• • • • • • Table of Contents Index Reviews Reader Reviews Errata Academic Oracle SQL*Plus: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition By Jonathan Gennick Publisher : O'Reilly Pub Date : November 2004 ISBN : 0-596-00746-9 Pages : 582 Updated for Oracle 10g, this bestselling book is the only in-depth guide to SQL*Plus It clearly describes how to perform, step-bystep, all of the tasks that Oracle developers and DBAs want to perform with SQL*Plus-and maybe some you didn't realize you could perform If you want to leverage of the full power and flexibility of this popular Oracle tool, this book is an indispensable resource • • • • • • Table of Contents Index Reviews Reader Reviews Errata Academic Oracle SQL*Plus: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition By Jonathan Gennick Publisher : O'Reilly Pub Date : November 2004 ISBN : 0-596-00746-9 Pages : 582 Copyright Preface Why I Wrote This Book Objectives of This Book What's New in the Second Edition? Structure of This Book What About Those Names? Using Code Examples Acknowledgments from the First Edition Which Platform and Version? Obtaining the Scripts and Sample Data Conventions Used in This Book Comments and Questions Second Edition Acknowledgments Chapter 1 Introduction to SQL*Plus Section 1.1 What Is SQL*Plus? Section 1.2 History of SQL*Plus Section 1.3 Why Master SQL*Plus? Section 1.4 Creating and Loading the Sample Tables Chapter 2 Command-Line SQL*Plus Section 2.1 Starting Command-Line SQL*Plus Section 2.2 Starting Windows SQL*Plus Section 2.3 Some Basic SQL*Plus Commands Section 2.5 Working with PL/SQL Section 2.7 Line Editing Section 2.9 Saving and Retrieving the Buffer Section 2.11 Executing a Script Section 2.4 Running SQL Queries Section 2.6 The SQL Buffer Section 2.8 Executing the Statement in the Buffer Section 2.10 The EDIT Command Section 2.12 The Working Directory Chapter 3 Browser-Based SQL*Plus Section 3.1 Starting iSQL*Plus Section 3.2 Executing SQL*Plus Commands Section 3.3 Running SQL Queries Section 3.5 Executing Scripts Section 3.4 Working with PL/SQL Section 3.6 iSQL*Plus Command History Chapter 4 A Lightning SQL Tutorial Section 4.1 Data Manipulation Statements Section 4.2 Transactions Section 4.3 The Concept of Null Section 4.5 Sorting Query Results Section 4.7 Subqueries Section 4.4 Table Joins Section 4.6 Grouping and Summarizing Section 4.8 Unions Section 4.9 To Learn More Chapter 5 Generating Reports with SQL*Plus Section 5.1 Following a Methodology Section 5.2 Saving Your Work Section 5.3 Designing a Simple Report Section 5.4 Master/Detail Reports Chapter 6 Creating HTML Reports Section 6.1 Getting the Data into an HTML Table Section 6.2 Generating the Entire Page Section 6.3 Another Approach to Headers Section 6.4 Master/Detail Reports in HTML Chapter 7 Advanced Reports Section 7.1 Totals and Subtotals Section 7.2 Getting the Current Date into a Header Section 7.4 Formatting Object Columns Section 7.3 Report Headers and Footers Section 7.5 Summary Reports Section 7.6 Taking Advantage of Unions Chapter 8 Writing SQL*Plus Scripts Section 8.1 Why Write Scripts? Section 8.2 Using Substitution Variables Section 8.4 Cleaning Up the Display Section 8.6 Controlling Variable Substitution Section 8.8 Resetting Your SQL*Plus Environment Section 8.3 Prompting for Values Section 8.5 Executing a Script Section 8.7 Commenting Your Scripts Section 8.9 Scripting Issues with iSQL*Plus Chapter 9 Extracting and Loading Data Section 9.1 Types of Output Files Section 9.2 Limitations of SQL*Plus Section 9.3 Extracting the Data Section 9.4 An Excel-Specific HTML Hack Section 9.5 Reloading the Data Chapter 10 Exploring Your Database Section 10.1 The DESCRIBE Command Section 10.2 Oracle's Data Dictionary Views Section 10.4 Table Constraints Section 10.6 Triggers Section 10.8 Table Security Section 10.3 Tables Section 10.5 Indexes Section 10.7 Synonyms Section 10.9 Scripting the Data Dictionary Section 10.10 Using SQL to Write SQL Section 10.11 The Master Key Chapter 11 Advanced Scripting Section 11.1 Bind Variables Section 11.2 Branching in SQL*Plus Section 11.3 Looping in SQL*Plus Section 11.5 Error Handling Section 11.4 Validating and Parsing User Input Section 11.6 Returning Values to Unix Chapter 12 Tuning and Timing Section 12.1 Using SQL*Plus Timers Section 12.2 Using EXPLAIN PLAN Section 12.3 Using AUTOTRACE Section 12.4 Improving on EXPLAIN PLAN Results Section 12.5 Where to Find More Tuning Information Chapter 13 The Product User Profile Section 13.1 What Is the Product User Profile? Section 13.2 Using the Product User Profile Chapter 14 Customizing Your SQL*Plus Environment Section 14.1 SQL*Plus Settings You Can Control Section 14.2 The Site and User Profiles Section 14.4 Windows GUI SQL*Plus Section 14.3 Environment Variables That Affect SQL*Plus Section 14.5 iSQL*Plus User Preferences Appendix A SQL*Plus Command Reference Section A.1 The Command to Invoke SQL*Plus Section A.2 Commands You Can Issue Within SQL*Plus Appendix B SQL*Plus Format Elements Section B.1 Formatting Numbers Section B.2 Formatting Character Strings Section B.3 Formatting Dates Colophon Index Copyright © 2005, 1999 O'Reilly Media, Inc All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America Published by O'Reilly Media, Inc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472 O'Reilly books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use Online editions are also available for most titles (http://safari.oreilly.com) For more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales department: (800) 998-9938 or corporate@oreilly.com Nutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the O'Reilly logo are registered trademarks of O'Reilly Media, Inc Oracle SQL*Plus: The Definitive Guide, the image of a moving leaf, and related trade dress are trademarks of O'Reilly Media, Inc Oracle® and all Oracle-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation in the United States and other countries O'Reilly Media, Inc., is independent of Oracle Corporation Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks Where those designations appear in this book, and O'Reilly Media, Inc was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in caps or initial caps While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein Preface Every day, computer professionals the world over wake up, travel to the office, sit down in front of a computer, and begin another day working with the database called Oracle Programmers write queries and store procedures Database administrators monitor performance, make database changes, and perform other maintenance tasks Operations people may need to back up or recover a database Analysts may need to explore the structure of a database to answer the question, "What's out there?" Testers may work on developing and loading test data A wide variety of people perform a wide variety of tasks, yet the vast majority of them are likely to have one thing in common: SQL*Plus SQL*Plus is the command-line interface to the Oracle database It's a client-server application that allows you to enter and execute SQL statements and PL/SQL blocks One of the most common uses for SQL*Plus is as an ad hoc query tool You type in a SELECT statement, execute it, and see what results come back from the database Programmers do this all the time when developing queries and when experimenting with Oracle's builtin functions Database administrators sometimes issue queries against Oracle's data dictionary tables to see what objects are available in the database SQL*Plus is also frequently used as a tool for loading stored code, such as a stored procedure, into the database One important capability of SQL*Plus is its ability to format and paginate query results You can enter a SELECT statement, execute it, and have the results formatted so you can print them and produce a credible-looking report SQL*Plus implements a full range of formatting commands allowing you to add page headers and footers to your reports There are also commands that allow you to format the data displayed in the report You can control column headings, number formats, and column widths Another important capability of SQL*Plusand one you should take advantage of if you don't alreadyis its ability to run predefined SQL script files A script file is analogous to a DOS BAT file, and is simply a text file that contains commands to execute These commands may be SQL statements, PL/SQL code blocks, or SQL*Plus commands Scripts may be used to automate frequently performed tasks One of the easiest things to do is to write a script to generate a report You do this by placing all the formatting commands and the SELECT query for the report into the script file Then whenever you want the report, you simply execute the script In addition to producing printed reports, scripts can automate routine tasks such as creating a new user or displaying data on the screen You might, for example, write a script to display constraint definitions for a table or perhaps to list the system privileges granted to one of your users A sometimes overlooked capability of SQL*Plus is its use as a data extraction tool If you have been around Oracle for a while, you are no doubt familiar with SQL*Loader SQL*Loader is Oracle's general-purpose data load utility Using it, you can read data from a flat file and load it into one or more database tables The strange thing is that Oracle does not have a corresponding SQL*Unloader utility When people want to extract data from Oracle into a flat file, such as a commadelimited file, they often get frustrated when looking for a utility to do the job SQL*Plus, it turns out, is a viable choice for the task It's a relatively simple matter to spool the results of a query to a file It doesn't take much extra work to format that output so that it is comma- or tab-delimited Finally, SQL*Plus gives you a reliable way to propagate database structure changes when you need to make the same change to more than one database If you have a table change that needs to be made on several similar databases, you can write a SQL*Plus script to do the job This script can easily be executed against each database, saving you the trouble of making the same change several times over This is a great convenience if you deal with clients in a variety of locations, because you can send the script out to each client for them to execute against their own databases To many people, SQL*Plus, with its command-line interface, must seem increasingly like an anachronism Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are prevalent everywhere, and often it seems as if computer users have forgotten how to do anything but point and click with a mouse You might ask, then, "Why bother to learn SQL*Plus? Why bother with an ancient command-line utility?" These are fair questions I have come to lean heavily on SQL*Plus because it is always there, and it always works Back when I used to work as a consultant, I frequently visited clients and worked with databases on a variety of platforms One thing I could always count on, no matter where I went, was that SQL*Plus would be available Not only was SQL*Plus available on the database administrator's PC, it was often available on user PCs as well No matter which machine I used at a client site, I could almost always count on this venerable utility being available, and because I knew it well, I could immediately be productive Scripting and batch processing are two important reasons I use SQL*Plus these days Following proper procedures is important, and SQL*Plus allows me, for example, to encapsulate the commands necessary to add a new database user into one script, so each time I create a new user, the creation process is done consistently Finally, one more reason I use SQL*Plus is speed I type very fast and with reasonable accuracy Wonderful as many of the modern GUI applications are, I can often perform a task more quickly using SQL*Plus This is not always true, but it is true often enough, especially when you consider the time it takes to DDL statements, executing error handling, limitations exiting history of HTML output 2nd line editing [See line editing] mastering, reasons for operating system failure and WHENEVER OSERROR command output, displaying overview PL/SQL blocks 2nd PL/SQL statements prompt, customizing 2nd queries, executing resetting environment for scripts sample scripts, download scripting example, adding new user 2nd scripting limitations scripts, executing 2nd 3rd SQL buffers 2nd SQL, PL/SQL, Oracle DB relationship 2nd 3rd starting unconnected starting, command for statements, executing 2nd 3rd 4th uses for 2nd Windows GUI version SQL.LLNO user variable SQL.RELEASE user variable SQL.SQLCODE user variable 2nd 3rd SQL.USER user variable SQL92, ANSI/ISO, syntax conformance checks SQLBLANKLINES setting SQLC[ASE] setting SQLCO[NTINUE] setting SQLCODE parameter (SHOW) SQLERROR parameter (WHENEVER) 2nd sqlldr (SQL*Loader) command SQLN[UMBER] setting SQLP[ROMPT] setting SQLPATH environment variable 2nd sqlplus command starting SQL*PLUS syntax for SQLPRE[FIX] setting SQLT[ERMINATOR] setting STA[RT] command STAR_TRANSFORMATION hint START parameter ARCHIVE LOG command TIMING command starting databases starting SQL*Plus GUI version two scripts run when starting timers STARTUP command startup scripts STAT[ISTICS] parameter (SET AUTOTRACE) statements editing 2nd conflicts editor exiting editor executing 2nd 3rd unrecognized 2nd nulls detecting in expressions 2nd PL/SQL, syntax for SQL buffer 2nd SQL SELECT subqueries INSERTs and UPDATEs representation, testing for rowsets as tables transactions data integrity 2nd pervasiveness of ROLLBACK 2nd types of TRUNCATE TABLE statistics of query execution STD parameter (COMPUTE command) STOP parameter ARCHIVE LOG command TIMING command stopping databases timers 2nd STORE command stored packages, viewing information on stored procedures data types, viewing SHOW ERRORS strings as column separators column separators date formats formatting null text setting subqueries INSERTs and UPDATEs representation, testing for rowsets as tables substitution variables defining session-duration definition of disabling from bind variables into bind variables scripts termination character verification SUCCESS parameter EXIT command QUIT command SUF[FIX] setting SUM parameter (COMPUTE command) suppressing concatenation feature duplicate column values escape feature output to display 2nd 3rd command echoing feedback prompting for values and verification query output when tracing variable substitution switching buffers synonyms alternate name for tables public public vs private SYSDATE function SYSDBA role, connecting as SYSOPER role, connecting as System R, IBM [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] TAB clause REPHEADER, REPFOOTER commands TTITLE command TAB setting 2nd TABLE ACCESS operation (EXPLAIN PLAN) table constraints CHECK constraint foreign key constraints primary key and unique constraints type of table-level grants tables ALL_TAB_COLUMNS ALL_TABLES view column definitions for column definitions, listing with DESCRIBE 2nd constraints on CHECK constraints foreign key constraints primary key and unique constraints types of definitions of, viewing DUAL (special Oracle table) highwater mark, direct path into indexes, listing joins full outer 2nd inner old syntax outer listing owners combining tables external tables object tables other users recycle bin plan table interpreting sample database EMPLOYEE 2nd PROJECT 2nd 3rd PROJECT HOURS 2nd security (privileges), ALL_TAB_PRIVS view synonyms (alternate name for) TERM[OUT] setting 2nd 3rd prompting for values and terminal output TERMINATED BY clause (SQL*Loader) terminating SQL statements termination character for substitution variables text editors 2nd text files TI[ME] setting time in command prompt timers displaying value without stopping elapsed time, capturing nesting number of active timers resolution of 2nd SET TIMING command starting and stopping stopping all TIMI[NG] command 2nd using timestamping spool files TIMI[NG] command 2nd TIMI[NG] parameter (CLEAR) 2nd TIMI[NG] setting 2nd TO_CHAR function converting numbers to strings formatting dates 2nd TO_DATE function 2nd toggling TRACE[ONLY] parameter (SET AUTOTRACE) 2nd transactional database shutdown TRANSACTIONAL parameter (SHUTDOWN) transactions data integrity 2nd pervasiveness of ROLLBACK statement 2nd types of triggers ALL_TRIGGER_COLS view ALL_TRIGGERS view TRIM[OUT] setting 2nd TRIMS[POOL] setting 2nd troubleshooting error handling limitation in SQL*Plus errors in SQL statements 2nd 3rd 4th querying product user profile TRU[NCATED] parameter COLUMN command 2nd SET SERVEROUTPUT command TRUNCATE TABLE statement TTI[TLE] command 2nd 3rd number format specifications REPHEADER command vs TTI[TLE] parameter (SHOW) tuning information [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] UFI (User Friendly Interface) original name of SQL*Plus UNDEF[INE] command UNION operation (EXPLAIN PLAN) UNION operator unions unique constraints UPDATE privileges ALL_COL_PRIVS product user profile UPDATE statement new values UPPER parameter SET SQLCASE command USE_CONCAT hint 2nd USE_HASH hint USE_MERGE hint USE_NL hint 2nd 3rd 4th user (substitution) variables defining session-duration disabling verification user input parsing with SQL 2nd validating ACC[EPT] command ACCEPTing date values ACCEPTing numeric values with SQL USER parameter (SHOW) user profile file user profile script (login.sql) 2nd user variable [See substitution variable] users adding new, script for connecting as other product user profile 2nd disabling commands access disabling roles access limitations profile table, creating prompting for values tables owned by, listing combined listing external tables object tables other users recycle bin UTLXPLAN.SQL script [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] V$, V_$ pseudoviews V7, V8 parameters (SET COMPATIBILITY) validating user input ACC[EPT] command SQL for values, prompting users for session-duration definitions TERMOUT setting and VAR[IABLE] command 2nd VAR[IANCE] parameter (COMPUTE command) VARCHAR2 datatype 2nd variables bind in substitution variables bind variable application queries, testing how and when 2nd REFCURSOR SELECTing bind variables declaring 2nd printing contents automatically substitution variables with bind versus substitution bind, displaying contents of CLOB printing limitations in shell scripts NCLOB printing numberic substition output type, displaying prompting users for values session-duration definitions TERMOUT setting and REFCURSOR printing resetting definitions substitution (user) variables bind variables with changing prefix character defining 2nd disabling troubleshooting verification substitution into bind variables VER[IFY] setting 2nd verification, turning off version of Oracle, specifying versions of SQL*Plus 2nd VIEW operation (EXPLAIN PLAN) views ALL_SOURCE view function source code ALL_USERS view definition of, viewing definitions of, viewing 2nd dynamic performance views naming of data dictionary performance views, accessing VIS[IBLE] parameter (SET SHIFTINOUT) [SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] WARNING parameter EXIT command QUIT command what's new 2nd WHENEVER command 2nd WHENEVER OSERROR 2nd WHENEVER SQLERROR 2nd WHENEVER SQLERROR command WHERE clause in debugging Windows GUI version Windows GUI version of SQL*Plus [See GUI version of SQL*Plus] WOR[D_WRAPPED] parameter COLUMN command 2nd SET SERVEROUTPUT command word wrap 2nd 3rd 4th work file names working directory WRA[P] setting WRA[PPED] parameter COLUMN command SET RECSEP command SET SERVEROUTPUT command wrapping output lines 2nd ... Reviews Reader Reviews Errata Academic Oracle SQL* Plus: The Definitive Guide, 2nd Edition By Jonathan Gennick Publisher : O'Reilly Pub Date : November 2004 ISBN : 0-596-00746-9 Pages : 582 Copyright... discussing only those things strictly related to the product being written about, and the manual for SQL* Plus is no exception Oracle' s manual will tell you about SQL* Plus but only about SQL* Plus There is little information on how to use SQL* Plus in... Executing the Statement in the Buffer Section 2.10 The EDIT Command Section 2.12 The Working Directory Chapter 3 Browser-Based SQL* Plus Section 3.1 Starting iSQL *Plus Section 3.2 Executing SQL* Plus Commands