10-1 Business in a Changing World Chapter 10 Motivating the Work Force McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2009 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc All rights 10-3 Amadeus Consulting: Where Employees are the Company Lisa Calkins and John Basso have created a company for which people are motivated to work for the long term 10-4 Motivating the Workforce Nature of Human Relations What motivates employees to perform? How can managers boost morale? How you maximize worker performance? How can you encourage creativity and innovation? 10-5 Motivating the Workforce Nature of Human Relations Determining what motivates employees to perform on the job is the focus of human relations 10-6 Motivating the Workforce What is motivation? •Motivation is an inner drive that directs a person’s behavior toward goals •A goal is the satisfaction of a need •A need is the difference between a desired state and the actual state 10-7 Motivating the Workforce The basic model of motivation shows that when a need exists, an individual engages in goal-directed behavior designed to satisfy that need 10-8 Motivating the Workforce Human Relations Morale – an employee’s attitude toward his or her job, employer, and colleagues High Morale •High levels of productivity •High returns to stakeholders •Employee loyalty 10-9 Motivating the Workforce High Morale •High levels of productivity •High returns to stakeholders •Employee loyalty Low Morale •Absenteeism •Lack of commitment •High turnover 10-10 Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory Hygiene factors – focus on the work setting not the content of the work – wages, working conditions, company policies, job security Motivational factors – focus on content of the work itself – achievement, recognition, involvement, responsibility, advancement 10-22 Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory 10-23 McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y Theory X – Assumption that workers generally dislike work and must be forced to their jobs Theory Y – Humanistic view of management Assumption workers like to work and seek out responsibility to satisfy social, esteem, and selfactualization needs 10-24 William Ouchi Theory Z A management philosophy that stresses employee participation in all aspects of company decision making 10-25 Comparison of American, Japanese & Theory Z Management Styles 10-26 Variations on Theory Z Participative Management Employee Involvement Self-Directed Work Teams (SDWT) 10-27 Equity Theory Equity theory – the assumption that how much people are willing to contribute to an organization depends on their assessment of the fairness (equity) of the rewards they will receive in exchange 10-28 Expectancy Theory Expectancy theory – assumption that motivation depends not only on how much a person wants something but also on how likely he or she is to get it 10-29 Strategies for Motivating Employees Behavior Modification – changing behavior and encouraging appropriate actions by relating the consequences of behavior to the behavior itself “Behavior is a function of its consequences.” 10-30 Strategies for Motivating Employees Job Design – strategies managers use to help improve employee motivation: •Job rotation •Job enlargement •Job enrichment •Flexible scheduling 10-31 Job Design Strategies Job rotation – movement of employees from one job to another to relieve the boredom often associated with job specialization 10-32 Job Design Strategies Job enlargement – addition of more tasks to a job instead of treating each task as separate 10-33 Job Design Strategies Job enrichment – incorporating motivational factors (achievement, recognition, responsibility) into the job 10-34 Job Design Strategies Flexible scheduling strategies – • Flextime • Compressed workweek • Job sharing 10-35 Importance of Motivational Strategies •Foster employee loyalty •Boost productivity •Influence on pay, promotion, job design •Nature of relationships •Nature of the job itself •Characteristics of the organization 10-36 ... of human relations 10-6 Motivating the Workforce What is motivation? •Motivation is an inner drive that directs a person’s behavior toward goals A goal is the satisfaction of a need A need... can managers boost morale? How you maximize worker performance? How can you encourage creativity and innovation? 10-5 Motivating the Workforce Nature of Human Relations Determining what motivates... the Company Lisa Calkins and John Basso have created a company for which people are motivated to work for the long term 10-4 Motivating the Workforce Nature of Human Relations What motivates employees