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Xây dựng và sử dụng WebGIS mã nguồn mở trong dạy học địa lí 12 trung học phổ thông tt tiếng anh

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  • 1. Rationale

  • 2. Research objectives and tasks

  • 2.1. Research objectives

  • 2.2. Research tasks

  • 3. Research subjects and scope

  • 3.1. Research subjects

  • 3.2. Research scope

  • 4. Scientific hypothesis

  • 5. Literature Review

  • 5.1. Abroad

  • 5.2. In Vietnam

  • 6. Research approaches and methods

  • 6.1. Research approaches

  • The dissertation is based on the following approaches: structural systematic, student-centered learning, educational technology, competence-based learning.

  • 6.2. Research Methods

  • 7. Contributions of the dissertation

  • 8. Structure of the thesis


  • 1.1. General issues on the renovation of general education

  • 1.1.1. Renovation of the general education curriculum

  • 1.1.2 Innovation in methods, forms of teaching and assessment

  • 1.2. Application of information and communication technology in teaching geography

  • 1.2.1. Concept

  • 1.2.2. The role of ICT in teaching

  • 1.2.3. Trends of application of ICT in teaching geography

  • 1.3. Educational maps in teaching geography

  • 1.4. WebGIS in teaching geography

  • 1.5. Open source for WebGIS

  • 1.6. Physiological characteristics and cognitive abilities of 12th grade students

  • 1.7. Objective and content of Grade 12 Geography

  • 1.7.1. Objective of learning

  • 1.7.2. Grade 12 Geography curriculum

  • CHAPTER 2:




  • 2.1. Requirements and principles of development and use of open source WebGIS in teaching Grade-12 Geography

  • 2.1.1. Requirements

  • 2.1.2. Principle

  • 2.2. Determining map layers and information layers to be built on WebGIS

  • 2.3. The process of building WebGIS

  • - Step 1: Define goals and requirements: The clarification of goals and requirements of product is based on objective and contents of Grade 12 Geography and of each lesson, plan for cognitive activities of students, teaching methods, means and activities.

  • - Step 2: Identify necessary map and information layers: the author has summarized the current types of educational maps for teaching grade-12 to make basis to identify necessary map and information layers in the WebGIS product. This identification needs to ensure the inherit and combination of traditional map sources, to create map layers with updated data/content or new layers for teaching ideas.

  • - Step 3: Design and edit data: Based on matrix of map layers identified in step 2, the author has organized data in two groups: background data and thematic data.

  • - Step 4: Select WebGIS technology: Regarding WebGIS for teaching Geography 12, the author has chosen the following technology components: Apache for web server, GeoServer for map server; for client, code Heron MC is use for creating interface; PostgreSQL/PostGIS is for database.

  • - Step 5: Build WebGIS structure and interface: The structure of WebGIS for teaching Geography 12, similar to a normal Website, consists of 3 basic tiers: interface, application server and data (figure 2.2).

    • Figure 2.2. Structure of WebGIS for teaching Grade 12 Geography

  • - Step 6: Test. The objective of this step is to test the function of WebGIS application and the display of data layers. Staring Apache and Geoserver to create web and map services for application, then use web browser to access it at: http://localhost/geo12.

  • - Step 7: Complete and practical experiment. In this step, the author has solved more tasks or add other useful functions for the product. The author published online WebGIS at the address http://emap12.tk to continue testing and consulting experts to adjust and improve the product. After that, pedagogical experiment is conducted, in line with the improvement of the product.

  • 2.4. Application of open source for developing WebGIS

  • 2.5. Introduction to WebGIS product

  • 2.6. Using WebGIS in teaching Grade 12 Geography

  • 2.6.1. Teaching process with the support of WebGIS

    • Figure 2.22. Steps to use WebGIS in class-based teaching

    • Figure 2.23. Steps using WebGIS for small group learning

  • 2.6.2. Utilize the features of WebGIS in some situations of teaching Grade-12 Geography

  • 2.7. Selected lesson plans for illustration


  • 3.1. Purposes, principles and methods

  • 3.1.1. Purposes

  • 3.1.2. Principles

  • 3.1.3. Methods

  • The author used comparative experiment (Vũ Cao Đàm, 1999).

  • The evaluation of the pedagogical experiment is both qualitative and quantitative.

  • 3.2. Objects, location, timing

  • 3.2.1. Objects

  • 3.2.2. Location

    • Table 3.1 Name of schools and experiment teachers

  • 3.2.3. Timing

  • 3.3. Selection of lessons and implementation of experiment

  • 3.3.1. Selection of lessons

  • 3.3.2. Implementation of experiment

  • 3.4. Experiment results

  • 3.4.1. Experiment test N1

    • Table 3.5. Combined parameters of test # 1

    • Table 3.6. The results of the one-factor analysis of test # 1

  • 3.4.2. Experiment test N2

    • Table 3.9. Combined parameters of test # 2

    • Table 3.10. The results of the one-factor analysis of test # 2

  • 3.4.3. Experiment test 3

    • Table 3.13. Combined parameters of test # 3

    • Table 3.14. The results of the one-factor analysis of test # 2

  • 3.5. Evaluation of experiment

  • 3.5.1. Quantitative evaluation

    • Bảng 3.15. Synthetic of average scores of 3 tests

    • Table 3.16. Test scores (unit: %)

  • 3.5.2. Qualitative assessment

  • 3.6. Evaluation survey of WebGIS application

    • Table 3.18. Summary of the evaluation from teachers on WGT12


  • 1. Conclusions

  • 2. Recommendations


Nội dung

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION * NGUYEN THANH XUAN BUILD-UP AND USE OF OPEN SOURCE WEBGIS IN TEACHING GRADE 12 GEOGRAPHY Specialty: Theory and Methodology of Teaching Geography Code: SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL DISSERTATION OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCE Hanoi, 2019 This thesis was completed at: Hanoi National University of Education Supervisors: Prof Dr Nguyen Viet Thinh Assoc Prof Dr Dang Van Duc Reviewer 1: Assoc Prof Dr Trinh Le Hung Military Technology Academy Reviewer 2: Assoc Prof Dr Ngo Quang Son Vietnam Academy for Ethnic Minorities Reviewer 3: Assoc Prof Dr Do Vu Son Thainguyen University of Education The dissertation is being defended in front of a University-level committee at Hanoi National University of Education at … ……………… The dissertation can be founded at following libraries: - Vietnam National Library - Library of Hanoi National University of Education INTRODUCTION Rationale Maps in general and educational maps in particular have significant roles in teaching Geography However, paper educational maps have several disadvantages, such as: it takes longer time to be updated; fixed map scale requires relevant generalization of objects, phenomena; it is more difficult to expand knowledge contained in the map; it is inconvenient to users that they should always keep paper maps to search or find out objects on the map In case of an additional system of digital map stored and updated online to be used in combination with existing map sources, the disadvantages mentioned-above will be taken off, facilitating the teaching and learning The innovation of teaching school subjects, including Geography, to improve learning efficiency is both important mission and solution to realize the fundamental reform of education in the country The promoted application of educational technology will create a modern interactive environment for students and contribute significantly to training a generation of "global citizens", in line with the requirements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution WebGIS was emerged on the basis of new development of science and technology and the Internet This application has been used in different areas of life, economy and society, including education With many advantages, Open Source WebGIS can be an appropriate solution, which helps to innovate learning methods, improve efficiency and capacity of applying information technology in teaching geography Grade 12 Geography is a course that helps students have basic knowledge on geography of Vietnam The map sources used in teaching Grade 12 Geography mainly are: inserted maps in textbooks, wall maps and Atlat Geography of Vietnam Other additional map sources can be sought on Internet as from the Google map application and other web sites, but WebGIS exclusively for teaching grade 12 Geography Based on reasons mentioned-above, we choose the theme of the dissertation as “Build-up and use of open source WebGIS in teaching Grade 12 Geography” Research objectives and tasks 2.1 Research objectives To set up a process and to design samples of Open Source WebGIS maps; to experiment the use of WebGIS in teaching Grade 12 Geography aiming to enhance the effectiveness of teaching geography in high school as well as to develop student’s competency 2.2 Research tasks To review the theoretical and practical basis of developing and using Open Source WebGIS in teaching geography; To identify the requirements to and principles of build-up and use of WebGIS in teaching Grade 12 Geography; To setup a process and design WebGIS; To use WebGIS in teaching Grade 12 Geography; To perform pedagogical experiment to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of the use of WebGIS in teaching Research subjects and scope 3.1 Research subjects Studying a process of WebGIS development; applying open source to develop WebGIS and using WebGIS in teaching Grade 12 Geography 3.2 Research scope The main focuses of this dissertation are as follows: a process of developing WebGIS to be proposed; sample maps for teaching lesson units (Unit 13, 24 and 30) in Geography 12 to be designed and to be tested in teaching practice; A pedagogical experiment at selected high schools to be performed to verify the feasibility and effectiveness of using WebGIS in teaching Grade 12Geography Scientific hypothesis The appropriate use of open source WebGIS to support teaching grade 12 Geography will promote active learning, develop student’s competency, contribute to innovating teaching methods and enhance the quality of teaching geography in high school Literature Review 5.1 Abroad In this paragraph it was reviewed main works on maps and map-use in geography education of famous Russian educators and geographers as V Bhudov (1948); A Borzov (1949); N.N.Baranxki (1960), Borden D Dent (1999), Slocum (1999), AM Berliant (2004); K.A Xalisev (2005 Vietnamese translation) By the end of the twentieth century, the science and technology boom led to the emergence of digital maps This was an important premise, making a sharp development of mapping and map use Some presentative studies could be found in Denis Wood, John Fels (1992); A.H Robinson et al (1995); M.J Kraak and F.J Ormeling (1996); Allan Brown (2001); Alan M MacEachren (2004); M.P Peterson (2005); E Stefanakis et al (2006); W Cartwright et al (2007), These works mentioned above dealt with the use of technology and science in mapping and map use, analyzed and highlighted the advantage of the electronic maps, multimedia maps versus traditional maps, and introduced background concepts of web-based, internet-based maps Open source WebGIS was blossoming when open source Map Server technologies were introduced, along with the development of open source GIS and Web applications WebGIS is getting more important, widely used in most areas of life In the field of education, WebGIS was soon applied in many countries 5.2 In Vietnam In this paragraph, it was reviewed main works of experts on cartography and educational maps, as Ngo Dat Tam (1968); Pham Ngoc Dinh, Vu Tuan Canh, Lam Quang Doc, Le Huynh, Hoang Xuan Linh, Do Thi Minh Tinh (1976); Le Huynh - Le Ngoc Nam (2001); Lam Quang Doc - Pham Ngoc Dinh, Vu Bich Van, Nguyen Minh Ngoc (2005); Lam Quang Doc (2009) Main works of experts on methodology of teaching geography also were reviewed as those of Nguyen Duoc, Nguyen Trong Phuc (2001), Mai Xuan San (2001), Dang Van Duc, Nguyen Thu Hang (2003), Nguyen Duc Vu (2006) Concerning the online mapping or WebGIS there were publications of Le Quoc Hung (2005), Tran Quoc Binh (2010), Vo Anh Tuan (2012), Tran Van Anh and Mai Van Sy (2013) These publications mentioned above dealt with either macro issues as spatial data sharing, national data infrastructure or concrete issue as to build WebGIS applications for socio-economic development, tourism calendar, resource management, Until now, the author of this dissertation has not been able to access research works on WebGIS applied in teaching in general, and in teaching geography in particular Research approaches and methods 6.1 Research approaches The dissertation is based on the following approaches: structural systematic, student-centered learning, educational technology, competence-based learning 6.2 Research Methods The main research methods used in the dissertation are: literature and documentation review, Graph (schemas), cartographic methods and GIS application, expertise, survey, pedagogical experiement, mathematical statistics Contributions of the dissertation 7.1 Theoretical ones Having reviewed the theoretical basis for building an open source WebGIS and using it in teaching, namely in teaching Grade 12 Geography; Having identified the requirements and principles for building an open source WebGIS applicable for teaching Grade 12 Geography; Having suggested a process to build up and to use WebGIS in teaching Grade 12 Geography 7.2 Practical ones Having assessed the current situation of employing ICT means and application in teaching Grade 12 Geography Having built a WebGIS demo and performed teaching Grade 12 Geography with WebGIS support to develop student’s capacity; Having conducted pedagogical experiments in high school, thereby proved the feasibility and effectiveness of using WebGIS in teaching Grade 12 Geography Structure of the thesis Apart from the introduction and conclusion, the main content of the thesis consists of chapters: Chapter 1: Theoretical and practical background of the development and use of open source WebGIS in teaching Grade 12 Geography Chapter 2: The build-up process and use of open source WebGIS in teaching Grade 12 Geography Chapter 3: Pedagogical experiment In addition, there are list of figures, list of tables and appendices CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL BACKGROUND OF THE DEVLOPMENT AND USE OF OPEN SOURCE WEBGIS IN TEACHING GRADE 12 GEOGRAPHY 1.1 General issues on the renovation of general education 1.1.1 Renovation of the general education curriculum The new general education curriculum is designed to develop the quality and competency of students while emphasizing the learner’s role as the subject of cognitive activity, considering the overall development of personality, the formation and development of general and specific competencies associated to the learning subject By learning geography, students should form and develop common competencies as well as specific competencies of geography such as geographic awareness, geographic exploring and enquiry, application of learned knowledge and skills in the reality 1.1.2 Innovation in methods, forms of teaching and assessment Teacher to continue applying methods of active learning, while playing the role of organizer and supervisor of students’ activities The teacher of geography to enhance teaching methods to promote the role of the students In line with this, he/she need to use effectively ICT and teaching means, to encourage and create favorable conditions for their students to withdraw information from the Internet in study, develop their skills of presenting geographic information by ICT Teachers to diversify organizational forms of learning, paying more attention to both classroom teaching and social activities, creative experience, practice of scientific research, to coordinate closely the education at school, in family and in social life Teacher to diversify the assessment using a variety of forms and tools of assessment Competency-based assessments in Geography need to identify specific expressions of qualities and abilities Following the guidance and orientation for innovation mentioned above, the author of this thesis has studied and developed WebGIS to support teaching grade 12 Geography, aimed to create teaching aids and enhance the application of ICT in teaching and learning Products are designed so that teacher can diversify the organizational forms of teaching, facilitate the formation and development of students’ competency 1.2 Application of information and communication technology in teaching geography 1.2.1 Concept ICT is a general term about a set of science and technology related to concept of information, information processing and dissemination In that sense, ICT provides us with scientific perspectives, methods, means and solutions that are primarily computer and media for effective exploitation and use information sources in all areas of socio-economic, cultural and human life According to UNESCO, ICT can complement, enrich, and transform education There are different ways in which technology can facilitate universal access to education, connect learning areas, support the development of teachers, improve the quality and relevance of learning, strengthen inclusion, improve education administration and governance 1.2.2 The role of ICT in teaching The development of the Internet and the network infrastructure has opened up three main streams of employment in education: training service, interaction enhancement and learning resources ICT helps to improve the audio-visuality; facilitate the application of active learning and modern teaching techniques, contribute to changing and diversifying teaching forms; improve the attention of students; create teaching tools and means 1.2.3 Trends of application of ICT in teaching geography Opportunities to apply ICT in teaching Geography is varied and diverse: Exploiting and using utilities of ICT in all stages of the teaching process; Organizing teaching activities with support of applications and softwares specialized for geography; Simple visualizing the contents using ICT; Online learning via the internet or blended learning The open source WebGIS which the author of this dissertation built in fact is an application product utilized achievements of science and technology Teaching by employing WebGIS is essentially the application of ICT in the teaching and learning process 1.3 Educational maps in teaching geography A map is a miniaturized representation of the Earth’s surface on a plane based on a mathematic transformation, a mapping language, a medium (graph) that reflects the distribution, state and interconnections among objects An educational map is designed based on the strict principles of map generalization and in relevance to the purpose, contents and methods of the school subject as well as to the characteristics of age-related intellectual development, Both aesthetic and school hygiene may be considered According to Lam Quang Doc (2009), all available types of educational map can be grouped according to the classification criteria The author of this dissertation suggests that WebGIS for teaching is an online educational map, because WebGIS to be maintained and developed on the Internet, accessed, used through a web browser or internet connection application Educational maps play important role in teaching geography In terms of knowledge, educational map is the only tool able to cover phenomena, large/remote territories on the Earth When thinking on a map, students expand the concept of space, establish spatial-temporal dimension of mutual and causal relationships between phenomena and processes in nature and in society which are presented on the map; explore laws of distribution of geographic objects and phenomena In terms of methodology, educational map is a type of visual channel that shows concise information about objects and phenomena that are encoded by map symbols and space locators It is the only means able to reflect with accuracy the distribution and relationships of objects on the Earth’s surface Educational map is an effective tool for teachers to apply many active learning methods, to enrich knowledge, to strengthen student’s abilities Educational maps facilitate teachers to diversify organizational forms of teaching both in and outside the classroom 1.4 WebGIS in teaching geography WebGIS concept is related to other concepts of the Internet, the World Wide Web and the Geographic Information System (GIS) WebGIS is a geographic information system that is operated and developed through a computer network, allowing users to perform functions of collecting, storing, updating, processing, analyzing geographic data and get results directly on the Web browser without having to use additional GIS software In the WebGIS form, maps exist on cyberspace or so-called online maps WebGIS is very varied and diverse in terms of types They can be divided according to different criteria If based on the ability to provide services, there can be five types: Geodata Server, Map Server, Online Retrieval System, Online GIS and GIS Function Server (Claus Rinner, 1998) Compared to paper maps and traditional GIS software installed on the computer, WebGIS has many advantages such as: global reach, response to large number of users, multi-platform capability, very low cost, easy to use, convenient to update, diverse applications, detailed and specific information The disadvantages of WebGIS are related to the fact that beginners to WebGIS will have to change their habit a bit in comparison with using traditional paper maps Most WebGIS are online, so the user's device must be connected to the Internet On the other hand, the speed of data access depends on the provider's server and network service traffic In teaching geography WebGIS is able to enhance the interaction in the learning process; to diversify the organizational forms of teaching, to contribute to forming and developing students’ competencies; to create tools, means of visualization, to supply enriched knowledgeable, updated information WebGIS can be used in conjunction with traditional maps, and at the same time, WebGIS becomes a way to create value-added to maps, confirms that maps are indispensable sources of knowledge in teaching geography 1.5 Open source for WebGIS Open source software is that provided in both source and source code, not only purchase-free but also copyright-free Users have the right to modify, improve, develop, upgrade according to given general principles stipulated in the license Open source GIS products are very diverse, however they can be divided into four main branches three of which based on the programming language, the last one focuses only on web development In principle, the development of open source WebGIS is based on the development of open source GIS applications, although much more complex because WebGIS is a composite of many components Choosing branched applications is very important to promote the advantages of programming languages while ensuring compatibility and increasing system performance 1.6 Physiological characteristics and cognitive abilities of 12th grade students Students of grade 12 are at the early stage of adolescence, which is the period of important psychological changes Self-consciousness is the hallmark of this age, from which children develop their need for selfassessment and self-evaluation This is the basis for teachers to apply innovative learning methods, various organizational forms of teaching, to organize cognitive activities and assignents to promote initiative and creativity of students As for grade 12th students, intentionality is strongly developed in all cognitive processes Intended memorization plays a leading role in the intellectual activity, while significance of abstract logic remembering is increasing Theoretical thinking, abstract thinking are obviously shown, skills of reading map, comparing data in tables, charts has been developed at a remarkable level even at proficient level for good/excellent students Organizing cognitive activities through WebGIS applications or assignments with WebGIS can bring excitement and explore potentials of students However, the thinking capacity of grade 12th students is not complete as adults, so they need guidance from the teacher to improve their cognitive ability 1.7 Objective and content of Grade 12 Geography 1.7.1 Objective of learning After having completed the program, student is able to present his systematic knowledge on geography of Vietnam (including physical geography, population geography, economic geography and local studies); 13 Figure 2.1 The process of building webGIS - Step 1: Define goals and requirements: The clarification of goals and requirements of product is based on objective and contents of Grade 12 Geography and of each lesson, plan for cognitive activities of students, teaching methods, means and activities - Step 2: Identify necessary map and information layers: the author has summarized the current types of educational maps for teaching grade-12 to make basis to identify necessary map and information layers in the WebGIS product This identification needs to ensure the inherit and combination of traditional map sources, to create map layers with updated data/content or new layers for teaching ideas - Step 3: Design and edit data: Based on matrix of map layers identified in step 2, the author has organized data in two groups: background data and thematic data - Step 4: Select WebGIS technology: Regarding WebGIS for teaching Geography 12, the author has chosen the following technology components: Apache for web server, GeoServer for map server; for client, code Heron MC is use for creating interface; PostgreSQL/PostGIS is for database - Step 5: Build WebGIS structure and interface: The structure of WebGIS for teaching Geography 12, similar to a normal Website, consists of basic tiers: interface, application server and data (figure 2.2) 14 Figure 2.2 Structure of WebGIS for teaching Grade 12 Geography The product interface is tentatively designed with following components: WebGIS banner or logo; administration of map layers; display of map layers; reference; WebGIS toolbars - Step 6: Test The objective of this step is to test the function of WebGIS application and the display of data layers Staring Apache and Geoserver to create web and map services for application, then use web browser to access it at: http://localhost/geo12 - Step 7: Complete and practical experiment In this step, the author has solved more tasks or add other useful functions for the product The author published online WebGIS at the address http://emap12.tk to continue testing and consulting experts to adjust and improve the product After that, pedagogical experiment is conducted, in line with the improvement of the product 2.4 Application of open source for developing WebGIS The author has used following open sources: GeoServer, Apache, PostgreSQL/PostGIS, QGIS, Heron MC and Leaflet library to develop WebGIS product 2.5 Introduction to WebGIS product WebGIS supporting teaching Grade-12 Geography named WGT12 provides main functions as follows: 1/ Administration of thematic layers; 2/ Map pin; 3/ Edit; 4/ Print; 5/ Upload 15 2.6 Using WebGIS in teaching Grade 12 Geography 2.6.1 Teaching process with the support of WebGIS The author focuses on the method of using the product for two common forms of teaching organization, namely class-based and small-group-based Regarding class-based teaching, the author identified and proposed the process of using WebGIS consisting of following basic steps (Figure 2.22) Step 1: Teacher activates thematic maps on WebGIS by scenario Step 2: Teacher assigns tasks to students through WebGIS Step 3: Students give results with the support of WebGIS Step 4: Teacher finalizes the learning contents by using WebGIS Figure 2.22 Steps to use WebGIS in class-based teaching Regarding small-group-based teaching, the author proposed the use of WebGIS for small groups consisting of following main steps (Figure 2.23) 16 Figure 2.23 Steps using WebGIS for small group learning Step 1: Teacher divides the group Step 2: Teacher distributes learning cards; groups to perform tasks Step 3: Students report the results of group work with the support of WebGIS Step 4: Teacher provides the accurate content by using WebGIS 2.6.2 Utilize the features of WebGIS in some situations of teaching Grade-12 Geography In this paragraph, the author gave concrete instructions on utilizing the features of WebGIS as: Search, identify objects by name; Locate the object by coordinates; Add, edit, visualize self-created objects; Simultaneous observation of objects; Provide information in form of multimedia; Create an empty map; and Storage and reuse of digital data 2.7 Selected lesson plans for illustration 2.7.1 Lesson plan N1 Lesson 13 Practice: Reading a physical map, filling in the blank scheme with some mountain ranges and peaks 2.7.2 Lesson plan N2 Lesson 24: Fisheries and forestry development 2.7.3 Lesson plan N3 Lesson 30: The Development of transport and communication 17 CHAPTER 3: PEDAGOGICAL EXPERIMENT 3.1 Purposes, principles and methods 3.1.1 Purposes Pedagogical experiment to test the validity of theoretical studies and to prove the feasibility and effectiveness of the developed open source WebGIS and the use of WebGIS in teaching Grade 12 Geography The results and post-test analysis are the scientific basis for concluding wether to accept or to reject the scientific hypothesis 3.1.2 Principles Pedagogical experiment process should ensure the following principles: scientific and objective; Popular and representative; Practical 3.1.3 Methods The author used comparative experiment (Vũ Cao Đàm, 1999) The evaluation of the pedagogical experiment is both qualitative and quantitative 3.2 Objects, location, timing 3.2.1 Objects Grade-12 students at 04 high schools (07 experiment classes (EC) and 07 control classes (CC)) 3.2.2 Location Table 3.1 Name of schools and experiment teachers School Cau Giay High School (Hanoi) Thai Binh Special School (Thai Binh province Van Lam High School (Hung Yen province) Yen Ninh High School (Thai Nguyen province) Total number of students Teacher Trần Hoài Thu Lê Vân Anh Nguyễn Thị Hồ Lý Trần Hải Yến EC Class Size 12A2 43 12A3 47 CC Class 12D4 12D5 Size 45 47 12A1 43 12English2 39 12A8 12A2 12A1 12A5 38 44 28 32 12A5 12A1 12A2 12A4 42 48 30 31 275 3.2.3 Timing Time for experiment is from October 2017 to April 2018 3.3 Selection of lessons and implementation of experiment 3.3.1 Selection of lessons 282 18 Three lessons were selected for the experiment, as: Lesson 13; Lesson 24 and Lesson 30 Name of these lessons is mentioned in paragraph 2.7 3.3.2 Implementation of experiment For the experiment undertaken smoothly and effectively, the author implemented the following steps Step 1: Survey the reality; Step 2: Class observation; Step 3: Select lesson, prepare lesson plan; Step 4: Instruct the teacher to use WebGIS; Step 5: Teaching experiment and test; Step 6: Survey and evaluate WebGIS 3.4 Experiment results 3.4.1 Experiment test N1 Table 3.5 Combined parameters of test # Class EC CC n 275 282 S 0,97 0,88 X 7,1 6,3 Table 3.6 The results of the one-factor analysis of test # Group EC CC Synthetic Total Average 1952,5 7,1 1768,5 6,3 ANOVA Quantity 275 282 Source of fluctuations Among groups In group Total SS 95,6 478,5 574,1 df 555 556 MS 95,6 0,9 Variance 0,9 0,8 F 110,9 P-value 0.0 F crit 3,9 3.4.2 Experiment test N2 Table 3.9 Combined parameters of test # Class EC CC n 275 282 S 0,8 1,0 X 8,1 7,3 Table 3.10 The results of the one-factor analysis of test # Tổng hợp Group Quantit y EC 275 CC 282 Source of SS Total Average 2231, 8,1 2013, 7,3 ANOVA df MS Varianc e 0,6 1,0 F P- F crit 19 fluctuations Among groups In group Total 132,2 454,9 587,1 555 556 132,2 0,8 161,3 value 3,9 3.4.3 Experiment test Table 3.13 Combined parameters of test # Class EC CC n 275 282 S 0,7 1,0 X 8,6 7,6 Table 3.14 The results of the one-factor analysis of test # Group EC CC Source of fluctuations Among groups In group Total Quantity 275 282 SS 136,2 431,1 567,3 Tổng hợp Total Average 2353 8,6 2134 7,6 ANOVA df 555 556 MS 136,2 0,8 Variance 0,5 1,0 F 175,3 Pvalue F crit 3,9 3.5 Evaluation of experiment 3.5.1 Quantitative evaluation - The average scores of the experimental group were always higher than those of the control group in all schools and all three tests (table 3.15) Bảng 3.15 Synthetic of average scores of tests School Cau Giay High School Thai Binh Gifted High School Van Lam High School Yen Ninh High School Class Size 12A2 EC 12D4 CC 12A3 EC 12D5 CC 12A1 EC 12Anh2 CC 12A8 EC 12A5 CC 12A2 EC 12A1 CC 12A1 EC 12A2 CC 43 45 47 47 43 39 38 42 44 48 28 30 Test 6,8 6,1 7,1 6,1 7,6 7,1 7,1 6,0 7,4 6,0 6,8 6,3 Average score Test 7,2 8,1 7,1 8,5 7,8 6,5 8,2 7,0 7,2 Test 8,3 7,8 8,7 7,2 8,8 8,3 8,3 7,0 8,5 7,6 8,6 7,5 20 12A5 EC 12A4 CC 32 31 6,7 6,4 8,1 7,4 8,6 7,6 - The proportion of good and excellent students in the experiment group was the majority and tended to increase obviously through tests In the control group, the index also tended to increase, with a lower rate and the proportion was lower (Table 3.16) Table 3.16 Test scores (unit: %) Group EC CC Test Y - TB K-G 30,5 69,5 69,5 30,5 Test Y - TB K-G 3,6 96,4 36,2 63,8 Test Y - TB K-G 0,7 99,3 22,3 77,7 - The S and V parameters of the three tests showed that the test point trend of the EC group was more concentrated around the average score than that of the CC group; it also means that the scores of students in EC increased relatively evenly - Analysis of ANOVA showed that F> F crit, so hypothesis H that “there is no different effect between the using and not using WGT12 in teaching Geography” is rejected Data obtained from the experiment showed that the exploitation and use of WebGIS in teaching Geography 12 has had a positive impact on students' cognitive abilities, knowledge acquisition, capacity development, it is more effective than using those resources commonly found in textbooks 3.5.2 Qualitative assessment Through discussion with the subject teachers, the teachers directly taught EC group in particular and through observation of the teaching and learning process in the classes of EC and CC, the author found that: Most teachers were interested in having a new teaching tool like WebGIS However they also expressed their reluctance that they would spend more time to exploit WebGIS or to change completely teaching methods and teaching process Fortunately, in fact, with the author’s instruction, teachers have been quickly perform basic operations on WebGIS Moreover, those teachers who conducted experiment even expressed their confidence, activeness from the first teaching hour The application of teaching methods as usual, although there were some improvements in specific stages, no major obstacles to teachers to in the next lesson In fact, WebGIS is a kind of educational map, however its advantages over textbook maps are such the ability to move to the area, zoom, manage thematic layers, etc These characteristics can create excitement for the teacher during the teaching process 21 On the other side, students were interested in WebGIS in Geography hour They were firstly attracted by the modern technology and elements of WebGIS, this was consistent with the mentality of youth in time of "smartphone" Through cognitive activities in class, students actively participated in discussions, lesson building The author observed and recorded many positive manifestations of attitudes and behaviors of students in the experiment classes: They were more focused, less distracted, not showing tired face, not refusing to speak; during the group discussion, they cooperated with their teammates, actively debated and protected the views of the group; they actively consulted teachers on the learning tasks Those classes which used WGT12 were interesting and exciting Students were so attentive so they seemed to understand faster and remember better 3.6 Evaluation survey of WebGIS application At the end of the experiment, the author has conducted the survey to get feedbacks from teachers on the application of WGT12 aiming to enhance the product The survey was conducted through direct questionnaires with teachers in the experiment schools, and through online survey with high school geography teachers over the country The author received responses from 51 teachers The feedbacks focused on the six main criteria of the product to meet the principles and requirements, namely: scientific; pedagogic; intuitive, modern and updated; aesthetic; interactive Each of these criteria consists of different components The specific results are summarized in Table 3.18 Table 3.18 Summary of the evaluation from teachers on WGT12 Proportion (%) Evaluation criteria Goo d 1.1 Exact content 1.2 Specific content Scientific 1.3 The components, toolbars of the application is well arranged 1.4 Clear, specific manual 2.Pedagogic 2.1 Content suitable for curriculum of Geography 12 2.2 Selected content avoids overload 2.3 In line with the active 96 92 98 94 Fair Average 100 92 92 Not satisfie d 22 pedagogy 2.4 Advantages to diversify the forms of teaching geography 2.5 Consistent with students' perceptions 3.1 True, friendly symbols 3.2 The objects on the map are shown in accordance with the scale Intuitive 3.3 The objects on the map are shown with contrast, clear and bright colors 3.4 Multi-media display 4.1 Easy access via web browser 4.2 Accessible on mobile devices with a network connection Modern 4.3 Quite stable download and and updated upload 4.4 Update data and information 4.5 Flexible when deploying online, offline 5.1 Bright WebGIS interface colors 5.2 Harmonious, balanced WebGIS Aesthetic layout 5.3 Map and information layers are highlighted 6.1 Ability to use the basic features of WebGIS (zoom / turn, layer on / off, move, search) 6.2 Ability to use WebGIS to 6.Interactiv prepare lesson e 6.3 Ability to use WebGIS to organize student’s learning activities 6.4 Ability to work with WebGIS 96 92 92 94 96 98 98 2 94 94 98 92 94 94 94 92 92 94 92 Survey results showed that the majority of teachers welcomed and had positive evaluation for WebGIS products More than 90% of comments wre Good for all features of the product Although the sample size is small, the results are not representative yet for all users, but in the initial stage, product had shown many advantages, it was welcomed by teachers and students, and created certain effect on teaching and learning Geography 23 Some shortcomings of the products were related to download speed which depends on the transfer speed of the Internet, time consumed to arrange map layers to make new map 24 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusions 1/ The thesis has identify the requirements to and principles of build-up and use of WebGIS; concretize the process of building WebGIS through applying open source; guide the exploitation of WebGIS products and using process in teaching situations of grade 12 Geography These results are based on careful studies of theoretical, science and technology, reality survey and pedagogical experiment 2/ Map is both a tool and medium as well as an important source of knowledge in teaching and learning Geography WebGIS used in teaching is an online educational mapping system that has many advantages over traditional paper maps The tools and software used to build WebGIS are diverse and the selection of open source for building WebGIS to support teaching is the right direction 3/ As for a technology expert, it is not difficult to build a WebGIS, but the development of and educational WebGIS needs the cooperation of GIS experts and education experts The product must meet the principles and requirements to a teaching application The 7-step process of building an open source WebGIS for teaching Grade 12 Geography, which was developed by the author has combined technological elements, GIS and teaching methods Through the pedagogical experiment the product has been tested to prove its feasibility, practicality, and ability to meet the principles and requirements, and later the product can be improved 4/ WGT12 is an application product with many helpful functions, however the promotion of outstanding strengths of the product depends much on the teacher’s ability to exploit, design and organize teaching activities with WebGIS’s support Knowledge acquisition, competency development of students through activities is the strategy and solution to innovate methodology of teaching Geography in schools today 5/ Exploitation and use of WGT12 to organize student’s cognitive activities in each Grade 12 Geography lesson created favorable conditions for students to acquire knowledge, improve and develop their common competencies and specific competency in geography, and arouse enthusiasm for the subject The teacher’s efforts to innovate teaching methods and application of science and technology advances in each lesson have grown up the student’s learning passion, improving their awareness to the subject 25 6/ The implementation process of pedagogical experiment is not long enough, the exploitation of organization form of teaching is only focus on the two most popular forms of teaching: class-based and small-groupbased However, this study can provide necessary material and experience to colleagues, especially school teachers in the courageous process to apply modern science and technology achievement to effective teaching of Geography Recommendations 1/ The Provincial Departments of Education and Training and managing boards of high schools, based on the MOET’s education orientation, to continue improving the content, form and method of teaching school subjects, including geography; to create favorable conditions for teachers to exploit actively the teaching tools and means, to apply ICT in teaching and learning; to design and organize cognitive activities by effective methods; to increase investment in modern technical facilities; to organize training courses to improve the capacity of using IT and skills of geography teachers in exploiting and using maps, exploiting material from the Internet, using modern teaching tools such as WebGIS, etc 2/ The Geography Departments of the universities of education should pay attention to providing and training students with knowledge and skills on exploitation, use and creating, maps, especially modern types of maps so that they are able to design and organize cognitive activities of students 3/ School teachers of geography need to promote the effective use of maps in general, and WebGIS in particular in teaching; to focus on the knowledge-based functions of maps to organize cognitive activities, to engage learner's participation, aiming to develop student’s competency Teachers need to constantly improve their professional skills and their ability to master information technology, confidently apply and exploit modern teaching tools and means PUBLICATIONS Nguyễn Thanh Xuân (2016), Những khả sử dụng WebGIS để nâng cao chất lượng dạy học địa lí, Kỷ yếu Hội thảo khoa học địa lí tồn quốc lần thứ 9, 3, tr.463 - 468, Quy Nhơn Nguyễn Thanh Xuân (2017), Chuẩn dịch vụ web cho WebGIS mã nguồn mở, Kỷ yếu Hội thảo Ứng dụng GIS toàn quốc, tr.794 – 801, Quy Nhơn Nguyễn Thanh Xuân (2017), Các mức độ vận dụng mã nguồn mở UMN Mapserver xây dựng WebGIS, Kỷ yếu Hội thảo khoa học Quốc tế: Ứng dụng GIS Viễn thám nghiên cứu địa lí quản lý, giám sát tài ngun mơi trường, tr.325 - 335, Hà Nội Nguyễn Thanh Xuân (2017), Quy trình xây dựng WebGIS sử dụng mã nguồn mở phục vụ nghiên cứu giảng dạy địa lí, Kỷ yếu Hội thảo khoa học Quốc tế: Ứng dụng GIS Viễn thám nghiên cứu địa lí quản lý, giám sát tài nguyên môi trường, tr.316 - 324, Hà Nội Nguyễn Thanh Xuân (2018), Vai trò WebGIS dạy học địa lí trường phổ thơng, Tạp chí khoa học Trường ĐHSP Hà Nội, vol 63, Issue 5B, tr.22-29 Nguyễn Thanh Xuân (2018), Sử dụng WGT12 để dạy học Địa lí 12 Trung học phổ thơng, Tạp chí khoa học Trường ĐHSP Hà Nội, vol 63, Issue 5, tr.112-119 Nguyễn Thanh Xuân (2018), Nghiên cứu mã nguồn mở Mapserver phục vụ triển khai ứng dụng WebGIS khoa Địa lí, trường ĐHSP Hà Nội, Đề tài khoa học công nghệ cấp trường, mã số SPHN14 – 375, nghiệm thu 31/1/2018 Nguyễn Thanh Xuân, Đỗ Văn Thanh (2018), Tổ chức dạy học Địa lí 12 WebGIS, Kỷ yếu Hội nghị khoa học địa lí tồn quốc lần thứ 10, 1, tr.1529 -1535, Đà Nẵng Đặng Văn Đức, Nguyễn Thanh Xuân (2018), Đổi phương pháp dạy học khoa Địa lí trường ĐHSP Hà Nội theo định hướng phát triển lực, Kỷ yếu Hội nghị khoa học địa lí tồn quốc lần thứ 10, 1, tr.1435 -1443, Đà Nẵng ... dạy học địa lí trường phổ thơng, Tạp chí khoa học Trường ĐHSP Hà Nội, vol 63, Issue 5B, tr.22-29 Nguyễn Thanh Xuân (2018), Sử dụng WGT12 để dạy học Địa lí 12 Trung học phổ thơng, Tạp chí khoa học. .. Hoài Thu Lê Vân Anh Nguyễn Thị Hồ Lý Trần Hải Yến EC Class Size 12A2 43 12A3 47 CC Class 12D4 12D5 Size 45 47 12A1 43 12English2 39 12A8 12A2 12A1 12A5 38 44 28 32 12A5 12A1 12A2 12A4 42 48 30... dịch vụ web cho WebGIS mã nguồn mở, Kỷ yếu Hội thảo Ứng dụng GIS toàn quốc, tr.794 – 801, Quy Nhơn Nguyễn Thanh Xuân (2017), Các mức độ vận dụng mã nguồn mở UMN Mapserver xây dựng WebGIS, Kỷ yếu

Ngày đăng: 06/06/2019, 15:45


