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Visio 2003 bible

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www.it-ebooks.info Visio 2003 Bible ® Bonnie Biafore www.it-ebooks.info www.it-ebooks.info Visio 2003 Bible ® www.it-ebooks.info www.it-ebooks.info Visio 2003 Bible ® Bonnie Biafore www.it-ebooks.info Visio® 2003 Bible Published by Wiley Publishing, Inc 10475 Crosspoint Boulevard Indianapolis, IN 46256 www.wiley.com Copyright © 2004 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada Library of Congress Control Number: 2004104001 ISBN: 0-7645-5724-6 Manufactured in the United States of America 10 1Q/SQ/QU/QU/IN No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the appropriate per-copy fee to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, (978) 750-8400, fax (978) 646-8600 Requests to the Publisher for permission should be addressed to the Legal Department, Wiley Publishing, Inc., 10475 Crosspoint Blvd., Indianapolis, IN 46256, (317) 572-3447, fax (317) 572-4447, E-Mail: permcoordinator@wiley.com LIMIT OF LIABILITY/DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY: THE PUBLISHER AND THE AUTHOR MAKE NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE CONTENTS OF THIS WORK AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE NO WARRANTY MAY BE CREATED OR EXTENDED BY SALES OR PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS THE ADVICE AND STRATEGIES CONTAINED HEREIN MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR EVERY SITUATION THIS WORK IS SOLD WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT THE PUBLISHER IS NOT ENGAGED IN RENDERING LEGAL, ACCOUNTING, OR OTHER PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IF PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE IS REQUIRED, THE SERVICES OF A COMPETENT PROFESSIONAL PERSON SHOULD BE SOUGHT 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John Wiley & Sons, Inc and/or its affiliates, in the United States and other countries, and may not be used without written permission Visio is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners Wiley Publishing, Inc., is not associated with any product or vendor mentioned in this book www.it-ebooks.info About the Author Bonnie Biafore is an author as well as a project management consultant As a con­ sultant, she enjoys working with different clients and the diversity of projects she experiences, from CAD systems for structural steel fabrication to speech-enabled applications for telephone service field technicians and systems to manage hydro­ electric power While she’s sometimes tough on her clients, she is a far worse taskmaster for herself Bonnie has written several books, including Troubleshooting Microsoft Project 2002 (Microsoft Press) and The NAIC Stock Selection Handbook (NAIC) Since August 2000 she has been writing for Better Investing magazine a monthly column called Web Watch, which delves into the use of the World Wide Web for investing and how to develop good investing habits and smart and safe computer practices She is well known for her clear explanations of technical topics, whether it’s the inscrutable workings of computer software or the enigma of high finance She applies her education from MIT and Columbia University to digest technical topics and then puts her organizational skills and humor to work to present material that engages beginners and experts alike Her education and work experience make her the ideal author for this Visio book With a Bachelor of Science in Architecture and a Master of Science in Structural Engineering, she is well versed in using Visio for architecture and engineering and integrating it with CAD applications As a project manager and consultant, she con­ stantly applies Visio to office productivity problems As a software project manager and application developer, she has also used Visio to document databases, soft­ ware systems, and networks As an engineer, she is fascinated with both the sim­ plicity and power of Visio and enjoys experimenting with its customization and automation features www.it-ebooks.info Credits Senior Acquisitions Editor Jim Minatel Vice President and Publisher Joseph B Wikert Development Editor James H Russell Executive Editorial Director Mary Bednarek Technical Editors Bonnie Watts Scott Ambler Project Coordinator Erin Smith Production Editor Eric Newman Copy Editor Luann Rouff Editorial Manager Mary Beth Wakefield Vice President & Executive Group Publisher Richard Swadley Graphics and Production Specialists Beth Brooks Carrie Foster Lauren Goddard Heather Pope Quality Control Technician Charles Spencer Brian H Walls Proofreading and Indexing TECHBOOKS Production Services Vice President and Executive Publisher Bob Ipsen www.it-ebooks.info To my agent, Neil Salkind, who always believes I’m better than I am and then helps me prove him right www.it-ebooks.info 764 Index ✦ S settings (continued) language settings, 216 layout and routing settings, 37–38 plan drawings, 468 print settings, 35–37 restoring, 697 spacing, 38 templates, 579–580 Setup program (Visio installation), 691–694 shadows (shapes), 39, 134–135, 229 shape data, exporting, 198–199 Shape Layout section (ShapeSheets), 646 shape masters accessing, 583 assigning to layers, 477–478 consolidating, 583 copying, 84 copying and pasting between stencils, 590 copyrights, 583 creating, 600–602 database links, 194–196 defined, 10, 62 deleting, 590, 602 displaying master information, 591 editing, 603–606 icon images, 603–605 inheritance, 597 instances, 10, 62 labels, 592 modifying, 602–606 properties, 606–607 renaming, 603 shortcuts, 607 Shape Transform section (ShapeSheets), 646, 648 shapes alignment, 81, 614 area, 464–465 arrays, 84–85 behaviors configuring, 103 connector splitting, 628 defined, 596 double-click behaviors, 623–624 group-related, 628–629 modifying, 626 pattern shapes, 664 placement, 103, 625–626 preventing shapes from printing, 626 selection, 627 switching between 1-D and 2-D behavior, 627 block diagrams, 223 borders, 134 Boundary and Space, 510–511, 517–518 brainstorming diagrams main topic, 325 topic, 325–326 breaking groups, 88–89 into lines and arcs, 618–619 into smaller pieces, 616 calculating area and perimeter, 464–465 callouts, 237 closed shapes, 600, 609–610 color-coding, 143 combining, 615 connection points adding, 101, 621 blue x indicator, 10, 96 changing types, 623 Connection Point tool, 101–102 deleting, 101–102, 621 illustration, 11 inward, 101, 622 inward & outward, 101, 622 moving, 101–102, 621 outward, 101, 622 valid connections, 622 connections, 102 connectors Connector tool, 98 Connectors stencil, 96–97 control points, 99 creating, 97–98 curved, 104 defined, 12, 95 direction, 104 www.it-ebooks.info Index ✦ S direction information, 96 dynamic, 13, 98 dynamic-static, 98 end points, 12, 96–97 glue, 13–14, 100–101 jumps, 106 line jumps, 38, 106 methods for using, 97 modifying path of, 105 routing styles, 104–105 sequence of shapes, 99 spacing, 105–106 splitting, 38, 628 start point, 12 static, 98 static-dynamic, 98 straight, 104 straight connectors, 12–13 copying, 84 custom properties adding, 294 applying, 630–631 creating, 631–633 defined, 596 deleting, 633 displaying in shape text, 634 editing, 633 generating reports from, 294–295 options, 632 reports, 637–641 sets, 634–637 uses, 294 cutouts, 617–618 database links, 188–190, 193–194, 261 database modeling, 343–344 defined, 61 deleting, 83–84, 266–267 distributing, 81 drag and drop, drawing, 608–613 drawing scale, 458 duplicating, 62–63, 84 editing, 267–268 exporting, 176–177 extendable shapes, 251–252 extension options, 611–612 fills colors, 133, 139 formatting, 133 patterns, 133 transparency, 133 finding, 63–68 flipping, 76 flowcharts, 274, 284 formatting applying, 133–134 in block diagrams, 229 copying, 134 fills, 133 group of shapes, 134 locked shapes, 659 options, 133 several shapes at once, 134 geometry, 597 gluing, 82, 100–101 grouping, 63, 88–90 guides, 75 handles connection points, 10–11, 598 control handles, 11, 598 control points, 598 eccentricity handles, 11 rotation handles, 11, 598 selection handles, 10–11, 598 hyperlinks, 150 Indexing Service, 67–68 inheritance, 597 intersecting, 616–617 keyboard shortcuts, 712–713 labeling, 90 layout aligning shapes to grid, 105 arrangement options, 104–105 automatic, 102 specifying layout options, 103–104 linking database records to shapes, 261 locked groups, 89–90 Continued www.it-ebooks.info 765 766 Index ✦ S shapes (continued) locked shapes editing, 120 formatting, 659 GUARD function, 659 text, 120 mirror images, 76 modifying, 62–63 Move Shapes add-on, 79–80 moving guides, 81–82 methods, 75 organization charts, 266 My Shapes folder, 587 network diagrams, 438 nonprinting shapes, 55 nudging, 75 numbering, 90–92, 276 1-D shapes, 11, 598–599 open shapes, 600 organization charts, 265 pattern shapes alignment, 665 applying, 664 behaviors, 664 colors, 665 creating, 664–665 defined, 663 fill patterns, 667–669 line end patterns, 667 line patterns, 128, 665–667 line weight, 665 pin position, 665 using, 664 perimeter, 464–465 positioning block diagrams, 228 coordinates, 78–79 drawing aids, 78 dynamic grid, 77 grids, 71–74 guides, 71–72, 74–75 methods, 62 precision tools, 76–78 rulers, 71–73 programming, 653 protecting, 135–136 rearranging in block diagrams, 228 in flowcharts, 277 in stencils, 592 reordering overlapping shapes, 87, 229 reshaping, 86, 229 resizing block diagrams, 229 1-D shapes, 86 2-D shapes, 86 Road, 504 rotating, 75 Scale, 458 Scale Symbol, 458 ScreenTips, 630, 703 searching, 63–68 selecting individual shapes, 69 multiple shapes, 70–71 sequences, 99 shadows, 39, 134–135, 229 SmartShapes, 9, 61 SmartTags, 682 snapping, 76–77 spacing average shape size, 105 connectors, 105–106 between shapes, 105 stackable shapes, 251–252 stencils adding, 588–591 rearranging, 592 storing, 586–587 storing data, 87–88 templates, 580 text inserting, 108–109 overflowing text, 109 repositioning, 119–120 text shapes formatting, 122 moving, 120 text-only, 109–110 www.it-ebooks.info Index ✦ S Title Block Large, 458 Title Block Small, 458 transforming, 613–615 2-D shapes, 598–599 UML diagrams, 374 unions, 614–615 walls, 484–485 Shapes window, 17–18, 63 ShapeSheet window, 19 ShapeSheets formulas, 652–654 opening, 644 Print ShapeSheet file, 56 printing, 56 programming shapes, 653 sections Actions, 650–651 complete reference, 647 Custom Properties, 646, 651 displaying, 647 Events, 646, 651 Fill Format, 646, 650 Geometry, 646, 648–649 Group Properties, 646, 650 hiding, 647 Line Format, 646 Miscellaneous, 646, 649–650 1-D Endpoints, 646 Paragraph, 646 Protection, 646, 650 Shape Layout, 646 Shape Transform, 646, 648 Text Block Format, 646 Text Transform, 646 User-defined Cells, 646, 652 uses, 596 window options, 644–645 ShapeStudio add-on, 682 shape-to-shape connections, 102 shape-to-shape glue, 13, 100 Shared Workspace task pane, 214 shared workspaces See workspaces sharing drawings, 208–209 menus, 678 organization charts, 269–270 toolbars, 678 Shop Floor–Machines and Equipment stencil, 492 Shop Floor–Storage and Distribution stencil, 492 shortcuts actions, 710 creating, 678 dialog boxes, 713 edit boxes, 713 editing, 711 file-related commands, 710 formatting, 711 help, 714 letters, 678 listing, 710 masters (shapes), 607 menus, 676, 714 shapes, 712–713 toolbars, 15, 714 tools, 712 U.S keyboard layout, 709 using, 709 viewing options, 711–712 windows, 711–712 zooming in/out, 20, 712 Show ShapeSheet command (Window menu), 19 showing See displaying site maps broken links, 429–430 collapsing, 423 comparing, 427 discovery settings, 422 displaying across multiple pages, 429 duplicate links, 429 expanding, 423 Filter window, 426 formatting, 422–423, 427–428 generating, 421–422 hierarchical view, 428 layout, 422 List window, 426 maintenance, 420 memory models, 425–427 Continued www.it-ebooks.info 767 768 Index ✦ S site maps (continued) page-centric view, 428 protected areas, 424 protocols, 423 reports, 430–431 searching, 424 shape size, 422 uses, 419 viewing, 423 Web Site Map template, 416, 420, 721 site plans creating, 501 parking lots, 501–503 roads, 501–502 Site Plan template, 453, 723 uses, 500 Six Sigma business improvement process, 291–292 Size & Position window, 19, 62, 120 Size & Position Window command (View menu), 120 sizes of drawings, 56 sizing line ends, 670 SmartShapes, 9, 61 SmartTags, 528, 682 smooth drawing, 83 Snap & Glue command (Tools menu), 27 Snap & Glue toolbar, 100 snapping defined, 26 freeform curves, 27 layers, 475 shapes, 76–77 snap and glue options, 580 strength of attraction, 27 software development diagrams COM, 399–401 data flow diagrams (DFDs), 401–402 dialog boxes, 413–414 enterprise architecture diagrams, 405 Gane-Sarson methodology, 401 Jackson diagrams, 402–404 menus, 411–412 OLE, 399–400 program structure diagrams, 405 ROOM diagrams, 406 templates COM and OLE, 398, 721 Data Flow Model Diagram, 6, 398, 721 Enterprise Application, 398, 721 Jackson, 398, 721 Program Structure, 399, 721 ROOM, 399, 721 Windows XP User Interface, 399, 407–409, 721 toolbars, 412–413 user interfaces, 407–409 uses, 721 wizard prototyping, 409–411 sounds, 700 space plans adding resources, 520–521 assigning resources, 519–520 Boundary and Space shapes, 510–511, 517–518 categories of resources, 521–522 Category Explorer, 512–514 color-coding, 527 conceptual planning, 510 creating, 514–516 detailed conceptual planning, 510 detailed space planning, 510 display options, 526 facilities management, 522–523 finding resources, 527–528 Import Data Wizard, 516–517, 523–525 importing data, 515–517, 522–523 modifying, 518–519 moving resources, 527 preliminary layouts, 514 refreshing, 525 SmartTags (for resources), 528 Space Explorer, 512–514 Space Plan Startup Wizard, 509–511, 515–516 Space Plan template, 453, 509, 512 tracking plans, 514 uses, 509 www.it-ebooks.info Index ✦ S spacing connectors, 105–106 embedded objects, 161 organization charts, 266 settings, 38 shapes average shape size, 105 between shapes, 105 special characters, 110 specifying measurement units, 37 page size, 36 shape layout options, 103–104 specifying points for glue, 100–101 spell checking, 108, 118 Spelling command (Tools menu), 118 splines, 30 splitting connectors, 38, 628 process steps (flowcharts), 281–282 squares, drawing, 31 stackable shapes, 251–252 staff positions (organization charts), 255 start and end dates (timelines), 308 states (flowcharts), 284 static connectors, 98 static glue, 13–14, 100 static-dynamic connectors, 98 stencils Active Directory Sites and Services, 442 adding shapes, 588–591 Annotations, 123, 725 appearance, 591–592 Audit Diagram Shapes, 288 background colors, 592 Backgrounds, 725 Basic Flowchart Shapes, 274 Basic Shapes, 225–226 Blocks, 226 Blocks Raised, 226 Blocks with Perspective, 227 Borders and Titles, 125, 725 Brainstorming Shapes, 325 CAD libraries, 545 Calendar Shapes, 301 Callouts, 123, 725 Charting Shapes, 121–123, 240–242 Conceptual Web Site Shapes, 417 Connectors, 96–97, 725 copying, 588 creating from document stencil, 585–586 from existing stencil, 584 read-only option, 584, 588–589 from scratch, 585 from shape search results, 585 shortcuts, 583–584 Cross-Functional Flowchart Shapes, 274 Cubicles, 490–491 Custom Line Patterns, 725 Custom Patterns–Scaled, 725 Custom Patterns–Unscaled, 725 Data Flow Diagram Shapes, 274 defined, 8–9 Dimensioning–Architectural, 461, 725 Dimensioning–Engineering, 461, 725 document stencils customizing, 585–586 displaying, 586 Drawing Tool Shapes, 725 editing, 588–589 Embellishments, 725 Enterprise Architecture, 405 Entity Relationship, 343 Fault Tree Analysis Shapes, 292 Favorites, 586–587 Forms, 240 Gane-Sarson, 402 Gantt Chart Shapes, 312 IDEF0 Shapes, 274 IT equipment manufacturers, 708 Landmark Shapes, 506 Legend Shapes, 326, 333–334 Marketing Diagrams, 242–243 Marketing Shapes, 242 masters accessing, 583 consolidating, 583 Continued www.it-ebooks.info 769 770 Index ✦ S stencils (continued) copying and pasting between stencils, 590 copyrights, 583 deleting, 590 displaying master information, 591 labels, 592 naming, 585 Network and Peripherals, 438 Object Relational, 343 opening, 46, 64, 584, 587, 706 Organization Chart, 254–255 Parking and Road, 501 PERT Chart Shapes, 320 Rack-mounted Equipment, 443 rearranging shapes, 592 saving, 51, 587–588 search results stencil, 68, 585 shapes, 592 Shop Floor–Machines and Equipment, 492 Shop Floor–Storage and Distribution, 492 Symbols, 725 templates, 579–580 third-party, 707–708 Timeline Shapes, 305–306 Title Blocks, 725 Vehicles, 492, 501 Walls, Doors, and Windows, 482 Walls, Shell, and Structure, 482 Warehouse–Shipping and Receiving, 492 Web Site Map Shapes, 420 Wizards, 409 Workflow Diagram Shapes, 293 stopping macro recording, 683 storing data in shapes, 87–88 network information in network diagrams, 444–445 shapes, 586–587 straight connectors, 12–13, 104 Structured Systems Analysis: Tools and Techniques, Chris Gane and T Sarson, 398 Style command (Format menu), 137 Style dialog box, 137 styles applying, 137–138, 658–659 copying, 663 creating, 136, 660–662 default styles, 658 defined, 136 deleting, 663 editing, 662 fill styles, 138 guides, 137 line jumps, 106 line styles, 138 no style, 137 none, 137 normal, 137 renaming, 663 restoring, 659 restoring default styles, 138 saving, 661 templates, 137, 580, 658 text styles, 138 text-only, 137 viewing, 136 subject (file), 47 subordinates (organization charts), 255 subtopics (brainstorming diagrams), 328 summarizing projects, 321–322 Sun equipment templates, 708 superiors (organization charts), 255 SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) format, 6, 173–174 switching between 1-D and 2-D behavior, 627 Symbol command (Insert menu), 110 Symbol dialog box, 110 symbols brainstorming diagrams, 334–335 bulleted lists, 132 inserting, 110 Symbols stencil, 725 synchronizing database links, 199–202 flowcharts, 279–280 intervals (timelines), 308 milestones (timelines), 308 organization charts, 261, 268 www.it-ebooks.info Index ✦ S–T system network diagrams, 402–403 Systems template, 548, 724 T tab stops, 130 tables (text), 121–122 tabular charts, 242 Task Pane command (View menu), 16 task panes Advanced File Search, 48–49 Choose Drawing Type, 24 Clip Art, 163 closing, 703 defined, 16 displaying, 16, 703 docking, 16 Getting Started, 45 Help, 703 hiding, 16 New Drawing, 24–25, 45, 50 Reviewing, 217 selecting, 703 Shared Workspace, 214 Template Help, 703 viewing, 703 tasks document workspaces, 214 Gantt charts, 314–315 keyboard shortcuts, 709 team frame (organization charts), 256 Template Help Task Pane, 703 templates Active Directory, 436, 720 agriculture, 708 architecture, 722–724 Audit Diagram, 273, 288, 718 background pages, 580 Basic Diagram, 225, 718 Basic Electrical Diagram, 548, 724 Basic Flowchart, 272, 719 Basic Network Diagram, 434–436, 720 biology, 708 Block Diagram, 225, 718 Block Diagram with Perspective, 225, 233, 718 Brainstorming Diagram, 273, 323–324, 718 built-in customizing, 577–581 location of, 580–581 number of, 577 organizing, 581 Calendar, 298, 719 Cause and Effect Diagram, 273, 288–289, 718 Charts and Graphs, 239–240, 719 Circuits and Logic Diagram, 548, 724 color palettes, 580 color schemes, 580 COM and OLE, 398, 721 Conceptual Web Site, 415–417, 721 creating, 577–580 Cross-Functional Flowchart, 272, 719 Data Flow Diagram, 273, 719 Data Flow Model Diagram, 6, 398, 721 Database Model Diagram, 342, 720 dating, 708 defined, 8–9 Detailed Network Diagram, 434, 436, 720 Directional Map, 724 Directional Map 3D, 724 Directory Services Diagram, DMAIC Flowchart, 292 drawings, 24–25, 577–581 Electric and Telecom Plan, 452, 722 engineering, 548, 722–725 Enterprise Application, 398, 721 EPC Diagram, 273, 718 Express-G, 342, 363–365, 720 Fault Tree Analysis Diagram, 273, 718 file paths, 581 finding, 49–50 firefighting, 708 Floor Plan, 452, 722 Fluid Power, 548 Fluid Power Diagram, 724 Forms, 6, 239–240 Continued www.it-ebooks.info 771 772 Index ✦ T templates (continued) Gantt Chart, 298, 312, 719 Home Plan, 453, 722 HVAC Control Logic Diagram Plan, 453, 722 HVAC Plan, 453, 723 IDEF0 Diagram, 273, 719 Industrial Control Systems, 548, 724 information technology, 720–721 Jackson, 398, 721 jewelry, 708 layers, 580 LDAP Directory, 436, 720 Logical Network Diagram, 434 logos, 580 macros, 580 manufacturing, 708 Marketing Charts and Graphs, 719 medical, 708 metric units, 694 Microsoft Office Online, 50, 700, 707 Mind Mapping Diagram, 273 naming, 579 Novell Directory Services, 436 Novell Directory Services Diagram, 721 Office Layout, 452, 722 office productivity, 718–719 opening, 46 Organization Chart, 253–254, 719 ORM, 342, 363–367, 720 page settings, 580 Part and Assembly, 453, 548, 724 PERT Chart, 298, 719 Piping and Instrumentation Diagram, 548, 725 Plant Layout Plan, 453, 723 Plumbing and Piping Plan, 453, 723 pre-populating pages, 579 print settings, 580 Process Flow Diagram, 548, 725 Program Structure, 399, 721 Rack Diagram, 434, 436, 721 Reflected Ceiling Plan, 453, 723 restaurant management, 708 ROOM, 399, 721 saving, 51, 579 SDL Diagram, 273, 719 searching, 49–50 Security and Access Plan, 453, 723 selecting, 581 settings, 579–580 shapes, 580 Site Plan, 453, 723 snap and glue options, 580 Space Plan, 453, 509, 512 stencils, 579–580 styles, 137, 580, 658 Sun equipment, 708 Systems, 548, 724 third-party, 707–708 Timeline, 298, 304–305, 719 TQM Diagram, 273, 719 transportation, 708 UML Model Diagram, 370, 721 U.S measurement units, 694 uses, 577 Web Site Map, 416, 420, 721 window settings, 580 Windows XP User Interface, 399, 407–409, 721 wireless networks, 708 Work Flow Diagram, 273, 719 Templatesnext.com Web site, 708 text aliased, 108 antialiased, 108 appointments (calendars), 302 block diagrams, 228 bulleted lists bullet symbols, 132 creating, 131–132 formatting, 131–132 indents, 132 callouts adding to a drawing, 124 custom properties, 124 moving, 124 stencils, 123 uses, 123 charts, 251 checking spelling, 118 www.it-ebooks.info Index ✦ T comments, 113 connectors, 109 copying from other applications, 116 correcting, 116 deleting, 115 drawings, 108 editing, 108, 115, 117 embedding, 116 events (calendars), 302 fields, 110–112 finding, 116–117 footers, 112 formatting, 129–130 graphs, 251 greeking, 108 headers, 112 indents, 130–131 locked shapes, 120 misspelling indicator, 108 moving, 120 numbered lists alignment, 132–133 creating, 132–133 formatting, 131–133 onion diagrams, 237 organization charts, 265 positioning, 119–120 replacing, 116–118 resizing, 120 rotating, 120 searching, 116–117 selecting, 113–115 shapes inserting, 108–109 overflowing text, 109 repositioning, 119–120 special characters, 110 spelling errors, 108 tab stops, 130 tables, 121–122 title blocks, 125–126 wavy lines, 108 Text Block Format section (ShapeSheets), 646 Text Block tool, 119 text blocks alignment, 130 background colors, 130 formatting, 130–131 margins, 130 transparency (of background), 130–131 Text command (Format menu), 130 Text dialog box, 130 text files (.txt), Text Ruler, 130 text shapes formatting, 122 moving, 120 text styles, 138 Text Transform section (ShapeSheets), 646 text-only display of toolbars and menus, 677 text-only shapes, 109–110 themes (brainstorming diagrams), 332 thickness options lines, 128 walls, 486 third-party Visio templates and stencils, 707–708 three positions (organization charts), 256 3-D bar graphs, 241 3-D block diagrams, 233–235 3-D boxes, 229 3-D maps, 505 3-D pyramids in charts, 250 Tile command (Window menu), 21 tiling windows, 21 Timeline Shapes stencil, 305–306 Timeline template, 298, 304–305, 719 timelines arrows, 309 creating, 305–306 date format, 308 deleting, 309 expanding, 306–307 exporting, 310–311 formatting, 308 Import Timeline Data wizard, 309 importing data, 309–310 Continued www.it-ebooks.info 773 774 Index ✦ T timelines (continued) intervals, 306, 308 milestones, 306, 308 modifying, 308–309 orientation, 309 revising dates automatically, 309 start and end dates, 308 time format, 308 timescale, 308 timescale date and markings, 309 uses, 304–305 Title Block Large shape, 458 Title Block Small shape, 458 title blocks, 125–126 Title Blocks stencil, 725 titles Borders and Titles stencil, 125 calendars, 301 files, 47 flowcharts, 278 toolbars Brainstorming, 324–325 buttons adding, 672 deleting, 673, 677 displaying, 673 hiding, 673 image options, 677 images, 678 macros, 677 rearranging, 673 removing, 677 resetting, 677 saving custom buttons, 676 ToolTips, 677 creating, 671, 675 customizing, 671–673 deleting, 675–676 displaying, 15, 672 dividers, 677 docking, 15 Drawing, 26 floating, 16 Format Shape, 32, 128 Format Text, 128–129 Formatting, 128 Gantt Chart, 313–314 hiding, 15 keyboard shortcuts, 714 menus, 673 moving, 16 Organization Chart, 254 personalized, 672 renaming, 676 resetting, 676 resizing width of drop-down lists, 676 Reviewing, 217, 220 ScreenTips, 703 sharing, 678 shortcuts, 15 Snap & Glue, 100 software development diagrams, 412–413 text-only display, 677 Toolbars command (View menu), 15, 672 tools Connection Point, 101–102 Connector, 98 drawing tools accessing, 26 Arc, 28–29 Ellipse, 31 Line, 28 Pencil, 32–33 Rectangle, 31 keyboard shortcuts, 712 Text Block, 119 Tools menu commands Customize, Toolbars, 672 Macros Macros, 683 Record New Macro, 683 Stop Recording, 683 Options General tab, 45 Security tab, 44 Units tab, 16, 44 Properties, 46 Search, 47 www.it-ebooks.info Index ✦ T–U Snap & Glue, 27 Spelling, 118 ToolTips, 677 topics (brainstorming diagrams) adding multiple topics at once, 328–329 single topics, 326 association lines, 326 connecting, 326–327, 329 copying, 330 hyperlinks, 328 main topics, 327 moving, 330–331 peer topics, 328 rearranging, 330 reordering, 330 shapes, 332 subtopics, 328 topologies (network diagrams), 437–439 Total Quality Management (TQM) diagrams, 292 TQM Diagram template, 273, 719 track markup, 6, 217–221 transforming shapes, 613–615 transparency fills (shapes), 133 levels of, 138 text blocks, 130–131 transportation templates, 708 trees block diagrams, 224–225, 231–233 branches adding, 232 adjusting position, 232 deleting, 232 distance between, 233 removing, 232 modifying, 232–233 moving tree trucks, 233 triangular charts, 250 turning on/off grids, 73 guides, 74 markup, rulers, 72 track markup, 218 tutorial, 699 2-D shapes, 11, 598–599 txt (text) files, type library, 684–685 Type of Installation dialog box, 692 U UML diagrams activity, 372, 386–387 adding elements, 378 classes, 371 collaboration, 372, 390–391 communication, 390–391 component, 372, 391–392 creating, 381–382 deployment, 372, 392–393 displaying information in shapes, 379 Documentation window, 376 downloads, 373 element properties, 379–380 errors, 374 events, 373 limitations of Visio, 370 Model Explorer window, 374–377 models, 373 options, 373, 380–381 packages, 371, 373, 377–378 Properties window, 376 relationships, 383–384 removing elements, 378 reverse engineering code, 393–395 samples, 373 sequence, 372, 389–390 shapes, 374 state machine, 388 statechart, 372, 388 static structure diagrams, 382–383 stereotypes, 373 UML Model Diagram template, 370, 721 use case, 371, 385–386 uses, 369 views, 373 UML Distilled, Third Edition, M Fowler, 371 UML Shape Display Options dialog box, 379 www.it-ebooks.info 775 776 Index ✦ U–V undoing actions, 83 Unicode, 6, 215 uninstalling Visio 2003, 696 unions (shapes), 614–615 units of measurement add-ons, 694 CAD drawings, 537 dimensions, 463–464 drawing scale, 36–37 drawings, 44–45 rulers, 16, 73 scaled drawings, 459–460 specifying, 37 templates, 694 unsupported file formats, update options (drawings), 214 updates, 694 U.S measurement units, 694 user interfaces, 407–409 user-defined cells field type, 111 User-defined Cells section (ShapeSheets), 646, 652 V vacancies (organization charts), 255 valid connections for connection points, 622 variable grid, 74 VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) disabling, 44 help, 686 Vehicles stencil, 492, 501 versions, 692 View menu commands Drawing Explorer, 18 Drawing Explorer Window, 40 Grid, 16 Header and Footer, 112 Layer Properties, 472 Rulers, 16 Size & Position Window, 120 Task Pane, 16 Toolbars, 15, 672 view windows, 19 Viewer, 6, 208–209 viewing CAD drawings, 467, 534 colors, 139 comments, 113 drawings, 19–20 multiple windows, 21 page breaks, 58 site maps, 423 styles, 136 task panes, 703 views of database models, 357–358 visibility of layers, 474 Visimation.com Web site, 708 Visio Activation Wizard, 695 Visio Drawing Control 2003, 682, 685 Visio Enterprise Network Tools, 708 Visio Extras stencils See stencils Visio for Enterprise Architects, 342 Visio Professional 2003, 717 Visio 2002 files opening, 43 saving, 52 Visio 2003 capabilities, 7–8 discontinued features, 6–7 drawing area, 16–19 interface, 14–16 new features, 4–6 Visio 2003 installation activation process, 694–695 adding features, 696 from CD, 691 complete install, 692 custom install, 692–694 deleting installation files, 694 downloads, 694 Microsoft Windows Installer, 692–694 minimal install, 692 paths, 692 README file, 697 Reduced Functionality mode, 694–695 registration, 695 reinstalling features, 696 removing features, 696 www.it-ebooks.info Index ✦ V–W repairing features, 696 repairing the installation, 696–697 Setup program, 691–694 typical install, 692 updates, 694 when previous version is present, 692 Visio type library, 684–685 Visio Viewer, 6, 208–209 Visual Basic Editor accessing, 685 Visual Basic Editor window, 683 Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) disabling, 44 help, 686 W walls alignment, 486 colors, 487 connecting, 484–486 converting spaces into walls, 482–484 creating, 482, 484–485 display options, 486 doors, 487–489 line styles, 487 openings, 487–489 properties, 486 resizing, 485–486 shapes, 484–485 stencils Walls, Doors, and Windows, 482 Walls, Shell, and Structure, 482 thickness of, 486 Wall Shape list, 482 windows, 487–489 Warehouse–Shipping and Receiving stencil, 492 wavy lines (in place of text), 108 Web diagrams annotations, 419 arranging shapes, 418–419 brainstorming, 416 conceptual Web sites, 417–418 creating, 416 formatting, 418 site maps broken links, 429–430 collapsing, 423 comparing, 427 discovery settings, 422 displaying across multiple pages, 429 duplicate links, 429 expanding, 423 Filter window, 426 formatting, 422–423, 427–428 generating, 421–422 hierarchical view, 428 layout, 422 List window, 426 maintenance, 420 memory models, 425–427 page-centric view, 428 protected areas, 424 protocols, 423 reports, 430–431 searching, 424 shape size, 422 uses, 419 viewing, 423 templates, 415–416, 721 Web pages creating, 179–180 drawings, 179 embedded drawings, 183 hyperlinks, 183–185 options, 180–182 output formats, 177–180 Web Site Map Settings dialog box, 422–423 Web Site Map Shapes stencil, 420 Web Site Map template, 416, 420, 721 Web sites Altimatech.com, 708 bcentral.com, 704 Microsoft, 689, 704 Microsoft Office Online, 50, 707 MSDN, 56, 686 MSN.com, 704 Orinoco, 708 Templatesnext.com, 708 Visimation.com, 708 www.it-ebooks.info 777 778 Index ✦ W–Z weekly calendars, 299 weight of lines, 128 What’s Up Gold, 435 Window menu commands Cascade, 21 New Window, 21 Show ShapeSheet, 19 Tile, 21 windows cascading, 21 Code Editor, 361 creating, 20–21 Custom Properties, 19 Database Properties, 349–352 Documentation, 376 Drawing, 16 Filter, 426 Formula tracing, 682 keyboard shortcuts, 711–712 List, 426 Model Explorer, 374–377 Outline, 325 Output, 349 Pan & Zoom, 20 Properties, 376 Shapes, 17–18, 63 ShapeSheets, 19, 644–645 Size & Position, 19, 62, 120 templates, 580 tiling, 21 view windows docking, 19 merging, 19 viewing multiple windows, 21 Visual Basic Editor, 683 windows (plan drawings) dimensions, 489 inserting, 487–488 repositioning, 488 reverse direction, 488 reverse swing, 488 window schedules, 489 Windows XP User Interface template, 399, 407–409, 721 wireless network templates, 708 wizard prototyping, 409–411 wizards Activation Wizard, 695 Import Data Wizard, 516–517, 523–525 Import Flowchart Data Wizard, 6, 272 Import Outlook Data Wizard, 303–304 Import Project Data Wizard, 317–318 Import Timeline Data wizard, 309 Organization Chart Wizard, 257–259 Reverse Engineer Wizard, 346–347 Space Plan Startup Wizard, 509–511, 515–516 Wizards stencil, 409 Workflow Diagram Shapes stencil, 293 Work Flow Diagram template, 273, 719 work flow diagrams, 293 workspaces collaboration, creating, 210–211 defined, 209 deleting, 213 drawings, 212–213 e-mail alerts, 214 opening, 46 tasks, 214 writing ShapeSheet formulas, 652–653 X XML files, 52 XML Web Service support, 682 Y yearly calendars, 300 Z zero point (rulers), 73 zooming in/out drawings, 19–20 keyboard shortcuts, 20, 712 text editing, 108 ZSoft PC Paintbrush (PCX), 7, 172 www.it-ebooks.info .. .Visio 2003 Bible ® Bonnie Biafore www.it-ebooks.info www.it-ebooks.info Visio 2003 Bible ® www.it-ebooks.info www.it-ebooks.info Visio 2003 Bible ® Bonnie Biafore www.it-ebooks.info Visio 2003. .. www.it-ebooks.info Preface V isio® 2003 Bible is a comprehensive guide to Microsoft’s popular diagram­ ming software Covering both Visio Standard and Visio Professional, this book explains Visio fundamentals... icon emphasizes new or significantly enhanced features in Visio 2003 www.it-ebooks.info Preface How This Book Is Organized Visio 2003 Bible contains 41 chapters, divided into seven parts In addition,

Ngày đăng: 27/03/2019, 14:23