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on theo chu de_ GIOI TU

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Bài thơ về giới từ chỉ thời gian In năm, in tháng, in mùa In sáng , chiều, tối. Ngày đa on vào. Đêm, tra, giờ: Tính ra sao? Nếu dùng At trớc thế nào cũng hay! In 2000 In july In summer In the morning Giới từ 1. Fill the blanks with: FROM, ON,UP or WITH: 1. Don't stay . late. 2. I always come to class time. 3. What's wrong . you? 4. The traffic lights are changing green to red. 2. Fill in prepositions of time AT / IN / ON as in the example: . on Saturday . 9 oclock autumn . . July . Christmas half past two . . 1984 September 28 th Monday morning . . March 25 th . 1991 Easter . . Friday August 29 th 10 oclock . summer winter Thursday afternoon . . the morning the evening noon . December February 8 th a quarter past six . . midnight noon Saturday night . . 1982 1964 . Friday evening . . April spring Monday . . April 2 nd night June 26 th 3. Fill in the blanks with AT / IN / ON as in the example: 1. We always go on holiday in . summer. 2. My mother usually goes shopping Friday morning. 3. I always do my homework the evening. 4. The circus usually comes to our town . spring. 5. Sophias birthday is May 16 th . 6. I usually get up seven oclock. 7. My favorite television programme begins 6:30 . the evening. 8. Sometimes it snows winter. 9. My friends birthday is June. 10.Some birds and animals come out night. 4. Fill the blanks with correct prepositions. 1. summer I play tennis the evening. 2. We always go the city center our own car. 3. Id like to stay home tonight. Is there any thing intersting .T.V? 4. John is often late ………. school. But I never. 5. Let’s listen ………… music ……… the radio. 6. I’m going ……… NewYork …………. my vacation next week. I’m going to stay………the ParkPlaza Hotel for 2 days. 7. What………. going ………… the zoo this Sunday. 8. What…… breakfast? 9. I don’t think it’s much cheaper to go …………. bus. 10. I’m looking …… chocolates. 11. She wants a sandwich and a glass ………. lemon juic 5. Fill in the blank with a preposition: 1. My house is………………………. the bookstore and the school. 2. The market in …………………… front of the bank. 3. The post office is ……………………………… the movies theater. 4. Minh lives ……………… a beautiful house …………… the city. 5. Magazines and newspapers are …………………… the rack …………………… the middle. 6. The English books are ………………… the right. 7. A nurse takes care ………………… sick people. 8. Nam lives next ……………………. my house. 9. Hoa’s father works ………………. the farm ……………… the countryside. 10. The meeting will be last …………………… 7.am ………………………… 5p.m 6. Fill the blanks with correct prepositions: 1. Hoa’s getting used… the busy city traffic. 2. Do you often help your mother …….the housework. 3. I’m ready interested… Vietnamese history. 4. We need some vegetables…… dinner. 7. Fill the blanks with correct prepositions: ( in, on, at, from…to…, between… and…, next to, near, behind, in front of, about, under, to, opposite … ) 1. The pen in _________ the table. 11. The meeting starts _______ 7.30 AM 2. They are waiting ______ front of the zoo. 12. Hoa’s parents works ______ the farm. 3. The telephone is _______ to the lamp. 13. The nurse takes care _____ patients. 4. The picture is _______ the wall. 14. The math books are ______ the shelf. 5. I often listen _____ music ____ the evening. 15. The science books are _____ the left 6. They go swimming ____ Saturday. 16. The newspapers are ____ the rack ____ the middle. 7. The party starts _____ 4.30 _____ 6.00PM 8. She’ll be 12 ____ her next birthday. 17. You can find the books___ the back___ the library. 9. It’s often cold _____ December. 10. My birthday is ________ Oct 27 th 18. My house is ___ the hotel __ thebank 8. Put the correct preposition in the blank. 1. Hoa live a village near Hue. 2. I usually stay .home on Sunday. 3. The noise keeps me awake night. 4. Life in the city is different life in the country. 5. You will get used it soon. 6. Hoa usually go to the public library bike. 7. Are you free Monday. 8. We should wash our hands meals. 9. She prefers socialize with her friends. 10.Are you very good English. 11.Milk is good you. 12.A nurse take care sick people. . prepositions of time AT / IN / ON as in the example: . on Saturday . 9 oclock autumn . . July . Christmas half past two . . 1984 September 28 th Monday. winter Thursday afternoon . . the morning the evening noon . December February 8 th a quarter past six . . midnight noon Saturday night . . 1982

Ngày đăng: 18/08/2013, 18:10

