This series has replaced Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa and Annals of Kirstenbosch Botanic Gardens which the NBI inherited from its predecessor organizations. The genus Strelitzia occurs naturally in eastern southern Africa. It comprises three arborescent species, known as wild bananas, and two acaulescent species, known as crane flowers or birdofparadise flowers. The logo of the National Botanical Institute is based on the striking inflorescence of Strelitzia reginae, a native of the Eastern Cape and KwaZuluNatal that has become a garden favourite worldwide. It symbolizes the commitment of the National Botanical Institute to promote the sustainable use, conservation, appreciation and enjoyment of the exceptionally rich plant life of South Africa, for the benefit of all its people.
Taxonomic Literature PE]D ALIACE AE Family name — name of compiler(s) Compiled by (1 0/33/12/0/0) Smithies S.J m 7778000 Ceratotheca Endl (4/1/0/0) 1975 Abels, J Die Gattungen Ceratotheca Endl und Dicerocaryum Boj Memorias da Sociedade Broteriana 25:216-229 Useful references (see Introduction for explanation) A MONO \ , _ , Tvpe ofF treatment, (see below for dehnitions) "1988 Ihlenfeldt, H.-D Pedaliaceae Flora zambesiaca 8,3: 94-97 i FLO KEY PRECIS genus number (number used in the national tlerbarium (PRE) Computerized Information System) Humber ofgenera/ species/ subspecies/ varieties/ formas in family currently recognised southern Africa Genus name / 7771000 Harpagophytum DC ex Meisn (2/5/0/0) & Hartmann, H Die Gattung Harpagophytum (Burch.) Mitteilungen aus dem DC ex Meisn Institut fur Allgemeine Botanik, Hamburg 13:15-69 1970 Ihlenfeldt, H.-D MONO 1988 Ihlenfeldt, H.-D Pedaliaceae Flora zambesiaca 8,3: 109-113 Asterisk indicates naturalized (*) “'“"Sem.s \ 77850K Author ofgenus FLO KEY Ibicella Van Eselt (1/0/0/0) & Bailey, E.Z Hortus 1977 Bailey, L.H Third, a concise dictionary of plants cultivated in the United States and New York Canada Macmillan, SYN 77740IX Sesamothamnus Welw name number of species/ subspecies/ varieties/ formas in genus currently recognised in southern Africa p 588 (3/0/0/0) 1906 Stapf, Pedalineae Flora of Tropical Africa 4,2: 567-569 Where known, subjective statement on taxonomic status of genus in southern Africa FLO KEY FSA treatment number of^ indigenous and needed naturalized (j alien species | 7777000 Sesamum L (10+ */ 4/0/0) 1988 Ihlenfeldt, H.-D Pedaliaceae Where known, herbarium code or institution of person (s) currently revising group CODE Flora zambesiaca \ 8,3: 97-106 FLO KEY \ Under (HBG) revision by H.-D Ihlenfeldt TYPE OF TREATMENT DEFINITION MONO Monograph Comprehensive account (including identification key) of relating to a group, usually on a world-wide scale REV Revision Less CON Conspectus Outline of all taxonomic data j comprehensive than a monograph, with a complete synonymy, short descriptions or diagnoses; geographical scope often restricted a revision, listing all taxa, synonyms, sometimes with short diagnoses, often with a brief mention of geographical range of SYN Synopsis List FLO Flora Taxonomic treatment CHK Checklist List TAX Taxonomic note A KEY Key Identification key(s) included each taxon of taxa, with very abbreviated diagnostic statements of taxa for brief a of the plants of specific communication a defined geographical area geographical area, without descriptions of a taxonomic/nomenclatural nature MARY GUNN LIBRARY BOTANICAL INSTITUTE PRIVATE BAG X 101 PRETORIA 0001 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA NATIONAL * MARY GUNN LIBRARY 0000029619 South African National Biodiversity Institute NASIONal.E £j Q ANiiiSb INSTiTUUT ! Private Bag X 101 PRETORIA 0001 397 Pfivaatsak 08 ' X101 PRETORIA 0001 NaJIONaL dOTANiCAL INSTITUTE Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016