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Điền từ vào chỗ trống INTELLIGENCE TEST Schools exams are, generally speaking, the first kind of tests we take They find out how much knowledge we have (1) But they really show how intelligent we are? After all, isn’t it a fact that some people who are very successful academically don’t have any (2) sense? Intelligence is the speed at which we can understand and (3) to new situations and it is usually tested by logic puzzles Although scientists are now preparing advanced computer technology that will be able to “read” our brains, for the present tests are still the most popular ways of measuring intelligence A person’s IQ is their intelligence as it is measured by a special test The most common IQ tests are run by Mensa, an organization that was founded in England in 1946 By 1976 it had 1300 members in Britain Today there are 44000 in Britain and 100000 worldwide, largely in the US People taking the tests are judged in relation to an average score of 100, and those score over 148 are entitled to join Mensa This (4) _ at 2% of the population Anyone from the age of six can take the tests All the questions are straightforward and most people can answer them if (5) enough time But that’s the problems – the whole point of the tests is that they’re against the clock Question 1:A fetched Question 2: A natural Question 3: A accord Question 4:A adds up Question 5: A allowed B gained B bright B react B turns to B spared C attached C sharp C answer C comes up C let D caught D common D alter D works out D provided How men first learnt to (6) words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery All we really know is that men, unlike animals, (7) invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed (8) certain signs, called letters, which could be combined to represent those sounds, and which could be written down These sounds, whetherspoken or written in letters, are called words Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words that (9) powerfully to our minds and emotions This charming and telling use of words is what we call literary style Above all, the real poet is a master of words He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can (10) men to tears We should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar Question A invent B create C make D discover Question A whatever B however C somewhat D somehow Question A at B upon C for D in Question A interest Question 10 A take B appeal B send C attract C break D lure D move Health is something we tend to (11) _ when we have it When our body is doing well, we are hardly aware of it But illness can come, even (12) _ we are young In fact, childhood has been a very susceptible time Many diseases attack children in particular, and people know very little how to cure them once they struck The result was that many children died About a century ago,(13) _, scientists found out about germs, and then everything changed The cause of many diseases was found, and cures were developed As this medical discovery spread, the world became (14) _ safer for children The result is that whereas a hundred years ago, the average man lived for 35 years, nowadays, in many areas of the world, people can expect to live for 75 years And what we expect by the year 2020? Undoubtedly, medical science will continue to (15) Some people will be able to avoid medical problems that are unavoidable today Question 11 A forget B ignore C give up D throw away Question 12 A if B so C when D while Question 13 A therefore B however C although D moreover Question 14 A more B much C very D quite Question 15 A speed up B run C accelerate D advance One of the most beautiful parts of Britain is the Lake District The Lake District is situated in the north-west of England and consists of high hills, mountains and, of course, lakes In all, there are 16 lakes, of (16) _ the largest is Lake Windermere Over the years many writers have been (17) _ with this region but there can be no (18) _ that the most famous of all was William Wordsworth (1770-1850), who was born and lived almost the whole of his life there He had close connections with the village of Grasmere, where he lived for some thirteen years He loved this particular part of England and many of his poems of the joy he felt when surrounded by beautiful countryside Every year more than 14 million people from Britain and abroad visit the Lake District to enjoy the fresh air and the scenery Some go to walk in the mountains while others sail boats on the lakes or simply sit admiring the (19) _ views Unfortunately, the region is becoming a victim of its own success in attracting visitors (20) come to the Lake District that they threaten to destroy the peace and quite which many are searching for there Question 16: A all B them C which D those Question 17:A associated B connected C bound Question 18:A thought B evidence C supposition Question 19: A principal B magnificent C effective Question 20: A Such many people B So few people C So many people D Such people D linked D doubt D significant English has without a (21) become the second language of Europe and the world European countries which have most (22) assimilated English into daily life are England's neighbors in Northern Europe: Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, and the rest of Scandinavia The situation is so (23) that any visitor to the Netherlands will soon be aware of the pressure of English on daily life: television, radio and print bring it into every home and the schoolyard conversation of children; advertisers use it to (24) up their message, journalists take refuge in it when their home-bred skills fail them Increasingly one hears the (25) that Dutch will give way to English as the national tongue within two or three generations Question 21 A question B doubt C problem D thought Question 22 A successfully B victorious C successful D lucrative Question 23 A plain B open C blatant D marked Question 24 A life B energy C pep D enthusiasm Question 25 A feeling B posture C judgment D view Here is a wonderful opportunity at a small cost to visit the truly remarkable island of Cuba We have (26) rooms at some of the finest hotels for periods of and 14 nights You may divide your time between relaxing and exploring this beautiful country by taking advantage of our extensive excursion programme The diversity of such a small country is amazing and, as it is set in the warm waters of Caribbean, it is (27) to have one of the most pleasant climates in the world Cuba, being so small, is not only an ideal country to tour, but it's also a place where visitors can relax and (28) in exotic surroundings Not only has nature (29) Cuba with magnificent coast and some fine sandy beaches, but there are also extensive facilities near them Most beaches are close to important sites such as international parks with their abundant wildlife, flora and fauna Because the south of the island is blessed with being the driest region in the country most hotels are situated here Rain is however (30) in the north from December to July Question 26 A reserved B registered C required D retained Question 27 A suggested B hoped C reputed D credited Question 28 A unwind unroll B uncoil Question 29 A enhanced B endowed C endured D.enlightened Question 30 A unusual B interminable C inevitable D.unfortunate C unburden D All men should study, we have to study to (31) _ our knowledge and develop our intelligence An uneducated man can only utilize his body strength to work and live An educated man, without this strength, still has the faculty of his intelligent brain and good inflection This intelligence and thought enable him to help his physical strength to act more quickly (32) _ cleverly In a same profession or work, the educated man differs from the uneducated considerably Therefore, intellectual workers have to study, this is a matter of course but (33) workers must also (34) _ an education In civilized countries compulsory education has been applied Man must spend seven or eight years studying From ploughmen to laborers in these nations, no one is (35) to read a book or a paper fluently Question 31:A wide B widely C widen D broad Question 32:A and B but C yet D or Question 33: A simple B easy C hard D manual Question 34:A learn B study C acquire D know Question 35:A able B unable C not D never School exams are, generally speaking, the first kind of test we take They find out how much knowledge we have gained But they really show how intelligent we are? After all, isn’t it a fact that some people who are very academically successful don’t have any common sense Intelligence is the speed _(36) _ which we can understand and react to new situations and it is usually tested by logic puzzles Although scientist are now preparing _(37) _ computer technology that will be able to “read” our brains, for the present tests are still the most popular ways of measuring intelligence A person’s IQ is their intelligence as it is measured by a special test The most common IT tests are _(38) _ by Mensa, an organization that was found in England in 1946 By 1976, it had 1,300 members in Britain Today there are 44,000 in Britain and 100,000 worldwide largely in the US People taking the tests are judged in _(39) _ to an average score of 100, and those who score over 148 are entitled to join Mensa This works out at percent of the population Anyone from the age of six can take tests All the questions are straightforward and most people can answer them if allowed enough time But that’s the problem; the whole _(40) _ of the test is that they’re against the clock Question 36 A to B on C at D in Question 37 A ahead B upper C forward D advanced Question 38 A steered B commanded C run D appointed Question 39 A relation B regard C association D concern Question 40 A reason B question C matter D point The elementary means of communicating with other people is (41) messages by voice This fact is widely acknowledged and we recognize the voice as a feature characterizing the identity of a person The array of voices is immeasurable as no two are exactly similar They can be nasal, resonant or shrill produced in accordance with the individual physical (42) _ of the throat One possible implementation of the art of voice recognition is voice profiling used by police analysts as a method of (43) court evidence in trials Every year thousands of audiotapes with recorded interviews or casual utterances are put to the purpose to help identity the probable culprit Specialists dealing with the voice investigation claim that people can give themselves away by their accents, infections or other voice attributes like pitch, intensity and loudness A recorded sample is usually (44) _ into electric impulses and later transformed into a pictorial recording which is processed by a computer program Very frequently voice analysts have a stab at deciphering the relevant information which may be mingled with background noise or other interfering sounds until they attain the desired results Thankfully, these efforts help the police detect individuals who threaten their victim by phone or inform about bomb planting or those who make offensive calls (3=45) _ the peace of decent citizens Question 41 A commuting Question 42 A tendencies Question 43 A substantiating Question 44 A reformed Question 45 A distracting D conveying C discharging D informing B credentials C assets D properties B facilitating C pledging D.withstanding B exchanged C adjusted D converted B dismantling C disturbing D dispersing Reading is Fun More and more people are discovering that sharing and talking about their favorite books with others can be as rewarding as the act of reading itself For people who feel that they are too busy to sit down with a book, a book club helps them schedule time to read, others have gained self-confidence by (46) in or leading a discussion And most people enjoy the chance to (47) _ new friends A successful book club should have a group that is small enough so even the quiet people can be heard but also big enough for many different opinions The best arrangement is a (48) of ages, sexes, and backgrounds for more reading variety and livelier discussions The book club could (49) _ in one subject or type of book, like mysteries, science fiction, or biographies Or the members could read books of all types, as long as the book is highly recommended by someone who thinks it would be (50) discussing Some book clubs meet in places like bookstores, public libraries, or restaurants, but most have their meetings in members’ homes The approach simply offers more privacy and time for longer meetings To make the meeting go smoothly, a leader should be appointed The leader will usually start the discussion by asking what the author’s main idea was Book club members should never be afraid to offer their opinions, even if they don’t like a book They just need to be prepared to explain why Question 46: A sitting Question 47:A Question 48:A mixture Question 49:A talk Question 50: A worth B talking B form B lot B focus B useful C participating C gather C range C concentrate C valuable D taking D make D number D specialize D busy Everyone has got two personalities - the one that is shown to the world and the other that is secret and real You don’t show your secret personality when you are (51) _ because you can control yourself But when you are asleep, your feeling position shows the real you In a normal (52) _, of course, people often change their positions The important position is the one you go to sleep in If you go to sleep on your back, you are a very open person You usually believe people and you accept new things or new ideas easily You don’t like to make people sad, so you never express your (53) _ feeling You are quite shy If you sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive person You worry a lot and you always easily become sad You usually live for today not tomorrow This means that you (54) _having a good time If you sleep curled up, you are probably a very nervous person You have a low opinion of yourself You are shy and don’t like meeting people You (55) _to be on your own You are easily hurt Question 51 A awake B active C happy D honest Question 52 A room B bed C night D body Question 53 A real B lonely C cheerful D gentle Question 54 A regret B enjoy C mind D deny Question 55 A pretend B oppose C refuse D prefer If you ask anyone who invented television, they will tell you that it was John Logie Baird While Baird was, of course, extremely important in the history of television, it would be more accurate to see his role as part of a (56) _ of events which finally led to television as we know it today The history of television really begins in 1817 with the discovery by Berzelius, a Swedish chemist, of the chemical selenium It was found that the amount of electric current that selenium could carry depended on how much light struck it This discovery directly led to G R Carey, an American inventor, (57) _ up with the first real television system in 1875 His system used selenium to transmit a picture along wires to a row of light bulbs This picture was not very clear, however Over the next few years, a number of scientists and inventors simplified and improved on Carey's system It was not until1923 that Baird made the first practical transmission Once again, the picture was (58) _ through wires, but it was much clearer than Carey's had been almost fifty years before The Second World War (59) _the development of television After the war, television sets began to flood the market, with the first mass TV audience watching the baseball World Series in the USA in 1947 Within a few years, television had captured the (60) _ of the whole world Question 56 A connection B cycle C link D chain Question 57 A coming B making C going D doing Question 58 A pushed B sent C transported D transferred Question 59 A abandoned B cancelled C delayed D waited Question 60 A observation B awareness C notice D attention Wind, water, air, ice and heat all work to cause erosion As the wind blows over the land, it often (61) _ small grains of sand When these grains of sand strike against solid rocks, the rocks are slowly worn away In this way, even very hard rocks are worn away by the wind When particles of rocks or soil became loosened in any way, running water carries them down the hillsides Some rocks and soil particles are carried into streams and then into the sea Land that is covered with trees, grass and other plants wears away very slowly, and so loses very (62) _ of its soil The roots of plants help to (63) _ the rocks and soil in place Water that falls on grasslands runs away more slowly than water that falls on bare ground Thus, forests and grasslands help to slow down erosion Even where the land is (64) _ covered with plants, some erosion goes on In the spring, the (65) _ snow turns into a large quantity of water that then runs downhill in streams As a stream carries away some of the soil, the stream bed gets deeper and deeper After thousands of years of such erosion, wide valleys are often formed Question 61 A holds up B cleans out C carries out D picks up Question 62 A large Question 63 A store Question 64 A thinly Question 65 A melted B little B back B strongly B building C few C stay C thickly C melting D much D hold D scarcely D formed It stands to reason that a city like Los Angeles, which is home to the rich and famous, is also where you find the Association of Celebrity Personal Assistants Celebrity Personal Assistants is a unique group among Hollywood professionals (66) _ the lawyers and agents who rub shoulders with the stars and make millions, personal assistants (PAs) are not paid well They typically earn about $56,000 a year which, (67) _ their round-the-clock obligations, isn’t much by Hollywood standards As for the job description, it’s also far from glamorous Responsibilities include doing laundry, fetching groceries and paying bills So what's the attraction? One celebrity PA says, ‘I don’t (68) _ myself a vain or superficial person, but it would be wrong to say that we all don't like being close to someone's that's powerful.’ But not everyone is qualified for the job Rita Tateel teaches would-be assistants to the stars and begins her lessons with some (69) _ truths: 'You must be in good health at all times, because you are running a celebrity's life If you get sick their life can't just stop And you need to be flexible and able to (70) _ in all kinds of hours You have to be a can-do person If there’s one word that celebrities don't want to hear, that word is “no”.’ Question 66 A However B Unlike C Despite D Similarly Question 67 A given B received C spend D being Question 68 A describe B know C consider D think Question 69 A such Question 70 A take B hard C heavy B adapt D advice C get D put If you are an environmentalist, plastic is a word you tend to say with a sneer or a snarl It has become a symbol of our wasteful, throw-away society But there seems little doubt it is here to stay, and the truth is, of course, that plastic has brought enormous (71) even environmental ones It's not really the plastic themselves that are the environmental evil - it's the way society chooses to use and abuse them Almost all the 50 or so different kinds of modern plastic are made from oil, gas or coalnon-renewable natural (72) We import well over three millions tones of the stuff in Britain each year and, sooner or later, most of it is thrown away A high (33) of our annual consumption is in the form of packaging, and this constitutes about 7% by weight of our domestic refuse Almost all of it could be recycled, but very little of it is, though the plastic recycling (74) is growing fast The plastics themselves are extremely energy-rich - they have a higher calorific value than coal and one (75) of "recovery" strongly favoured by the plastic manufacturers is the conversion of waste plastic into a fuel Question 71 A savings B pleasures C benefits D profits Question 72 A processes B resources C products D fuels Question 73 A amount B proportion C portion D rate Question 74 A industry B manufacture C plant D factory Question 75 A medium B method C measure D mechanism INFLUENCES OF TELEVISION Television has changed the lifestyle of people in every industrialized country in the world In the United States, where sociologists have studied the effects, some interesting observations have been made Television, although not essential, has become a(n) (76) _ part of most people’s lives It has become a baby-sitter, an initiator of conversations, a major transmitter of culture, and a keeper of traditions Yet when what can be seen on TV in one day is critically analyzed, it becomes evident that television is not a teacher but a sustainer The poor quality of programs does not elevate people into greater (77) The primary reason for the lack of quality in American television is related to both history of TV development and the economics of TV Television in America began with radio Radio companies and their sponsors first experimented with television Therefore, close relationship, which the advertisers had with radio programs, became the system the the the for American TV Sponsors not only paid money for time within programs, but many actually produced the programs Thus, coming from the capitalistic, profit-oriented sector of American society, television is primarily (78) _ with reflecting and attracting society rather than innovating and experimenting with new ideas Advertisers want to attract the largest viewing audience possible; to so requires that the programs be entertaining rather than challenging Television in America today remains, to a large (79) _, with the same organization and standards as it had thirty years ago The hope for some evolution and true achievement toward improving society will require a change in the (80) _ system Question 76 A integral B mixed Question 77 A preconception C fractional D superior B knowledge C understanding D feeling Question 78 A concerned B interested C worried D connected Question 79 A extent B degree C size D amount Question 80 A total B full C entire D complete In 1830, there were under 100 miles of public railway in Britain Yet within 20 years, this figure had grown to more than 5000 miles By the end of the century, almost enough rail track to encircle the world covered this small island, (81) the nature of travel forever and contributing to the industrial revolution that changed the course of history in many parts of the world Wherever railways were introduced, economic and social progress quickly (82) In a single day, rail passengers could travel hundreds of miles, cutting previous journey times by huge margins and bringing rapid travel within the (83) of ordinary people Previously, many people had never ventured beyond the outskirts of their town and villages The railway brought them greater freedom and enlightenment In the 19th century, the railway in Britain represented something more than just the business of carrying goods and passengers Trains were associated with romance, adventure and, frequently, (84) luxury But the railways did more than revolutionize travel; they also left a distinctive and permanent mark on the British landscape Whole towns and industrial centers (85) up around major rail junctions, monumental bridges and viaducts crossed rivers and valleys and the railway stations themselves became desirable places to spend time between journeys Question 81 A altering B amending C adapting D adjusting Question 82 A pursued B followed C succeeded D chased Question 83 A reach B capacity Question 84 A considerable B generous C facility D hold C plentiful D sizeable 41 B 42 D 43 A 44 D 45 C Giải thích: Convey (v) = truyền đạt Dịch nghĩa: The elementary means of communicating with other people is conveying messages by voice= Phương tiện giao tiếp với người khác truyền tải thơng điệp giọng nói A commuting (v) = làm, giảm án, đổi chác C discharging (v) = bãi chức, tha bổng, nổ súng, … D informing (v) = thơng báo Giải thích: Physical properties = đặc tính vật lý Dịch nghĩa: They can be nasal, resonant or shrill produced in accordance with the individual physical properties of the throat= Chúng âm mũi, âm cộng hưởng âm chói tai tạo phù hợp với tính chất vật lý cá nhân cổ họng A tendencies (n) = khuynh hướng, xu hướng B credentials(n) = đào tạo kinh nghiệm khiến bạn phù hợp với điều gì; thư giới thiệu C assets (n) = tài sản Giải thích: Substantiate (v) = cung cấp thơng tin chứng để chứng minh điều Dịch nghĩa: One possible implementation of the art of voice recognition is voice profiling used by police analysts as a method of substantiatingcourt evidence in trials =Một thực nghệ thuật nhận dạng giọng nói hồ sơ giọng nói sử dụng nhà phân tích cảnh sát phương pháp để cung cấp chứng phiên tòa B facilitating (v) =tạo điều kiện, làm cho hành động trình dễ dàng, thuận lợi C pledging (v) = hứa cách trang trọng, bắt thề trang trọng D withstanding (v) = đủ mạnh để chịu đựng khó khăn Giải thích: Convert (v) = chuyển đổi Dịch nghĩa: A recorded sample is usually converted into electric impulses and later transformed into a pictorial recording which is processed by a computer program= Một mẫu ghi thường chuyển đổi thành xung điện sau chuyển đổi thành ghi âm hình ảnh xử lý chương trình máy tính A reformed (v) = cải thiện hệ thống, tổ chức, luật hành vi ứng xử B exchanged (v) = trao đổi C adjusted (v) = điều chỉnh cho phù hợp hoạt động tốt Giải thích: Disturb (v) = làm phiền, làm gián đoạn, gây rối Dịch nghĩa: Thankfully, these efforts help the police detect individuals who threaten their victim by phone or inform about bomb planting or those who make offensive calls disturbing the peace of decent citizens = Rất may, nỗ lực giúp cảnh sát phát cá nhân đe dọa nạn nhân 46 47 48 C D A 49 D 50 51 A A 52 C 53 A họ điện thoại thông báo cài bom hay người thực gọi công gây rối yên ổn công dân tốt A distracting(v) = gây tập trung B dismantling (v) = tháo bỏ, phá hủy D dispersing (v) = phân tán, giải tán; rải rác khắp nơi; truyền bá Ta có: participate in: tham gia Ta có: Make friend: kết bạn The best arrangement is a (43) of ages, sexes, and backgrounds for more reading variety and livelier discussions Tạm dịch: Cách đặt tốt tuổi tác, giới tính, tiểu sử với mục đích đa dạng việc đọc tranh luận sôi Đáp án A – mixture (n) hòa hợp/ trộn Các đáp án khác khơng thích hợp với nội dung câu Ta có: specialize in sth: trở thành chuyên gia, chuyên Các đáp án không với giới từ “in” Focus on = concentrate on: Tập trung Talk to sb about sth: Nói với điều Ta có: Tobe worth + V-ing: đáng làm Giải thích: Awake (adj) = thức, tỉnh Sau câu có chứa chỗ trống câu bắt đầu "But when you are asleep" Từ nối "But" dùng để nối hai vế hai câu có nghĩa đối lập nên chỗ trống mang nghĩa đối lập với từ "asleep" Phương án "awake" hợp lý Dịch nghĩa: You don’t show your secret personality when you are awake because you can control yourself = Bạn cá tính bí mật bạn bạn tỉnh táo bạn kiểm sốt thân B active (adj) = hoạt động, có hiệu lực, nhanh nhảu, đương nhiệm C happy (adj) = vui vẻ, hạnh phúc D honest (adj) = trung thực Giải thích: Night (n) = đêm Câu văn tiếp nối mạch câu trước nói đến tư nằm ngủ (your feeling position … change their positions) Câu trước nhắc đến ngủ (asleep) nên câu sau nói khoảng thời gian cụ thể giấc ngủ (night) hợp lý Dịch nghĩa: In a normal night, of course, people often change their positions = Trong đêm bình thường, tất nhiên, người thường xuyên thay đổi vị trí họ A room (n) = phòng B bed (n) = giường D body (n) = thể Giải thích: Real (adj) = thật 54 B 55 D 56 D 57 A Dịch nghĩa: You don’t like to make people sad, so you never express your real feeling = Bạn không muốn làm người khác buồn, bạn khơng thể cảm xúc thực bạn B lonely (adj) = cô đơn C cheerful (adj) = vui vẻ D gentle (adj) = nhẹ nhàng, lịch Giải thích: Enjoy (v) + V-ing = thích, tận hưởng làm việc Dịch nghĩa: You usually live for today not tomorrow This means that you enjoy having a good time = Bạn thường sống cho ngày hôm ngày mai Điều có nghĩa bạn thích có thời gian vui vẻ A regret (v) = hối tiếc C mind (v) = để tâm, cảm thấy phiền D deny (v) = phủ nhận Giải thích: Prefer (v) to sth = thích làm việc Dịch nghĩa: You are shy and don’t like meeting people You prefer to be on your own = Bạn nhút nhát khơng thích gặp gỡ người Bạn thích A pretend (v) = giả vờ, đóng giả B oppose (v) = phản đối C refuse (v) = từ chối Giải thích: Chain (n) = day xích, chuỗi A chain of events = chuỗi kiện Dịch nghĩa: While Baird was, of course, extremely important in the history of television, it would be more accurate to see his role as part of a chain of events which finally led to television as we know it today = Trong Baird là, tất nhiên, vô quan trọng lịch sử truyền hình, xác để thấy vai trò ơng phần chuỗi kiện mà cuối dẫn đến truyền biết ngày A connection (n) = kết nối, liên quan, gắn kết Cấu trúc: Connection between A and B = kết nối A B Connection with / to sth = kết nối với B cycle (n) = xe đạp / vòng (đời, kiện, …) / chu kỳ C link (n) = kết nối, mối liên hệ Cấu trúc: Link between A and B = kết nối A B Link with sth = kết nối với Giải thích: Cụm động từ Come up with = nghĩ ra, phát minh giải pháp cho vấn đề Dịch nghĩa: This discovery directly led to G R Carey, an American inventor, coming up with the first real television system in 1875 = Phát trực tiếp dẫn đến việc G R Carey, nhà phát minh người Mỹ, phát minh hệ thống truyền hình thực tế vào năm 1875 B make up with sb = hòa giải với 58 B 59 C 60 D 61 D C go up = xây dựng lên / mở cánh gà / bị phá hủy lửa vụ nổ / tăng giá D up = gói ghém / trang trí lại nhà cửa / đóng cúc, buộc lại áo khốc, váy, … Giải thích: Sent (v) = gửi Dịch nghĩa: Once again, the picture was sent through wires, but it was much clearer than Carey's had been almost fifty years before = Một lần nữa, hình ảnh gửi qua dây điện, rõ ràng nhiều so với hình ảnh Carey gần năm mươi năm trước A pushed (v) = xô đẩy / đưa tới, tiến tới / thúc giục / nhấn chuông C transported (v) = vận chuyển D transferred (v) = chuyển nhượng / di chuyển Giải thích: Delay (v) = trì hỗn Dịch nghĩa: The Second World War delayed the development of television After the war, television sets began to flood the market, with the first mass TV audience watching the baseball World Series in the USA in 1947 = Chiến tranh giới thứ hai trì hỗn phát triển truyền hình Sau chiến tranh, ti vi bắt đầu tràn ngập thị trường, với khán giả truyền hình hàng loạt xem bóng chày World Series Mỹ vào năm 1947 A abandoned (v) = bỏ rơi / bỏ hoang địa điểm / bỏ dở việc làm / ngừng ủng hộ tin tưởng B cancelled (v) = hủy bỏ D waited (v) = chờ đợi Giải thích: Attention (n) = ý, tập trung Cấu trúc Capture the attention of sb = thu hút ý Dịch nghĩa: Within a few years, television had captured the attention of the whole world = Trong vòng vài năm, truyền hình thu hút ý giới A observation (n) = quan sát B awareness (n) = nhận thức C notice (n) = cáo thị, thị / lời cảnh báo / ý Các phương án khác khơng có ý nghĩa thích hợp “hold up = làm trì hoãn (= to delay the movement or progress of sb/sth); “clean out = làm bên (= to clean the inside of sth thoroughly); 62 B “carry out = thực (= to conduct or to perform) B little: “and so loses vary little of its soil” = “và nhờ đất” Vì dùng với từ “soil” (đất) danh từ không đếm nên dùng “few”; từ “large” “much” khơng thích hợp với nghĩa câu 63 D D hold: thích hợp với ý nghĩa câu: “to hold the rocks and soil in place” = “giữ nguyên vị trí đá tảng đất” 64 C 65 C C thickly: “dày đặc”, trạng từ thích hợp với ý nghĩa câu: “Ngay nơi mà đất có cỏ bao phủ dày đặc, xói mòn xảy ra” C melting: “(tuyết) tan chảy” Hiện phân từ “malting” dùng tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ “snow” 66 B Ý nghĩa câu: “Vào mùa xuân, tuyết tan biến thành khối lượng nước lớn chảy xuống triền núi thành dòng suối” Giải thích: Giữa hai vế câu có ý nghĩa trái ngược nhau, từ nối cần thể trái ngược Sau chỗ trống danh từ nên từ nối "Unlike" phù hợp Dịch nghĩa: Unlike the lawyers and agents who rub shoulders with the stars and make millions, personal assistants (PAs) are not paid well = Không giống luật sư quản lý người sánh vai với kiếm hàng triệu, trợ lý cá nhân (PAs) không trả lương tốt A However = nhiên Đây từ nối hai vế hai câu có mối quan hệ nhượng C Despite + Noun = Đây từ nối hai vế hai câu có mối quan hệ nhượng D Similarly = tương tự Đây từ nối hai vế hai câu có mối quan hệ tương đồng 67 A Giải thích: Given = xem xét đến, tính đến Đây từ nối thể điều kiện Dịch nghĩa: They typically earn about $56,000 a year which, given their round-the-clock obligations, isn’t much by Hollywood standards = Họ thường kiếm khoảng $ 56,000 năm mà đó, xem xét đến nghĩa vụ suốt ngày họ, nhiều so với tiêu chuẩn Hollywood B received (adj / v) = nhận C spend (v) = chi tiêu, sử dụng D being = 68 C Giải thích: Cấu trúc Consider + sb / sth + sb / sth = coi / / Dịch nghĩa: I don’t consider myself a vain or superficial person, but it would be wrong to say that we all don't like being close to someone's that's powerful = Tơi khơng xem người vơ ích hay hời hợt, sai lầm nói tất khơng thích gần gũi với quyền lực A describe + sb / sth + as + sb / sth = miêu tả / / B know (v) = biết D think (v) = suy nghĩ 69 B Giải thích: Hard truth = thật mà khơng dễ chịu, khơng tuyệt vời khiến người khác khó chấp nhận Đây thành ngữ nên kết hợp từ cố định Dịch nghĩa: Rita Tateel teaches would-be assistants to the stars and begins her lessons with some hard truths = Rita Tateel dạy trợ lý tương lai cho bắt đầu học cô với số thật trần trụi A such C heavy (adj) = nặng D advice (n) = lời khuyên 70 B Giải thích: Adapt (v) = thích nghi Dịch nghĩa: And you need to be flexible and able to put in all kinds of hours = Và bạn cần phải linh hoạt thích nghi với tất múi A take (v) = lấy đi, mang / cầm / chiếm / uống thuốc … C get (v) = nhận / tìm kiếm / đến nơi / mắc phải … D put (v) = đặt, để / liệng / nhét … 71 C Giải thích: Benefits (n) = lợi ích Dịch nghĩa: It has become a symbol of our wasteful, throw-away society But there seems little doubt it is here to stay, and the truth is, of course, that plastic has brought enormous benefits even environmental ones = Nó trở thành biểu tượng xã hội ném lãng phí Nhưng nghi ngờ tồn tại, thật là, tất nhiên, nhựa mang lại lợi ích to lớn chí lợi ích mơi trường A savings (n) = tiết kiệm, khoản tiền tiết kiệm B pleasures (n) = thoải mái, hài lòng D profits (n) = lợi nhuận 72 B Giải thích: Natural resources (n) = tài nguyên thiên nhiên Dịch nghĩa: Almost all the 50 or so different kinds of modern plastic are made from oil, gas or coal - non-renewable natural resources = Hầu tất khoảng 50 loại khác nhựa đại làm từ dầu, khí đốt than - nguồn tài nguyên thiên nhiên không tái tạo A processes (n) = trình, phương pháp C products (n) = sản phẩm D fuels (n) = nhiên liệu 73 B Giải thích: Proportion (n) = tỷ lệ phần trăm Dịch nghĩa: A high proportion of our annual consumption is in the form of packaging, and this constitutes about 7% by weight of our domestic refuse = Một tỷ lệ cao tiêu thụ hàng năm dạng bao bì, chiếm khoảng 7% trọng lượng rác thải nước A amount (n) = số lượng, khối lượng C portion (n) = phần D rate (n) = tỷ lệ, lãi suất 74 A Giải thích: Industry (n) = ngành công nghiệp Dịch nghĩa: Almost all of it could be recycled, but very little of it is, though the plastic recycling industry is growing fast = Hầu tất tái chế, số thực hiện, ngành công nghiệp tái chế nhựa phát triển nhanh B manufacture (v) = sản xuất C plant (n) = cối D factory (n) = nhà máy 75 B Giải thích: Method (n) = phương pháp Dịch nghĩa: The plastics themselves are extremely energy-rich - they have a higher calorific value than coal and one method of "recovery" strongly favoured by the plastic manufacturers is the conversion of waste plastic into a fuel = Chính sản phẩm nhựa giàu lượng - chúng có giá trị lượng cao so với than đá phương pháp "phục hồi" ủng hộ mạnh mẽ nhà sản xuất nhựa chuyển hóa chất thải nhựa thành nhiên liệu A medium (n) = phương tiện (các nguyên vật liệu) / trung bình / mơi giới C measure (n) = cách đo lường, dụng cụ đơn vị đo D mechanism (n) = chế, cách cấu tạo, tổ chức 76 A A B C D Integral (a) cần thiết, trọn vẹn , thiếu Mixed (a) hỗn hợp, trộn lẫn Factional (a) có tính chất bè phái Superior (a) cao Đáp án A phù hợp với chỗ cần điền “Television, although not essential, has become a(n) (26) _ part of most people’s lives.” Mặc dù không cần thiết, TV trở thành phần thiếu sống người 77 C “The poor quality of programs does not elevate people into greater (27) .” – Những chương trình chất lượng khơng nâng cao người” A B C D Perconception (n) định kiến Knowledge (n) kiến thức; giỏi lĩnh vực Understanding (n) trí tuệ; hiểu biết; am hiểu Feeling (n) cảm nhận Ta thấy đáp án C thích hợp 78 A Concerned with something: đề cập đến Ta thấy sau chỗ trống cần điền giới từ “WITH” đáp án có đáp án A: concerned with something thích hợp Ngồi ra, ta có: - 79 A Tobe interested in smt: đam mê, thích điều Tobe worried about smt: lo lắng điều to connect somebody with somebody / something: liên kết; giao kết “Television in America today remains, to a large (29) _, with the same organization and standards as it had thirty years ago” A B C D Extent (n) khu vực, phạm vi, kích thước Degree (n) mức độ, trình độ Size (n) cỡ, khổ, số (quần áo, sản xuất) Amount (n) lượng, số lượng Ta có cụm từ: To a large exent: xét quy mô rộng lớn Đáp án A thích hợp 80 C A B C D Total (a) hoàn toàn, tuyệt đối Full (a) đủ đầy ( chứa đựng ) Entire (a) toàn , toàn thể, toàn vẹn Complete (a) trọn vẹn, đầy đủ Ta thấy chỗ cần điền ý “The hope for some evolution and true achievement toward improving society will require a change in the (30) _ system “nói đến “ thay đổi toàn hệ thống” Đáp án C thích hợp 81 A Giải thích: Alter (v) = thay đổi, chỉnh sửa Dịch nghĩa: By the end of the century, almost enough rail track to encircle the world covered this small island, altering the nature of travel forever and contributing to the industrial revolution that changed the course of history in many parts of the world = Đến cuối kỷ, gần đủ đường sắt để bao vây giới bao phủ đảo nhỏ này, làm thay đổi chất du lịch mãi góp phần vào cách mạng cơng nghiệp làm thay đổi tiến trình lịch sử nhiều nơi giới B amending (v) = sửa chữa, sửa đổi, cải thiện C adapting (v) = thích nghi, thay đổi cho phù hợp với yêu cầu D adjusting (v) = điều chỉnh, sửa lại cho 82 B Giải thích: Followed (v) = theo sau, noi theo, tiếp nối Dịch nghĩa: Wherever railways were introduced, economic and social progress quickly followed = Bất nơi đường sắt biết đến, tiến kinh tế xã hội theo sau cách nhanh chóng A pursued (v) = đuổi bắt / theo đuổi / truy nã C succeeded (v) = thành công D chased (v) = đuổi bắt / săn bắn / chạm trổ, đục khắc 83 A Giải thích: Cấu trúc Within the reach of = tầm với Dịch nghĩa: In a single day, rail passengers could travel hundreds of miles, cutting previous journey times by huge margins and bringing rapid travel within the reach of ordinary people = Chỉ ngày, hành khách đường sắt hàng trăm dặm, rút ngắn thời gian hành trình trước với tỷ lệ lớn đem đến di chuyển nhanh chóng tầm với người bình thường B capacity (n) = sức chứa, dung tích / khả năng, suất / C facility (n) = sở vật chất D hold (n) = cầm nắm / điểm tựa / khám, kiểm tra / nhà lao, ngục 84 A Giải thích: Considerable (adj) = đáng kể Danh từ “luxury” kèm với tính từ “considerable” khơng tính từ lại Dịch nghĩa: Trains were associated with romance, adventure and, frequently, considerable luxury = Xe lửa liên kết với lãng mạn, phiêu lưu, cách thường xuyên, sang trọng đáng kể B generous (adj) = hào phóng, phóng khống C plentiful (adj) = nhiều, phong phú D sizeable (adj) = lớn số lượng 85 D Giải thích: Spring up (v) = mọc lên, phát triển Dịch nghĩa: Whole towns and industrial centers sprang up around major rail junctions, monumental bridges and viaducts crossed rivers and valleys and the railway stations themselves became desirable places to spend time between journeys = Toàn thị trấn trung tâm công nghiệp mọc lên xung quanh nút giao thông đường sắt lớn, cầu hồnh tráng cầu cạn vượt sơng thung lũng trạm xe lửa trở thành nơi mong muốn để dành nhiều thời gian chuyến A jumped up (v) = nhảy lên B stood up (v) = đứng lên C burst (v) = bùng nổ, bùng cháy 86 C Giải thích: Cấu trúc Tell the difference between sth and sth = nói lên khác biệt cài Dịch nghĩa: Over the next 20 to 50 years, it will become harder to tell the difference between the human and the machine = Trong 20-50 năm tới, trở nên khó khăn để biết khác biệt người máy móc A variety (n) = đa dạng B change (n) = thay đổi D appearance (n) = ngoại hình, xuất 87 B Giải thích: Memories (n) = kí ức Tinh thần người (spirit) bao gồm kí ức, khơng bao gồm danh từ ba phương án lại Dịch nghĩa: Maybe a few decades later, a way will be found to transfer our spirit, including our memories and thoughts, to the new body = Có lẽ vài thập kỷ sau đó, cách tìm thấy để chuyển tinh thần chúng ta, bao gồm ký ức suy nghĩ chúng ta, đến thể A experience (n) = kinh nghiệm C actions (n) = hành động D health (n) = sức khỏe 88 D Giải thích: Cấu trúc How to sth = làm Dịch nghĩa: When it becomes possible to a spirit transfer, they will figure out how to them automatically = Khi trở nên để làm di chuyển tinh thần, họ tìm cách để làm cách tự động A what to = làm B when to = làm C why = 89 A Giải thích: Swallow (v) = nuốt Dịch nghĩa: When you have an upset stomach, you will swallow a very small cherry tasting robot which will travel through your stomach taking video of the mess = Khi bạn bị khó chịu dày, bạn nuốt robot vị anh đào nhỏ mà qua dày bạn quay phim lộn xộn B chew (v) = nhai C vomit (v) = nôn D drink (v) = uống 90 B Giải thích: Diagnose (v) = chẩn đoán Dịch nghĩa: Then you can replay the video to help a doctor diagnose your illness, or to prove to your employer that you really, were sick = Sau đó, bạn phát lại video để giúp bác sĩ chẩn đoán bệnh bạn, để chứng minh cho ơng chủ bạn thực sự, bị ốm A notice (v) = nhận thấy, nhận C watch (v) = xem D observe (v) = quan sát 91 A Giải thích: Cấu trúc Depend on + Noun / V-ing = tùy thuộc, phụ thuộc vào điều gì, việc Dịch nghĩa: Rowing is a sport in which athletes race against each other on rivers, lakes or on the ocean, depending on the type of race and the discipline = Chèo thuyền môn thể thao mà vận động viên đua với sông, hồ đại dương, tùy thuộc vào loại đua kỷ luật B creating (v) = sáng tạo C interesting (adj) = thú vị, hay ho D carrying on (v) = tiếp tục 92 B Giải thích: Cấu trúc Focus on + V-ing = tập trung vào việc Dịch nghĩa: The sport can be both recreational, focusing on learning the techniques required, and competitive where overall fitness plays a large role = Các mơn thể thao vừa mang tính giải trí, tập trung vào việc học kỹ thuật cần thiết, vừa mang tính cạnh tranh mà thể lực tổng thể đóng vai trò lớn A of = C with = với D about = 93 D Giải thích: Cấu trúc While + V-ing = làm Dịch nghĩa: While rowing, the athlete sits in the boat facing backwards, towards the stern, and uses the oars which are held in place by the oarlocks to propel the boat forward, towards the bow = Trong chèo thuyền, vận động viên ngồi thuyền phải quay mặt phía sau, hướng phía đi, sử dụng mái chèo cố định chỗ khóa chèo để đẩy thuyền phía trước, phía đầu A over = hơn, B of = C during + danh từ / khoảng thời gian = 94 C Giải thích: Strength (n) = sức mạnh Phía trước chỗ trống tình từ nên chỗ trống cần danh từ Dịch nghĩa: It is a demanding sport requiring strong core balance as well as physical strength and cardiovascular endurance = Nó mơn thể thao đòi hỏi u cầu cân cốt lõi mạnh mẽ sức mạnh thể chất sức chịu đựng tim mạch A strong (adj) = khỏe, mạnh B strongly (adv) = cách khỏe mạnh D strengthen (v) = làm cho khỏe mạnh 95 A Giải thích: Competition (n) = thi, đua Dịch nghĩa: Since the action of rowing has become fairly popular throughout the world, there are many different types of competition = Kể từ hành động chèo thuyền trở nên phổ biến toàn giới, có nhiều loại thi khác B examination (n) = kiểm tra C test (n) = kiểm tra D round (n) = vòng 96 D “During the nineteenth century, however, manufactures discovered (55) of producing it in vast quantities” Tạm dịch – Trong suốt thể kỉ 19, nhà san xuất phát sản xuất với số lượng khổng lồ Đáp án D – method – phương pháp, cách thức (METHOD OF STH - a particular way of doing something) Các đáp án khác A – cơng thức nấu ăn B – phương tiện, biện pháp (means (of something/of doing something) an action, an object or a system by which a result is achieved; a way of achieving or doing something) C – cách sử dụng 97 D Ta có: tend to V: có xu hướng, khuynh hướng làm 98 D Ta thấy vị trí cần điền danh từ Ta có: EFFECT ON STH : Có ảnh hưởng , tác động (effect (on somebody/something) a change that somebody/something causes in somebody/something else; a result) Các đáp án khác A – influence on sth: ảnh hưởng, tác động (the effect that somebody/something has on the way a person thinks or behaves or on the way that something works or develops) B – affect (v) ảnh hưởng C – focus (v) tập trung 99 B “…., (44) anyone escapes” Ta co: Hardly anyone – Hầu khơng có Các đáp án khác k thích hợp A – (a) khó khăn C – (adv) cay nghiệt, khắc nghiệt D – (a) khắt khe, gay gắt , khốc liệt 100 D “Yet if parents would drastically reduce the (45) of confectionery they allow their children to eat,…” - confectionery (uncountable nound (n) bánh kẹo (SWEET/ CANDY, CHOCOLATE …) Ta có: AMOUNT OF + N(khơng đếm được) - ... mạnh vào trình thời điểm Giải thích: Giữa câu có chỗ trống cần điền câu trước có ý nghĩa nhượng bộ, trái ngược Do từ nối However = nhiên từ phù hợp Dịch nghĩa: The result was that many children... V-ing: đáng làm Giải thích: Awake (adj) = thức, tỉnh Sau câu có chứa chỗ trống câu bắt đầu "But when you are asleep" Từ nối "But" dùng để nối hai vế hai câu có nghĩa đối lập nên chỗ trống mang nghĩa... giải C blatant (adj) = huyên náo, om sòm Giải thích: Chỗ trống sử dụng cấu trúc : Use sth to sth = sử dụng để làm Chỗ trống nằm sau từ "to" trước giới từ "up" nên động từ tạo thành cụm động từ

Ngày đăng: 11/12/2018, 15:19



