Nguyn Hu Kiờn THCS Tiờn Hng Lesson: 2 Speak + Listen I) the aims: 1) Objectives: - Helps students know some vocabulary about the invention. - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the difference invention - They have a chance to talk with their friends. 2) Teaching points: Talk about invention. 3) Preparation: Teachers: Lesson plan, text book and pictures, cassette. Students: Text book, notebook, reference book. II) Procedures: 1) Organization: (1 ) - Good afternoon! Sit down, please! - Whats the date today? 2) Checking up and warm up (15'): I) Nối câu hỏi ở cột A với câu trả lời ở cột B sao cho nghĩa phù hợp (5 điểm). A B 1. What are you doing in your vacation? 2. What is your home town like? 3. How far is it from here to your home? 4. How do you usually get to your home? 5. Do you love your home town? A. I usually travel by train. B. I think its about 850 kilometers. C. I am going to Ha Long Bay. D. Oh, Yes. I really love it. E. Its beautiful small village. II) Viết lại các câu sau theo các từ gợi ý (5 điểm). 1. Have/ learnt/ for/ English/ I / 3 years. 2. Goes/ to/ she/ school/ bike/ by. Key: 1.C; 2. E; 3. B; 4. A; 5. D. 1. I have learnt English for 3 years. 2. She goes to the school by bike. 3) New lesson (30'): Teachers activities T Sts activities * Model sentences: A: Who was the telephone invented by? B: It was invented by A: When was it invented? B: It was invented in . => The passive voice in simple past. S + was/were + PII * Practice: - Asks students to complete the table completing. 1 Printing press. 2. 1810 3. Bicycle 3. German. 4. 1843 5. Alexander Bain 6. English. 7. Sawing machine 8. F.J. Monier 9. French. 10. D.E. Hughes 11. American. 12. Wilhelm Konarad. 13. German. 14. 1939. 15. American. 16. Optical fiber. - Asks students to report activity. - Calls pairs by pairs of student to talk about these activities. 8' 12' 12' - Listen to the teacher and read in chorus. - Copy down the structure. - Complete the table completing. - Report activity. - Talk about these activities. Giáo án Anh 9 – Nguyễn Hữu Kiên – THCS Tiên Hưng Eg: The facsimile was invented by Alexander Bain in 1843. 4) Consolidation (4 ):’ - What have you studied about to day? 5) Homework (3 ):’ - Asks students to learn by heart the lesson. - Prepare new lesson (Unit 16 Lesson 2 Speak) Week: 26 Date of making: 18/3/2008 Period: 51 Date of teaching: 21/3/2008 Tr¶ vµ ch÷a bµi kiÓm tra I) The aims: 1) Objectives: - Helps students know his/ her mark. - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how mark they have and what they need to do in the future. 2) Teaching points: Recite students’ test paper. 3) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, test papers, keys. Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book. II) Procedures: 1) Organization: (1-2 ' ) - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today? 2) Checking up and warm up (15'): Test 45 minutes I) Read the passage and then tick T for true sentence and F for false sentences: Well I like living in Glasgow, mainly because I live right in the center. If I want to go to the theater, I can leave my house about 15 minutes before the show starts and walk there. I can do the same with a cinema. On Sundays I often go to the park with my friends or visit a museum or art gallery. Or I sometimes I go to the countryside with my parents and brother. T/F 1. He lives in London. 2. He lives far from the city center. 3. He can walk to the nearest cinema. 4. He often goes to the park with his friends everyday. 5. He sometimes goes to the countryside with his parents. II) Change the sentences into reported speech: 1. “What’s your favorite sport?” She asked me. 2. She said: “I liked the classical music”. 3. “How old are you?” Lan asked me. 4. My father said to me “I will give you a present for your birthday” 3) New lesson (15'): Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities Keys: : I) Mçi c©u ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm: 15’ - Listen. - Give the right Giáo án Anh 9 – Nguyễn Hữu Kiên – THCS Tiên Hưng 1. saw 2. will come 3 finished 4.going II) Mçi c©u ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm: 1. b 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. c 6. d 7. c 8. a III) Mçi c©u ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm: 1.I wishI didn’t have to …… 2. Long asked Phoung if she was going to the movies that night. 3. Smith suggested giving up that job. 4. She has been sent a small gift. IV) Mçi c©u ®óng ®îc 0,5 ®iÓm: 1. She suggested walking to school in the morning. 2. He hasn’t played soccer for a long time. 3. If it rains we will not go picnic. 4. They suggested listening to jazz music. answers. 4) Consolidation (2-3'): - Retell the main structure in the test. 5) Homework (1-2 ' ): - Prepare for new lesson Week: 26. Date of making: 18/03/2008 Period: 52. Date of teaching: 23/03/2008 Unit 8: Celebrations Lesson 3: Read. I) The aims: 1) Objectives: - Helps students know some vocabulary about Celebrations - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about the opinions, feelings, and memories of children about their father on the Father’s Day in the U. S. A and in Australia. - They have a chance to read English text. 2) Teaching points: Reading for details on Father’s Day. 3) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, cassette and tape. Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book. II) Procedures: 1) Organization: (1-2') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today? - Who’s absent today? - How are you today? 2) Checking up and warm up (5-7'): Questions Answers * Table completion. Celebration Date 1. Lunar New Year 1.1* 2. Valentine’s Day 14.2 3. International Women's Day 8.3 4. April Fool’s Day 1.4 5. Chidren's Day 1.6 6. May Day 1.5 7. Mid Fall Festival 15.8* 8. Teacher's Day 20.11 [...]... (Translation) T Sts activities 09 - Listen - Listen and read in choral, individually - Copy down Giỏo ỏn Anh 9 Nguyn Hu Kiờn THCS Tiờn Hng - snout (n): mõm của động vật (Explanation) - hurricane (n): cơn bão (Explanation) - cyclone (n): cơn lốc xoáy, bão (Explanation) - eruption (n): sự phun trào (Explanation) - hanging potted plant: chậu hoa treo * Check vocabulary: What and where II) Presentation:... memories and love for their parents We have an opportunity to enhance family traditions Members of families can have a chance to get together, to know one another and to help one another I think first Sunday of April is suitable Sunday is a day off so everybody is free from work or study April is late Spring or early summer, and the weather is generally fine at this time of the year, many activities can... natural disasters All of you have to read them and guess whether they are True or False Giỏo ỏn Anh 9 Nguyn Hu Kiờn THCS Tiờn Hng 1 Most of the earthquakes in the world occur in the Ring of Fire 2 The earthquake in Kobe in 199 5 caused severe damage 3 A huge tidal wave traveled from California to Alaska and hit Anchorage in the 196 0s 4 Typhoon, hurricane and tropical storm are different words for the... exercise 2 * Answers: 06 - Do the exercise 1 e: Andrew is flying to Sacramento, which is the capital city of California 2 g: It snowed in Lang Son, which is on the Ky Cung River, in the Winter of 2002 3 f: Pompeii, which is an ancient city of Italy, was completely destroyed in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius 4 a: Hurricane Andrew, which swept through southern Florida in August 199 2, killed... planet is closes to the earth? - Venus 6 Which animal was chosen to be the Logo of Sea games 2003? - Buffalo 7 Lucky number 8 Which ASEAN country is devided into two regions by the sea? - Malaysia 9 Which food can you chew but can not swallow? - Chewing gum 10 Lucky number - Asks students to do the exercise 1 06 - Listen and copy a The city which was struck by a huge earthquake in down Giỏo ỏn Anh 9. .. cut some branches of high trees buy candles store water buy oil, gas and 3) New lesson (30-35'): Teachers activities I) Vocabulary: - bucket (n): cái xô (Explanation) - leak (n): chỗ thủng (Translation) - latch (n): cái chốt cửa (Visual) - blanket (n): cái mền (Translation) - available (adj): có sẵn (Translation) - (to) block: hạn chế, ngăn cản (Explanation) - roller (n): trục lăn, con lăn (Translation)... 199 2, killed 41 people and made more than 200, 000 homeless 5 c: The cyclone of November 197 0 in Bangladesh, which is bordered by the Bay of Bengal on the south, was one of the worst natural disasters of the 20th cetury 6 d: The most disastrous earthquakes in Japanese history, which occurred in 192 3, damaged Tokyo and Yokohama and killed about 150, 000 people 7 b: The October 198 9 Loma Pieta earthquake,... happy - The storm finishes soon and everyone is glad - Asks students to look at the picture and retell by 19 -Work writing on their notebook individually It was a beautiful day The sun was shiny, the sky was blue and the weather was perfect Lan was out side playing with her dog, skippy All of a sudden, the dog began behaving strangely She kept running around circles Lan ran home with her dog to tell her... Giỏo ỏn Anh 9 Nguyn Hu Kiờn THCS Tiờn Hng 3) Preparation: Teachers: Lesson plan, textbook, overhead Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book II) Procedures: 1) Organization: (1-2') - Good morning! Sit down, please! - Whats the date today? - Whos absent today? - How are you today? 2) Checking up and warm up (5-7'): Questions * Asks students to read their writing: * Warmer: * Pelmanism Kangaroos... (Mine) individually - ancient ['einnt] (adj): cổ đại (Translation) - Copy down - extensive [iks'tensiv] (adj): lớn, rộng lớn (Antunym) - tail [teil] (n): đuôi (Explanation) - border ['b:d] (adj): tiếp giáp với (Translation) * Check vocabulary: Rubout and remember II) Practice: * Play game Lucky number: 05 - Play game 1 Which country won the 199 8 Tiger Cup? - Singapore 2 Which animal has 1or 2 horns . (Explanation). - roller (n): trôc l¨n, con l¨n (Translation). 09 - Listen. - Listen and read in choral, individually. - Copy down. Giỏo ỏn Anh 9 Nguyn. Listen and read in choral, individually. - Copy down. - Listen to the teacher. - Answer. - Listen. - Do the exercise. - Answer the questions. Giáo án Anh 9

Ngày đăng: 13/09/2013, 03:10

