My continuing goal in writing The Language of Medicine is to help you not only learn medical terminology but also to enjoy learning!. The Pronunciation of Terms section shows you how to
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The Language
of Medicine
Trang 5Here are the kids and canines whose affection and love relax and inspire me every day.
Trang 6THE LANGUAGE OF MEDICINE, TENTH EDITION ISBN: 978-1-4557-2846-6Copyright © 2014, 2011, 2007, 2004, 2001, 1996, 1991, 1985,
1981, 1976 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher Details on how to seek
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NoticesKnowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing As new research and
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With respect to any drug or pharmaceutical products identified, readers are advised to check the most current information provided (i) on procedures featured or (ii) by the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose or formula, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications It is the responsibility of practitioners, relying on their own experience and knowledge of their patients, to make diagnoses, to
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ISBN: 978-1-4557-2846-6
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The enhanced focus of this new edition is its relevance to real-life medical situations Drawing on current technology, state-of-the-art medical practice, and the latest procedures
and treatments, The Language of Medicine brings medical terminology to life The dynamic
images and compelling patient stories further illustrate medical terminology in action
I am honored that this text continues to be the book instructors return to, year after
year, because their students tell them that it works! As a student, you will find that The
Language of Medicine speaks to you no matter what your background or level of education
It is written in simple, non-technical language that creates an exceptionally accessible pathway to learning Since it is a workbook-text combination, you engage and interact
on practically every page through writing and reviewing terms, labeling diagrams, and answering questions Terminology is explained so that you understand medical terms in their proper context, which is the structure and function of the human body in health and disease
Throughout the process of writing this text over its 10 editions, I have listened to hundreds of students and instructors and incorporated their insightful suggestions
Expert medical reviewers have once again helped me to ensure that the terminology included reflects cutting edge clinical practice New information and illustrations throughout are the result of recommendations from all those who have so generously provided feedback My continuing goal in writing
The Language of Medicine is to help
you not only learn medical terminology but also to enjoy learning! You will find that medical terminology comes alive and stays with you when you use my interactive, logical, and easy-to-follow method Undeniably, the study of this language requires commitment and hard work, but the benefits are great Knowledge of medical terminology will give you a strong start in your career
While the essential elements of The Language of Medicine remain in place, the new 10th
edition is even more relevant to real-life medical situations
The 10th edition includes 20 new, first-hand stories of medical conditions and procedures These personal accounts make medical terminology more understandable
New content on cutting-edge procedures enhances the relevance of medical terms
Trang 9New clinical photographs and
drawings dynamically illustrate medical
terminology, conditions, and treatments
The Language of Medicine makes learning easy The book guides and coaches you step
by step through the learning experience Don’t get overwhelmed! Approach learning systematically, step by step I’ve helped you study each chapter by organizing the information
in small pieces Icons are provided to help you navigate the sections of the text
After basic material in the chapter is introduced, the key terms you need to learn are presented in Vocabulary lists These lists help you study and stay focused
You cannot get lost using
The Language of Medicine
You learn and engage in
small incremental steps The book
imparts the most important concepts,
allowing you to concentrate on what
is essential
Medical terminology is connected
to real life with case reports and case studies throughout the text and
on the companion Evolve website
Trang 11As you study with The
Language of Medicine,
you are engaged in each
step of the learning process On nearly
every page, you are actively involved in
labeling diagrams, dividing words into
component parts, writing meanings
to terms, testing, reviewing, and
evaluating your learning
Abbreviations are listed and explained in each body system chapter
A Review
Sheet at the
end of each
chapter helps you organize
and test yourself on what
you have learned!
Trang 12The Pronunciation of Terms section shows you how to pronounce each new term in the chapter and gives you the chance to practice writing its meaning You can also hear these terms pronounced on the companion Evolve website The answers to the Pronunciation of Terms section are found on the Evolve website as well.
(complimentary access included with purchase of this text)
All student resources are now available online on the Evolve website
The student website accompanying this new edition is packed with activities, games, additional information, and video clips to expand your understanding and test your knowledge Chapter by chapter you will find quizzes, case studies, examples of medical records, and a wealth of images to illustrate terminology Additionally, on the website, you can hear the terms corresponding to the Pronunciation of Terms section in each chapter (more than 3,000 terms in all) Access your resources at:
Trang 13New to the Student Evolve Website
for the 10th Edition
• Updated interface enabling convenient online
access to your resources
• A Mobile Dictionary has been added for this
edition Access this complimentary resource
from the Evolve site on your desktop or mobile
device and have easy access to definitions of all
terms found in the text This resource helps you
study each chapter and also will be a reference
for you in the workplace Each definition has
been crafted carefully to explain terms using
plain, nontechnical language
• A Quick Quiz feature has also been added, enabling students to get a snapshot
assessment of their knowledge of a chapter’s content
• The new Mobile Dictionary, Quick Quizzes, and updated Flash Cards have been
optimized for use on mobile devices, providing convenient access for on-the-go studying
iTerms Study Companion (for sale separately)
The iTerms audio study guide provides pronunciation and enables you to hear
each term pronounced with its definition, in a portable format This audio
companion is available for download Also included are short review quizzes
and coaching tips to help you make the most of your study
TRANSLATOR (for sale separately)
The Medical Language Instant Translator is a uniquely
useful resource for all allied health professionals and
students of medical terminology It is a pocket-sized
medical terminology reference with convenient
information at your fingertips!
• NEW updates to correlate with the revision of
The Language of Medicine
The Language of Medicine Instructor’s Resource Manual
(includes instructor’s manual, PowerPoints, and an image
collection) is available with even more new quizzes,
teaching suggestions, crossword puzzles, medical reports,
and reference material The image collection contains all
figures and photos from the 10th edition The instructor materials plus a test bank can
be accessed online at
Trang 14The fundamental features you have come to trust in learning and teaching medical terminology remain strong in this new edition These are:
• Simple, nontechnical explanations of medical terms
• Workbook format with ample space to write answers
• Explanations of clinical procedures, laboratory tests, and abbreviations related to each body system
• Pronunciation of Terms sections with phonetic spellings and spaces to write meanings of terms
• Practical Applications sections with case reports, operative and diagnostic tests, and laboratory and x-ray reports
• Exercises that test your understanding of terminology as you work through the text step
by step (answers are included)
• Review Sheets that pull together terminology to help you study
• Comprehensive glossaries and appendices for reference in class and on the job
Each student and teacher who selects The Language of Medicine becomes my partner in
the exciting adventure of learning medical terms Continuity is crucial Continue to communicate with me through email ( with your suggestions and comments so that future printings and editions may benefit A website connected to
The Language of Medicine and dedicated to helping students and teachers is located at I hope you will tell me about additional resources you would like to see on that website so that we can make it an even more useful part of the learning process You should know that I still experience the thrill and joy of teaching new students I love being in a classroom and feel privileged to continue to write this text I hope that my enthusiasm and passion for the medical language are transmitted
to you through these pages
Work hard, but have fun with
The Language of Medicine!
Trang 15Maureen Pfeifer has been my extraordinary editorial partner for the last 15 years Her phenomenal expertise in all facets of communication, coordination, production, editing, updating, and management is amazing She has the unique ability to “make things happen” and “make things right.” Both personally and professionally, I am grateful for her unique insight and capabilities She is intelligent, calm, and upbeat in the face of any issue affecting
The Language of Medicine and its ancillaries Most of all, I rely on her loyalty and her
confidence that we are creating an eminently useful and valuable textbook and resource for both students and instructors Thank you, Maureen, for everything you do for me
Ellen Zanolle, Senior Book Designer, Art and Design, continues to astound me with her fresh and vibrant presentation for the cover and interior of this new edition Her creative genius is evident on every page She is always responsive and innovative in presenting a complex layout and coordinating multiple elements of the text Ellen, I am so grateful for your fierce dedication to all of my books! Bill Donnelly, page layout designer, once again did
an excellent job arranging and crafting each page to make learning easier for students Bill, thanks for all your hard work
Jim Perkins, Assistant Professor of Medical Illustration, Rochester Institute of Technology,
has been associated with The Language of Medicine since its 6th edition He has worked
with me to create drawings that are not only attractive but also essential in making the terminology more understandable I have come to rely on his unique talent for clarity, accuracy, and detail
Elizabeth Galbraith copyedited and proofread the manuscript with her characteristic attention to grammatical detail and medical accuracy Thanks to her, students will read and study the text with greater ease
Bruce A Chabner, MD, and Elizabeth Chabner Thompson, MD, MPH, continue to be an amazing resource to me for expert and up-to-date medical advice Their contributions were essential in reviewing and editing all chapters and glossaries In addition, Elizabeth, once again recorded the iTerms for the book, an invaluable accessory to the text for help in pronunciation and understanding terminology Dan Longo, MD, never turned me down for valuable medical advice and editing of chapters He was also a wonderful resource for helping me identify expert reviewers
I am indebted to the many medical reviewers listed on pages xv-xvi who offered essential advice and comments on specific chapters Their insights and expertise make this 10th edition reflect what is current, accurate, and cutting edge in medicine today
The classroom instructors listed on pages xvi-xvii extensively and carefully reviewed the text, and I have listened to their comments, which are integrated into this new edition Many other instructors contacted me personally through email with helpful suggestions Special thank you to Madellaine Bart, Joyce Y Nakano, Rosemary Van Vranken, PhD, Martha
J Payne, Christine Urata, RN, Kabir Chuttani, Dr Chabed Kutani, Dorothy Flood-Granat, Chanthon Hang, Lydia Chari, Susanne Smith, and Heather LaJoie
Trang 16I am always pleased to hear from students who comment on the book and ask important questions I try to answer each as quickly and accurately as possible Thanks to Michael Moschella, Peter Nguyen, Tracey Elsberry-Gladney, Nicole Zarber, Ginny Henderson, Beth Gutridge, Mike Westva, Sheila Cross, Charlene Kelley, Brenda Gardiner, Michael Mazano, Elizabeth Ramirez, Sara Kleinfelder, Samie Lim, Robert Boyd, and Christopher Halldorson.Kathleen Carbone, CPC, Massachusetts General Hospital medical coder, and one of
my former medical terminology students, has been a valuable resource for coding
information, not only for The Language of Medicine but the Medical Language Instant
Translator She is always willing to help, and I count on her advice and expertise.
I am particularly excited about the addition of In Person stories beginning in Chapter 5 These are first-person accounts of experiences with illness and medical procedures The writers of these stories were extraordinarily generous to share their insights and reactions
so that we all might benefit A very special thank you to: Stan Ber, Nancy J Brandwein, Mary Braun, Bruce A Chabner, Sidra DeKoven Ezrahi, Elizabeth F Fideler, Tanzie Johnson, Kevin Mahoney, Frank McGinnis, Brenda Melson, John Melson, Laura Claridge Oppenheimer, Bob Rowe, Ruthellen Sheldon, Elizabeth Chabner Thompson, and Cathy Ward
The superb staff at Elsevier Health Sciences continues to be vital to the success of The
Language of Medicine Luke Held, Senior Content Development Specialist, was always
responsive, available, and effective in managing the many details of the project Rachel Allen, Content Coordinator, coordinated countless facets of this edition I appreciate Linda Woodard, Content Strategist, and Jeanne Olson, Content Strategy Director, for their expert management and their steadfast support of my books
I am grateful to Sally Schrefer, Executive Vice President, Nursing and Health Sciences, and to Andrew Allen, Vice President and Publisher, Health Professions II, for their continuing
confidence and support for The Language of Medicine Thanks to Peggy Fagen, Director of
Publishing Services, Gayle May, Book Production Manager, and Julie Eddy, Publishing Services Manager, for their superb production efforts Celeste Clingan, Senior Project Manager, tirelessly and effectively handled the day-to-day aspects of the production process Thank you, Celeste! I continue to be impressed by the talents of the entire marketing team, especially Janet Blanner, Vice President Nursing and Health Professions Marketing, Julie Burchett, Director of Content Marketing, Pat Crowe, Group Segment Manager, and Danielle LeCompte, Project Manager, Health Sciences Marketing They do a phenomenal job keeping
The Language of Medicine in-step with the needs of instructors and students.
Thanks to Tyson Sturgeon, Manager of Multimedia Production, Jeanne Crook, Team Lead, Multimedia Production, and Jennifer Presley, Producer, for their work on the electronic products associated with this new edition
A very special note of gratitude to the extraordinary and devoted sales team at Elsevier Health Sciences, which is beyond compare! Led by Terri Allen, Vice President of
US Academic Sales, and Linda Morris, Director of Sales Operations, Nursing and Health Professions, they work tirelessly to bring my books and learning system to the marketplace You are the best!
My family and friends continue to be my greatest comfort and support The kids, Brandon, Marla, Noonie, and Dave, are always “in my corner.” The grandkids, Bebe, Solomon, Ben, Gus, Louisa, and Amari make me feel “on top of the world.” Juliana Do Carmo, by managing
so many day-to-day responsibilities, allows me the luxury of being able to work and concentrate Bruce, my husband of nearly 50 years, has always encouraged my passion for teaching and writing, and given me the space and time to enjoy it His calm and reassurance trumps any doubt or angst Lastly, our canine kids, Owen and Greta, remain the love of our lives, providing countless hours of relaxation
Trang 17Director of Clinical Research
Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center
Harvard Medical School
Vincent Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
Thomas K.Fehring, MD
Co-Director Orthocarolina Hip and Knee Center
Charlotte, North Carolina
Morris A Fisher, M.D.
Attending Neurologist
Edward Hines Jr Veterans Hospital
Hines, Illinois
Professor of Neurology Loyola University
Chicago Stritch School of Medicine
Harvard Medical SchoolBoston, Massachusetts
Dan L Longo, MD
Deputy EditorNew England Journal of MedicineProfessor of Medicine
Harvard Medical SchoolBoston, Massachusetts
W Scott McDougal, MD
Chief Emeritus, Urology ServiceMassachusetts General HospitalBoston, Massachusetts
Leigh H Simmons, MD
General Medicine DivisionMassachusetts General HospitalBoston, Massachusetts
The following persons reviewed the text and/or the ancillaries:
Trang 18Daniel I Simon, MD
Chief, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine
Director, Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute
University Hospitals Case Medical Center
Herman K Hellerstein Professor of Cardiovascular
Francine Armenth-Brothers, EdD, MS, ATC/L
Associate Professor of Health
Heartland Community College
Normal, Illinois
Janet S Barnard, RN, BSN, CCMA-AC
Medical Careers Instructor
Central Sierra ROP
Placerville, California
Bradley S Bowden
Professor of Biology
Alfred University
Alfred, New York
Shawnmarie Carpenter, MEd, AKMFT
Crystal Falls, Michigan
Beth A Crow, BSEd
Financial Aid Officer and A&P InstructorAmerican Commercial College
Shandra Esparza, MEd, ATC, LAT
Clinical Coordinator and Instructor in Athletic Training Education
The Universaity of the Incarnate WordSan Antonio, Texas
Suzanne B Garrett, MSA, RHIA
HIT Program DirectorCollege of Central FloridaOcala, Florida
Janice Hess, MA, RMT
HIMS CoordinatorMetropolitan Community CollegeOmaha, Nebraska
Joseph A Mamatz, Jr., MAEd, RT(R)(T)(ARRT)
Academic Chairman and Radiography Program Director
Radiography Education ProgramBergen Community CollegeParamus, New Jersey
Susan Newton, MT (ASCP)
Franklin County High SchoolRocky Mount, Virginia
Alice M Noblin, PhD, RHIA, CCS
Health Informatics and Information Management Program Director and Instructor
University of Central FloridaOrlando, Florida
Yvette E Pawlowski, BA, CMT, RHIT
Faculty InstructorCentral Texas CollegeKilleen, Texas
Trang 19David Rice, RMA, BA
Spanish Medical Interpreter Program MIP
Southwest Skill Center at Estrella Mountain
Community College
Avondale, Arizona
Kasey Waychoff, AOS, CMA, CPT
Allied Health Curriculum Specialist
Centura College
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Mandie Wilkerson-McMahon, MD, MBA
Clinical Externship Coordinator, Clinical InstructorAmerican Commercial College
Lubbock, Texas
Barbara Wortman, RN, MSN, CPhT
Bossier Parish Technical SchoolBossier City, Louisiana
Trang 201 Basic Word Structure 1
2 Terms Pertaining to the Body as a Whole 33
8 Female Reproductive System 257
9 Male Reproductive System 311
Trang 2115 Musculoskeletal System 577
16 Skin 651
17 Sense Organs: The Eye and the Ear 695
18 Endocrine System 747
19 Cancer Medicine (Oncology) 797
20 Radiology and Nuclear Medicine 849
21 Pharmacology 881
22 Psychiatry 921
Medical Word Parts—English 959
English—Medical Word Parts 968
APPENDIX II Abbreviations, Acronyms, Eponyms, and Symbols 982
APPENDIX III Normal Hematologic Reference Values and Implications of
Abnormal Results 994
Illustrations Credits 1003
Index 1006
Trang 23Basic Word Structure
This chapter is divided
into the following sections:
Objectives in Studying the Medical Language, 2
• Identify basic objectives to guide your study of the medical language
• Divide medical words into their component parts
• Learn the meanings of basic combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes of the medical
• Use these combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes to build medical words
Trang 24There are three objectives to keep in mind as you study medical terminology:
• Analyze words by dividing them into component parts
Your goal is to learn the tools of word analysis that will make understanding complex
terminology easier Do not simply memorize terms; think about dividing terms into component parts This book will show you how to separate both complicated and simple terms into understandable word elements Medical terms are much like jigsaw puzzles in that they are constructed of small pieces that make each word unique, with one major difference: The pieces can be shuffled up and used in lots of combinations
to make other words as well As you become familiar with word parts and learn what each means, you will be able to recognize those word parts in totally new combinations
in other terms
• Relate the medical terms to the structure and function of the human body
Memorization of terms, although essential to retention of the language, should not
become the primary objective of your study A major focus of this book is to explain
terms in the context of how the body works in health and disease Medical terms explained in their proper context also will be easier to remember Thus, the term hepatitis, meaning inflammation (-itis) of the liver (hepat), is better understood when you know where the liver is and how it functions No previous knowledge of biology, anatomy, or physiology is needed for this study Explanations in this book are straightforward and basic
• Be aware of spelling and pronunciation problems
Some medical terms are pronounced alike but are spelled differently, which accounts for their different meanings For example, ilium and ileum have identical pronunciations, but the first term, ilium, means a part of the hip bone, whereas the second term, ileum, refers to a part of the small intestine (Figure 1-1) Even
(third part
of small intestine)
(part of the hip bone)
Large intestine (colon)
FIGURE 1-1 The terms ileum and ilium can be confusing because they are pronounced alike and located in the same region of the body.
Trang 25Prostate gland
FIGURE 1-2 Male urinary tract The terms urethra and ureter can be confusing because they are both tubes
of the urinary system, but the spellings and pronunciations are different Notice the locations: two ureters
between the kidneys and urinary bladder and one urethra between the urinary bladder and the outside of the
when terms are spelled correctly, they can be misunderstood because of incorrect
pronunciation For example, the urethra (u¯-RE¯-thra˘h) is the tube leading from the
urinary bladder to the outside of the body, whereas a ureter (U¯R-e˘-te˘r) is one of two
tubes each leading from a single kidney and inserting into the urinary bladder Figure
1-2 illustrates the difference between the urethra and the ureters
Studying medical terminology is very similar to learning a new language At first, the words
sound strange and complicated, although they may stand for commonly known disorders
and terms For example, cephalgia means “headache,” and an ophthalmologist is an “eye
Your first job in learning the language of medicine is to understand how to divide
words into their component parts Logically, most terms, whether complex or simple,
can be broken down into basic parts and then understood For example, consider the
following term:
Trang 26The combining vowel—usually o, as in this term—links the root to the suffix or the root
to another root A combining vowel has no meaning of its own; it joins one word part to
It is useful to read the meaning of medical terms starting from the suffix and then going
back to the beginning of the term Thus, the term hematology means process of study of blood
Here is another familiar medical term:
root root suffixcombining vowelThe root electr means electricity
The root cardi means heart
The suffix -gram means record
The entire word, reading from the suffix back to the beginning of the term, means record
of the electricity in the heart
Notice that there are two combining vowels—both o—in this term The first o links the two roots electr and cardi; the second o links the root cardi and the suffix -gram
Try another term:
root suffixThe root gastr means stomach
The suffix -itis means inflammation
The entire word, reading from the end of the term (suffix) to the beginning, means inflammation of the stomach
Notice that the combining vowel, o, is missing in this term This is because the suffix, -itis, begins with a vowel The combining vowel is dropped before a suffix that begins with
a vowel It is retained, however, between two roots, even if the second root begins with a vowel
Consider the following term:
root root suffixcombining vowelThe root gastr means stomach
The root enter means intestines
The suffix -logy means process of study
The entire term means process of study of the stomach and intestines
root suffixcombining vowel
Trang 27Notice that the combining vowel is used between gastr and enter, even though the second
root, enter, begins with a vowel When a term contains two or more roots related to parts
of the body, anatomic position often determines which root goes before the other For
example, the stomach receives food first, before the small intestine—so the word is formed
as gastroenterology, not “enterogastrology.”
In summary, remember three general rules:
1 Read the meaning of medical terms from the suffix back to the beginning of
the term and across
2 Drop the combining vowel (usually o) before a suffix beginning with a vowel:
gastritis, not “gastroitis.”
3 Keep the combining vowel between two roots: gastroenterology, not
In addition to the root, suffix, and combining vowel, two other word parts are commonly
found in medical terms These are the combining form and the prefix The combining form
is simply the root plus the combining vowel For example, you already are familiar with the
following combining forms and their meanings:
HEMAT/O means blood root combining vowel COMBINING FORM
GASTR /O means stomach root combining vowel COMBINING FORM
CARDI /O means heart root combining vowel COMBINING FORMCombining forms are used with many different suffixes Remembering the meaning of a
combining form will help you understand different medical terms
The prefix is a small part that is attached to the beginning of a term Not all medical
terms contain prefixes, but the prefix can have an important influence on the meaning
Consider the following examples:
HYPO/GASTR/IC means pertaining to below the stomach prefix root suffix
(below) (stomach) (pertaining to)
EPI/GASTR/IC means pertaining to above the stomach prefix root suffix
(above) (stomach) (pertaining to)
In summary, the important elements of medical terms are the following:
1 Root: foundation of the term
2 Suffix: word ending
3 Prefix: word beginning
4 Combining vowel: vowel (usually o) that links the root to the suffix or the root to
another root
5 Combining form: combination of the root and the combining vowel
In previous examples you have been introduced to the combining forms gastr/o (stomach), hemat/o (blood), and cardi/o (heart) This section of the chapter presents a list of additional combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes, with examples of medical words using those word parts (Similar lists are included for each chapter
in the book.) Write the meaning of the medical term in the space provided Then check the correct pronunciation for each term with the Pronunciation of Terms list on pages 27 to 30 The Evolve website for The Language of
Medicine contains definitions and audio pronunciations for each term Use it!
Most medical terms are derived from Greek and Latin roots Greek, Roman, and Arabic physicians had developed medically useful concepts and associated vocabularies long before the 21st century Greek and Latin derivations for medical terms are presented for your interest on the Evolve website
1 Use slashes to divide each term into component parts (aden/oma), and write its meaning (tumor of
a gland) in the space provided Although most medical terms are divided easily into component parts
and understood, others defy simple explanation Information in italics under a medical term helps
you define and understand the term You can check meanings on the Evolve site
2 Complete the Exercises, pages 17 to 23, and check your answers against those provided on pages 24
7 Review terms using the audio pronunciations found on the Evolve website
Notice that you are actively engaging in the learning process by writing terms and their meanings and testing yourself repeatedly Here is your study mantra: Read, WRite, Recite, and Review I guarantee success
if you follow these simple steps This is a proven method—it really works!
Trang 29aden/o gland adenoma
The suffix -oma means tumor or mass.
adenitis _
The suffix -itis means inflammation.
arthr/o joint arthritis _
bi/o life biology
The suffix -logy is composed of the root log (study) and the final suffix -y (process or condition).
The suffix -opsy means process of viewing Living tissue is removed from the body and viewed under a microscope.
carcin/o cancerous, cancer carcinoma _
A carcinoma is a cancerous tumor Carcinomas grow from the epithelial (surface or skin) cells that cover the outside of the body and line organs, cavities, and tubes within the body (Figure 1-3).
cardi/o heart cardiology _
cephal/o head cephalic _
(se˘-FA˘L-ı˘k) The suffix -ic means pertaining to A cephalic presentation describes a “head first” position for the delivery of an infant.
tumor of a gland
FIGURE 1-3 Carcinoma of the skin This is a basal cell carcinoma, the most common form of skin cancer
It usually occurs on sun-damaged skin.
Remember: You will find every term phonetically pronounced starting on page 27, and you can hear the pronunciations on the Evolve website
Trang 30cerebr/o cerebrum (largest
part of the brain)
cerebral _
The suffix -al means pertaining to Figure 1-4 shows the cerebrum and its many functional areas.
cis/o to cut incision _
The prefix in- means into, and the suffix -ion means process.
excision _
The prefix ex- means out.
crin/o to secrete (to
form and give off) endocrine glands _The prefix endo- means within; endocrine glands (e.g., thyroid,
pituitary, and adrenal glands) secrete hormones directly within (into) the bloodstream Other glands, called exocrine glands, release their secretions (e.g., saliva, sweat, tears) through tubes (ducts) to the outside of the body.
cyst/o urinary bladder; a
sac or a cyst (sac containing fluid)
cystoscopy _
(sı˘s-TO˘S-ko¯-pe¯) The suffix -scopy is a complex suffix that includes the root scop, meaning visual examination, and the final suffix -y, meaning process
Eye movement
Thought processes
Sensations from body
FIGURE 1-4 Cerebrum and the functions it controls A cerebrovascular accident (CVA), or stroke, occurs when blood vessels (vascul/o means blood vessel) are damaged in the cerebrum and blood is prevented from reaching functional areas
of the brain Cells, deprived of oxygen and nutrients, are damaged, causing loss of movement, speech, and other signs and symptoms of a CVA.
Complex suffixes
Many suffixes, like -scopy, contain an embedded root word Other examples are -opsy (ops is a root) and -logy (log is a
Trang 31cyt/o cell cytology _
See Figure 1-5 for examples of blood cells.
derm/o skin dermatitis _
dermat/o hypodermic
The prefix hypo- means under or below.
electr/o electricity electrocardiogram
The suffix -gram means record Abbreviated ECG (or sometimes EKG).
encephal/o brain electroencephalogram _
erythr/o red erythrocyte
The suffix -cyte means cell Erythrocytes carry oxygen in the blood.
gastr/o stomach gastrectomy _
The suffix -ectomy means excision or removal All or, more commonly, part of the stomach is removed.
The suffix -tomy is another complex suffix, which contains the root tom, meaning to cut, and the final suffix -y, meaning process of.
Thrombocytes (platelets)
FIGURE 1-5 Blood cells Notice red blood cells (erythrocytes), a white blood cell (leukocyte), and clotting
cells (thrombocytes or platelets).
Trang 32glyc/o sugar hyperglycemia
The prefix hyper- means excessive, above, or more than normal The suffix -emia means blood condition.
gnos/o knowledge diagnosis
The prefix dia- means complete The suffix -sis means state or condition of A diagnosis is made after sufficient information has been obtained about the patient’s condition Literally, it is a
“state of complete knowledge.”
The prefix pro- means before Literally “knowledge before,” a prognosis is a prediction about the outcome of an illness, but it is always given after the diagnosis has been determined.
gynec/o woman, female gynecology hemat/o blood hematology hem/o hematoma _
In this term, -oma means a mass or collection of blood, rather than a growth of cells (tumor) A hematoma forms when blood escapes from blood vessels and collects as a clot in a cavity or organ or under the skin See Figure 1-6.
physician iatrogenic _The suffix -genic means pertaining to producing, produced by, or
produced in Iatrogenic conditions are adverse effects that result from treatment or intervention by a physician.
leuk/o white leukocyte
This blood cell helps the body fight disease.
log/o study of dermatology _nephr/o kidney nephritis
nephrology neur/o nerve neurology _
Hyperglycemia and Diabetes
Hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) most frequently is associated with diabetes People with diabetes have high blood sugar
levels because they lack insulin (in type 1 diabetes) or have ineffective insulin (in type 2 diabetes) Insulin is the
hormone normally released by the pancreas (an endocrine gland near the stomach) to “escort” sugar from the bloodstream into cells Sugar (glucose) is then broken down in cells to release energy When insulin is not present, sugar cannot enter cells and builds up in the bloodstream (hyperglycemia).
Trang 33FIGURE 1-6 A, Notice the hematoma under the nail B, Hematoma caused by external trauma to the brain
(cerebrum) Blood collects above the brain’s outermost (epi-) covering (dura) It is an epidural hematoma
(B, Courtesy of Dr Raymond D Adams, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston.).
onc/o tumor oncology
oncologist _
The suffix -ist means one who specializes in a field of medicine (or other profession).
ophthalm/o eye ophthalmoscope
(o˘f-THA˘L-mo¯-sko¯p) The suffix -scope means an instrument for visual examination (To help with spelling, notice that just as there are two eyes, there are two “h”s in this term.)
oste/o bone osteitis
ped/o child pediatric
Notice that ped/o is also in the term orthopedist Orthopedists once were doctors who straightened (orth/o means straight) children’s bones and corrected deformities Nowadays, orthopedists specialize in disorders of bones and muscles in people of all ages.
Trang 34psych/o mind psychology
psychiatrist radi/o x-rays radiology
Low-energy x-rays are used for diagnostic imaging.
ren/o kidney renal _
Ren/o (Latin) and nephr/o (Greek) both mean kidney Ren/o is used with -al (Latin) to describe the kidney, whereas nephr/o is used with other suffixes such as -osis, -itis, and -ectomy (Greek)
to describe abnormal conditions and operative procedures.
rhin/o nose rhinitis _sarc/o flesh sarcoma _
This is a cancerous (malignant) tumor A sarcoma (Figure 1-7) grows from cells of “fleshy” connective tissue such as muscle, bone, and fat, whereas a carcinoma (another type of cancerous tumor) grows from epithelial cells that line the outside of the body or the inside of organs in the body.
sect/o to cut resection
The prefix re- means back A resection is a cutting back in the sense of cutting out or removal (excision) A gastric resection is a gastrectomy, or excision of the stomach.
thromb/o clot, clotting thrombocyte _
Also known as platelets, these cells help clot blood A thrombus
is the actual clot that forms, and thrombosis (-osis means condition) is the condition of clot formation.
ur/o urinary tract,
urine urology _A urologist is a surgeon who operates on the organs of the
urinary tract and the organs of the male reproductive system.
Prior incision from biopsy
FIGURE 1-7 Sarcoma of muscle in the thigh (Courtesy Dr Sam Yoon, Massachusetts General Hospital,
-ac pertaining to cardiac
-al pertaining to neural
-algia pain arthralgia _
-cyte cell erythrocyte
-ectomy excision, removal nephrectomy _
-emia blood condition leukemia
Literally, this term means “a blood condition of white (blood cells).” Actually, it is a condition of blood in which cancerous white blood cells proliferate (increase in number).
-genic pertaining to
producing, produced by, or produced in
In this term, -genic means produced by.
-globin protein hemoglobin
-gram record electroencephalogram _
-ic, -ical pertaining to gastric
neurologic _
Log/o means study of.
-ion process excision _
-ist specialist ophthalmologist _
-itis inflammation cystitis
-logy process of study endocrinology
-oma tumor, mass,
swelling hepatoma _A hepatoma (hepatocellular carcinoma) is a malignant tumor of
the liver.
-opsy process of
viewing biopsy Biopsy specimens are obtained and viewed under a microscope.
Ophthalmologist, Optometrist, Optician
An ophthalmologist is a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating (surgically and medically) disorders of the eye
An optometrist is a healthcare professional who examines (metr/o = to measure) eyes and prescribes corrective lenses, and may treat eye diseases An optician grinds lenses and fits glasses but does not examine eyes, prescribe corrective lenses,
or treat eye diseases.
Trang 36-osis condition, usually
abnormal (slight increase in numbers when used with blood cells)
nephrosis leukocytosis _
This condition, a slight increase in normal white blood cells, occurs as white blood cells multiply to fight an infection Don’t confuse leukocytosis with leukemia, which is a cancerous (malignant) condition marked by high levels of abnormal, immature white blood cells.
-pathy disease condition enteropathy
endoscopy _
(e˘n-DO˘S-ko¯-pe¯) Endoscopy is performed with an endoscope.
-sis state of;
condition prognosis -tomy process of
cutting, incision osteotomy _(o˘s-te¯-O˘T-to¯-me¯)
-y process,
condition gastroenterology
a-, an- no, not, without anemia
Anemia is a decreased number of erythrocytes or an abnormality
of the hemoglobin (a chemical) within the red blood cells This results in decreased delivery of oxygen to cells of the body
Anemic patients look so pale that early physicians thought they were literally “without blood.”
aut-, auto- self, own autopsy _
This term literally means “process of viewing by oneself.” Hence,
an autopsy is the examination of a dead body with one’s own eyes
to determine the cause of death and nature of disease.
Terms ending in -is (diagnosis, prognosis) form their plural by dropping the -is and adding -es See Appendix I, page 981, for
other rules on formation of plurals.
Trang 37endo- within endocrinologist _
epi- above, upon epigastric
The suffix -ism means process or condition.
hypo- deficient, below,
under, less than normal
When hypo- is used with a part of the body, it means below.
In this term, hypo- means deficient.
in- into, in incision _
peri- surrounding,
around pericardium _The suffix -um means a structure The pericardium is the
membrane that surrounds the heart.
pro- before, forward prostate gland
This exocrine gland “stands” (-state) before or in front of the urinary bladder (see Figure 1-2) It produces semen, which contains fluid and sperm cells.
re- back, backward,
again resection This is an operation in which tissue is “cut back” or removed The
Latin resectio means a trimming or pruning.
retro- behind retrocardiac
sub- below, under subhepatic _
trans- across, through transhepatic _
Understanding Hyperthyroidism
In hyperthyroidism, a hyperactive thyroid gland (an endocrine gland in the neck) secretes a greater than normal amount
of thyroxine (thyroid hormone, or T 4) Because thyroxine causes cells to burn fuel and release energy, signs and symptoms
of hyperthyroidism are increased energy level and nervousness, tachycardia (increased heart rate), weight loss, and
exophthalmos (bulging eyeballs).
This section provides an opportunity for you to use your skill in understanding medical terms and to increase your knowledge of new terms Be sure to check your answers with the Answers to Practical Applications on page 26 You should find helpful explanations there
The exercises that follow are designed to help you learn the terms presented in the chapter Writing terms
over and over again is a good way to study this new language You will find the answers to these exercises
starting on page 24 This makes it easy to check your work As you check each answer, you not only will
reinforce your understanding of a term but often will gain additional information from the answer
Each exercise is designed not as a test, but rather as an opportunity for you to learn the material
1 Word beginnings are called
2 Word endings are called _
3 The foundation of a word is known as the _
4 A letter linking a suffix and a root, or linking two roots, in a term is the
5 The combination of a root and a combining vowel is known as the _
Trang 401 white blood cell: _cyte
2 inflammation of the stomach: gastr _
3 pertaining to being produced by treatment: _genic
4 study of kidneys: _logy
5 red blood cell: _cyte
6 mass of blood: _oma
7 process of viewing living tissue (using a microscope): bi _
8 pain of nerves: neur _
9 process of visual examination of the eye: _scopy
10 inflammation of the small intestine: _itis