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    • Cách viết Introduction

    • Cách viết Overview

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IETLS WRITING TASK Cách viết Introduction  Tìm từ khóa câu hỏi  Thay thế chúng bằng cách sử dụng các từ đồng nghĩa hoặc giải thích  Đưa thêm thông tin về biểu đồ TIP 1: THAY DANH TỪ, ĐỘNG TỪ CHÍNH BẰNG CÁC TỪ ĐỒNG NGHĨA  Graph = line graph, chart = bar chart, pie chart, table, Picture = the diagram  Proportion = percentage, ratio, rate, number  Information = data, figure, number, illustration, indicator  Trends in = changes in  The US’s consumption = the consumption in The United States  Shows = illustrates, describes, compares, indicates, presents, gives information  To produce forecasts = to forecast  The total number = the overall number  Various mobile phone features = different functions of mobile phones  Maps show = diagrams illustrate  An island before and after = some changes to an island  The number of = the figure of, the data on, the proportion of  People in USA = American, American people  A group of = the + adj: the poor, the old, the unemployed  From 1999 to 2009 = between 1999 and 2009 = over a period of 10 years = in a duration of + time (10 years) TIP 2: đổi thành HOW + KEY NOUN (BY WHICH) + VERB Ex: The pie chart illustrates how annual fee spent by a school in the UK changed every 10 year, from 2001 to 2010 TIP 3: Dùng HOW MANY hoặc HOW MUCH để thay thế cho “the figure of” “the number of” “the quantities of” Ex: The bar chart compares how many noise complaints were made during years since 2005 TIP 4: Chuyển “the proportion of’ “the number of”, “the quantities of” thành WHAT PROPORTION OF + Noun” “WHAT NUMBER OF + Noun + be + V3/ed Ex: The line chart compares what percentage of the world’s oil resources was held, … TIP 5: The ….chart/table + compares + countries + in terms of + tiêu chí/ thơng tin so sánh : dạng so sánh các quốc gia theo các tiêu chí nào đó Ex: The table compares four different nations in terms of population, GDP per capita and average life expectancy Here are some typical examples: The charts below show the results of a survey of adult education  The bar chart presents the reasons why the adults decided to study  The bar chart compares how people thought the costs of adult education should be shared The chart shows the amount of money per week spent on fast foods in Britain  The line graph displays the trends in consumption of fast foods Cách viết Overview  Give general information about significant points and tendency/trend, without any specific numbers  Write 2-3 sentences, by using the compound sentences)  Use PRESENT SIMPLE for Opening and Moving to new points; PAST SIMPLE for Significant Points and Tendency or Trend Opening  Overall Significant points  A was the lowest  In general WHILE the  It is clear from the highest number chart/ table/ …  It can be seen from the graph/table… was B  A was the most popular .in Moving to new points  It is also noticeable/ remarkable that  Another significant point is Tendency/Trend  A showed a/an ADJ increase in sth over time  B increased ADV during the period given  It is evident that… (năm), but it  As can be seen from was replaced with from … to … = C … in (năm) levelled off during the graph/table,  As is shown by the graph/table,  As is illustrated by the graph/table,  From the graph/table  A was the primary….while the least… was B  C kept the same level the the period of the shown  D showed a/an ADJ fluctuation over … years it is clear… Here is an example: Overall, petrol and oil were the primary power sources in this country throughout the period shown, while the least used power sources were nuclear and renewable energy It is also noticeable that the consumption of petrol and oil and coal experiences the greatest increased over the period given HOW TO SHOW NUMBERS IN TASK Mệnh đề so sánh + WITH/ AT số liệu + RESPECTIVELY/ IN TURN The percentage of smokers in Saigon was higher than THAT in Hanoi with/ at 33% and 20% respectively The amount of parking fee in the year of 2010 of COMPANY A was four times higher than THAT OF COMPANY B with the figures of VND 40 million and VND 10 million in turn The number of cars in the year of 2010 in district was four times as many as THAT in district 10 with the figures of VND 40 million and VND 10 million in turn There + BE + số liệu Being + V3/ed: Vật Ving: Người There were roughly/nearly/approximately billion dollars being spent on discovering extraterrestrial life in 2007 = The amount of money in the vicinity of billion dollars was spent on discovering … in 2007 There were 10% of 10-to18-year-old people playing computer games after class in 2009 Số liệu + BE + the amount/number/percentage/proportion + of + Noun + Who/Which/That + S + V million dollars were the amount of money that Samsung spent on commercials years ago Only 5% was the number of people in rural area who could use/approach the Internet in 1990 From + STARTING POINT + to + ENDING POINT + in the KHOẢNG THỜI GIAN of period given (1) The profit of ABC company from advertisement remarkably rose from 44% to 65% in the first years of the period given (from 2002 to 2003) (2) The profit of ABC company from the advertisement remarkably rose to 65% from 44 % in the first years of the period given (3) ABC company’s profit from the advertisement remarkably rose to 65% in the first years of the period given (4) ABC company’s profit from the advertisement remarkably rose which was about 21% in the first years of the period given CẤU TRÚC NÂNG CAO CHO TASK Cấu trúc : Before/After + Ving, S + V + adv Ex: After falling dramatically, by 60% between 1990 and 2000, the number of people eating fast food steadily increased, about 15% each year Cấu trúc : S + V + adv, Ving, and then V Ex: The number of people eating fast food strongly increased from 10 to 50 million, reaching a peak in 2005, but then slightly decreased to 25 million in the last year during the period Cấu trúc 3: There was a/an + adj1 + N1, which was followed by + a/an + adj2 + N2 Ex : There was a slight decrease in the number of people eating fast food in 1990, which was followed by a steady increase of that in 2000 CÁCH DIỄN ĐẠT INCREASE– DECREASE Subject+ verb+ adverb  The number of cars per household increased significantly, which was 50 thousand and 150 thousand cars from 2002 to 2003 There + be + (a/an) +adj+ increase(s)/ decrease(s) in something  There was a dramatic increase in the price of oil in 2010, with the firgure reaching at $500 thousand per barrel/ reaching a peak of $500 thousand per barrel  There was a dramatic decrease in the price of oil in 2010, with the firgure hitting a low at $90 thousand per barrel Noun (chỉ vật) + be on the increase (Đây câu statement cho đoạn, sau câu này, ta đưa số liệu vào)  Violence in the school was on the increase The number of violence cases in 20002 was standing at 50, but then increased significantly to 100 in 2003 A/An + adj + increase/decrease + to be seen in something (Đây câu statement cho đoạn, sau câu này, ta đưa số liệu vào)  A slight increase can be seen in the amount of household waste Noun (người/địa điểm) + SAW/ WITNESSED/ EXPERIENCED + an ADJ increase/decrease + in sth  London witnessed an considerable increase in the house price over a period of 30 years An increasing number of: cấu trúc này có thể thay thế tốt so với cụm “more and more”  An increasing number of young job seekers are struggling to find a good job in the big city A decreasing number of: diễn tả số lượng giảm, hay less and less hoặc fewer and fewer  A decreasing number of young job seekers are struggling to find a good job in the big city ... in the year of 2 010 of COMPANY A was four times higher than THAT OF COMPANY B with the figures of VND 40 million and VND 10 million in turn The number of cars in the year of 2 010 in district was... of money in the vicinity of billion dollars was spent on discovering … in 2007 There were 10 % of 10 -to18-year-old people playing computer games after class in 2009 Số liệu + BE + the amount/number/percentage/proportion... which was about 21% in the first years of the period given CẤU TRÚC NÂNG CAO CHO TASK Cấu trúc : Before/After + Ving, S + V + adv Ex: After falling dramatically, by 60% between 19 90 and 2000,

Ngày đăng: 04/03/2019, 07:13

