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CFA 2018 level 1 schweser s quicksheet

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C r i t i c a l C o n c e pt d ^ ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS _ I 1(A) 1(B) 1(C) 1(D) II 11(A) 11(B) III III (A) III(B) III(C) III(D) III(E) IV IV(A) IV(B) IV(C) V V(A) V(B) V(C) VI VI (A) VI(B) VI (C) VII VII(A) VII(B) Professionalism Knowledge of the Law Independence and Objectivity Misrepresentation Misconduct Integrity of Capital Markets Material Nonpublic Information Market Manipulation Duties to Clients Loyalty, Prudence, and Care Fair Dealing Suitability Performance Presentation Preservation of Confidentiality Duties to Employers Loyalty Additional Compensation Arrangements Responsibilities of Supervisors Investment Analysis, Recommendations, and Actions Diligence and Reasonable Basis Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients Record Retention Conflicts of Interest Disclosure of Conflicts Priority of Trans actio ns Referral Fees Responsibilities as a CFA Institute Member or CFA Candidate Conduct as Participants in CFA Institute Programs Reference to CFA Institute, the CFA Designation, and the CFA Program Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPSđ) Compliance statement: [Insert name of firm] has prepared and presented this report in compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS).” Compliance must be applied on a firm-wide basis • Nine sections: fundamentals of compliance, input data, calculation methodology, composite construction, disclosures, presentation and reporting, real estate, private equity, and wrap fee/separately managed account portfolios 2018 CFA® E x a m s for t he Approximation formula for nominal required rate: E(R) = RFR + IP + RP Means Arithmetic mean: sum of all observation values in sample/population, divided by # of observations Geometric mean: used when calculating investment returns over multiple periods or to measure compound growth rates Geometric mean return: Rc= (1 + R,)x x(l + RN) P - harmonic mean = N N E i=i c , Jl^ V Variance and Standard Deviation Variance: average of squared deviations from mean !>.—u N P)' population variance = cr = — -N n sample variance - s2- i=i x)2 n —1 Standard deviation: square root of variance H olding Period Return (HPR) P , - P ^ + D, + P.-i P«-i Coefficient o f Variation Coefficient o f variation (CV): expresses how much dispersion exists relative to mean of a distribution; allows for direct comparison of dispersion across different data sets CV is calculated by dividing standard deviation of a distribution by the mean or expected value of the distribution: cv = X Sharpe Ratio Sharpe ratio: measures excess return per unit of risk Sharpe ratio = rP ~ rf Expected return, variance o f 2-stock portfolio: E ( R P) = w a E(R a ) + w b E(Rb) Var( R p) = WAa (R a ) + W2B

Ngày đăng: 15/01/2019, 22:55

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