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Unit 1-English 11

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Tán Lám High School English 11 Lesson plan Date of Planning: Period: INTRODUCTION A OBJIECTIVES: I Knowledge: Introduce the text book to students II Skill: Speaking and Writing B PROCEDURE: I Settlement: Good afternoon class! Who is absent today? II Checking: (No) III New lesson: Introduction Teacher’s activities Students’ activities - Introduce the textbook Listen to the teacher - The textbook is composed on theme-based - Contain 16 units and consolidation units - In each unit, there are five parts: reading, speaking, listening, writing, language focus - Each unit contains a topic such as friend, party, competitions, etc - Some important grammar points in English 11:  Infinitive and Gerund  Reported speech with infinitives  Reported speech with gerund  Conditional sentence type 1, 2, and conditional in reported speech Copy down  Pronouns  Relative clause  Relative pronouns with preposition  Relative clauses replaced by participle and to infinitive  Omission of relative pronoun  Cleft sentence  Conjunctions  Tag questions - Language in action:  Describing physical characteristic and personality  Talking about past experiences and how they affected one’s life  Talking about parties and how to plan parties  Talking about volunteer work  Talking about literacy problems and offering solutions  Talking about a competition or contest  Talking about problems of overpopulation and offering solutions  Talking about the celebration of Tet and other Teacher in charge: Âàûng Häöng Liãn Tán Lám High School English 11 festivals’ activities  Talking about different portal and telecommunication services  Talking about nature in danger  Talking about measures for protections endangered nature  Talking about advantages and disadvantages of energy sources  Asking for and giving information about the Asian Games  Talking about sports results  Talking about a hobby  Talking about collections  Expressing agreement and disagreements about entertainment activities and stating the reasons  Talking about historical events in the space conquest  Using facts and opinions to talk about features of man-made places IV Consolidation: V Homework: Teacher in charge: Âàûng Häöng Liãn Lesson plan Tán Lám High School English 11 Lesson plan Date of Planning: Period: UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP A OBJIECTIVES: I Knowledge: - Students can understand the reading text - Students can understand and use the new words through speaking, asking and answering the questions II Skill: Reading and Speaking B PROCEDURE: I Settlement: Good morning, class! Who is absent today? II Checking: (No) III New lesson: Unit 1_Lesson 1: Reading Teacher’s activities I- Warmer: - Teacher writes the sentence on the board and requests - Complete the sentence by filling the gap with the suitable words: A in need is a indeed - Teacher calls the volunteer to present the answer II- Before you read: - Teacher gives handouts: Task 1: Complete the sentences: - Teacher asks students to give their ideas about a good friend Handout: a My friend is someone who is b I think a good friend is someone who is Suggested: Understanding, caring, easygoing, honest, reliable, sociable, modest, trustworthy, sharing, sympathetic, helpful, tolerant, unselfish - Teacher teaches the new words above Task 2: Choose the word or groups of words closest in meaning to the word underlined in these sentences: - Teacher asks students to close their books and gives handout Every person can have a number of acquaintances but no one has many friends a persons we know but they are not our close friends Students’ activities - Students work individually first, then they compare with their friends - Students give answer: A friend in need is a friend indeed - Students close their books and work in groups, discuss about the features of a good friend - Students copy the adjectives that indicate the features of a good friend - Students work individually first, then they exchange in pairs Suggested answer: 1- a persons we know but they are not close friends Teacher in charge: Âàûng Häöng Liãn Tán Lám High School English 11 Lesson plan b close friends c neighbors d classmate For friendship to be intimate and lasting both friends must have some very special qualities a good b true c very close & friendly d real Some people not seem to be constant One minute they like something and the next minute they feel tired of it and are interested in something else a easy b changing c understandable d unchanging III- While you read: - Teacher asks students to read the text and the tasks Task 1: Scanning the text and answer the questions: What qualities of a friend are mentioned in the reading text? Task 2: Go through the reading text and find a the reason why a selfish person can’t have a true friendship 2- c very close and friendly 3- d unchanging - Students scan the text and answer the question Suggested answer Unselfishness, constancy, loyalty, trust, sympathy - Students work in groups: a Because friendship is a twosided affair; it lives by give- and take; A friendship which is all give on one side and all take on the other cannot last long b Changeability, suspicion, talkativeness - Students work individually to find out the idea and compare b qualities that can spoil a true friendship Answer key Task 3: Choose A, B, C or D which most B Conditions of true friendship adequately sums up the ideas of the whole passage: - Students discuss in groups and - Teacher asks students to work individually give their ideas IV- After you read: - Teacher asks students to work in groups to answer the question: “What does the text tell you about a true friendship?” IV Consolidation: Qualities of a true friendship V Homework: - Write down the answers of the questions on page 15 - Do the exercise in Task about using words- page 14 Date of Planning: Period: UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP A OBJIECTIVES: I Knowledge: - Students know how to describe about features and character of someone Teacher in charge: Âàûng Häöng Liãn Tán Lám High School English 11 Lesson plan - Students can make a dialogue talking about a famous person II Skill: Speaking B PROCEDURE: I Settlement: Good morning, class! Who is absent today? II Checking: - Write down the answers of the questions on page 15 - Do the exercise in Task about using words- page 14 III New lesson: Unit 1_Lesson 2: Speaking Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm up: Game “Take them home” - Ss work in groups, take turns to choose the cards then stick them - T divides the class into groups - T gives each group a poster and 20 cards in the right categories - Ss can organize the words into then gives the rule of the game four different categories as follows: Poster: FACE: square, oval, round HAIR: curly, wavy, dyed, sleek, shoulder-length, long, FACE HAIR short, fair, straight, grey NOSE: straight, flat, turned-up, pointed HEIGHT: tall, short, medium HEI T GH NOSE Cards: tall square oval wavy curly round dyed grey flat sleek short large -long T asks: fair shoulder-length medium straight pointed heart-shaped turn-up + Which other words are used for describing physical characteristics? - Ss’ answers + Forehead: broad, high, + Appearance: handsome, Activity 1: Describing people beautiful, good-looking, well(Task 1, textbook, p.15) built, - T asks students to work in pairs, Task 1- + Lips: full, thin, textbook on page 15 - T asks Ss to listen to their friends’ - Ss sit in pairs, look at the descriptions and decide who he/ she is people and describe their physical characteristics * He/ She is He’s/ Teacher in charge: Âàûng Häöng Liãn Tán Lám High School English 11 Lesson plan Activity 2: Vocabulary She’s got His/ Her - T sets situations and asks Ss to fill in the hair blanks * He’s/ She’s * He’s always willing to give money to his with and friends or help them He’s a very man * She never tells lies She’s a - Ss the teacher’s request very .person generous * He’s very good at Maths, but he never talks about that He’s a person honest * Minh is always cheerful and often tells jokes, which makes us like to be with him all modest the time He is a very boy * pleasant Activity 3: Describing personalities (Task 2, textbook, p.16) - T asks Ss to work in groups, Task 1- Ss work in groups, discuss and textbook, page 15 number the personalities in order of importance in friendship - Each group’s representative will Activity 4: Role - play: report their results to the class Talk about a famous friend and explain orally why (Ss’ (Task 3, page 16) answers may be different.) - T helps Ss review some questions about physical characteristics, personalities, - Ss make questions, using the hobbies, suggestions (textbook, page 17) * What’s your friend’s/ his/ her name? * When was he/ she born? * What does he/ she look like? * What are his/ her hobbies? * What’s he/ she like? * What makes him/ her a good friend? * What made him/ her successful? - T selects some pairs at random and has * How much time does he them play roles in front of the class spend on Math every day? * What does he in his free time? - Ss work in pairs: Journalist & Interviewee IV Consolidation: The Dice Game Teacher in charge: Âàûng Häöng Liãn Tán Lám High School English 11 Lesson plan - T distributes cards and indicators, gives instructions and checks the Ss’ understanding - Ss work in groups - Ss write their name on their own cards, arrange their cards face down in a circle, and take turns to throw the dice to choose the speaker The speaker will choose a card and describe the person whose name is in the card V Homework: Describe yourself Teacher in charge: Âàûng Häöng Liãn Tán Lám High School English 11 Lesson plan Date of Planning: Period: UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP A OBJIECTIVES: I Knowledge: - Students listen to people talking about their best friends - Deciding on True or false statements - Listening and taking notes II Skill: Listening B PROCEDURE: I Settlement: Good morning, class! Who is absent today? II Checking: - Words of physical characteristics and personalities - Describe yourself III New lesson: Unit 1_Lesson 3: Listening Teacher’s activities Model the dialogue: T: Who is your best friend? T: How did you meet him / her? T: How long have you known each other? T: What qualities you admire in your best friend? Set the scene to teach the new words:  Apartment building ( translation)  Guitarist ( picture)  Motorbike ( picture)  Sense of humour ( translation)  Favourite (example )  To share (situation)  To introduce ( situation) Help Ss to read those words Help them use those words in their own sentences to describe one of their friends in their class While- listening (20ms) Ask Ss to open their books a Task 1: Ask the students to go through the statements Elicit the key words so that they focus on listening Have them listen to the tape twice Ask Sts to write the answers on the Bb Ask other students to remark and correct Let Ss to listen the tape again Give feedback • Suggested keys: - Talk A: F F T F T F Teacher in charge: Âàûng Häöng Liãn Students’ activities Listen and take part in the dialogue TS ,SS Copy down and read the words after the teacher Give the meaning Make examples Open their books Read the statements and understand them before listening Listen and the task Do as directed Listen and compare their answers - Talk B: Tán Lám High School English 11 Ask Ss to correct the statements if possible b Task 2: - Set the scene and explain - Tell Ss the way of doing this exercise - Have them listen twice - Let Ss listen to the tape one more and ask them to give the answers How / where they met What they like Lan - used to live in the - friendly and helpful same residential area - Ha knew many in Hanoi people and - Lan in Doson, Ha introduced Lan went to visit around She’s sociable Long - met in college - a great sense of - Minh played the humour guitar, Long sang - Minh likes to go to - worked together plays and movies - good listener - friendly and helpful - Give feedback and remark Post - listening (10ms) * Ask Ss to retell the relationship between Lan and Ha, Long and Minh * Give the handouts of some proverbs about friendship and ask them to give their opinions With a friend at your side, no road seems too long (Japanese proverb) Hold a true friend with both your hands (Nigerian proverb) One can without people, but one has need of a friend (Chinese proverb) Ask some students to tell about their discussions Lesson plan F F T T T Listen and the task in pairs Listen and discuss the answers Listen again and give the answers Go to the Bb to write down their answers Practice asking and answering based on the chart + Close pairs + Open pairs Work in groups Discuss and their opinions IV Consolidation: V Homework: - Learn the new words - Write about you and your friend has become best friends - Prepare for the writing Teacher in charge: Âàûng Häöng Liãn Tán Lám High School English 11 Lesson plan Date of Planning: Period: UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP A OBJIECTIVES: I Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to write a short paragraph to describe their friends II Skill: Writing B PROCEDURE: I Settlement: Good morning, class! Who is absent today? II Checking: Talk about you and your friend has become best friends III New lesson: Unit 1_Lesson 3: Writing Teacher’s activities Warm up (5ms) Expanding sentence: - Write the word “Friend” on the Bb - Ask Ss to expand it by adding the beginning or the end to make a meaningful sentence Introduce the new lesson Presentation (10ms) Review some useful words that helps them to describe someone (speaking lesson) Short - broad - straight - tallish - crooked pointed - oval - turn-up - square - flat - large wide - wrinkled - dyed - long - curly Parts of the Adjectives body Face Nose Hair Forehead Height Practise (20ms) Ask Ss to open their books Go through all the guidelines Elicit some structures: a) S + VL + Adjectives b) S + To have + Noun + What I like most about him / her is + We have the same interest in + It is her / him who I can share + I first met him / her in ( when Help Ss to make the outline Limit Ss time to finish writing Monitoring Students’ activities Look and as directed E.g I like a friend I like a friend who is friendly I like a friend who is friendly and helpful Give the meaning Make examples Open their books Do as directed Make the outline before writing Check his friend’s writing Come to the Bb Teacher in charge: Âàûng Häöng Liãn Tán Lám High School English 11 Share their ideas and writing with his friend Ask two students write their writing on the Bb Communicative Activities ( 10ms) Let Ss to remark before giving feedback Correct the mistakes and give marks Lesson plan Others give their opinions Correct their mistakes IV Consolidation: V Homework: - Learn the new words - Write the passage again in their textbooks - Prepare for the language focus Teacher in charge: Âàûng Häöng Liãn Tán Lám High School English 11 Lesson plan Date of Planning: Period: UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP A OBJIECTIVES: I Knowledge: - By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to pronounce and know the differences between the two sounds // & // - Know and use the bare infinitive and full infinitive II Skill: Language Focus B PROCEDURE: I Settlement: Good morning, class! Who is absent today? II Checking: Check the students’ writing homework III New lesson: Unit 1_Lesson 3: Language Focus Teacher’s activities 1) Pronunciation: a) Show pictures of “Chair” & “Bridge” - Ask Ss to read those word and tell the differences - Ask Ss to give other words containing those sounds - Introduce the new lesson - Ask Ss to open their books b) Read those sounds and ask Ss to repeat - Read words and sentences on page 19 - Ask Ss to tell the letters containing those sounds The letters such as “Ch, Tu, Tch” contain the sound // ( question, righteous) The letters such as “J, G, Dg” contain the sound // (soldier, educate) c) Listen and decide if the words belonging to group // or group /  / Age, each, badge, coach , college, chew, junk, jeans, joke, purchase, magic, match, tragic 2) Grammar: Stick a sentence on the Bb - Ex: They arrived late last night  I saw Expected answer : “I saw them arrive late ” Ask Ss to give more verb following the bare infinitive if possible Introduce the new lesson Write the structure on the Bb S + Perceptive verbs + Object + Bare inf - see - hear - listen to Teacher in charge: Âàûng Häöng Liãn Students’ activities Look and as directed Open their books Read those sounds Do as directed Give the meaning Make examples Listen and give the answers ( class work) Look at the Bb and as directed Discuss and give the answer Listen and take part in their teacher’s work Tell the meaning Tán Lám High School English 11 Lesson plan Make examples Copy down Do the exercise and compare with the partner - watch - feel - smell - taste - observe , notice * Other verbs : let make , help a) Task Have Ss practice the exercises given in the textbook Ask Ss to read out the answers Give them a chance to practice the structures by using model dialogue: A: Where is Nam? B: I saw him go out a minute ago A: What wrong with him? B: I heard him say that he is not well b) Task Set the scene to teach the “To-inf” What we go to school for? What you learn English for? * We go to school to enrich our mind with knowledge * I study English to go abroad / to speak to the foreigner / to find a good job  “To infinitive” is used in these sentences to express a purpose Ask Ss to the given exercises in textbook Give feedback IV Consolidation: Practice the dialogue and replace situation if possible Answer the teacher’s questions Draw out the structure Open their books and the exercises Come to the Bb ad write down their answer Do as directed * Make questions for the responses: 1) I saw him sit in the park alone 2) Nothing I think we have to eat out today 3) Too tired to go now 4) Why not? Let’s join them 5) Oh, he‘s old enough V Homework: - Learn the new words - Do the exercises again in their notebooks - Prepare for the unit Teacher in charge: Âàûng Häöng Liãn ... Teacher in charge: Âàûng Häöng Liãn Lesson plan Tán Lám High School English 11 Lesson plan Date of Planning: Period: UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP A OBJIECTIVES: I Knowledge: - Students can understand the... Period: UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP A OBJIECTIVES: I Knowledge: - Students know how to describe about features and character of someone Teacher in charge: Âàûng Häöng Liãn Tán Lám High School English 11 Lesson... Describe yourself Teacher in charge: Âàûng Häöng Liãn Tán Lám High School English 11 Lesson plan Date of Planning: Period: UNIT 1: FRIENDSHIP A OBJIECTIVES: I Knowledge: - Students listen to people

Ngày đăng: 20/08/2013, 00:10

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