1. IXODID TICKS (ACARI: IXODIDAE) ................................................................................ 110 A. K. Sanyal and S. K. De 2. ACARI: PLANT MITE ...................................... ~................................................................. 1135 S. K. Gupta 3. ORIBATID MITES (ACARI: ORIBATIDA) ...................................................................... 3766 A. K Sanyal 4. ARANEAE: SPIDERS ....................................................................................................... 67100 Bijan Biswas and Kajal Biswas 5. INSECTA: THYSANURA (APTERYGOTA) ................................................................. 101107 A. K Hazra, M. Biswas and G. P. Mandai 6. INSECTA: COLLEMBOLA ............................................................................................ 109123 A. K Hazra, G. P. Mandal, S. K Mitra artd Miss B. Bhattacharyya 7. INSECTA: ODONATA .................................................................................................... 125164 Tribid Ranjan Mitra 8. INSECTA: ORTHOPTERA : ACRIDOIDEA AND EUMASTACOIDEA.................... 165192 M. S. Shishodia, Anita Dey and S. K. Tandon 9. INSECTA: ORTHOPTERA : TETTIGO
State Fauna Series FAUNA OF SIKKIM PART-2 Edited by The Director Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata Zoological Survey of India Kolkata CITATION Editor-Director, 2003 State Fauna Series 9, Fauna of Sikkim-Part 2, 1-557 (Published-Director, Zoo I Surv India, Kolkata) Published: September, 2003 ISBN: 81-8171-008-8 'roject ~o-ordinatlJr Dr J R B Alfred (Director, Zoological Survey of India) © Government of India, 2003 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED • No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher • This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not by way of trade b£7 lent re-sold hired out or otherwise disposed of without the publisher s consent, in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published • The correct price of this publication is the price printed on this page Any revised price indicated by a rubber stamp or by a sticker or by any other means is incorrect and should be unacceptable PRICE Indian Rs 1,000.00 Foreign $ 70; £ SO Published at the Publication Division by the Director, Zoological Survey of India, 234/4, Ale Bose Road, 2nd MSO Building, (13th Floor), Nizam Palace, Kolkata-700 020 and printed at Power Printers, New Delhi-II 002 State Fauna of Series FAUNA OF SIKKIM PART-2 2003 Pages 1-.557 CONTENTS IXODID TICKS (ACARI: IXODIDAE) 1-10 A K Sanyal and S K De ACARI: PLANT MITE ~ 11-35 S K Gupta ORIBATID MITES (ACARI: ORIBATIDA) 37-66 A K Sanyal ARANEAE: SPIDERS 67-100 Bijan Biswas and Kajal Biswas INSECTA: THYSANURA (APTERYGOTA) 101-107 A K Hazra, M Biswas and G P Mandai INSECTA: COLLEMBOLA 109-123 A K Hazra, G P Mandal, S K Mitra artd Miss B Bhattacharyya INSECTA: ODONATA 125-164 Tribid Ranjan Mitra INSECTA: ORTHOPTERA : ACRIDOIDEA AND EUMASTACOIDEA 165-192 M S Shishodia, Anita Dey and S K Tandon INSECTA: ORTHOPTERA : TETTIGONIIDAE 193-201 R S Barman 10 INSECTA: DERMAPTERA 203-226 G K Srivastava 11 INSECTA: Bl.aATTARIAE 227-237 S K Mandal 12 INSECTA: ISOPTERA 239-249 P K Maiti, N Saha, P H Roy and A Sar 13 INSECTA: HEMIPTERA: HOMOPTERA : APHIDIDAE 251-401 L K Ghosh and R C Basu 14 ·APHID-HOST PLANT ASSOCIATION IN SIKKIM 403-437 L K Ghosh and P K Mondal (iv) 15 INSECTA: HOMOPTERA : CICADELLOIDEA 439-461 M Ghosh and L K Ghosh 16 INSECTA: HOMOPTERA : CICADOIDEA 463-475 M Ghosh, G C Sen and L K Ghosh 17 INSECTA: HOMOPTERA : CERCOPOIDEA 477-487 B Biswas and L K Ghosh 18 INSECTA: HEMIPTERA: HETEROPTERA : COREOIDEA 489-508 R C Basu and S C Mitra 19 INSECTA: HEMIPTERA: HETEROPTERA : PENTATOMOIDE 509-524 S P Chakraborty and L K Ghosh 20 INSECTA: HETEROPTERA : REDUVIIDAE 525-540 B Biswas and Animesh Bal 21 INSECTA: HEMIPTERA: WATER-BUGS 541-557 Animesh Bal and R C Basu Zool Surv India State Fauna Series 9,' Fauna ofSikkim (Part 2) : 1-10,2003 IXODID TICKS (ACARI : IXODIDAE) A K SANY AL AND S K DE Zoological Survey of India 'M' Block New Alipore Kolkata-700 053 INTRODUCTION The ixodid ticks belong to the order Acarina and suborder Metastigmata These are commonly known as hard bodied ticks and distributed throughout the world These ticks inhabit animals and man as ectoparasite and cause several dreadly diseases They also spend a period of their life in vegetation The immense medical and veterinary importance of this group of tick has initiated the interest of acarologists of the world to study these parasitic arthropods The Indian ixodids have also been studied by many scientists, but most of the states of India have not yet been thoroughly surveyed for this group of tick Before the present work was initiated 17 species under genera were known from the State of Sikkim;The ixodid tick was first collected from Sikkim by Hennond and that was recorded by Neumann in 1901 Later, Sharif (1928) while studying the collection of ixodid ticks in the Indian Museum reported one species Amblyomma testudinarium from the State Morel (1963) recorded Ixodes ovatus from Sikkim In the next year Dhanda and Rao (1964) reported four species from Syriani', Sikkim Later, Hoogstraal, Dhanda and Bhat (1970), Hoogstraal and Mitchell (1971) and Rao, Dhanda, Bhat and Kulkarni (1973) studied the ixodid tick fauna of Sikkim based on the specimens conected by themselves and by Major R.K.O Hingston in 1924 and Varma, Mahadev~n and Desmukh during 1968-1970 The present work is based on a series of collection of ixodid ticks made from Sikkim by the authors and the specimens collected by other survey parties of the Zoological Survey of India, which are available in the National Zoological Collection The work also includes the species which have not been studied by the authors but are reported from the State by the earlier workers A brief account of the Surveys undertaken for the present study and collection of ticks from other surveys is given below: J Sikkim Survey - Dr H S Sharma (April, 1973) Sikkim Survey - Sri S K De (AugustSeptember, 1978) Sikkim Survey - Dr A K Sanyal (February, J990) Sikkim Survey - Sri A Ahmed (September, 1992) Sikkim Survey - Dr A K Sanyal & Sri S K De (May 1998) The paper presents a list of 19 species including unidentified species, under genera of ixodid ticks hitherto known from Sikkim The first and most important references, agnostic features of each species, key to the identification of genern and species have been incorporated in the paper The species studied by the present authors are deposited in the National Zoological Collection Zoological Survey of India SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT Material and Methods: The two nlethods "i: "Hand picking" and "Flag-dragging" were mainly employed for collecting ticks The details have been given in Sanyal and De (1992) State Fauna Series 9, Fauna of Sikkinz General Morpholgy and Terminology: The external features of ixodid ticks which are of taxonomic importance are grouped into capitulum, dorsum and venter Genus Hyalomma Koch Capitulum : It is the anterior most part of the' body of ticks The capitulum is made of basis capituli, palps, chelicerae or mandible, hypostome and tongue Dorsum : The dorsum of ixodid ticks contains the featur~s like scutum or shield, pseudoscutum, scapulae, eyes, porose areas or foveae, fields, spots and stripes, grooves, punctations, festoons, and caudal process All of these features may not be present in a single species of tick Venter: The venter or the ventral surface of the body of ticks shows the structures like genital aperture, anus, groove, shield and plaque and leg The details of morphological features have been discussed in Sanyal and De (1992) 13 H anatolicum anatolicum Koch 14 H hussain; Sharif IS Hyalomma sp Genus Ixodes Latreille 16 I acutitarsus (Karsch) 17 I ovatus Neumann 18 Ixodes sp Genus Rltipicephalus Koch 19 R haemaphysaloides Supino Key to the genera of IXODID TICKS from Sikkim Eyes· absent, anal groove extending anteriorly around anus lxodes Latreille Eyes present or absent; anal groove extending posteriorly or absent , 2 LIST OF TAXA KNOWN FROM SIKKIM Eyes absent; capitulum short with lateral salience on pal pal article II Haemaphysalis Koch Eyes present; capitulum long or short Family Genus IXODIDAE Amblyomma Koch Capitulum short with short broad palps A testudinarium Koch Genus Boophilus Curtice B microplus (Canestrini) Genus Dermacentor Genus Haemaphysalis Koch Basis capituli rectangular dorsal1y, lateral saliences absent; scutum ornate; ventral shields absent in m~le; coxa IV much longer than others Dernlacentor Koch Spiracle oval; festoons and groove faint or obsolete; setiferous ventral plate on palpaJ article I absent Boophilus Curtice H bispinosa Neumann H cornigera Neumann H davisi Hoogstraal, Dhanda and Bhat H mOlltgonleryi Nuttall H nepalensis Hoogstraal 10 H ramachandrai Dhanda, Hoogstraal and Bhat ] H sundrai Sharif 12 Haemaphysalis sp Ventral shields present in male; scutum usually inornate; eyes spherical and orbital Hyalonll11a Koch Ventral shields absent in male; scutum usual1y ornate; eyes l:lsually flat and non-orbital Anlb~yomnla Koch Dermacentor sp H aponommoides Warburton Capitulum long with long-narrow palps Spiracle sub-triangular or comma-shaped; festoons and anal groove well developed; setiferous ventra) plate on pa)pal article I present Rhipicephalus Koch SANYAL and DE : Ixodid Ticks (Acari : Ixodidae) Genus Amblyomma Koch 1844 Amblyomma Koch, Arch Naturgesch 10 : 223-231 ] Amblyomma testudinarium Koch 1844 Amblyomma testudinarium Koch Arch Naturgesch., 10(1) : 226 1926 Amblyomma testudinarium, Robinson, Ticks-Mongr Ixodoidea pt (Cambridge University Press) : 257 1928 Amblyomma testudinarium, Sharif, Rec Indian Mus., 30(3) : 330 Diagnosis : Male-Ornamented pale coloured scutum with dark brown markings; falcifonn stripe large and thick; deep punctations numerous; porose areas moderately large; dentition 4/4; coxa I with moderately stout spurs Host : Unknown Distribution : Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Punjab, Orissa, West Bengal Remarks : The species was earlier reported from Sikkim by Sharif (] 928) from unknown host It is not a commonly occuring species Genus Boophilus Curtice 1891 Boophilus Curtice, Journ Compar Med Veter Arch l.ix.1978 coli S K De; 15(F), 12(M), Syori, Gangtok, from ca~le, 3.ix.1978, coli S K De; 62(F), 5(M), Phensong, Gangtok, from goat, 5.ix.] 978, coli S K De; 8(F), 6(M), Kumbre, Rangpo, from cattle, l.ix.1978, coli S K De; 21(F), 14(M), Yangtang, Gezzing, from cattle, 12.ii.1990, coli A K Sanyal; 22(F), 1(M), Jogidara, Dentum, from cattle, 20.ii.1990 coli A K Sanyal; 26(F), I (M), Lingching, from cattle, 22.ii.1990, coli A K Sanyal; 5(F), towards Dzengu, Mangan, from cattle, 23.ix.1992, coli S Ahmed; 6(F), 1(M), Charanbari, Gangtok, from cattle, 17.ix.1993, coli S Ahmed; 15(F), Saem, 20 kms away from mangan, from cattle, 28.ix.1993, coli T K Pal; 17(F), 3(M), Jorethung, from cattle, l.ix.1990 colI A K Sanyal, 4(F), 1(M), Rabangla, from cow, vi 1998, coli A K Sanyal and S K De; 66(F), 16(M), Rangpo, from cow, 4.vi.1998, coIl A K Sanyal and S K De Diagnosis: Male-Hirsute scutum; short and tapering caudal appendage; dentition 4/4; inner margin of basal pal pal segment ventrally concave Female: Coxa I with deep inverted 'VI-shaped cleft; inner margin of basal palpaJ segment ventrally short, deeply concave; dentition 4/4 Hosts : Cattle, goat 12 : 313 Boophilus microplus (Canestrini) 1887 Haemaphysalis micropla Canestrini Atti Soc Veneto trent Sci nat., 11 : 104 1890 Rhipicephalus micropla Canestrini, Padova : 493 1899 Rhipicephalus australis Fuller, Od Agric J.• 4(5) : 389-394 1901 Boophilus australis Stiles and Hassall Bur Anim Ind U S Dept.• Agric.• Washington, D C Circ No 34 (3) : 2-3 1943 Boophilus microplus, Fairchild, Am J Trop Mes • 23(6) : 586 Distribution : Sikkim (Dentum, Gangtok, Gezzing, Jorethang, Mangan, Rabang'a Rangpo, Siriyani), Arunachal Pradesh, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Assam, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Orissa, Punjab, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal Remark : This is a very common ixodid tick found to attack cattle in Sikkim Genus Dermacentor Koch 1956 Boophilus microplus, Hoogstraal, African Ixodoidea 1: 295-296 1844 Dermacentor Koch Arch Nalurgtsll, lO( 1) : 235 1964 Boophilus microplus Dhanda and Rao, Indian J Med Res., 52(11) : I lSI Dermacentor sp Material examined : 21 (F), 21 (M), Samdur, Gangtok, from cattle, 4.ix.] 978, coIl S K De; 18(F), 15(M), Rumtek, Gangtok, from cattle, Remark : The unidentified species of Dermacentor was reported by Rao et al (1973) from Sikkim State Fauna Series 9, Fauna of Sikkim Female Genus Haemaphysalis Koch ) 844 Haemaphysalis Koch Arch Nalllrgesh, 19( 1) : 217239 1(2) Palps salient latrally cornigera N~umann Key to the species of Haemaphysalis 2(1) Palps moderately, or not salient laterally Male 1(2) Palps salient laterally cornigera Neumann 2( 1) Palps moderately or not salient laterally 3(14) Palps moderately salient laterally 4(9) Pal pal segment with distinct dorsal spur 5(8) Palpal segment and of equal length 6(7) Ventral spur or trochanter large; lateral groove shallow, ventral spur on pal pal segment large ral11achandrai Dhanda et al 7(6) 8(5) 9(4) 3(14) Palps moderately salient laterally 4(5) Trochantal spur distinct~ large montgonzeryi Nuttall 5(4) Trochantal spur small 6(11) Pal pal segment with dorsal spur (10) Hypostome dentition 4/4 8(9) Lateral groove distinct, long; spurs on coxae II-IV reduced ~ bispinosa Neumann 9(8) ~ateral groove shallow; spurs on coxae 11- IV reduced to short rounded ridges ramachandrai Dhanda et al Ventral spur of trochanter lacking; lateral groove long; ventral spur on pal pal segment small bispinosa Neumann 10(7) Hypostome dentition 5/5 davisi Hoogstraal et ale II (6) Palpal segment without dorsal spur Palpal segment longer than segment 3; ventral spur of trochanter moderate in size; latral groove narrow; ventral spur on pal pal segment moderately large : davisi Hoogstraal et al 12(13) Hypostome dentition 4/4 nepaiensis Hoogstraal Pal pal segment without distinct dorsal spur 10(13) Lateral grove shallow 13(12) Hypostome dentition 7/7 sundrai Sharif 14(3) Palps not salient laterally aponommoides Warburton Haemaphysalis aponommoides Warburton 11 (12) Ventral spur on trochanter small; hypostome dentition 4/4 nepalensis Hoogstraal 1913 12( 11) Ventral spur on trochanter large, triangular; hypostome Qentition 6/6 nlontgonleryi Nuttall ]970 Haemaphysalis aponommoides, Varma and Mahadevan Indian J Med Res., 58 ; 693-706 13( 10) Lateral groove obsolete; ventral spur on trochanter small; hypostome dentition 5/5 sundrai Sharif 14(3) Palps not salient laterally; ventral spur on pal pal segment absent apollol1ul1oides Warburton Haemaphysalis aponommoides Parasitology, ; 128-] 30 Warburton, ]962 Haemaphysalis aponommoides, Hoogstraal, J Parasit., 48 : ]95-203 1971 Haemaphysalis (A lloceraea)) aponommoides, Hoogstraal and Mitchell, J Paras;l, 57(3) : 635-645 Diagnosis : Male-Numerous punctations; festoons 11; segment ventrally lacking retrograde spur; spiracular plate narrowly elongate; posterior integument forming two leathery pseudoshieJd pitted by numerous large punctations each bearing a short seta 557 BAL & BASU'; Insecta: Hemiptera: Water-Bugs DISTRICTWISE DISTRIBUTION OF WATER-BUGS IN SIKKIM (Fauna of Sikkim : Insecta: Hemiptera: Water-bugs) 88·5- HAP Of SIKKIH CHINA TIBET ~6.5 MAP - II Numbers in different districts of the map correspond with the serial nunlbers of species in the text ...State Fauna Series FAUNA OF SIKKIM PART-2 Edited by The Director Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata Zoological Survey of India Kolkata CITATION Editor-Director, 2003 State Fauna Series 9, Fauna of. .. State Fauna Series : Fauna of Sikkim (Part 2) : 11-35,·2003 ACARI: PLANT MITE s K GUPTA Zoological Survey of India, 'M' Block, New Alipore, Kolkala-700 053 INTRODUCTION The plant mite fauna of Sikkim. .. Gupta, State Fauna Ser 3, Fauna of West Bengal Part 3, p.162163 Material examined: 1female, India: Sikkim, Dist East Sikkim, ex an undet species of orchid, 22.2.1994 Distribution : India : Sikkim (Dist