I. PROTOZOA ........................................................................................................................... 138 A.K. Oas, N.C. Nandi and Piyali Chattopadhyay 2. CRUSTACEA: OECAPODA : PALAEMONIDAE AND POTAMONIDAE .............. 3945 S.K. Ghosh, S.S. Ghatak and T. Roy 3. LEECHES ..............................................................................................................................4748 C.K. Mandai 4. TREMATODES OF AMPHIBIAN ..................................................................................... 4951 P.T. Bhutia S. INSECTA: COLLEMBOLA ............................................................................................... 5565 A.K. Hazra, G.P. Mandai, S.K. Mitra and Miss. B. Bhattacharya 6. INSECTA: OOONATA ..................................................................................................... 67149 Tridib Ranjan Mitra 7. INSECTA : ORTHOPTERA : ACRIDOIDEA ........................................................... 151173 S.K. Mandai, A. Dey, and A.K. Hazra 8. BLATTARIA (DICTYOPTERA) ..................................................................................... 175190 S.K. Mandai 9. INSECTA : COLEOPTERA : SCARABAEIDAE : COPRINAE (DUNG BEETLES) ........................................................................................................... 191224 Ram Sewak
tall' alllla State Fauna Series 13 FAUNA OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH PART-2 Edited by The Director Zoological Survey ofIndi~ Kolkata ~~ Zoological Survey of India Kolkata CITATION Editor-Director, 2006 Fauna of Arunachal Pradesh, State Fauna Series, 13(Part-2) (Published by th~ Director, Zool Surv India, Kolkata) 1-518 Published: January, 2006 ISBN : 81-8171-087-8 Co-ordinator Dr J R.B Alfred Director Zoological Survey of India M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata-700 053 © Government of India, 2006 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED • No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any from or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher • This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade, be lent, re-sold hired out or otherwise disposed of without the publisher's consent, in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published • The correct price of this publication is the price printed on this page Any revised price indicated by a rubber stamp or by a sticker or by any other means is incorrect and should be unacceptable PRICE India : Rs 1500.00 Foreign : $ 100 £ 70 Published at the Publication Division by the Director, Zoological Survey of India, 234/4, A C Bose Road, 2nd MSO Building (13th Floor), Nizam Palace, Kolkata - 700020 and printed at Krishna Printing Works, 106, Vivekananda Road, Kolkata - 700 006 FAUNA OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH STATE FAUNA SERIES PART-2 2006 I-SI8 CONTENTS I PROTOZOA 1-38 A.K Oas, N.C Nandi and Piyali Chattopadhyay CRUSTACEA: OECAPODA : PALAEMONIDAE AND POTAMONIDAE 39-45 S.K Ghosh, S.S Ghatak and T Roy LEECHES 47-48 C.K Mandai TREMATODES OF AMPHIBIAN 49-51 P.T Bhutia S INSECTA: COLLEMBOLA 55-65 A.K Hazra, G.P Mandai, S.K Mitra and Miss B Bhattacharya INSECTA: OOONATA 67-149 Tridib Ranjan Mitra INSECTA : ORTHOPTERA : ACRIDOIDEA 151-173 S.K Mandai, A Dey, and A.K Hazra BLATTARIA (DICTYOPTERA) 175-190 S.K Mandai INSECTA : COLEOPTERA : SCARABAEIDAE : COPRINAE (DUNG BEETLES) 191-224 Ram Sewak 10 INSECTA: DIPTERA : NEMATOCERA 225-255 Bulganin Mitra, A.R Lahiri and M Mukherjee II INSECTA: DIPTERA : BRACHYCERA 257·:!81 Bulganin Mitra, P Parui and D Banerjee 12 INSECTA : DIPTERA : BOMBYLIIDAE 283-295 D Banerjee and Bulganin Mitra 13 INSECTA : DIPTERA : CYCLORRHAPHA 297·3:!Q Bulganin Mitra, M SiI, R.S Mridha & K Bhattacharjee 14 INSECTA : DIPTERA : SYRPHIDAE 331-35-1 M Mukherjee, P Parui and Bulganin Mitra 15 INSECTA: DIPTERA : MUSCIDAE 3S5·)67 Bulganin Mitra (iv) 16 INSECTA: HYMENOPTERA: FORMICIDAE 369-398 S.N Ghosh, S Sheela, B.G Kundu, S Roychowdhury and R.N Tiwari 17 INSECTA: HYMENOPTERA: ACULEATA : SPHECIDAE 399-426 B.G Kundu, S.N Ghosh and R.N Tiwari I 18 INSECTA: HYMENOPTERA: ACULEATA (VESPIDAE AND APIDAE) 427-448 B.G Kundu, S.N Ghosh and S Roychowdhury 19 ARACHNIDA: SCORPIONIDA, UROPYGI, SCHIZOMIDA AND ONCOPODID OPILIONES (CHELICERATA) 449-465 D B Bastawade 20 ORIBATID MITES (ACARI: ORIBATEI) 467-478 A.K Sanyal, BJ Sarkar and M.N Moitra 21 IXODID TICKS (ACARI : IXODIDAE) 479-489 A.K Sanyal and S.K De 22 ARANEAE: SPIDERS 491-518 Bijan Biswas and Kajal Biswas Zool Surv India Fauna of Arunachal Pradesh, Slale Fauna Series, 13(Part-2) : 1-38, 2006 PROTOZOA A K DAS, N C NANDI AND PIYALI CHATrOPADHYAY Zoological Survey of India, M-Bloclc New Alipore, Kolkola-70005J INTRODUCTION Protozoa are unicellular eukaryotic organisms and known to occur in each and every habitats of all terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of the world Even then, there is no published report on any freeliving protozoa of Arunachal Pradesh There are, however, several published reports on parasitic protozoa from this state Misra (1956), Sen el 01 (1973) and Duna el 01 (1992) published several papers on the prevalence and transmission of human malaria in Arunachal Pradesh caused by protozoan parasites, Plasmodium /aiciparun, and Plasmodium vivox Incidence of giardiasis in some human population of Arunachal Pradesh due to infection of another protozoan parasite, Giardia lamblia has also been reported by Paul el 01 (1982) Moreover information collected from the Disease Investigation Laboratory located at Nirjuli in Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh (personal communication) reveals that there are many positive cases of coccidiosis in livestocks and poultry of the state due to infection of several species of coccidian parasites belonging to the genera Eimeria and Isospora as mentioned below: SI.No Pa rasitic species Eimeria brunelli Levine Eimeria neca/rix Johnson Eimeria bOllis '(Zublin) During 1990-92 and in 1999 the scientists of this survey conducted three faunistic surveys in the districts of Lower Subansiri West Siang East Siang Debang Valley Lohit and Changlang and collected diversified groups of freeliving and parasitic protozoa These collections as well as those already known and reponed from Arunachal Pradesh comprise 72 species out of which 43 species are frecliving 20 species parasitic and species symbiotic Taxonomic account and districtwise distribution of these species are being dealt with in the present communication Key to the families, genera and species is also incorporatN in the paper for facilitating identification of Protozoa occurring in the stale Thc systcmatic list following Levine el 01 (1980) and taxonomic account of these species are presented under thlft subheads namely, freeliving parasitic and symbiotic protozoa for the convenience of taxonomic treatment Eimeria lenella (Railliet and Lucet) S Hosts Poultry Poultry Poultry Four species of symbiotic prolo~ namely Pyrsonympha lirapi P rostra/a Dinenympho muJcundae and D rayi have also been reponed from the gut contents of a single species of tennile host Ret;clllitern,es lirapi collected from Namdhap~ Arunachal Pradesh (Mukherjee and Maiti, 1988, 1989) Eimeria ellipsoida/is Becker & Frye Poultry Cattle, espeially young stock Eimeria zuernii '(Rivolta) Cattle, espeially young stock Eimeria debliecki Douwes Young Pigs Young Pigs Eimeria scabra Henry IJ'ospora suis Biester Young Pigs & Murrey MATERIAL AND METHODS Freeliving protozoa were collected from freshwater ponds and streams as well as mosses grown on soil, rocks and trees of different dislriCls of Arunachal Pradesh Parasitic and symbiotic protozoa were recovered from d i "erent hOSI species as mentioned in the following host parasite/symbiote list and taxonomic Iccount Freshwater salnples were coBected along with little algal mass, aquatic weeds, bottom ooze and flocculent matter arising out of aquatic vegetation of the sampling localities Samples were kept in wide 1110uthed glass jars These jars were brought to the laboratory and kept for a few days, with their I ids open for considerable increase in Protozoa population The samples were then thoroughly examined under light microscope from time to time Freeliving ciliates were examined in living condition by keeping them in natural medium Sometilnes methocyl solution was lIsed for slowing down the movement of the fast moving ciliates for the study of their internal structures in situ under light lnicroscope SOlnetilnes Lugol's solution was added as killing agent and for detecting perepheral orgallellae Schaudinn's fluid and Carnoy's fluid were used as fixatives of freeliving ciliates for preparing their pennanent slides The first one is very effective for keeping the exact natural shape of the specilnen while the second one is better for studying their nuclear structure Heidenhain's and Delafield's haematoxylin were used for staining the ciliates These slides were Inounted in DPX For the preparation of permanent slides of testaceans (rhizopods) tests were isolated from bottoln ooze with the aid of a lnicropipette These p~otozoans were also colected by squeezing different parts of aquatic vegetation including their roots and sublnerged portion of leaves wHh the aid of a lnicropipette These testaceans were placed on a glass slide covered with thin layer of albumen-glycerol These were then air dried at rooln tern perature, transferred to xylene for about 10 hours and nlounted in DPX For collecting lnoss dwelling protozoa moss sanlples were scraped from the top soil, rocks and barks of trees with spatula and brought to the laboratory in closed plastic bags The samples were then processed with non flooded petridish nlethod as described by Foissner (1987) For that purpose, 1-2 g of field Inoist subsample taken fro~l each bulk sample was kept in a petridish having 10-15 cln dialneter The salnple was then saturated but not flooded with distilled water After 48 hours about 2-3 tnl run off collected after tilting the petridish was thoroughly exa.nined under Fauna of Arunachal Pradesh, State Fauna Series 13 a compound microscope for cilliates and rhizopods usually at magnification 450 x (ocular lOx and objective 45 x) Such examination was continued for 2-3 weeks, depending upon the availability of protozoan specimens Testaceans or ciliated Protozoa observed in the run off were fixed, stained and mounted in the same manner as described earl ier for freshwater Protozoa For parasitic protozoa hosts were dissected and their gut contents, fluid of the body cavity and smears of lungs, liver and blood were thoroughly examined under a compound microscope Gut contents were also examined after diluting them with physiological saline Organ smears and blood smears were drawn on clean and greeze free slides, air dried, fixed and stained with Giemsa or Leishman's stains The lumen dwelling forms were fixed in Schaudi'nn's fluid and stained \\ ith Heidenhain's iron haematoxylin Faecal salnples of poultry and live stocks were also collected and kept in 2.5 percent potassidium dichromate solution for subsequent sporulation of coccidial oocyst, if any For the collection of flagellate symbiotes of termites, the entire gut of the worker caste was removed and gut contents were emptied on clean slides, containing a drop of 0.5 percent saline For studying internal structures of these flagellates under in situ condition 67 percent Lock's solution was used in which these protozoans remain active in living condition for a longer period with their natural shape and size For preparing permanent slides, these flagellates were fixed in Schaudinn's fluid, stained with Heidenhain's iron haematoxylin and mounted in DPX For more details Das el 01 (1993, 1995) may be consulted SYSTEMATIC LIST A Freeliving Protozoa Phylum SARCOMASTIGOPHORA Subphylum SARCODINA Class LOBOSEA Order ARCELLINIDA Family ARCELLIDAE Genus Arcella Ehrenberg Arcella discoides Ehrenberg DAS et al : Protozoa Arcella vulgaris Ehrenberg Family Genus CENTROPYXIDAE Bullinularia (Penard) Bullinularia indica (Penard) Genus Centropyxis Stein Centropyxis aculeata (Ehrenberg) Centropyxis aerophila Deflandre Centropyxis ecornis (Ehrenberg) Centropyxis laevigata Penard Centropyxis minula Deflandre Celltropyxis platystoma (Penard) 10 Centropyxis spinosa (Cash and Hopkinson) II Centropyxis sylvalica ( Deflandre) Genus Cyclopyxls (Deflandre) 12 Cyclopyxis arcelloides (Penard) Genus Plagiopyxis Penard 13 PlagJopyxis cailida Penard 14 Plaglopyxis mlnuta Bonnet Family DIFFLUGIIDAE Genus Difflugia Leclerc 15 Difflugia lismorensis Playfair 16 Difflugia lithophlla (Penard) 17 Difflugla lobostoma (Leidy) Family NEBELIDAE Genus Heliopera Leidy 18 Heleopera rosen Penard Genus Nebela Leidy 19 Nebeln dentisloma Penard 20 Nebela lincta (Leidy) Family? Genus Phryganella Penard 21 Phryganella acropodla (Hertwig and Lesser) CI~ss FILOSEA Order GROMIIDA Family EUGLYPHIDAE Genus Assulina Ehrenberg 22 A"ullna muscorum Greef Genus Corythlon Taranek 23 Corylhion dublum Taranek 24 Corythlon pilichellum Penard J Genus Euglypha Dujardin 25 Euglypha ciliata (Ehrenberg) 26 EIIglypha rolllnda Wailes 27 Euglypha scullgera Penard 28 EIIglypha tuberclllatD Dujardin Genus rrachelell,lypha Deflandre 29 TrQcheleuglypha dentllla (Vejdowsky) Genus Trlnema Dujardin 30 Trl"emn complanaillm Penarel I Tri"ema enchelys (Ehrenberg) 32 TrlnemQ IInea,e Penard Phylum CILIOPHORA Class KIN ETOFRAGM INOPHOREA Order PROSTOMATIDA Family COLEPIDAE Genus Coleps Nitz 33 Coleps hlrtus (Muller) Fanlily SPATHIDIIDAE Genus Spathldlu",Dujardin 34 Spathldlulft musclcola Kahl Order PLEUROSTOMATIDA Family AMPHILEPTIDAE Genus Loxophyllll'" Dujardin 35 Loxophyllllm IIllIWcc~lUe (Stein) Order TRICHOSTOMATIDA Family PLAGIOPYLIDAE Genus Plaglopyla Stein 36 Plnglopyln IIasllla Stein Order COLPODIDA Family COLPODIDAE Genus Colpodll O F Muller 37 Co/poda CllcIIl/us (Muller) Class OLIGOHYMENOPHOREA Order HYMENOSTOMATIDA Family GLAUCOMIDAE Genus GlnllC01lt1l Ehrenberg 38 Glauco",a pyrl/orlllls (Ehrenberg) Family PARAMECIIDAE Genus Parallt~Cllllff Hill 39 Param~clu", bllnn,la (Ehrenberg) Fauna of Arunachal Pradesh, State Fauna Series 13 Fanlily FRONTONIIDAE Genus Frontonia Ehrenberg 40 Frontonia leucas (Ehrenberg) Class POLYHYMENOPHOREA Order HETEROTRICHIDA Family METOPIDAE Genus Metopus Claparede & Lachlnann 41 Metopus es Muller Order HYPOTRICHIDA Family EUPLOTIDAE Genus Euplotes Ehrenberg 42 Euplotes muscicola Kahl 43 Euplotes plun,ipes Stokes B Parasitic Protozoa Phylum SARCOMASTIGOPHORA SubphylUin MASTIGOPHORA Class ZOOMASTIGOPHOREA Order KINETOPLASTIDA Family TRYPANOSOMATIDAE Genus Trypanosoma Gruby Parasites Species of hosts 44 T rotatorium (Meyer) Rana Iimnocllaris Order Family Genus DIPLOMONADIDA HEXAMITIDAE Giardia Kuntsler 45 G lamblia Stiles Homosapiens Subphylum OPALINATA Class OPALINATEA Order OPALINIDA Family OPALINIDAE Genus Cepedea Metcalf Parasites Species of hosts 46 C lanceolata Rana Iimnocharis Genus Opalina Purkinje and Valenter Parasites Species of hosts 47 O lata Bezzenberger Rana cyanopldyctes Phylum APICOMPLEXA Class SPOROZOEA Order EUCOCCIDA Family EIMERIIDAE Genus Eimeria Schneider (i) Eimeria fron1 avian hosts Parasites Species of hosts 48 E brunetti Levine Gallus liomesticus 49 E necatrix Johnson Gallus domesticus 50 E tenella (Railliet & Gallus domesticus Lucet) (ii) Eimeria from mammalian hosts Parasites Species of hosts 51 E bovis (Zubin) Bos indicus 52 E debliecki Douwes Sus scrofa 53 E ellipsoidalis Becker Bos indicus & Frye 54 E scabra Henry Sus scrofa 55 E stiedai (Lindelnann) Rabbit, Oryctolagus sp 56 E zuernii (Rivolta) Genus Bos inliicus Isospora Schneider Parasites Species of hosts 57 L suis Biester & Murray Sus scrola Falnily PLASMODIIDAE Genus Plasmodium Marchiafava & Celli (i) Plasmodium of avian hosts Parasites Species of hosts 58 P relictum (Grassi & Feletti) Columba livia (ii) Plasmodium of mammals Parasites Species of hosts 59 P falciparum Homo sapiens 60 P vivax (Grassi & Feletti) Homo sapiens Phylum CILIOPHORA Class OLIGOHYMENOPHOREA Order ASTOMATIDA Fatnily ANOPLOPHRYIDAE Genus Anop/opllrya Stein Parasites 61 A lun,brici (Schrank) Species of hosts PI,eretima sp Fatnily MAUPASELLIDAE Genus Maupase/la Cepede Parasites 62 M nova Cepede Species of hosts Plleretima sp sos BISWAS & BISWAS : Araneae : Spiders Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh (Dist Tawang), New record; West Bengal; Bihar; Kamataka; Punjab; Tamil Nadu Elsewhere: Pakistan 31 Pardosa mysorens;s (Tikader & Mukerjei) - Sternum without pale brown and no conspicuous dark brown longitudinal bands on the ventral side of abdomen 2 Coxae of all legs provided with brown patches, dorsal side of abdomen dark, brown with small pale patches IUla 1971 Lycosa mysor~1I8;1 Tikader & Mukerjei Sci & Cult • 37 : 531 - Coxae of all legs not provided with any patches, dorsal side without small pale patches 1980 Pardosa mysorensis : Tikadcr & Malhotra Fauna 0/ India, Araneae : Spiders 1(2) : 332 Carapace redish brown and the femora of legs provided with light green patches kemp; Material examined: ~, Basar, Dist West Siang, Arunachal Pradesh, 4.xii.1988, coli P T Bhutia Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh (Dist West Siang), New record; Karnataka 32 Pardosa ",Ilkllnd; Tikader " Malhotra 1980 mukundt Tikader & Malhotra Fauna 0/ India, Araneae : Spiders 1(2) : 325 ~ardosa 1992 Pardosa mukundi : Biswas & B.swas Araneae : Spiders In : Fauna 0/ West Bf'nllal Slate Fauna Series, (Part-3) : 445 Material examined: ~, Palin Road, Zero, Dist Lower Subansiri" Arunachal Pradesh 27.iii.1992, coli D.B Bashi'tlde Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh (Dist Lower Subansiri) New record; West Bengal; Maharashtra Genus 19 Lyeosa Latreille 1804 Lycosa Latreille, Nowv Dist d' Hisl Nal.• U : 135 1970 Lycosa: Tikader Rec :001 SUI"V India, 64(1-4) : 63 '!Ype-spec;es : Lycosa tarantula Rossi Distribution : All over the world - Carapace not red ish brown and the femora of the legs not provided with light green patches 4 Lateral side of cephalic region provided with longitudinal pale patches; mid-dorsal side of abdomen with longitudinal brown irregular markings b;slriala - Lateral side no longitudinal pale patches; middorsal side of abdomen without longitudinal irregular markings S s Carapace mid-longitudinally not provided with Iight brown band; tips of palps dark brown in female madan; - Carapace with mid-longitudinally light brown band Tips of palps without dark brown in femal~ 6 Coxae of all legs pale ventrally and extremeties of ventral side of IV tibia withoul any band carm;chaeli - Coxae of all legs not pale ventrally and extremeties of ventral side of IV tibia provided with band 7 Dorsal side of abdomen uniform pale and without any patch Carapace not provided with the mid-longitudinal broad pale brown band indagalrix - Dorsal side of abdomen provided with a lens shaped pale brown markings anteriorly Key to the speeies of the genus Lyeosa Latreille Proximal end of femora without light brown patches dorsally and distal end without any streaks I,an" I Sternum pale brown and ventral side of abdomen with three longitudinal broad, dark brown conspicuous bands proll/icQ - Proximal end of femora provided with light brown patches donany and distal end also with streaks 506 Fauna of Arunachal Pradesh, Slate Fauna Series 13 Carapace brown and provided with midlongitudinal and sub-marginal pale bands Coxae not provided with any patches poonaensis - Carapace without mid-longitudinal and submarginal pale bands Coxae with patch~s 10 10 Abdomen anterior-mid-Ioogitudinally provided with a lens shaped greenish brown patch Ventro-Iateral side of abdomen with two longitudinal rows of irregular dark brown patches pictula - No lens shaped greenish brown patch on the dorsum of abdomen No longitudinal rows of irregular dark brown patches on the ventro-lateral side of abdomen 11 II Posterior quardrangle of eyes as long as wide Tibiae III and IV without bands at the extremeties ventrally fuscana 33 Lycosa prolifica Pocock 1901 Lycosa prolifica Pocock, Bombay nat Hisl Soc • 13 : 485 1997 Lycosa prolifica : Biswas & Biswas Araneae : Spiders In : Fauna of Delhi, State Fallna Series : 480 Material examined: ~, Brahmaputra LB., Pasighat, Dist East Siang, Arunachal Pradesh, 27.x.1992, colI P T Bhutia,' I ~, Nirjuli, Dist Lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh, 19.vii.1991, coil P.T Bhulia Arunachal Pradesh, 20.ix.1989, coil P T Bhutia; ~, Pasighat, Dist East Siang, Arunachal Pradesh, 16.ii.1989, coil P.T Bhutia Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh (Dists Lower Subansiri, East Siang), New record; Sikkim 35 Lycosa Kemp; Gravely 1924 Lycosa kempi Gravaly• Rec Indian Mus., 26 : 602 1970 Lycosa Kempi : Tikader, Rec zool Surv India, 64(1-4) : 65 1995 Lycosa Kemp; : Biswas & Majumder Araneae : Spiders In : Fauna of Meghalaya State Fauna Series (Part-2) : 112 Material examined: I ~, Koroni Roing, Dist Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh, ix.1991, coil T.K Pal,' ~, Garu, Dist West Siang, Arunachal Pradesh, 8.xii,1988, colI P T Bhutia & party; ~, Kimin, Dsit Lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh, 20.ix.1988, coil T.K Pal Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh (Dists Dibang Valley, West Siang, Lower Subansiri), New record; West Bengal; Meghalaya; Assam; Sikkim Elsewhere : Bhutan, Pakistan 36 Lycosa bistriata Gravely 1924 Lycosa bistriata Gravely, Rec Indian Mus., 26 : 600 Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh (Dists East Siang, Lower Subansiri), New record; Uttar Pradesh; Maharashtra; Punjab 1980 Lycosa bistriata : Tikader & Malhotra Fauna of India, Araneae : Spiders, 1(2) : 385 34 Lycosa tista Tikader Material examined: ~, Pal in Road, Dist Lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh, 27.iii.1992 coil D.B.Bastwade & party 1970 Lycosa Usia Tikader Rec zool Surv India, 64( 1-4) : 67 J980 Lycosa tisla : Tikader & Malhotra, Fauna of India Araneae : Spiders 1(2) : 384 Material examined: ~, Hapoli, Dist Lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh, 25.iii.1994, coIl P T Bhulia; I ~, Pal in Road, Dist Lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh, 27 iii 1992, coil D.B Bastwade; ~, Kimin, Dist Lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh, 20.ix.1988, coil T.K Pal; ~, Kimin, Dist Lower Subansiri, Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh (Dist Lower Subansiri), New record; West Bengal; Tamil Nadu 37 Lycosa madani Pocock 1901 Lycosa madani Pocock, J.Bombay nat Hist Soc., 13(3) : 486 1980 Lycosa madani : Tikader & Malhotra, Fauna of India, Araneae : Spiders, 1(2) : 396 BISWAS & BISWAS : Araneafl,: Spiders Material examined : ~, Bomdila, Dist Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, 7.iv.1991, coli P T Bhutia & party,· ~, Nampong, Dist Changlang, Arunachal Pradesh, 24.ii.1991, coil P T Bhulia,' I ~, Yembung, Dist East Siang, Arunachal Pradesh, 24.xi.1988, coli P T Bhulia Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh (Dists Tawang, Changlang, East siang), New record; Maharashtra 38 LyCOl1I cllrmlcllllell Gravely 1924 Lyeola earmiehaeli Gravely, Ree Indian Mus., 26 : 604 1980 Lyeola carmiehaeli : Tikader" Malhotra, Fauna of India, Araneae : Spiders 1(2) : 407 1997 Lycola carmlchaeli : Biswas & Biswas Araneae : Spiders /n : Fauna of Delhi State Fauna Series : 480 Material examined : ~, Pitapol, Dist Lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh, IS ix.1988, coli T.K Pal Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh (Dist Lower Subansiri), New record; West Bengal; Meghalaya; Uttar Pradesh; Assam Elsewhere : Bhutan, Pakistan 39 LyCOl1I I"dllllltrix Walckenaer 1837 Lycosa indagatru Walckenaer, Ins Apt • I : 339 1980 Lyeosa Indagatrlx : Tikader & Malhotra Fauna 01 India Araneae : Spiders, 1(2) : 411 Material examined: I ~, Nirjuli Dist Lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh, 19 vi i 1991, coli P T Bhulia S07 1995 Lycosa Iranll : Bilwas a Majumder Araneae : Spiders In : FaunD 01 MeghDlaya SIDI, Fauna Serle•• (Pan-2) : 112 Material examined : Ii, 8asar, Disl West Siang, Arunachal Pradesh, 4.xii.1988, coli P T Bhulia Distribllrlon : India : Arunachal Pradesh (Dist West Siang), New record; Meghalaya; Maharashtra 41 LYC06 poo"".1U16 Tikader & Malhotra 1980 LYC06a poo"aelUu nUder A Malhotra FtllllUl 0/ India, Araneae : Spiders 1(2) : 392 1997 Lyco.a poolUlelflu : Bis Biswa AranCK : Spiders In : Fauna of o.lltl StGl~ FalllUl ~r;~6 : 480 Material examined : V, Namsai Disl Lohit, Arunachal Pradesh, 14.ii.I99I coli P T Bhulia Duww~wn:md~:Aru~MI~(D~ Lohit), New record; Mabarashtra; Uuar Pradesh 42 L,CD6 pklllla Pocock 190 I LYCOla ptclula Pocock J BOMbtIy II1II 1980 LYCOla plclllIa : Tikader MalholrL F11"l1li I"dla Araneae : Spiders 1(2) : 424 Elsewhere : Sri Lanka 40 Lycosa Irllnll Pocock 1901 Lyeo.a Iranll Pocock J.Bombay nal Hilt Soc • 13(3) : 485 0/ Malerial examined : I V, Mokto Dost Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, 12.iv.I991 t coli p T Bhulia Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh (Dist Tawang), New record; Maharlshlrl 43 LycD•• /ac." Pocock 190 I LYC08a jillcana Pocock J BOMbay IttJI Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh (Dist lower Subansiri), New record; Andhra Pradesh; Tamil Nadu His' Soc 13(3) : 486 HUI S« 13(3) : 485 1980 Lycosa /u8CalUJ : Tikader MalholJ'a FII""G India Aranele : Spiden, 1(2) : 421 01 Material uamined: I V, Kimin, Disl Lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh 23.ix.1988 coli T.K Pal DlstrlbUlioll : India: Arunachal Pradesh (Dis! Lower Subansiri) New record; Maharashtn 508 Fauna of Arunachal Pradesh, State Fauna Series /3 20 Genus Evippa Simon 1882 Evippa Simon, Ann A1us civ Stor Nat., Genova, 18 : 122 1995 Evippa : Biswas & Majumder Araneae : Spiders In : Fauna of Meghalaya State Fauna Series, (Part-2) : 108 Type-species : Evippa arenaria (Audouin) Distribution : Africa, Egypt, Asia Thoracic groove longitudinal, epigyne with unwrinkled scape and provided with one or two pairs of lateral lobes Neoscona - Thoracic groove not longitudinal; epigyne without unwrinkled scape and without any lateral lobes 5 Spinnerets situated on an elevated circular space surrounded by a thick flange of a ring Gasteracantha - 44 Evippa shivajii Tikader & Malhotra 1980 Evippa shivajii Tikader & Malhotra Fllana of India Araneae : Spiders, 1(2) : 312 Material examined : ~, Konkon nallah, Naharlagun, Dist Lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh 8.iv.1988, coil P T Bhutia Distribution : Ind ia; Arunachal Pradesh (Dist Lower Subansiri), New record; Maharashtra XI Family ARANEIDAE Key to the genera of the family ARANEIDAE Eyes of anterior row not evently spaced or medians closer to each other than to laterals Argiope - Eyes of anterior row evently spaced or medians not closer to each other than laterals 2 Posterior median eyes are very close, nearly touching; carapace provided with a "U" shaped junction between cephalic and thoracic region Cyclosa - Posterior median eyes are not very close, carapace not having any "U" shaped junction between cephalic and thoracic region 3 (ntegument of abdomen leathery; dorsum of abdomen strongly convex; epigyne provided with short blunt scape Cyrtarachne - )ntegument of abdomen not leathery; provided with numerous tubercles; dorsum of abdomen not strongly convex; epigyne with no scape Spinnerets not on an elevated circular space surrounded by a thick flange in a form of a ring 6 Femora of IV with a double fringe of hair on the polateral surface of the basal half Leucauge - Femora of IV without a double fringe of hair on the polateral surface of the basal half 7 Abdomen elongated; cephalothorax with convex and elevated cephalic region Nephila - Abdomen not elongated; cephalothorax without convex and elevated cephalic region ., 8 Carapace flat; abdomen flat dorsally, lobate literally Herennia Genus 21 Argiope Audouin 1826 Argiope Audouin, in Sa v igny Descriptions de /' Egypte, 1(4) : 121 1995 Argiope : Biswas & Majumder Araneae : Spiders In : Fauna of Meghalaya State Fauna Series, (Part-2) : 94 Type-species : Argiope lobata (Thorell) Distribution : Tropical and temperate countries of the world Key to tbe species of the genus Argiope Audouin l Maxillae roundish in shape, dark brown at the proximal part pulchella - Maxillae not roundish, not dark brown at the proximal part BISWAS& BISWAS: Araneae: Spiders S09 Cephalothorax and legs are light brownish yellow in colour shi/longensls 45 Arglope pulchella Thorell 1992 CyciOla: Biswas & Biswas FAllneK ; Spiden I" : FallntJ of We., B."Ial Slale FallllQ Serle• l (Part-3) : 456 1Ype-species : eye/OSQ eonicQ (Pallas) 1881 Argiope pulchella Thorell, Annll Mus clv Slor • Ganova, 18 : 74 1997 Arglope pulchella : Biaswas & Biswas, Araneae : Spiders In.' Fauna of Deihl Siale Fauna Series, : 482 Material examined : ~, Pasighat, Dist East Siang, Arunachal Pradesh, 16.ii.1989, coli T.K Pal: ~, P Sector, Itanagar, Dist Papumpare, Arunachal Pradesh, xi.1997, coli ,Bijan Biswas; ~ , Kimin Dist Lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh, 20.ix.) 989, coli P T Bhulia Distribution : Cosmopolitan Key to tile lpeeles 01 tile lea Cyelolll MeDle I Abdomen having no paired tubercles; long blunt caudal tubercle blfldtl - Abdomen having paired tubercles; madian caudal tubercle at the posterior part of abdomen 2 One pair of prominent tubercles present anteriorly; no caudal tubercles Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh "'.I"'~/.~uu (Dists East Siang, Papumpares, Lower Subansiri), New record; West Bengal; Assam; Orrisa; Uttar Pradesh; Madhya Pradesh; Maharashtra; Tamil Nadu - No prominent tubercles present anteriorly; two median tubercles present Elsewhere : Myanmar, Mala/a Peninsula 46 Arglope shillongensis Sinha 195 I Arglope shillongensis Sinha Rec Indian : 7S MUI •• 49 1992 Arglope shi/longens;s : Biswas & Biswas Araneae : Spiders In ' Fauna of Wesl Bengal Siale FDulla Series, J (Part-3) : 4SS 1995 Argiope shillongensis : Biswas & Majumder Araneae : Spiders In " Fauna 0/ MeghDlaya SIDle Fauna Series, (Part-2) : 94 Material examined : I ~, Tipi, Dist West Kameng Arunachal Pradesh lO.xi.1997, coli Bljan Biswas Distribution : India : Arunacbal Pradesh (Dist West Kameng), New record; West Bengal; MeghaJaya Genus 22 Cyclosa Menge One pair of distinct tubercles of the base of the caudal tubercle; epi8)'lle with contraction; narrow tip of the scape bent nearly at right angle to the base ,plrlf~r 47 Cye/o, 6ljld11 (DoleschaU) 18'9 Epelra biflda Doleschall •.fe Soc I"dlo 1995 CyclO$a bljida : Biswas Majunder Araneac Spiders I" : Fou"D 0/ AI.gluJlaytl Sl!ries (Pan-2) : 101 1982 Cyclola: Tikader, Fallna of India Araneae : Spiders 2(1) : 183 Sla/~ FatIIftJ Malerial examined : I V Tipi Disl West Kameng Arunachal Pradesh IO.xi.I997 coli Bijan Biswas DlslrJbUlion : India: AnmaachaJ Pradesh (Disl West Kameng) New record; Meghalaya: Sikkim; Eisewhwere : Sri Lanha New Guinea Malaysia 48 Cye/oJ ",1II .1a••1s (Thorell) 1887 £petra 1866 Cyclola Mange.Schrljl Nal Ges Danzlg(N.F.), I : 73 .v,,,tI : 38 ",,,I,,,.,,,.,,,,, Thorell 14"1111 MIlS (',v, Genova 25 : 221 1982 CycINtl ",,,1,,,,,,,., 1, : Tik.der F,,"1tG 0/11td." Araneae : Spldon, 2( I) : 187 Fauna of Arunachal Pradesh, State Fauna Serres 13 510 Material examined : ] ~, Tipi, Dist West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh, 1O.xi.] 997, coil Bijan Biswas sigilla Epigyne buldge capsule-like, provided with a wide, thick rim like structure instead of scape Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh (Dist West Maharashtra Kameng), New record~ (Dist Kameng), Amatulla Genus 24 Neoscona Simon Elsewhere: Africa, Burma, Arabia, Malacca, Malaysia 49 Cyclosa spirifera Simon 1889 Cye/osa spirifera Simon, Asat Soc Beng 58: 337 1992 Cyclosa spirifera : Biswas & Biswas Araneae : Spiders Fauna of West Bengal State Fauna Series, (Part-3) : 458 1864 Neoscona Simon, Hist nat des Aragin., : 261 1992 Neoscona : Biswas & Biswas Araneae : Spiders In : Fauna of West Bengal Slate Fauna Series (Part-3) ; 465 Type-species (Dist Taw an g), New record; West Bengal Genus 23 Cyrtarachne Thorell 1868 Cyrtarachne Thorell, Eug Resa Arachn., : 10 1995 Cyrtarachne : Biswas & Majumder Araneae Spiders Fauna of Meghalaya Siale Fauna Series (Part-2) : 100 Type-species: Cyrtarachne qrubei (Keserling) Distribution : Asia, Africa and Australia 50 Cyrtarachne schmidii Tikader 1963 Cyrtarachne schmidii' Tikader, J Bombay nat Hist Soc • 60(1) : 271 1982 Cyrtarachne schmidii : Tikader, Fauna of India Araneae : Spiders 2() : 152 Diagnosis: Cephalothorax moderately convex, scarcely clothed with hair Ocular quad slightly longer than wide, anteriorly and posteriorly same in width, median eyes are equal in size; laterals smaller than medians; both rows of eyes are recurved Chelicerae small but strong and stout, yellowish, provided with moderate boss Abdomen large, more than twice wider than long Dorsum of abdomen light greenish but anteriorly dark greenish; lateral and posterior side white, provided with a few conspicuous anabesca (Walckenaer) Distribution : Cosmopolitan Material examined: ~, l.B of Dirang, Dist Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, IS.xi.] 997, coil Bijan Biswas Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh Neoscona Key to the species of the genus Neoscona Simon I Cephalic region provided with a conspicuous dark brown "V" shaped patch; epigynal scape with deep constriction mukerjei - Cephalic region not having any "V" shaped patch; epigynal scape without a deep constriction 2 Dorsum of abdomen provided with four chalk-white big spots and scattered white dots bomdilaensis S ] Neoscona mukerjei Tikader 1980 Neoscona mukerjei Tikader, Proc Indian Acad Sci • 89(3) : 247 1992 Neoscona mukerjei : Biswas & Biswas Araneae : Spiders In : Fauna of West Bengal Siale Fauna Series (Part-3) : 467 Material examined: ~, Tipi, Dist West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh, 10.xi.1997, coil Bijan Biswas; ~, Bomdila, Dist Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, 13 xL1997, coiL Bijan Biswas; ~, Patapol, Dist lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh, 15.ix.1988, colI T.K Pal Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh (Dists West Kameng, Tawang, Lower Subansiri), New record; West Bengal; MeghaJaya; Maharashtra BISWAS & BISWAS: Araneae: Spider' 52 Neoscona bomdilaensis Sp nov General : Cephalothorax, legs and abdomen are blackish brown in colour Total length ] 6.00 mm Carapace 6.00 mm long, 5.00 mm wide; abdomen 10.50 mm long, 8.00 mm wide Cephalothorax : Longer than wide, narrowing in front, clothed with grey pubescence, hair and spines Lateral side of cephalic region having a row of fringed hair, thoracic region provided with a distinct longitudinal groove Ocular quad larger than wide and wider in front than behind; anterior median eyes larger than postereior medians and posterior medians encircled by black rings; lateral close and each situated on a tubercle; both rows of eyes are recurved but anterior row more recurved than the posterior row Sternum heart-shaped, pointed behind, deep brown in colour, clothed with fine pubescence Labium wider than long, dark brown in colour Maxi llae broad, roundish, dark brown with pale outer margin with indistinct scopulae Chelicerae strong, dark brown, provided with moderate boss Legs are long and strong, dark brown, provided with moderate boss Legs are long and strong with blackish transverse bands, clothed with pubescence, hair and spines Abdomen : Nearly triangu lar, posteriorly narrow; clothed with pubescence and hair, overlapping on the carapace Dorsum of abdomen provided with four chalk-white big spots and dorso-Iaterally scattered white dots Epigyne with short, broad and triangular scape as in text fig 8; scape provided with a pair of inconspicuous lateral lobes and without any constriction Internal genitalia as in text fig 10 Holotypa : Female in spirit, deposited in Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, Regd No 5537118 'JYpe-locality : Near Bomdila Circuit House, Dist Tawang, Alt 8.400' ft., Arunachal Pradesh, India, 14.xi.1997, coil Bijan Biswas Discussion : This species very close to Neoscona nautica (L Koch) but differs as follows (]) Cephalothorax, legs and abdomen are blackish brown in colour but in N naill/ca yellowish and greenish brown in colour (2) SII Dorsum of abdomen with four chalk-white big spots but in N nautlca four pairs of sigilla present (3) Epigyne and internal genitalia are also structurelly different Genus 25 NepllUIl Leach 1815 Nephila LcKh Zoological MuceUalfY : I)) 1992 Nephila ; Biswas & Biswu Alaneae : Spiden /" : Fauna 0/ Well B,n,al Siale FauM S.,les l (Part-3) : 473 1Ype-specie& : Nephila mtICIIlaID (Fabricious) Distribution : Tropical and nearly subtropical countries of the world Key to tbe peciea of tlae Ie ••• NepA111I Leach I Cephalothorax relatively broad in front; a deep groove in the middle, with a pair of sharp tuberc les in front ",aell/ala - Cephalothorax not broad; no such groove in the middle and sharp tubercles in front • 2 Cephalothorax longer than wide, densely clothed with yellowish pubescence; slilhtly narrower in front dira"g~"$I$ S3 NepA111I ",lcIIII," (Fabricious) 1793 ,4raft,a ac-ulala Fabricious Ell' SYSI • Z : 42', 1995 Nephila lIIaculala : Bis"' a Majumdcr Arancac : Spiders III : Fa lla 0/ M.gltalayo Sial FII• • S,ri'J (Part-2) : 97 Material examl,,~d : I Mehao, Dibang Valley, Dist Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh 10-13.ix.1991, coli T.K Pal Distribution: India: Arunachal Pradesh (DiSl Dibanl Valley), New record; West Bengal; Meghalaya; Assam; Sikkim; Maharashtra; Gujrat; Uttar Pradesh; Madhya Pradesh; Kamataka; Tamil Nadu; Andaman Nicobar Island ElsR'ht~ Australia : Burma Sri Lan~ Chin, Japan Fauna of Arunachal Pradesh, State Fauna Series J3 512 54 Nephila dirangensis Sp nov 26 Genus Leucauge White General: Cepha)othorax, legs and abdomen are reddish green in colour Total length 29.00 mm Carapace 5.50 mm long; 5.00 mm wide; abdomen 24.00 mm long, 16.00 mm wide 1841 Leucauge White, Ann Mag nat Hist • 7(1) : 463 Cephalothorax : Longer than wide, densely clothed with yellowish pubescence, slightly narrower in front; cephalic region not tuberclate, thoracic region dark brown in colour with shallow fovea Ocular quad as long as wide behind and slightly narrower in front than behind; median eyes are equal in size; lateral subequal in size, a little away from each other and situated on prominent tubercles; both rows of eyes slightly recurved Sternum triangular rather elongated, pointed behind, dark brown in colour Labium distinctly elongated than wide, dark brown with pale distal border, maxillae broader distally dark with pale outer margins provided with distinct scopulae Chelicerae strong, stout, reddish brown with moderate boss Legs are very 101., lnd strong clothed with hair and spines; tarsi and metatarsi together longer than patellae and tibiae together; femora and tibiae with yellowish transverse patches in the middle Abdomen : Oval, clothed with hair, slightly overlapping on the carapace Dorsum of abdomen provided with two pairs of sigillae Ventral side olive brown with some reddish patches Epigyne plate like as in text fig 12 Holotype : Female, paratype ten females in spirit, deposited in Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata, Regd No 5538-39/18 Type-locality : Dirang Yak Research Centre, Dirang, Dist Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, India, 15.xi.1997, coil Bijan Biswas Discussion : This species is very close to Nephila clavata L Koch but differs as follows : (I) There is no ~'V" shaped yellowish patch posteriorely on cephalic require : but in N Clavala "V" shaped yellowish patch present (2) Abdomen oval and provided with two pairs of sigillae but in N clavata abdomen ellongated and provided with five pairs of sigillae (3) Epigyne and internal genitalia are also structurally different 1992 Leucauge : Biswas & Biswas Araneae : Spiders In : Fauna of West Bengal State Fauna Series (Part-3) : 471 Type-~pecies : Leucauge hortorum (Hents) Distribution : Tropical and sub-tropical countries of the world Key to the species of the genus Leucauge White Abdomen uniformly silver white and decorated with longitudinal black bands celebesiana - Abdomen having some silver white pecks and not decorated with longitudinal black bands , 2 Abdomen with two blunt rounded prominences and blunt caudal hump at the posterior end tessellata 55 Leucauge celebesiana (Walckenaer) 1841 Tetregnatha celebesiana Walckenaer, Hisl Nat Ins Apt., : 222 1992 Leucauge celebesiana : Biswas & Biswas Araneae : Spiders In : Fauna of West Bengal State Fauna Series (Part-3) : 472 Material examined : ~, Ie!, I.B Bunglow, Dirang, Dist Tawang, Arunachal Pradesh, I5.xi.] 997, colI Bijan Biswas; ~, Ziro, Dist Lower Subansiri, Arunachal Pradesh, 5.xi 1997, coli Bijan Biswas; ~ ,Cambo, Along, Dist West Siang, Arunachal Pradesh, 9.vi.2000, coli B Mitra Distribution : India : Arunachal pradesh (Dists Tawang, Lower Subansiri, West Siang), New record; West Bengal; Meghalaya; Assam; Maharashtra; Tamil Nadu Elsewhere : Myanmar, China, Sri Lanka 56 Leucauge tessellata (Thorell) 1887 Cal/inethis tessellata Thorell, Annali Mus civ t Genova 25 : 153 BISWAS & BISWAS: Araneae: Spiders SI3 1992 Leucauge tessellata : Biswas & Biswas Araneae : Spiders In: Fauna of West Bengal Slate Fauna Series, (Part-3) : 473 Material examined: ~, Tipi Orchid garden Tipi, Disl West Kameng Arunachal Pradesh, lO.xi.1997 coli Bljan BlsWfU 1995 Leucauge tessel/ata : Biswas & Majumder Araneae : Spiders In : Fauna of Meghalaya Stale Fauna Series, (Part-2) : 100 Distribution: India: Arunachal Pradesh (Dist West Kameng) New record; West Bengal; Sikkim Material examined : ~, Tipi, Disl West Kameng, Arunachal Pradesh 1O.xi.19997, coli Bijan Biswas Genus 28 H~r~""", Thorell 1877 HelYnnia Thorell ,fnna/i, M"" CN Genova 10: 370 19S I Herennla Sinha, : Rec Indian M 49 : 70 Diatribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh, (Dist West Kameng), New record; 'West Bengal; Meghalaya; Assam; Sikkim; Gujrat; Kamataka; Kerala Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh 1982 Herennia ; Tikader, Fall"D Spiders (I) : 106 0/ India Arane.c : 1J'.Pe species: Herennlo omatI.r.rlma (Doleschall) Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh Elsewhere : Myanmar, Bhutan Elewhere : Sri Lanka, Malayasia Genus : 27 Gasteracantha Sundevall 1833 Gasteracanlha Sundevall CorupecllU Arachniden 14 1992 Gasteracantha : Biswas & Biswas Araneae : Spiders Fauna orWesl Bengal Siale Fauna Series (Part-3) : 469 '/Ype-species : Gasteracantha cancrijormis (Linnaeus) Distribution : Tropical countries of the world 57 Gasteracant"a IIngllljera Simon 1889 Gasleracantha unguifera Simon J Aslal Soc Beng., 58 : 336: 1992 Gasteracantha unguifera : Biswas & Biswas Araneae : Spiders In : Fauna of West Bengal State Fauna Series (Part-3) : 471 Diagnosis : Cephalothorax slightly longer than wide, anteriorly blunt, clothed with grey hair Both cephalic and thoracic regions having anterior and posterior sloping; former part with a firm groove Chel icerae very short and much stout, having moderate boss Legs short and strong, distal ends of segments clothed with hair Abdomen roughly octogonal, much wider than long, overlapping anteriorly on the thoracic region of cephalothorax Dorsum moderately concave; provided with a transverse chalk white bar and few pairs of conspicuous sigilla Median pair of spines largest and stout with bulged bases 58 Her~""la orlllllu,,,,, (Doleschall) 18S9 Epiira orlUllh.i,.a Doleschall ,feal Soc, /Ild Neerl • : 32 1900 Hennnia orllall"t.,a : Pocock FalUltl India Arae"" : 219 0/ Br" 1982 Hennnia o'IIa,I";lIIa : Tikader Fa.1tIl o/'IIII,a Araneac : Spiders (I) : 106 Diagnosis: Cephalothorax brownish with yellowish white patches Legs yellowish with brownih patches, abdomen greyish white in colour Cephalic region longer than wide nal, narrowing in front, clothed with pubessence and hair, with a "UtI shaped yellowish white patch Ocular quad as long as wider behind and sliahdy wider; anterior median eyes larger than posterior medians; lateral eyes subequal in size, close and situated on prominent tubercles; anterior row of eyes recurved and posterior row nearly straight Sternum hean·sha~ broad anteriorly but not pointed posteriorly Chelicerae strong and stout provided with moderate boss Legs are long and slender clothed with hair and spines Abdomen nat, lobate having four pairs of lateral lobes Dorsum of abdomen provided with numerous greyish speaks with distinct centres, five pairs of distinct sigilla arranged mid-longitudinally and a few longitudinal lines posteriorly Epigyne palte like with a thin median septum Fauna of Arunachal Pradesh, State Fauna Series /3 514 Material examined : ~, Laa, Daporizo, Dist Upper Subansiri Arunachal Pradesh 4.vi.2000, coil R.S Mridha New record; Meghalaya; Tamil Nadu; Goa Distribution : India : Arunachal Pradesh (Dist Lower Subansiri) of those families 26 genera 54 species form new records for the state Out of these, species genera under families are new to science Keys to all the families are followed All the relivant literatures pertaining to these families are reviewed under history Elsewhere : Sri Lanka, Myanmar, AustroMalaysia SUMMARY About 350 examples of spider have been studied and indentified A total 58 species belonging to 28 genera under]] families are dealt with here ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are grateful to Dr J R B Alfred, Director, Zoological Survey of India, Kolkata for kind encouragement and providing facilities They also express sincere thanks to Dr A K Sanyal, Joint Director, Zoological Survey of India for suggestions REFERANCES 1987 BISWAS BIJAN, Araneae : Spiders Fauna of Orissa, State Fauna Series, l(Part-l) : 257-272 1992 BISWAS BUAN and BISWAS KAJAL Araneae : Spiders Fauna of West Bengal, State Fauna Series, 3(Part-3) : 357-500 1995 BISWAS BIJAN and MAJUMDER, S.C Araneae : Spiders Fauna of Meghalaya State Fauna Series, 4(Part-2) : 93-128 J 1997 BISWAS BIJAN and BISWAS KAJAL Araneae : Spiders Fauna of Deihi, State Fauna Series, : 477-484 1997 BISWAS, B.K and BISWAS A.T Araneae : Spiders In : Fauna of Nanda Devi Biosphere Reserve, Conservation Area series, : 35-39 1940 COMSTOCK, J H The Spider Book, New York 1935 OVAL, S Bull Zool Punjab Univ., : 117-252 1980 TIKADER, B.K Fauna of India, Araneae & Spiders, 1( 1) : 1-247 1970 TIKADER, B.K Rec zool Surv India, 64( 1-4) : 1-84 )981 TrKADER, B.K & BISWAS BUAN Rec zool Surv India, Occ Paper No 30(]) : 1-149 1982 TIKADER, B.K., Fauna of India, Araneae : Spiders, 2( 1-2) : 1-536 BISWAS & BISWAS : Araneae : Spiders 515 : ' , ' ~ 0: • - ' ~ o· ' "'! '•••••CS (;t (, .0 £~::~< :~:.:: .':::.:~ ':