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Nguyen Phương Dông Nguễn Phương Đông

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  • Study Plan

  • Enrolled Name: ♣ Nguyen Phuong Dong

  • Student ID Number: ♣ 13000241

  • Date of Admission (transfer): ♣ August 28th, 2013

  • 11 - - 2018

  • Student’s name:                                       

  • Degree:                                                

  • Major:                                             

  • Date conferred:                                    

  • Name of institution:                                   

Nội dung

[Form 1] 입입 입입입 [2019 Spring] Application form - SKKU Graduate school 2019 학학학 학학 학학학학학학학 (※ means ‘Official Only’) ※ 학학학학(Applicant No.) Korean 학학(Name on Passport) English NGUYEN PHUONG DONG Nanoscience and Technology 학학학학 (Department you apply) 학학 (Master’s/Ph.D/Combined Master&Ph.D) 학 학 (Photo) (4cm×5cm) Combined Master & Ph.D First Year 학학학학 (First Year or Transfer) (Day) 14 학학학학 (Date of Birth) (Month) 10 Vietnamese 학학 (Nationality) 학학학학학학학학 학학 - TOPIK (Official Language Test Results) (Year) 1995 Male 학학 (Gender) 학학학학학학학학 학학 – English (Official Language Test Results) (Test) (Score) 학학학학학학학(Alien Registration No.) 학학학학 (Passport No.) C3843717 학학학 (E-mail address) npdong.chemist1410@gmail.com (Card Holders Only) 학학학학학(Cellular phone No.) 학학학학학학 학학학학 학학 학 학학학 (+84) 334 027 305 Professor Gil – Ho Kim Recommending SKKU professor(if any)’s name, phone number, email address ※입입입입, 입입 입입 입입입입 입입 입 입입입입입 입입입입 입입 입입입입입 입입입입 Email: Applicants for the department of Natural Science and Engineering are recommended to select Phone number: his/her adviser and contact the professor prior to applying Name of University (Official English Name) Major 학 학 (Bachelor’s) Date of Admission ghkim@skku.edu +82 (0)10 8616 3341 Hanoi University of Science (HUS) – Vietnam National University (VNU) Physical chemistry (Day/Month/Year) (29/08/2013) Grade Point Average (GPA) Date of Graduation (out of) 2.84/4.00 (Day/Month/Year) (29/06/2017) Name of University (Official English Name) 학 학 학 학 (Master’s) Grade Point Average (GPA) Major Date of Admission (Day/Month/Year) Date of Graduation (out of) / (Day/Month/Year) Name of University (Official English Name) 학 학 (Ph.D) Date of Admission Vietnamese 학 학학 (Nationality of Father) 1.입입입입입 Study Plan 2.입입입입입 Self-Introduction 3.입입 입입(입입)입입입 Certificate of graduation(Bachelor) Official 4.입입 입입입입입 Only Transcript(Bachelor) 5.입입 입입(입입)입입입 Certificate of graduation(Master) 6.입입 입입 입입입 Transcript(Master) 학학학학학 [Form 2] Grade Point Average (GPA) Major ※ (Day/Month/Year) Date of Graduation 7.입입입입입입입 Letter of Consent ※ ※ 9.입입입입입입입입입입입 ※ Credential Reports(Institutions in China only) 10.입입입입입입입(입입입/입입) ※ Language Certificate 11.입입입입입입입 ※ Family relations certificate ※ 12.입입입입 Copy of passport ※ 학학학학학 / (Day/Month/Year) Vietnamese 학 학학 (Nationality of Mother) ※ ※ 8.입입입입입입입 Letter of Request (out of) ※ ※ ※ ※ 학학학학※ Self-Introduction 학 학 학 학 학(학학학/English) 2019-Spring 학학학학 Major Nanoscience and Technology 학 학 Name Nguyen Phuong Dong My name is Nguyen Phuong Dong, I come from Vietnam, a developing country which needs losts of improvement Like my country, I have a lot of rooms for self development Since I was a child, I always dreamt of being a successful person To archieve that goal, I realized that I should learn much not only things at school but things of how to become a good person I am the type of party person, I like singing and alittle bit dancing I can play the guitar with some basic songs I like it most when I am surrounded by my friends We can sing and dance together When I was at university, I joined some sport clubs such as volleyball team and football team Football is my favourite sport I and my football team often go out for dinner after every late match Beside football, chemistry is my favourite, too Chemistry first catches my attention when I saw the litmus paper changes its color at the school lab At that moment, that changing colour is like a magic to me I have never seen such a fabulous thing before From then on, I focused on chemistry more I started studying other new things That passion with chemistry was with me until now In my school years, I always hoped to have an opportunity of studying abroad To communicate with foreign students as well as broaden my mind is the things I admired I can not only learn new knowledge from a different culture but also show the beauty of Vietnamese community I was raised up in a traditional family and the Vietnamese in my eyes are people who are hard working, honest and friendly I am very excited to express who I am to international students and make friend with cool people In my opinion, Korea is an attracting country with diversified culture Next to the trending Hallyu, Korea is famous for its professional education system From my understanding, the Korean pay the highest attention to their children’s future That is the reason why they put so much effort into their academic system I am really greatful to have a chance to experience that wonderful education system I feel hungry for knowledge all the time, and I am sure with the things I have learnt in vietnam, I can easily get used to the new environment and hopefully I can some useful things to contribute to Korean’s education system S U N GKYU N KWA N U N IVERS IT Y G RA DU AT E SCHO O L [Form 3] Study Plan 학학학학학 2019-Spring Type of Application 입 입 Major 입입입입 Degree First Year (학) Transfer( ) 입입입 입입입 입 입 Nanoscience and Technology Master’s( ) Ph.D.( ) Combined MS & Ph.D (학) 입입 입입 입,입입입입 Name 입 입 Nguyen Phuong Dong ※ Describe your study plan according to headings below(1page each, in Korean or English) 입입 입입 입입입 입입 입입입 입입 입입입입 입입입입입입.(입 입)(입입입 입입 입입입 입입입입입) Personal academic orientation 학학학 학학 학학 Future study plan(s) 학학 학학학학 Reason of application and personal goal(s) 학 학 학학 학 학학학 학학 Other(s) 학학 Personal academic orientation I have been doing research on nanoscience for the whole four years at university Nowadays, nanoscience is one of the hot trending ways of doing research People can find it really practical when apply into reality I hope that I can find out something new or at least I can pass my understanding to the new students SU N G KYU N KWA N U N IVERS IT Y GRA DU AT E S CHO O L [Form 3] Study Plan 학학학학학 2019-Spring Reason of application and personal goals The reason why I apply for this major is that I feel really interested in it As I mentioned before, nanoscience has a lot of practical application to the reality Nanotechnology has a strong benefit that is it makes building structures of material at small scale become exact and facilitate extending the material science toolkit It become extremely useful to every aspects of life such as medical and healthcare (for example nanomedicine), energy application (enhancing alternative energy), environmental remeditation and transportation (which I think promises much of developing) I think nanoscience and technology is very helpful in modern society In the being time of studying this major, I will spend much time on researching It can be a little bit confusing to me now as I not have a full view of nanoscience However, if I have time for research and studying, I can be sure of going to every detail of it SU N G KYU N KWA N U N IVERS IT Y GRA DU AT E S CHO O L [Form 3] Study Plan 학학학학학 2019-Spring Future study plans I understand that the Lab needs me with doing research To be useful in the lab, I will developing myself more I am kind of a bookaholic, I am really exciting to read every book there and learn from surrounding people as well I may not have a specific study plan right now However, I promise of a detailed one when I get to know the new circumtance SU N G KYU N KWA N U N IVERS IT Y GRA DU AT E S CHO O L [Form 4] 2019-Spring CONSENT FORM OF ACADEMIC INQUIRY(입입입입입입입) SUNGKYUNKWAN UNIVERSITY Office of International Student Services 2066, Seobu-ro, Jangan-gu, Suwon, Korea NO ※Applicants should fill in the blanks marked with ♣ in English only To Whom It May Concern: This letter is to confirm that I graduated from ♣Hanoi University of Science (HUS) – Vietnam National University (VNU) I have applied to Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul, Korea for the ♣2019 academic year and have agreed to allow Sungkyunkwan University to officially request my academic records from the schools I graduated from In this regard, I would like to request your full assistance when the University Admission Office contacts you regarding verification of enrollment and transcripts Enrolled Name: ♣ Nguyen Phuong Dong Student ID Number: ♣ 13000241 Date of Birth: ♣ October 14th, 1995 Date of Admission (transfer): ♣ August 28th, 2013 Date of Graduation (withdrawal): ♣ June 23rd, 2017 (♣Information at the graduated school) Sincerely, _ Signature Date ♣ ♣(Month) - (Day) - (Year) 2018 ※입입 입입입입(Example) 11 - 2018 (입:Month) (입:Day) (입:Year) [Form 5] 2019-Spring LETTER OF REQUEST FOR ACADEMIC INQUIRY (입입입입입입입) NO SUNGKYUNKWAN UNIVERSITY Office of International Student Services 2066, Seobu-ro, Jangan-gu, Suwon, Korea ♣ ♣ Date: 22 11 2018 (DD/MM/YYYY) Name of school: Hanoi University of Science (HUS) – Vietnam National University (VNU) ♣ Address of school: No 334, Nguyen Trai Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi City, Viet Nam ♣ Zip code: 100000.24 ♣ Fax: +84-4-3858-3061 ♣ Student Name: Nguyen Phuong Dong ♣ School Phone Number: +84-4-3858-4615 ♣ School or Staff E-mail: dhkhtn@hn.vnn.vn ♣ Student ID Number: 13000241 Subject: Requesting Student Information Dear Sir or Madam, The above applicant has submitted educational documents issued by your institution to our university We ask that you please verify the accuracy and authenticity of the enclosed documents We need your confirmation about his/her graduation, field of major, and date of graduation Please fill in the lines below and return this document to our office You may respond via fax or mail Sincerely, Vice President of International Affairs Questions to verify student information Student’s name: Degree: Major: Date conferred: Name of institution: Signature of University Official ... 학 학 학 학(학학학/English) 2019-Spring 학학학학 Major Nanoscience and Technology 학 학 Name Nguyen Phuong Dong My name is Nguyen Phuong Dong, I come from Vietnam, a developing country which needs losts of... (VNU) ♣ Address of school: No 334, Nguyen Trai Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi City, Viet Nam ♣ Zip code: 100000.24 ♣ Fax: +84-4-3858-3061 ♣ Student Name: Nguyen Phuong Dong ♣ School Phone... Admission Office contacts you regarding verification of enrollment and transcripts Enrolled Name: ♣ Nguyen Phuong Dong Student ID Number: ♣ 13000241 Date of Birth: ♣ October 14th, 1995 Date of Admission

Ngày đăng: 31/12/2018, 16:52

