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UNIT 1 CÁC HÌNH THỨC CỦA ĐỘNG TỪ ( TO V, V-ING, V) A.VERBS FOLLOWED BY “ TO –INFINITIVE”( V +TO-V): afford :có đủ tiền choose: chọn hope:hi vọng refuse : từ chối agree : đồng ý decide : quyết đònh learn: học seem : dừơng như appear :dường như demand: đòi hỏi manage: xoay sở threaten:đe dọa arrange: sắp xếp determine: quyết tâm offer : tự nguyện wish, want: muốn expect : mong đợi plan: dự đònh promise : hứa would like/love: muốn , thích ask: yêu cầu require: yêu cầu fail: thất bại pretend : giả vờ attempt: cố gắng hesistate : do dự *be going to- V : sẽ * used to-V: đã từng come : đến intend : dự đònh * be able to- V : có thể *be used to-V :được dùng để ***chú ý: - To-V có thể làm chủ từ hoặc túc từ. - Too+ Adj/ Adv + to-V : quá…………không thể………. - (Adj/ adv) Enough + (N) + to-V : đủ ……để ……. - cost/ take…… + túc từ + to-V : mất ( thời gian/ tiền bạc)…… để…… - S / It + be + Adj…… + to-V : …… thật là…… để - to/ in oder to/ so as to + V : để, để mà…(  chỉ một mục đích) - S + have (sth) to-V : có …………để……… - V + when/ where/ what/ how/which/why+ to-V B. VERBS + OBJECT + TO-INFINITIVE( V + O+ TO-V ): Advise: khuyên bảo force: ép buộc urge: thúc giục Allow: cho phép invite: mời want: muốn Permit: cho phép order: ra lệnh warn : cảnh báo Ask: yêu cầu persuade: thuyết phục would like: muốn Encourage: khuyến khích remind: nhắc nhở beg : van xin Forbid: cấm tell: bảo C. VERBS + V-ING Admit: thừa nhận enjoy: thích risk: đánh liều Avoid: tránh feel like: cảm thấy thích suggest: đề nghò Delay: trì hoãn finish: hoàn thành Consider: xem xét Postpone: hoãn lại mind: không ngại can’t bear: không chòu đựng nổi Deny: phủ nhận imagine: tửơng tượng can’t stand: // Detest: ghét keep: tiếp tục can’t help : không thể không… Dislike: không thích miss: bỏ lỡ practise: luyện tập Mention: đề cập resist: cưỡng lại *****chú ý: - V-ing có thể làm chủ từ hoặc túc từ trong câu - V-ing đứng sau các giới từ : in, on, at, of, with, off, for, from, about, at,without……… - Bắt buộc dùng V-ing sau:  Be/ get used to: quen với  Look forward to: trông chờ  It’s no use/ good: không có ich….  It’s worth : đáng để………  Be busy : bận rộn  S + spend/ waste ………………+ V-ing  Have difficulty + V-ing  GO + shopping/ fishing/ skiing/ camping/ …………  Sau các liên từ: after, before, when, while………… D.BARE INFINITIVE ( ĐT nguyên mẫu không” to” ) - dùng sau các trợ ĐT : do, does, did và các ĐT khiếm khuyết:can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must, ought to, would rather, had better - Make, Let + O+ V _ help + O+ to-V / V ( có thể đi với 2 dạng) - See, hear _ Need : cần Watch, notice + O ( túc từ) +V-ing/ V *chủ từ chỉ người : need + to V Find, feel * Chủ từ chỉ vật( mang nghóa bò động) + V-ing : nếu nhấn mạnh sự việc đang xảy ra need + V-ing = need + to be V 3/ ed + Bare- inf : nếu đề cập đến sự hoàn tất của sự việc E. các động từ có thể đi với “ to-V” hoặc “ V-ing” mà nghóa không đổi: start, begin, like, love, hate F. CÁC ĐT KHI THEO SAU LÀ “ TO- INF “ VÀ “ V-ING “ THÌ CÓ NGHĨA KHÁC NHAU: 1. Stop + V-ing: ngừng việc đang làm Stop +to- V : ngừng lại để làm việc khác 2. Remember + V-ing : nhớ việc đã xảy ra Remember + to-V : nhớ việc sẽ làm 3. Forget + V-ing : quên việc đã làm Forget + To- V : quên việc chưa làm 4. Try + V-ing: thử , thí nghiệm Try + to-V : cố gắng 5. Regret + V-ing: ân hận việc đã làm Regret + to-V : lấy làm tiếc khi nói điều gì đó 6. Mean + V-ing: có nghóa là Mean + to-V:có ý đònh làm gì 7. allow, permit, advise,recommend a. Nếu có túc từ theo sau thì dùng to-V b. Không có túc từ theo sau thì dùng V-ing 8. Prefer + ( V-ing) to (V-ing) : thích ( cái gì) hơn ( cái gì) 9. would rather+ V1 than + V1: muốn………… hơn…………………… UNIT 2 A. PASSIVE INFNITIVE AND GERUND( bò động của Đt nguyên mẫu và danh động từ) *V+ TO- V  V+ TO BE + V 3/ED * V+ V-ING V + BEING + V 3/ED UNIT 4 * GERUND (danh động từ) -- là V-ing và được dùng như là danh từ - đứng đầu câu làm chủ từ , ( việc…….) - làm bổ ngữ sau đt “be”: My hobby is watching TV ( sở thích của tôi là xem TV) -sau giới tư ø: in, on, to, from…… -sau một số Đt :admit, avoid, delay, deny, detest, dislike, consider……………. * PERFECT GERUND:danh động từ hoàn thành Having + V 3/ED -đề cập đến 1 sự việc đã xảy ra trong quá khứ -Ex: He was accused of having stolen the money ** PRESENT PARTICIPLE( hiện tại phân từ) -là V-ing và dùng làm động từ .( đang…) - đứng sau tobe trong thì tiếp diễn ( I’m working) -dùng như là tính từ.( This is an interesting book) -sau các Đt : see, hear, notice, feel,smell,watch ,catch,find….… -dùng giản lựợc các mệnh đề quan hệ The man who answered the phone was very polite  . The man answering the phone was very polite -sau Đt spend, waste, go và be busy -khi 2 hành động có cùng 1 chủ từ, ta có thể rút gọn 1 vế về V-ing. - sau các liên từ : after, before,when, while, on, until, without, in stead of, in spite of, becau of, as và giới từ. ** PERFECT PARTICIPLE: phân từ hoàn thành Having +V 3/ ED - khi 2 hành động có cùng 1 chủ từ, ta có thể rút gọn hành động xảy ra trước bằng cách dùng Having + V 3/ ED Ex: He had done the homework before he went to school = Having done the homework, he went to school. UNIT 5 A. REPORTED SPEECH with infinitive: Ta tường thuật các mệnh lệnh, đề nghò, yêu cầu, lời hứa , lời đồng ý, lời khuyên … bằng cách dùng to- V. lưu y:ù một số Đt không có túc từ theo sau và một số đt có túc từ theo sau. • Không có túc từ theo sau: agree, promise, … • Có túc từ theo sau: advise, allow, permit, ask, beg, encourage, invite, order, remind, tell, urge, warn, want, … đổi theo người nói **** CÁCH LÙI THÌ: Am/ is/ are was/ were  had been Will  would, can  could, V 1 / V s/es  V 2/ ed  had V 3/ed don’t / doesn’t  didn’t **** ĐỔI CÁC TỪ: Now then last week… the week…. . before Today that day next week… the week… after Yesterday the day before/ the previous day Tomorrow the day after/ the following day ago before this that here  there these those UNIT 6 *REPORTED SPEECH WITH GERUND: Accuse……(O)…….of : buộc tội (ai) về……. Thank……(O)…… for : cảm ơn ( ai) về…… Congratulate…(O)…on : chúc mừng (ai) về… Warn …(O)… against : cảnh báo (ai) đừng làm gì đó… ( nhớ bỏ not) Prevent…(O)….from : ngăn cản (ai) đừng làm gì đó…… (nhớ bỏ not) Stop……(O)….from : cản ( ai) đừng ………… (nhớ bỏ not ) Insist on : khăng khăng , đòi làm gì đó .…… Appologize for : xin lỗi về…… Dream of : mơ mộng về…… Remember to V1… Think of : nghĩ về…… Khi làm chỉ lấy V1 Look forward to : mong đợi……. Don’t forget to V1… Admit : thừa nhận… Deny : từ chối… (nhớ bỏ not ) Suggest : đề nghị…… UNIT 7 1. Conditional sentence type 1: điều kiện có thể xảy ra . IF + S + V 1 / V s/es , S + will/ can/ must/ may + V 1 * có thể dùng dạng mệnh lệnh ở mệnh đề chính: Go out if you want 2. Conditional sentence type 2: trái với sự thật ở hiện tại, khơng bao giờ xảy ra ở hiện tại IF + S + V 2 / V ED , S + WOULD/ COULD/ MIGHT +V 1 I me My we Us our you You your they them their he Him his she her her *Phải đổi theo chiều dọc, cột nào đổi theo cột đó đổi theo người nghe (be WERE) 3.Conditional sentence type 3: điều kiện trái với sự việc ở quá khứ IF 3 S + Had V 3 / V ed , S + WOULD/COULD/ MIGHT+ have + V 3 / V ed 4.CÁCH VIẾT LẠI CÂU DÙNG IF: - Nếu đt hiện tại  IF 2 … - Nếu đt quá khứ  IF 3 … ** Thêm not hoặc bỏ not từng vế 5.Trong câu tường thuật : -If 1 : lùi thì của động từ ở 2 vế -IF 2 và IF 3 không thay đổi thì của động từ. - Đổi các đại từ và các trạng từ nếu có. 6.Tường thuật câu hỏi : A.Wh- questions: “ Wh… + V + S… ?” S + asked + O + từ hỏi(Wh-) + S + V( lùi thì) …… * Said, told  asked + O B. YES- NO questions: “ Be/khiếm khuyết / do/ does/ did/ have/ has/ had + S …….?” S+ Asked + O + if /whether + S + V( lùi thì) ……… *said, told  asked UNIT 8 1.one: thay thế cho danh từ số ít đã được đề cập đến ở phía trước 2. ones: thay thế cho danh từ số nhiều đã được đề cập đến ở phía trước 3-someone : ( ai đó) dùng trong câu khẳng định. -no one : (không ai) . -anyone : (bất cứ ai) dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi. -everyone : (mọi người.)  V chia số ít, đại từ thay thế là: they, them, their EXERCISES: **Rewrite sentences: 1. I enjoy going by train.It was safer It…………………………………. 2. She couldn’t drive the motorbike.It was very difficult It……………………………………………………. 3. Why did they visit that place? It was very odd That………………………………………………. 4. He shouldn’t drive that car.It was very stupid 5. It…………………………………………………. 6. They arrive home late. 7. He saw…………………………………………… 8. The taecher allowed me to stay at home The teacher let……………………………………. 9. She left the office early yesterday I noticed…………………………………………. 10. They drove away. We stood and watched………………………… 11. Nga said she was sorry she dropped the jug. Nga apologised ……………………………………………. 12. The policeman said that the man stole the bike The policeman accused…………………………………… 13. Ba said that he broke the mobile phone Ba admitted……………………………………………………. 14. The manager told the visitors not to stay at the hotel near the airport The manager warned……………………………………………… Couldn’t you find a better hotel? Is this…………………………………………………………….? 15. I’m very busy. I can’t go to the cinema with you tonight If………………………………………………………………………. 16. “ I love Vietnamese Tet holiday. It is so exciting and colourful” Her English friend said. Her English friend said to her 17. Remember to lock all the door and windows beforw you leave home for the holiday. Don’t………………………………………………………………………………… 18. People in many parts of the world celebrate the beginning of spring The beginning of Spring……………………………………………………………. 19. He didn’t listen to me. He didn’t have a good result. If…………………………………………………………………… 20. You don’t ask me, so I won’t explain it to you If……………………………………………………………………. 21. The killer left his finger marks on the table. He was arrested ……………………………………………………………………… 22. I didn’t know you were coming to Hanoi. That’s why I didn’t invite you to my house If………………………………………………………………………………… 23. She was late because she walked to the meeting If………………………………………………………………………………… 24. Because the woman didn’t say what she wanted I put the phone down. If…………………………………………………………………………………. ***Using an appropriate participle ( present, past or perfect) 25. I knew that he was poor.I offered to pay his fare. …………………………………………………………… 26. He found no one at home .He left the house in a bad temper …………………………………………………………… 27. The criminal removed all the traces of his crime.He left the building ……………………………………………………………………… 28. He realised that he had missed the train. He began to work …………………………………………………………………… 29. He was exhausted by his work. He threw himself on his bed …………………………………………………………………… 30. She did not want to hear the story again. She had heard it all before …………………………………………………………………… 31. He had spent all his money.He decided to go home and asked his father for a job. ……………………………………………………………………… 32. The first man that we must see is Tom ……………………………………………………………………… 33. My son has a lot of boks that he can read ………………………………………………………………………. 34. The people who wish to go on the tour are waiting in the room. ………………………………………………………………………. 35. My mother is in the kitchen.She has something that she has to do there. …………………………………………………………………………… 36. The children need a garden they can play in …………………………………………………………………………………… 37. Bill, who wanted to make an impression on Ann, invited her to his house ……………………………………………………………………………………. 38. The house which was built 100 years ago is being repainted. …………………………………………………………………………… *******change into reported speech: 39. “You should give up smoking” ……………………………………………………… 40. “I won’t do it again” ……………………………………………………… 41. “Would you like to go with me to his house?” ………………………………………………………. 42. “ You’d better stop smoking?” ………………………………………………………………. 43. “ Nam is a teacher of China” …………………………………………………………………. 44. “ Don’t turn off your computer, John.” …………………………………………………………………. 45. “ Go out and let me sleep” ………………………………………………………………… 46. “ please, don’t come in my room” --------------------------------------------------------------- 47. “ Thanks for helping me” Mary said ………………………………………………………………. 48. “I’ll drive you to school. I insist.” John said to Linda. ……………………………………………………………… 49. I’m happy you’ve engaged with her” ………………………………………………………………… 50. “I’m sorry I didn’t remember your name”Magraret said to you. …………………………………………………………………… 51. “You did not do what I asked you” The mother said to her son ………………………………………………………………… 52. “Thank you very much.You have given me a present” …………………………………………………………………… 53. It was very nice of you to drive me to school. Thank you.” ………………………………………………………………………. 54. “ I’m sorry. I didn’t invite you to my house” …………………………………………………………… 55. “ Don’t play with the matches, Tom ! ” ………………………………………………………………. 56. “ If you happen to see this man, send my regard to him,” He said to the girl ………………………………………………………………………………. 57. ‘I wouldn’t have been upset if she had written to me earlier” the man said ………………………………………………………………………………… 58. “ If you took your dad’s advice , you would not make such a silly mistake” the mother said to her son ………………………………………………………………………………………. 59. “ What would you answer if he asked you this question?” She said. ……………………………………………………………………………………. *****************rewrite sentences:****************** 60. Today is Sunday. My children go to school If……………………………………………………………. 61. He studies very well, so he will pass the exam with high marks If…………………………………………………………………. 62. Be quiet or he will see us If………………………………………………………………… 63. Drive carefully or you will make an accident If……………………………………………………………………. 64. He can’t be late for school because he gets up late If………………………………………………………………………. 65. Helen didn’t have a good job because she didn’t have any degree If………………………………………………………………… 66. Without this treatment, the patent would have died If………………………………………………………………………. 67. Without money, he could not buy this house If…………………………………………………………………………. 68. I didn’t eat anything this morning , so I am very hungry now If…………………………………………………………………… 69. “Remember to lock all the door and windows before you leave home”My mother said My mother reminded……………………………………………………………… 70. “ If I were you, I’d introduce him with my parents” She said to me She advised…………………………………………………………………… *******using tag- questions: 1. You didn’t see him,…………….? 11.Ann can’t swim,……………… .? 2. That isn’t Tom,…………………? 12.Peter helps you, …………….….? 3. Mary was there,……………… ? 13. I’m late , …………………… ….? 4. Let’s go,…………………… ? 14. Nothing was sad,……………… .? 5. No one would come,………….? 15. Neither of them saw him,……… ? 6. He hadn’t go to USA before 1958,…….? 16. you have two sons,………….… ? 7. It has rained,……… .? 17. John bought this cake,………….? 8. Everyone hates him,……… ? 18. please, keep silent,………… ….? 9. Don’t watch TV,…………….? 19. I am not wrong,……………… .? 10. Our teachers will come,…… ? 20. Your brother repaired this bike,… ? ****WRITING: Unit 1:A friend: I have many friends but I like Linda the best. She is 18 years old now. She is living with her family in Manchester. We have been friends for 2 years. Linda is a very pretty girl with an oval face.She is rather tall. She has long and black hair,a straight nose and brown eyes.She likes wearing T- shirts and jeans . I like her very much because she is very friendly,honest and kind to everyone.She is willing to help people if they have difficulties.Besides, we have the same hobbies such as reading novels, watching TV,travelling and singing. Linda is very modest although she studies very well. She wants to become a teacher in the future. I’m very happy to have such a friend. I hope that our friendship will last forever. Unit 2: the most memorable experience Last year, Trang invited me to her birthday party . I was very excited about this. I went to a gift shop and bought a lovely gift for her. After that I ran home and put it on the table. I dressed my most beautiful clothes then I hurried to her house because I did not want to come late.At the party, I ate and drank very much .Before going home, I suddenly remembered that I had forgot to take the gift for Trang.I did not know how to do.When Trang came near me, I said to her, “ Sorry Trang, I will send you a gift tomorrow”. At that time I felt very shy . This taught me a lesson. Since then I have been more careful before going to the party. Unit 2 Last week I was invited to Lan’s birthday party. It was held at her house by her parents. I came to her house early to help her prepare everything.The party started at 5 p.m.The living room was decorated very beautifully with flowers, baloons and coloured lights. She invited most of her classmates and relatives. They came and give her a lot of presents, cards and flowers. She looked very happy. I also gave her a lovely hat .At the party people drank solf drinks, beer and ate birthday cake, fruits and some specilas foods that her mother had cooked. There were some interesting activities such as singing, dancing and playing games at the party.The party finished at 10p.m. I was very happy to attend this party. A letter of invitation: Dear Linda, I’m having my birthday party at my house at 4.pm. on 28 th September .Would you like to come? Most of our classmates have been invited, too.There will be lots of refreshments and some special foods that my mothers is going to cook.You may drink some beer if you want. Of course, there will be dancing, singing and some games with nice prizes for the winners. I’m very happy to see you. Please let me know by Saturday if you can come Love, Peter Unit 5: The table describes the trends of literacy rates in Sunshine country from 1988 to 2007. As can be seen from the data in the table, the literacy rates of the population varied considerably during this period. In the Lowlands, the number of literate people increased steadily with 50% in 1998, 53% in 2002 and 56% in 2004.Then it increased sharply in 2007 with 95% . Similarly, the number of literate people in Midlands increased steadily with 70% in 1998 ,75% in 1997, 80% in2004 and 85 % in 2007 and 85% in 2007. On the contrary, the literacy rate in the Highlands decreased steadily with 50% in 1998, 45% in 2002,40% in 2004 and 30% in 2007. These data may help the researchers make suitable plans for educational development in each area of the country. Literacy rate of the population aged 17 years +of some Southeast Asian countries (1995) Country Literacy rate Male Female China 90 80 Cambodia 53 24 Malaysia 88 83 Phillipines 88 83 Thailand 95 92 Vietnam 96 90 The table shows the Literacy rate of the population aged 17 years + of some Southeast Asian countries in 1995. As can be seen from the table, literacy rates in Southeast Asian countries vary considerably. In China, the number of literate male is 90% while the number of literate female is 80%.In Cambodia, the number of literate people is very low with 53% for male and 24 % for female.However, these rates in Malaysia and Philippin are rather high and they have the same figures of both male (88%) and female (83%) who can read and write .In Thailand , the literacy rate is higher with 95 % of male and 92% of female. Vietnam also has a very high rate. The number of literate male is 96% and the number of literate female is 90%. UNIT 6 Hanoi, Vietnam Dear Thu Trang, Thank you for your letter.I’m very happy to know that you want to take part in our English Speaking Competition. We will give some details about the competition: The number of participants is 25 The competition is held at 106 Tran Hung Dao street, Hoam Kiem District, Hanoi on October 25 th . And it will start at 8.30p.m, so you should arrive at 7p.m to prepare. You may contact me on the phone number (04) 988188 or e-mail for more information I look forward to meeting you later. Your faithfully, K. Johnson Kate Johnson A competition: Dear Lan, Last week my school had a competition “ Telling about Uncle Ho’ stories”. This competion was very interesting. I’m writing to tell you about it. KIỂM TRA LẦN 2 *GIVE THE CORRECT FORM OF VERBS : 1. Yesterday my father (ask)………… me ( water)………… these trees but I ( not do)……….it. If I (remember)…………….to do, they ( be)…………….very fresh. 2.When I ( come)…………… their house, they ( go )…….to the cinema. 3.My house (repaint)………….three days ago. 4. Our teacher ( just, give)…….us a test and we (do)………… it for 10 minutes. 5.Since I ( get)…… a good job, I ( feel)………very happy in my life. 6.After he ( repair)…………my TV, I (pay)……………him 100,000 dong. 7.What they (do )…………when he (call) …………? 8.While I ( run)……………….after her, I ( fall) ………… down. 9.Mr. Hill (love)…… his family very much. He always (buy)…….a lot of cakes for his children if he ( arrive)………… home from work early. 10.Many stories about Uncle Ho ( tell)…………… by students last week. 11.If I had enough money , I ( lend)……… you. 12.I would have a good job if I (speak)……… Japanese fluently. 13.You would not have believed it if you(not, see)………… it 14.If they (have)…………….a map, they’d not waste a lot of time finding his house 15. Please tell me the news if you (know)…………. about it REWRITE SENTENCES******************* 1. I didn’t prepare for the interview, so I did not get the job If 2. He can take much exrcise because I don’t have enough free time If 3. The men were wearing protective clothing , so they were safe If 4. Because I did not know the job was difficult, I took it. If 5. My father did not earn much money, so life wasn’t easy for us If 6. He is honest, so he will return the money If 7. They knew that you were sick, so they would visit you IF 8. She studies hard, so she can pass the exam  9. They didn’t go , that was why- she called the police  10. You did not follow my advice, so you are wrong now  11. “ Thanks for helping me, Tom” Mary said Mary thanked………………………………………………………………. 12. “I’ll drive you to school. I insist.” John said to Linda. John insisted……………………………………………………………… 13. “We’are happy to know that you’ve engaged with her.Congratulations!”They said to him They congratulated………………………………………………………………… 14. “I’m sorry I didn’t remember your name”Magraret said to Bin. Magraret appologized…………………………………………………………………… 15. “You did not do what I asked you” The mother said to her son The mother accused ………………………………………………………………… 16. “Thank you very much.You have given me a present” Linda said to us Linda thanked…………………………………………………………………… 17. “It was very nice of you to drive me to school. Thank you.”She said She thanked………………………………………………………………………. 18. “ I’m sorry. I didn’t invite you to my house” He said to me He apologized…………………………………………………………… 19. “ Don’t play with the matches, Tom ! ” His uncle said Tom’s uncle warned………………………………………………………………. 20. “ If you happen to see this man, send my regard to him,” He said to the girl He asked………………………………………………………………………………. 21. “I wouldn’t have been upset if she had written to me earlier” the man said The man said………………………………………………………………………………… 22. “ If you took your dad’s advice , you would not make such a silly mistake” the mother said to her son The mother told………………………………………………………………………………………. 23. “ What would you answer if he asked you this question?” She said. She asked……………………………………………………………………………………… 24. “If I’m free, I will help you” the boy said to the girl The boy told ………………………………………………………………………………………… 25. “ We would have met you if we had not been late” They said to her They said……………………………………………………………………………………………. *****CHOOSE THE BEST WORD TO COMPLETE THE SENTENCES: 1. If he had his car. He ………… you to the airport. (drive, drove, would drive, could have driven) 2. You ……this test if you don’t work hard. (will never pass, do never pass, never pass, pass) 3. She could do if she………….(tries, tried , trying, has tried) 4. If you broke the window, you………….to pay for it. (will have, would have , had, can have) 5. If you ……me, I would be able to give you the answer. (asks, will ask, would ask, asked) 6. If I ………you, I ……… her advice. (was/take, were/will take, am/ took, were / would take) 7. Tell him to ring me up if you ………him. (saw, see, will see, would see) 8. What would happen if he……….ill? (fell, feel, fall, felt) 9. What will happen if my door……? (don’t open, won’t open, wouldn’t open, doesn’t open) 10. He did not see you. If he……… you, he……………you. (see/would call, saw/would have called, had seen /would have called, was seen / wouldn’t have called) 11. Many……………came to my village and helped the vilagers repair some roads.(voluntary, voluntarily, volunteered, volunteers) 12. Tom helped me with the homework…………( voluntary, voluntarily, volunteered, volunteers) 13. ***PRONUNCIATION: 14. a.women b.wanted c.two d.world 15. a.twelve b.twenty c.wife d.wrong 16. a.flower b.knowledge c.writing d.twin 17. a.uniform b.useful c.united d.understand 18. a.studying b.why c.terrify d.crying 16.a.amount b. about c. hourd.sound 17.a.limit b.figure c.iron d.billion 18.a.answer b.what c.whole d.jewelry ***PREPOSITION: 1. People are not aware……………the problems of overpopulation 2. Fewer children die………….birth 3. Asia accounts ……………… 32 per cent. 4. I watched that film ……… television 5. I’m looking forward …………….going to Dalat with them [...]... voluntarily take care … others 16 I helped my mother clean ………….the kitchen 17 They warned me ………….swimming too far 18 My uncle is living ………………the United States 19 I have no objection ………….listening to your story 20 Were you interested…………….the competion? GRAMMAR HKII UNIT 8 1.one: thay thế cho danh từ số ít đã được đề cập đến ở phía trước 2 ones: thay thế cho danh từ số nhiều đã được đề cập đến ở phía trước... trạng từ) UNIT 14: 1.- both… and…: cả….lẫn…( V luôn ở số nhiều) - Either…or… : hoặc…hoặc…( V chia theo S sau) - Neither…nor…: không….cũng không…( V chia theo S sau) - Not only…but also…: không những …mà còn…( V chia theo S sau) 2.câu chẻ ở dạng bị động: S + V + O  It + is / was O +THAT+ bị động + (by O) *Htđ : am/ is/ are+V3/ed *Qkđ: was/ were +V3/ed * be ở bị động chia theo danh từ trước THAT UNIT 15... 3-someone : ( ai đó) dùng trong câu khẳng định -no one : (không ai) -anyone : (bất cứ ai) dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi -everyone : (mọi người.)  V chia số ít, đại từ thay thế là: they, them, their UNIT 9, 10,1112,13 :relative pronouns( đtqh) : 1 who+V : thay cho chủ từ chỉ người ( He, She, They) 2.whom+ S V: thay cho túc từ chỉ người ( him, her, them) -có thể dùng who thay cho whom 3 which+ V /... nobody,none, neither  they _Nothing, everything, this, that  it _ there +be  there ( các thì) * hardly, little,neither, never, no, no one, nobody,none, nothing, seldom: phần đuôi luôn Name of tensesdạng khẳngUsage Formation Key words ở định 1 present simple ( HTĐ) 2.present Continuous ( HTTD) 3.past simple ( QkĐ) 4 past continuous (QKTD) 5.Present Perfect (HTHT) 6.Past Perfect - 1 thói quen,1 sự việc *S(nhiều,I, . hơn…………………… UNIT 2 A. PASSIVE INFNITIVE AND GERUND( bò động của Đt nguyên mẫu và danh động từ) *V+ TO- V  V+ TO BE + V 3/ED * V+ V-ING V + BEING + V 3/ED UNIT. living ………………the United States. 19. I have no objection ………….listening to your story. 20. Were you interested…………….the competion? GRAMMAR HKII UNIT 8 1.one:

Ngày đăng: 03/09/2013, 22:10



