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Đề thi học kỳ và cả năm tiếng anh 10

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Bài Tập Tiếng Anh 10 (Có Đáp Án)Sách bài tập được biên soạn dưới dạng vở bài tập, dựa theo sách giáo khoa Tiếng Anh 10 của Bộ Giáo Dục và Đào Tạo.Sách là tập hợp các bài tập thực hành về phát âm (pronunciation), từ vựng (vocabulary), ngữ pháp (grammar and structure), đọc hiểu (reading comprehension), nói (speaking) và viết (writing), nhằm giúp học sinh luyện tập các nội dung trọng tâm của bài học.Các bài tập được biên soạn theo từng đơn vị bài học (Unit) có nội dung tương ứng với đơn vị bài học trong sách giáo khoa. Sau phần bài tập tự luận của mỗi đơn vị bài học có hai bài kiểm tra (Test 1 và Test 2) dạng trắc nghiệm củng cố kiến thức trong đơn vị bài học đó. Sau ba đơn vị bài học có bài tự kiểm tra (Test Yourself) được soạn như bài kiểm tra một tiết và sau Unit 8 và Unit 16 có hai bài kiểm tra học kì nhằm giúp các em ôn luyện và củng cố kiến thức đã học.Bài tập Tiếng Anh 10 sẽ là quyển sách thực hành và ôn luyện thiết thực, đáp ứng được yêu cầu luyện tập và nâng cao trình độ tiếng Anh cho học sinh lớp 10.

MAI LAN HƯƠNG - NGUYEN THANH LOAN HẦ THANH UYÊN - PHAN THỊ MAI PHƯỢNG ( CỔ Đ Á P ÁN) ĐỂ CHỐNG IN LẬU, LÀM^GIẬ; CHÚNG TÔI CHO IN 16 TRANG MÀU CĨ HỈNHtíHÌM, CHẤT LƯỢNG CAO XIN QUÝ KHÁCH HÀNG KtỂM TRA ĐỂ TRÁNH MÙA NHẦM SÁCH GIẢ :§ | I f i f e f " ' • • Mí >■••- ■ọ/í r Ĩ■ Ể V S t?r •^1 • Ụ N ỊT 1: A ệD A Ỵ JN THE LIFE OF Ị f ị tìí Ể r 2t ị J Ì Ệ ĩ T - : :-O ^O PLÍE^ BACKGR0UNT) >:;r;.:ị*ù •ị '■ ■ •■’■TEST YOURSELF V .: ỉẳ e i '37; $^ Ị- ' W ĩ T 4: SPECIAL ẸDỨCATION y m T : TECHNOLOGY AND Y O U :L * Z il 51V ’’.63 ‘ỰNÍT 6: AN EXCURSION „ L ; ^ ’• *.* 73 j : TẸỘT YOURSELF ỤNẼr 7: THE MASS MEDIA .; 77 • Í UNIT 8: THE STORY OF MY VILLAGE 8 : 10:1 : TEST YOURSELF I B s 105 iliG r 121 V133r 145- THE FiBST-SEMESTER E X ^ j N ^ Q N i ị ỤNÍT 9: ƯNỊBERSEA WORLD UNIT 10: GOTSEKVATION UNIT 11: ;n 1: ' m ^ n a i 7p a r k s _ .;„ ^ ■., JV : UNTT 12: "AÍUSIC .^ ivL ;.' vli-iijwiiỉặiỊậẩí'íẫ.*Sv£iw ƯNỊET 13: FILM ^N D CIN EM A :.X4^ Ị Ự N ÍT 14: TÍĨÉ WORLD C U P l Ị ' TEST yOURSELF ị- ' T -■■■ ■' ' P O T 15: * c n r a s ~ ^ I- t m IT : H I S T & C ^ PLAC& :;u ; ■i ' :•- • T E S r|fo p ftS E iif ị:-' b ’ THE S^O N D -SEM EST E & iỉ ■ V 161 : 173 ^ ^ ' 184 : i 8§ ^ , : z :204 /215 I 1219 225 : ■ ' ĐỂ CHỐNG IN LAụ, LÀM GUẢ; PHUNG TOị CHÒ IN t6^ R A N ữ ’*ịAU:eỔ XIN QUÝ KHÁCH HANG KIEM TRADE T R A N H * ^ NHAM SÁCH GIẢ ' lp A I^Y IN T H E -^M *to&ye>si*ssres?%jy_: T_— "'J - ; - yĐm S " ' - , ; , ■■■: ' - 1_ ^ • ìiỊ p it e ^hẽ word so that /i/ becomes /Í;/ and ■"£?■: /ỈÌỈ t’-' —3.;'■ •■"',• ■ /ì;/ 1/ £ È ' l u •■:• % ■ JL ■■ ■^.1: : i: rich - ■.-:■■ - - - ' 'V ■■■■•.'- reo cfe;:2 _ peak ! hit '% beat S — ~ ^5-Tri" l' ^ỉìèi> did the plane take offi biặỉding 2V T&ẹJtBtreỵes ran away when the burglar alarm b- move downward „ ’ ẩíặ l^ ^ ^ ^ ^ b rea k We’ll go on when you are ready We had trouble putting up the tent iir>the dark lOpFire fighters soon put out th e fire c made stop burning d- leave the gro md e/talked in fries? fly way f.stopped g g a tin g into h get out of bed continue i.L continue j- rang j- rang xn Complete the passage with the correct form o f the verb in brackets - There (1) (be) three adults and twỡ children in th e Bartons Tfie xdiildren are Ben, aged twelve, and little Stella, who is foiir Their panenisfaie Andrew and Marion The other adult IS Leslie, who is Andrew’s * " J- *■ (live) in Newcastle, iarg? (get up) early Andrew https://sachhoc.com B en (10) _ (catch) th e school bus a t eight-fifteen Leslie (11')(be) a t university, studying physics He* lives, away from home during term-time, so be (12) ? (avoid; the noise, too Stella (13) _ _ _ (not go) to school yet, of course N ext year, she * ỊL4)._.'_(start) a t th e nursery schơol w here Ben used to I go* H er m other (15) (look) forward to this, afs it will, mean : th t she can gobjgtck to work Before her m arriage, she (16) (live) in London, where she (17) _ (work) for the National Gallery She (18) _ (hope) to find the same sort of job in Newcastle I Ị • TV Complete the/conversation Put in the past sim ple form of 'the verbs C ỉaire : (X) _ (you/ have) a nice weekend in Paris? • M ark : Yes, thanks I t (2) _ _ (be) good We (3) _ _ (look) árounđ and then we (4) _(see) a show We ‘ (5) _ : _ (not/ try) to too much C laire : W hat sights (6) _ ^ (you/see)? • _ (not/ M ark : We had a lo o t round the Louvre I (7) know) there was so much in there C laire : And w hat show (8) (you/ go) to? M ark : Oh, a musical I forget the name I (9)_ (not/ like) i t C laire : Oh dear And (10) (Sarah/ enjoy) it? Mark : No, not really Bụt we (11) < ■ (enjoy) the week _ end Sarah did some shopping, too, but I (12) (not w ant) to go shopping V Complete thè sentences Put the verb into tfee correct form* : Trees more quickly in sum mer th an in w inter, (grow) dinn er a t th a t time ‘S hall I phone a t 6:00?’ ‘No, I ■ (normally/ cook) I 3.~ W e: >• _ _ a t about 7:00 Couldn’t you come an hour later? I (usually/ get up) !'■ In 1788 he his la st great work in Vienna, (write) 5- S h e _ a t Kennedy Airport a t o’clock this morning, (arrive) Frank _ _ _ • ' stamps in his spare time It’s his hobby, (collect) *How are you getting on with the book?* ‘ At th è mom ent I _ chapter four? (read) My m other all the doors an a windows before she goes to bed (lock) I J away most of my old books when I moved house (throw) 10 Scientists some fundamental discoveries in the Ĩ 8th cen- tury (make) ' XI Alice h e r mother in London most weekends, (see) 12.‘What’s th a t terrible noise?* T h e neighbors a party.’ (have) https://sachhoc.com 13 Sir Isaac Newton _calculus, (invent) 14 J ĩ _ durian when you lived in Malaysia? (ever/ eat) 15 Both ancient and recent records show th a t fa rm e rs _ - _ long hours, (work) VỊ Choose the correct verb form I’d like to borrow this bo ok. it yet? a Did you read b Had you read c Have you read d Do you read We _in this town for a long time! W e _ here sixteen years ago a had been/ come* b have been/ came c were/ came d are/ came No breakfast for Mark, thanks H e breakfasta hasn’t eaten b didn’t eat c isn’t eating d doesn’t eat The news came as no surprise to me I _ for some tim e th a t the factory was likely'to close a k n ew b had known c have known d know Fish were among the earliest forms of life Fish on earth for ages and ag^ a existed b are existing c have existed d exist Glenda _ extremely h ard when she was ã student a worked b has worked c was working d had been worked The World W ar I I _ _ in 1939 and in 1945 a begins/ ends b -h a d begun/ended c has begun/ had ended d began/ ended I _ at th e checkout when I _ a strange-1ooking man a waited/ noticed b was waiting/ noticed c waited/ was noticing d was waiting/ had noticed According to the research reports, people u su ally _ in their sleep 25 to 30 times each night a tu rn b are turning c have turned d turned 10 Homestead High School’s football team _ a cham pionship until la st season a has never won b had never been winning c is never w inning ' d had never won VII Complete the conversations using the words in brackets; Pat the adverbs in the best place A: Did you know th e m an who tried to steal your bag? B: No, but I _ _ him again, (certainly/ recognize/ would) A: T hat was a goal, w asn’t it? B: Ỹes the th e line, (clearly/ crossed) jflJV- A: The w eather is a lot b etter today B: I t said on the radio it - _ later, (probably/ rain/ will) £ A: How we get to M ice’s place? B: I don’t know I ■ the directions, (didn’t/ fully/ understand) https://sachhoc.com IC« are too young to see horror films The children aren’t 10 The children couldn’t go swimming because the sea was very rough The sea was to o L P R O N U N C IA T IO N A* C hoose the w o rd th a t h a s th e d iffe re n tly fro m th e o th e rs b death L a scream b stared a traveled b panic a chat a frightening b brigade a technology b teaching B C hoose th e w o rd w h ose m a in th e o th e rs a tobacco b contented a passenger b purchase a technology b comfortable a repair b harrow b serious a interested u n d e rlin e d le tte r(s ) p ro n o u n c e d c ready c landed c park -c pilot c purchase s tre s s is p la c e d d peasant ÔL seemed d passenger d fire d lunch d iffe re n tly fr©m c buffalo Ổ transplanting c district d routine c activity

Ngày đăng: 24/12/2018, 16:46

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