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Manual relay RE611.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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Technical Manual

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© Copyright 2011 ABB All rights reserved

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party, nor used for any unauthorized purpose.

The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a licenseand may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of suchlicense


ABB and Relion are registered trademarks of the ABB Group All other brand orproduct names mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registeredtrademarks of their respective holders


Please inquire about the terms of warranty from your nearest ABB representative


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properties All persons responsible for applying the equipment addressed in thismanual must satisfy themselves that each intended application is suitable andacceptable, including that any applicable safety or other operational requirementsare complied with In particular, any risks in applications where a system failure and/

or product failure would create a risk for harm to property or persons (including butnot limited to personal injuries or death) shall be the sole responsibility of theperson or entity applying the equipment, and those so responsible are herebyrequested to ensure that all measures are taken to exclude or mitigate such risks.This document has been carefully checked by ABB but deviations cannot becompletely ruled out In case any errors are detected, the reader is kindly requested

to notify the manufacturer Other than under explicit contractual commitments, in

no event shall ABB be responsible or liable for any loss or damage resulting fromthe use of this manual or the application of the equipment

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electromagnetic compatibility (EMC Directive 2004/108/EC) and concerningelectrical equipment for use within specified voltage limits (Low-voltage directive2006/95/EC) This conformity is the result of tests conducted by ABB in

accordance with the product standards EN 50263 and EN 60255-26 for the EMCdirective, and with the product standards EN 60255-1 and EN 60255-27 for the lowvoltage directive The product is designed in accordance with the internationalstandards of the IEC 60255 series

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Table of contents

Section 1 Introduction 11

This manual 11

Intended audience 11

Product documentation 12

Product documentation set 12

Document revision history 13

Related documentation 14

Symbols and conventions 14

Symbols 14

Document conventions 14

Functions, codes and symbols 15

Section 2 611 series overview 19

Overview 19

Product series version history 19

PCM600 and IED connectivity package version 19

Local HMI 20

Display 20

LEDs 21

Keypad 21

Web HMI 22

Authorization 23

Communication 24

Section 3 Basic functions 27

General parameters 27

Self-supervision 35

Internal faults 36

Warnings 38

LED indication control 39

Time synchronization 39

Parameter setting groups 40

Function block 40

Functionality 41

Fault records 42

Non-volatile memory 45

Binary input 45

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GOOSE function blocks 47

GOOSERCV_BIN function block 48

Function block 48

Functionality 48

Signals 48

Logic blocks 48

Minimum pulse timer 48

Minimum pulse timer TPGAPC 48

Minimum second pulse timer TPSGAPC 49

Local/remote control function block CONTROL 51

Function block 51

Functionality 51

Signals 52

Settings 52

Monitored data 53

Factory settings restoration 53

Section 4 Protection functions 55

Three-phase current protection 55

Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection PHxPTOC 55

Identification 55

Function block 55

Functionality 55

Operation principle 56

Measurement modes 58

Timer characteristics 59

Application 60

Signals 67

Settings 68

Monitored data 71

Technical data 71

Three-phase thermal protection for feeders, cables and distribution transformers T1PTTR 72

Identification 72

Function block 72

Functionality 73

Operation principle 73

Application 76

Signals 76

Settings 77

Monitored data 77

Technical data 78

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Function block 78

Functionality 78

Operation principle 79

Application 80

Signals 80

Settings 81

Monitored data 81

Technical data 81

Loss of load supervision LOFLPTUC 81

Identification 81

Function block 82

Functionality 82

Operation principle 82

Application 83

Signals 84

Settings 84

Monitored data 84

Technical data 85

Thermal overload protection for motors MPTTR 85

Identification 85

Function block 85

Functionality 85

Operation principle 86

Application 94

Signals 98

Settings 98

Monitored data 99

Technical data 100

Earth-fault protection 100

Non-directional earth-fault protection EFxPTOC 100

Identification 100

Function block 100

Functionality 100

Operation principle 101

Measurement modes 103

Timer characteristics 103

Application 105

Signals 105

Settings 106

Monitored data 108

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Function block 110

Functionality 110

Operation principle 111

Directional earth-fault principles 115

Measurement modes 121

Timer characteristics 122

Directional earth-fault characteristics 123

Application 131

Signals 133

Settings 134

Monitored data 137

Technical data 138

Transient/intermittent earth-fault protection INTRPTEF 139

Identification 139

Function block 139

Functionality 139

Operation principle 140

Application 142

Signals 143

Settings 144

Monitored data 144

Technical data 144

Differential protection 145

High-impedance differential protection HIPDIF 145

Identification 145

Function block 145

Functionality 145

Operation principle 145

Application 147

Example calculations for busbar high-impedance differential protection 153

Signals 156

Settings 156

Monitored data 157

Technical data 157

Unbalance protection 158

Negative-sequence overcurrent protection NSPTOC 158

Identification 158

Function block 158

Functionality 158

Operation principle 158

Application 160

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Settings 161

Monitored data 162

Technical data 163

Phase discontinuity protection PDNSPTOC 163

Identification 163

Function block 163

Functionality 164

Operation principle 164

Application 165

Signals 166

Settings 167

Monitored data 167

Technical data 167

Phase reversal protection PREVPTOC 168

Identification 168

Function block 168

Functionality 168

Operation principle 168

Application 169

Settings 169

Monitored data 170

Technical data 170

Negative-sequence overcurrent protection for motors MNSPTOC 170

Identification 170

Function block 171

Functionality 171

Operation principle 171

Timer characteristics 172

Application 174

Signals 175

Settings 175

Monitored data 176

Technical data 176

Voltage protection 177

Residual overvoltage protection ROVPTOV 177

Identification 177

Function block 177

Functionality 177

Operation principle 177

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Monitored data 180

Technical data 180

Motor startup supervision STTPMSU 181

Identification 181

Function block 181

Functionality 181

Operation principle 182

Application 188

Signals 191

Settings 192

Monitored data 192

Technical data 193

Section 5 Protection related functions 195

Three-phase inrush detector INRPHAR 195

Identification 195

Function block 195

Functionality 195

Operation principle 195

Application 197

Signals 198

Settings 198

Monitored data 198

Technical data 199

Circuit breaker failure protection CCBRBRF 199

Identification 199

Function block 199

Functionality 199

Operation principle 200

Application 206

Signals 208

Settings 208

Monitored data 209

Technical data 209

Master trip TRPPTRC 209

Identification 209

Function block 209

Functionality 209

Operation principle 210

Application 211

Signals 212

Settings 213

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Emergency startup ESMGAPC 213

Identification 213

Function block 213

Functionality 213

Operation principle 214

Application 215

Signals 215

Settings 215

Monitored data 216

Technical data 216

Section 6 Supervision functions 217

Trip circuit supervision TCSSCBR 217

Identification 217

Function block 217

Functionality 217

Operation principle 217

Application 218

Signals 225

Settings 225

Monitored Data 226

CT supervision for high-impedance protection scheme HZCCRDIF 226

Identification 226

Function block 226

Functionality 226

Operation principle 227

Measuring modes 228

Application 228

Signals 230

Settings 230

Monitored data 230

Technical data 231

Operation time counter MDSOPT 231

Identification 231

Function block 231

Functionality 231

Operation principle 232

Application 233

Signals 233

Settings 234

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Section 7 Measurement functions 235

Basic measurements 235

Functions 235

Measurement functionality 235

Measurement function applications 239

Three-phase current measurement CMMXU 240

Identification 240

Function block 240

Signals 241

Settings 241

Monitored data 242

Technical data 243

Residual current measurement RESCMMXU 243

Identification 243

Function block 244

Signals 244

Settings 244

Monitored data 245

Technical data 245

Residual voltage measurement RESVMMXU 245

Identification 245

Function block 246

Signals 246

Settings 246

Monitored data 247

Technical data 247

Sequence current measurement CSMSQI 247

Identification 247

Function block 248

Signals 248

Settings 248

Monitored data 249

Technical data 250

Disturbance recorder 250

Functionality 250

Recorded analog inputs 251

Triggering alternatives 251

Length of recordings 252

Sampling frequencies 253

Uploading of recordings 253

Deletion of recordings 254

Storage mode 254

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Pre-trigger and post-trigger data 255

Operation modes 255

Exclusion mode 256

Configuration 256

Application 257

Settings 258

Monitored data 261

Section 8 Control functions 263

Circuit breaker control CBXCBR 263

Identification 263

Function block 263

Functionality 263

Operation principle 263

Application 266

Signals 267

Settings 268

Monitored data 268

Autoreclosing DARREC 268

Identification 269

Function block 269

Functionality 269

Protection signal definition 270

Zone coordination 270

Master and slave scheme 271

Thermal overload blocking 271

Operation principle 272

Signal collection and delay logic 272

Shot initiation 276

Shot pointer controller 277

Reclose controller 278

Sequence controller 280

Protection coordination controller 281

Circuit breaker controller 282

Counters 283

Application 284

Shot initiation 285

Sequence 287

Configuration examples 288

Delayed initiation lines 291

Shot initiation from protection start signal 293

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Monitored data 297

Measured values 299

Technical data 299

Section 9 General function block features 301

Definite time characteristics 301

Definite time operation 301

Current based inverse definite minimum time characteristics 304

IDMT curves for overcurrent protection 304

Standard inverse-time characteristics 306

User-programmable inverse-time characteristics 321

RI and RD-type inverse-time characteristics 321

Reset in inverse-time modes 325

Inverse-timer freezing 334

Measurement modes 335

Section 10 Requirements for measurement transformers 337

Current transformers 337

Current transformer requirements for non-directional overcurrent protection 337

Current transformer accuracy class and accuracy limit factor 337

Non-directional overcurrent protection 338

Example for non-directional overcurrent protection 339

Current transformer requirements for differential protection 340

Section 11 IED physical connections 347

Protective earth connections 347

Binary and analog connections 347

Communication connections 348

Ethernet RJ-45 front connection 348

Ethernet rear connections 349

EIA-485 serial rear connection 349

Communication interfaces and protocols 349

Rear communication modules 350

COM0003 jumper locations and connections 351

Recommended third-party industrial Ethernet switches 353

Section 12 Technical data 355

Section 13 IED and functionality tests 361

Section 14 Applicable standards and regulations 365

Section 15 Glossary 367

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Section 1 Introduction

The technical manual contains application and functionality descriptions and listsfunction blocks, logic diagrams, input and output signals, setting parameters andtechnical data sorted per function The manual can be used as a technical referenceduring the engineering phase, installation and commissioning phase, and duringnormal service

This manual addresses system engineers and installation and commissioningpersonnel, who use technical data during engineering, installation andcommissioning, and in normal service

The system engineer must have a thorough knowledge of protection systems,protection equipment, protection functions and the configured functional logic inthe IEDs The installation and commissioning personnel must have a basicknowledge in handling electronic equipment

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Service manual

Engineering manual

Commissioning manual

Communication protocol manual

Service manual

Engineering manual

Commissioning manual

Communication protocol manual

Communication protocol manual

recommends a sequence for engineering of protection and control functions, LHMIfunctions as well as communication engineering for IEC 61850 and other

supported protocols

The installation manual contains instructions on how to install the IED Themanual provides procedures for mechanical and electrical installation The chaptersare organized in chronological order in which the IED should be installed

The commissioning manual contains instructions on how to commission the IED.The manual can also be used by system engineers and maintenance personnel forassistance during the testing phase The manual provides procedures for checking

of external circuitry and energizing the IED, parameter setting and configuration as

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well as verifying settings by secondary injection The manual describes the process

of testing an IED in a substation which is not in service The chapters are organized

in chronological order in which the IED should be commissioned

The operation manual contains instructions on how to operate the IED once it hasbeen commissioned The manual provides instructions for monitoring, controllingand setting the IED The manual also describes how to identify disturbances andhow to view calculated and measured power grid data to determine the cause of afault

The service manual contains instructions on how to service and maintain the IED.The manual also provides procedures for de-energizing, de-commissioning anddisposal of the IED

The application manual contains application descriptions and setting guidelinessorted per function The manual can be used to find out when and for what purpose

a typical protection function can be used The manual can also be used whencalculating settings

The technical manual contains application and functionality descriptions and listsfunction blocks, logic diagrams, input and output signals, setting parameters andtechnical data sorted per function The manual can be used as a technical referenceduring the engineering phase, installation and commissioning phase, and duringnormal service

The communication protocol manual describes a communication protocolsupported by the IED The manual concentrates on vendor-specific implementations.The point list manual describes the outlook and properties of the data points

specific to the IED The manual should be used in conjunction with thecorresponding communication protocol manual

Some of the manuals are not available yet

Document revision/date Product series version History

Download the latest documents from the ABB Web site


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The caution icon indicates important information or warning related

to the concept discussed in the text It might indicate the presence

of a hazard which could result in corruption of software or damage

or death Therefore, comply fully with all warning and caution notices

A particular convention may not be used in this manual

• Abbreviations and acronyms in this manual are spelled out in the glossary Theglossary also contains definitions of important terms

• Push-button navigation in the LHMI menu structure is presented by using thepush-button icons

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To navigate between the options, use and

• HMI menu paths are presented in bold

Select Main menu/Settings.

• LHMI messages are shown in Courier font

To save the changes in non-volatile memory, select Yes and press

• Parameter names are shown in italics

The function can be enabled and disabled with the Operation setting.

• Parameter values are indicated with quotation marks

The corresponding parameter values are "On" and "Off"

• IED input/output messages and monitored data names are shown in Courier font.When the function starts, the START output is set to TRUE

All available functions are listed in the table All of them may not be applicable toall products

Table 1: Functions, codes and symbols

Protection Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, low stage,

Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, high stage,

Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, high stage,

Three-phase non-directional overcurrent protection, instantaneous stage, instance 1 PHIPTOC1 3I>>> (1) 50P/51P (1)Non-directional earth-fault protection,

low stage, instance 1 EFLPTOC1 Io> (1) 51N-1 (1)Non-directional earth-fault protection,

low stage, instance 2 EFLPTOC2 Io> (2) 51N-1 (2)Non-directional earth-fault protection,

high stage, instance 1 EFHPTOC1 Io>> (1) 51N-2 (1)Non-directional earth-fault protection,

instantaneous stage EFIPTOC1 Io>>> 50N/51NDirectional earth-fault protection, low

stage, instance 1 DEFLPDEF1 Io> -> (1) 67N-1 (1)Directional earth-fault protection, low

stage, instance 2 DEFLPDEF2 Io> -> (2) 67N-1 (2)Directional earth-fault protection,

high stage DEFHPDEF1 Io>> -> 67N-2

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Function IEC 61850 IEC 60617 IEC-ANSI Non-directional (cross-country) earth-

fault protection, using calculated Io EFHPTOC1 Io>> (1) 51N-2 (1)Negative-sequence overcurrent

protection, instance 1 NSPTOC1 I2> (1) 46 (1)Negative-sequence overcurrent

protection, instance 2 NSPTOC2 I2> (2) 46 (2)Negative-sequence overcurrent

protection for motors, instance 1 MNSPTOC1 I2>M (1) 46M (1)Negative-sequence overcurrent

protection for motors, instance 2 MNSPTOC2 I2>M (2) 46M (2)Phase discontinuity protection PDNSPTOC1 I2/I1> 46PD Residual overvoltage protection,

Residual overvoltage protection,

Residual overvoltage protection,

Three-phase thermal protection for feeders, cables and distribution

Loss of load supervision LOFLPTUC1 3I< 37 Motor load jam protection JAMPTOC1 Ist> 51LR Motor start-up supervision STTPMSU1 Is2t n< 49,66,48,51LR Phase reversal protection PREVPTOC1 I2>> 46R

Thermal overload protection for

Circuit breaker failure protection CCBRBRF1 3I>/Io>BF 51BF/51NBF Three-phase inrush detector INRPHAR1 3I2f> 68

High-impedance differential protection, instance 1 HIPDIF1 dHi>(1) 87(1)High-impedance differential

protection, instance 2 HIPDIF2 dHi>(2) 87(2)High-impedance differential

protection, instance 3 HIPDIF3 dHi>(3) 87(3)Master trip, instance 1 TRPPTRC1 Master Trip (1) 94/86 (1) Master trip, instance 2 TRPPTRC2 Master Trip (2) 94/86 (2) Switch groups

Selector switch group SELGAPC SELGAPC SELGAPC Configurable timers

Minimum pulse timer (2 pcs, second resolution), instance 1 TPSGAPC TPS (1) TPS (1)Control

Table continues on next page

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Function IEC 61850 IEC 60617 IEC-ANSI Circuit-breaker control CBXCBR1 I <-> O CB I <-> O CB

Supervision Trip circuit supervision, instance 1 TCSSCBR1 TCS (1) TCM (1) Trip circuit supervision, instance 2 TCSSCBR2 TCS (2) TCM (2) Runtime counter for machines and

CT supervision for high-impedance protection scheme, instance 1 HZCCRDIF1 MCS 1I(1) MCS 1I(1)

CT supervision for high-impedance protection scheme, instance 2 HZCCRDIF2 MCS 1I(2) MCS 1I(2)

CT supervision for high-impedance protection scheme, instance 3 HZCCRDIF3 MCS 1I(3) MCS 1I(3)Measurement

-Three-phase current measurement,

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Section 2 611 series overview

611 series is a product family of IEDs designed for protection, control,measurement and supervision of utility substations and industrial switchgear andequipment The design of the IEDs has been guided by the IEC 61850 standard forcommunication and interoperability of substation automation devices

The IEDs feature draw-out-type design with a variety of mounting methods,compact size and ease of use Depending on the product, optional functionality isavailable at the time of order for both software and hardware, for example,autoreclosure and additional I/Os

The 611 series IEDs support the IEC 61850 with GOOSE messaging and theModbus® communication protocol

Product series version Product series history 1.0 First products from 611 series released

• REB611 with configuration A

• REF611 with configurations A and B

• REM611 with configuration A

• Protection and Control IED Manager PCM600 Ver 2.4 or later

• REB611 Connectivity Package Ver 1.0 or later

• REF611 Connectivity Package Ver 1.0 or later

• REM611 Connectivity Package Ver 1.0 or later

Download connectivity packages from the ABB web site http://www.abb.com/substationautomation

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2.2 Local HMI


Overcurrent Earth-fault Phase unbalance Thermal overload

AR sequence in progress Disturb.rec.trigged Trip circuit failure Breaker failure

The LHMI includes a graphical display that supports two character sizes Thecharacter size depends on the selected language The amount of characters androws fitting the view depends on the character size

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Table 2: Characters and rows on the view

Small, mono-spaced (6x12 pixels) 5 rows 20 Large, variable width (13x14 pixels) 4 rows min 8

The display view is divided into four basic areas

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GUID-B681763E-EC56-4515-AC57-1FD5349715F7 V1 EN

Figure 4: LHMI keypad with object control, navigation and command

push-buttons and RJ-45 communication port

The WHMI enables the user to access the IED via a web browser The supportedweb browser version is Internet Explorer 7.0 or 8.0

WHMI is disabled by default

WHMI offers several functions

• Programmable LEDs and event lists

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GUID-CD531B61-6866-44E9-B0C1-925B48140F3F V1 EN

Figure 5: Example view of the WHMIThe WHMI can be accessed locally and remotely

• Locally by connecting your laptop to the IED via the front communication port

• Remotely over LAN/WAN

The user categories have been predefined for the LHMI and the WHMI, each withdifferent rights and default passwords

The default passwords can be changed with Administrator user rights

User authorization is disabled by default but WHMI always usesauthorization

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Table 3: Predefined user categories

OPERATOR • Selecting remote or local state with (only locally)

• Changing setting groups

• Controlling

• Clearing indications ENGINEER • Changing settings

• Clearing event list

• Clearing disturbance records

• Changing system settings such as IP address, serial baud rate

or disturbance recorder settings

• Setting the IED to test mode

• Selecting language ADMINISTRATOR • All listed above

• Changing password

• Factory default activation

For user authorization for PCM600, see PCM600 documentation

For application specific situations where communication between IEDs and remotesystems are needed, the 611 series IEDs also support IEC 61850 and Modbus®communication protocols Operational information and controls are availablethrough these protocols Some communication functionality, for example,horizontal communication between the IEDs, is only enabled by the IEC 61850communication protocol

The IEC 61850 communication implementation supports monitoring and controlfunctionality Additionally, parameter settings and disturbance and fault recordscan be accessed using the IEC 61850 protocol Disturbance records are available toany Ethernet-based application in the standard COMTRADE file format The IEDcan send and receive binary signals from other IEDs (so called horizontal

communication) using the IEC 61850-8-1 GOOSE profile, where the highestperformance class with a total transmission time of 3 ms is supported The IEDmeets the GOOSE performance requirements for tripping applications indistribution substations, as defined by the IEC 61850 standard The IED cansimultaneously report events to five different clients on the station bus

The IED can support five simultaneous clients If PCM600 reserves one clientconnection, only four client connections are left, for example, for IEC 61850 andModbus

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All communication connectors, except for the front port connector, are placed onintegrated optional communication modules The IED can be connected to Ethernet-based communication systems via the RJ-45 connector (100Base-TX) or the fibre-optic LC connector (100Base-FX) An optional serial interface is available forRS-485 communication.

Managed Ethernet switch

Network Network


Overcurrent Earth-fault Phase unbalance

AR sequence in progress Disturb.rec.trigged Trip circuit failure Breaker failure


Overcurrent Earth-fault Phase unbalance

AR sequence in progress Disturb.rec.trigged Trip circuit failure Breaker failure


Overcurrent Earth-fault Phase unbalance

AR sequence in progress Disturb.rec.trigged Trip circuit failure Breaker failure


Short circuit Combined protection Thermal overload Motor restart inhibit Emergency start enabled Disturb.rec.trigged Breaker failure


High-impedance 1 operate High-impedance start Segregated supervision Disturb.rec.trigged Trip circuit failure Breaker failure

Client B Client A

GUID-A19C6CFB-EEFD-4FB2-9671-E4C4137550A1 V1 EN

Figure 6: Self-healing Ethernet ring solution

The Ethernet ring solution supports the connection of up to thirty

611 series IEDs If more than 30 IEDs are to be connected, it isrecommended that the network is split into several rings with nomore than 30 IEDs per ring

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Section 3 Basic functions

Table 4: Analog input settings, phase currents

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Secondary current 2=1A

Primary current 1.0 6000.0 A 0.1 100.0 Rated primary current

Amplitude corr A 0.900 1.100 0.001 1.000 Phase A amplitude correction factor Amplitude corr B 0.900 1.100 0.001 1.000 Phase B amplitude correction factor Amplitude corr C 0.900 1.100 0.001 1.000 Phase C amplitude correction factor Reverse polarity 0=False

Table 5: Analog input settings, residual current

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Secondary current 1=0.2A

2=1A 3=5A

2=1A Secondary current

Primary current 1.0 6000.0 A 0.1 100.0 Primary current

Amplitude corr 0.900 1.100 0.001 1.000 Amplitude correction

Reverse polarity 0=False

1=True 0=False Reverse the polarity of the residual CT

Table 6: Analog input settings, residual voltage

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Primary voltage 0.100 440.000 kV 0.001 11.547 Primary voltage

Amplitude corr 0.900 1.100 0.001 1.000 Amplitude correction

Table 7: Programmable LED input signals

Programmable LED 1 BOOLEAN 0=False Status of programmable LED 1 Programmable LED 2 BOOLEAN 0=False Status of programmable LED 2

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Name Type Default Description Programmable LED 5 BOOLEAN 0=False Status of programmable LED 5 Programmable LED 6 BOOLEAN 0=False Status of programmable LED 6 Programmable LED 7 BOOLEAN 0=False Status of programmable LED 7 Programmable LED 8 BOOLEAN 0=False Status of programmable LED 8

Table 8: Alarm LED settings

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Alarm LED mode 0=Follow-S1)

1=Follow-F 2) 2=Latched-S 3) 3=LatchedAck-F-

S 4)

0=Follow-S Alarm mode for LED 1

Alarm LED mode 0=Follow-S

1=Follow-F 2=Latched-S 3=LatchedAck-F-S

0=Follow-S Alarm mode for LED 2

Alarm LED mode 0=Follow-S

1=Follow-F 2=Latched-S 3=LatchedAck-F-S

0=Follow-S Alarm mode for LED 3

Alarm LED mode 0=Follow-S

1=Follow-F 2=Latched-S 3=LatchedAck-F-S

0=Follow-S Alarm mode for LED 4

Alarm LED mode 0=Follow-S

1=Follow-F 2=Latched-S 3=LatchedAck-F-S

0=Follow-S Alarm mode for LED 5

Alarm LED mode 0=Follow-S

1=Follow-F 2=Latched-S 3=LatchedAck-F-S

0=Follow-S Alarm mode for LED 6

Alarm LED mode 0=Follow-S

1=Follow-F 2=Latched-S 3=LatchedAck-F-S

0=Follow-S Alarm mode for LED 7

Table continues on next page

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Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Alarm LED mode 0=Follow-S

1=Follow-F 2=Latched-S 3=LatchedAck-F-S

0=Follow-S Alarm mode for LED 8

1) Non-latched mode

2) Non-latched blinking mode

3) Latched mode

4) Latched blinking mode

Table 9: Authorization settings

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Local override 0=False 1)

Remote override 0=False 3)

1) Authorization override is disabled, LHMI password must be entered.

2) Authorization override is enabled, LHMI password is not asked.

3) Authorization override is disabled, communication tools ask password to enter the IED.

4) Authorization override is enabled, communication tools do not need password to enter the IED, except for WHMI which always requires it.

Table 10: Binary input settings

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Threshold voltage 18 176 Vdc 2 18 Binary input threshold voltage

Input osc level 2 50 events/s 1 30 Binary input oscillation suppression

threshold Input osc hyst 2 50 events/s 1 10 Binary input oscillation suppression


Table 11: Ethernet front port settings

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

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Table 12: Ethernet rear port settings

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX Mac address for rear port(s)

Table 13: General system settings

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Rated frequency 1=50Hz

Phase rotation 1=ABC

Blocking mode 1=Freeze timer

2=Block all 3=Block OPERATE output

1=Freeze timer Behaviour for function BLOCK inputs

IDMT Sat point 10 50 I/I> 1 50 Overcurrent IDMT saturation point 1) Depending on the product variant

Table 14: HMI settings

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

FB naming convention 1=IEC61850

2=IEC60617 3=IEC-ANSI

1=IEC61850 FB naming convention used in IED

Default view 1=Measurements

2=Main menu 1=Measurements LHMI default view

Web HMI mode 1=Active read only

2=Active 3=Disabled

3=Disabled Web HMI functionality

Autoscroll delay 0 30 s 1 0 Autoscroll delay for Measurements view

Table 15: IEC 61850-8-1 MMS settings

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Unit mode 1=Primary

0=Nominal 2=Primary-Nominal

0=Nominal IEC 61850-8-1 unit mode

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Table 16: Modbus settings

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Serial port 1 0=Not in use

1=COM 1 2=COM 2

0=Not in use COM port for Serial interface 1

1=odd 2=even

2=even Parity for Serial interface 1

Link mode 1 1=RTU

interface 1

interface 1 Serial port 2 0=Not in use

1=COM 1 2=COM 2

0=Not in use COM port for Serial interface 2

1=odd 2=even

2=even Parity for Serial interface 2

Link mode 2 1=RTU

1=Reg clients 2=All clients

2=All clients Write authority setting for Modbus TCP/

IP clients

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Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Table 17: Serial communication settings

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Fiber mode 0=No fiber

Serial mode 1=RS485 2Wire

2=RS485 4Wire 1=RS485 2Wire Serial mode for COM1

2=600 3=1200 4=2400 5=4800 6=9600 7=19200 8=38400 9=57600 10=115200

6=9600 Baudrate for COM1

Table 18: Serial communication settings

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Fiber mode 0=No fiber

Serial mode 1=RS485 2Wire

2=RS485 4Wire 1=RS485 2Wire Serial mode for COM2

2=600 3=1200 4=2400 5=4800 6=9600 7=19200 8=38400 9=57600 10=115200

6=9600 Baudrate for COM2

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Table 19: Time settings

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Time format 1=24H:MM:SS:MS

2=12H:MM:SS:MS 1=24H:MM:SS:MS Time formatDate format 1=DD.MM.YYYY


1=DD.MM.YYYY Date format

Local time offset -720 720 min 0 Local time offset in minutes

Synch source 0=None

1=SNTP 2=Modbus 5=IRIG-B

1=SNTP Time synchronization source

IP SNTP secondary IP address for SNTP secondary server

DST on day 0=Not in use

1=Mon 2=Tue 3=Wed 4=Thu 5=Fri 6=Sat 7=Sun

0=Not in use Daylight savings time on, day of week

DST offset -720 720 min 60 Daylight savings time offset, in minutes

DST off day 0=Not in use

1=Mon 2=Tue 3=Wed 4=Thu 5=Fri 6=Sat 7=Sun

0=Not in use Daylight savings time off, day of week

Table 20: X100 PSM binary output signals

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Name Type Default Description



Table 21: X120 AIM binary input signals

Table 22: X120 AIM binary input settings

Parameter Values (Range) Unit Step Default Description

Input 1 inversion 0=False

Input 2 inversion 0=False

Input 3 inversion 0=False

Input 4 inversion 0=False

Table 23: X130 BIO binary output signals

Ngày đăng: 29/01/2019, 11:23

