In this part, we will introduce the motivation and the problem that we focus on throughout this thesis. Then, we emphasize on the objectives as well as scopes of our work. In addition, our contributions in this thesis will be summarized in order to give a clear view of the achievement. Finally, the structure of the thesis is presented chapter by chapter. 1. Background and Motivation 1.1. Cocktail party problem Real-world sound scenarios are usually very complicated as they are mixtures of many different sound sources. Fig. 1 depicts the scenario of a typical cocktail party, where there are many people attending, many conversations going on simultaneously and various disturbances like loud music, people screaming sounds, and a lot of hustlebustle. Some other similar situations also happen in daily life, for example, in outdoor recordings, where there is interference from a variety of environmental sounds, or in a music concert scenario, where a number of musical instruments are played and the audience gets to listen to the collective sound, etc. In such settings, what is actually heard by the ears is a mixture of various sounds that are generated by various audio sources. The mixing process can contain many sound reflections from walls and ceiling, which is known as the reverberation. Humans with normal hearing ability are generally able to locate, identify, and differentiate sound sources which are heard simultaneously so as to understand the conveyed information. However, this task has remained extremely challenging for machines, especially in highly noisy and reverberated environments. The cocktail party effect described above prevents both human and machine perceiving the target sound sources [2, 12, 145], the creation of machine listening algorithms that can automatically separate sound sources in difficult mixing conditions remains an open problem. Audio source separation aims at providing machine listeners with a similar function to the human ears by separating and extracting the signals of individual sources from a given mixture. This technique is formally termed as blind source separation(BSS) when no prior information about either the sources or the mixing condition is available, and is described in Fig. 2. Audio source separation is also known as an effective solution for cocktail party problem in audio signal processing community [85, 90, 138, 143, 152]. Depending on specific application, some source separation approaches focus on speech separation, in which the speech signal is extracted from the mixture containing multiple background noise and other unwanted sounds. Other methods deal with music separation, in which the singing voice and certain instruments are recovered from the mixture or song containing multiple musical instruments. The separated source signals may be either listened to or further processed, giving rise to many potential applications. Speech separation is mainly used for speech enhancement in hearing aids, hands-free phones, or automatic speech recognition (ASR) in adverse conditions [11, 47, 64, 116, 129]. While music separation has many interesting applications, including editing/remixing music post-production, up-mixing, music information retrieval, rendering of stereo recordings, and karaoke [37, 51, 106, 110].
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DUONG THI HIEN THANH AUDIO SOURCE SEPARATION EXPLOITING NMF-BASED GENERIC SOURCE SPECTRAL MODEL DOCTORAL DISSERTATION OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Hanoi - 2019 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DUONG THI HIEN THANH AUDIO SOURCE SEPARATION EXPLOITING NMF-BASED GENERIC SOURCE SPECTRAL MODEL Major: Computer Science Code: 9480101 DOCTORAL DISSERTATION OF COMPUTER SCIENCE SUPERVISORS: ASSOC PROF DR NGUYEN QUOC CUONG DR NGUYEN CONG PHUONG Hanoi - 2019 CONTENTS DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP DECLARATION OF AUTHORSHIP i i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii CONTENTS iv NOTATIONS AND GLOSSARY viii LIST OF TABLES xi LIST OF FIGURES xii INTRODUCTION Chapter AUDIO SOURCE SEPARATION: FORMULATION AND STATE OF THE ART 10 1.1 Audio source separation: a solution for cock-tail party problem 10 1.1.1 General framework for source separation 10 1.1.2 Problem formulation 11 State of the art 13 1.2.1 13 Gaussian Mixture Model 14 Nonnegative Matrix Factorization 15 Deep Neural Networks 16 Spatial models 18 Interchannel Intensity/Time Difference (IID/ITD) 18 Rank-1 covariance matrix 19 Full-rank spatial covariance model 20 Source separation performance evaluation 21 1.3.1 Energy-based criteria 22 1.3.2 Perceptually-based criteria 23 Summary 23 1.2 1.2.2 1.3 1.4 Spectral models Chapter NONNEGATIVE MATRIX FACTORIZATION 2.1 NMF introduction iv 24 24 2.2 2.3 2.1.1 NMF in a nutshell 24 2.1.2 Cost function for parameter estimation 26 2.1.3 Multiplicative update rules 27 Application of NMF to audio source separation 29 2.2.1 Audio spectra decomposition 29 2.2.2 NMF-based audio source separation 30 Proposed application of NMF to unusual sound detection 32 2.3.1 Problem formulation 33 2.3.2 Proposed methods for non-stationary frame detection 34 Signal energy based method 34 Global NMF-based method 35 Local NMF-based method 35 Experiment 37 Dataset 37 Algorithm settings and evaluation metrics 37 Results and discussion 38 Summary 43 2.3.3 2.4 Chapter SINGLE-CHANNEL AUDIO SOURCE SEPARATION EXPLOITING NMF-BASED GENERIC SOURCE SPECTRAL MODEL WITH MIXED GROUP SPARSITY CONSTRAINT 44 3.1 General workflow of the proposed approach 44 3.2 GSSM formulation 46 3.3 Model fitting with sparsity-inducing penalties 46 3.3.1 Block sparsity-inducing penalty 47 3.3.2 Component sparsity-inducing penalty 48 3.3.3 Proposed mixed sparsity-inducing penalty 49 3.4 Derived algorithm in unsupervised case 49 3.5 Derived algorithm in semi-supervised case 52 3.5.1 Semi-GSSM formulation 52 3.5.2 Model fitting with mixed sparsity and algorithm 54 Experiment 54 3.6.1 Experiment data 54 55 3.6 Synthetic dataset v 3.6.2 3.6.3 3.7 SiSEC-MUS dataset 55 SiSEC-BNG dataset 56 Single-channel source separation performance with unsupervised setting 57 Experiment settings 57 Evaluation method 57 Results and discussion 61 Single-channel source separation performance with semi-supervised setting 65 Experiment settings 65 Evaluation method 65 Results and discussion 65 Summary 66 Chapter MULTICHANNEL AUDIO SOURCE SEPARATION EXPLOITING NMF-BASED GSSM IN GAUSSIAN MODELING FRAMEWORK 68 4.1 Formulation and modeling 68 4.1.1 Local Gaussian model 68 4.1.2 NMF-based source variance model 70 4.1.3 Estimation of the model parameters 71 Proposed GSSM-based multichannel approach 72 4.2.1 GSSM construction 72 4.2.2 Proposed source variance fitting criteria 73 Source variance denoising 73 Source variance separation 74 4.2.3 Derivation of MU rule for updating the activation matrix 75 4.2.4 Derived algorithm 77 Experiment 79 4.3.1 Dataset and parameter settings 79 4.3.2 Algorithm analysis 80 4.2 4.3 4.3.3 Algorithm convergence: separation results as functions of EM and MU iterations 80 Separation results with different choices of λ and γ 81 Comparison with the state of the art vi 82 4.4 Summary 91 CONCLUSIONS AND PERSPECTIVES 93 BIBLIOGRAPHY 96 LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 113 vii NOTATIONS AND GLOSSARY Standard mathematical symbols C Set of complex numbers R Set of real numbers Z Set of integers E Expectation of a random variable Nc Complex Gaussian distribution Vectors and matrices a Scalar a Vector A Matrix A T Matrix transpose A H Matrix conjugate transposition (Hermitian conjugation) diag(a) Diagonal matrix with a as its diagonal det(A) Determinant of matrix A tr(A) Matrix trace A The element-wise Hadamard product of two matrices (of the same dimension) B with elements [A A (n) a A 1 B]ij = Aij Bij (n) The matrix with entries [A]ij -norm of vector -norm of matrix Indices f Frequency index i Channel index j Source index n Time frame index t Time sample index viii Sizes I Number of channels J Number of sources L STFT filter length F Number of frequency bin N Number of time frames K Number of spectral basis Mixing filters A ∈ RI×J×L Matrix of filters aj (τ ) ∈ RI Mixing filter of j th source to all microphones, τ is the time delay aij (t) ∈ R Filter coefficient at tth time index aij ∈ RL Time domain filter vector aij ∈ CL Frequency domain filter vector aij (f ) ∈ C Filter coefficient at f th frequency index General parameters x(t) ∈ RI Time-domain mixture signal s(t) ∈ RJ Time-domain source signals cj (t) ∈ R I Time-domain j th source image Time-domain j th original source signal sj (t) ∈ R x(n, f ) ∈ CI Time-frequency domain mixture signal J Time-frequency domain source signals s(n, f ) ∈ C cj (n, f ) ∈ C I Time-frequency domain j th source image vj (n, f ) ∈ R Time-dependent variances of the j th source Rj (f ) ∈ C Time-independent covariance matrix of the j th source Σj (n, f ) ∈ CI×I Covariance matrix of the j th source image Σx (n, f ) ∈ CI×I Empirical mixture covariance Σx (n, f ) ∈ CI×I Empirical mixture covariance V ∈ RF+×N W ∈ RF+×K H ∈ RK×N + F ×K U ∈ R+ Power spectrogram matrix Spectral basis matrix Time activation matrix Generic source spectral model ix Abbreviations APS Artifacts-related Perceptual Score BSS Blind Source Separation DoA Direction of Arrival DNN Deep Neural Network EM Expectation Maximization ICA Independent Component Analysis IPS Interference-related Perceptual Score IS Itakura-Saito ISR source Image to Spatial distortion Ratio ISTFT Inverse Short-Time Fourier Transform IID (i.i.d) Interchannel Intensity Difference ITD (i.t.d) Interchannel Time Difference GCC-PHAT Generalized Cross Correlation Phase Transform GMM Gaussian Mixture Model GSSM Generic Source Spectral Model KL Kullback-Leibler LGM Local Gaussian Model MAP Maximum A Posteriori ML Maximum Likelihood MU Multiplicative Update NMF Non-negative Matrix Factorization OPS Overall Perceptual Score PLCA Probabilistic Latent Component Analysis SAR Signal to Artifacts Ratio SDR Signal to Distortion Ratio SIR Signal to Interference Ratio SiSEC Signal Separation Evaluation Campaign SNMF Spectral Non-negative Matrix Factorization SNR Signal to Noise Ratio STFT Short-Time Fourier Transform TDOA Time Difference of Arrival T-F Time-Frequency TPS Target-related Perceptual Score x LIST OF 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nonnegative matrix factorization with mixed group sparsity constraint Proc ACM International Symposium on Information and Communication Technology (SoICT 2015), pp 247-251, Hue, Vietnam ISBN 978-1-4503-3843-1, DOI:10.1145/2833258.2833276 Hien-Thanh Thi Duong, Quoc-Cuong Nguyen, Cong-Phuong Nguyen, and Ngoc Q K Duong (2016) Single-channel speaker-dependent speech enhancement exploiting generic noise model learned by nonnegative matrix factorization Proc IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Information and Communication, pp 268-271, Danang, Vietnam, Electronic ISBN 978-1-4673-8016-4, PoD ISBN 978-1-46738017-1, DOI 10.1109/ELINFOCOM.2016.7562952 Thanh Thi Hien Duong, Nobutaka Ono, Yasutaka Nakajima and Toshiya Ohshima (2016) Non-stationary Segment Detection Methods based on Single-basis Non-negative Matrix Factorization for Effective Annotation Proc IEEE Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit Conference (IEEE APSIPA ASC), pp 1-6, Jeju, Korea, Electronic ISBN 978-9-8814-7682-1, PoD ISBN 978-1-5090-2401-8, DOI 10.1109/APSIPA.2016.7820760 Thanh Thi Hien Duong, Phuong Cong Nguyen, and Cuong Quoc Nguyen (2018) Exploiting Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Mixed Group Sparsity Constraint to Separate Speech Signal from Singlechannel Mixture with Unknown Ambient Noise EAI Endorsed Transactions on Context-Aware Systems and Applications vol 18(13), pp 1-8 ISSN 2409-0026 Duong Thi Hien Thanh, Nguyen Cong Phuong, and Nguyen Quoc Cuong (2018) Combination of Nonnegative Matrix Factorization and mixed group sparsity constraint to exploit generic source spectral model in single-channel audio source separation Journal of Military Science and Technology Vol 45(4), pp: 83-94 ISSN 1859 - 1043 (In Viet- 113 namese) Thanh Thi Hien Duong, Ngoc Q K Duong, Phuong Cong Nguyen, and Cuong Quoc Nguyen (2018) Multichannel source separation exploiting NMF-based generic source spectral model in Gaussian modeling framework In Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation, vol 10891, pp 547-557 Springer International Publishing DOI 10.1007/9 78-3-319-93764-9 50 (SCOPUS) Thanh Thi Hien Duong, Ngoc Q K Duong, Phuong Cong Nguyen, and Cuong Quoc Nguyen (2019) Gaussian modeling-based multichannel audio source separation exploiting generic source spectral model IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol 27(1), pp 32-43 ISSN 2329-9304, DOI 10.1109/TASLP.2018.28 69692 (ISI - Q1) 114 ... a Vector A Matrix A T Matrix transpose A H Matrix conjugate transposition (Hermitian conjugation) diag(a) Diagonal matrix with a as its diagonal det(A) Determinant of matrix A tr(A) Matrix trace... directly estimating the time-frequency mask [144] or for estimating the source spectra whose ratio yields a time-frequency mask [4, 56, 132] Time-frequency masking, as its name suggests, estimates the... domain filter vector aij (f ) ∈ C Filter coefficient at f th frequency index General parameters x(t) ∈ RI Time-domain mixture signal s(t) ∈ RJ Time-domain source signals cj (t) ∈ R I Time-domain