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Silvia STS CHECK LIST 2006

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  • English

  • S. Micheli

  • Ch.Officer

  • S. Micheli

  • Ch.Officer

  • S. Micheli

  • Ch.Officer

  • S. Micheli

  • Ch.Officer

Nội dung

SHIP TO SHIP TRANSFERE CHECK LIST – BEFORE OPERATIONS COMMENCE Discharging Ship’s Name: mt “SILVIA” Receiving Ship’s Name: mt “Cabo Pasado” Date of Transfer: 21.May2006 Discharging Ship Checked Have the two ships advised by shipowners that Check List has been completed satisfactorily? Are radio communications well established? Is language of operation agreed? Is rendezvous position off the transfer area agreed? Are berthing and mooring procedures agreed and is it decided which ship will provide the mooring ropes? Is the ship upright and at a suitable trim? Are engines, steering gear and navigational equipment tested and found in good order? Are the engineers briefed on engine speed (and speed adjustment) requirements? Has a weather forecast been obtained for the transfer area? 10 Is hose lifting equipment suitable and ready for use? 11 Are hoses in good condition? 12 Are fenders and fender pennants in good condition? 13 Are the crew briefed on the mooring procedure? 14 Is the contingency plan agreed? 15 Have local authorities been advised about the operation? 16 Has a navigational warning been broadcast? Receiving Ship Checked English Has the other ship been advised that Check List is satisfactorily completed ? FOR DISCHARGING SHIP / RECEIVING SHIP (Delete as appropriate) Name : S Micheli Rank : Ch.Officer Signature : Remarks Date: SHIP TO SHIP TRANSFERE CHECK LIST – BEFORE RUN-IN AND MOORING Discharging Ship’s Name: mt “SILVIA” Receiving Ship’s Name: mt “Cabo Pasado” Date of Transfer: 21.May2006 Discharging Ship Checked Has Check List been satisfactorily Are primary fenders floating in their proper place? Are fender pennants in order? Are secondary fenders in place, if required? Have over side protrusions on side of berthing been retracted? Is the proficient helmsman at the wheel? Are cargo manifold connections ready and marked? Has course and speed information been exchanged and understood? Is engine speed adjustment controlled only by changes to revolutions or pitch? Are navigational signals displayed? Receiving Ship Checked 10 Is adequate lighting available? 11 Is power on winches and windlass and are they in good order 12 Are rope messengers, rope stoppers and heaving lines ready for use? 13 Are all mooring lines ready? 14 Are mooring gangs in positions? 15 Are communication established with mooring gangs? 16 Is the anchor on opposite side to transfer made ready for dropping? Has the other ship been advised that Check List is satisfactorily completed ? FOR DISCHARGING SHIP / RECEIVING SHIP (Delete as appropriate) Name : S Micheli Rank : Ch.Officer Signature : Date: Remarks SHIP TO SHIP TRANSFERE CHECK LIST – BEFORE CARGO TRANSFERE Discharging Ship’s Name: mt “SILVIA” Receiving Ship’s Name: mt “Cabo Pasado” Date of Transfer: 21.May2006 Discharging Ship Checked Are all requirements from the International Ship/Shore Safety Check List complied with? Is the gangway in good position and well secured? Is an inter-ship communication system established? Are emergency signals and shutdown procedures agreed? Is an engine room watch maintained throughout transfer and is the main engine on standby? Are fix axes or suitable cutting equipment in position at fore and aft mooring stations? Is bridge watch and/or an anchor watch established? Is a deck watch established to pay particular attention to moorings, fenders, hoses, manifold observation and cargo pump controls? Is the initial cargo transfer rate agreed with other ship? Receiving Ship Checked 10 Is the maximum cargo transfer rate agreed with other ship? 11 Is the topping-off rate agreed with other ship? 12 Are the cargo hoses well supported and suspended? 13 Are tools required for rapid disconnection located at the cargo manifold? Has the other ship been advised that Check List is satisfactorily completed ? FOR DISCHARGING SHIP / RECEIVING SHIP (Delete as appropriate) Name : S Micheli Rank : Ch.Officer Signature : Date: Remarks SHIP TO SHIP TRANSFERE CHECK LIST – BEFORE UNMOORING Discharging Ship’s Name: mt “SILVIA” Receiving Ship’s Name: mt “Cabo Pasado” Date of Transfer: 21.May2006 Discharging Ship Checked Are cargo hoses properly drained prior to hose disconnection? Are cargo hoses or manifolds blanked? Is the transfer side of the ship clear of obstructions (including hose lifting equipment)? Has the method of unberthing and of letting go moorings been agreed with the other ship? Are fenders, including fender pennants, in good condition? Is power on winch and windlass? Are there rope messengers and rope stoppers at all mooring stations? Are the crew standing by at their mooring stations? Are communications checked with other ship? Receiving Ship Checked 10 Are communications checked with mooring gangs? 11 Has area traffic (shipping) been checked? 12 Are mooring gangs instructed to let go only as requested by manoeuvring ship? Has the other ship been advised that Check List is satisfactorily completed ? Has the navigational warning been cancelled (when clear of other ship)? FOR DISCHARGING SHIP / RECEIVING SHIP (Delete as appropriate) Name : S Micheli Rank : Ch.Officer Signature : Date: Remarks ... TRANSFERE CHECK LIST – BEFORE RUN-IN AND MOORING Discharging Ship’s Name: mt SILVIA Receiving Ship’s Name: mt “Cabo Pasado” Date of Transfer: 21.May2006 Discharging Ship Checked Has Check List been... SHIP TRANSFERE CHECK LIST – BEFORE CARGO TRANSFERE Discharging Ship’s Name: mt SILVIA Receiving Ship’s Name: mt “Cabo Pasado” Date of Transfer: 21.May2006 Discharging Ship Checked Are all requirements... TO SHIP TRANSFERE CHECK LIST – BEFORE UNMOORING Discharging Ship’s Name: mt SILVIA Receiving Ship’s Name: mt “Cabo Pasado” Date of Transfer: 21.May2006 Discharging Ship Checked Are cargo hoses

Ngày đăng: 09/04/2019, 16:31

