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2015 handbook of ICU therapy 3rd ed

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  • Cover

  • Half-title

  • Title page

  • Copyright information

  • Table of contents

  • Contributors

  • Preface to the third edition

  • Section 1 : Basic principles

    • Chapter 1: Oxygen delivery, cardiac function and monitoring

      • Oxygen delivery

      • Oxygen consumption

      • Venous oxygen saturation

      • Cardiac function

        • Cardiac output

        • Heart rate

        • Stroke volume

        • Ejection fraction

      • Preload

      • Afterload

      • Compliance

      • Contractility

      • The right and left ventricles: similar but different

      • Monitoring

      • Oxygen saturation monitoring (pulse oximetry)

      • Noninvasive blood pressure monitoring

      • Direct arterial blood pressure measurement

      • Central venous pressure (CVP) monitoring

      • Other ways to assess cardiac function and intravascular volume

        • Pulse pressure variation (PPV)

        • Echocardiogram

      • Pulmonary artery catheters

      • References

    • Chapter 2 Shock

      • Pathophysiology

      • Types of shock

        • The shock cycle

      • Clinical presentation

      • Monitoring

        • General

        • Serial lactate concentrations

        • Central venous cannulation

      • Management of shock

        • Timing

        • Airway, oxygenation and ventilation

        • Circulatory support

      • Anaphylactic shock

      • References

    • Chapter 3 Oxygen therapy

      • Physiology and pathology

      • Delivery devices

        • Nasal cannulae

        • Simple face masks

        • Venturi masks

        • Non-rebreathing masks

        • Tracheostomy masks

        • Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) masks

      • Oxygen therapy in specific illnesses

        • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)

        • Acute coronary syndromes

        • Acute stroke

        • Shock

        • Cardiac arrest

      • Hazards of oxygen therapy

        • Central nervous system (CNS)

        • Ocular

        • Pulmonary

        • Drug-induced potentiation of pulmonary oxygen toxicity

      • Permissive hypoxemia

      • Key points

      • References

    • Chapter 4 Central venous access

      • Indications

      • Insertion sites

      • Catheter characteristics

      • Insertion technique

      • Complications of CVCs

        • Mechanical CVC complications

          • Catheter misplacement

        • Arterial puncture and hematoma

        • Pneumothorax

      • Thrombotic CVC complications

        • Catheter-related thrombosis

      • Infectious CVC complications

        • Catheter-related infections

        • Microbiology of CRBSI

        • Diagnosis of CRBSI

        • Management of CRBSI

        • Prevention of CRBSI

      • Summary

      • References

    • Chapter 5 Fluid therapy in ICU

      • Body fluid compartments

      • Fluid balance

        • Intake

        • Output

      • Types of fluids

        • Crystalloids

          • Saline

          • Balanced (or "physiologic") crystalloid solutions

          • Saline versus "balanced" crystalloid solutions

          • Glucose and glucose/salines

      • Colloids

        • Albumin

        • Gelatins

        • Dextrans

        • Starches (Hydroxyethyl starches, HES)

      • Positive fluid balance, or liberal versus restrictive fluids

      • Surviving Sepsis Guidelines

      • Additional practical points

      • References

    • Chapter 6 Anemia and blood transfusion

      • Epidemiology and etiology of anemia in adult intensive care units

      • Physiologic effects of anemia

      • The role of anemia in morbidity and mortality

      • Management of anemia in the critically ill

        • Prevention

      • Transfusion in critically ill patients

      • Effect of transfusion on oxygen transport

      • Harmful effects of blood transfusion

        • Infectious complications of RBC transfusion

        • Noninfectious complications of RBC transfusion

        • Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI)

        • Transfusion-related immune modulation (TRIM)

        • Age of blood

      • Effect of RBC transfusion on outcome

      • Indications for transfusion

        • Ischemic heart disease

        • Septic shock

        • Neuro-critical care

      • A practical approach to RBC transfusion

      • References

    • Chapter 7 Coagulation problems in the critically ill

      • Epidemiology of coagulation abnormalities in critically ill patients

        • Abnormalities in platelet count

        • Abnormalities in global coagulation assays

        • Other coagulation abnormalities

      • Mechanisms of coagulopathy

        • Coagulation system and inflammation

        • Coagulation system and immunity

        • Coagulation system and vascular homeostasis

        • Coagulation system and tissue remodeling

      • Coagulation abnormalities in critically ill patients

        • Thrombocytopenia

          • Diagnostic approach to thrombocytopenia in critically ill patients

        • Prolonged coagulation times

          • Diagnostic approach to prolonged coagulation times in critically ill patients

        • Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)

        • Other coagulation abnormalities

          • Platelet function defects

          • Hyperfibrinolysis (primary)

      • Principles of management of patients with coagulation abnormalities

        • Platelet abnormalities

        • Coagulation factor deficiencies

      • Conclusions

      • References

    • Chapter 8 Airway management in critically ill patients

      • Introduction

      • Airway assessment and documentation

      • Optimization

      • Rapid sequence induction and intubation (RSII)

      • Controversies in RSII

      • Awake intubation

      • Adjunct devices

      • Failed or unanticipated difficult airway

      • Surgical airway

      • Post-intubation management

      • Reducing complications in intubation

      • The Fourth National Audit Project of the Royal College of Anesthesists and Difficult Airway Society (NAP4)

      • Conclusion

      • References

    • Chapter 9 Noninvasive mechanical ventilation

      • Choosing an interface

        • Nasal mask

        • Full-face mask

        • Total face mask

        • Helmet

      • Initiating NIPPV

      • Selecting and adjusting CPAP pressure

      • Selecting and adjusting the IPAP pressure

      • NIPPV for acute exacerbation of COPD

      • NIPPV for acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema

      • NIPPV for pneumonia

      • NIPPV for ARDS

      • NIPPV for immunocompromised patients

      • NIPPV as an adjunct to weaning

      • References

    • Chapter 10 Nutrition

      • Introduction

      • Reasons for feeding the critically ill patient

      • Nutritional status

      • Assessment of nutritional status

      • Early or late feeding

      • Nutritional composition

        • Energy and protein requirements

        • Composition of nonprotein calories

        • Other nutritional requirements

      • Oral feeding

      • Enteral nutrition

        • Complications of enteral nutrition

      • Parenteral nutrition

      • Hyperglycemia

      • Nutrition in acute respiratory failure

      • Novel nutritional substrates

        • Fish oil

        • Glutamine

        • Arginine

        • Fiber, pro- and prebiotics

      • Summary

      • References

    • Chapter 11 Electrolyte and metabolic acid-base problems

      • Metabolic acidosis

        • Definition

        • Approach to metabolic acidosis

        • Causes

          • Anion gap metabolic acidosis

          • Nonanion-gap MA

            • Renal and extrarenal causes

        • Acid-base analysis

        • Treatment

      • Metabolic alkalosis

        • Definition

        • Pathophysiology

        • Clinical features

        • Investigations

        • Treatment

          • Chloride-responsive alkalosis

          • Chloride-resistant alkalosis

      • Disorders of sodium and water balance

        • Overview

        • Key hormones

      • Hyponatremia

        • Definition

        • Pathophysiology

        • Causes/classification

          • Hypovolemic hyponatremia

          • Euvolemic hyponatremia

          • Hypervolemic hyponatremia

        • Clinical presentation

        • Management

          • Work-up

          • Treatment

            • Acute hyponatremia (rapid development of hyponatremia in 48 hours)

            • Chronic hyponatremia (development of hyponatremia in >48 hours)

      • Hypernatremia

        • Definition

        • Pathophysiology

        • Clinical presentation

        • Causes/classification

          • Hypovolemic hypernatremia

          • Euvolemic hypernatremia

          • Hypervolemic hypernatremia

        • Management

          • Work-up (see Figure 11.2)

            • Treatment

      • Disorders of potassium [10-13]

      • Hypokalemia

        • Overview

        • Pathophysiology

        • Causes

          • Increased loss

          • Transcellular shift

        • Clinical features

        • Diagnosis

        • Treatment

      • Hyperkalemia

        • Overview

        • Causes

        • Clinical features

        • Diagnosis

        • Treatment

          • Stabilize cardiac membrane

          • Potassium shift into cells

          • Removal of potassium

      • Disorders of calcium [14-17]

        • Overview

      • Hypocalcemia

        • Definition

        • Pathophysiology in the critically ill

        • Causes

        • Clinical manifestations

        • Management

      • Hypercalcemia

        • Definition

        • Causes

        • Clinical manifestations

        • Diagnosis (investigations)

        • Treatment

      • Disorders of magnesium [18-19]

        • Overview

        • Pathophysiology

      • Hypomagnesemia

        • Definition

        • Causes

          • Impaired intestinal absorption

          • Increased renal excretion

          • Miscellaneous

        • Clinical features

        • Diagnosis

        • Treatment

          • Severe magnesium deficiency i.e. Mg 0.5 mmol/L

          • Less severe magnesium deficiency

      • Hypermagnesemia

        • Definition

        • Causes

          • Increased magnesium load

          • Renal insufficiency

        • Clinical features

        • Treatment

      • Disorders of phosphorus [20-23]

        • Overview

        • Pathophysiology

      • Hypophosphatemia

        • Definition

        • Causes

        • Clinical manifestations

        • Treatment

      • Hyperphosphatemia

        • Definition

        • Causes

        • Clinical features

        • Treatment

      • References

    • Chapter 12 Principles of IPPV and care of the ventilated patient

      • Care of the ventilated patient

        • General issues

        • Specific issues

          • Deep-vein thrombosis prophylaxis

          • Pressure area care

          • Eye care

      • Daily assessment and management planning

      • Airway management

      • The role of chest X-rays

      • Principles of ventilatory support

        • Indications

        • Contraindications to IPPV

      • Physiological effects of IPPV

        • Cardiovascular effects

        • Respiratory effects

        • Other systemic consequences of IPPV

      • Beneficial effects

      • Limitations of IPPV

      • Goals of ventilatory support

      • Initial ventilator settings

      • Ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI)

        • Barotrauma

        • Volume trauma or volutrauma

      • Ventilator care bundles

      • References

    • Chapter 13 Modes of ventilation and ventilator strategies

      • Modes of mechanical ventilation

      • Inspiratory breath characteristics

        • Trigger

        • Limit/target

        • Cycle

      • Controlled modes of ventilation

        • Volume control ventilation (VCV)

        • Pressure control ventilation (PCV)

        • High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV)

      • Assisted modes of ventilation

        • Assist control ventilation (ACV)

        • Pressure support ventilation (PSV)

        • Airway pressure release ventilation (APRV)

        • Proportional assist ventilation (PAV)

        • Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA)

        • Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)

      • Ventilatory strategies

        • Low tidal volume ventilation

        • Positive end-expiratory pressure

        • High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV)

      • References

    • Chapter 14 Discontinuing mechanical ventilation

      • Introduction

      • Discontinuing ventilation versus extubation

        • Readiness to discontinue ventilation

        • Readiness for extubation

      • Predictors

      • Spontaneous breathing trials

      • SBTs versus other weaning techniques

      • Protocols

      • The impact of sedation

      • Early mobilization

      • Use of noninvasive ventilation in weaning

      • Weaning failures

      • Extubation failures

      • The role and timing of tracheostomy in weaning

      • Decannulation

      • References

    • Chapter 15 Vasoactive drugs

      • Structure of the autonomic nervous system

        • Neurotransmitters

      • Receptor physiology

        • Adrenoreceptors

        • Alpha receptors

        • Beta receptors

        • Receptor activity

        • Agonism versus antagonism

        • Dopaminergic receptors

      • Catecholamine metabolism

      • Vasopressors

        • Norepinephrine

        • Phenylephrine

        • Ephedrine

        • Vasopressin

      • Complications of vasopressors

      • Inotropic agents (inodilators)

        • Dobutamine

        • Milrinone

        • Isoproterenol

      • Mixed agents

        • Epinephrine

        • Dopamine

        • Adverse effects of dopamine

        • "Renal-dose" dopamine

        • Dopexamine

      • Hypotensive agents

        • Directly acting vasodilators

          • Nitroglycerin (NTG)

          • Hydralazine

          • Sodium nitroprusside

        • Adrenergic receptor antagonists

          • Labetalol

          • Esmolol

          • Phentolamine

      • Summary and general points

      • References

    • Chapter 16 Optimizing antimicrobial therapy in the ICU

      • Introduction

      • Approach to infection in the critically ill patient

      • Principles of antimicrobial therapy

        • Determining the spectrum of coverage

        • Understanding pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

      • Establishing and maintaining antimicrobial activity through appropriate dosing

        • Special populations

      • Minimizing drug toxicity

      • Administering timely antimicrobial therapy

      • Reassessing for effect

      • Summary

      • References

    • Chapter 17 Sedation, analgesia and neuromuscular blockade

      • Introduction

      • Sedation

        • Control of stress and anxiety

        • Control of intracranial pressure

        • Control of seizures and spasms

        • Safe transport

        • Compliance with procedures

        • Facilitate/tolerate controlled ventilation

        • Promote a more natural sleep pattern

        • Agitation and delirium

        • Reduction of metabolic and hormonal response to critical illness

      • Sedative agents

      • Analgesia

        • Analgesic agents

      • Management of sedation and analgesia

      • Measuring sedation

        • Subjective techniques

        • Objective techniques

      • Muscular relaxation

        • Neuromuscular blocking agents

          • Suxamethonium (succinylcholine)

          • Atracurium

          • Cis-atracurium

          • Vecuronium

          • Rocuronium

          • Pancuronium

      • Monitoring neuromuscular blockade

      • References

    • Chapter 18 Continuous renal replacement therapy

      • Renal replacement therapy (RRT)

      • Hemoltration (CRRT)

      • Hemodialysis

      • Advantages of CRRT

      • Indications for starting RRT

      • Timing of CRRT

      • Efcacy of CRRT

      • Practicalities

        • Initial settings

        • Filters (membranes)

        • Replacement uid

          • Pre-dilution:

          • Post-dilution:

        • Buffers

        • Vascular access

          • Veno-venous mode

          • Arterio-venous mode

      • Anticoagulation

        • Anticoagulant free

        • Continuous pre-filter unfractionated heparin infusion

        • Low-molecular-weight heparin

        • Regional anticoagulation

        • Citrate

        • Prostacyclin

      • Drug removal

      • Intensity of CRRT in the ICU

      • The controversy: CRRT or IRT?

      • High-volume hemoltration?

      • Fluid and electrolyte control

      • Septic shock, multiorgan failure and RRT

      • Advances in technology

      • References

    • Chapter 19 Chronic critical illness

      • Definition

      • Outcomes

      • Reducing the risk of progressing to PMV

      • Care models

      • Management strategies in CCI

        • Ventilator support and weaning [22,23]

        • Nutritional support [30-32]

        • Cognitive care [12,33]

        • Physiotherapy [34,35]

        • Patient communication [37,38]

      • Palliative care

      • End-of-life care

      • References

    • Chapter 20 Recognizing and responding to the deteriorating patient

      • Introduction

      • Background

      • Making the case for rapid response systems

      • Clinical research

      • The afferent limb

      • The efferent limb

      • Interventions

      • End-of-life care

      • MET syndromes and standard operating procedures

        • Decreased level of consciousness

      • ICU outreach post-discharge from critical care

      • Measuring impact of rapid response systems

        • Outcomes measures

        • Process measures

        • Balancing measures

      • Audit

      • Training requirements

      • Considerations for the set-up of a service

      • Controversies

      • References

    • Chapter 21 ICU rehabilitation

      • Intensive-care-acquired weakness

      • Definition and mechanisms of ICU-AW

      • Diagnosis of ICU-AW

      • Assessment of strength and function

        • Strength tests (other than MRC)

        • Functional tests

        • Rehabilitation in the ICU

        • Rehabilitation interventions

          • In-bed exercises

          • Out-of-bed exercises

      • Neurocognitive interventions

      • Resources

      • The future

      • References

    • Chapter 22 Palliative care, withholding and withdrawal of life support in the intensive care unit

      • Introduction

      • Palliative care

      • Definitions

      • Models for integrating palliative care into ICU care provision

      • Key components of palliative care in ICU [14]

        • Framework for ethical decision-making

        • Conducting a goal-setting meeting

        • Goals of care and care plans, decision-making process

          • Prior to the meeting

          • During the meeting

          • After the meeting

      • A practical approach to initiating the palliative approach in ICU

        • Cultural change in ICU practice

      • Withholding and withdrawal of life support [29]

        • Communication

        • Documentation

        • Withdrawal of life support protocol

      • References

  • Section 2 : Specific problems

    • Chapter 23: The injured patient in the ICU

      • Epidemiology

      • Assessment and initial trauma management

      • Airway

        • C-spine injury

      • Breathing

      • Circulation

        • Hypovolemic/hypotensive resuscitation

        • Blood product ratios and massive transfusion

        • Tranexamic acid

        • Hemorrhagic sources of shock

        • Nonhemorrhagic sources of shock

          • Cardiac

        • Neurogenic shock (distributive)

        • Tension pneumothorax (obstructive)

        • Emergency department (resuscitative) thoracotomy

      • Disability

      • Exposure

      • Advanced assessment

        • Point-of-care ultrasonography (e-FAST)

        • Computed tomography (CT)

      • Intraoperative management

        • Damage-control surgery

        • External fixation and angiography

        • Timing of long-bone fracture fixation

      • Post-operative care and ongoing resuscitation

        • Damage-control resuscitation

          • Physiologic endpoints of resuscitation

          • Balanced blood product resuscitation (1:1:1)

          • Active rewarming

          • Guided vasopressor and inotrope therapy

      • Abdominal compartment syndrome

      • Sedation and analgesia

      • Antibiotic therapy

      • Early enteral nutrition

      • Early mobilization

      • Thromboembolic prophylaxis

      • Outcome

      • References

    • Chapter 24 Neurotrauma

      • Introduction

      • Traumatic brain injury

        • General considerations

        • Initial assessment and resuscitation

        • Intensive care management

        • Overview of neuromonitoring

        • Management of ICP/CPP

        • Hyperosmolar therapy

        • Fluid therapy, feeding and glycemic control

        • Temperature control

        • Other rescue strategies

      • Spinal-cord injury

        • Neurological injury

        • Respiratory effects

        • Cardiovascular effects

        • Other intensive care considerations

          • Genito-urinary effects

          • Gastrointestinal system

          • Hematological system

          • Other effects

        • Rehabilitation

      • References

    • Chapter 25 Acute coronary syndromes

      • Epidemiology

      • The spectrum of ACS

      • Clinical presentation

      • Diagnosis of ACS

      • Management

        • Anti-ischemic therapy

        • Statin therapy

        • Antithrombotic therapy

        • Anticoagulation

        • Early risk stratification

        • Reperfusion therapy

      • Complications of MI

        • Pericardial complications

        • Arrhythmic complications

      • Perioperative management of ACS

        • Elective noncardiac surgery after percutaneous coronary intervention

        • Management of perioperative myocardial infarction

      • References

    • Chapter 26 Heart failure

      • Classification of AHF

      • Characteristics of patients admitted with AHF

      • Etiology of AHF

        • Cardiac causes

        • Noncardiac causes

      • Diagnosis of AHF

        • Laboratory testing

        • Natriuretic peptides

        • Troponin

        • Electrocardiography

        • Chest radiography

        • Echocardiography

        • Coronary angiography

        • Acute heart failure score

        • PRIDE acute heart failure score:

      • Management of AHF

        • Diuretics and ultrafiltration

        • Vasodilators

        • Oxygenation and ventilatory support

        • Inotropes

        • Mechanical circulatory support (MCS)

      • Transition to chronic care

      • References

    • Chapter 27 Arrhythmias

      • Introduction

      • Arrhythmogenesis

        • Re-entry

        • Abnormal automaticity and triggered activity

      • Tachyarrhythmias

        • Supraventricular arrhythmias

          • Atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter

        • Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia

        • Ventricular arrhythmias

          • Ventricular tachycardia

          • Torsades de pointes (TdP)

      • Bradyarrhythmias

      • Summary

      • References

    • Chapter 28 The patient with sepsis

      • Incidence and causes

      • Terminology, definitions and conceptual challenges

      • Organ dysfunction

      • Clinical features and diagnosis

      • Pathophysiology

      • Management

        • Initial resuscitation

        • Fluid therapy

        • Vasoactive medications

        • Source control

        • Antimicrobial therapy

        • Blood products

        • Nutrition

        • Glucose control

        • Renal replacement therapy

        • Mechanical ventilation of sepsis-induced ARDS patients

        • Corticosteroids

        • Screening and infection prevention

        • Supportive care

      • Quality assurance in sepsis management

      • Conclusions

      • References

    • Chapter 29 Acute kidney injury

      • Incidence of AKI

      • Causes of AKI

      • Pathogenesis of AKI

      • Impact and outcomes of AKI

      • Diagnosis and assessment of AKI

      • Prevention and treatment of AKI

        • Fluid resuscitation

        • Fluid type

        • Vasopressor support

        • Inotropic support

        • Diuretics

        • Glycemic control with intravenous insulin

      • Syndromes associated with AKI

        • Contrast nephropathy

        • Abdominal compartment syndrome

        • Tumor lysis syndrome

        • Rhabdomyolysis

        • AKI in liver disease

      • Conclusions

      • References

    • Chapter 30 Acute lung injury and ARDS

      • Definition of acute respiratory distress syndrome

      • Diagnosis

      • Pre-dispositions to ARDS

      • Incidence

      • Pathophysiology

      • Clinical features

      • Management

        • Ventilation strategies

          • The open lung concept

          • Limiting lung volumes

          • Lung recruitment

        • Hypercapnia

      • Adjuvant therapy

        • Fluid restriction

        • Prone positioning

        • High-frequency oscillatory ventilation

        • Inhaled nitric oxide

        • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)

        • Drug therapies

          • Neuromuscular blockers

          • β2 agonists

          • Steroids in ARDS

      • Outcome

      • References

    • Chapter 31 The patient with gastrointestinal problems

      • Gastrointestinal bleeding

        • Upper GI bleeds

        • Lower GI bleeds

      • Management of gastrointestinal bleeding in the ICU

        • General principles of management

        • Stress-induced ulceration

        • Gastroesophageal varices

        • Medications

          • Vasopressin and terlipressin

          • Somatostatin and octreotide

        • Infection and use of prophylactic antibiotics

        • Endoscopic therapy

        • Balloon tamponade

        • Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS)

        • Surgery

      • Ischemic colitis

      • Clostridium difficile infection

        • Diagnosis

        • Medical management

        • Surgical management

      • Intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS)

        • Medical management of IAH/ACS [21,22]

        • Surgical management of ACS [21,22]

      • Acute pancreatitis

        • Etiology

        • Predicting severity of disease

        • Management

        • Current controversies in management

          • Feeding

          • Antibiotics

          • The role of surgery

      • Acute mesenteric ischemia

        • Nonocclusive mesenteric ischemia (NOMI)

        • Diagnosis

        • Treatment

      • Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (Ogilvie's syndrome)

        • Etiology

        • Pathogenesis

        • Clinical manifestations

        • Diagnosis

        • Laboratory evaluation

        • Imaging

        • Treatment

        • General measures

        • Pharmacologic agents

        • Decompression

        • Surgery

      • References

    • Chapter 32 The comatose patient: neurological aspects

      • The approach to the acutely unresponsive patient

      • Therapy

      • Status epilepticus

      • Anoxic-ischemic encephalopathy after cardiac arrest

      • Prognostic determination of cardiac arrest survivors not treated with hypothermia [20]

      • Prognostic determination after hypothermia

      • Improving prognostic accuracy in the hypothermic era

      • Some general statements regarding prognostic determination and discussions of level of care

      • References

    • Chapter 33 The obstetric patient in the ICU

      • Introduction

      • Changes in pregnancy

        • Respiratory system

        • Cardiovascular

        • Renal

      • Maternal critical care epidemiology

      • Obstetric conditions resulting in ICU admission

        • Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia

        • Features of severe pre-eclampsia

        • Management of severe pre-eclampsia and eclampsia

        • HELLP syndrome

        • Venous thromboembolism (VTE)

          • Diagnosis

          • Treatment

        • Amniotic fluid embolism (AFE)

        • Major obstetric hemorrhage

          • Management

            • Pharmacological

            • Surgical

            • Radiological

      • Nonobstetric complications

        • Sepsis

        • Respiratory infections

        • Trauma

        • Cardiopulmonary arrest

      • The care of the parturient in critical care

      • References

    • Chapter 34 The critically ill asthmatic

      • Incidence

      • Pathophysiology

      • Differential diagnosis

      • Clinical examination

      • Investigations

      • Management

        • Education

        • Initial treatment

      • Indications for ICU admission

      • Noninvasive ventilation

      • Indications for intubation

      • Mechanical ventilation of the asthmatic patient

        • Ventilation strategies in severe asthma [25]

      • Oxygen

        • Respiratory rate

        • Inspiratory to expiratory ratio

        • Tidal volumes

        • Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP)

        • Inspiratory flow

      • Permissive hypercapnia

      • Dynamic hyperinflation

      • Additional medical therapies

        • Intravenous magnesium sulfate

        • Ketamine

        • Heliox

        • Volatile anesthetic agents

        • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO)

      • References

    • Chapter 35 Endocrine problems in critical illness

      • Hyperglycemic crises [1]

        • Indications for admission to ICU

        • Principles of treatment

        • Fluid management

        • Insulin

        • Potassium

        • Other issues

      • Glycemic control in the ICU

      • Corticosteroid use in the ICU

      • References

    • Chapter 36 The cardiac surgical patient in the ICU

      • Structure of cardiac surgical critical care unit

      • Pre-operative assessment

      • Transfer of care

      • Fast-track cardiac anesthesia

      • Post-operative complications

        • Bleeding

        • Cardiac tamponade

        • Cardiac arrest

        • Arrhythmia

        • Neurological complications

        • Acute kidney injury

        • Vasoplegic syndrome

      • Special procedures

        • Heart transplantation

        • Ventricular assist devices

        • Emerging surgical techniques

      • References

    • Chapter 37 Care of the organ donor

      • Introduction

      • Physiological changes associated with NDD

        • Neurological

        • Cardiovascular

        • Pulmonary

        • Endocrine

        • Hypothermia

        • Hepatic

        • Coagulation

        • Immunological

      • Organ monitoring

      • Investigations

      • Therapeutic interventions

      • Cardiovascular

        • Hypotension

          • Fluid therapy

          • Vasoactive drug support

        • Hypertension

      • Endocrine

        • Diabetes insipidus

        • Anterior pituitary hormones

          • Thyroid hormones

          • Adrenal hormones

      • Hyperglycemia

      • Hypothermia

      • Pulmonary

      • Nutritional support

      • Hematological support

      • Summary

      • References

    • Chapter 38 The patient with cardiac arrest

      • Classification

        • Sudden cardiac arrest and asphyxial arrest

        • Shockable and nonshockable rhythms

        • Out-of-hospital and in-hospital cardiac arrest

        • Expected death in critically ill patients

      • Causes

        • Hs

        • Ts

      • Prevention of in-hospital cardiac arrest

      • Basic life support

        • Adult BLS sequence

        • Team resuscitation

        • Alternative CPR techniques

        • CPR devices

      • Advanced life support

        • Rhythm-based management

        • Electrical therapies

        • Monitoring and optimization of CPR quality

        • Effective teamwork and leadership

        • Drugs

        • Advanced airway management

      • Cardiac arrest in special circumstances

        • Asthma

        • Pulmonary embolism

        • Hyperkalemia

        • Cardiac arrest following cardiac surgery

        • Cardiac arrest associated with pregnancy

      • Post-resuscitation care

        • Avoiding hyperoxia

        • Induced hypothermia

        • Acute coronary syndrome management

      • Survival and neurologic outcomes

        • Prognostication of neurological outcome

      • Providing emotional support to the family

      • Education and training

        • Training intervals

        • Improving communication skills

        • Debriefing

      • Quality improvement in resuscitation

      • Further reading

      • References

  • Index

Nội dung

Handbook of ICU Therapy Third edition Handbook of ICU Therapy Third edition Edited by John Fuller MD FRCPC Professor in the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, and Division of Critical Care (Department of Medicine), Western University, London, ON, Canada Jeff Granton MD FRCPC Associate Professor in the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, Division of Critical Care (Department of Medicine), Western University, London, ON, Canada Ian McConachie MB ChB FRCA FRCPC Associate Professor in the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, Division of Critical Care (Department of Medicine), Western University, London, ON, Canada University Printing House, Cambridge CB2 8BS, United Kingdom Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge It furthers the University’s mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence www.cambridge.org Information on this title: www.cambridge.org/9781107641907 © Cambridge University Press 2015 This publication is in copyright Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press First published 1998 Second edition 2006 Third edition 2015 Printed in the United Kingdom by TJ International Ltd., Padstow, Cornwall A catalog record for this publication is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication data Handbook of ICU therapy / edited by John Fuller, Jeff Granton, Ian McConachie – Third edition p ; cm Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 978-1-107-64190-7 (Paperback) I Fuller, John, 1955-editor II Granton, Jeff, editor III McConachie, Ian, editor [DNLM: Intensive Care–methods–Handbooks WX 39] RC86.8 616.020 8–dc23 2014018828 ISBN 978-1-107-64190-7 Paperback Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate Every effort has been made in preparing this book to provide accurate and up-to-date information which is in accord with accepted standards and practice at the time of publication Although case histories are drawn from actual cases, every effort has been made to disguise the identities of the individuals involved Nevertheless, the authors, editors and publishers can make no warranties that the information contained herein is totally free from error, not least because clinical standards are constantly changing through research and regulation The authors, editors and publishers therefore disclaim all liability for direct or consequential damages resulting from the use of material contained in this book Readers are strongly advised to pay careful attention to information provided by the manufacturer of any drugs or equipment that they plan to use Contents List of contributors vii Preface to the third edition xiii Section – Basic principles Oxygen delivery, cardiac function and monitoring Lois Champion Shock 13 Philip M Jones Oxygen therapy 20 Ahmed F Hegazy and Ian McConachie Central venous access 28 Ken Blonde and Robert Arntfield Fluid therapy in ICU 38 Janet Martin, John Fuller and Ian McConachie 12 Principles of IPPV and care of the ventilated patient 131 Mohit Bhutani and Ian McConachie 13 Modes of ventilation and ventilator strategies 144 Tania Ligori 14 Discontinuing mechanical ventilation 152 Ron Butler Anemia and blood transfusion Shane W English and Lauralyn McIntyre Coagulation problems in the critically ill 68 Alejandro Lazo-Langner Airway management in critically ill patients 78 Titus C Yeung and Donald EG Griesdale Noninvasive mechanical ventilation 88 Mark Soth and Thomas Piraino 10 Nutrition 95 Ilya Kagan and Pierre Singer 11 Electrolyte and metabolic acid–base problems 105 Harneet Kaur, Julio P Zavala Georffino, Daniel Castro Pereira, Bhupesh Khadka, Joseph Dreier and Clay A Block 53 15 Vasoactive drugs Daniel H Ovakim 161 16 Optimizing antimicrobial therapy in the ICU 173 Stephen Y Liang and Anand Kumar 17 Sedation, analgesia and neuromuscular block 187 Brian Pollard 18 Continuous renal replacement therapy 197 A Ebersohn and Rudi Brits 19 Chronic critical illness David Leasa 209 20 Recognizing and responding to the deteriorating patient 221 John Kellett, Christian P Subbe and Rebecca P Winsett v vi Contents 21 ICU rehabilitation 235 Linda Denehy and Sue Berney 22 Palliative care, withholding and withdrawal of life support in the intensive care unit 252 Lois Champion and Valerie Schulz Section – Specific problems 23 The injured patient in the ICU 261 Neil Parry and W Robert Leeper 24 Neurotrauma 277 Ari Ercole, Jessie R Welbourne and Arun K Gupta 25 Acute coronary syndromes 290 Kala Kathirgamanathan and Jaffer Syed 26 Heart failure 303 Christopher W White, Darren H Freed, Shelley R Zieroth and Rohit K Singal 27 Arrhythmias 319 Umjeet Singh Jolly and Jaimie Manlucu 31 The patient with gastrointestinal problems 374 Biniam Kidane and Tina Mele 32 The comatose patient: neurological aspects 391 G Bryan Young 33 The obstetric patient in the ICU 403 Carlos Kidel and Alan McGlennan 34 The critically ill asthmatic Ian M Ball 35 Endocrine problems in critical illness 427 Wael Haddara 36 The cardiac surgical patient in the ICU 433 Jeff Granton 37 Care of the organ donor 442 Mowaffaq Almikhlafi and Michael D Sharpe 38 The patient with cardiac arrest Osama Al-muslim 28 The patient with sepsis 334 Jennifer Vergel Del Dios, Tom Varughese and Ravi Taneja 29 Acute kidney injury RT Noel Gibney 348 30 Acute lung injury and ARDS 361 Raj Nichani, MJ Naisbitt and Chris Clarke 416 Index 461 451 Contributors Mowaffaq Almikhlafi MD FRCPC Fellow, Critical Care Western, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ontario, Canada Osama Al-muslim MD, MRCP (UK) Critical Care Consultant, Director of Life Support Training Center, King Fahad Specialist Hospital, Dammam, Saudi Arabia Robert Arntfield MD FRCPC FCCP FACEP Assistant Professor, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, Director, Critical Care Ultrasound, Division of Critical Care (Department of Medicine), London Health Sciences Centre and St Joseph’s Healthcare London, London, Ontario, Canada Ian M Ball MD DABEM FCCP FRCPC Assistant Professor, Queen’s University, Kingston, Department of Emergency Medicine, Department of Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, Program in Critical Care Medicine, Consultant Toxicologist, Ontario Poison Information, Kingston General Hospital, Kingston, Ontario, Canada Sue Berney PhD PT Associate Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, Melbourne School of Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia Mohit Bhutani MD FRCPC FCCP Associate Professor, Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Clay A Block MD Associate Professor, Department of Medicine (Nephrology section), Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth, NH, USA Ken Blonde MD Critical Care Fellow, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Rudi Brits MB ChB FRCA FICM Consultant Anaesthetist, Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa Ron Butler MD FRCPC Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine and Division of Critical Care (Department of Medicine), Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, London Health Sciences Centre and St Joseph’s Healthcare London, London, Ontario, Canada Lois Champion MD FRCPC Professor, Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine and Division of Critical Care (Department of Medicine), Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, London Health Sciences Centre and St Joseph’s Healthcare London, London, Ontario, Canada Chris Clarke FRCA Consultant in Anaesthesia and Critical Care, Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Blackpool, UK Linda Denehy PhD PT Professor and Head, Department of Physiotherapy, Melbourne School of Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia vii viii List of contributors Joseph Dreier MD Department of Medicine (Nephrology section), Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth, NH, USA A Ebersohn MB ChB, DA, Dip Obs Department of Anaesthesia, Tygerberg Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa Shane W English BSc MSc MD FRCPC Assistant Professor, Dept of Medicine (Critical Care), University of Ottawa, Clinical Associate, Dept of Critical Care, The Ottawa Hospital, Associate Scientist, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Centre for Transfusion Research, Clinical Epidemiology Program, Ottawa, Canada Ari Ercole MB BChir MA PhD FRCA FFICM Consultant in Neurocritical Care, Neurosciences Critical Care Unit, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK Darren H Freed MD PhD FRCSC Associate Professor of Surgery and Physiology, Head, Surgical Heart Failure Program, Cardiac Sciences Program, St Boniface Hospital, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada John Fuller MD FRCPC Professor, Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine and Division of Critical Care (Department of Medicine), Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, London Health Sciences Centre and St Joseph’s Healthcare London, London, Ontario, Canada Julio P Zavala Georffino MD Department of Medicine (Nephrology section), Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth, NH, USA RT Noel Gibney MB FRCPC Professor, Division of Critical Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Jeff Granton MD FRCPC Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine and Division of Critical Care (Department of Medicine), Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, London Health Sciences Centre and St Joseph’s Healthcare London, London, Ontario, Canada Donald EG Griesdale MD MPH FRCPC Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia, Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Department of Medicine, Division of Critical Care Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Arun K Gupta MBBS MA PhD FFICM FRCA FHEA Director of Postgraduate Education, Academic Health Sciences Centre, Cambridge University Health Partners, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Neurointensive Care, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, UK Wael Haddara BSc MD FRCPC Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, (Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism and Division of Critical Care Medicine), Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada Ahmed F Hegazy Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, London Health Sciences Centre and St Joseph’s Healthcare London, London, Ontario, Canada Umjeet Singh Jolly BSc MD FRCPC Cardiology Fellow, Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Western University, Division of Cardiology (Department of Medicine), University Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre, London, Ontario, Canada ... Handbook of ICU Therapy Third edition Handbook of ICU Therapy Third edition Edited by John Fuller MD FRCPC Professor in the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, and Division of. .. Associate Professor, Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Clay A Block MD Associate Professor, Department of Medicine (Nephrology section),... MD Department of Medicine (Nephrology section), Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth, NH, USA RT Noel Gibney MB FRCPC Professor, Division of Critical Care Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry,

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