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TỪ GỐC a handful of a setback to abandon abbreviate abhorrent abiding ablaze abnormally abolish abound in abroad abrupt abruptly absentminded abstract abundant abundantly abundantly academy accede with accelerate accelerate accelerate accept access accessible acclaim acclaim accommodate accommodation accompany accompany accordingly accordingly account account for accretion accumulate accumulate accurate accustom to ache achievement acid TỪ ĐỒNG NGHĨA a few a check to the progress of give up short distasteful enduring radiant exceptionally eliminate be full of in other countries sudden suddenly forgetful summary plentiful in great numbers generously school agree to increase rapid speed up permitted admittance to available praised recognition handle lodging joined traveled with for that reason consequently explain explain accumulation collect pile up exact used to hurt accomplishment harsh LOẠI TỪ n n v v a a a ad v v ad a ad a n a ad ad n v v v v v n a v n v n v v ad ad v v n v v a v v n a acquaint with acquire acrid acrimonious actively actually actuate acute acutely adaptation addition address adequate adhere adherent adjacent adjoining adjunct adjunct to administered admire adopt adopt adorn adornment adult advantage advent advent adverse adversely adversely advocate aesthetically affection affectionately affliction affluence aggressive agrarian agrarian ahead of ahead of aid aided informed about obtained bitter bitter vigorously really set in motion critical keenly modification besides speech sufficient stick follower near;nearby neighboring addition addition to managed esteem enact take on decorate embellishment mature make use of coming arrival negative negatively detrimentally proponent artistically fondness lovingly problem wealth combative farming agricultural preceding in front of help helped v v a a ad ad v a ad n n n a v n a a n n v v v v v n a n n n a ad ad n ad n ad n n a a a prep prep v v ailment aim aim airborne alarm alert all allegiance alliance allocate allocate alloy alloy almost almost aloft alongside aloof from alter alter alter alteration alternately alternative alternative to altitude altogether amateur ambition ambitious ambivalence amenity amount an impetus to analogy ancestor anchor ancient ancient ancillary anguished annals annihilate annoying annual disease goal objective aloft frightened wary everywhere loyalty association distributed awarded mixed blend nearly practically in flight next to separate from change modify adjust renovation one after another option substitute for elevation completely nonprofessional goal enterprising conflicting feeling comfort quantity an incentive to parallel forefather secure old earliest secondary tormented chronicle conquer irritating yearly n n n a v a ad n n v v v./n v./n ad ad ad ad a v v v n ad n n n ad n n a n n n n n n v a a a a n v a a annually anonymous antagonist antagonistic antecedent anthem anticipate anticipate antique apace with apathetic apparel apparently appeal appealing appear applaud application apply appoint appreciate appreciated appreciation approach appropriate appropriation approximately apt aptly aptly arbitrarily arboreal ardent arduous arduous arid aromatic arouse arouse arouse arrange arrange array arrive article yearly unknown enemy quarreling predecessor song look forward to expect old as fast as uninvolved clothes seemingly challenge attractive seem clap use used for designate admire recognized recognition near suitable founding about appropriate appropriately fittingly randomly tree-dwelling passionate difficult laborious dry fragrant provoke excite stimulate put together planned collection reach object ad a n a n n v v a a n ad v a v v n v v v v n v a n ad a ad ad ad a a a a a a v v v v v n v n artificial as a result of as a substitute for as well as ascend ascertain ask asphyxiation aspiration assemble assemble assemble assembly assert asset assiduous assist assist associate assortment assumption assumption assuredly astonishing astonishing at home at once atmosphere attach attachment attained attained attempt attempt attend attendant attire attire attire attractive attractive attribute attribute attribute attribute to synthetic because of in place of in addition of climb determine request suffocation ambition gather bring together put together gathering emphatically state advantage diligent help aid connect variety belief supposition certainly astounding amazing comfortable immediately air fasten preference for achieved reached effort try present accompanying clothing dress clothing pretty appealing credit characteristics trait testify as a ad v v v n n v v v n v n a v v v n n n ad a a a ad n v n v v v./n v./n v n n n n a a v n n v./n auditory authentically authorize automatically autonomous autonomy autumn avail available avaricious avert avert aviator avid award awe awesome bachelor backbone backlog baffle balance balmy ban ban ban ban band band banish bark barren barren barrier to barter base basically battle battle be committed to be fond of be fraught with be fraught with be penalized for be preoccupied with hearing genuinely empower involuntarily independent independence fall make use obtainable greedy avoid prevent pilot eager present with wonder amazing unmarried man spine accumulation perplex to equilibrium mild prohibited forbid prohibited forbidden form groups stripe exile outer covering infertile infertile obstacle to trade center of operation fundamentally struggle fight(fought) be dedicated to like charge with full of be punished for engrossed in a ad v ad a n n v a a v v n a v n a n n n n n a v v v v n./v n./v v n a a n v n ad v./n v./n v a a a v a bead beam bear bear bear bear bear(bore) beat(beaten) become tarnished bedridden bedrock begin behavior behind behold belong to belong to beneath beneficial besides best better beverage beyond bias big big bind bind biography biological birth bit bizarrely blaze bleach bleak blend blink blunder blunt blurred boast boast boat drop ray assume support yield carry carry whip lost its luster confined to bed foundation commence conduct to the rear of view be members of be owned by below advantageous in addition to most highly improve drink outside prejudice large populous tie join accounts of people's lives living beginning somewhat oddly burn brightly whiten desolate combine shut their eyes briefly mistake dull indistinct brag claim ship n n v v v v v v v a n v n prep v v v prep a prep ad v n prep n a a v v n a n n ad v v a v v n a a n./v n./v n boldly bond boost boosted bore bothersome bothersome bottom bound bound bound boundary boundless brag branch brave brawl breach breach break break apart break out break up breakdown of breathtaking breathtaking breed breed brevity bricklayer brief brief look brightness brilliantly bring about bring about bring about bring about briskly brittle brittle broach broad broad broaden daringly link raise raised drill irritating annoying floor limit constraint held border infinite boast division courageous fight rift violation departure from split begin separate itemization of exciting stunning raise hatch/mate ? conciseness mason short glance radiance brightly cause cause introduce produce energetically breakable easily broken bring up wide general widened ad n v v v a a n n n v n a n./v n a n n n n ad v v n a a v v n n a n n ad v v v v ad a a v a a v broadly brochure brochure bruise bulk bulk burglary bury busy by and large by chance by-product by-product from byword calculate caliber call for call off calmly came to the forefront camouflage capacity capital caption capture care career career carried on carry cast catastrophe categorize category caution cave cease celebrate celebrated celebrated celebratory celestial cement cement census liberally pamphlet short pamphlet damage most majority theft embed in use on the whole accidentally derivative derivative of epithet determine quality require cancel quietly became impotant conceal ability money title caught attention profession vocation continued support project disaster classify group warn cavern stop praise distinguish famous full of praise astronomical bond stick population count ad n n v n n n v a ad ad n n n v n v v ad v n n n v n n n v v v n v n v n v v a a n a v v n centennial champion chance changeover from character characteristic characteristic characteristically characteristics charge chatterbox cheap check chiefly chiefly chill choice chronically chronicle chronologically chubby cite cite clamor for clasp classify classify clean clear clear away climate climax of cling to cling to clinging clip clog cloth club clue clump cluster coagulate coalition coarse hundredth anniversary advocate unplanned conversion from nature distinguishing feature distinctive typically qualities attack incessant talker inexpensive control mainly principally cool selection persistently describe according to a time sequence plump refer to mention loudly demand hold categorize categorize empty unobstructed move weather condition high point in hold fast to stick to close-fitting trim congest fabric association information bunch group clot alliance rough n n a n n n a ad n v n a v ad ad v n ad v ad a v v v v v v v a v n n v v a v v n n n n v v n a scarcely scarlet scene scenic scheme scholarly scope scorched score scrub scrupulously scrupulously scrutiny scurrying seashore seaside secession secluded secluded secrete secure secure sedentary see seek seek seek seek seem seemingly segment segment seize seldom seldom select selection self-esteem self-reliant sensation sensational sense sensitive sentiment sentimental barely bright red location picturesque plot learned extent burned musical compositions scour meticulously diligently examination rushing coast beach withdrawal remote isolated produce acquire safe inactive view search for campaign for try endeavor appear apparently sector portion grasp rarely hardly ever choose variety pride independent feeling exciting detect delicate opinion emotional ad a n a n a n v n v ad ad n v n a n a a v v ad a v v v v v v ad n n v ad ad v n n a n a v a n a separate sequence serendipitous serve as set set set set it apart set off set up set up setting settle settle settled settlement severe severe poverty shape sharp sharp sharply shed sheen shelter shield shift shift shift shifting shock shore short shortcut shortcut show shrink shrub shun shy side effect sideways sightless significant silly distinct progression fortuitous function as establish situate prescribed differentiate it begin arrange establish scene decide inhabit stabled community harsh indigence form clear sudden steeply explain luster cover protect alteration change move moving offend coast brief direct route more direct route demonstrate contract bush avoid timid secondary reaction laterally blind meaningful foolish a n a v v v a ad v v v n v v a n a n n a a ad v n n v n v n a n n v v n v a a ad a a a similar similar to simultaneously simultaneously simultaneously single single-handedly sit sit on site skepticism sketch sketch sketch of skill skilled skilled skip skyrocket skyrocket slash slaughter sleep briefly slender slender slight slightly slim sloping sloppily sluggish sluggish smart smart smooth operation smudge snap snout society soil sole sole solemn solemnly solidify comparable resembling at the same time concurrently at the same time exclusive by oneself rest serve on location doubt draw outline outline of ability expert proficient miss increase rapidly rise rapidly cut kill nap thin slim small a little lean inclined messily lethargic slow intelligent clever effective functioning smear break nose community dirty only bottom serious somberly assure a a ad ad ad a ad v v n n v n./v n a a v v v v v n a a a ad a a a a a a a v v n n v a a ad v solitary solitude solo some sometimes somewhat somewhat sort sort out soundproof sour source source source of energy sovereign sow span span spanning spark spark sparsely spawn speck speculate speech speed spell spin spine spiny splendor splice split spoil spoil spot spot spot spouse spread out spring spur squander squash alone seclusion unaccompany approximately occasionally rather to some degree type separate impermeable to noise tart origin beginning fuel independent plant cover reach across covering bring about arouse thinly generate particle hypothesize language swiftness detail whirl backbone prickly magnificence join cut rot go bad see sight location wife radiate emerge stimulate waste crush a n a ad ad ad ad n v a a n n n a v v v v v v ad v n v n n v v n a n v v v v n v v v v v squirt stable stage staggering stain stalk stamina stand stand against stand for standard standard standard standardized standing standing standpoint staple staple staple startling startling stately stationary stature steadfast steadfastly steadily stem from stern stick to stick to stiff stiffness still still stimulate stink stir stock stoically stop store store storm spurt out fixed phase overwhelming discolor stem endurance tolerate defiance of represent regular criteria customary uniform not flowing status perspective popular edition? basic element basic part surprising astonishing majestic immobile height unwavering determinedly consistently derive from strict cling to attach to rigid rigidity motionless nevertheless encourage smell bad awake repertory impassively lull supply keep bad weather v a n a v n n a a a n n n n n a a a a n a ad ad v a v v a n a v v v n ad n n story strain strain strand strange strategy stratum streamlined strength strength strenuous strenuously stress stress stretch stretch stretch across strict strictly strictly strike strike strike strike striking striking striking striking strikingly stringent stringently stroller strongly strongly struggle struggle stubborn stumble stun stun stunt subject subjugated submerge submit level tension stress thread unfamiliar tactic layer smoothly shape basis force arduous vigorously emphasize tension expand pull taut span precise tightly exclusively light (lit) hit make contact with work stoppage outstanding prominent impressive noticeable remarkably strict rigorously walker heavily emphatically competition fight obdurate trip daze amaze hinder susceptible conquered under water present n n v n a n n a n n a ad v n v v v a ad ad a a a a ad a ad n ad ad n n a v v v v a v v v subsequent subsequently subside subsidiary subsidize substance substantial substitute substitute substitute for subterranean successful succinct succulent succumb suddenly sufficient sufficient suggest suit suit suit suitably sum summit summit sumptuous sums supplant supple supplement supplement support supposedly suppress supremacy supreme sure surge surge surging surmise surpass surplus surround later later die down branch finance material sturdy replacement exchange replacement for underground victorious concise juicy yield to abruptly adequate enough propose fit accommodate adapt appropriately total apex peak luxurious amounts replace limber extension add to hold seemingly check dominance most outstanding certain jump increase sharply accelerating guess exceed extra encircle a ad v n v n a a a a a v ad a a v v v v ad n n n a n v a n v v ad v n a a n v a v v a v survival suspend suspense suspicious of sustain sustain sustain sustenance swarm sway sweat swiftly swirl symmetrical symmetry symptom synthesis synthesize synthetic synthetically system systematically taboo tacitly tactic take down take after take for take in take into account take off take on take place take priority take up take-off tale tame tamp tangled tangled tantamount tap tardy task existence hang plot mistrustful of prolong suffer support livelihood throng persuade perspire rapidly rotate proportionally balanced balance sign formation integrate artificial artificially method methodically prohibit implicitly maneuver record resemble confuse sb With deceive consider depart assume occur should be filled first occupy launching story domesticate pack down snarl twisted together equivalent draw upon late chore n v n a v v v n v v v ad v a n n v v a ad n ad a a n v v v v n v v n n v v n v v a a a v a n task task taste taste taut tautly tedious teem with telling temper temperate tempting tenable tenaciously tend tend tenor tension term term terminate terminate terrain terrestrial terrify terse test textile textile thanks to thaw thaw theme thereby thereby therefore therefore think highly thorough thoroughfare thoroughly threateningly thrive thrive thriving job duty appreciation flavor tightly stretched tightly tiresome swarm with challenging moderate moderate attractive warrantable stubbornly care for prone nature stress expression known as stop end land land frighten concise experimental fabric cloth because of melt defrost tale thus by that means consequently thus admire complete street completely menacingly well on flourish flourishing n n n n a ad a v a v a a a ad v v n n n v v v n a v a n n n n v v n ad ad ad v a n ad ad v v a throughout throughout throughout throw away thrust tidy tie up tier timber timid tiny tiny tip off tiresome to their mutual benefit token tolerate tolerate tool top top touchdown touching tough tough trace trace trace trade tradition trait tranquil tranquility trap trash travel traverse treasure tremendous tremendous tremendously trend tributary trigger troublesome all over everywhere in during discard push neat hinder layer wood fearful little minuscule told sb boring good for both of them memento endure survive in instrument upper end tallest landing moving hard strong imprint connect residue exchange custom quality serene peacefulness caught garbage accompany cross value great huge greatly tendency branch set off annoying v n a v n n a a a v a n v v n n a a a n v n n a n v n v v v a a ad n n v a trousers truly truly tryout turbulent turn aside turn down turn into twilight typical typically typify ubiquitous ultimately ultimately ultimately unattended unbroken uncover uncustomary under the weather undergo undergoing undergone underground underlying underscore undertake undertake underwater craft undoubtedly undoubtedly undoubtedly unemployed unequivocally unheard-of uniform uniform uniformly unique unique unique universally unlike unlikely pants genuinely actually performance violent deflect reject become at dusk average usually characterize widespread in the final analysis finally eventually unguard uninterrupted reveal uncommon sick experience experiencing experienced subterranean fundamental emphasize take on wage submarine surely unquestionably certainly jobless definitely unknown alike consistent consistently peerless particular singular everywhere in contrast to improbable n ad ad n a ad v v n a ad v a ad ad ad a a v a n v v v a a v v v n ad ad ad a ad a a a ad a a a ad prep a unmatched unprecedented unquenchable unquestionably unravel unravel unrestrained unrestricted unrivaled unsettling unskillfully unstable unstable unstable unsubstantiated unwieldy up to up to up to upbringing upgrade upheaval uphold upright upset upside-down up-to-date urge urged urgently usher usually usually utter utterly utterly vacant vague vague valiantly valley valuable valuable valued variable unequaled never seen before insatiable positively discover unwind unchecked unlimited unmatched troubling inexpertly troubled inconstant variable unverified cumbersome able to make a maximum of as many as education improve violent disturbance preserve vertical disturb inverted current advocate encouraged desperately beginning commonly customarily voice completely absolutely empty elementary imprecise bravely depression very useful useful precious factor a a a ad v v a a a a ad a a a a a prep prep prep n v n v a v a a v v ad v ad ad v ad ad ad a a ad n a a a n variation various vary vary vast vast vast vast vast vast vehicle vein velocity veneration venom venomous ventilation ventilation venture verdict verify vertigo very very closely vessel vestige via viable vibrant vicinity vie for view vigorously virtually virtually virtually virtually vital vivid vocal vocation vogue void volunteer vote change different differ range large enormous tremendous broad immense great a means of conveying blood vessel speed worship of poison poisonous air circulation air endeavor decision confirm dizziness extremely intimately ship evidence by way of feasible bright area compete for opinion strongly completely practically almost practically essential bright voiced profession fashion canceled offer cast their ballot n a v v a a a a a a n n n n n a n n n n v n ad ad n n prep a a n v n ad n ad ad ad a a a n n a v v voyage vulnerable to wage walkout wallow wane want to much wanton ward off warily warn warrior wave way weaken weapon wear away wear out weariness weary weave wed wedge weep weight weirdly well well-being well-known well-known well-liked whelmingly whether while whisk off whole wholeheartedly wholesome wide widely wider widespread widespread widespread widespread journey susceptible to pay strike roll decline greedy senseless keep away prudently admonish fighter surge manner dilute arm erode no longer usable fatigue tired cloth making marry cram cry heaviness strangely effectively welfare celebrated famous popular triumphantly if whereas hurry away entire enthusiastically healthful extensive extensively more extensive far-reaching prevalent extensive general n a n n v v./n a a v ad v n n n v n v v n a v v v v n ad ad n a a a ad conj conj v a ad a a ad a a a a a widespread wild wild wild wildlife wildly will win wind up wipe out with respect to withdraw from wither withhold within withstand withstand witness witty wobble woo wood woolly worldwide worship wrath wry yearly yield yield young youth zenith common uncultivated undomesticated uncultivated animal furiously determination achieve conclude destroy with regard to quit shrivel retain inside resist endure observe humorous teeter court forest hairy global revere anger twist annual provide produce new child pinnacle a a a a n ad n v v v v v v prep v v v a v v n a a v n a a v v a n n