The Time Value of Money LOS aLess liquidity = High LRP Shorter maturity = Low MRP Return on Non-investment grade bond > Return on Investment grade bond, because risk of Non-investment g
Trang 1The Time Value of Money LOS a
Less liquidity
= High LRP
Shorter maturity
= Low MRP
Return on Non-investment grade bond > Return on Investment grade bond, because
risk of Non-investment grade bond > risk of Investment grade bond
International Fischer Relationship (approx.)
Consumption cost -
True saving - 3
Treasury bonds = Real RFR + Expected inflation
Corporate bonds = Real RFR + Expected inflation + Risk premium
Nominal risk-free rate = Real risk-free rate + Expected inflation
@ 10% p.a.
Default risk
Liquidity risk
Maturity risk
Risk that borrower will not make promised payments
in a timely manner
Risk of receiving less than FV for an investment if it must be sold for cash quickly
Risk of volatility
of price of a bond because of its longer maturity
Types of risks
Default risk premium
Liquidity risk premium
Maturity risk premium
Interest rate can be interpreted as
3 1
Trang 2LOS c
EAR on TI BA II Plus Professional
-Effective Annual Rate =
It is a stream of equal cash flows occurring at equal intervals.
Calculation and interpretation of effective annual rate
TVM with different compounding frequencies
PV = -100
FV = 113.68
N = 1 X 4 = 4 I/Y = 13.25/4 = 3.3125
PV = -100
FV = 113.92
N = 1 X 12 = 12 I/Y = 13.25/12 = 1.104
PV = -100
FV = 114.08
The rate of interest that an investor actually earns as a result of
compounding is known as EAR
CF Disc rate
Principal repayment (Inst - Int.)
Closing loan (Op loan - Princ
Trang 32 Using amort function in TI BA II plus professional
Using CF function in TI BA II plus professional
Trang 4Discounted Cash Flow Applications LOS a
PV of inflows − PV of outflows
Rate at which PV of inflows = PV of outflows
At IRR, NPV = 0
Decision rule
Holding period return (HPR)
Money-weighted rate of return
Time-weighted rate of return
(TWRR) Total return
For a single project NPV and IRR rules lead to same accept/reject decision
If IRR > WACC, NPV =+ve
If IRR < WACC, NPV =−ve
If IRR > WACC = Accept
If IRR < WACC = Reject
+ve = Accept
−ve = Reject Mutually exclusive projects - Accept project with highest NPV
Ending value - beginning value + CF received
− 1
− 1
Or Or
! TWRR is not affected by timing of the cash flows, therefore it is more preferred method of
performance measurement
! If funds are contributed to a portfolio just prior to a period of relatively poor performance,
! If funds are contributed to a portfolio just prior to a period of relatively high returns,
Provides better measure of manager’s ability to select investments Appropriate if manager has complete
Trang 5T - bill
3 mistakes analogy to remember the formulas (indicated in red)
j No Compounding
k 360 days
l Face value as base
365/90 (1+3.09%) - 1
360 90
Trang 6Measure used to describe a characteristic of a population
It is used to measure
a characteristic of a sample
Statistical Concepts and Market Returns
Descriptive statistics
Sample statistic Frequency distribution
-Tabular presentation of statistical data
Data employed with a frequency distribution may be measured using any type of measurement scale
Types of measurement scales
Inferential statistics
Used to summarize important characteristics of large data
Eg Average of weekly tests Eg Forecast on pass or not
Used to make forecasts of
Higher level of measurement than nominal scales Observation is assigned to a category
Eg MF’s star rating
Most refined level
of measurement Provides ranking and equal differences between scale values Has a true zero point as origin
Provides relative ranking and assurance that differences between scale values are equal Weakness - Zero doesn’t mean total absence
Eg Temperature measurement
Trang 7LOS c
Relative frequency and cumulative relative frequency
Histogram and Frequency polygon
Measures of central tendency
Interval / class
WM = 8.2
HM =
4 1/10 + 1/14 + 1/4 +1/8
ª Sum of deviations from arithmetic mean is always zero
ª To calculate portfolio return, weighted mean is used
ª Geometric mean is used for calculating investment returns over multiple periods
ª Harmonic mean is used to calculate average of ratios
ª Arithmetic mean > Geometric mean > Harmonic mean
Trang 8Standard deviation Variance
It is the midpoint of a data set
Value that occurs most frequently in a data set
A data set can have more than one mode or even no mode
If a data set has one/two/three modes it is said to be unimodal/bimodal/trimodal
Median = [(n+1) X 50%] observation Data needs to be arranged in ascending order
to calculate median using above formula
SD can be calculated directly on TI BA II plus professional.
Ÿ Use DATA (2nd 7) to enter data then,
Ÿ Use STAT (2nd 8) to see SD
Distribution is divided into quarters
Distribution is divided into fifths
Distribution is divided into tenths
Distribution is divided into hundreds
Trang 9CV = SDx X Lower the better
It is used to measure excess return per unit of risk aka reward-to-variability
SR = Portfolio return RFR −
SD of portfolio Higher the better
Motorcycle takes 3 ltrs of petrol
to cover the entire distance
Motorcycle takes 2.2 ltrs of petrol
to cover the entire distance
20 − 10 2.2
Trang 10Locations of mean, median and mode
right skew
Mesokurtic distribution
Leptokurtic distribution
Platykurtic distribution
Mean = Median = Mode Mean > Median > Mode
Skewness: Extent to which data is not symmetrical Negative skew in returns distributions indicates increased risk
Mean < Median < Mode
Asymmetrical distribution
Kurtosis: Measures the peakedness of a distribution Positive kurtosis in returns distributions indicates increased risk
Mean, median,
Trang 11S > 0.5 indicates significant level of skewness k
Excess kurtosis > 1 is considered a large value
Arithmetic mean return is appropriate for forecasting single period returns in future periods
Geometric mean return is appropriate for forecasting future compound returns over multiple periods
Use of arithmetic mean and geometric mean when analyzing investment returns
Trang 12Probability Concepts LOS a
Random variable Outcome
Two defining properties of probability
Probability of an event in terms of odds
Mutually exclusive events
Uncertain quantity/
Observed value
of a random variable
An outcome or
a set of outcomes
Events that can not happen together
All possible events
è Probability is always between 0 & 1
è If we have mutually exclusive and exhaustive events then sum of probabilities of those events will always be 1
If probability of an event is 20%
Then for 10 experiments, success = 2 failure = 8
Eg Historical pass rates
Determined using formal reasoning
Eg Throwing a die
= 1/6
Least formal method of developing probabilities Involves personal judgement
Trang 13LOS d
Unconditional and conditional probabilities
Multiplication, addition and total probability rules
Conditional Unconditional
µ Refers to probability of an event
regardless of occurrence of other
µ A conditional probability of an occurrence is also called its likelihood
Used to determine unconditional probability of an event,
given conditional probabilities
Apply this rule when a question says ‘or’
P(AB) = P(A|B) × P(B) P(A|B) = P(AB)
P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) − P(AB)
P(A) = P(A|B ) × P(B ) + P (A|B ) x P(B ) + P(A|B ) × P(B ) 1 1 2 2 n n
For mutually exclusive events the joint probability is zero
Joint probability - Probability that all the events will occur at the same time
For events that are not mutually exclusive, joint probability must be subtracted from the total of unconditional probabilities to avoid double counting
P(AB) P(A)
P(A) = 60%
P(Both) = P(At least one) = P(None) =
Trang 14LOS g
LOS h, i, j
Dependent and independent events
Unconditional probability using total probability rule
Ÿ Occurrence of one event has no
influence on occurrence of other events
Ÿ P (A|B) = P(A)
Ÿ Getting 5 on a second roll of die is
independent of getting 5 on the first roll
of die
Ÿ Occurrence of one event is dependent
on occurrence of other events
Good economy next year
Interest rates increase
Prob of good economy and rate increase
Prob of good economy and rate decrease
Interest rates decrease
Conditional probability
Joint probability 1
EPS = 3
P(Good ) = 60%
0.4 × 0.6 × 10 = 2.4
0.4 × 0.4 × 8 = 1.28 0.6 × 0.7 × 6 = 2.52
0.6 x 0.3 x 3 = 0.54
Trang 15LOS k
Covariance and correlation
Expected value, variance and standard deviation of portfolio
µ Only +ve and −ve sign matters for
determining relationship b/w the variables
µ Standardized measure of covariance
µ Measures strength of linear relationship between two random variables
µ Does not have a unit
It is used to calculate updates probability
W E(R ) + W E(R ) +W E(R ) + +W E(R ) 1 1 2 2 3 3 n n
P(A) = 30%
P(B ) = 70%
Trang 16LOS o Counting problems
n ! x n ! x x n ! 1 2 k
P r
Eg A person has 8 cars He uses 3 cars
for work, 3 other for long distance trips
and 2 other for commute other than
work Calculate the no of different
ways to label them.
Eg How many different ways are there to select
3 players from 5, if the order of selection is important ?
Eg How many different ways are there to select
3 players from 5, if the order of selection is not important ?
Permutation is used when order of selection is important Combination is used when order of selection is not important
Trang 17Common Probability Distribution LOS a
Discrete random variable
-Discrete random variable
Continuous random variable
-Continuous random variable
Describes the probabilities of all possible outcomes
of a random variable Probabilities of all outcomes should equal to 1
There is a finite number of possible outcomes Eg
number of stocks in portfolio There is an infinite number of possible outcomes Eg Return earned in portfolio
Number of people present in class Probability distribution of a roll of a die
Trang 18Continuous non - uniform
Cumulative distribution function
Binomial random variable
Outcome can be either
Ÿ Mean of binomial distribution = np
Ÿ Variance of binomial distribution = npq
Ÿ q = 1 − P
Trang 19708 x 1/1.2
= 590
850 x 1/1.2
= 708 Stock price (S) = 850 Uptick (u) = 1.2 Downtick (d) = 1/U = 1/1.2
Return on portfolio − Return on benchmark
Sud Sdu
15 6
Sd S
ª For all a < x1 < x2 < b (i.e for all x1 and x2 between the boundaries a and b)
ª P(X < a or X > b) = 0 (i.e probability of X outside the boundaries is zero)
ª P(x < X < x ) = (x - x )/b - a 1 2 2 1
(This defines the probability of outcomes between x and x ) 1 2
Properties of continuous uniform distribution
ª Continuous uniform distribution will always have lower and upper bound (a,b)
ª Probability of X taking any value below ‘a’ or above ‘b’ will be zero
X is uniformly distributed between 2 & 20 Calculate the probability that X will be between 6 & 15.
Because it is a continuous distribution
not go to zero (i.e the tails get very thin but extend infinitely
Trang 20LOS k
Univeriate distribution
Multiveriate distribution
Confidence interval
Standard normal distribution
Single variable
Standard normal distribution - Z-value =
It is a normal distribution that is standardized so that its
mean = 0 and standard deviation = 1
Observation − Population mean standard deviation
More than one variables
A multivariate distribution with 10 variables has - 10 means 10 Variances 45 Correlations
10 x 9
2 = 45
3σ 2σ
1σ -1σ
-2σ -3σ
-At 1.5 Z-value, Probability = 93.32%
Therefore probability of value less than 400 = 1 − 0.9332 = 6.68%
Trang 21LOS n
Shortfall risk and Safety first ratio
Normal and lognormal distribution
Discrete and continuous compounding
Shortfall risk
Probability that portfolio value
or return will fall below a particular value or target over a given period of time
Lower the better
Excess return per unit of risk over minimum acceptable return/threshold level.
SF ratio = R − Threshold return p
because they can not take negative values
-Annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly etc.
No of compounding periods within a given time period
Lognormal distribution
SF ratio =
Trang 22Continuous compounding calculations
Technique based on repeated generation of one or more risk factors that
affect security values, to generate a distribution
It is based on actual change in value or actual change in risk factor for some prior period
Each iteration of simulation involves randomly selecting one of these past changes for
each risk factor and calculating the value of the asset or portfolio in question, based
on those changes in risk factor Its advantage is that it uses actual distribution of risk factors, which need not be estimated.
Its limitations are : Past changes in risk factor may not be a good indication of future changes
It can not address the sort of ‘whatif’ questions that Monte Carlo simulation can
It is used to
Ÿ Value complex securities
Ÿ Simulate profits/losses from a trading strategy
Ÿ Calculate estimates of VaR to determine the
riskiness of a portfolio
Ÿ Simulate pension fund assets and liabilities to
examine the variability of the differences
between the two
Ÿ Value portfolios of assets that do not have
normal returns distribution
Its limitations are
Ÿ It is complex
Ÿ It is subject to model risk and input risk
Ÿ Simulation is not an analytic method, but a statistic one.
Ÿ Increased complexity does not necessarily ensure accuracy
Trang 23Sampling and Estimation LOS a
Simple random sampling and sampling distribution
It is a probability distribution of all possible sample statistic computed from samples drawn from the population
Method of selecting a sample in such a way that each item in the population has same likelihood
of being included in the sample.
Another way to form an approximately random sample.
Eg Drawing a sample of 5 apples from 50 to calculate average weight.
Eg Selecting every n item from the population
Sampling error = Sample statistic − Population parameter
Stratified random sampling -
Sampling distribution
-Sampling distribution does not have to be normal distribution
Mean, Variance, Standard Deviation of
Avg calorie intake of a nation Results of these samples
are then pooled to form a combined sample
Mean, Variance, Standard Deviation of
Trang 24ª Sample mean(x) approaches population mean(μ) as sample size becomes large
ª Variance equals ‘σ /n’ as sample size becomes large
ª If sample size n, is sufficiently large (n ≥ 30), the sampling distribution of the sample
means will be approximately normal
ª If central limit theorem works, population mean(μ) = mean of sampling distribution
ª Standard deviation of sampling distribution = σ/√n (standard error)
Time-series and Cross-sectional data
Central limit theorem
Standard error of sample mean
Describe properties of an estimator
Time-series data
Cross-sectional data
It consists of observations taken
over a period of time
ª Unbiasedness - It is one for which the expected value of the estimator is equal to the
parameter you are trying to estimate
ª Efficiency - Unbiased estimator is also efficient if the variance of its sampling distribution
is smaller than other unbiased estimators of parameter you are trying to estimate
ª Consistency - An estimator for which the accuracy of the parameter estimate increases as the sample size increases
It consists of observations taken
at a single point in time
Time-series and cross-sectional data can be pooled in the same data set.
Panel and longitudinal data are typically presented in table or spreadsheat form.
Observations over time of multiple characteristics of the
same entity Eg Unemployment, GDP growth rates, inflation of a country over 10 years.
Observations over time of same characteristic of the
multiple entities Eg analysis of D/E ratio of 20 companies over 8 quarters.