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ZOOLOGY OF NEW-YORK, OR THE NEW-YORK FAUNA; COMPRISING DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS OF ALL THE ANIMALS HITHERTO OBSERVED WITHIN THE STATE OF NEW-YORK, WITH BRIEF NOTICES OF THOSE OCCASIONALLY FOUND NEAR ITS BORDERS, AND ACCOMPANIED BY APPROPRIATE ILLUSTRATIONS BY JAMBS B DE RA¥ PART III R E P T I L E S AND AMPHIBIA, ALBANY: PRINTED BY W & A WHITE & J VISSCHER 1842 14: The copy right of this work is secured for the benefit of the People of the State of New-York SAMUEL YOUNG, Secretary of State, Albanyy 1842 PREFACE So general is the repugnance of mankind to the animals composing these classes, that their study has been overlooked, and they have usually been considered as beings which it was not only necessary but meritorious to destroy A part of this vulgar prejudice is derived from education, and perhaps some of it may originate from the fact that several of them are furnished with venomous fangs, capable of causing intolerable sufferings and death To the naturalist and physiologist, however; to those who study nature through her various modifications of form and structure, they present some of the most interesting objects of contemplation Their utility, either in diminishing various noxious animals, or in furnishing food themselves to others, has been lost sight of; and because they were cold to the touch, with a naked sHmy skin without hair or feathers, they have been considered as loathsome and hideous, although their structure displays as much of the omnipotence and care of the Creator as can be seen in those which are considered to be the most gorgeous and beautiful of his animated beings The number of known Reptiles and Amphibia throughout the world has been variously estimated It seems to be considered by some writers to reach to 1,300 species, whilst others suppose that 1,500 would scarcely comprise them all As the greater number inhabit the torrid zone, we are not to expect to find many in the United States In this work we have enumerated one hundred and sixty-one species, and have described and figured sixty-three species as found in the State of New-York ; but we suppose the list to be far from being exhausted, more particularly among the Amphibians Descriptions of a few species may be found in the writings of Kalm, Schoepff, Bosc, Palisot de Beauvois and Daudin; but these are often confused and contradictory, and drawn up from altered cabinet specimens In many cases, animals IV PREFACE not even belonging to this continent have been attributed to New-York, simply because they were sent by a collector from that place Thus the Homolopsis carinicauda of Brazil, and the Platydactylus milherti, a species probably existing west of the Cape of Good Hope, have been described as belonging to this State Often writers, in describing the Cyclura harlani, an animal probably from tropical America, state they have reason to believe that it is common in New-York But it is chiefly to the labors of American naturalists that we are indebted for our knowledge of the Reptiles and Amphibians of the United States Mr Say has given us descriptions of several new Serpents and Tortoises; Dr Green first investigated the numerous family of Salamanders; and Major L e Conte has described several new Tortoises and Frogs, and elucidated the previous doubtful or obscure species of the older writers To Dr Harlan we are indebted for almost all the knowledge which we possess in relation to those remarkable families among the Amphibians, which were for a long period known under the name of doubtful reptiles Dr Holbrook, in his excellent and beautifully illustrated work, entitled North American Herpetology, has enlarged our acquaintance with every department among these classes, and his volumes will long remain a monument of his genius and his zeal Dr Holbrook has recently remodelled this work; and at the moment that these pages are passing through the press, is engaged in pubHshing a second edition, in five quarto volumes, vnth many important additions T o his kindness I am indebted for the privilege of being permitted to examine most of what has already been printed, and it has suggested many valuable improvements in-the present volume T o Major Le Conte, I have to express my thanks for his assistance in the course of this work, which owes several of its illustrations to his pencil Dr Emmons, of the Geological Survey, has also afforded me valuable aid in obtaining some species which might otherwise have escaped my observation J E DE KAY T H E LOCUSTS, QUEENS COUNTY January 1, 1842 LIST WORKS REFERRED TO IN THE DESCRIPTIONS OF THE REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS Ac Sc, Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences vols 8vo Philadelphia, 1817 et seq Am Jour American Journal of Science and Arts, conducted by Benjamin Silliman 43 vols 8vo New-Haven 1818 et seq Am Tr Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 4to Philad 1771 et seq New Series, 1816 et seq Ann Mus, Annales du Museum 20 vols 4to Paris, 1802 et seq Arm I/yc Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History vols 8vo New-York, 1824 et seq BARTON, B , S Memoir concerning an animal of the Class of Reptilia or Amphibia, known in the United States under the name of Alligator and Hell-bender, pp 12 8vo Philad 1812 " Some account of the Siren lacertina, and other species of the same genus of amphibious animals, pp 33 Philad 1821 (With a plate.) BELL, Rep History of British Reptiles, by T Bell 8vo Lond 1839 BoNAP Oss Sulla seconda edizione del Regno Animale del Barone Cuvier, Osservazione Bologna, 1830 " Prospetto del Sistema generale d'Erpetologia pp 26 Bologna, 1830 " Cheloniorum Tabula Analytica, 8vo pp 10 Romae, 1836 BONN, Oph Tableau encyclop^dique et m^thodique des trois Regnes de la Nature: Ophiologic, par Bonnaterre 4to Paris, 1790 CLoauET, J Memoire sur I'existence et la disposition des voies lachrymales dans les serpens, 4to Paris, 1821, CUVIER, E A The Animal Kingdom, translated by Griffith, Vol DAUDIN Histoire Naturelle des Reptiles vols 8vo Paris, An, X D E BLAINVILLE Prodrome d'une nouvelle distribution systematique du Regne Animal 4to Paris, 1816 DE KAY, J E On the remains of extinct Reptiles of the Genera Mosasaurus and Geosaurus (Ann Lye Vol 3, p 134.) " Observations on the jaw of a fossil species of Gavial (Ann Lye Vol, 1, p 156.) DuMERiL AND BiBRON Erp^tologie g^n^rale; ou Histoire naturelle complete des Reptiles vols 8vo Paris, 1834 et seq EIGHTS, J Various Observations on Reptiles and Amphibians, published in the Zodiac Albany, 1835-6 FiTZiNGER Neue Classification der Reptilien nach ihren Natiirlichen Verwandtschaften, &c Von L, I Fitzinger 4to pp 66 Wien, 1826 GRAY Synopsis of the Genera of Reptiles and Amphibia, with a description of some new species, by J, E Gray, pp, 13 (From the Annals of Philosophy, 1825.) •' Synopsis of the Class ReptiUa, by J E Gray (From Griffith's Translation of Cuvier, Vol 9, 1831.) GREEN, J Description of several species of North American Amphibia, accompanied with obser\'ations (Jour Ac Sc Vol 1, p 348.) HARLAN, Genera of North American Reptilia, and a Synopsis of the Species (Acad Nat Sc, Vol, 4.) " Medical and Physical Researches 8vo Philad 1835 I cite also from the same author many papers and descriptions of reptiles in the Ac Sc, Ann Lye, and Am Journal FAUNA 1* VI LIST OF BOOKS HITCH Cat List of Reptiles, by D Smith, from Hitchcock's Catalogue of the Animals and Plants of Massachusetts Amherst, 1835 HOLBROOK North American Herpetology, or a Description of the Reptiles inhabiting the United States vols 4to Philadelphia, 1834 et seq KiRTLAND Report on the Zoology of Ohio pp 42 Cincmnati, 1838 LE CONTE Description of the Species of North American Tortoises (From Ann Lye Vol, 3, p 91.) ** Remarks on the American Species of the Genera Hyla and Rana (From the same Vol 1, p 278.) Lin Soc Report of a Committee of the Linnean Society of New-England, relative to a large marine animal supposed to be a Serpent, pp 59 London, 1818 (With a plate.) MERREM Tentamen Systematis Amphibiorum Auctore Blasio Merrem, 8vo Marburgi, 1820 MiTCHiLL, S L Description of a Batrachian animal from Georgia, different from the reptiles of that order hitherto known (Medical Recorder, July, 1822.) OPPEL Sur la Classification des Reptiles: Ordre 2, Ophidiens (Ann Mus Vol 16, p 254-376.) " Sur la Classification des Batraciens (Id Vol 16, p 394.) SAY Notes on Prof Green's paper on the Amphibia (Ac Sc Vol 1, p 405.) " Notes on Herpetology (Am Journal, Vol 1, p 256.) " Descriptions of three new species of Coluber inhabiting the United States (Ac Sc Vol 4, p 237.) " On the Fresh-water and Land Tortoises of the United States (Ac Sc Vol 4, p 203.) ScHCEPPF Reise durch einige der Mittlem und Sudlichen Vereinigten Nord-Americanischen Staaten vols 8vo Erlangen, 1788 '' Historia Testudinum Icon, illus 4to Erlangen, 1792 SCHNEIDER HistorisB Amphibiorum Auctor J G Schneider 8vo Jen®, 1800 et seq SCHLEGEL Essai sur la physiognomic des Serpens Par H Schlegel vols 8vo La Haye, 1837 SPIX, Serp Serpentum Brasiliensium species novae, etc Par Jean de Splx Folio Monachii, 1824 SPIX, Test Animalia nova sive Species novae Testudinum et Ranarum, &c Descripsit J B de Spix.* Folio Monachii, 1824 SMITH, J A Account of the Dissection of the Menobranchus, with remarks on the Siren intermedia, (Ann, Lye Vol 2, p 259.) STORER Report on the Reptiles of Massachusetts, pp 49 Boston, 1839 SWAINSON Natural History of Fish, Amphibia and Reptiles, or Monocardian Animals Vol Lond 1839 TROOST On a new genus of Serpents, and two new species of the genus Heterodon (Ann Lye Vol 3, p 174.) WAGLER Naturaliches System der Amphibien, &c Von Dr Joh Wagler 8vo Munchen, Stuttgart und Tubingen, 1830 WiEGMANN Herpetologia Mexicana, seu Descriptio Amphibiorum Novae Hispaniae, &c Par A F A Weigmann Pars prima: Saurorum species FoUo pp.54 Tabulis X Berolini, 1834 401 LATIN INDEX CVPRINIDE, •••••• PAGE PAGE PAGE 188, 394 Fistularia neoboracensis, • 233 serrata, ••••.• 232 tabacaria, •••.• 233 Grystes salmoides, ' • • • • • 26 Gunncllus mucronatus, • 153 vulgaris, •••• 154 Cyprinodon ovinus, Cypsilurus, ••••••••••• Dactylopterus volitans, •• Diodon carinatus, •••••• fuliginosus, •••.• maculostrjatus, •• pilosus, •••.••• rivulatus, •••••• verrucosus, •••.• Dules auriga, •••••••.•• 215 231 49 330 324 323 326 323 ECHENEIDlE, •••••••••• 325 34 307 Echeneis albicauda, •••• naucrates, •••• 4-larninatus, •• remora, ••••• Elacate atlantica, ••••••• 307 308 309 309 113 ELEUTHEROPOMI, 344 Ephippus faber~ •••.•••• 97 gigas, •••.••• 99 Elops saurus, •••••••• 267 inermis, •.••••• 267 Enchelyopus americanus, 291 ESOCIDlE, ••••• , ••••••• Esox belone, •••••••• • • · estor, ••.•••• • flavulus, •••••••• fasciatus, ••••••• longirost r is, ••••• lucius, ••••••••• maskinongy, •••• osseus, ••••••••• ovinus, ••••••••• phaleratus, •••••• reticulatu~, ••••.• scomberius, •••.• tredecim-Zineatus, tredecim·radiatus, • Exocetus appendiculatus, comatus, ••••.• furcatus, ••••.• mesogaster, ••• noveboracensis, Fierasfer borealis, • ••••• parryi, •••••• FAUNA-PART 222 227 222 216 224 227 226 222 271 215 226 223 225 225 225 231 231 231 231 230 316 316 FISTULARIDlE, •••••••• 232 Fundulus fasciatus, ••••• 216 viridescens, •• 217 zebra, •••••••• 218 274 Gadus albidus, •••.•••• 280 GADIDJE, ••••••••••••• (l'glifinus, •••••• cal/arias, •••• • carbonarius, •••• compressus, •••.• lacustris, •••• • longipes, ••••••• Iota, ••••••••.• luscus, ••••••••• maculosus, ••••.• merlucius, •••••• minulus, ••••••• pruinosus, •••••• punctat1.ts, •••.•• purpureus, ••••.• tenuis, •••••••.• tomcodus, •••• • vulgaris, ••• •• Galeus pristodantns, ••• Galeichthys marinus, • parra, •••.• Gasterosteus apelles, •••• biaculeatus, • concinnus, • inconstans, •• mainensis, •• niger, •••• •• neoboracensis, occidentalis, • pungitius, • quadracus, • Gerres aprion, •••.•••• 279 274 287 285 284 291 284 278 284 280 277 278 293 286 293 278 280 ·387 178 178 67 65 68 68 68 68 66 68 68 67 97 148 Gabio cataractre, ••••.•• 394 Gobius alepidotus, •••••• 160 bosr.ii, ••••••••• 160 mr'tdipallidus, •• 160 GOBIDlE, ••••••••••••• 52 GVMNODONTIDE, •••• •• Hemulon fulvomaculatuln, arcuatum, •••• chrysopteron, • formosum, •••• Hemitripterus americanus, Hippocampus brevirostris, hudsonius, Hippoglasus vulgaris, ••• ]loloptychius nobilissimus, Hura nigricans, " • • • H ydrargira atricauda, • •• diaphana, •• multifasciata, nigrofasciala, ornata, • •• •• Hyodan clodalus, ••.•••• chrysopsis, • •• • tergisus, ••• Johnnius rega/is, ••••• 320 84 86 85 86 56 322 322 294 385 15 220 219 220 221 221 266 267 265 71 JUGULARES, •• • 274 LABRID £, •••••••••••• 172 Labrax albidus, ••••••• lineatus, • • • • • • • muc ronatus, • • • • • multilineatus, • • • nigricans, •• •••• nolatus, •••• •••• pallidus, • • • • •• • • rufus, •••• ••• Labrus auritus, •• • • • • • • americanus, •••• appendix, •••••• chogset, •••• • • •• grunniens, ••••• obliquus, •••••• ta1ltoga, • • •• •• Labeo cyprinus, •• • • • • •• elegans, •• • • •• •• esopus, • •• • • •• •• gibbosus, • • • • •• •• oblongus, • •• 193, 13 14 12 1,(, 11 31 175 32 17.2 81 69 175 194 192 195 194 394 LATIN INDEX PA.:JE ;1.:, I Jr'Q elongatus, • •• •• 394 LJCl()phrys camelinus, triqueter~ yalei, t,iJl,na at;uminata, caudata, •• lanceolala, • plicata, • • • punctata, • • • IJ:nnpugus punctulatus, Lcr )jas ovinus, • •• •• •• ellipsoides, •••• , ,stOffiUS humeral-is, obliquus, ••• xanthurus, •• ;,isoDla cirrhosum, ' ~)isosteus bison, longirostris, platyrhincus, iciscus argenteus, atromaculatus, atronasus, biguttatus, • cau1'inu,s, • chrysoleucas, chrysopterus, cephalus, cornutus, •• corporalis, • • •• dissimilis, elongatus, hudsonius, nit idus, oregonensis, pulchellus, pygmreus, vittatus, • :chia carolina, " : Jbotes surinamensis, Lc)la compressa, It" • - inornata, • • •• •• - maculosa, • • • •• l,-,OPHIDJE, • • • ~Jphius americanus, •• hufo, •••••• 341 342 342 387 354 387 387 352 134 215 216 69 69 70 41 271 274 273 212 210 205 214 215 204 211 214 207 213 214 214 206 209 215 208 214 212 114 88 285 283 284 162 162 168 P~GlE Lophius gibbus, • • • •• 164 piscator, •••••• 162 radiatus, • • •• 166 LOPHOBRANCHII, 319 17 Lucioperca americana, canadensis, 19 grisea, •• 19 Lumpus anglorum, •• •• 305 vulgaris, • • •• 305 Malthrea cubifrons, • •• 166 nasuta, • • • • • •• 166 notata, • •• •• 167 vespertilio, •••• 167 MENIDJE, • •• • • • • • • • • 97 Merlangus carbonarius, 287 leptocephalus} 288 purpureus, • 286 Merlueius albidus, 280 Micropogon costatus, ••• • 83 undulatus, •• 84 Monochirus apoda, • •• •• 304 Morone flavesct-ns, • • maculata, •• • • 31 rufa, Mollinesia latipinna, • 221 Monocanthus aurantiaeus, 333 broccus, • •• 335 massaehusetensis, 336 setifer, • • 337 335 tomentosus, Morrhua americana, ••• 274 mglefinus, 279 277 minuta, • •• pruinosa, • 278 vulgaris, ••••• 280 MUGILIDJE, • • •• ••• 144 Mugil albula, • • • • •• 146 grunniens, •• 180 lineatus, 144 69 obliquus, petrosus, ••• •• •• 147 plumieri, •• • • • • 147 Murenoides guttata, 153 355 Mustelus canis, • • • Myliobatis freminvilli, 376 P~G •• Myliobatis say, •••••••• N aucrates ductor, noveboracensis, Otodus appendiculatus, Osmerus eperlanus, ••••• viridescens, •••• Ophidium barbatum, marginatum, mucronatum, stigma, Orthagoriscus mola, •••• OSTRACIONIDlE, ••••••• Ostracion sex-cornutus, • Otolithus carolinensis, • drummondi, regalis, Pagrus argyrops, Palaoniscus agassizi, fultus, ••••• latus, macropterus, ovatus, • •••• Palinurus perciformis, • Pastinaca hastata, maciura, sabina, •••• PECTINIBRANCHII, Pelamys sarda, PERCIDlE, •••••••••••• 376 113 112 387 243 243 315 315 153 316 331 341 343 72 72 71 95 386 385 385 385 386 118 373 375 375 106 Perea acuta, formosa, 86 flavescens, • gracilis, granulata, minima, nebulosa, •••••••• ocellata, •••••••• 75 saxatilis, septentrionalis, serrato-granulata, • Percina, P eprilus alepidotus, 136 cryptosus: 137 PETROMYZONIDlE , ••••• 379 Petromyzon americanus, • 379 403 LATIN INDEX PAGe PAGE Petromyzon appendix, ••• 381 argenteus, •• 382 lamotteni, •• 382 marinus, •• 380 nigricans, 381 tridentatusJ • 382 Pholis carolinus, • •••• 151 sub-bifurcatus, ••• 150 Phycis americanus, •••• 291 furcatus, ••••••• 291 punctatus, 293 Pileoma semifasciatum, •• 16 Pimelepterus boscii, ••• 100 Pimelodus albidus, •••• 186 aneus, " •••• 187 atrarius, ••••• 185 borealis, •.•• 187 catus, •.••••• 182 cet'ulescens, •• 187 cmnosus, •••• 186 cupreus, ••••• 187 flavus, 187 furcatus, 187 lemniscatus, • 187 nebulosus, 182, 187 nigrescens, •.• 180 nigricans, •••• 180 pallid-us, • •••• 187 pullus, •••• 184 punctulatus, •• 187 xanthocephalus, 187 PLAGIOSTOl\tII, ••••• 348 PLANIDlE, 293 Platessa dentata, • •••• 298 297 ferruginea, oblonga, •••.••• 299 ocellaris, 300 plana, •••.••••• 295 pusilla, •.••••• 296 stellata, 301 Platirostra edentula, 347 PLECTOGNATHI, • 323 Pleuronectes aquosus, ••• 301 dentatus, •.• 298 glacialis, •• 302 Pleuronectes hippoglossus, 294 lineatus, • •• 303 maculatus, •• 301 melanogaster, 295 mollis, ••••• 303 oblongus, ••• 299 planus, ••••• 295 Plagusia fasciata, ••••• 304 Pcecilia fasciata, • •••• 216 multilineata, ••• 215 Pogonias chromis, ••.••• 80 fasciatus, •• • 81 Polynemus tridigitatus, 43 sex-radiatus, • 49 Pomotis appendix, ••••.• 32 catesbei, ••••••• 33 gibbosus, ••• •••• 33 holbrooki, 33 incisor, •••••••• 33 raveneli, ••••••• 33 solis, ••••••••.• 33 vulgaris, •••••.• 31 Prionotus carolinus, ••••• 46 Iineatus, •••••• 45 punctatus, •••• 48 tribulus, ••••• 48 Pristipoma fasciatum, ••• 87 rubrum, ••••• 88 Pristis antiquorum, e • • • • 365 Pteraclis carolinus, • •••• 138 Ptychodus mammilaris, • 386 morioni, ••••• 386 Raia americana, ••••••• 368 - bonasus, •••••••••• 375 - centroura, •••.•••• 373 - chantenay, 369 - desmarestia, 372 - diaphanes, ••• " •• 366 - eglanteria, •••• •••• 373 - erinaceus, ••••••••• 372 - lrevis, •••••••••••• 370 - ocellata, ••••••• • 359 - maclura, 375 - quad'riloba, ••••.•• 375 I I I I • • •••• • • I • •• ••• I I ••••• ••••••• I •• I ••• RAIIDlE, 366 PAGB Rhombus aquosus, ••• longi pinnis~ •• triacanthus, •.•• Rhinoptera quadriloba, •• Roccus striatus, • comes, ••• SALMONID E, Salmo alb-us, - alipes, am ethystus, canadensis, confinis, eperlanus, erythrogaster, fontinalis, ••••.•• gairdneri, '" •.•• hearni, •••••••••• hoodi, " ••••••••• mackenzi, •••• •••• namaycush, •••••• nitidus, otsego, ••.•••••• quinnat, ••••••.•• rossi, salar, ••••••••.•• scouleri, •••••••.• Sargus arenosus, •••.••• - ovis, - rhomboides, ••••.• SAURIDJE, Saurocephalus leanu,s, •• lancifo'rmis, • Sciena multifasciata, •.• oscula, ••••••••• SCIENIDlE, Scolopsis sayanis, •••••• Scomber colias, ••••••• ductor, ••••• " • grex, hippos, •••• n~ger, • • •••• vernalis, ••••.•• Scomberesox equirostrum, scutellatum" storeri, •••• I •• I - I I •• I ••••• I • ••• ••••••••• e, • • • • • • • I •••• I ••••••••••• I ••• 301 136 137 375 11 235 247 242 240 243 238 243 236 235 243 242 242 242 240 242 248 242 242 241 242 91 89 98 271 387 387 69 73 69 35 104 112 103 122 113 101 229 229 229 404 LATIN INDEX rAG•• SCOMBRID !:, •••• •••• •• 101 Scopelus humboldti, ••.• Scorprena bufo, ••••• , • • • porcus, ••• ••• Scymnus brevi pinna, •• •• Sebastes norvegicus, •.•• Selachus maximus, •• • • Seriola bosci, •••• • • • • • 246 59 58 361 60 357 129 cos'mopolita, •• • • 129 fasciata, • • • • •• 129 leiarchns, • •• • • • 129 zonata, •••• •• • 128 Serranus acutirostris, ••• 23 crythrogaster, • 21 fascicularis, •• • • 23 morlO, •••••••• 23 SIL URIDJE, ••••••••••• Silurus catus, ••••••••• gy rinus, •••• • •• Somniosus brevipinna, • SPARIDE, •••••••••••• Spa rus ovis, •• • • • • • • • • Sphyrrena bore3lis, ••••• S pinax acanth las, •• , •• , 177 182 186 361 89 89 39 359 SQ U ALIDJE, ••••••••••• 348 Squalus americanus, • • •• 366 canis, • • • •• • • •• 355 Squalus carcharias, •• •• elephas, •••••••• littoralis, • • • • • •• maximus, • • • • • •• obscl.l rus, •••• • •• wipes, •••• •• • • zygana, •••••••• Squatina dumerili, • • • • •• Stilbe crysoleucas, •• • • Stomodon bilinearis, Stromateus cryptosus, , longipinnis, •• t riacanthus, •• S'ruRIONIDJE, I PAOE PAOE 365 357 351 357 350 348 362 363 204 280 131 136 137 Tetraodon mola, ••••••• 331 turgidus, ••••• 327 TEUTHIDlE, •••••••••• 139 Thynnus corella, ••••••• 106 vulgaris, ••••.• 105 Trachinotus argenteus, •• 116 Juscus, ••••• 117 spinosus, •• "' 117 Trichiurus lepturus, •••• 109 Trigla cuculus, 43 lineata, •••• 45 TRIGLIDlE, ••••••••••• 43 U mbrina alburnus, ••••.• 78 coroj,des, •••••• 79 •••••••• Syngnathus fasciatus, • • •• 319 fuscus, 321 per,kianus, • 321 typhle, ••••• 319 viridescens, • 321 SVNGNATHIDJE, ••••••• 319 Tautoga americana, •• • 175 cerulea, •••.•• 173 niger, •• • • •• • •• 175 Temnodon saltator, ••••• 130 Tetraodon curvus, •••• •• 328 lrevigatus, • •• 329 mathematicus, 329 I •••• I ••••••• I ••• fournieri, ••••• 83 U ranoscopus anoplos, ••• U ran idea quiescens, ••••• Vomer brownii, •••••••• Xiphias gladius, ••• , •••• Xirichthys lineatus, •••• Zeus capillaris, •••••••• - crinitus, •••••••••• - setapinnis, •••.•••• - vomer, •••••••••.• Zoarces an gu i lIar is, • •••• fimbriatus, ••••.• 37 61 127 111 177 125 123 127 124 155 156 Zygrena malleus, •• \) •• 362 LIST OF PLATES OF THE FISHES PLATE I Fig The American Yellow Perch (Perea flavescens) The Little White Bass (Labrax pallidus) The Striped Sea Bass (Labrax lineatus) Fig Fig The Ruddy Bass (Labrax rufus) The Black Fresh-water Bass (Centrarchus fasciatus) The Two-spined Stickleback (Gasterosteus biaculeatus) PLATE PLATE Fig 10 11 12 15 III PLATE IV The Greenland Bullhead (Cottus grcenlandicus) The Northern Sebastes (Sebastes norvegicus) The Banded Gurnard (Prionotus lineatus) PLATE Fig 13 14 II The Fresh-water Bass (Centrarchus reneus) The Black Sea Bass (Centropristes nigricans) The American Aspidophore (A monopterygius) V The Common Bullhead (Cottus virginianus) The Little Star-gazer (Uranidea quiescens) The Web-fingered Gurnard (Prionotus carolinus) F AUNA-P ART 53 406 LIST OF PLATES VI PLATE Fig 16 17 18 19 The The The The American Sea Raven (Hemitripterus hispidus) Ne\v-York Stickleback (Gasterosteus neoboracensis) Four-spined Stickleback (G quadracus) Brazen Bullnead (Cottus ceneus) VII PLATE Fig 20 The King-fish (Umbrina alburnus) 21 The Speckled Redmouth (Remulon fulvo-maculatum) 22 The Yellow-finned I~edmouth (H chrysopteron) PLATE VIII Fig 23 24 The Sheepshead (Sargus ovis) The Weak fish (Otolithus regalis) Fig 25 The Big Porgee (Pagrus argyrops) The Banded Seriola (Seriola zonata) The Striped Bonito (Pelamys sarda) IX PLATE 26 27 PLATE X Fig 28 29 30 The Common Tunny (Thynnis vulgaris) The Bottleiheaded Dolphin (Coryphrena globiceps) The Carolina Lichia (Lichia carolina Fig 31 The Spotted Lampugus (L punctulatus) The Fall Mackerel (Scomber grex) The Spanish Mackerel (S colias) PLATE 32 33 PJ~ATE Fig 34 35 36 38 Fig 39 40 XII The Spring Mackerel (Scomber vernalis) The Silvery Hairtail (Trichiurus lepturus) The American Butter-fish (Gunnellus mucronatus) PLATE Fig 37 XI XIII The Green Herring (Clupea virescens) The American Alewive (Alosa tyrannus) PLATE XIV 'fhe American Tautog (Tautoga americana) The Banded Drum (Pogonias fasciatus) LIST OF PLATES XV PLATE Fig 41 42 The American Shad (Alosa prrestabilis) The Striped Mullet (Mugillineatus) PLATE Fig 43 44 45 PLATE Fig 46~ 47 48 XVII The Sea S\vallow (Dactylopterus volitans) Scales and head of the same magnified The S mooth-bro\ved Bullhead (Cottus Ini tchilli) The Obscure Fresh-V\'ater Bass (Centrarchus obscurus) PLATE Fig XVI The Sea Wolf (Anarrhicas lupus) The Bordered Eel-pout (Zoarces fin1briatus) The Thick lipped Eel-pout (Z anguillaris) Under side and mouth of the same XVIII 49.The Black Triple-tail (Lobotes surinamensis) 50 The Spotted W rymouth (Cryptacanthodes ruaculatus) Head magnified 51 The Silvery Corvina (Corvina argyroleu ca) PLATE XIX Fig 52 53 54 The Groper (Serranus erythrogaster) The Spinous Trachinote (Trachinotus fuscus) The Coachman (Dules auriga) Fig 55 56 57 58 59 The The The The The 1\ialeshagany (Corvina richardsoni) Razor-fish (Pirnelepterus bosci) Tessellated Darter (Boleosolna tessellatum)" Spotted Troutlet (Baione fontinalis) Squirrel-fish (Hemulon formosum) Fig 60 61 62 63 The The The The Mossbonker (Alosa menhaden) Branded Corvina (Corvina ocellata) Spineless Perch (Aphredoderus sayanus) Lake Sheepshead (Corvina oscula) PLATE- PLATE XX XXI 407 408 LIST OF PLATES PLATE XXII Fig 64 65 66 67 The The The The Rough Yellow Perch (Perea serrato-granulata) Unarmed Uranoscope (Uranoscopus anoplos) Seaweed Blenny (Blennius fucorum) Lake Sheepshead (Cofvina oscula) Fig fi8 69 70 71 The The The The Banded Ephippus (Ephippus faber) Black-nosed Dace (Leuciscus atronasus) Variegated Goby (Gobius alepidotus) Moon-fish (Ephippus gigas) The The The The XXIV Southern Caranx (Caranx defensor) Six-banded Chasmodes (Chasmodes bosquianus) Gibbous Mouse-fish (Chironectes gibbus) Black Pilot (Palinurus perciformis) PLATE XXIII PLATE Fig 72 7:3 74 75 PLATE XXV Fi g 76 77 78 The Hair-finned Blepharis (Blepharis crinitus) The Northern Crab-eater (Elacate atlantica) The Blunt-nosed Shiner (Vomer brownii) Fig 79 80 81 The Sword-fish (Xiphias gladius) The Short-finned Harvest-fish (Rhombus triacanthu8) The Blue-fish (Temnodon saltator) Fig 82 83 84 85 The The The The Hair-finned Argyreiose (Argyreiosus capillaris) Smooth Mouse-fish (Chironectes lrevigatus) Sheepshead Lebias (Lebias ovinus) YeHow Caranx (Caranx chrysos) Fig 86 87 88 89 The The The The Common Toad-fish (Batrachus tau) American Angler (Lophius americanus) Dotted Silverside (Atherina notata) Short-nosed Malthrea (Malthrea nasuta) PLATE PLATE PLATE XXVI XXVII XXVIII LIST OF PLATES PLATE Fig 90 The 91 The 92 The 93 The Fig 94 PLATE 95 96 97 98 99 100 XXX The Cirrhous Lepisoma (Lepisoma cirrhosum) The Bay Shiner (Leuciscus chrysopterus) The Sharp-finned Corvina (Corvina oxyp:era) PLATE Fig XXIX Spotted Bergall (Ctenolabrus uninotatus) New-York Shiner (Stilbe chrysoleucas) Red-fin (Leuciscus cornutus) Common Bergall (Ctenolabrus ceruleus) The The The The XXXI Horned Sucker (Catostomus tuberculatus) Striped ICillifish (Fundulus fasciatus) Big I(jIlifish (F viridescens) New-York Chubsucker (Labeo clegans) PLATE XXXII Fig 101 The Gibbous Chubsuckcr (Labeo gibbosus) 102 The Black-headed Dace (Leuciscus atro-maculatus)v 103 The Variegated Bream (Abramis versicolor) PLATE XXXIII Fig 104 The Pale Sucker (Catostomus pallidus) 105 The Shining Dace (Leuciscus nitidus) 106 The COffilnon Sucker (Catostomus communis) PLATE Fig 107 108 109 110 The The The The PLATE Fig 111 112 113 XXXIV Common Pickerel (Esox reticlllatus) Banded Dace (Leuciscus vittatus) Spawn-eater (L hudsonius) Barred Pickerel (Esox fasciatus) XXXV The Northern Bill-fish (Scombcresox storeri) The Banded Garfish (Belolle truncata) The Alnerican Pipe-fish (Fistularia serrata) Head of the same seen fron1 above PLATE XXXVI Fig 114 The New-York Flying-fish (Exocctus noveboracensis) 115 The Single-bearded Flying-fish (E comatus) 116 FAUNA-PART The Black Catfish (Pimelodus atrariu~) 54 409 410 LIST OF PLATES PLATE XXXVII Fig 117 The Brown Catfish (Pimelodus pullus) 118 The Oceanic Catfish (Galeichthys marinus) 119 The (~ommon Catfi8h (Pimelodus catus.) PLA TE Fig 120 1~ 1 ~~ ~3 1'hc The The The XXXVIII Brook Trout (Salmo fontinalis) Argentine (Scopelus humboldti) Sea SalnlQn (Salmo salar) Lake SaIInon Trout (S confinis) PLATE XXXIX "Fig ~~1 125 126 The Anlerican Srnclt (Osmcrus viridescens) The Western 1\'1 ud-fish (Anlia occidentalis) The Red-bellied 1'rout (Salmo erythrogaster) Fig 127 128 The Autumnal l-Ierring (Alosa mattowaca) The Slender Herring (A teres) The Spotted Shadine (A sadina) PLATE 129 XLI PLATE Fig 130 131 132 The River Mooneye (Hyodon tergisus) The Saury (Elops saurus) The Spotted Thread Herring (Chatressus signifer) PLATE Fig 133 134 135 136 The The The The 138 139 XLIII The F'lat-nosed Bony Pike (Lepisosteus platyrhincus) Upper view of the head Scales Anomalous tooth The Haddock (Morrhua reglefinus) The Buffalo Bony Pike (Lepisosteus bison) IlLATE Fig 140 141 142 143 XLII Mullet Sucker (Catostomus aureolus) Pigmy Dace (Leuciscus pygmreus) l\lany-spined Stickleback (Gasterosteus occidentalis) Brilliant Chubsucker (Labeo oblongus) PLATE Fig 137 XL The 'fhe The The XLIV American Cod (Morrhua americana) Po\ver Cod (M minuta) Tom Cod or Frost-fish (M pruinosa) Cusk (Brosmius vulgaris) LIST OF PLATES PLATE XLV Fig 144 The Coal-fish (Merlangus carbonarins) 145 The Plain Burbot (Lata inornata) 146 The Green Pollack (Merlangus leptocephalus) 147 The New-York Pollack (M purpureus) PLATE XLVI Fig 148 The American Hake (Merlucius alhidus) 149 The Spotted Codling (Phycis punctatus) 150 The American Ccdling (P americanus) PLATE XLVII Fig 151 The Spotted Turbot (Pleuronectes maculatus) 152 The Long-toothed Flounder (Platessa ocellata) 153 The Pigmy Flat-fish (Platessa pusilla) Fig 154 155 156 PLATE XLVIII The New-York Flat-fish (Platessa plana) The Rusty Flat-fish (P ferruginea) The Oblong Flounder (P oblonga) Fig 157 158 159 PLATE XLIX The Halibut (Hippoglossus vulgaris) Platessa plana, reversed and doubled The New-York Sole (Achirus mollis) Fig 160 161 162 163 PLATE L The Small Black Bass (Labrax nigricans) The Two-spined Toad-fish (Batrachus celatus.) a Dorsal view of the same The Champlain Pickering (Pileoma fasciatum) The Yellow Pike-perch (Lucioperca americana) PLATE Fig 164 165 166 LI The Lake Mooneye (Hyodon clodalus) The White Lake Bass (Labrax albidus) The Common Pond-fish (Pomotis vulgaris) PLATE Fig 167 The 168 The 169 The 170 The LII American Sand Launce (Ammodytus americanus) Spotted Burbot (Lota maculosa) New-York Ophidium (Ophidium marginatum) Great Lake Catfish (Pimelodus nigricans) 411 412 LIST OF PLATES PLATF; Fig 171 172 173 Fig 174 175 176 177 Fig 178 179 180 181 The Hudson-river Sea Horse (Hippocampus hudsonius) The American Conger (Conger americanus) The Common New-York Eel (Anguilla tenuirostris) PLATE LIV The Banded Pipe-fish (Syngnathus fasciatus) The Lump-fish (Lumpus anglorum) View of the under side of the same The Green Pipe-fish (Syngnathus viridescens) The White-tailed Remora (Echeneis albicauda) The The The The PLATE LV Common Puffer (Tetraodon turgidus) Small G·lobe-fish (Acanthosoma carinatum) Hairy Balloon-fish (Diodon pilosus) Unspotted Balloon-fish (D fuliginosus) The The The The Lineated Puffer (Tetraodon lrevigatus) Long-finned File-fish (Monocanthus broccus) Warty Balloon-fish (Diodon verrucosus) Spot-striped Balloon-fish (D maculato-striatus) PLATE Fig 182 183 184 185 PLATE Fig 186 187 188 190 191 193 194 LVII LVIII The Sharp-nosed Sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhincus) View of under side, and head viewed from above The Dromedary Trunk-fish (Lactophrys camelinus) The Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser rubicundus) LIX The Long-tailed IT nicorn-fish (Aluteres cuspicauda) The Short Head-fish (Orthagoriscus mola) The Thread File-fish (Monocanthus sctifcr) PLATE Fig 192 LVI The Orange File-fish (Monocanthus aurantiacus) The Massa.chusetts File-fish (M massachusettensis) The Dusky Balistes (Balistes fuliginosus) PLATE Fig 189 LIlT LIST OF PI ATES LX PLATE Fig 195 196 197 198 The The The The La Fayette (Leiostomus obliquus) Northern Barracuta (Sphyrrena borealis) Banded Sand l.launce (A.mmodytes vittatus) Common Shad Salmon (Corregonus clupeiformis) PLATE Fig 199 200 201 202 413 LXI The Thresher Shark (Carcharias vulpes) The Snlall Blue Shark (C ccruleus) The Dusky Shark (C obscurus) The Nurse (Scymnus brevipinna) PLATE LXII Fig 203 The American Angel-fish (Squatina dumerili) 204 The Hammer-headed Shark (Zygrena malleus) a Underside b A tooth 205 The Long-tailed Porbeagle (Lamna caudata) a Under side of the head b A tooth PLATE LXIII Fig 206 The l\fackerel Porbeagle (Lamna punctata) 207 208 Head of the same; 2, tail; 3, front tooth of the upper ja\v; the lower jaw; 5, a lateral tooth The Basking Shark (Selachus maximus) 1, PLATE LXI,T Fig 209 The American Hound-fish (Mustelus canis) Under side of the l1ead of the same 210 The Spiny Dog-fish (Spinax 'acanthias) 210 a Under side of the head of the saIne 211 The Small Lamprey (Petromyzon appendix) 209 a PTATE Fig 212 213 214 The The The a PLATE Fig 215 216 217 FAUNA - LXV Spotted Ray, male, (Raia ocellata) Broad Sting Ray (Pastinaca maclura) \Vhip Sting Ray, female, (P hastata) Egg case with its embryo LXVI The Prickly Ray, male, (Raia americana) The American Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon americanus) a Vie\v of the mouth The Cow-nose Ray (Rhinoptera quadriloba) a Tabular teeth of the same PART 55 4., of 414 LIST OF PLATES Fig 218 219 PLATE LXVII The Clear-nose Ray, male and female, (Raia diaphanes) The Devil-fish (Cephaloptera vampirus) PLATE LXVIII Fig 220 221 22~ The Ilough-headed Yellow Perch (Perea granulata) 'fhe Canadian Pike-perch (Lucioperca canadensis) 'I'he Sharp-nosed Yellow Perch (Perea acuta) PLATE Fig 223 224 LXIX The Growler « ~rystes salrnoides) The Black I-Iuron (IIuro nigricans) PLATE.LXX Fi~ 22:> The Red Gurnard (Trigla cuculus) 226 The Spinous Gurnard (Prinotus tribulus) 227 The Spotted Sea Scorpion (~corprena bufo) PLATE LXXI Fig 228 229 The Rhomboidal Porgee (Sargus rhomboides) The Aculeated Gilt-head (Chrysophrys aculeata), PLATE LXXII Fig 230 231 'fhe Banded Corvino (Micropogon costatus) The Southern l\:ing-fish (U mbrina coroides) Fig 232 PLATE LXXIII 'fhe Spotted Cybium (Cybiuln maculatwl1) 233 234 Fig 235 236 237 The Spotted Caranx (Caranx punctatus) The Surgeon (Acanthurus phlebotomus) PLATE LXXIV The Common Pilot-fish (Naucrates ductor) The Slender Silverside (Atherina menidia) The Greenish Seriole (Seriola cosmopolita) Fig 238 239 PLATE LXXV The Rostrated Argyreiose (Argyreiosus vomer) The Long-finned Harvest-fish (Rhombus longipinnis) Fig 240 241 PLATE LXXVI The White-fish (Corregonus albus) The Mackinaw Salmon (Salmo amethystus) LIST OF PLATES PLATE Fig 242 ~43 LXX'?"!I 1'he Large-scaled Sucker (Catostomus nlacrolepidotus) The Long-finned Chubsucker (Labeo cyprinus) PLATE LXXVIII Fig 244 245 246 The compressed Burbot (Lata cornpres~a) Dorsal vie\v of the same The Hedgehog }{ay, nlale, (llaia crinaceus) a Dorsal vie"r b Abdominal Fig 247 Bluish Sea Lanlprey (Petramyzon nigricans) Colored Mud Lamprey (Ammocretes bicolor) \!ariegated Lamprey (Petromyzon lamottenii) Plain Mud Lamprey (Ammoccetes unicolor) Q Nostril b Under side of the mouth PLATE 248 249 250 LXXIX 415 ... ZOOLOGY OF NEW- YORK, OR THE NEW- YORK FAUNA; COMPRISING DETAILED DESCRIPTIONS OF ALL THE ANIMALS HITHERTO OBSERVED WITHIN THE STATE OF NEW- YORK, WITH BRIEF NOTICES OF THOSE OCCASIONALLY... 4to Philad 1771 et seq New Series, 1816 et seq Ann Mus, Annales du Museum 20 vols 4to Paris, 1802 et seq Arm I/yc Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History vols 8vo New- York, 1824 et seq BARTON,... Length of shell, Diameter of shell, Height of same, 5-3 5'0 1-4 FAMILY CHELONIDiE The Soft-shelled Tortoise was not generally known as an inhabitant of New- York, until after the completion of the