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Nhằm phục vụ việc học và thi toeic , mình đã làm bản word các bộ ETS Toeic Test 1000 RC LC 2015 , ETS Toeic LC RC 2016 , ETS TOEIC Test 1200 LC RC 2016 , New Economy Toeic 1000 LC RC 2016 , Jims Toeic LC RC 2016 , 5 volume TOEIC Economy LC RC 1000 2016 . Mỗi bộ mình up chia làm 2 phần bao gồm : LC transcript và RC transcript english riêng với câu hỏi sẵn bên dưới , các bạn cần bộ nào thì download bộ ấy . Bản dịch tiếng anh sẽ giúp các bạn : Trau dồi thêm vốn từ vựng để tiện dịch và hoàn thành nhanh chóng khi làm ở nhà Tăng khả năng nghe của sinh viên chuẩn bị cho mỗi kì thi toeic Giúp đạt điểm cao trong kì thi toeic hoặc học nâng điểm lấy chứng chỉ toeic cho sinh viên và những người đang đi làm Hoàn thành đề thi trong thời gian ngắn mỗi ngày để có kết quả tốt nhất Hiện nay đề thi toeic gồm 80% là từ vựng còn lại khoảng 20% là từ loại, các bạn nên tra cứu từ mới và đoạn văn dịch xuôi bẻ nghĩa trên google translate mình đã đánh sẵn để trả lời các câu hỏi trong đề đặt ra . Kết hợp giữa phần dịch bài nghe với làm bài tập trắc nghiệm ngay bên dưới sẽ giúp các bạn nghe từ vựng chuẩn hơn . Chúc các bạn học và thi thành công

ETS Toeic 2016 LC transcript Test 1 (A) They're sitting on a bench (B) They’re lying on the grass (C) They’re riding their bicycles (D) They’re swimming in the water (A) One of the men is putting on a tie (B) One of the men is standing at a counter (C) One of the men is setting a briefcase on the floor (D) One of the men is typing on a computer (A) Customers are waiting to be seated (B) Cars are parked along the street (C) A restaurant worker is sweeping the sidewalk (D) Diners are sitting in an outdoor cafe (A) The man is taking some paper out of a printer (B) The man is putting a file in a drawer (C) The woman is signing her name (D) The people are reviewing a document (A) A man is unloading some packages (B) A man is resting in a shopping mall (C) Boxes have been piled onto some carts (D) Items are being arranged in a store (A) A sign is hanging above some artwork (B) Plants are arranged on a stairway (C) A round table is surrounded by chairs (D) An area rug has been rolled up (A) Aman is placing a basket on a shelf (B) Labels have been attached to shelving units (C) A man is opening the door of a cabinet, (D) Some newspapers have been piled on the floor (A) Lampposts are standing in a row (B) A crowd of people has gathered on a beach (C) A garden has been planted on a rooftop (D) The roadway is full of vehicles (A) An employee is organizing a shoe display (B) Merchandise is being put into a bag (C) Some footwear is being scanned by a cashier (D) A customer is trying on a pair of shoes 10 (A) Trees are growing under an archway (B) Passengers are waiting to board a train (C) A high wall runs alongside the train tracks (D) A train is about to go over a bridge 11 When are you planning to go on vacation? (A) It’s near a lake (B) In December (C) For two weeks 12 What’s the name of the medical clinic that you go to? (A) To see Dr Paulson (B) It's a great job (C) Morrell Health Center 13 I just met the new board members (A) No, it was quite interesting (B) It's on the first floor (C) I met them, too 14 Who's that man speaking to Mr Douglas? (A) They haven’t been waiting too long (B) Usually at least twice a week (C) He's a reporter for the local newspaper 15 Excuse me, where is conference room 11B? (A) Thanks, I'll be there soon (B) It’s at the end of the hall (C) That bookshelf has one 16 Would you look over my research proposal before I submit it? (A) I’d be happy to (B) Try looking in the drawer (C) You’re welcome 17 Isn’t it supposed to rain this afternoon? (A) Roger was supposed to (B) It’s a new umbrella (C) That’s what I heard 18 What time should I meet you in the lobby? (A) How about at noon? (B) The side door (C) That’s plenty of time 19 Have you been to that Italian restaurant on Kinney Road? (A) Yes, I go there often (B) I can’t get there before six (C) A very large menu 20 Why are you traveling to Denver? (A) Only for a few days (B) To spend time with my relatives (C) I’m planning to drive there 21 The quarterly report is going to be released tomorrow (A) To sign a lease (B) Not since last month (C) I’ll be interested to see it 22 Old Lena deposit the checks at the bank? (A) Remember to get a receipt (B) There's one near the post office (C) Yes, she did it on her way home 23 How much paper should I buy? (A) Two boxes should be enough (B) Your total comes to 25 dollars (C) The comments were helpful 24 Who'll be our sales director now that Ms Wu’s been promoted? (A) Mr Hudson will (B) It’s currently on sale (C) Congratulations—that’s great news! 25 Can you play tennis this weekend, or are you too busy? (A) I’d love to, but I don’t have time (B) I'm pleased to be here (C) The park has courts, though 26 How often employees at your company have performance reviews? (A) Did you enjoy the performance? (B) We have them twice a year (C) My manager's Ms Aweel 27 Could you distribute these brochures to all the staff? (A) I’m sure it’s in here somewhere (B) The head of the publicity department (C) Sure, I’ll put them in their mailboxes 28 There’s only one key that unlocks this supply cabinet (A) I know—Janet has it (B) Make sure to turn it off before you leave (C) One of our new suppliers 29 When are we interviewing the next job candidate? (A) As part of the hiring process (B) Our fop three choices (C) In about fifteen minutes 30 You don't work on Fridays, you? (A) Do you have one, too? (B) That’d work for me (C) Not unless I have a meeting 31 How will the new equipment be delivered to the factory? (A) I don't know how to operate it yet (B) I think it’ll come by truck (C) On this delivery form 32 Why don't I give you a ride to the airport on Monday morning? (A) Thanks, but I’ve already arranged for a taxi (B) To attend a training session for our international clients (C) I called to confirm my flight 33 Do you think this advertisement would look better with blue writing, or with orange? (A) Yes, it’s the best I’ve seen so far (B) Why don't you try green instead? (C) Aren't you going to? 34 These client files are ordered alphabetically, aren’t they? (A) I haven’t placed the order yet (B) Yes, by last name (C) The first one you come across 35 Mr Tan, would you mind printing the results of the survey? (A) I’ll lend you a catalog (B) Is it alright if I it after lunch? (C) Across from the copy room 36 Where should I put this scarf that I found in the hallway? (A) No, I’m afraid that isn’t mine (B) I set them on your desk last night, (C) You can leave it with the receptionist 37 What type of chair would you like for your new office? (A) That’s a good choice (B) I'll just keep the one I’m using now (C) It won't arrive for another month 38 Why you go to this grocery store when there's one closer to your house? (A) This one has a wider selection (B) We live near each other (C) Did you get everything you needed? 39 Shouldn't the budget proposal have been approved by now? (A) To save any excess funds (B) It's taking longer than we anticipated (C) I certainly appreciate the offer 40 Is the employee appreciation dinner going to be formal or informal? (A) I was told that we could dress casually (B) I'm looking forward to it, too (C) You’re welcome to sit by me 41-43 WB: Excuse me, sir Did you request a vegetarian meat for this flight? We’re serving the special meal orders now MA: No, I didn't But I don’t mind having a vegetarian meal, if you don't have any more of the regular meals WB: Oh, for some reason, we have this seat number — 24A— down for a special meal request Sorry about the mixup We have plenty of the regular beef or chicken meals, but you’ll have to wait just a little while for those to be served 41 Where are the speakers? (A) At a hotel (B) On an airplane (C) In a grocery store (D) At a restaurant 42 What are the speakers discussing? (A) A seating arrangement (B) A delayed flight (C) A change to a reservation (D) A food order 43 What does the woman say the man will have to do? (A) Wait a bit longer (B) Pay in advance (C) Move to a different seat (D) Fill out a form 44-46 MB: Hi, my name is Pete Mendes, I'm calling to confirm that you received my application for the position you advertised in last week’s newspaper WA: Did you apply tor the sound engineer or broadcaster position? We're advertising for several jobs at the radio station right now MB: The broadcaster job I have radio experience and I’d really like to work at your station WA: Let me check, Mr Mendes Actually, I don’t see your application here on my desk If I can put you on hold for a moment, I'll go talk to the human resources director She might’ve already started reviewing some of the files 44 Why is the man calling? (A) To confirm an appointment (B) To provide a list of references (C) To ask if an application was received (D) To place an advertisement 45 What type of business is the man calling? (A) A newspaper publisher (B) A radio station (C) A music store (D) An employment agency 46 What does the woman say she will next? (A) Speak to a colleague (B) Complete some paperwork (C) E-mail an application (D) Conduct a job interview 47-49 MB: Hi, Maria, this is Alan I just finished writing the quarterly customer newsletter Could you review it before I send it out? WB: This afternoon is a bit busy for me, but if you give me a copy, I’ll look it over and give you my feedback as soon as I can MB: Great Would it be possible to go over your suggestions in person—maybe on Friday morning? I haven’t worked on something like this before and I could really use your help WB: Sure But I'm actually leaving for a business trip early on Friday I have some time on Thursday if that works for you 47 What has the man just finished doing? (A) Writing a newsletter (B) Finalizing a budget (C) Presenting at a meeting (D) Interviewing job candidates 48 What does the man propose doing? (A) Meeting to discuss his work (B) Making copies of his notes (C) Attending a seminar (D) Reviewing some product specifications 49 When does the woman say she is (A) On Monday (B) On Tuesday (C) On Wednesday (D) On Thursday 50-52 WA: Mr Cho, a few of us have been wondering when we'll be moving to our new office location Has a date been set yet? MA: Well, we wanted to move in December, but I talked to the building contractor on Tuesday and he said now the space won't be ready until the end of January They’re still waiting for some of the supplies they need WA: Oh, OK There was a notice on the company Web site that we should begin packing, so I wanted to check MA: Yes, I’m glad you reminded me I've been meaning to post an update to the Web site with the dates —I’lI go that now 50 What does the woman ask the man about? (A) The address of a Web site (B) The topic of a presentation (C) The date of an upcoming move (D) The cost of some office supplies 51 Who does the man mention he spoke with recently? (A) An important client (B) An office manager (C) An events coordinator (D) A building contractor 52 What does the man say he will do? (A) Update a Web site (B) Review a floor plan (C) Reserve some equipment (D) Confirm a payment schedule 53-55 WB: As you can see, all of the apartments in this building were painted recently, and the kitchens have been updated This is the one-bedroom model, which really has quite a lot of space MB: Yes, it does Is there parking available for my car? WB: Yes There’s free parking for all residents, and also a fitness center It’s almost like living in a hotel here! But the rent is very reasonable, considering all of the amenities MB: Well, it’s definitely a possibility I want to think about it though If you have time, I was hoping you could show me some other apartments this afternoon before I make a final decision 53 Who most likely is the woman? (A) An architect (B) An interior decorator (C) A hotel manager (D) A real estate agent 54 What does the man ask about? (A) Furniture options (B) Building permits (C) Parking availability (D) A room layout 55 What does the man want to this afternoon? (A) Sign a lease (B) Paint an apartment (C) Consult with his friend (D) Look at other apartments 56-58 MA: Ms Connor, one of the organizers of the Business Leaders conference just called They'd like you to lead a workshop on Sunday, June sixth What would you like me to tell them? WA: The problem is, I’ve already agreed to attend a seminar in Toronto that weekend MA: Susan, I need a reporter to cover the Middteton Book Festival at the local library this Saturday, and I wonder if you can it You would have to be there by ten o’clock for the library director’s speech WA: Sure - I'd love to that In fact, I know a local author of mystery novels who will be there signing her books I hope I’ll get a chance to interview her MA: That would be great It would make the article more interesting Oh, and take Neal Wilson with you so he can take some pictures of the event 41 Who is the woman? (A) A store owner (B) A news reporter (C) A filmmaker (D) A librarian 42 What does the woman say she would like to do? (A) Host a reception (B) Take a class (C) Raise funds for a project (D) Speak with an author 43 What will Neal Wilson do? (A) Provide transportation (B) Approve some expenses (C) Take photographs (D) Unpack some merchandise 44-46 MB: Excuse me I seem to have lost my parking ticket I thought I’d left it somewhere in my car, but it’s not there I’ve been parked in this garage for three hours-can I just pay you for that amount? WB: I' m afraid not Unfortunately we have to charge the full-day rate for alllost tickets That's $30 I'd recommend looking in your car again so you can avoid paying the higher amount MB: It's definitely not in my car But I just came from a movie across the Street Let me go back and check if I dropped the ticket somewhere in the theater 44 Where is the conversation most likely taking place? (A) At a parking garage (B) At a movie theater (C) At a car rental agency (D) At a concert hall 45 According to the woman, what must the man if he has lost his ticket? (A) Speak to a supervisor (B) Pay a higher rate (C) Show a receipt (D) Fill out a report 46 What will the man probably next? (A) Move his vehicle (B) Provide a license plate number (C) Look in his car (D) Return to the theater 47-49 WA: I think we'll need to schedule more wait staff for next Saturday There's a basketball game in the stadium next door, and we'll have a big lunch crowd after it's over MA: Definitely - we should have at least three servers here for lunch WA: Well, Gabby and Keith are already scheduled But Juan is working in the morning - I'll see if he can work an extra shift 47 Where the speakers most likely work? (A) At a restaurant (B) At a fitness center (C) At a sports stadium (D) At a hotel 48 What are the speakers discussing? (A) Watching a game (B) Preparing for extra customers (C) Planning a renovation (D) Opening another location 49 What will the woman ask Juan to do? (A) Provide some directions (B) Request a cost estimate (C) Work extra hours (D) Give a demonstration 50-52 WB: Are you ready to start setting up? We advertised today's event as an outdoor sale, so we have to get all the discounted items outside before we open the store MB: That's fine with me We can just roll the racks out the door - right? With the dresses already on them? WB: Absolutely But we'll need to put the T-shirts on display tables - and the tables are still in the storage closet MB: Well, I'll bring the tables out from the closet if you'll roll the dress racks outside onto the walkway Then we can both work on setting out the T-shirts 50 What are the speakers preparing for? (A) An outdoor sale (B) A store expansion (C) A large shipment of items (D) An inspection 51 Where the speakers most likely work? (A) At a bookstore (B) At a clothing store (C) At a garden center (D) At a furniture store 52 What does the woman say is in the storage closet? (A) Advertising posters (B) Packing materials (C) Display tables (D) Sales records 53-55 WA: I'm glad you asked me to show you this house - I think it's what you're looking for The location is beautiful Just look at the view of the woods from this living room window And, as you requested, it also has two bedrooms MA: Yes, it's certainiy nice and spacious And the price is right My only concern is that it's a little further away from my office than I thought I'm just not sure I want to live this far out of the city WA: Well, there is a train station just down the road from here It's about a ten-minute walk And the commuter train goes right into Central Station So if you decide to buy this property, it would be easy to talke the train to work 53 Who most fikely is the woman? (A) A real estate agent (B) A tour guide (C) A nature photographer (D) An interior decorator 54 What concerns the man about the house? (A) The price (B) The distance (C) The size (D) The availability 55 What does the woman suggest the man do? (A) Take a brochure (B) Visit other properties (C) Leave a deposit (D) Commute by train 56-58 WB: Hi Cliff, it's Terri calling from the lobby A heavy box was just delivered, and I need help carrying it up It's addressed to our department MB: Well, I have a client waiting for me, but I can call the maintenance crew to help you Do you know what's in the box? WB: I'm not sure The return label says it's from Weller Electronics, but I didn't know we were expecting any equipment MB: Oh, I'll bet that's for Tanya Her request for a heavy-duty paper shredder was approved last week That must be it 56 What does the woman ask for help with? (A) Selecting new software (B) Carrying a heavy box (C) Preparing for a presentation (D) Packaging a shipment 57 What does the man offer to do? (A) Provide a return address (B) Look for an instruction manual (C) Research clients’ preferences (D) Contact the maintenance crew 58 What does the man say about Tanya? (A) She requested some equipment (B) She is in charge of personnel (C) Her office is nearby (D) Her approval is required 59-61 MA: Thanks for choosing our career-coaching service, Ms Reynolds Why don't you start by telling me a little bit about your current career and your future goals? WA: Well, after I graduated, I started working in the insurance industry, but now I'd like to look into the possibility of going to law school Do you think it's too late to start on this new path? MA: Oh, not really In fact, I can refer you to a former coworker who went to law school after a decade of working here Let me put you in touch with him, so you can ask about his career change 59 Who most likely is the man? (A) A lawyer (B) A university professor (C) A career counselor (D) An insurance agent 60 What is the woman thinking of doing? (A) Accepting an offer of employment (B) Going to law school (C) Publishing a research study (D) Moving to a new city 61 What does the man suggest the woman do? (A) Talk to a former colleague (B) Consult a course catalogue (C) Fill out an application form (D) Review some job postings 62-64 MB: Hello, I'm calling about the laptop I bought at your store a few weeks ago It's been running very slowly, and I'm afraid it may have a virus I know the computer is covered by warranty, so I want to bring it in WB: Unfortunately, our warranty only covers defective parts It won't cover the problem you're having with the computer virus MB: Well, I'd still like to bring in the laptop for service, even if there's a charge Can I that anytime I like, or should I make an appointment? WB: That won't be necessary, but I'd recommend coming in early That way, you won't have to wait And, depending on how complicated the problem is, we may even be able to fix it immediately 62 What type of business is the man calling? (A) A machine parts supplier (B) A car repair service (C) An electronics store (D) A home improvement store 63 What does the woman say about the warranty? (A) It requires proof of purchase (B) It has already expired (C) It can be extended (D) It does not cover the needed repair 64 What does the woman recommend? (A) Using a coupon (B) Visiting a store early (C) Buying a protective case (D) Contacting another business 65-67 WB: Hi I just opened a hair salon, and I'm calling to order some business cards Is there someone at your store who can help me? MA: Well, unless you want some specific artwork on the card, I suggest that you go to our web site and order the cards online It's a very easy process, and we have a number of styles to choose from WB: Actually, I'd like to have one of your employees create a company logo for the card MA: OK I'll let you talk with Bill, then He's our graphic designer He can help you with that 65 What does the woman want to do? (A) Post some sale signs (B) Order some business cards (C) Advertise some hair products (D) View some clothing designs 66 What does the man suggest doing? (A) Changing a company name (B) Creating a company directory (C) Ordering a larger quantity (D) Using a Web site 67 Why does the man recommend that the woman talk to Bill? (A) To create a logo (B) To set up an account (C) To obtain product samples (D) To purchase computer software 68-70 WA: This is Eva Flores I've been a patient of Dr Morgan's for some time now, but I'll be moving to Boston for my work I'm calling to see if I can get a copy of my medical records to take with me MB: You could, but our usual policy is to transfer patient records directly to the doctor Do you have a phone number for your new medical office? I could call there and arrange to send the records WA: I don't know yet who my new doctor will be Would it be a problem if you have to keep my files for a while? I'll let you know as soon as I know who I'll be seeing MB: No, that's no problem at all But first you'll have to sign a form giving us your permission You're required to that before we can send any information 68 What are the speakers discussing? (A) An annual checkup (B) An appointment schedule (C) A hospital’s admissions policy (D) A transfer of medical records 69 What information does the man request? (A) The date of an appointment (B) A phone number (C) The woman's full name (D) A billing address 70 What will the woman be required to do? (A) Provide lab results (B) Consult with a nurse (C) Sign a form (D) Pay a fee 71-73 May I have your attention, please? The library will be closing in thirty minutes If you have materials you would like to check out, please so at this time For your convenience, we have several self-service machines that can be used to check out all books, magazines, and periodicals However, music CDs must be checked out at the front desk Thank you, and have a nice evening 71 Where most likely is the announcement being made? (A) At a music store (B) At a hotel (C) At a library (D) At a radio station 72 What is being announced? (A) A concert is starting (B) A facility is closing (C) New merchandise has arrived (D) Some equipment will be replaced 73 What does the speaker say about music CDs? (A) They must be checked out at the front desk (B) They will be available for purchase the next day (C) They cannot be returned for a refund (D) They can be reserved over the telephone 74-76 Hello, this is Maria from the Zinman Symphony Orchestra calling At the last performance, you signed up to receive updates about future offers I'm happy to announce that we have a special deal for the upcoming summer concert series: buy two tickets, get one free, And we just updated our performance schedule on the Web site- so take a look and see which concerts you want to attend, and a third ticket could be yours for free! Thanks for supporting the symphony 74 What type of organization does the speaker work for? (A) A local cinema (B) A symphony orchestra (C) An art gallery (D) A dance company 75 What is the speaker offering? (A) Premium seating (B) Additional showtimes (C) A free ticket (D) A discount on parking 76 According to the speaker, what can the listener on the Web site? (A) Read a review (B) Watch a performance (C) Browse some merchandise (D) View a schedule 77-79 Good morning and welcome to Seattle's Seventh Annual Electronics Expo Please pick up your complimentary bags at the hall entrance Inside you'll find information about the event, including a list of exhibitors and a floor plan of the center At 10:00 a.m our keynote speaker, Ms Mary Duke, will kick off the event in the main auditorium Following her speech, all exhibition booths will officially open and be ready to welcome visitors 77 Where most likely are the listeners? (A) At a bookstore (B) At a convention center (C) At a train station (D) At a museum 78 According to the speaker, what will listeners find in the bags? (A) A coupon booklet (B) A bottle of water (C) Sample products (D) Event information 79 What will happen at 10:00 A.M.? (A) Seats will be assigned (B) A speech will begin (C) Refreshments will be served (D) A book signing will be held 80-82 Hi, Laura I'm calling from Navi Professional Furniture I know your new office furniture is supposed to be delivered next Tuesday, but we've had a cancellation this week and I'm calling to let you know that we can get you the furniture sooner If you're interested, we can have your order delivered tomorrow But please call me back as soon as possible, so that I can let the delivery driver know You can reach me at 555-0144 Thanks 80 What is the message about? (A) A production delay (B) A vehicle repair (C) An annual sale (D) A furniture delivery 81 What does the speaker say he can do? (A) Cancel an order (B) Change a date (C) Use a different vendor (D) Provide an estimate 82 Why does the speaker ask the listener to call back soon? (A) He has to notify a driver (B) He needs to finalize a budget (C) He wants to discuss a design (D) He is waiting to authorize a deposit 83-85 Good morning I have some exciting news to announce at the end of this year, we've going to merge with another construction firm, Levinson Builders I strongly believe that this is an important step for our company By combining our resources and expertise with Levinson Builders, we expect to be able to take on larger contracts Now, I'm sure you want to know more about the company we're merging with So I' ve invited its president, Mr Levinson, to visit our offices tomorrow for an informal meet-and-greet session 83 What is the speaker mainly discussing? (A) A new customer (B) A job opening (C) A change in suppliers (D) A corporate merger 84 What does the speaker think will happen? (A) A project will be completed early (B) Employee salaries will be raised (C) The company will receive bigger contracts (D) The cost of materials will decrease 85 Who will visit the office tomorrow? (A) A company president (B) A legal adviser (C) An industry analyst (D) A media representative 86-88 That's all for today's program But be sure to tune in next week, when we'll have a brand new segment called “Travelers' Notes!” This part of the program will feature the winner of a weekly contest, where our listeners compete to broadcast their own travel stories If you want to share an interesting or funny experience about somewhere you visited, enter our contest today! Just call the radio station and follow the instructions to record your story We'll listen to it, and let you know if we've selected your story to be on the show 86 What is the purpose of the talk? (A) To review a movie (B) To announce a contest (C) To promote a service (D) To recommend a business 87 What are listeners encouraged to share? (A) Travel experiences (B) Reading lists (C) Family photographs (D) Movie reviews 88 How can listeners participate? (A) By going to an office (B) By visiting a Web site (C) By calling the radio station (D) By sending an e-mail 89-91 Hello, and welcome to your first official day as summer interns at the Daily Gazette We hope you gain a lot of useful experience in all aspects of newspaper publication during your two months here As we discussed yesterday during orientation, you will need to get an identification badge to enter this building If for some reason you did not receive one yesterday, please go and see Ms Eaton in the administration office now Today you'll each be paired with an experienced journalist, who will act as your mentor throughout the internship And at the end of the day, you'll be given your first assignment, which you'll begin writing tomorrow Any questions so far? 89 Who is the intended audience for the introduction? (A) Experienced journalists (B) Local businesspeople (C) Administration staff (D) Summer interns 90 What listeners need to get to enter the building? (A) An identification badge (B) A registration form (C) An office key (D) A letter from a manager 91 What will listeners tomorrow? (A) Go to the administration office (B) Begin a writing assignment (C) Submit an article for editing (D) Meet a local resident 92-94 This is the evening traffic report on Radio CLX Traffic is moving smoothly on most major roadways But there's a delay on Wickham Street due to a project that just started on Chaney Tower Construction on the tower will last for two weeks, so you should try to avoid using Wickham Streetduring this time And that's all for your evening traffic report Stay tuned for an exclusive interview with photographer Franz Schafer, after this commercial break 92 What is happening at Chaney lower? (A) An exposition is taking place (B) A press conference is being held (C) The grounds are being landscaped (D) A building is undergoing construction 93 How long should listeners avoid Wickham Street? (A) For one week (B) For two weeks (C) For one month (D) For two months 94 What will listeners hear after the commercial break? (A) An interview (B) A song (C) A lecture (D) A news report 95-97 Starting in January, the company will institute a new requirement for all employees We want everyone to complete ten hours of professional development classes per year This is meant to help our workforce stay up to date on current technologies and business practices You will have the choice to take regular or online classes The managernent team has prepared a list of classes you can take to meet the requirement, and I'll be sending that list to everyone by e-mail later today However, if there's a class you'd like to take that's not on this list, check with your supervisor to get approval before you register 95 What is the speaker mainly discussing? (A) New business hours (B) Technology updates (C) Requirements for professional development (D) Changes in company hiring procedures 96 What will the speaker provide? (A) New passwords (B) A list of suggestions (C) Professional references (D) The agenda for a meeting 97 According to the announcement, why should listeners contact a supervisor? (A) To obtain a signature (B) To request approval (C) To discuss a performance evaluation (D) To give feedback 98-100 To conclude our safety meeting, I have a reminder for the repair crews concerning tree branches that are growing too close to our power lines As an electric company, we're responsible for keeping the area around our lines clear of branches that might fall and cause a power outage So, if you notice any trees that need to be cut back, please report the exact location to your supervisor Although we have a contract with a tree service that does the actual trimming work, it's important for us to let them know where problems exist I want to avoid any disruptions to electric service, and this is one way to prevent them 98 Where the listeners most likely work? (A) At a landscaping service (B) At an electronics store (C) At an electric company (D) At a community park 99 What are employees asked to do? (A) Work additional hours (B) Remove items from a storage area (C) Inform customers of a policy change (D) Report the location of a problem 100 What does the speaker want to avoid? (A) Increasing prices (B) Disrupting a service (C) Damaging trees (D) Paying a cleaning fee ... research proposal before I submit it? (A) I’d be happy to (B) Try looking in the drawer (C) You’re welcome 17 Isn’t it supposed to rain this afternoon? (A) Roger was supposed to (B) It’s a new umbrella... survey? (A) I’ll lend you a catalog (B) Is it alright if I it after lunch? (C) Across from the copy room 36 Where should I put this scarf that I found in the hallway? (A) No, I’m afraid that... informal? (A) I was told that we could dress casually (B) I'm looking forward to it, too (C) You’re welcome to sit by me 41-43 WB: Excuse me, sir Did you request a vegetarian meat for this flight?

Ngày đăng: 02/05/2019, 07:02



