ÔN tập từ VỰNG 12 UNIT 1 UNIT 8

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ÔN tập từ VỰNG 12 UNIT 1  UNIT 8

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1. I don‟t think she will share her feelings with you. She‟s a person. A. talkative B. confident C. reserved D. sociable 2. My boss was very kind. He was very_ when I was ill. A. supportive B. mischievous C. busy D. secure 3. No shop can be completely_ against thefts. A. confident B. secure C. closeknit D. happy 4. Rudolfo works the day . A. way B. shift

ÔN TẬP TỪ VỰNG 12 UNIT 1-UNIT I don‟t think she will share her feelings with you She‟s a A talkative B confident C reserved My boss was very kind He was very_ A supportive B mischievous No shop can be completely_ A confident A way D sociable when I was ill C busy D secure against thefts B secure Rudolfo works the day person C close-knit D happy C stage D period B shift It‟s a general belief that men make house and women make A family B home C water D spirit The children stood in a little group disciplined and A mischievous We are a very_ A old-established B obedient C confident D active family and support each other through any crises B well-to-do C low-income My mother often cooks big meals, so we have A remainders B surplus Ann is very A enjoyable B funny D close-knit for days C leftovers D dishes She takes part in numerous activities outside of school C outgoing D lively 10 In many ways I get with my dad better than my mum - we've just got so much in common A on B up C along 11 While people say I D in my mother, actually I think I'm much more like my dad A get on with B take after C look up to D get together 12 Perhaps one reason why we quarreled all the time is that we so much in common You know the saying "opposites attract and likes repel" A put B made C had D was 13 There's no doubt that my grandmother is my role model, I look her in just about every way A on B up to 14 Marriage should be an equal A.partnership 15 She C down on D over C.trust D.concept B.belief her career to bring up the children A.confided 16 The culture has been A diverse B.sacrificed C.obliged D.determined with the arrival of immigrants B diversified C diverged D diverted 17 The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese A partner 18 Jane has become B colleague C counterpart D collaborator to Roger, and the wedding will be in April A proposed 19 A state B engaged C settled D agreed banquet was hold in honour of the visiting President A celebration B feast C Ceremony 20 Most young people nowadays believe in_ D anniversary _marriage first comes love, then comes marriage A romantic 21 B unique C contractual D arranged marriages, which are usually decided by the parents, are usually seen in Indian and African cultures A Romantic B Arranged 22 You should have to apply_ A For C Modern the passport office for a visa B to C in 23 We advertised three jobs and over 50 people A Applied 24 Students have a A Decision 25 Successful A Applicants B asked C required B choice D decided C preference D requirement will be notified by telephone B applies C applying D applied from mature students B applicants C application 27 Applicants are evaluated on their A Learning D at between studying French to German 26 The university welcomes A Applications D Open B studying D applicant qualifications and work experience C academic D educative 28 English students usually their GCSEs at the age of sixteen A Pass B make 29 You can study a lot of interesting C take D follow such as Design & Technology, Architecture, Spychology, Politics at this university A Curriculums B subjects C schedules D syllabuses 30 The acedemic year in England runs from September to July and is divided into three A Terms B semesters C seminars D systems 31 All maintained schools in England are required to follow the National which is made up of twelve subjects Eduction 32 So many_ B academy C examination D curriculum people applied for the position that we won‟t be able to make a decision for several weeks A Well- qualified B well- behaved C well-known 33 This course is one of the few English courses_ A Offered B required 34 The GEC “A” level is a D well- mannered by the college each month C achieved D received for advanced students who are able to study at the university A Degree B level 35 The recent economic crisis has brought A about B in C certificate D grade _.a slump in world trade C over 36 Sport is sometimes used by governments as a tool of foreign D out B.policy B political C politics D politician 37 The government made serious attempts to raise the A standard B cost of living C level 38 The police have asked for the D mode of the public in tracing the whereabouts of the escaped convict A partnership B co-operation C association 39 The government introduced a wage freeze so that D alliance might be brought under control A renovation B economy C inflation D development 40 A strike in the mining industry is threatening to bring about a shortage of coal in the near future A redundant B ruin 41 The government C storage D lack new economic policies aimed at halting economic recession A committed B reduced C shifted D adopted 42 Vietnam economic reform did not support the state A renovation B intervention C development in business D investment 43 The government devalued the currency to try to revive the A stable B developed 44 The country„s annual A Ration C stagnant economy, D dynamic _of coffee beans has increased each year since 1977 B growt C outcome D production 45 The President has called for massive investment to rebuild the country„s A economic B economics C economical D economy 46 In the great of the 1930s, many businesses and banks failed and millions of people lost their jobs A Development B boom C depression D reformation 47 I„ve always had a fairly outlook on life A optimist B optimistic C optimism D optimized 48 At the height of the financial crisis, all they could was to their expenses and hope that things would improve A stop off B cut down C run on D go over 49 Unemployment directly to homelessness A attributes B creates C provides D contributes 50 Cars in the future will run electricity or methane gas A with B after C by D on 51 We hope fatal diseases will be _ from the world in the future A transmitted B eradicated C erased D abolished 52 Domestic chores are now no longer a _ thanks to the inventions of electronic devices A bound B weight C burden D load 53 The use of devices in homes, offices, and in factories added to the amount of leisure time people had A labour-saving B hi-tech C hand-held D sophisticated 54 Many of the jobs which have been created in this area can be directly _to tourism A supported B dedicated C contributed D attributed 55 Mary is so _ that people tell her all their troubles A dependent B confident C pessimistic D sympathetic 56 We have a _ future ahead with little comfort, food or hope A secure B pessimistic C promising D optimistic 57 Modern _ perhaps causes more problems than it solves A technique B technician C technical D technology 58 I‟ve broken your pen I‟m awfully sorry, Jack David for breaking Jack‟s pen A Thanked B apologized C advised D decided 59 „You murdered Lorb Digby, didn‟t you, Colin!‟ The inspector A Accused Colin of murdering Lorb Digby B advised C reminded 60 It was me who stole my money.‟ Said Jim Jim to stealing the money D confessed A Confessed 61 It‟s OK to use B accused C apologized language if you‟re speaking to a friend A verbal B non-verbal C formal 62 The proposal will go ahead despite strong A objections 63 He tried to A attract 64 „Let‟s go,‟ he said, A nodding B refusals D informal from the public C resistances D disagreements the attendant‟s eyes but the man was already turning away B raise C catch D meet towards the door ‟ B clapping C waving D bowing 65 Laughing when you should be crying sends out the wrong A sights D offered B signals C symbols 66 Social kissing, as a greeting, is also sometimes to people D hints between men and women who know each other well A appropriate B marvelous C acceptable D appreciated ... actually I think I'm much more like my dad A get on with B take after C look up to D get together 12 Perhaps one reason why we quarreled all the time is that we so much in common You know the saying... diversified C diverged D diverted 17 The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese A partner 18 Jane has become B colleague C counterpart D collaborator to Roger, and the wedding will be in... Applications D Open B studying D applicant qualifications and work experience C academic D educative 28 English students usually their GCSEs at the age of sixteen A Pass B make 29 You can study a lot

Ngày đăng: 01/09/2019, 16:15