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TÊN TRUYỆN: The three little pigs. Thiết kế theo phong cách học ngôn ngữ Do thái. Giúp trẻ học ngôn ngữ bằng cả 2 bán cầu não. Tải và in để trẻ học. Plan kem NGÔN NGỮ CHUYÊN NGHIỆP. 20192020 tiếng anh cho trẻ mầm non

The Three Little Pigs A rebus story Once upon a time there were three little their mother and father The time soon came for them to move out The first decided to build a herself out of came walking by When he saw the first “Little chin!” replied the who lived in a village with Soon, a , , let me come in,” he said “Not by the hair on my chinny chin , little “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your began to blow so hard that the straw down!” growled the blew away! , and he A rebus story The next built his out of As he was building away, the same came by Little , let me come in.” , little “Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!” “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your so hard that the The third “Little in!” said the and he began to blow of sticks blew away! built his house out of , little Once again, the wolf wandered by let me come in.” “Not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!” A rebus story “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your in!” said the blow as he had on the first two But this , and he began to was different Try as he might, he couldn’t knock the tiring himself out, he decided to try and sneak in through the Little did he know there was a a splash as the down! After of hot water waiting for him at the bottom! He fell in with laughed around him Embarrassed (and a little sore from the hot water), the again ran away, never to bother the New Words And Expressions Once upon a time (idiom) /wʌns əˈpɑːn ə taɪm/: Ngày xửa Little (adj) /ˈlɪtl/: Nhỏ bé Live (lived) (v) /lɪv/: Sống Village (n) /ˈvɪlɪdʒ/: Ngôi làng Move out (vp) /muːv aʊt/: Chuyển Build (v) /bɪld/: Xây 22 Try (v) /traɪ/: Cố gắng 23 Knock st down (vp) /ˈnɑːk daʊn/: Hạ gục 24 Tire sb out (vp) /taɪr aʊt/: Khiến kiệt sức 25 Sneak in (vp) /sniːk ɪn/: Lẻn vào 26 At the bottom (adv) /ỉt ðə ˈbɑːtəm/: Ở phía Come (came) (v) /kʌm/: Tới 27 Fall in (fell in) (vp) /fɑːl ɪn/: Ngã vào Walk by (vp) /wɑːk baɪ/: Đi ngang qua 28 With a splash (prep.p) /wɪð ə splæʃ/: See (saw) (v) /siː/: Nhìn 10 Chin (n) /tʃɪn/: Cằm 11 Reply (replied) (v) /rɪˈplaɪ/: Trả lời 12 Huff (v) /hʌf/: Thở hổn hển 13 Puff (v) /pʌf/: Thở phì phò 14 Blow down (vp) /bloʊ daʊn/: Thổi bay 15 Growl (growled) (v) /graʊl/: Gầm rú 16 Hard (adv) /hɑːrd/: Mạnh 17 Straw (n) /strɑː/: Rơm 18 Blow away (Blew away) (vp) /bloʊ əˈweɪ/: Thổi bay 19 Wolf (n) /wʊlf/: Con chó sói 20 Wander by (wandered by) (vp) /ˈwɑːndər baɪ/: Đi lang thang 21 Different (adj) /ˈdɪfərənt/: Khác biệt Với tiếng nước bắn tung tóe 29 Laugh (laughed) (v) /læf/: Cười vang 30 Embarrassed (adj) /ɪmˈberəst/: Xấu hổ 31 A little sore (np) /ə ˈlɪtl sɔːr/: Sự đau nhẹ 32 Hot water (np) /hɑːt ˈwɑːtər/: Nước nóng 33 Run away (ran away) (vp) /rʌn əˈweɪ/: Đã bỏ chạy 34 Bother (v) /ˈbɑːðər/: Làm phiền 35 For sb to st: Cho làm 36 Decide to st: Quyết định làm 37 Build st out of st: Xây vật liệu 38 Let sb st: Để làm 39 S + V + so + adv + that: Đến nỗi mà 40 Try as sb might: Dù cố gắng ... (wandered by) (vp) /ˈwɑːndər baɪ/: Đi lang thang 21 Different (adj) /ˈdɪfərənt/: Khác biệt Với tiếng nước bắn tung tóe 29 Laugh (laughed) (v) /lỉf/: Cười vang 30 Embarrassed (adj) /ɪmˈberəst/:... away (ran away) (vp) /rʌn əˈweɪ/: Đã bỏ chạy 34 Bother (v) /ˈbɑːðər/: Làm phiền 35 For sb to st: Cho làm 36 Decide to st: Quyết định làm 37 Build st out of st: Xây vật liệu 38 Let sb st: Để làm

Ngày đăng: 16/05/2019, 19:26

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