Teacher-Created Worksheets Basic English Grammar 3e: Ch A / An / The and Prepositions Assessment A Complete the sentences using a, an or the Once upon _ (a/an) time, there was (a/the) little girl who liked to eat chocolate all the time She loved chocolate so much She asked her mother to buy her (a/an) bar of chocolate for her birthday Her mother bought (a/an) enormous bar of chocolate She expected the candy bar to last at least two weeks (a/the) little girl ate all of the chocolate in one day That night she had (a/an) terrible stomach ache She threw up all night long Her mother took her to see (an/the) doctor in the morning The doctor told her not to eat anymore chocolate B Complete the sentences with a preposition from the box (Note: There may be more than one correct preposition for each sentence There are extra prepositions in the box.) In on* over between next to beside near In front of in back of under above across from There is an apple _ the table I have three gallons of milk my refrigerator Mr and Mrs Smith live _ the street _ me The cat is sleeping _ the bed There is a big tree _ my house The ceiling is _ our heads A mole builds a house the ground Jacky is sitting Phoebe Shelly and Tom are sitting _ Jim and Freddie 10 China is the continent of Asia *repeats Turn Over A /An/The and Prepositions Assessment Contributed by Michelle Cohen, Ivy Collegiate Academy Page of Teacher-Created Worksheets Basic English Grammar 3e: Ch C Fill in the blanks with the correct word Use: a, an, over, on, in, under, Ms Cohen has _ very small family There are only three people _ her family She has two sons They are twins They all live in a three-story house Their bedrooms are _ the third floor Arizona and Hanan have _ bunk bed Arizona sleeps the top bunk, and Hanan sleeps _ Arizona They make a lot of noise at night They sound like animal that’s hurt Ms Cohen has to tell her sons to be quiet all the time Arizona and Hanan like to play outside They ride their bikes _ the street Ms Cohen doesn’t have bike Instead, Ms Cohen likes to drive her truck She drives very fast Arizona and Hanan are afraid she will run them with her big truck Watch out!! A /An/The and Prepositions Assessment Contributed by Michelle Cohen, Ivy Collegiate Academy Page of