If either of you take/ takes a vacation now, we will not be able to finish the work.. If either of you takes/ take a vacation now, we will not be able to finish the work 111.. Most peopl
Trang 1Choose the correct form of the verbs.
1 Neither Bill nor Mary (is /are)going to the play tonight
2 Anything (is/ are) better than going to another movie tonight
3 Skating (is / are) becoming more popular everyday
4 A number of reporters (was /were)at the conference yesterday
5 Everybody who (has/ have) a fever must go home immediately
6 Your glasses (was/ were)on the bureau last night
7 There (was/ were) some people at the meeting last night
8 The committee (has/ have) already reached a decision
9 A number of jeans (was/ were) in the washing machine this morning
10 Each student (has/ have) answered the first three questions
11 Either John or his wife(make/ makes) breakfast each morning
12 After she had perused the material , the secretary decided that everything (was/ were) in order
13 The crowd at the basket ball game (was/ were) wild with excitement
14 A pack of wild dogs (has/ have) frightened all the ducks away
15 The jury(is /are) trying to reach a decision
16 The army (has/ have) eliminated this section of the training test
17 The number of students who have withdrawn from class this quarter (is/ are) appalling
18 There (has/ have) been too many interruptions in this class
19 Every elementary school teacher (has/ have) to take this class
20 Neither Jill nor her parents (has/ have) seen this movie before
21 She and I (has/ have) seen this film before
22 The number of days in a week (is /are) seven
23 A number of the applicants (have/ has) already been interviewed
24 A pair of pants (is /are ) in the drawer
25 These scissors (are/ is) dull
26 This pair of scissors (is/ are) dull
27 A school of fish (is/ are) being attacked by sharks
28 Twenty dollars (is/ are) all I can afford to pay for that recorder
29 The majority of the students (believes/ believe) him tobe innocent
30 The majority (believe/ believes) that we are in no danger
31 Writing many letters (makes/ make) her happy
32 Not studying (has/ have) caused him many problems
33 John nor George (is/ are) bringing the car
34 None of the students (has/ have) finished the exam yet
35 No example (is/ are) relevant to this case
36 Neither John nor Bill (is/ are ) going to the beach today
37 Neither John nor his friends (is/ are) going to the beach today
38 No problem (is/ are) harder to solve than this one
39 John, along with 20 friends, (is/ are) planning a party
40 The quality of these recordings (is/ are) not very good
41 Mr Robbins, accompanied by his wife and children, (is/ are) arriving tonight
42 If either of you (take/ takes) a vacation now, we will not be able to finish the work
43 Living expenses in this country, as well as in many others, (is/ are) at an al-time high
44 Advertisements on TV (is/ are) becoming more competitive than ever before
Trang 245 Mr John, accompanied by several members of the committee, (have/ has) proposed some changes of the rules
46 Neither the doctor nor the secretary (want/wants) to leave yet
47 Our team(is/ are) going to win the game
48 The flock of birds (is/ are) circling overhead
49 Fifty minutes (is/are) not enough time to finish the test
50 Two miles (is/ are) too much to run in one day
51 Every body who (has/ have) not purchased a ticket should be in this line
52 The view of these disciplines (varies/ vary) from time to time
53 The picture of the soldiers (bring/ brings) back many memories
54 The organization (have/ has) lost many members this year
55 Congress (has/ have) initiated a new plan to combat inflation
56 The number of residents who (have/ has) been questioned on this matter (is/are) quite small
57 Either you or I (am/are) on duty taday
58 Both of my brothers (work/ works) in London
59 Both she and I (have/ has) been to London before
60 Everyone (is/ are) out in the garden
61 Each of them(are/is)to bring his own book to the next class
62 Studying late at night (is/ are) one of those things that (makes/make) me tired
63 Physics (isn’t/ aren’t) nearly as interesting to me as literature
64 All the food in the refrigerator (have/ has) eaten, and it is empty now
65 (A lot of/Much) vehicles (have/ has) just been recalled because of a design fault 66.(A lot of/many) effort (has/ have) been put into this project
67 There (aren’t/ isn’t) (many/ much) dictionaries that can compare with this one
68 (Most/ Most of the) book (was/ were) written by someone else
69 (Most/ Most of) metal (is/are) liable to rust
70 (Most/ most of) magazines (carry/ carries) advertisements
71 I’d like (a few/ a little) milk in this coffee, please
72 This room needs (a few/ a little) pictures to brighten it up
73 (A good deal/ Several) businesses (have/ has)gone bankrupt this year
74 Both examples (prove/ proves) that I am right
75 Much (depends/ depend) on the outcome of the inquiry
76 Not (many/ much)doctors are prepared to visit patients in their own homes
77 There (is/ are) very (few/ little) scholarships for students in this university
78 Anyone who (wishes/wish) to apply must do so in writing
79.Each of us (are/ is) responsible for our actions
80 Everything I have (belong/ belongs) to you
81 A lot of guests were expected, but (a few/ few) came
82 (A great number/ A great deal) of our students (is / are) American
83 (A great deal of/ A great number of) money ( is / are) spent on research
84 (Not much/ Not many) (is/ are) known about dinosaurs
85 (Not many/ Not much) people (know/ knows) about Delia’s past
86 There (is/ are) far too (many /much) accidents at this junction
87 Much (have/ has) been done to improve conditions of work
88 Both Jim and Carol (is/ are) on holiday
Trang 389 Neither Jim nor carol (have/ has) got a car.
90 Neither restaurant (is/ are) expensive
91 Neither of the restaurants we went to (am/are) expensive
92 (A few / A little) of the shops (were/ was) open but most (was/were) closed
93 (None/ Neither) of this money (are/ is) mine
94 Can you lend me (few/ a few) dollars?
95 There (were/ was) (little/ few) traffic, so the journey didn’t take very long
96 (Most/ Most of) tourists (don’t / doesn’t) visit this part of the town
97 He isn’t very popular He has (few/ a few)friends
98 She’s lucky She has ( a few/ few) problems
99 Every (seat/seats) in the theater (was/ were) taken
100 There (was/ were) (a few/ few) letters this morning but (none/ neither) of them were for me
101 Neither Jane nor her parents (have / has) been to America before
102 6000 pounds (is/ are ) too much for me
103 Either John or his brothers (is/ are )going to meet you at the airport today
104 It was a surprise that he won the match (Few/ A few) people expected him to win
105 (All/ All of) flowers (are/ is) beautiful
106 These three books are mine (None/ Neither) belongs to Jane
107 We tried two hotels (None/ Neither) of them had any room
108 Neither Liz nor Robin (have/has) come to the party.109
109 Nobody (works/ work) harder than John does
110 If either of you (takes/ take) a vacation now, we will not be able to finish the work
111 Dieting (are/is) very popular today
112 None of the students (have/ has) finished the exercises yet
113 None of the counterfeit money (has/ have ) been found
114 Neither Maria nor her friends (is /are) going to class today
115 The committee (has/ have ) met , and it has rejected the proposal
116 Writing many letters (makes/ make) her happy
117 The pair of pliers ( were/ was) on the table
118 The pliers (was/ were) on the table
119 Twenty-five dollars (is/ are) too much to pay for that shirt
120 The use of credit cards in place of cash (have/ has) increased rapidly in recently
121 Fifty minutes (isn’t/ aren’t enough time to finish this test
122 There (has/ have) been a number of telephone calls today
123 The herd of cattle (is/ are ) breaking away
124 Mr John, accompanied by several members of the committee, (have/ has) proposed some changes of the rules
125 The danger of forest fires (is / are) not to be taken lightly
126 Several theories on this subject (have / has) been proposed
127 Mr Robbins, accompanied by his wife and his children, (is/ are) arriving tonight
Give the correct form of the ver b s provide d
1 We must take an umbrella It (rain)
2 Please don’t disturb me.I (work)
3 The manager can’t see you now He (have) a guest
4 Don’t rush me I (work)as fast as I can
Trang 45 Let, me explain what you have to do First you (take)the photos and (sort) them into catogories Then you (file) them according to subject
6 What you (drink)? It looks awful
7 You can’t believe a word he says He always (lie)
8 I (study)English at Exeter university I’m on holiday at the moment and I (work) in a public library I’m lucky to have this job I (not have) to get up early The library (open) at
10 and (close) at 7 It’s interesting work because people always (come) in and (ask) me to help them so I (learn) alot about different subjects I (enjoy) the job and (find) it very amusing, too People (use)the strangest things as bookmarks
9 She still ( wait) to see the boss ?
10 The house is in a mess because we’ve got the workmen in The plumber (put) in a new bath, the electricians (rewire) the system , and the carpenter (build) us some new
11 We (hope) you (enjoy) this marvelous weather as much as we are We (sunbathe) and (go) swimming
12 In England It (not shine) everyday
13 You never tell me what you really (think)
14 Each of them (understand) the question in a different way
15 Sometimes I (get) up before the sun (rise)
16 Call a doctor quickly! The old man (die)
17 There (be) alot of beautiful flowers in the hall
18 Jane (not drink) tea very often
19 Anna (make) a dress for herself at the moment She (make) all her own clothes
20.He usually (drink) coffee, but today he(drink)tea
21 It (rain)? - Yes, It (rain) hard., you can’t go out
22 He always (buy) lottery tickets but he never (win) anything
23 I (wear) my sun glasses today because the sun is very strong
24 How Peter (get) on at school? -Very well He (seem) to like the life
25 Why you (walk) so fast today? You usually(walk) quite slowly
26 Why you(type) so fast? You (make) alot of mistakes
27 The Thames (flow) through London
28.The Browns are at home tonight Mr Brown (read) a newspaper , Mrs Brown
(watch)TV, Mary Brown (do) her homework and John Brown (telephone) his girl friend
29 It (take) me an hour to get to work How long it (take)you?
30 I (not understand) this sentence What this word (mean)?
31 Where is your key? - ‘I don’t know I(lose) it
32 I (mean) to phone Diane last night but I (forget)
33 They still (build) the new road They (not finish)it yet
34 Helen still (be) here? - no, she (just go)
35 I (read) the book you (lend) me but I (not finish)it yet
36 I (lose ) my address book You (see)it anywhere?
37 Sorry I’m late You (wait) for me so long?
38 I (think) about what you said and I (decide) to take your advice
39 Sarah is very tired She ( work) very hard recently
40 My brother is an actor He (appear) in several films
41 I (read) the book you (lend) me, so you can have it back now
Trang 542 Mary (go) to Australia for a while but she ‘s back again now
43 Nobody knows where Jane (go)
44 She (feel) tired so she (lie) down on the bed and (go )
45 That man (catch) any fish yet? I (watch) him for the last hour and he (not move) once
46 Michael (wait) in the queue to buy a ticket for the train to London when he hear an announcement saying that there was going tobe a delay
47 I never (forget) what you just(say) to me
48 After she (work) at the hospital for 2 years, she (decide) to give up her job
49 She (sleep) for 10 hours You must wake her up
50 It’s wonderful tonight! It (be) the first time I ever (enjoy) such a wonderful fancy dress party
51 Come in, please I (wait) for you long
52.When I met him, he already (have) his dinner
53 Scientists (find) cures for many illnesses in the last 50 years
54 The children (make) a lot of noise now, I (be) afraid they (wake) up my father, who (sleep) in the next room
55 for a long time I (think) of buying a bicycle Now I (have) the money, so I (buy) one right away
56 I (wait) for you for the past hour! What you (do) all this time?
57 When we (arrive ) at the scene, he ( be) taken to hospital
58 You can’t see the director He (go)to HCM city, and (not return) until next month
59 I (try) to learn by heart this text for half an hour, but I (not succeed) yet
60 When he (come), I just(finish) typing the report
61 I wonder where we (live) 10 years from now
62 What do you plan to do when you (finish) your course at college?
63 I (decide) to try and learn a forein language - which language you (learn)?
64 I asked the driver to slow down She (drive) too fast
65 When I (get ) home , Bill (lie) on the sofa The television was on but he (not watch) it
He (fall) asleep and (snore) loudly I (turn) the TV and just then he (wake) up
66 I (meet) George and Linda yesterday as I (walk) through the park they (be) to the Sports centre where they (ply) tennis, they (go) to a cafe’ for a drink and (invite) me to join them but I (arrange) to meet a friend and (not have) time
67 Yesterday afternoon, Sharon (go)to the station to meet Paul When she (get) there, Paul already (wait) for her for long His train(arrive) early
68.Janet (come) to Britain from the USA nearly 3 years ago Next monday it will be exactly 3 years So on monday, she ( be) here for exactly 3 years
69 You (think) you still (do) the same job in 10 years’time?
70 Our game of tennis was interrupted We (play) for half an hour when it (start) to rain very heavily
71 I (try) to phone Ann this morning but there (be) no answer She(go) out
72 I (wait) fot Tom for half an hour when I suddenly (realise) that I (be) in the wrong restaurant
73 I (enter) the office and (look) around Most people (work) but Jane (stare) out the window and prete3nding to write something at the same time
74.I (hope )for a pay rise for a long time but I (not dare)to ask forit
75 Brian (look) very different now When you (see) him you (not recognize) him
Trang 676 I went to John’s house and (knock) on the door but there (be) no answer Either he (go) out or he (not want) to see anyone
77 We were good friends We (know) each other for a long time
78.Angle asked how to use the photocopier.She never (use) it before,so she (not know)what
to do
79 You (hear) of Agatha Christie? She(be) a writer who (die) in1976 She (write) more than 70 detective novels You (read) any of them?
80 I was the last to leave the office Everyone (go)home
81 What do you think the children (do) when we get home?
82 By the end of next week my wife (do) her spring cleaning and we (be) able to relax again
83 By the end of next year I (be) here for 25 years
84 (wait) an hour, then (pay) for my drink and (leave)
85 I (look) for him since I (leave) the hotel but I (not find) him yet
86 I (study) in the library every afternoon for the last six months
87 She (study) laws for 4 years and this is her last year
88 Please hurry up, I (wait) for you for an hour
89 I (teach) these students for 2 years
90 Peter (be) a junior clerk for 3 years Lately he (look) for a better post so far he (not find) anything
91 I have no idea what the novel (be) all about I never(read) it
92 The police (look) for a murderer for 2 weeks but they (not find) him yet
93 How many bottles the milkman (leave)?- He (leave) six
94 My brother (join) the army when he was 18
95 The last time I (go) to London was when I (be) 25 I (not have) time to visit all the places I (want) to see
96 There ( be) great changes in our village in the past few years
97 He (move) to Kiev last year where he now (live)
98 He (leave) for London 2 years ago and I (not see) him since then
99 In the last 6 months I (complete) 2 English courses
100 You ( be) to the laboratory this week?
101 Julia is very good at languages She (speak)4 languages
102 Mr Clark (work )in a bank for 15 years then he (give) it up
103.When I (get) home last night , I (be) very tired and I (go) straight to bed
104 From the sounds it was clear that Mary( practise) the piano
105 I was alone in the house at that time because Mr John (work) in the garage and Mrs John(shop)
106 He suddenly (recognise)that he (travel) in the wrong direction
107 I went into the garden to see what the boys (do) james (weed) and Alexander(cut) the grass
108 While we (fish) someone (come) to the house and (leave) this note
109 She (stand) at the bus stop , I (ask) her what bus she (wait) for
110 They (build) that bridge when I(be) there last year, they (not finish) it yet
111 As they(walk) along the road, they (hear) a car coming from behind them Tom(turn ) round and (hold) up his hand The car (stop)
112 How fast you (drive) at the time of the accident?
Trang 7113 He (watch) TV when the telephone (ring) Very unwillingly he (turn) down the sound and (go)to answer it
31 When he (wake) she (sit) by the window She (look)at some thing in the street, but when he (call)she (turn )and (smile) at him
32 When I (hear) his knock, I (go) to the door and (open)it, but I (not recognise) him at first because I (not wear) my glasses
33 Last night Jake (wake) up at about 3 a.m As soon as he (wake) up , he (listen) out for stranges noises but he (not hear) any His father (snore) in the next room, some centre heating pipes (make) a bit of noise and a tap (drip) in the bathroom It (be) all as usual Jake (open) the window and (look) outside The moon (be) full and it (shine) brightly
34 You (look) very busy when I (see) you last night What you (do)?
35 I (not see) him for 3 years I wonder where he is
36 My brother (write ) several plays He just (finish) his second tragedy
37 I (write ) the letter but I can’t find a stamp
38 I can’t go out because I (not finish) my work
39 I (not know) that you (know) Mrs Smith How long you (know) her?
- I (know) her for 10 years
40 He (lose) his job last month and since then he ( be) out of work
-Why he (lose) his job? - He (be) very rude to his boss
41 I (type) this report since yesterday and I’m only half -way through
42 You (drive) all day Let me drive now
43 How long you (wait) for me? - I (wait) for half an hour
44 Her phone (ring) for 10 minutes I wonder why she doesn’t answer it
45.How many films you (see) this month?
46 He (write) a novel for the last 2 years but he (not finish) it yet
47 Look! The rain (stop)
48 Which newspaper in your city (print) advertisement?
49 Joan (do) a lot of things in his spare time recently She (be) to the cinema to see Super man She( visit) her grandparents and (help) her parents with the house work
50 Mary and John are neighbours They (know) each other for several years Mary (move) inti their house in1985 and john (live) next door since he (come) to the area in 1980
51 Paul Carrack is a musician and a singer He (be) in the music businessfor over 20 years He (start) playing professionally while he (be) at school He (travel) all over the world He (have) his first hit record in1974 so far he (make) a lot of records Young people
in America and Britian (know) his name and they never (forget) his number one song “The Living Years”
52 Dennis Heal is a politician He (go) to Oxford University in1950 and ( become) a member of Parliament for the Labour Party in 1957 He (be) an MP since then He (write) 3 story books including his autobiography He is married to the artist , Adna Heal, and they (have) two children They (live) in Oxford for 15 years , then ( move) to London in 1970 They now (live) in Cadogan Square in Central London
53 Tom is convinced that there is gold in these hills but we (search) for 6 moths and (not see) any sign of it
54 Harry (work)for the city since last summer
55 He (cough) a lot lately He ought to give up smoking
56 How many you (make)? -I (make) 200
Trang 857 Up to now I (visit) 20 countries
58 We knew nothing of what (happen )to him
59 By this time last week, we (lie) on the beach
60 She was too late The train (lerave) 10 minutes earlier
61 by the time I (arrive) the party (finish)
62 It was now 6 o’clock and he (be) very tired because he ( work) since dawn
63 By the end of last month , I (act) for 30 years
64 Jane, who(wait) for an hour, was very angry with her brother when he finally (arrive)
65 When I (arrive) at the airport , Mary(wait) for me She (say) she (wait) about half an hour
66.I (read )that story several times
67.He (walk) for several hours and was very tired
68 Everybody knew that he (steal) from his employer for years
69 By 10o’clock, the children (do) their home work and (be) ready to go to bed
70 We (cook) all day for the party that evening and by 8 o’clock we still weren’t ready
71 When she (ring )the office this morning , Jim already (go) out
72 Tom(be) at the party when you (arrive)?-No, he (go) home so I (not meet) him
73 She thanked me for what I (do) for her
74 Before we (take) Tim to the theatre, he never (see) a stage play before
75 I knew she (do) the washing because the machine still(work)when I (get) in
76 The men were very strong and healthy Although they (walk) for more than 3 hours , they (not need ) a rest
77 Yesterday she (show) me the letter she (receive) 2 weeks before
78 I (work) for this firm for 15 years and never once (be) late The firm just (present) me with a gold watch as a sign of their appreciation
79 I (go) to Jack’s house but not (find) him in His mother (say) she(not know) what he (do) but (think) that he probably (play) foot ball
80 What you (wait ) for ? -I (wait) for my change
81 You(walk) there in this rain? You will get awfully wet
82 What are all those notes for ? You (give) a lecture?
83 Why do you want a candle? You (explore ) the caves?
84 This time next week I (visit) HCM city
85 What you (do) in 5 years’ time?
86 You still(work) in this city when I (come) back in 5 years’time?
87 My brother (work) in Canada for the last year so by the time he (come) back the month after next I (not see) him for 4 years
88 He (save) $500 a year By the time he (retire) he (save) $ 20.000 By the time he(save)
$20.000 , the value of the money (go) down so much that he (have) to go on working
89 I (finish) my work in a few minutes
90 In a fortnight’s time, we (take) our exam, then we (be) able to relax
91 If only I (be) there , but I wasn’t
92 Don’t interrup me I (think) Why you (not work)?
93 I still (be) here next summer but Tom(leave)
94 We just (get) to the top in time The sun (rise) in a minute
95 We’d better go out tomorrow because Mary (practise)the piano all day
96 I (be) back again at the end of next month
Trang 9-I hope I (pass) my driving test by then If I have I (meet) your train
97 By the time Jeans gets back, it (be) too late
98 By this time next week I ( work) for him for 10 years
99 You (help) me when you have finished your work?
100.By this time next month I( study) english here for 5 years and I don’t think I will stay here any longer
101 I (hope) for a pay rise for long but I (not dare) to ask for it
102 We (play) tennis for half an hour when it (start) to rain
103 When I (arrive) everyone (sit) round the table and talking, their mouths were empty but his stomachs were full They (eat)
104 When I first ( tell)Tom the news , he (not believe ) me He (think) that I (joke)
105 Hurry up ! Everybody (wait ) for you
106 Do you think you still(do) the same job in ten years’time?
107 Tom is on holiday and he is spending his money very quickly If he continues like this , he (spend) all his money before the end of his holiday
108 Don’t phone me at 9 am I (attend) the meeting then
109 By the time you (read) this book, your meal will get cold
110 What difficulties you may encounter, I’m sure you (succeed)
111.We will talk business when we (have) dinner, but not during dinner I never(talk) business at meals
112 By next April I (pay) $3.000 in income tax
113 If we don’t hurry the sun (rise) before we reach the top
114 By this time tomorrow, we (learn) English for two hours
115 I (visit) a new country every year By the time I (be) 60 I (visit) all the most
interesting countries in the world
116.What about (buy) a new cooker?
117.I (not be) to the cinema for ages We (go ) there alot
118 Ann didn’t see me wave her She (look) in the other direction
119.Rose and Jim (meet) for the first time When they(study) at university
120 George looked very nice He (wear) a very nice suit
121 You decide) where to go for your holiday yet?
-Yes, I (go) to Jamaica
122 It still (rain) I wish it would stop It (rain) all day
123 Linda (be) very busy when we (go)to see her yesterday She (suty) for the exam We (not want) to disturb her , so we (not stay) very long
124 What speed the car (do) at the time of the accident?
125 I (look) for Jork You (see) him?
-Yes, he (be) here a moment ago
126 Ann (wait) for me when I (arrive)
Put the verbs into the correct tenses
1 If I (meet) him tomorrow, I (tell) him the truth
2 He (feel) better if he gets up early
3 I’ll look for your notebook , if I (find) it , I (give)you a ring
4 If you (finish) your dictionary, I’d like to borrow it
5 You’d better take the day off if you (not feel) well tomorrow
6 I expect it will freeze tonight If it (freeze) tonight the roads (be) very slippery tomorrow
Trang 107 If he (work) hard today, Can he have a holiday tomorrow?
8 Unless you are more careful, you(have) an accident
9 Should you require anything else, please(ring)the bell for the attendant
10 My brother (learn) English since last year Two days ago, he (take) his final exam If he (pass), he (get) a certificate and (be) able to apply for a better job
11.If I had a typewriter, I (type) it myself
12 If he worked more slowly, he (not make) so many mistakes
13 If he knew it was dangerous, he (not come)
14.I could get a job easily if I (have) a degree
15 If you changed your job, it (affect) your pension/
16 If we (have) more rain, our crops would grow faster
17 I’m very busy so I can’t help you If I (not be )so busy, I (help) you
18 She is too young to get married If she(be) older , she (get0 married
19 If she (be) here now, she (give)us some advice
20 She isn’t in your position so she isn’t able to advise you If she (be) in your position, she (be) able to advise you
21 Of course I’m not going to give her a diamond ring If I (give) her a diamond ring she (sell)it
22 Is he a rich man? - Yes, he is If he (be) a poor man, he (not stay) at the Savoy
23 Look at poor Tom trying to start his car by hand again If I (be) Tom, I (get) a new battery
24 Unless Tom (take) his library book back tomorrow, he (have) to pay a fine
25 If you (see) Tom, (tell) him I have a message for him
26 If you want to lose weight, you (eat) less meat
27 Nobody bathes here The water is heavily polluted If you (bathe) in it you(be) ill for a fortnight
28 I’ve hung out the clothes It’s lovely and sunny If it (stay) like this, they (be) dry in 2 hours
29 I don’t have a spare ticket so I can’t take you to the concert If I (have) a spare ticket, I (take) you there
30 You’re always tired If you (not go ) to bed so late every night, you (not be) tired all the time
31 If I had known that you wre in hospital, I(visit) you
32 If I (have) a map, I (be) allright but I didn’t
33 If you(tell) me that he never paid his debts I (not lend) him the money
34 If I (be) ready when he called he (take) me with him
35 He ( be ) arrested if he had tried to leave the country
36 If I (try) again , I think I would have succeeded
37 If you had spoken more slowly, he (understand) you
38 The ground wasd very soft But for that, my horse (win)
39 But for the fog, we (reach) our destination ages ago
40 She had a headache , other wise she (come) with us
41 If you (not sneeze) he (not know )that we were there
42 If I (be) you, I (check) my facts before i wrote that letter
43 He (feel) very tired today if he (play0 rugby yesterday
44 If I (be0 in your position, I (answer) his letter by now