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YOU’VE JUST PURCHASED MORE THAN A * TEXTBOOK! Evolve Student Resources for Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 10th Edition, include the following: • Interactive games and exercises • Career videos • Quick Quizzes • Dictionary of terms • Animations • Mobile-optimized content, including: – Quick Quizzes – Flash Cards – Mobile Dictionary Scan the QR code to access your free mobile content.* Activate the complete learning experience that comes with each NEW textbook purchase by registering your access code at http://evolve.elsevier.com/Chabner/language If you purchased a used book and the code at the right has already been revealed, the code may have been used and cannot be re-used for registration To purchase access to these valuable study resources, simply follow the link above REGISTER TODAY! * Evolve Student Resources are provided free with each NEW book purchase only DAVI-ELLEN CHABNER, BA, MAT The Language of Medicine 7KLVSDJHLQWHQWLRQDOO\OHIWEODQN For Gus, Ben, Bebe, Louisa, Solomon, and Amari… and of course, Owen & Greta Here are the kids and canines whose affection and love relax and inspire me every day 3251 Riverport Lane St Louis, Missouri 63043 THE LANGUAGE OF MEDICINE, TENTH EDITION Copyright © 2014, 2011, 2007, 2004, 2001, 1996, 1991, 1985, 1981, 1976 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc ISBN: 978-1-4557-2846-6 No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher Details on how to seek permission, further information about the Publisher’s permissions policies and our arrangements with organizations such as the Copyright Clearance Center and the Copyright Licensing Agency, can be found at our website: www.elsevier.com/permissions This book and the individual contributions contained in it are protected under copyright by the Publisher (other than as may be noted herein) Notices Knowledge and best practice in this field are constantly changing As new research and experience broaden our understanding, changes in research methods, professional practices, or medical treatment may become necessary Practitioners and researchers must always rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, methods, compounds, or experiments described herein In using such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including parties for whom they have a professional responsibility With respect to any drug or pharmaceutical products identified, readers are advised to check the most current information provided (i) on procedures featured or (ii) by the manufacturer of each product to be administered, to verify the recommended dose or formula, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications It is the responsibility of practitioners, relying on their own experience and knowledge of their patients, to make diagnoses, to determine dosages and the best treatment for each individual patient, and to take all appropriate safety precautions To the fullest extent of the law, neither the Publisher nor the authors, contributors, or editors, assume any liability for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions, or ideas contained in the material herein ISBN: 978-1-4557-2846-6 Vice President and Publisher: Andrew Allen Content Strategy Director: Jeanne Olson Content Strategist: Linda Woodard Senior Content Development Specialist: Luke Held Publishing Services Manager: Julie Eddy Senior Project Manager: Celeste Clingan Design Direction: Ellen Zanolle Printed in Canada Last digit is the print number: Working together to grow libraries in developing countries www.elsevier.com | www.bookaid.org | www.sabre.org PREFACE WELCOME TO THE 10TH EDITION OF THE LANGUAGE OF MEDICINE The enhanced focus of this new edition is its relevance to real-life medical situations Drawing on current technology, state-of-the-art medical practice, and the latest procedures and treatments, The Language of Medicine brings medical terminology to life The dynamic images and compelling patient stories further illustrate medical terminology in action I am honored that this text continues to be the book instructors return to, year after year, because their students tell them that it works! As a student, you will find that The Language of Medicine speaks to you no matter what your background or level of education It is written in simple, non-technical language that creates an exceptionally accessible pathway to learning Since it is a workbook-text combination, you engage and interact on practically every page through writing and reviewing terms, labeling diagrams, and answering questions Terminology is explained so that you understand medical terms in their proper context, which is the structure and function of the human body in health and disease Throughout the process of writing this text over its 10 editions, I have listened to hundreds of students and instructors and incorporated their insightful suggestions Expert medical reviewers have once again helped me to ensure that the terminology included reflects cutting edge clinical practice New information and illustrations throughout are the result of recommendations from all those who have so generously provided feedback My continuing goal in writing The Language of Medicine is to help you not only learn medical terminology but also to enjoy learning! You will find that medical terminology comes alive and stays with you when you use my interactive, logical, and easy-to-follow method Undeniably, the study of this language requires commitment and hard work, but the benefits are great Knowledge of medical terminology will give you a strong start in your career vi PREFACE NEW TO THE 10TH EDITION While the essential elements of The Language of Medicine remain in place, the new 10th edition is even more relevant to real-life medical situations The 10th edition includes 20 new, first-hand stories of medical conditions and procedures These personal accounts make medical terminology more understandable New content on cutting-edge procedures enhances the relevance of medical terms PREFACE New clinical photographs and drawings dynamically illustrate medical terminology, conditions, and treatments vii viii PREFACE HOW TO USE THE BOOK The Language of Medicine makes learning easy The book guides and coaches you step by step through the learning experience Don’t get overwhelmed! Approach learning systematically, step by step I’ve helped you study each chapter by organizing the information in small pieces Icons are provided to help you navigate the sections of the text After basic material in the chapter is introduced, the key terms you need to learn are presented in Vocabulary lists These lists help you study and stay focused You cannot get lost using The Language of Medicine You learn and engage in small incremental steps The book imparts the most important concepts, allowing you to concentrate on what is essential Medical terminology is connected to real life with case reports and case studies throughout the text and on the companion Evolve website INDEX Phac/o, 704 Phacoemulsification, 704, 715 -phage, 514 -phagia, 188 Phag/o, 75, 513 Phagocytes, 85, 504 bone, 579 Phagocytosis, 505f Phagophobia, 941t Phak/o, 704 Phalangeal, 597 Phalang/o, 598 Phalanx(ges), 597 finger and toe bones, 591t fingers, 590 toes, 590f, 591 Pharmaceut/o, 864 Pharmacist, 880, 898 Pharmac/o, 901 Pharmacodynamics, 880, 898 Pharmacokinetics, 880, 898 Pharmacologist, 880, 898 Pharmacology, 879-917 abbreviations, 903 actions and interactions of drugs, 880 administration of drugs, 878-879 classes of drugs, 881-890 combining form for, 895 controlled substances, 898-899 drug names, standards, and references, 877 drug toxicity, 880-881 prefixes for, 895 pronunciation of terms for, 915-918 suffixes for, 913 top 30 prescription drugs for 2007, 904.e1 vocabulary, 897-900 Pharmacophobia, 941t Pharmacy, 880, 898 Pharmacy technician, 880 Pharyngeal, 159, 466 Pharyngeal tonsils, 458 Pharyng/o, 157, 465 Pharynx, 39, 40, 143-144, 152, 458, 463, 465 Phases of clinical trials, 810 -phasia, 361 Phas/o, 188 Phencyclidine (PCP), 906, 931 Phenelzine, 935f Phenergan See Promethazine Phenobarbital, 890t, 896t Phenothiazines, 934, 935f, 939 Phenylketonuria (PKU), 229, 247 Phenytoin sodium, 890t Pheochromocytoma, 769 Pheomelanin, 653 -phil, 514 Philadelphia chromosome, 802 -philia, 514, 929 Phil/o, 940 Phim/o, 322 Phimosis, 322, 323f Phlebitis, 75, 411 Phleb/o, 411 Phlebotomy, 78, 411 -phobia, 79, 940 Phobia(s), 925, 937, 941t Phobic disorders, 925 Phon/o, 465 -phoresis, 514 -phoria, 109, 941 Phor/o, 271 Phosphatase, 824 Phosphorus (P), 593 in bone formation, 579, 593 Phot/o, 705 Photocoagulation, laser, 709, 715 Photographic plate, x-ray and, 848 Photon therapy, 811, 820 Photophobia, 705, 941t Photopsia, 711 Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), 716 Photoselective vaporization of prostate (GreenLight PVP), 325, 326 Phototherapy, 119 pH (potential hydrogen), 237 of urine, 228 Phrenic nerve, 466 Phren/o, 465, 940 pH scale, 228f -phylaxis, 557, 895 Physiatrists, 578, 593 Physical dependence, 924 Physical therapist, 578 Physical therapy (PT), 621 Physicians’ Desk Reference (PDR), 881, 898 -physis, 109, 596 Phys/o, 764 Phyt/o, 660 Phytonadione, 902t Pia mater, 354, 356 Picture archival and communications system (PACS), 861 PID (pelvic inflammatory disease), 277 Pigmented lesion of skin, 670 Pigmented skin, with varicose veins, 423f Piles, 423 Pil/o, 660 Pilocarpine, 705 Pilonidal cyst, 662 Pilosebaceous, 660 Pimple, papule and, 662 Pineal gland, 748 Pinkeye, 702 Pinna, 716, 718f, 719 PIN (prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia), 326 Pioglitazone, 890t, 904e PI (protease inhibitor), 559, 562 Pirbuterol, 895t Pituitar/o, 762 Pituitary gland, 40, 86, 258, 265, 267, 748, 755757, 757f, 759, 764f, 773-775 abnormal conditions of, 775t anterior lobe pathology, 755, 756f combining form for, 762 function of, 756 hormones produced by, 758t location and structure of, 755f posterior lobe pathology, 755, 756f Pivoxicain, pain treated with, 376 PKD (polycystic kidney disease), 230, 230f PKU (phenylketonuria), 229, 247 Place, combining form for, 108 Placenta, 258, 263, 264, 267, 263f, 280 pathology of, 279 Placenta previa, 280 -plakia, 658 Planes of body, 48f, 49 Planes of head, 68 Plant, 660, 882 Plantar flexion, 614 Plantar warts, 671 Plant/o, 615 Plaque(s) atherosclerotic, 419f dental, 161, 162 formed by papules, 662 oral mucosal, 162 in psoriasis, 667 rupture of, 419f senile, 364 yellowish, 410 -plasia, 80, 109, 823 -plasm, 109, 823 Plasma, 502, 506-507, 511, 520, 805t Plasma cells, 552, 552f, 555, 561 Plasma exchange, 522 Plasmapheresis, 507, 511, 513 Plas/o, 75, 822 -plasty, 80, 188 Platelet aggregate, 419f 1031 Platelet count, 521 Plateletpheresis, 513 Platelets, 9f, 85, 502, 506, 511 Platinol See Cisplatin Plavix See Clopidogrel bisulfate Play therapy, 933, 939 -plegia, 361 Ple/o, 822 Pleomorphic tumors, 804, 819 Pleura, 41, 45, 460, 462, 463, 465, 474-475 Pleural, 79 Pleural cavity, 463, 468, 475, 479 Pleural disorders, 475 Pleural effusion, 465, 475, 482-483 Pleural rub, 469 Pleurisy, 475 Pleuritis, 475 Pleur/o, 75, 465 Pleurodesis, 475 Pleurodynia, 77, 465 Plexus(es), 344, 356 spinal, 345f Plurals, formation of, 14, 76 PMNLs (polymorphonuclear leukocytes), 525 PMNs (polymorphonuclear leukocytes), 82, 507, 513, 525 PMS (premenstrual syndrome), 262 PND (paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea), 468 -pnea, 109, 468 Pneumatic retinopexy, retinal detachment treated with, 711 Pneum/o, 466 Pneumococci, 84 Pneumoconiosis, 472 Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP), 482, 558t, 563 Pneumonectomy, 464f Pneumonia, 473, 476f, 484, 558t, lobar, 473, 473f Pneumonitis, 813 Pneumon/o, 75, 466 Pneumonia, 484 Pneumothorax, 466, 466f, 475 PNS (peripheral nervous system), 344, 356, 374 divisions of, 347f PO, p.o., po (by mouth; per os), 903 POAG (primary open-angle glaucoma), 716 Podagra, 606 Pod/o, 606 -poiesis, 514 -poietin, 227 Poikil/o, 513 Poikilocytosis, 513, 515f Poison, 108, 551, 557, 764, 900 Polio-, 359 Poli/o, 659t Poliomyelitis, 359, 659t Pol/o, 921 Poly-, 115, 765 Polyarthritis, 604 Polycystic kidney disease (PKD), 230, 230f Polycythemia vera, 517 Polydipsia, 226, 763, 771t Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 120 Polymorphonuclear granulocyte, 504, 505, 511, 513, 525 Polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs; PMNLs), 82, 504, 505, 507, 511, 513, 525 Polymox See Amoxicillin Polymyalgia rheumatica, 617 Polymyositis, 617 Polyneuritis, 115, 357 Polyneuropathy, 359 Polypectomy, 198f Polyphagia, diabetes and, 188, 771t Polyp/o, 822 Polypoid tumors, 807 Polyposis coli syndrome, 803t adenomatous, 798 1032 INDEX Polyp(s), 662 combining form for, 822 nasal, 663f pedunculated, 164 Polys (polymorphonuclear leukocytes), 525 Polyunsaturated fats, 425 Polyuria, 227, 765, 771t Pons, 351, 352f, 356, 359 Pont/o, 359 Popliteal artery, 401f Pore, 656, 657 -porosis, 596 Portal hypertension, 164 Portal vein, 151, 152, 152f, 154 Positional and directional terms, 50 Positioning, for x-rays, 857-858 Position(s) combining form for, 108 dorsal lithotomy, 63f of gallstones, 169f for x-ray views, 857-858 Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), 482 Positive expiratory pressure (PEP), 482 Positive symptoms of schizophrenia, 929, 932t Positron emission tomography (PET), 372, 374, 860, 863 Positron emission tomography (PET) scan, 427 of brain, 372 of cardiovascular system, 427 of lung, 477 Post-, 115 Postauricular, 720 Post cibum (p.c., pc; after meals), 160, 903 Posterior, 50, 53, 55 Posterior cruciate ligament, 603f Posterior (dorsal), 50 Posterior lobe of pituitary, 755, 759, 775, hormones produced by, 757f, 758t pathology of, 773-774 Posterior tibial artery, 401f Poster/o, 55 Posteroanterior (PA) view, 853, 853f Postictal events, 365 Post (p¯; after), 903 Postmortem, 115 Postpartum, 115 Postprandial, 160 Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 926, 937 Potassium, 216, 226, 753, 763 Potassium chloride, 904e Potassium hydroxide (KOH), 672 Potassium (K+), 216, 224, 237, 753, 763, 777 combining form for, 226 Potential hydrogen (pH), 239 PPD (purified protein derivative), 481, 482, 672, 673 PPD skin test, 475 P (phosphorus), 621 p¯ (post; after), 903 Pradaxa See Dabigatran -prandial, 158 Prandin See Repaglinide Prasugrel, 419, 890t Pravachol See Pravastatin -praxia, 362 Pre-, 115, 273 Precancerous, 115 Precose See Acarbose Pre-diabetes, 773 Prednisone, 778, 815t, 892t, 893t Preeclampsia, 281 Prefixes, 107-137 in basic word structure, for cardiovascular system, 455 combining forms and, 108-109 for endocrine system, 763 for female reproductive system, 273 for lymphatic and immune systems, 557 for muscles, 615 for oncology, 820 Prefixes (Continued) for pharmacology, 895-896 for psychiatry, 936 for radiology and nuclear medicine, 860 related appendices, 118-122 in relation to body as a whole, 56 for respiratory system, 501 suffixes in combination with, 109 and terminology, 109-118 Pregnancy, 262-265 -cyesis suffix, 111t, 272 ectopic, 112f, 280 hormonal interaction in, 265 pathologic conditions of, 280-281 procedures related to, 286-287 Rh condition and, 119f test, 282 Premarin tabs See Estrogen(s) Premature atrial contraction (PAC), 433 Premature ejaculation, 933 Premature ventricular contraction (PVC), 433 Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), 262 Premolars, 141 Prenatal, 115, 273 Prepatellar bursa, 603f Premarin See Estrogen Prepuce, 314, 316, 325 Presbycusis, 721 Presby/o, 705 Presbyopia, 707 Prescription (Rx), 880, 905 top 30 prescription drugs in 2007, 904.e1 Pressure-equalizing tube (PE tube), 725 Pressure ulcers, 662 Prevacid See Lansoprazole Prilosec See Omeprazole Primary central nervous system lymphoma, case study of, 527-528 Primary complications of diabetes, 769 Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), 716 Primary syphilis, 324f Primatene See Epinephrine Primi-, 273 Primigravida, 271 Primipara, 271 Primiparous, 272 Primip (primipara; primiparous), 288 Prinivil See Lisinopril Pristiq See Desvenlafaxine PRK (photorefractive keratectomy), 716 PRL (prolactin), 756, 757f, 758t, 760, 763, 777 p.r.n., prn (as needed, as necessary; pro re nata), 903 Pro-, 15, 115 ProAir HFA See Albuterol Probe, in ultrasonography, 850-851 Procaine, 885t Procardia See Nifedipine Process, suffix for, 13, 14, 83 Prochlorperazine maleate, 895t Procrit See Erythropoietin (EPO) Proct/o, 157, 192 Proctologist, 159 Proctosigmoidoscopy, 192 Proctoscopy, 198 Prodrome, 115 Production, 13, 78, 83, 109, 514, 940 Progenitor cells, 503f Progesterone, 258, 262, 268, 757, 760 Progestins, 893, 894t, 900 Prognosis, 10 Progressive disease (PD), 823 Projective (personality) test, 937 Prolactin (PRL), 756, 757f, 760 Prolapse, 80, 109 of uterus, 122f, 271 Prolia See Denosumab Promethazine, 891t, 895t Pronation, 614 Prone (positional term), 50, 858 Pronunciation of terms for blood system, 538-541 for cardiovascular system, 449-454 clues for pronouncing g and c, 84 for digestive system, 181-186, 210-212 for endocrine system, 786-789 for eyes, 737 for female reproductive system, 303-308 for lymphatic and immune systems, 572 for male reproductive system, 338-340 for musculoskeletal system, 641-648 for nervous system, 388-393 for oncology, 835 for pharmacology, 909 problems with, for psychiatry, 949 for radiology and nuclear medicine, 870 relating to basic word structure, 25 body as a whole, 66 for respiratory system, 494-498 for skin, 686-689 in study of prefixes, 134 suffixes, 101 for urinary system, 249-252 Prophylthiouracil, 778 Propofol, 885t Propoxyphene HC, 881t Propranolol, 778, 891t Proptosis, 189, 766 Pro re nata (p.r.n., prn; as needed), 903 Pros- (prefix), 116 Prostaglandins, 748, 749t Prostatectomy, 322 Prostate cancer, 329 Prostate gland, 15, 312, 314, 316, 318, 321-322, 321f, 325, 327-329, 804t, 815t combining form for, 318 location of, 124f transurethral resection of, 122 tumors of, 321 Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test, 321, 324, 824 Prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN), 326 Prostatitis, 318 Prostat/o, 318 Prosthesis, 116, 116f knee replacement, 617f stapedectomy and, 721, 721f, 723 Prosthetic device, 623f Prostrate, 316 prot (protocol), 823 Protease, 149, 152 Protease inhibitors (PIs), 559, 562 Protection, combining form for, 108, 556 Protein markers, CA 125, 276, 288 Protein marker tests, 824 Protein pump inhibitor, 904.e1 Protein marker test, 824 Protein(s), 13, 506, 514, 520, 824, combining form for, 158 in urine, 228 Protein synthesis, 800, 800f Proteinuria, preeclampsia and, 281 Prote/o, 158 Prothrombin, 506, 511 Prothrombin time (PT), 521 Prot/o, 822 Protocol, 820, 822 for chemotherapy, 814 Proton beam radiosurgery, 373f Proton, irradiation and, 811 Protonix See Pantoprazole Proton stereotactic radiosurgery (PSRS), 373 Proton therapy, 812, 812f, 820 Protons, 806-807 Provera See Medroxyprogesterone acetate Proximal phalanges, 590f Proximal (positional term), 50, 55 INDEX Proxim/o, 55 Prozac See Fluoxetine Prurit/o, 901 Pruritus, 664, 668, 670 PSA (prostate-specific antigen), 321, 324, 824 PSA test, 321, 324, 326 PSCT (peripheral stem cell transplantation), 823 Pseudo-, 116, 271 Pseudocyesis, 271 Pseudohypertrophy, 617 Psoralen-ultraviolet A (PUVA), 668, 674 Psoriasis, 668 PSRS (proton stereotactic radiosurgery), 373 Psych- (C), 942 Psychiatric clinical symptoms, 917 Psychiatric disorders, 924-932, 932t anxiety disorders, 925-926 delirium and dementia, 926 dissociative disorder, 926 eating disorders, 926-927 mood disorders, 927 personality disorders, 928 pervasive developmental disorders, 928 schizophrenia, 929 sexual and gender identity disorders, 929-930 somatoform disorders, 930 substance-related disorders, 930-931 Psychiatrist, 12, 922, 937 Psychiatry, 921-960 abbreviations, 942 case reports, 944-945 combining form for, 939-940 prefixes for, 941-942 pronunciation of terms for, 956-959 psychiatric clinical symptoms, 917 psychiatric disorders, 924-932 suffixes for, 941 tests used in, 916-917 therapeutic modalities, 933-936 vocabulary, 936-939 Psych/o, 12, 922, 940 Psychoactive substances, 932f Psychoanalysis, 922, 933, 939 Psychoanalysts, 916 Psychodrama, 933, 939 Psychogenic, 937, 940 Psychological dependence, 930 Psychologist, 922, 938 Psychology, 12, 922, 938 Psychopharmacology, 922, 939 Psychosis, 925, 938, 940 Psychosomatic, 940 Psychotherapy (ΨRx), 922, 933 PTCA (percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty), 431 PTH (parathyroid hormone), 752, 768, 891, 894t PTHC (percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography), 194, 852 Ptosis, 80, 80f, 702, 710t -ptosis, 80, 109, 189 Pt (patient), 903 PT (physical therapy), 621 PT (prothrombin time), 521 PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), 926, 937 PTT (partial prothrombin time), 521 -ptysis, 189, 468 Puberty, 268 Pubic, 593 Pubic bones, 116, 117f, 313f Pubic symphysis, 593 Pubis, 108, 590, 591t, 598 Pub/o, 108, 598 PUD (peptic ulcer disease), 200 Pulmonary, 79, 467 Pulmonary abscess, 473 Pulmonary arteriole, 459f Pulmonary artery, 400, 400f, 402, 404f, 405f, 409 Pulmonary artery stenosis, 416 Pulmonary circulation, 400, 400f, 409 Pulmonary edema, 417, 473 Pulmonary embolism (PE), 422, 423f, 474, 474f Pulmonary fibrosis, 475 Pulmonary function tests (PFTs), 478, 479f Pulmonary infarction, 474, 475 Pulmonary parenchyma, 463 Pulmonary resections, 465f Pulmonary valve, 402, 404f, 405f, 409 Pulmonary veins, 400, 400f, 402, 405f Pulmonary venule, 459f Pulmon/o, 75, 466 Pulp, dental, 142, 152 PUL (percutaneous ultrasonic lithotripsy), 237 Pulse, 401, 409, 468 combining form for, 411 Pumps, drug administration with, 884 Puncture, suffix for, 76 Punch biopsy, 674 Pupillary, 704 Pupill/o, 704 Pupil(s), 695, 700f, 701, 702, 704 Pure-tone audiometer, 724f Purgatives, 894, 900 Purified protein derivative (PPD), 481, 482, 674 Purging, bulimia nervosa and, 927 Purpura, 518 Purulent, 322, 475 Pus combining form for, 158, 227, 660 in exudate, 476 in osteomyelitis, 600 in pulmonary abscess, 474 Pustule, 662, 663f PUVA (psoralen-ultraviolet A), 668, 674 PVC (premature ventricular contraction), 433 PVP (photoselective vaporization of prostate), 326 P wave, 407f, 429f Pyel/o, 158, 225 Pyelogram, 854 intravenous, 854 retrograde, 233, 854 Pyelography, 854 Pyelolithotomy, 225 Pyelonephritis, 230 Pyloric sphincter, 145 Pyloric stenosis, 189, 282 Pylor/o, 157, 192 Pyloroplasty, 159, Pylorospasm, 189 Pylor/o, 157, 192 Pylorus, 152 Py/o, 227, 660 Pyoderma, 660, 667 Pyogenic meningitis, 368 Pyorrhea, 158 Pyosalpinx, 272 Pyothorax, 468 Pyret/o, 901 Pyrexia, 606 Pyridoxine, 902t Pyr/o, 940 Pyromania, 940 Pyuria, 158 Q qAM (every morning), 903 q (every; quaque), 903 q.h., qh (every hour; quaque hora), 903 q2h (every hours), 903 q.i.d., qid (four times a day; quater in die), 903 qPM (every evening), 903 QRS wave, 407f Quaalude See Methaqualone q.s., qs (sufficient quantity; quantum satis), 903 Quadri-, 360 Quadriceps, 612f Quadriplegia, 361 Quantum satis (sufficient quantity; q.s., qs), 903 Quaque (every; q), 903 Quaque hora (every hour; q.h., qh), 903 1033 Quater in die (q.i.d., qid; four times a day), 903 Quentiapine, 935f Questran See Cholestyramine Quetiapine fumarate, 904e Quinapril, 893t Quinolones, 889t R Radial, 597 Radial artery, 234f, 401f Radiation, 801, 820, 822 causing DNA damage, 797 Radiation therapy (RT, XRT), 810-813 IGRT, 823 IMRT, 823 Radiculitis, 359 Radicul/o, 359 Radiculopathy, 359 Radi/o, 12, 75, 598, 822, 864 Radioactive iodine (RAI), 776 Radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) scan, 776, 862 of thyroid gland, 774 Radioactivity, 848, 858 Radiocurable tumor, 808, 817 Radiofrequency ablation (RFA), 854 Radiographer, 82, 848 Radiography, digital, 850 Radioimmunoassay (RIA), 858, 863 Radioisotope, 863, 864 Radioisotope scan, of kidney, 233, 858 Radiolabeled compounds, 859, 863 Radiologic diagnostic techniques, 853f Radiologic technologist, 848 Radiologist, definition of, 12, 848, 863 Radiology, 847-877 abbreviations, 865 characteristics of x-rays, 844-845 combining form for, 859 diagnostic techniques, 850-857 prefixes for, 860 pronunciation of terms for, 874-876 suffixes for, 860 vocabulary, 862-863 x-ray positioning, 853-854 Radiolucent substance, 484, 863 Radionuclides, 858, 863, 868 Radionuclide scans, 826, 859 Radionuclide studies, PET scan of brain, 372 Radiopaque substance, 848, 863 Radiopharmaceuticals, 859, 863, 868 Radioresistant tumor, 808, 817 Radiosensitive tumor, 808, 817 Radiosensitizer drugs, 812, 820 Radiosurgery PSRS, 823 stereotactic, 373, 373f, 812, 812f, 820 Radiotherapy, 81, 813, 820, 828-829 Radiotracer, 860 Radius, 589, 591t, 598 RAI (radioactive iodine), 776 RAIU (radioactive iodine uptake) scan, 776, 862 of thyroid gland, 774 Rales, 469 Raloxifene, 891t, 894t Ramipril, 893t Range of motion (ROM), 621 Ranitidine, 894, 895t Rapid, prefix for, 765 Rapid-acting insulin, 768 Rapid plasma reagin (RPR), 326 RA (rheumatoid arthritis), 111, 606, 607f Rash, 667 erythematous, 657 in SLE, 610f ras oncogene, 801 Ray, combining form for, 822 Raynaud disease, 423 Raynaud phenomenon, 423 RBBB (right bundle branch block), 412 1034 INDEX RBC (red blood cell, red blood cell count), 119, 523, 525 RB1 gene, 798, 799t RDS (respiratory distress syndrome of newborn), 281, 288, 482 Re-, 15, 116 Reabsorption, tubular, 219f, 221f, 222 Reading, cerebral area for, 7f Reality testing, 924, 938 Rebetol See Ribavirin Receptors, 344, 357, 748, 761, 816 drug, 886, 898 external (sense organs), 344 hormone binding, 748, 761 Recombinant DNA, 120, 121f Reconstruction breast surgery, 279f Record, suffix for, 13, 78, 864 Rectal administration, 884, 885t, 898 Rectal carcinoma, 191 Rectal MRI, 196f Rect/o, 75, 157, 192 Rectocele, 84 Rectum, 146, 152, 157, 164 Recumbent, 858 Red blood cell count (RBC), 9, 9f, 521, diseases of, 515-517 enmeshed in fibrin, 511f morphology of, 521 normal, 517f Red, combining form for, 512 Red bone marrow, 581, 593 Redness, combining form for, 658 Reduction for dislocation, 608 for fracture, 599f Reed-Sternberg cell, 560 References, drug, 877 Reflexes, deep tendon (DTRs), 621 Refludan See Lepirudin Reflux GERD, 162, 200 vesicoureteral, 226 Reflux esophagitis, 162 Refract, 696, 705 Refraction, 695, 697, 701, 715 errors of, 706-707 Regulatory T cells (Tregs), 552, 555, 563 Reglan See Metoclopramide Relapse, 116, 519, 820 Release antidepressant, 904.e1 Remeron See Mirtazapine Remicade See Infliximab Remission, 116, 519, 814, 820 Removal, suffix for, 513 Renal, 12 Renal angiography, 232 Renal angioplasty, 235 Renal artery, 217f, 218, 218f, 222, 236f, 401f, 421f Renal cell carcinoma, 803t Renal failure, acute or chronic, 231 Renal hypertension, 231 Renal ischemia, 225 Renal pelvis, 219f, 220f, 221, 222, 224, 225, 230, 233 Renal scan, 233 Renal transplantation, 236, 240 Renal tubule, 219, 222, 229 Renal vein, 217f, 222 Renin, 216, 218, 222 Ren/o, 12, 75, 225 Renogram, 233 Repaglinide, 890t Repression, 930, 938 Reproductive system carcinomas of, 804t female See Female reproductive system male See Male reproductive system Resection, 12, 15 en bloc, 806 pulmonary, 464f Resection (Continued) spleen, 826 transurethral, of prostate gland, 124-125, 320, 325 Resection arthroplasty, 617 Resectoscope, 325f Residual type of schizophrenia, 929 Residual volume (RV), 483 Resins, 886t Resistance drug, 885, 896 Respiration, 281, 352, 458-461, 461f, 463 Respiratory center of medulla oblongata, 350 Respiratory distress, 281, 893, 898 Respiratory drugs, 893, 898 Respiratory effort, Apgar score for, 281 Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), 471 Respiratory system, 457-500 abbreviations, 481-482 anatomy and physiology of, 458-462 clinical procedures, 476-480 combining form for, 464t organs of, 40, 459f pathology bronchial disorders, 470 diagnostic terms, 469 lung disorders, 471 pleural disorders, 475 upper respiratory disorders, 470 prefixes for, 501t pronunciation of terms for, 494-498 suffixes for, 468t vocabulary, 462-463 Response, drug action and, 886, 898 Restoril See Temazepam Restrictive lung disease, 478 Retention, urinary, 227 Reticulocytes, 511 Retina, 698, 699f, 700f, 701, 704, 708, 710, 711, 715f, 726 Retin-A See Tretinoin Retinal detachment, 711, 715f, 726 Retinitis pigmentosa, 704 Retin/o, 704 Retinoblastoma (Rb), 802, 803t, 823 Retinoblastoma (Rb) type gene (RB1), 802, 803t, 823 Retinol, 902t Retinopathy diabetic, 708, 772 hypertensive, 704 Retinopexy, retinal detachment treated with, 711 Retro-, 15, 116, 273 Retrocardiac, 14 Retroflexion, 116 Retrograde pyelogram (RP), 233 Retroperitoneal, 116 Retroperitoneal area, 43f Retroversion, 273 Retrovir See Zidovudine Retrovirus, cancer associated with, 801 Return, prefix for, 116 Reverse transcriptase inhibitors (RTIs), 559, 562 Reverse transcriptase (RT), 559 Revision arthroplasty, 618 Revlimid See Lenalidomide Reye syndrome, 121 RFA (radiofrequency ablation), 854 RF (rheumatoid factor test), 617 Rhabdomy/o, 616 Rhabdomyoma, 616 Rhabdomyosarcoma, 798f, 805t Rh condition, 118-119 Rheumatic fever, 421 Rheumatic heart disease, 421 Rheumat/o, 578, 605 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 111, 606, 607f Rheumatoid factor test (RF), 606, 617 Rheumatic fever, 421 Rheumatic heart disease, description of, 421 Rheumatologist, 578 Rh factor, 281, 511 Rhinitis, 11 allergic, 560 Rhin/o, 12, 75, 466 Rhinoplasty, 189, 467 Rhinorrhea, 466 Rhonchus(i), 469 Rhythm combining form for, 411 heart, 412 Rhytidectomy, 660 Rhytid/o, 660 RIA (radioimmunoassay), 858, 863 Rib cage, 589f Ribavirin, 887t Riboflavin, 900t Ribomustine See Bendamustine Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 800, 800f, 820 Ribosomes, 34f, 36 Ribs, 108, 589, 593, 597 Rickets, 600 Rifadin See Rifampin Rifampin, 889t Right atrium, 402, 404f, 405f Right bundle branch, 406, 406f Right bundle branch block (RBBB), 412 Right ear (AD), 725 Right eye (OD), 699f, 716 Right lower lobe of lung (RLL), 482 Right lower quadrant (RLQ), 47, 152t, 277 Right lymphatic duct, 548f, 549, 555 Right upper lobe of lung (RUL), 483 Right upper quadrant (RUQ), 47, 149 Right ventricle, 402, 404f, 405f hypertrophy of, 416 Right visual cerebral cortex, 699, 699f Ringworm, 669 Rinne test, 724 Risk factors for CAD, 419 for stroke, 369 Risperdal See Risperidone Risperidone, 896t, 935f Ritalin See Methylphenidate Rituxan See Rituximab Rituximab, 817e Rivaroxaban, 890t RLL (right lower lobe of lung), 482 RLQ (right lower quadrant), 47, 152, 277 RNA (ribonucleic acid), 800, 800f, 820 RNA viruses, 797 Rods, 698, 701 Roentgenology See Radiology Roferon See Interferons Rolaids See Aluminum antacid ROM (range of motion), 621 Root, 5, 142 hair, 651f, 652f of spinal nerve, 353f of tooth, 144 of word, Root canal, 142 Rorschach technique, 922, 923f Rose Bengal, 822 Rosiglitazone, 888t Rosuvastatin calcium, 893t, 904e Rotation, 613, 614 Routes of administration, of drugs, 878-879, 879t Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, 197 Roxicet See Oxycodone with APAP Roxicodone See Oxycodone RP (retrograde pyelogram), 233 RPR (rapid plasma reagin), 326 -rrhage, 189 -rrhagia, 189 -rrhaphy, 189 -rrhea, 109, 189, 272 Rrhythm/o, 411 RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), 471 INDEX RTIs (reverse transcriptase inhibitors), 559, 562, 563 RT (radiation therapy), 810-813 RT (reverse transcriptase), 559 Rubella, 666 Rubeola, 666 Rugae, 140, 145, 145f, 152 RUL (right upper lobe of lung), 483 Rule, combining form for, 108 RUQ (right upper quadrant), 47, 149 RV (residual volume), 483 Rx (prescription), 880, 905 ΨRx (psychotherapy), 942 S SA node See Sinoatrial node SABA short acting beta agonist, 482 Sac, 8, 72 combining form for, 818 fluid-filled, 232 hydrocele, in scrotum, 320 lacrimal, 701f Saccule, 718, 719 Sacral, 52 Sacral curve, 587f Sacral division of back, 48 Sacral nerves, 345f Sacral vertebrae, 587f, 587 Sacr/o, 55 Sacrum, 55, 587 SAD (seasonal affective disorder), 927 Sadism, sexual, 929 Sagittal (lateral) plane, 52, 53 Saliva, 142, 152, 158 Salivary glands, 142, 143f, 152, 157, 806t Salivation, 347f Salmeterol, 893t Salmeterol-fluticasone, 895, 904e Salpingectomy, 271 Salpingitis, 277 Salping/o, 271, 720 Salpingopharyngeal, 720 -salpinx, 272 Salts (electrolytes), 753 Sameness, combining form for, 763, 864 Sandostatin See Octreotide SA node (sinoatrial node), 406, 408, 409, 412 Sarc/o, 12, 55, 75, 805, 822 Sarcoidosis, 474 Sarcoma(s), 12, 820 connective tissue-derived, 12f, 600, 800-801, 805-806, 805t Ewing, 598 osteogenic, 600 Sarcopenia, 616 Saturated fats, 425 SBFT (small-bowel follow-through), 194f, 848, 861 Scab, 662 Scabies, 668, 668f Scalp, 354f lesion on, 674f Scale-like, combining form for, 660 Scan, 863 Scanning electron micrographs, of bone, 601f Scapula(ae), 289, 598, 591t Scapular, 289, 598, 591t Scapular asymmetry, 595f Scapul/o, 598 Scattering of x-rays, 845 SCD (sudden cardiac death), 433 Schedule, drug administration and, 886, 898 Schick test, 672 Schiz/o, 940 Schizoid, 934 Schizoid personality disorder, 928, 940 Schizophrenia, 929, 932t, 938, 945 Sciatica, 359, 377, 609 Sciatic nerve, 357 Sciatica MRI, 609f SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency disease), 557 Scintigraphy, 860, 863 Scirrh/o, 822 Scirrhous tumors, 804, 819 SCLC (small cell lung cancer), 472 Sclera, 695, 701, 704 Scleral buckle, 711, 715 Scleritis, 704 Scler/o, 704 Scleroderma, 668, 669f Sclerosis, of sacroiliac joints, 606 -sclerosis, 80 Scoli/o, 595 Scoliosis, 595 -scope, 14, 81 -scopy, 14, 81 Scot/o, 705 Scotoma, 705 Scotophobia, 941t Scratch test, 674 Screening, genetic, 798-799, 816 Scrotal sac, 326f Scrotum, 313, 316, 320 hydrocele in, 320 SC (subcutaneous), 116, 656, 673 SC (subcutaneous [hypodermic] injection), 878 SD (stable disease), 823 Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 927 Sebace/o, 659 Sebaceous cyst, 661f, 662 Sebaceous glands, 652, 656, 657 Seb/o, 660 Seborrhea, 660 Seborrheic dermatitis, 660 Seborrheic keratoses, 670 Sebum, 652, 656, 657, 660 Second molar, 141f Second premolar, 141f Secondary complications of diabetes, 770, 770f Secondary hypertension, 233, 422 Secondary syphilis, 324f Secondary tumors, 813 Second-degree burns, 665 Secrete, 761 Secretin, 749t Secretion, 8, 109, 219, 763 in production of urine, 221, 223f by sweat glands, 347f Sect/o, 12 Sedative-hypnotics, 894 dependence on, 931, 932f Sedatives, 890, 931, 932f, 935f, 939 Sediments, in urine, 229 Sed rate (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), 520, 617 Seed, combining form for, 317 Segeline, 929f Segmental resection, 465f Segs (segmented, mature white blood cells), 525 Seizure disorders, 364 Seizure (Sz), 364-367, 371 in epilepsy, 365 Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs), 892, 893, 894t Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 890, 934, 935f Selegiline, 935f Self-antigens, 550 Sella turcica, 583, 593, 755, 761 Semen, 314, 316, 318, 324 Semen analysis, 324 Semicircular canals, 718, 719 Semicomatose, 358 Seminal fluid, 316 Seminal vesicles, 312, 314, 316 Semin/i, 318 Seminiferous tubules, 313, 316 Seminoma, of testis, 319f Senile plaques, 363 1035 Sensation(s) from body, cerebral area for, 7f combining form for, 901 nervous, suffix for, 359 Sense organs, 40, 695-746 ear, 716-718 external receptors, 344 eye, 694-698 stimulation of, 694f Sense receptors, 344-345 Sensitization, in Rh condition, 119 Sensorineural hearing loss, 722, 724 Sensory aphasia, 360 Sensory nerves, 344-346, 346f, 349, 357 Sentinel lymph node, 860 Sentinel node biopsy (SNB, SLN), 278, 279f, 288 Separation, suffix for, 78, 109 Seps/o, 108 Septal defects, 416 Septum(a), 402, 409 cardiac, 402 interatrial, 402 Sequential Multiple Analyzer Computer (SMAC), 525 SERMs (selective estrogen receptor modulators), 892, 893, 894t Seroquel See Quetiapine fumarate Serotonin, 349 Serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), 934, 935f, 942 Serous otitis media, 723 Serous otitis media (SOM), 725 Serous tumors, 802, 817 Sertraline, 890t, 935f Serum, 509, 511, 617, 618, 776 Serum bilirubin, 193 Serum calcium (Ca), 617 Serum creatine kinase (CK), 617 Serum tests, for endocrine function, 774 Sesamoid bones, 579 Sessile polyp, 166f Sessile polypoid tumors, 807 Severe combined immunodeficiency disease (SCID), 557 Sex hormones, 753, 761, 762 Sex therapy, 933 Sexual disorders, 929-930, 932t, 938 Sexual dysfunctions, 929 Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), 277, 290, 319-324 Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), 322, 326 Sexual masochism, 929 Sexual sadism, 929 Shape, combining form for, 75, 108, 512 Sheath, combining form for, 359, 901 Shave biopsy, 672 Shift to left, 521 Shin bone, 590, 591t, 598 Shine, suffix for, 864 Shingles, 368, 368f Shock anaphylactic, 884-885 cardiogenic, 411 insulin, 769 Short-acting insulin, 770 Short bones, 579 Shortness of breath (SOB), 433, 468, 483 Shoulder blade, 589, 591t Shoulder dislocation, 608 SIADH (syndrome of inappropriate ADH), 774 Sialadenectomy, 192 Sialadenitis, 159 Sialaden/o, 157, 192 Sial/o, 158 Sialolith, 160 Sickle cell anemia, 77, 516 Side effects, 891 of drugs, 896 Sider/o, 513 Sideropenia, 515 1036 INDEX Sig (directions; how to take medication), 903 Sigmoid colon, 46f, 146f, 148, 151f, 154, 157f, 159 Sigmoid colostomy, 156f Sigmoid/o, 157 Sigmoidoscopy, 198 Signs objective nature of, 113, 159 prodromal, 115 Signs and symptoms of asthma, 470-471 of digestive system pathology, 161 of Meniere disease, 720 nervous system, 359 of panic disorder, 919 produced by excess cortisol, 768 of renal pathology, 228-229 of skin disorders, 664-665 of TB, 475 urinary, 228 Sildenafil, 314 Silic/o, 473 Silicosis, 472, 475 Simple fracture, 599, 599f Simulation, 812, 820 Simvastatin ezetimibe, 904e Simvastatin sodium, 893t Sine (s¯ ; without), 903 Sinemet See Levodopa plus carbidopa Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), 860, 863 Singulair See Montelukast Sinoatrial node (SA node), 406, 408, 409, 412 Sinus(es), 581t, 593 See also Cavity(ies) bone, 581t, 592 of breast, 261f combining form for, 466 cranial and facial bones, 585f paranasal, 458, 459f, 463, 465 of skull, 585f Sinusitis, 467 Sinus/o, 466 Sinus rhythm, 429f Si opus sit (if it is necessary; s.o.s.), 903 -sis, 14 Skeletal muscles, 558f normal and malignant cells, 794f Skin abbreviations, 674 abnormal conditions of, 665-669 accessory structures of, 654-657 anatomy of, 652-654 basal cell carcinoma, 804t bluish discoloration of, 411 as body system, 39 carcinomas, 804t clinical procedures, 673-674 combining form for, 9, 108, 658, 901 cutaneous lesions, 662 endocrine tissue in, 749t laboratory tests, 673 layers of, 653f lesions, 678 neoplasms, 670-672 pathology candidiasis, 673 cellulitis, 673 mycosis fungoides, 673 pronunciation of terms for, 688-691 signs and symptoms, 664-665 suffixes for, 690 vocabulary, 657 Skin biopsy, 672 Skin tests, 674 PPD, 475 Skull, 54, 585f combining form for, 54, 597 Sleep, 108t combining form for, 108, 360, 901, 939 Sleep apnea, 468 SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus), 610, 668, 669f Sliding, suffix for, 109 Slipped disc, 609, 609f Slipping, suffix for, 596 Slit lamp eye examination, 712, 713f Slit lamp microscopy, 712, 713 SLN (sentinel lymph node biopsy), 288 SL (sublingual), 903 Slow, prefix for, 111 SMAC (Sequential Multiple Analyzer Computer), 525 Small-bowel follow-through (SBFT), 194, 852 Small cell lung cancer (SCLC), 472 Small intestine, 9, 43f, 147-148, 157 x-ray images of, 194 Smell, suffix for, 467 Smooth muscle, 612, 614 SNB (sentinel node biopsy), 278 Snellen chart, 713 SNRIs (serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors), 934, 935f, 942 SOB (shortness of breath), 433, 468, 483 Social anxiety disorder, 925 Social phobia, 925 Social psychology, 922, 938 Sodium (Na+), 216, 222, 753, 763 combining form for, 226, 763 Soft palate, 140 -sol, 894 Sole of foot, 616 Soleus, 612f Solid tumors, 818 Somat/o, 762, 930, 940 Somatoform disorders, 930, 932t, 938, 940, 944 Somatostatin, 893 Somatotropin (STH), 756, 760 -somes, 54, 57t Somn/o, 108 SOM (serous otitis media), 725 Sonata See Zaleplon Son/o, 108, 864 Sonograms, 122, 854 Sonographer, 848 Sorafenib, 813 s.o.s (if it is necessary; si opus sit), 903 Sotalol, 891t Sound vibration pathway, 718f Sound wave, ultrasound and, 196 -spadias, 322 Spasm, 190 -spasm, 189 Specialist, suffix for, 13, 82 Specific gravity (sp gr), 229 of urine, 229 Spectazole See Econazole topical SPECT (single photon emission computed tomography), 860, 863 Speculum, 282 vaginal, 87f Spelling, problems in, Spermatic cord, twisting of, 320f Spermat/o, 318 Spermatic cord, 320 Spermatogenesis, 313 Spermatozoon(oa), 312, 312f, 316, 318 Sperm cell, 35f, 258, 312, 312f Sperm/o, 318 Spermolytic, 318 sp gr (specific gravity), 239 Sphen/o, 583 Sphenoidal sinus, 585f Sphenoid bone, 583, 583f, 585t Spher/o, 513 Spherocytosis, 513, 516 hereditary, 518, 518f Sphincter, 152 bladder, 345f of stomach, 147 Sphincter of Oddi, 147f Sphygm/o, 411 Sphygmomanometer, 406-407, 407f, 409 -sphyxia, 468 Spina bifida, 363 Spina bifida cystica, 363 Spina bifida occulta, 363, 363f Spinal, 52 Spinal anesthesia, 361f Spinal block, 361f Spinal canal, 605f Spinal cavity, 41f, 42 Spinal column, 48, 49, 345f, 586-587 divisions of, 48-49 Spinal cord, 49, 75, 344, 345, 353, 353f, 359, 853 combining form for, 75, 359 in neural canal, 586f Spinal nerves, 344-347 Spinal stenosis, 586f, 605 Spinal tap, 373 Spine, 55, 586f Spin/o, 55 Spinous process, 586 Spiriva See Tiotropium bromide Spir/o, 466 Spirochete, 324 Spirometer, 478 Spironolactone, 417, 891t Spitting, -ptysis suffix, 189, 468 Spleen, 86, 550-551, 555, 557, 831 functions of, 550 resection, 826 Splenectomy, 550 Splenic artery, 401f Splenic flexure, 192 Splen/o, 75, 192, 557 Splenomegaly, 86-87 Spondyl/o, 596 Spondylolisthesis, 596 Spondylosis, 596 Spongy bone, 580f, 581 593 Sporanox See Itraconazole Sprain, 610 Sprycel See Desatinib Sputum, 469 purulent, 469 SQ (subcutaneous), 903 Squam/o, 660 Squamous cell carcinoma, 672, 804t Squamous epithelium, 652, 657, 660, 672 SSCP (substernal chest pain), 433 s¯ (sine; without), 903 SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), 890, 935f ST elevation myocardial infarction, 419f ST segment, 407f Stable disease (SD), 823 Staging of Hodgkin disease, 561f of tumors, 808 -stalsis, 154 Standards, drug, 883 Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, 922 Stapedectomy, 721, 721f Staped/o, 721 Stapes, 716, 718f, 719, 718f Staphyl/o, 75 Staphylococcal infection, 710 Staphylococcus, 85f Staphylococcus aureus, 84 Staphylococci, 74, 81, 82f Starch, combining form for, 157 Stasis, 190 -stasis, 81, 109, 189, 514 -state, 14 -static, 892t Statins, 410, 424, 425, 890, 891t STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), 277, 290, 319-324 Steat/o, 158, 192, 661 Steatoma, 661 INDEX Steatorrhea, 158, 161 Stelazine See Trifluoperazine ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), 419f Stem cells, 511, 522, 524f, 527-528, 824, 828 hematopoietic, 504f, 505, 525f Stem cell transplantation, 522, 524f, 528, 824 PSCT, 823 STEMI (ST elevation myocardial infarction), 419f Stenosis, 189, 190 aortic, 410 meatal, 223 mitral, 421 pulmonary artery, 415, 415f pyloric, 189 spinal, 586f, 605 tracheal, 467 -stenosis, 189 Stents, 431, 431f, 822 coronary angiograms before and after stenting, 848, 849f drug-eluting, 431, 431f Stereotactic core needle biopsy, 278, 291 Stereotactic frame, 373f Stereotactic radiosurgery, 373 Stereotactic photon unit, 373f Sterilization, 316, 324 Sternal, 598 Stern/o, 598 Sternocleidomastoid, 612f Sternum, 589, 591t, 598 Ster/o, 764 Steroids, 764, 895, 906 anabolic, 328, 899t chronic use of, 769 inhalers, 889t intravenous or oral, 889t Steth/o, 411 Stethoscope, 407f -sthenia, 362 STH (somatotropin), 756, 760 Stimulants, 896, 900, 935f, 936 Stimulus(i), 281, 348, 357 STIs (sexually transmitted infections), 322, 326 Stirrup, 719 -stitial, 557 Stoma, ileostomy, 81, 154, 154f Stomach, 4, 9, 5, 145, 145f, 152, 156, 162, 163, 804t, 807f combining form for, 9, 156 malignant tumor of, 162 in relation to pancreas, 754 root for, root plus combining vowel for, surgical procedures of, 197 x-ray images of, 194 Stomach tube, 200 Stomatitis, 161, 161f, 162 Stomat/o, 157, 192 -stomy, 81, 319 Stone combining form for, 226 kidney, 229 in ureter, 224f urinary tract, 235 Stool culture, 193, 193f Stool guaiac test, 193, 193f Stools, 148-149, 161 meconium, 281 Strabismus, 711, 711f Strain, 610 Stratified, 655 Stratified squamous epithelium, 652 Stratum(a), 657 Stratum corneum, 653, 657 Strength, 362, 616 Strept/o, 75 Streptococcus, 84, 85f Streptokinase, 432 Stress incontinence, 227 Stress test, 429 Stretch marks, 652 Striae, 652 Striated muscle, 611, 612, 614, 616 Striations, 611f Stricture, 189 Stridor, 469 Stroke, 369 defined, 8f, 369 types of, 369f Stroma, 313, 316, 349 Stromal tissue, 316 ST segment, 407f Stupor, combining form for, 901 Stye, 710 Styl/o, 583 Styloid process, 583, 593 Sub-, 15, 116 Subarachnoid space, 354 Subcostal, 597 Subcutaneous (hypodermic) injection (SC), 878 Subcutaneous layer, 654, 657 Subcutaneous (SC, SQ), 654, Subdural hematoma, 358, 358f Subdural space, 354 Subhepatic, 14 Sublingual administration, 882, 883t, 898 Sublingual gland, 142 Sublingual (SL), 158, 192, 895, 903 Subluxation, 608 Submandibular, 158 Submandibular gland, 142 Submucosal leiomyoma, 276f Subserosal mass, 276f Substance-related disorders, 765, 930-931, 932t, 938 Substernal chest pain (SSCP), 433 Subungual, 660 Sudden cardiac death (SCD), 433 Sufficient quantity (q.s., qs; quantum satis), 903 Suffixes, 73-106 adjective, 79 in basic word structure, for blood system, 515-516 for bones, 596 for cardiovascular system, 455 in combination with prefixes, 109 combining forms and, 72 complex, 8-9 for digestive system, 160, 188-190 for ear, 719 for endocrine system, 765 for eye, 704 for female reproductive system, 272 for joints, 605 for male reproductive system, 319 for muscles, 615 for nervous system, 359 noun, 76 for oncology, 820 for psychiatry, 940-941 for radiology and nuclear medicine, 860 in relation to body as a whole, 56 for respiratory system, 468 for skin, 690-691 Sugar, 10, 108, 158, 753, 763 Sulcus(i), 350, 357 in AD, 363f Sulfa drugs, 889t Sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprim, 889t Sulfisoxazole, 889t Sulfonamides, 889t Sulfonylureas, 778, 891 Sumatriptan succinate, 370 Sun-damaged skin, 671 Sunitinib, 813 Superego, 924, 938 Superficial (positional term), 50, 53 Superior (positional term), 50, 53 Superior vena cava, 402, 404f, 405f, 413f Supination, 614 1037 Supine (positional term), 50, 53, 858 Supportive psychotherapy, 933, 939 -suppression, 823 Suppressor genes, 802 Suppressor T cells, 552 Suppurative otitis media, 723 Supra-, 116 Supraclavicular, 597 Suprapubic, 116 Suprarenal glands, 751f Supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), 410, 433 Surfactant, neonatal respiratory distress syndrome and, 281 Surgical procedures, 89, 125 See also Clinical procedures in cancer treatment, 810, 820 minimally invasive, 87, 156 in relation to body as a whole, 56 Sustiva See Efavirenz Sutent See Sunitinib Suture joints, 602, 603 Sutures cranial bones, 593 -rrhaphy suffix, 189 SVT (supraventricular tachycardia), 410, 433 Swallow, 143, 188, 513, 514 Swallowing, 145f difficulty in, 161 -phagia suffix, 188, 514 Swayback, 594 Sweat, 652, 656 Sweat glands, 652, 656, 656t, 657 Sweating, 658 Sym-, 117 Symbicort See Formoterol plus budesonide Symbiosis, 117 Symmetry, 117 Sympathetic nerves, 346, 346f, 357 Sympathomimetic agents, 753, 761 Symphysis, 117, 117f Symptoms clinical, psychiatric, 917 prodromal, 115 signs and See Signs and symptoms subjective nature of, 113, 160 Syn-, 117, 900 Synapse, 349, 357 Syncopal, 362 Syncope, 362 Syncop/o, 362 Syndactyly, 117, 117f Syndrome, 121 Syndrome of inappropriate ADH (SIADH), 774 Synergism, 886, 898 Synergistic, 886 Synovial cavity, 603 Synovial fluid, 602, 603, 618 Synovial joints, 602, 602f, 603 Synovial membrane, 602, 603, 605, 606 Synovitis, 605 Synov/o, 605 Synthesis, 117 Synthroid See Levothyroxine Syphilis, 277, 324, 324f Syringe, 898 Systemic anaphylaxis, 560 Systemic circulation, 400f, 401, 409 Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), 610, 668, 669f Systems, 39 Systole, 405, 405f, 409 Systolic CHF, 417 Systolic pressure, 407 Sz (seizure), 360, 364-367, 371, T T3 See Triiodothyronine (T3) T4 See Thyroxine (T4) T cell (lymphocyte), 549, 550, 551, 552, 552f, 555, 557 1038 INDEX T wave, 407f Tablet (tab), 885f Tab (tablet), 885f Tachy-, 118 Tachycardia, 15, 410, 429f Tachypnea, 468 Tadalafil, 314 Tagamet See Cimetidine Tagging, 863 TAH-BSO (total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy), 269 TAH (total abdominal hysterectomy), 269 Tailbone, 48, 591t Talipes, 602 Talus, 590f, 591 Tamoxifen, 279, 815t, 816, 891t, 894t Tamponade, cardiac, 420, 424 Tamsulosin, 904e Tapazole See Methimazole Tarceva See Erlotinib Tardive dyskinesia (TD), 934 Target cells, 518f Target tissue, 748, 761 Tarsal bone, 590, 591t, 598 Tarsectomy, 598 Tars/o, 598 Tartar, 163 Taste buds, oral cavity and, 140 TAT (Thematic Apperception Test), 922, 923f TAVR (transcatheter aortic valve replacement), 433 Tax/o, 362 Taxol See Paclitaxel Taxotere See Docetaxel TBI (traumatic brain injury), 369 TB (tuberculosis), 474, 558t TCAs (tricyclic antidepressants), 890, 934, 935f, 939 T8 cell (cytotoxic T cell), 563 T4 cell (helper T cell), 552, 554, 557 T cell lymphoma, cutaneous, 673 T cells (T lymphocytes), 549, 552, 552f, 555 Tc (technetium), 427, 861 TD (tardive dyskinesia), 934 Tear duct, 703 Tears, 703 Technetium (Tc) 99m, 427, 858, 861 bone scan, 619f in liver and spleen scans, 822 sestamibi scan, 427, 856 Teeth, 141f, 142, 150, 151, 155, 156, 162f anatomy of, 142, 142f pathologic conditions of, 161-162 TEE (transesophageal echocardiography), 427 Tegretol See Carbamazepine Tele-, 823 Telemetry, 428 Teletherapy, 811, 823 Tel/o, 467 Temazepam, 894t, 931, 935f Temodar See Temozolomide Temozolomide, 815t Temperature, of tympanic membrane, 724 Temporal bone, 583, 583f, 585t, 598, Temporalis, 612f Temporal lobe, 350f Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), 365, 374 Temporomandibular joint (TMJ), 583, 593 Tenaculum, 87f Tendinitis, 605 Tendin/o, 605 Tendons, 578, 593, 602, 603, 605, 608 Ten/o, 605 Tenormin See Atenolol Tenorrhaphy, 605 Tenosynovitis, 605 TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), 374 Terat/o, 318 Teratoma, 277, 318, 319, 806t Terbinafine, 887t Ter in die (t.i.d., tid; three times a day), 903 Terminal bronchiole, 459f, 460 Terminal end fibers, 349 Tertiary syphilis, 324 Teriparatide, 889t, 892t Testicles, 258, 312, 313, 314f, 316, 318, 319, 320, 325, 748, 758-759, 758t, 759f, 762, 804t, 806t, 815t, combining form for, 318, 762 undescended, 320 Testicular, 318 Testicular cancer, 319 Testicular torsion, 320 Testis(es), 258, 312, 313, 314f, 316, 318, 319, 320, 325, 748, 758-759, 758t, 759f, 762, 804f, 806t, 815t, combining form for, 318, 762 function of, 758 hormones produced by, 758t internal structure of, 314f location and structure of, 758 teratoma, 802t tumors of, 319 Test/o, 318 Testosterone, 312, 313, 316, 753, 758, 760 Tests, psychological, 916-917 Tetany, 768 Tetra-, 765 Tetracyclic antidepressants, 934 Tetracyclines, 887t Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), 931, 942 Tetraiodothyronine (T4), 750 Tetralogy of Fallot, 416, 416f TEVAR (thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair) 421f, 433TFT (thyroid function test), 776 TGA (transposition of great arteries), 417 Thalamic, 359 Thalam/o, 359 Thalamus, 351, 352f, 357, 359, 699, 699f, 700f, 701 Thalassemia, 517 Thalidomide, 520, 817e Thallium-201 (201Tl) scan, 427, 861 Thalomid See Thalidomide Thanatophobia, 941t THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol), 942 Thec/o, 359, 899 Thel/o, 56, 108 Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), 922, 923f The/o, 108 Theo-Dar See Theophylline Theophylline, 895t, 901 Therapeutic, 860 Therapeutic modalities in psychiatry drug therapy, 934-936 electroconvulsive therapy, 934 psychotherapy, 933 Therapeut/o, 864 -therapy, 81, 823 Thermotherapy, transurethral microwave, 326 Thiamine, 900t Thiazolidinediones, 891 Thigh bone, 580, 582f, 591t, 592, 597 Thiopental, 887t Thioridazine, 896t Thiothixene, 935f Third molar, 141f Third-degree burns, 665 Thoracentesis, 479, 479f Thoracic, 53, 467 Thoracic adolescent scoliosis, 595f Thoracic cavity, 41, 41f, 43f, 44f Thoracic curve, 587f Thoracic division of back, 46 Thoracic duct, 549, 555 Thoracic endovascular aneurysm repair (TEVAR), 421f, 433Thoracic nerves, 345f Thoracic vertebrae (T1 to T12), 587, 587f, 621 Thorac/o, 56, 75, 467 Thoracoscopy, 480 Thoracostomy, 480, 481f Thoracotomy, 480 Thorascopy, 481 Thorax, bones of, 588-589 -thorax, 468 Thorazine See Chlorpromazine Thought disorder, 929 Thought processes, cerebral area for, 7f Three times a day (ter in die; t.i.d., tid), 903 Thrill, 424 Throat, 143-144, 157, 465 Thrombin, 511 Thromb/o, 12, 75, 411, 513 Thrombocytes, 9f, 12, 85, 502, 506, 511 Thrombocytopenia, 76, 515 Thrombolysis, 412 Thrombolytic therapy, 432, 514 Thrombophlebitis, 411, 423f Thrombosis, 11, 516 Thrombotic occlusion, 418 Thrombotic stroke, 369, 369f Thrombus, 369, 419f, 422 THR (total hip replacement), 618, 621 Thymectomy, 366, 371 -thymia, 941 Thym/o, 557, 927 Thymoma, 561, 829 Thymosin, 748, 749t Thymus gland, 549, 550-551, 550f, 555, 557, 561, 748 Thyr/o, 108, 762 Thyroid cartilage, 750 Thyroid function test (TFT), 776 Thyroid gland, 750-751, 751f, 759, 767, 804t abnormal conditions of, 775t combining form for, 108, 762 function of, 750-751 hormones produced by, 758t hypersecretion, 766 hyposecretion, 767 location and structure of, 750-751 medullary carcinoma, 806f neoplasms, 767 papillary carcinoma of, 808f Thyroid hormone, 893, 894t, 900 Thyroiditis, 762 Thyroid/o, 762 Thyroid ISP, 778, 894t Thyroid scan, 776, 857, 857f Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), 756, 757f, 760 Thyrotoxicosis, 764, 766 Thyrotropic hormone, 762 Thyrotropin, 756, 760 Thyroxine (T4), 15, 750, 761, 776 TIAs (transient ischemic attacks), 369, 371 Tibia, 590, 591t, 598 Tibial, 598 Tibi/o, 598 -tic, 83 Tics, 367, 371 t.i.d., tid (three times a day; ter in die), 903 Tidal volume (VT), 483 Ticagrelor, 419, 890t Tightening, suffix for, 189 Tine test, 480 Tinea barbae, 669 Tinea capitis, 669 Tinea corporis, 669 Tinea pedis, 661f, 669 Tinea unguium, 669 Tine test, 480 Tinnitus, 723 Tiotropium bromide, 893t Tissue capillaries, 401 Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), 370, 432, 890t Tissue(s) blood-forming, tumors of, 805t of breast, 261f INDEX Tissue(s) (Continued) cartilaginous, 579, 592 combining form for, 54, 901 connective, 38 endocrine, 749t endometrial, outside uterus, 275 epithelial, 38, 39f fibrous connective, 614 mesenchymal, 805 muscle, 38, 39f nerve, 38, 39f normal lung, 472f osseous, 578, 593 stromal, 312-313 target, 748, 761 TKR (total knee replacement), 618 TLC (total lung capacity), 478 TLE (temporal lobe epilepsy), 365, 374 T lymphocytes (T cells), 549, 550, 551, 552f, 553f, 554, 555, 557 TMJ (temporomandibular joint), 583, 593 TNM (tumor, nodes, metastases), 805, 823 staging system for NSCLC, 805t -tocia, 272 Toc/o, 764 Toes, 108, 607 phalanges of, 590 syndactyly, 117 Tofranil See Imipramine Tolerance, 550, 555, 884, 898, 930 drug, 884, 898 -tome, 596 Tom/o, 196, 860 Tomograms, chest, 476 Tomography, 195 Tomosynthesis, digital, 283 -tomy, 14, 81 Tongue, 108, 156, 140, 901 Tonic-clonic seizures, 365, 371 Ton/o, 711, 936 Tonometry, 709, 713 Tonsillar, 79 Tonsillectomy, 467 Tonsillitis, 78, 78f Tonsill/o, 75, 467 Tonsils, 78, 88f, 141, 458, 462, 467, 549, 548f, 551, 555, combining form for, 467 palatine, 462 pharyngeal, 458 Tooth decay, 162 Topamax See Topiramate Topical application, 885, 885t, 898 Topiramate, 935f Top/o, 108 Toprol XL See Metoprolol succinate Toradol See Ketorolac Torsion, testicular, 320 Total abdominal hysterectomy (TAH), 269 Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (TAH-BSO), 271, 288 Total hip arthroplasty, 617f Total hip replacement (THR), 618 Total hysterectomy, 269f Total knee replacement (TKR), 618, 625-626, 625f Total lung capacity (TLC), 478 Total parenteral nutrition (TPN), 200 Tourette syndrome, 367 Toxic, 557, 895 Toxic delirium, 927t Toxicity, 898 drug, 880-881 Toxic/o, 764, 902 Toxicology, 882, 898 Toxins, 551 Tox/o, 108, 557, 902 Toxoplasmosis (Toxo), 558t TP53, 798, 799t tPA (tissue plasminogen activator), 370, 432, 890t TPN (total parenteral nutrition), 200 Trabeculae, 581, 593 Trabecular bone, 580f, 581 Trabecular meshwork, 709f Trabeculoplasty, 709 Tracer studies, 859, 863 Trachea, 40, 56, 108, 460, 463, 467, 750 Tracheal, 56 Tracheal stenosis, 467 Trache/o, 75, 108, 467 Tracheoesophageal fistula, 190 Tracheostomy, 480, 480f Tracheotomy, 88, 480 Tramadol, 887t TRAM (trans-rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap), 288 Trance, 933 Tranquilizers, 894, 898 Trans-, 15, 118 Transbronchial biopsy, 478 Transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR), 433 Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), 374 Transdermal patches, 885 Transducer, 863 in ultrasonography, 854, 863 Transesophageal echocardiography, 427 Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE), 427, 433 Transference, 933, 939 Transfusion, 118 of blood cells, 508 Transhepatic, 15 Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), 369, 371 Translocation, 801, 802 chromosomal, 802f Transplantation bone marrow, 824 corneal, 714 heart, 431 hematopoietic stem cells, 524, 525f kidney, 236f stem cell, 824 Transport, 898 Transposition of great arteries (TGA), 417 Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS), 321, 326 Trans-rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap (TRAM), 288 Transurethral, 118 Transurethral incision of prostate (TUIP), 326 Transurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT), 326 Transurethral needle ablation (TUNA), 326 Transurethral resection of prostate gland (TURP), 122, 122f, 321, 325, 325f, 327 Transvaginal ultrasound, 283 Transverse carpal ligament, 608f Transverse colon, 146f, 148, 151f, 157f, 192 Transverse (cross-sectional or axial) plane, 52, 52f Transverse plane, definition of, 52, 53 Transverse process, 586, 589f Transvestic fetishism, 929 Tranylcypromine, 935f Trapezius, 612f Trastuzumab, 817e Traumatic brain injury (TBI), 369 Traumatic disorders, of nervous system, 367 Trazodone, 892t, 935f Tregs (regulatory T cells), 555 -tresia, 190 Tretinoin, 665 Tri-, 765 Triamcinolone, 894t, 895t Triamterene, 893t Triazolam, 896t, 935f Triceps brachii, 612f 1039 Trich/o, 661 Trichomycosis, 660 Trichopathophobia, 941t Trichophobia, 941t Tricor See Fenofibrate Tricuspid valve, 402, 405, 405f, 409 Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), 890, 934, 935f, 939 Trifluoperazine, 896t Trigeminal nerve (CN V), 346f, 360 Trigeminal neuralgia, 360 Triglycerides, 140, 153, 425 Trigone, 216, 222, 225 Trigonitis, 225 Trigon/o, 225 Triiodothyronine (T3), 750, 761, 776 Trimox See Amoxicillin; Amoxicillin trihydrate -tripsy, 227 Triple negative tumors, 279f Trisenox See Arsenic trioxide Trisomy 21, 281 Trocars, 170f Trochanter, 581t, 582t, 582f, 592 -trophy, 82, 109 -tropia, 706 -tropic, 763 -tropin, 765 Troponin, 425, 433 TRUS (transrectal ultrasound), 321, 326 TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), 756, 757f, 760 T-spine (thoracic spine), 861 T tube (tube placed in bile duct for drainage), 200 Tubal ligation, 87f, 286 Tubal pregnancy, 112f, 121f, 280 Tubercle (tuberosity), 581t, 592 Tuberculin test, 480 Tuberculosis (TB), 474, 558t Tuberosity (tubercle), 581t, 592 Tube thoracostomy, 481, 481f TUIP (transurethral incision of prostate), 326 Tumor, nodes, metastases (TNM), 805, 823 Tumor markers, 320 Tumor-node-metastasis staging system, 809 Tumor(s) See also Neoplasms benign, 798, 799f, 818 characteristics of, 798-799 comparison with malignant tumors, 795f in uterus, 276 brain, 368 cancerous, 803-806 characteristics of, 798-799 combining form for, 11, 822 Grades I through IV, 808 malignant, 798 See also Cancer; Carcinoma characteristics of, 798-799 connective tissue-derived, 801t mesothelioma, 475 mixed-tissue, 806, 819 prostate gland, 321 suffix for, 13, 79, 823 testicular, 319 Wilms, 231 Tumor necrosis factor, 888 TUMT (transurethral microwave thermotherapy), 326 TUNA (transurethral needle ablation), 326 Tuning fork test, 724 TURP (transurethral resection of prostate gland), 122, 122f, 321, 325 T wave, 406, 407f, 429f Twins, 312, 315, 315f, 316 Two times a day (bis in die; b.i.d., bid), 903 Tylenol See Acetaminophen (APAP) Tympanic membrane, 716, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722f, 724 Tympan/o, 721 Tympanoplasty, 721 -type, 54, 57t 1040 INDEX Type 1.5 diabetes, 775 Type diabetes (IDDM), 10, 770, 771t Type diabetes (NIDDM), 10, 771, 771t Type O universal blood donor, 510 Tyrosine kinases, bcr-abl, 813 U UA (unstable angina), 419, 419f, 424, 433 UA (urinalysis), 228-229, 239 UAE (uterine artery embolization), 276, 288 UGI (upper GI series), 852 Ulcerating tumors, 803 Ulcerative colitis, 166 Ulcers decubitus, 662 of mouth, 162 peptic, 163 of stomach, 803f -ule, 82 Ulna, 589, 591t, 598 Ulnar, 597 Uln/o, 598 Ultra-, 118, 865 Ultrafast CT, 426 Ultram See Tramadol Ultrasonography, 122, 122f, 196, 233, 372, 426-427 854, 856, 863 abdominal, 196 endoscopic, 197 pelvic, 284 of urinary tract structures, 233 Ultrasound imaging, 196, 233, 284, 322, 372, 426, 477, 776, 854-856, 855f, 857f of breast, 283 of cardiovascular system, 426 characteristics of, 850-851 of endocrine organs, 774 of fetus, 855f in studies of brain, 372 -um, 82 Umbilical, 46 Umbilical cord, 263f, 265f Umbilical region, 46 Umbilic/o, 56 Umbilicus, 56 Undescended testicles, 320 Undifferentiated cancerous cells, 794-795, 804 Ungu/o, 661 Uni-, 118 Unilateral, 118 Unipen See Nafcillin United States Pharmacopeia (USP), 883, 898 Universal blood donor, type O, 508 Unstable angina (UA), 419, 419f, 424, 433 Upper gastrointestinal tract (GI), pathologic conditions of, 164 Upper GI series (UGI), 852 Upper respiratory disorders, 470 Upper respiratory infection (URI), 483 Uptake, 859, 863 Upper Gastrointestinal series, 194 Urea, 216, 219, 222, 227, 232 Uremia, 227, 247 Ureter, 3, 3f, 39, 216, 220f, 222, 225 Ureter/o, 225 Ureteroileostomy, 225 Ureteroneocystostomy, 236f Ureteroplasty, 225 Ureters, 3f, 39, 44f, 110f, 217, 218f, 225, 225f, 232, 233, 313f, 752f Urethra, 3, 3f, 39, 108, 217, 221, 222, 233, 314, 322, 325 Urethral stricture, 225 Urethritis, 225 Urethr/o, 108, 225 Urethroplasty, 225 Urgency incontinence, 227 -uria, 227, 765 Uric acid, 216, 219, 222 in gouty arthritis, 606 Uric acid test, 618 Urinalysis (UA), 228-229, 239 Urinary bladder, 8, 216, 222, 223, 226, 231, 233 Urinary bladder sphincter, 347f Urinary catheterization, 236 Urinary incontinence, 227 Urinary meatus, 217 Urinary microalbumin assay, 776 Urinary retention, 227 Urinary system, 215-255 abbreviations for, 237 anatomy of major organs of, 217 clinical procedures, 232-236 female, 218f laboratory tests, 233-236 male, 217f organs of, 39, 216-217 pathologic terminology, 229-231, 238 physiology of urine production, 218-220 pronunciation of terms for, 249-252 terminology for, 223-227 urinalysis, 230-231 various procedures involving, 235 vocabulary for, 221-222 Urinary tract, 3f, 12, 233, 234, 854 Urinary tract infection (UTI), 226 Urination, 217, 222, 227 Urine combining form for, 12, 227, 764 formation and expulsion of, 219f, 220f production by kidneys, 218 Urine tests, for endocrine function, 776 Urin/o, 227 URI (upper respiratory infection), 483 Ur/o, 12, 227, 764 Urography, 232, 854 Urologist, 24 Urology, 12 Urticaria (hives), 670, 670f -us, 83 US (ultrasonography), 859, 861 U/S (ultrasonography), 859, 861 USP (United States Pharmacopeia), 883, 898 Uterine artery embolization (UAE), 276 Uterine dilator, 285f Uterine prolapse, 115f, 271 Uterine serosa, 260, 268 Uterine sound, 285f Uter/o, 271 Utero-ovarian ligament, 260f Uterus, 40, 115f, 258-260, 262f, 264f, 269, 269f, 270, 271, 274, 268, 276, 283, 285, 285f, 804t changes during pregnancy, 264f combining form for, 269, 270, 271 involution of, 273 pathology of, 274 UTI (urinary tract infection), 226 Utricle, 718, 719 Uvea, 695, 705 Uveitis, 703 Uve/o, 705 Uvula, 140, 153, 157 Uvulectomy, 159 Uvul/o, 157 V Vaccination, 551, 555 Vaccine, 118, 553, 555 DPT, 470 HPV, 274 to prevent shingles, 368 Vagal, 359 Vagina, 259, 260, 268, 271, 804t combining form for, 268, 271 Vaginal hysterectomy (VH), 269 Vaginal orifice, 271 Vaginitis, 271 Vagin/o, 271 Vag/o, 359 Vagus nerve (CN X), 344, 357, 359 Valdecoxib, 885t Valium See Diazepam Valproate, 935f Valproic acid, 890t Valsartan, 893t, 904e Valsartan-HCTZ, 904.e1 Valve(s), 398, 402, 405f, 409, 412, 432, 409 combining form for, 412 porcine xenograft, 420f in veins, 399 Valv/o, 412 Valvulitis, acute rheumatic mitral, 412, 420f Valvul/o, 412 Valvuloplasty, 412 Vardenafil, 314 Varicella, 663f, 667 Varices, esophageal, 162, 163f Varic/o, 318 Varicocele, 318, 320, 320f Varicose veins, 423, 423f combining form for, 318 esophageal, 164f rectal, 167 Vas deferens, 314, 316, 318, 326 Vascular, 412 Vascular disorders, of nervous system, 369 Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), 816 Vascul/o, 412 Vas deferens, 313f, 314f, 316, 318, 326f Vasectomy, 314, 318, 326, 326f Vas/o, 318, 412, 900 Vasoconstriction, 412 Vasodilation, 412 Vasodilators, 895 Vasomotor center of medulla oblongata, 352 Vasopressin, 227, 756, 760, 761, 775 Vasotec See Enalapril Vasovasostomy, 319 VATS (video-assisted thoracic surgery), 480 VA (visual acuity), 713 VCUG (voiding cystourethrogram), 233 VC (vital capacity), 483 Vegetations, 420, 424 VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), 816 Vein(s), 82f, 149, 152, 152f, 222, 398, 399f, 400, 401, 402, 409, 411, 402, 409, 423, 549, 902 combining form for, 411, 902 in neck, 548f, 549 varicose, 164f, 167, 318, 423, 423f Velban See Vinblastine Vemurafenib, 816 Vena(ae) cava(ae), 400, 402, 409 Venereal disease, 322 Ven/i, 412 Venipuncture, 412 Venlafaxine, extended, 904e, 935f Ven/o, 75, 412, 900 Venous, 412 Ventilation-perfusion scan (V/Q scan), 477, 859, 863 of lung, 478, 483 Ventilation studies, 859 Ventilator, 477, 478, 859, 863 Ventral, 50, 53 Ventral (anterior), 50 Ventral cavities, 41f, 42, 42f Ventral root of spinal nerve, 353f Ventricles, 350, 357, 402, 409, 412, 416 of brain, 350 of heart, 402 mid-cerebrum, 350 Ventricular fibrillation (VF), 414 Ventricular septal defect (VSD), 416f Ventricular tachycardia (VT), 429f Ventricul/o, 412 Ventr/o, 56 Venules, 82f, 398, 401, 409 Vernix, 265f Verruca(ae), 671 Verruca vulgaris, 671f INDEX Verrucous tumors, 803 -version, 272 Vertebra(ae), 48, 49, 56, 586-587, 586f, 596 cervical (C1 to C7), 48 combining form for, 56, 596 general structure of, 586-587 lumbar (L1 to L5), 47 thoracic (T1 to T12), 47 Vertebral, 56 Vertebral body, 586, 586f Vertebral column, 586-587 Vertebr/o, 56, 596 Vertebroplasty, 596 Vertigo, 723 Vesicles, 662, 663f Vesic/o, 226 Vessel, combining form for, 74, 318, 409, 412, 902 Vestibular hydrops, 722 Vesicoureteral reflux, 226 Vestibule, 718, 719, 721 Vestibul/o, 721 Vestibulocochlear, 719, 721 Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII), 346f, 722 VF (ventricular fibrillation), 414 VF (visual field), 713 VHL gene, 799t VH (vaginal hysterectomy), 269 Viagra See Sildenafil Vicodin See Hydrocodone with APAP Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS), 480 Villus(i), 146, 153 celiac disease and, 191 Vinblastine, 815t, 816e Vinca alkaloids, 816 Vincristine, 815t Vinorelbine, 815t Viral hepatitis, 169 Viral load test, 563 Viral meningitis, 368 Viral oncogenes, 820 Virilism, adrenal, 768, 775t Virilization, 768 Virtual colonoscopy, 198 Virus(es), 801, 820 See also specific viruses carcinogenic, 801 Viscera, 40 Visceral, 56 Visceral muscles, 612, 614 Visceral pericardium, 404, 404f Visceral pleura, 459f, 461, 463, 466f, 480f Viscer/o, 56 Vision binocular, 699 cerebral area for, 7f combining form for, 704 suffix for, 706 Visual acuity test, 713 Visual field test, 713 Vital capacity (VC), 483 Vitamin A, 902t Vitamin B1, 902t Vitamin B2, 902t Vitamin B6, 902t Vitamin B9, 902t Vitamin B12 food sources of, 902t pernicious anemia and, 516 Vitamin B2 deficiency, 191 Vitamin C, 902t Vitamin D, 579, 749t, 902t Vitamin D deficiency, 596 Vitamin E, 902t Vitamin K, 902t Vitamin(s), 880, 898, 902t food sources of, 895t Vitiligo, 670 Vit/o, 900 Vitrectomy, 716 Vitre/o, 705 Vitreous chamber, 697, 700f Vitreous humor, 697, 701, 716 Vitr/o, 864 Viv/o, 864 Vocal cords, 458 Vocal folds, 460f Voice box, 464, 478 Voiding, 217, 222 Voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG), 233 Voltaren See Diclofenac Voluntary muscles, 611 Volvulus, 166f, 167 Vomer, 584, 585t Vomiting, 188, 813 projectile, 190 Vorinostat, 817e Vowels, combining, 4, Voyeurism, 929 V/Q scan (ventilation-perfusion scan), 477, 859, 863 of lung, 478, 483 VSD (ventricular septal defect), 416f VT (tidal volume), 483 VT (ventricular tachycardia), 429f Vulva, 259, 268, 271 Vulv/o, 271 Vulvodynia, 271 Vulvovaginitis, 271 Vytorin See Simvastatin ezetimibe W WAIS (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale), 922 Waldenström macroglobulinemia, 561 Warfarin, 422, 509, 888, 890t Warts, 671 plantar, 670 Wasting syndrome, 558, 559f, 562 Water, 75, 317 combining form for, 702 WBC (white blood cell count), 9f, 10, 75, 518520, 521 Weber test, 724 Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS), 922 Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC), 942 Wedge resection, 465f Wellbutrin SR See Bupropion Wellferon See Interferon alfa-n1 Wernicke area, 350f Western blot, 562 Wet macular degeneration, 710 Wheal, 662, 663f Wheezes, 469 Whipple procedure, 169, 192, 200 White blood cell count (WBC), 521 White blood cell differential (count), 521 White blood cells, 9f, 10, 75 differential count, 523, 526 diseases of, 518-520 segmented, mature, 526 Whitehead, 664 White matter, 353 Whole-body PET images, 856f Whooping cough, 470 Wilms tumor, 231, 803t, 806t Windpipe, 56, 108, 460, 467 See Trachea Winged scapulae, in muscular dystrophy, 635f WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children), 922 Wisdom tooth, 141f, 142, 143f With (c¯; cum), 903 Without (sine; s¯ ), 903 Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome (WPW), 433 Womb, 269 1041 Word analysis, 3-5 Word structure, 1-32 Wound, flesh, 118f WPW (Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome), 433 Wrist bones, 108, 608 Writing, cerebral area for, 7f WT1 gene, 799t X Xanax See Alprazolam Xanthelasma, 661f, 710t Xanth/o, 661 Xanthoma, 661 Xeloda See Capecitabine Xen/o, 935 Xenograft valve, porcine, 420f Xenophobia, 935 Xer/o, 661, 705, 822 Xeroderma, 660 Xerophthalmia, 705 Xerosis, 661f Xerostomia, 813 Xiph/o, 589 Xiphoid process, 589, 593 X-rays characteristics of, 848-849 chest See Chest x-ray (CXR) combining form for, 12, 822, 864 of hand, 849f X-ray studies contrast studies, 850 CT, 846 of female reproductive system, 283 interventional radiology, 850 positioning for, 857-858 of urinary system, 232-233 X-ray tests, 194-195, 232-233, 283, 371-372, 476, 848-849, 849f, 850-854, 857, for cardiovascular system, 425-426 for digestive system, 193 for nervous system, 371 for respiratory system, 476 XRT (radiation therapy), 810-813 Xylocaine See Lidocaine Y -y, 14, 83 Yellow bone marrow, 581-593 Yolk sac tumor, 319 Z Zafirlukast, 893t Zaleplon, 935f Zantac See Ranitidine Zestril See Lisinopril Zetia See Ezetimibe Zidovudine, 889t Zidovudine plus lamivudine, 889t Zileuton, 895t Ziprasidone, 935f Zithromax See Azithromycin Zoledronic acid, 889t Zoloft See Sertraline Zolpidem tartrate, 896t, 935f Zometa, 889t See Zoledronic acid Zone of ischemia, 418f Zo/o, 319, 925 Zoophobia, 925, 941t Zostavax, 368 Zovirax See Acyclovir Zygomatic bones, 584 Zygote, 258, 268 Zygomatic bones, 585t Zyprexa See Olanzapine Zyrtec See Cetirizine Zytiga See Abiraterone 7KLVSDJHLQWHQWLRQDOO\OHIWEODQN 7KLVSDJHLQWHQWLRQDOO\OHIWEODQN 7KLVSDJHLQWHQWLRQDOO\OHIWEODQN Chabner makes medical terminology MEMORABLE… STUDENTS 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Chabner’s new interactive learning tools address how today’s students want to learn and ensure that they will remember and know how to apply medical language for effective communication Bring lesson to life with these ready-to-use teaching tools! STUDY TOOLS Student Resources on Evolve • Interactive exercises, games, and animations programmed for use on all digital devices • NEW! Mobile-optimized content, including: • Flash cards • Mobile dictionary • Quick quizzes • NEW! Career videos • Pronunciation exercises and audio glossary • Body Spectrum electronic anatomy coloring book • Multiple glossaries, including audio, image, medical terms, word parts, English-Spanish, and Greek and Latin • Answers to textbook exercises Included with each new text! EDUCATOR SUPPORT Educator Resources on Evolve • TEACH Resources • Lesson plans • Over 1,700 PowerPointđ slides Instructors Manual featuring handouts and other teaching materials • ExamView test bank with over 5,500 questions • Image collection Included with qualified adoptions to save you course preparation time Contact your Elsevier Education Solutions Consultant or visit elsevieradvantage.com/chabner iTerms Learning goes mobile with iTerms! Easy to download and play on any computer or portable media device, this convenient learning tool helps students master medical terminology with audio pronunciations and definitions of more than 3,000 health care terms from The Language of Medicine, 10th Edition February 2013 ISBN: 978-1-4557-5834-0 Sold separately MEDICAL LANGUAGE INSTANT TRANSLATOR, 5th Edition Help your students communicate more effectively with this handy pocket reference that provides quick access to key information on common diagnostic tests and procedures, the top 100 prescription drugs, medical abbreviations, symbols, acronyms, and much more ORDER NOW! Order online at elsevierhealth.com Call 1-800-545-2522 Visit your local bookstore February 2013 • Approx 338 pp ISBN: 978-1-4557-5831-9 Sold separately ~StormRG~ ... useful to read the meaning of medical terms starting from the suffix and then going back to the beginning of the term Thus, the term hematology means process of study of blood Here is another familiar... your study of the medical language • Divide medical words into their component parts • Learn the meanings of basic combining forms, suffixes, and prefixes of the medical language • Use these combining... combinations in other terms • Relate the medical terms to the structure and function of the human body Memorization of terms, although essential to retention of the language, should not become the primary

Ngày đăng: 22/09/2019, 18:16



