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Trang 1ProCert – Your Partner for integrated certifications
ProCert, Organisme certificateur, PSE-EPFL, CH-1015 Lausanne, +41 21 693 87 21, procert@epfl.ch, www.procert.ch Vers 2 : 1 /2 ProCert, Zertifizierungsstelle, Holzikofenweg 22, CH-3000 Bern 23, +41 31 560 67 67 , bern@procert.ch, www.procert.ch 23.08 04
N° 27
SCE S 38, 39, 44 + 79
…we have made the analyses & found
traces of a scandal!
GFSI, BRC, IFS, ISO 22000 -
What do they all mean?
HACCP - Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point – is an
analysis and control method for food safety risks and
whose application has been demanded by legislation
in practically all countries since the mid ‘90s The
official version (available on www.procert.ch) of the
HACCP method has been published by the Codex
Ali-mentarius international commission, an organisation
linked to the WHO and the FAO It describes the
sys-tematic method in 12 steps:
1 Assemble HACCP team
2 Describe product
3 Identify intended use
4 Construct flow diagram
5 On-site confirmation of flow diagram
6 List all potential hazards associated with each
step, conduct a hazard analysis, and consider any
measures to control identified hazards
7 Determine Critical Control Points
8 Establish critical limits for each CCP
9 Establish a monitoring system for each CCP
10 Establish corrective actions
11 Establish verification procedures
12 Establish Documentation and Record Keeping
The ProCert HACCP guide (free of charge for clients)
describes in a detailed way the application of this
NB: Steps 6 to 12 mentioned above constitute what is
known as the “HACCP Seven Principles”, used by
cer-tain legislations
Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)
The CIES Business Forum (www.ciesnet.com), which
groups over 200 major retailers in 50 countries,
started the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) in
2001, the requirements of which are available on
www.foodsafety.com The objective of the initiative is
to impose the application of a food safety
manage-ment standard Since several standards of this type
exist internationally and the slogan of the GFSI is
« once certified, accepted everywhere », the
docu-ment describes the criteria which need to be satisfied
for such a standard to be recognised Every
recog-nised standard (5 to date) is then considered as equal
and the retailers can be assured by asking their sup-pliers of branded products to be certified through one
of these recognised GFSI standards
The BRC & IFS standards are also recognised stan-dards
BRC Global Standard-Food
The British Retail Consortium (BRC), www.brc.org.uk
groups the major British food retailers The third ver-sion of the BRC Global standard - Food (April 2002) has been recognised by the GFSI It contains the following chapters:
1 HACCP system
2 Quality management system
3 Buildings, equipment and installations
4 Product control
5 Procedure control
6 Personnel The standard does not end with the requirements of the HACCP method, it is also concerned with the need for management systems or good practises during manufacture (GMP) It refers explicitly to the publica-tion of Codex Alimentarius
Companies can be certified according to this standard
To know more: please check the ProCert Data sheets N° 11 & 12 (FAQs, comparison with other references – available free of charge on www.procert.ch, publica-tions page)
ProCert was one of the first organisations to be able to deliver accredited certifications to the BRC standard, (in 1999) – a fundamental advantage, along with EUREPGAP, of the international development of Pro-Cert
International Food Standard (IFS)
The Chamber of Commerce for German retailers (HDE) is the author of this standard, the third version having been applied in Germany since January 2003
It is only from 2004 that foreign certifiers will be rec-ognised by the HDE ProCert is already involved (see:
www.food-care.info) The fourth version of this stan-dard is planned for July 2004, with the following struc-ture based on ISO 9001:
1 Quality management system
2 Management responsibility
3 Resource management
4 Production processes
5 Measures, analyses and improvements
Trang 2ProCert – Your Partner for integrated certifications
ProCert, Organisme certificateur, PSE-EPFL, CH-1015 Lausanne, +41 21 693 87 21, procert@epfl.ch, www.procert.ch Vers 2 : 2 /2 ProCert, Zertifizierungsstelle, Holzikofenweg 22, CH-3000 Bern 23, +41 31 560 67 67 , bern@procert.ch, www.procert.ch 23.08 04
N° 27
ISO 22000 – soon the international standard
In 2001, in view of the importance of food safety
management systems internationally, ISO decided to
create a working group whose goal is to elaborate an
international standard that could regroup, in the near
future, all private and national initiatives such as BRC,
IFS et al
For ISO 22000 – its code name –, the calendar is as
- spring 2004 : consultation of the DIS (Draft
In-ternational Standard)
- end 2004 : final project (FDIS – Final DIS)
- early 2005 : first certifications
The Director of the GFSI is playing an active role in
the ISO 22000 elaboration process, along with D
Blanc of ProCert, who presides as the Swiss delegate
in the international working group
Without going into details concerning the configuration
of the new standard, we can already confirm that an
application of the HACCP system in all its rigour
(fol-lowing the 12 steps) will allow for problem-free
This standard, which has the attribute of being
appli-cable in any stage in the food chain (agricultural
pro-duction, agricultural suppliers, food industry…) will
finally realise the GFSI vision: ”once certified,
ac-cepted everywhere”
Situation in Europe
Most major retailers in Europe (eg Tesco, Sainsburys,
M&S, Waitrose etc in the UK and Metro in Germany,
Coop and Migros in Switzerland, Carrefour, Delhaize in
France,…) require a BRC or IFS certification from their
suppliers of branded products, mostly as of the end of
Consequences for the food industry
Up to now, the HACCP systems were controlled by a
more or less exhaustive sampling by the official
ser-vices, all under a formal inspection
But, a certification audit is more rigorous, more
com-plete and is concerned with the systematic application
of HACCP In particular, the company has to prove
that it is able to self-evaluate the risks associated with
food safety – and to control them This implies a
cor-rect and complete application of the HACCP method
(following the 12 steps), on which the auditor has to
evaluate the relevance and reliability of the control
measures selected and applied by the company The
audits also concern the elements of management
systems, giving the advantage to those companies
who already have esta blished ISO 9001
Principle interpretation difficulties
The term « Control » is based on a number of errors
in interpretation In fact, the English term should perhaps be translated as « mastered » and not « con-trolled»
Codex Alimentarius defines the measurement of con-trol as follows: "any intervention and activity to which one can have recourse to prevent or eliminate a dan-ger which threatens food safety or to bring it back to
an acceptable level"
It thus acts basically as prevention and not as con-trol, just as the introduction of Codex specifies:
"HACCP is a tool which makes it possible to evaluate the risks and to establish systems of control centred more on prevention than on the analysis of the fin-ished product"
Many HACCP applications do not reflect this funda-mental principle
Another frequent misunderstanding: GMP require-ments described in standards such as BRC or IFS are read literally without taking into account that the standard always gives a warning, such as "if neces-sary" or "when applicable" thus bringing us back to the HACCP study and its rigour
In a number of cases, expensive and unnecessary investment is incurred (e.g safety glass, metal dete c-tors) when a serious analysis of the risks (HACCP stage 6) would have shown that the danger is not significant and that other preventive measures would have made it possible to achieve the desired control Another frequent problem: the absence of a general concept for good manufacturing practice (GMP) and hygiene describing for a particular profession the cleaning, maintenance personal hygiene, require-ments However, GMP must be in place before carry-ing out a HACCP study
The absence of a HACCP team is also a frequent non-conformity, particularly in small companies It is then
a question of finding solutions to ensure that the de-sired competences (eg microbiology, technology, production, etc ) are realised without having to cre-ate new posts
Lastly, the management system section can pose problems with companies who have not established an ISO 9001 system
Advantages of a food safety management sys-tem
The correct application of the HACCP method makes it possible to substantially improve the control of food safety and responsibility within a company The ques-tions relating to food safety are then taken in hand by the company itself, without inspectors or auditors imposing their own ideas
The installation of a food safety management system
is a priority investment in know-how, rather than in equipment and installations - which should not pre-clude the analysis of the risks linked to the identifica-tion of a targeted investment
R Schnyder & Dr D Blanc 23.08.2004
& that,
does it