The concept, the importance of recruiting human resources...5 1.1.2 Recruiting concept...5 1.1.3 Importance of recruitment...5 1.1.4 The concept and importance of human resource selectio
Instructor (Lecturer) : Tran Thi Trang
Ho Chi Minh City, 2018
Instructor (Lecturer) : Tran Thi Trang
Ho Chi Minh City, 2018
Trang 3At the same time, I would also like to thank Mr Nguyen Thanh Linh - Head of Operation
in HCM and together with all the members in the office, who created all conditions for
me to practice and study at the unit
In particular, I would like to thank Mr Tran Trung Tin, Head of Sorting in Binh Tan,who provided for me more information response to researching and assessing the humanresource management situation in your company
Finally, I would like to thank the teacher - MSc Tran Thi Trang - Lecturer of the Faculty
of Business Administration has instructed and helped me complete this report
During the practice of researching this subject, I encountered many difficulties insearching and updating information so the subject was inevitably some limitations anderrors I would like to receive the comments of the teachers and the Board to completethis report better
Thank you sincerely
Intership student
Nguyen Anh Tra
Trang 4SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence – Freedom- Happiness
-COMMENTS OF THE SUPERVISOR Student’s full name: Nguyen Anh Tra Student’s ID: 1411141986 Class: 14DQTQ03 Academic Year: 2014–2018 1 Duration ………
2 Department ………
3 Responsibility and Discipline awareness ………
4 Results ………
5 General comments ………
Trang 5SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence – Freedom- Happiness
-COMMENTS OF THE INSTRUCTOR Student’s full name: Nguyen Anh Tra Student’s ID : 1411141832 Class: 14DQTQ03 Academic Year : 2014–2018 1 Duration ………
2 Department ………
3 General comments ………
2 Diagram 2 2.1: Organization chart of the joint
5 Figure 2.2.1: Employees of the company
Trang 71 Reason for selecting the topic 1
2 Objectives of the study 2
3 Subjects and scope of research 2
4 Research Methodology 3
5 Achieved results 3
1.1 The basic concepts of recruitment, training and development of human resources 5
1.1.1 The concept, the importance of recruiting human resources 5
1.1.2 Recruiting concept 5
1.1.3 Importance of recruitment 5
1.1.4 The concept and importance of human resource selection 6
1.1.5 The concept of training and development of human resources 7
1.1.6 The objective of training and developing human resources 8
1.1.7 The role of training and human resource development 8
1.2 Sources and methods of recruitment, training and development of human resources 10
1.2.1 Sources and methods of recruitment 10 The recruitment source 10 Recruitment method 10
1.2.2 Training methods and human resource development Training methods in enterprises are divided into two major methods 12 Training on the job 12 Training outside of work 13
1.3.1 Process of recruitment 15 Construction recruitment strategy 15 Search for job applicants 19 Evaluate the recruitment process 20
Trang Solutions instead of recruiting 21
1.3.2 Selection process 23
1.3.3 The order of building training programs and the development of human resources in the enterprise 31 Determining training needs 31 Define training objectives 32 Select training subjects 32 Develop training programs and training methods 32 Estimated training costs 33 Teacher selection 33 Program evaluation and training results 34
1.4 Need to complete the work of recreuitment, training and development of human resources in enterprises 34
2.1 The information and development of the GHTK 35
2.1.1 History of Company 35
2.1.2 The development of GHTK 35
2.1.2 Legal status and business mission 36 Legal status 36 Mission of company 37
2.1.3 Organizational structure 38
2.1.4 The achievement and business performance of the company in last 3 years 39
2.2 Analysis of employment recommendations and training of human resources in the GHTK 43
2.2.1 Personnel situation at the company GHTK 43
2.2.2 Recruitment of human resources at the GHTK 45 Recruitment needs 45 Source recruitment 45 Candidate Requirements 46 Recruitment process 47
2.2.3 Situation of Training 48 Identify training needs 48
Trang Develop training plan 49 Forms of training 49 Training costs 49
2.2.4 Advantages and disadvantages of recruitment and training of human resources in GHTK 50 Advantages 50 Disadvantage 51
2.2.5 Other problems 52
2.3.1 Some solutions to improve human resources management 55
2.3.2 Some recommendations: 56
3.1 Development orientation of GHTK Company 62
3.1.1 Business objectives of the company in 2018 62
3.1.2 Human Resource Management Plan of GHTK Company in 2018 62
3.1.3 Recruitment plans of the Company GHTK 63
3.1.4 Training and human resource development plan of GHTK Company in 2018 63
3.2 Measures to improve the recruitment, training and development of human resources at the company GHTK 64
3.2.1 Solutions to complete recruitment at the company GHTK 64
3.2.2 Solutions to improve the training and development of human resources at GHTK 66 Establishing objectives and solutions for the training and development of human resources in line with the general strategy of the GHTK 66 Complete the training process of the training company of GHTK 68 Other measures to improve the training and development of human resources of GHTK 74
Trang 101 Reason for selecting the topic
Enterprises want to grow more prosperous, the first and most important factor is thehuman People who hold the destiny of the business, can create all but can destroy it all.Eastern philosophy attaches great importance to the use of people as one of theprerequisites of success: "Heavenly, land, and peace" Especially in the business sector,people are considered one of the most important resources to determine the success of thebusiness A company or organization with strong financial resources, modern machinery,but without the people, is no different than "heaps of iron." In fact, human resources arethe most expensive and difficult to manage in the enterprise
In the context of Vietnam integration, the wave of investment of foreign businesses in thecountry is increasing, leading to the increasingly competitive labor market, businesses arefacing many difficulties in attracting, recruiting, retaining and managing humanresources, especially high quality human resources In order to survive and develop in themarket, the company needs a talented team and always "stands shoulder to shoulder" tofulfill the common goals of the organization
In order to have a staff attached and loyal to organizations and enterprises, before therecruitment work must promote their effect, that is recruit people Approximately, onecan look at recruiting and retaining, keeping employees as two sides of a coin:
- Recruitment is the premise to bring the company the most suitable candidates
- Maintaining and keeping employees is a vital part of business, help to businessessurvive and develop, fight "brain - drain"
At present, in Vietnam, the problem of recruiting people and how to retain employees aretwo thorny issues for managers Especially after the WTO accession, domesticenterprises expanded their production, foreign enterprises invested massive, the battlewith the name of manpower became more intense than ever Therefore, the issue forbusinesses is how to search, recruit and select high quality human resources, inaccordance with the requirements of enterprises, in parallel it must maintain a skilledteam plays a very important role, is vital to the business
In order to stand firmly in the trend of increasing competition, enterprises must pay moreattention to their resources, besides the capital and technology resources , especially thedevelopment strategy Humans are the creators of material wealth; is the most valuableassets and is the key to the success of every organization and business
Trang 11Vietnam participated in the integration, modernization and globalization in the world.Along with the development of the storm online business using information technology
as on the social networking site Facebook, Zalo, web,… With sufficient information,opportunities and challenges, the knowledge economy takes the quality of humanresources as a leading determinant, largely based on intellectual and creative capacity toaddress shortcomings current manpower
Recognizing the importance of human factors in the organizational structure of personnel,Giao Hang Tiet Kiem Company has continuously invested and use part of the profits torecruit talented personnel However, in reality, human resources do not meet therequirements of the company Therefore, it is imperative that the company investigate forappropriate strategic solutions Based on the above reasons, I chose the topic:
2 Objectives of the study
- Learn more about the recruitment and retention of employees of the Company Assessthe effectiveness of the recruitment, retention of employees of the Company
- Provide suggestions to help the company improve the recruitment and improve theefficiency of staff retention
3 Subjects and scope of research
- Subjects of study: recruitment and training and retention of employees of GHTK
- Research scope:
On time: research topic on recruitment and staff retention of the Company in theperiod 2015-2017
Trang 124 Research Methodology
- Gathering necessary information and data from the HR department of the company onthe recruitment, treatment policies and the company's performance
- Survey the actual recruitment process through
Interview, consultations employees in the company
Participating in support of the recruitment process
- Data processing, information collected by the method: statistics, integrated analysis
- Evaluate the information collected
5 Achieved results
The subject has researched, found the limitations, the shortcomings in the recruitmentprocess and weaknesses in the work of retaining employees in the company Based onthat, propose solutions and recommendations to help the company improve therecruitment process and improve the efficiency of staff retention, increase the level ofengagement of employees with businesses
Chapter 1: Theories of recruitment, training and human resource development
Chapter 2: Analyzing the situation of recruitment, training and human resourcedevelopment at GHTK
Trang 13Chapter 3: Recommendation to improve recruitment, training and human resourcedevelopment at GHTK.
1.1 The basic concepts of recruitment, training and development of human resources
Human capital is the most precious asset of any society or organization Only when thehuman resources are fully recruited and used effectively can the organization operatesmoothly and achieve the desired results The activities of each organization areinfluenced and influenced by different factors and levels of influence over time, buthuman resources still play a decisive role in the operation of any organization any work.However, with the important role of human resources in the organization must alsoimprove themselves to meet the needs set Businesses in order to survive and develop in afierce competitive environment along with the increasingly powerful development ofscience and technology, must find ways to equip themselves with a strong workforcequantity and quality In order to do this, businesses need to carry out many taskssimultaneously and one of them is to recruit training and develop human resources.Recruitment, training and human resources development can help the company toimprove both the quantity and quality of the workforce in the company, and to createconditions to attract and retain TB Encourage the company to work and contribute.Recruiting, training and development are the job of getting employees to work in thecompany and at the same time training skills and knowledge so that workers can flexiblyapply them to the process; work day-to-day and prepare to do better in the future
1.1.1 The concept, the importance of recruiting human resources
1.1.2 Recruiting concept
Recruitment is the process of attracting qualified applicants from the social workforceand the workforce inside the organization All organizations must have the capacity toattract enough workforce and quality to achieve their goals
1.1.3 Importance of recruitment
The recruitment process will greatly affect the effectiveness of the recruitment process Inpractice there will be highly qualified workers but they are not recruited because they donot know the recruitment information, or they have no opportunity to apply for a job Thequality of the selection process will not be as good or desirable as if the number ofapplicants was equal to or less than the number of applicants Recruitment has a great
Trang 15impact on the quality of human resources in the organization Recruitment not only affectthe selection but also affect other functions of human resource management such as:Assessment of work performance, labor remuneration; Training and developing humanresources; labor relations
1.1.4 The concept and importance of human resource selection
The concept of selection
The process of selecting people is the process of evaluating candidates in various respectsbased on job requirements, in order to find people who fit the requirements of those whohave attracted them in the recruitment process The basis of the selection is therequirements of the work set out in the job description and the requirement for the personperforming the work.The selection process must meet the following requirements:
• Selection must be from a business plan and a human resources plan
• Recruiting people with the necessary qualifications for work to achieve highproductivity, good performance
• Recruit disciplined, honest people who stick with the job with the organization
Importance of selection
Selection process is important to help human managers make the right decisions.Selection decisions are very important for business strategies and for organizations,because good selection processes will help organizations get skilled people in line withdevelopment of the organization in the future Good selection will also help theorganization reduce the costs of re-recruiting, retraining as well as avoiding the risk ofdamage during the implementation of the work Highly selective selection requiresappropriate selection steps, accurate methods of collecting information, and scientificallyvalidated information
1.1.5 The concept of training and development of human resources
Today is every society, every organization that wants to survive and grow, needsdifferent resources Resources such as financial resources, science and technology,human resources, etc need to be mobilized and used effectively if they are to bepromoted by the society or organization In these resources, human resources or humanresources play a leading role, which is a critical resource for effective exploitation ofremaining resources Especially in today's times, with the development as the dash ofscience and technology, human resources play an integral role in all the activities ofsociety Not out of the law, in the enterprise, human resources are increasingly playing avery important role For businesses, the strength of human resources is the great
Trang 16advantage of competition, because people will decide whether the business will use thefinancial resources or machinery Especially human resources have a great influence onthe products and services of that enterprise However, human resources to meet thoseneeds can’t come naturally, but through a long learning process that can meet the needs
of the business The learning process of the employees must go through many processes,one of the training processes of the employees is the training process in the enterprise.Businesses need to train workers for many reasons: The new labor, there should betrained to be familiar with the work in a working environment completely new, throughwhich they can integrate fast and effective in work For those who are working in thebusiness then their learning in order to improve the capabilities needed to accomplishbetter work they are undertaking or jobs requiring higher skills in the future
Training and development are activities to maintain and improve the quality of humanresources of the organization, which is a decisive condition for organizations to stand andwin in a competitive environment Therefore, in organizations, training and developmentneeds to be done in an organized and planned way
Human resource development is a holistic, organized learning activity that is conductedover time to create a change in the occupational behavior of the employee
First and foremost, the development of human resources is the whole of the learningactivities organized by the enterprise, provided by the enterprise to employees Suchactivities may be provided for several hours, days, or even several years, depending onthe learning objectives; and to create a change in occupational behavior for employees inthe upward direction, that is to improve their ability and professional level Thus, in terms
of content, human resource development consists of three types of activities: education,training and development
- Education: to be understood as the learning activities to prepare for people
entering a profession or move to a new job, more appropriate in the future
- Training is understood as learning activities to enable employees to perform more
effectively their functions and duties That is the process of learning to makeworkers better grasp of his work, is the learning activities to improve the skills ofthe employees to perform the task of labor more effectively
- Development is the learning activity beyond the immediate scope of the work of
the employee, in order to open new jobs based on the future direction of theorganization
Trang 17So training and development are different Understandably, training is the process bywhich workers improve their ability to perform their current job, which is done throughthe learning of the worker The development is that the employees through learningactivities equip themselves with the knowledge and skills to ensure the performance ofthe work not only at the present time, but also ensure the performance of the work infuture as required by the organization Short-term training is also a long-termdevelopment in the learning process of workers.
1.1.6 The objective of training and developing human resources
The general objective of the training and development of human resources is to use upthe human resources available and improving the effectiveness of organizations byhelping employees better understand the job, mastering more to take care of theirprofession and to perform their functions and duties more self-consciously, with betterattitude, and to improve their adaptability to future work
1.1.7 The role of training and human resource development
Training and development of human resources plays a very important role in everybusiness, and it contributes to meet the operational and development needs of both thebusiness and the employees in the enterprise
- Training and development meet the requirements of the job or the key is to meet
the needs of existence and development of each business Society today ischanging rapidly, especially with the development of science and technology.Therefore, the demands placed on the existence and development of the businessincreasingly
- Training and development to meet the needs of learning and development of
to increased productivity and business productivity more and more advanced
• Improving the quality of work will contribute to reducing the supervision of thebusiness, thus reducing the pressure on the employees Both workers andbusinesses benefit, workers are more self-reliant in work and enterprises have the
Trang 18conditions to reduce the manpower in the monitoring apparatus and take them toperform the job is much demanding more manpower.
• Improve organizational stability and dynamism Training and development helpbusinesses have the opportunity to improve their stability and dynamism Thestability of the business is determined by many factors, in which human resourcesare factors that greatly affect the stability of the whole business Because humanresources are factors that help other factors work euthymic
• The smooth operation through which the operation of the business does notencounter obstacles and create stability in the operation of enterprises
• Maintain and improve the quality of human resources In an economy that isgrowing continuously, it requires quality human resources should also beenhanced Only training and development will help human resources to maintainquality and improve quality To help businesses meet the quality of humanresources to keep up with the changes of the economy today
Training and development is one of the important conditions for the application oftechnological advances into the enterprise The application of science and technology inbusiness production is an indispensable requirement for enterprises today, and theapplication of science and technology to production and business can only be done whenthere is a team sufficiently qualified The workforce can only be reached through trainingand development, not only in the classroom but also in the enterprise, so that thoseworkers can meet the demand
• Training and development is one of the strategic solutions to improve thecompetitiveness of enterprises in the market economy This is inevitable if abusiness wants to improve its competitiveness and position in the market
For workers, the role of training and human resource development is manifested in:
• Creating a bond between workers and businesses
• Create the professionalism of the employees
• Create adaptation between the employee and the current job as well as in thefuture
• Meet the needs and aspirations of the employee development
• Provide employees with a new way of thinking and a way to think in their work as
a basis to promote the creativity of the workers at work
Trang 19Training and development of human resources not only improve the performance ofenterprises, but also meet the needs of employees is the need to learn and improve theirlevel This is the inevitable demand of the workers in order to improve the value as well
as their position in the enterprise as well as in society Thereby improving the materialand spiritual life of workers in the enterprise
It can be seen that the training and development of human resources in enterprises is anindispensable objective of both enterprises and employees, so the training anddevelopment of human resources in enterprises should be paid attention investadequately in all aspects
1.2 Sources and methods of recruitment, training and development of human
1.2.1 Sources and methods of recruitment The recruitment source
• Recruited from inner sources: Includes those who work within the company, this
source ie recruiting process they promoted to higher positions or transfer them toother necessary positions
• External recruitment sources: Those who apply for jobs from outside the company,
this source has a wide range, large numbers, rich and diverse qualities Recruitment method
For recruiting resources from within our organization we can use the following methods:
• The method of solicitation through a recruiting notice, which is a notice of
employment placement This notice is sent to all employees in the organization.This notice includes information on the duties of the job and the qualificationsrequired for recruitment
• Method of attracting through the introduction of staff, employees in the
organization Through this information channel, we can identify qualified peoplewho meet the requirements of the job, specifically and quickly
• The method of attracting is based on the information in the "List of skills", which
the organizations usually make about individual workers, stored in the personnelsoftware of the organization This table usually includes information such as:existing skills, education and training, work experience, occupational experienceand other factors related to personal qualities Labor recruitment
Trang 20For recruitment from outside sources we can apply these methods to attract the following:
• Method of attracting through the introduction of civil servants in the enterprise.
• Methods of attracting recruits through advertising in media like: On the channels
of the TV stations, radio stations, in newspapers, magazines and otherpublications Advertising content depends on the quantity and quality of recruitinglabor and the nature of the job, which can be concentrated in an advertisingcampaign with a combination of different media or advertising For this attractivemethod should pay attention to the advertising content so that job seekers urgentlycontact the recruiter
• Method of attracting applicants through brokers and referrals This is the method
of attracting is popular in our country, especially for businesses or organizations
do not have a department dedicated to human resources management Thesecenters are often located in universities, colleges, professional high schools andmass organizations, as well as labor management agencies throughout the country
• Method of attracting candidates through job fairs This is a new approach that
many organizations are adopting This method of attraction allows candidates tointeract directly with many employers, opening up broader options on a largerscale At the same time, candidates and employers will receive more information,creating more accurate bases for making the right decisions for candidates andemployers
• Method of attracting candidates by sending HR staff to direct recruitment at
universities, colleges and vocational schools
1.2.2 Training methods and human resource development Training methods in enterprises are divided into two major methods Training on the job
Workplace training methods include the following methods:
• Training styled work instructions.
This is a simple training method suitable for many types of labor, which can be applied todirect labor and also to some management tasks With this method, the training process isdone by instructing the trainees about the job by instructing the trainees to then test theirwork until they become proficient This approach has the added advantage of reducingthe time spent on the apprentice, connecting employees and giving the teacher additionalincome However, this method also has limitations It is an apprentice who fails to learnsystematic theory, can learn both the correct manipulation and unnecessary manipulation
Trang 21of the instructor, the instructor does not have pedagogical skills At the same time, thismethod does not teach a large number of students.
• Vocational training
With this method students have learned theory in class, then students will be broughtdown to the base to work for a time under the guidance of skilled labor over until workersproficient work The time to implement this teaching method is usually long Thisapproach has the advantage of providing students with a complete career in both theoryand practice However, this method requires a long period of time to finance the training
• Method of teaching and tutoring
This is a way to help employees learn the skills needed for the job through the guidance
of better workers This method is often used to train managers There are three commonways to do this:
- Attached by the direct leader
- Attached by mentor
- Attached by a more experienced person
The tutoring method is very fast, less time consuming, and saves training costs Through
it you can learn the experiences of the instructor At the same time, this approach has thedisadvantage of not focusing on the theory that focuses on work experience, so that thetrained person is not equipped with certain theories At the same time, the workers areeasily affected by the negative mentality of the facilitator
• Transfer and transfer methods
With this training method the trained person will move in turn to do different jobs in thesame field or different fields With this method the trainees will be able to accumulateknowledge and experience in various fields, so that they can perform the job after thetraining process with higher capabilities There are three ways to train:
- Converting employees into other parts of the organization but retaining old
functions and powers
- Workers are transferred to work in new departments and areas outside of their
- The employee is transferred within the scope of his / her professional work.
Rotation and job transfer methods enable employees to understand and learn a variety ofoccupations, and the experience and ability of workers to increase significantly when
Trang 22workers are exposed to work and their relatively large pressure should be trying verymuch However, this method also has the disadvantage that if workers are not able to dothis method is very difficult because the pressure and demand is quite high, and trainedpeople do not learn a systematically. Training outside of work
With this group of workers, the workers are separated from the actual work while beingtrained This methodology group includes:
• The method of organizing the enterprise edge
This method aims to train for jobs and jobs that are quite complex and specific In order
to implement this method, enterprises need to have adequate facilities for teaching
With this method of teaching, the course is divided into two parts, the first part will beequipped with a theoretical framework from the teacher is the employee at the enterprise
or teachers are hired from outside After completing the theory, the workers are directlytrained in the workshops With this method it is clear that learners are equipped withknowledge in a more systematic way, and workers have more opportunities to participate
in the course The drawback of this approach is that the initial funding to open theseclasses is very expensive, the course syllabus is complex
• Attend school at regular schools
Businesses send trained people to attend regular schools such as vocational schools,colleges, universities Thus, clearly with this method workers are more trained, betweentheory and practice However, the limitation of this method is the high cost of training,which can take a long time In addition, this method requires that the person who is sent
to study must have the capacity to acquire knowledge in learning process Therefore, thismethod is generally applicable to train young workers, qualified
• Lectures, conferences or workshops
The company organizes seminars so that learners can discuss topics that the businesswishes under the guidance of experienced and professional These seminars can be held
at the enterprise or outside of the business, thus being mobile and immediate At the sametime, these workshops can be integrated with other programs, so that they can provide thelearner with the knowledge and experience needed to do the job It can be seen that withthis method of training, the knowledge and skills of workers are updated quickly andtimely, however, this method has the disadvantage that it is difficult to arrange thediscussion The full participation component as well as the method is costly
Trang 23• Program-based training, with the help of a computer
With the development of computers now, workers can learn and equip themselves withknowledge through the lecture system programmed on the computer Students shouldfollow the lecture was written on the PC This method can be trained by many people,and can help businesses reduce the cost of training However, with the help of computertraining, the trained person must have a certain level of computer knowledge In addition,the trainee may not be able to fully understand the problem due to lack of instructors
• Distance learning methods
This is a method of training with the help of media such as learning materials, videotapes, CDs, VCDs, and especially the help of the internet Through this assistance, thetrained person can contact the instructor from a distance without meeting directly Thistraining method helps the learner to actively choose the place and time of study, withouthaving to focus on many people to do the teaching job It is clear that with thedevelopment of today's information technology, especially the development of theinternet, this method should be widely applied because of its convenience However, inorder to be able to implement this method, it is necessary to have the means of study,which requires professional preparation At the same time this method requires learners
to have high self-awareness
• Laboratory-style training
For learners with the ability to process the situation in reality, enterprises can use theworkshop that uses the game, play, simulation exercises in order to solve the problem.Learners can practice hypothetical situations in order to handle similar situations thatoccur during work
• Behavioral modeling
This method also uses plays to assume real-world situations, but these plays have beenstaged to model the situations
• Skills training process dispatch papers
Learners will be given papers and memorized reports, leader's instructions and variousinformation to train their ability to make the right decisions and quickly
Trang 241.3 Process of recruitment, training and development of human resource
1.3.1 Process of recruitment Construction recruitment strategy
Recruiting is the basic function of human resource management Human ResourcesDepartment has the function of advertising and announcing recruitment, screeningcandidates The Human Resource Department is the advisory body for all levels of theorganization in the formulation of recruitment policies such as: identifying recruitmentneeds, identifying recruitment addresses, recruiting funds, specific recruitment Thehuman resources department is responsible for most of the recruiting activities of theorganization, recommending policies to all levels of management and management on thedevelopment of strategies and processes for recruiting job seekers, Selecting andscreening this information will provide qualified individuals with the qualificationsrequired for the job to be selected The human resources department is also responsiblefor evaluating the recruitment process, researching for the most effective recruitmentprocedures.The "Job Description" and "Job Requirement Statement for the Implementer"are important in the recruitment process The Human Resources Department must obtainthe "Job Description" and "Request for Performance with the Implementer" as the basisfor advertisement, recruitment notice, to identify the skills and skills required by theapplicant, the need to have if they want to work in the position to recruit The "JobRequirement Determination for Persons" helps applicants decide if they should apply
Trang 25 Planning recruitment
In recruiting activities, an organization needs to determine how many recruits are neededfor each vacancy Because some applicants do not qualify or some do not accept theconditions of employment, the organization needs to recruit more applicants than theyneed to hire The rate of screening helps organizations decide how many people need torecruit for vacancies each The rate of screening shows the relationship of the amount andthe remaining candidates in each step of the recruitment process and some people will beadmitted to the next step In the recruitment plan, we must determine the correct andreasonable screening rates
Screening rates affect the applicant's financial and psychological costs and job prospects.Rate of screening in the organization of our country today is determined depending on thesubjective intent of the leader but no plausible grounds on the basis of science The rate
of screening large part due to the particular nature of the work, social psychology ofdecision applicants, including income factors most important sense
Therefore, when determining the rate of filtering we need to base on factors such as:
- Based on the labor market
- Based on the quality of workforce
- Based on the complexity of the job
- Pursuant to the psychology of collective career employees
- The experience of the organization in recruiting
When planning recruitment, attention should be paid to opportunities for fair employmentfor employees, not bias, prejudice when recruiting Once the number of recruited peoplehas been identified, the remaining issues are to identify sources of recruitment, time andmethod of recruitment
Identification of sources and methods of recruitment
To recruit a sufficient number and quality of workers in the working position missingpeople, organizations need to consider, choosing look at job placement should take
Trang 26people from within the organization and location should take people outside theorganizations, and accompanying it is appropriate recruiting methods.
Recruiting from outside or promoting workers from lower positions to higher positions is
an issue to consider carefully for the following reasons:
- Recruitment sources within the organization, including those who are working for
that organization
For those who are working in the organization, recruiting these people to work inpositions higher than they are assuming is a good incentive for all those who work in theorganization officials Because they know will have the opportunity to be promoted theywill work with new motivation and they will accelerate the process work better, willincrease satisfaction for the work, will increase the love, fidelity everyone's for theorganization This source has the following advantages and disadvantages:
These are people who are used to working in the organization, who have been tested forloyalty The biggest advantage of this promotion is that it saves time for getting to knowthe job, the workplace environment, the work process taking place continuously withoutinterruption, maximum limit the wrong decision in the promotion and transfer of labor
• When promoting people who are working in the organization, we must guardagainst the formation of "unsuccessful candidates" These groups oftenmanifest as not serving the leader, not cooperating with the leader To be loyal
to the leaders These weaknesses often create psychological conflicts such assectarian clashes, mutual conflicts, internally conflicts
• For organizations with small and medium scale, if we only use internalresources, it will not change the quality of labor, will not seek additionaltalented people in society
• When developing policies promoted within the organization should have along-term development program with a more general perspective, a morecomprehensive and must have a clear plan, specifically
Source recruit from outside the organization, this is the job of newcomers, who includestudents who have graduated from universities, colleges, secondary professional andvocational training centers; the unemployed are demanding jobs, those who are working
in other units
Trang 27This source has the following advantages and disadvantages:
• These people are equipped with advanced and systematic knowledge
• These people often have a new, clearer view of the organization
• They have the ability to change the old ways, the organization's backwardness
• Recruit people outside the organization would take the time to guide them tobecome familiar with the work, the work environment and the rules andregulations of the organization
• If you regularly recruit people outside the organization, they will be frustrating
to the people who are working in the organization, because they think they willlose the chance of promotion, and will generate more complex problems, or notmaking the goals of the organization
• If reorganization employers who work in the competition, they must payattention to the secrets of competitors, otherwise they will sue, so willnegatively affect the organization
When recruiting from outside the organization we need to pay attention to some possiblerisks because the skills of these candidates is only in the form of potential it has not beenshown directly outside that person recruited will meet soon to work that organizationsneed The human resources department also needs to decide what methods to use to findapplicants Job placement centers for TV, radio, and newspaper advertising are the mostcommonly used methods to attract job applicants
Identification of the place of recruitment and time of recruitment
Organizations must first select recruiting areas, as these are keys to the success of therecruiting process In our country, the agricultural labor market is where the labor force isconcentrated in very low quality, so when we recruit mass laborers, we pay attention tothis market On the contrary, for high quality workers, the organization should focus onthe following areas:
• The urban labor market, where most of the high-quality labor of all industries
Trang 28At the same time when identifying recruiting addresses, organizations need to payattention to the following issues:
• Organizations should identify their most important job market, in which theyare most likely to fit into the organization's future work
• An analysis of the available workforce is needed to determine the source ofeach employee Once the recruiting addresses have been confirmed, the nextissue for the organization is to determine the time and date of recruitment Todetermine the timing and timing of recruitment strategies, we need to plan forthe immediate and long term The recruitment time plan must be based on theobjectives of the respective organization Search for job applicants
When the recruitment strategy has been completed and the recruitment plan has beenprepared, the recruitment activities are carried out The job seeker position is important, it
is determined by the method of attracting applicants In Vietnam, there are many methods
of attracting applicants, which depend on the sources of recruitment that the organizationintends to attract
During the recruitment process, organizations will have difficulty in attracting highlyqualified workers in today's harsh competitive markets Under such conditions,organizations must offer attractive incentives to recruit people who fit the jobrequirements with the goal of recruiting talented people of good moral character Askthem to work long hours in the organization
The first form of attention to employees is the image of the organization In order to have
a strong impression of the organization, it is necessary to spread the good image to theorganization and to draw the good prospects of the organization However, when solvingthis problem, recruiters often fear that if they tell the truth, applicants will not apply and
if they are too flattered about their organization, they will cause shocks to the people.Admitted to work, will make them disillusioned, lacked of confidence and other feelingswhen it’s not well prepared for psychological state Practical experience has shown that:When workers are provided with information that is true of the job, the number of jobapplicants does not decrease and the percentage of job losers is significantly reducedcompared to information pink When organizations provide job seekers with truthfulinformation they will prevent workers' expectations from shocks because they alreadyhave the right information at the workplace so they are available, willing to receive theworst case scenario
Trang 29In the strategy of attracting human resources, organizations need to consider the types ofstimuli to be released when they are published on advertising media In fact, jobapplicants are often attracted by salaries, high bonuses and working and leisureconditions This is the most attractive form, and in cases where these people refuse highwages, the organization must consider and present the most appropriate form.
The next issue is to identify the recruiter effectively because the capacity of the recruiter
is the most decisive factor for the quality of the recruiter During the recruitment process,employees and recruiting agents are the sole representatives of the organization, so jobseekers
This person is their role model, so the recruiter must meet the following requirements:Recruiters must have good ethics, professional knowledge, understanding All the skillsand knowledge in areas such as social psychology, technology and technology, laborpsychology, multiple choice skills, interviews, etc
In addition, the recruiter should pay attention to the following issues:
• Interested in job applicants as an individual
• • The recruitment to enthusiasm, here is the link to make your job opportunitybecomes attractive for participants recruited openly confided the thought ofyourself, create excitement when answering question
• The interviewees must meet the personality, occupational skills, workexperience, and knowledge of the social issues of labor
• In the process of recruiting, create a friendly, harmonious atmosphere, andarrange a balance between asking and hearing the candidates Evaluate the recruitment process
After a process of recruiting, organizations need to evaluate their recruitment processes toimprove this work better During the assessment, attention should be paid to the contentand recruitment costs In order to ensure this we need to pay attention to the followingissues:
• Is the screening rate reasonable? This is a significant issue for financialexpenses We can reduce this rate to a certain extent, but it does not affect thequality of the person being accepted
• Evaluate the effectiveness of recruiting advertising programs that evaluate theeffectiveness of recruiting for organizational goals
• Are all job opportunities fair?
Trang 30• The information received by the organization is sufficient to guarantee therecruitment.
• Are the standards used to eliminate applicants reasonable, covering all cases ofexclusion?
• How much does the recruitment process cost? Solutions instead of recruiting
When organizations have financial difficulties for recruitment, the following measuresmay be used to replace the recruitment
- Overtime
In the manufacturing business, implementation services, much as the organization must
be completed in a period of very tight so that the organization can not be selectedimmediately but must apply common measure is overtime , this measure enables costsavings recruit more people and increase production without increasing laborproductivity On the other hand also need to see that the children injured workers prefer
to work overtime to increase their income However, the organization of overtime shouldalso pay attention to the following:
Trang 31• Overtime work must comply with the provisions of the state's labor laws.
• When working overtime, the organization's non-scientific performance willresult in: the number of working hours reduced will increase the likelihood oflabor accidents
• Excessive overtime abuse will result in a violation of labor laws, resulting indisagreements and conflicts between the employer and the employee
Therefore, when arranging overtime, paying attention to the above will not be effectivebut may cause damage to the organization
- Subcontracts
In the current conditions a number of organizations because of difficulties in recruitingworker can’t be there for another organization to do the work in the form of subleasecontract However, if this solution is to be implemented effectively, it is necessary tothoroughly analyze aspects such as quality of work cost and benefits of the parties In theprocess of subcontracts, attention should be paid to high-skilled jobs for subcontracting.Because these contractors are highly specialized units, the costs for these jobs are usuallylow
- Thanks to help temporarily
This is a recruiting alternative when a business from another business helps to providetemporary services in a temporary manner This method has advantages anddisadvantages as follows:
Trang 32- Hire employees from the rental company
This method is more advanced than temporary help in that:
• Reduce costs associated with personnel
• Employed employees may be better placed to engage in long-term plans thantemporary workers because of their better preparedness and higher discipline
In summary, when using the recruitment alternatives, the following points should benoted:
Employees hired from other companies often do not enjoy the benefits of theunit they are working with, which in turn causes their psychological discomfortand, in essence, lowers their living standards of the workers, thus preventingthe idea of "taking advantage of workers"
In order to enhance the cohesion of workers with work and to limit thesituation of loss, the workers need to come up with some regulations asfollows:
• Temporary jobs must be specified in terms of working time.
• Employers must buy health insurance, pay social insurance premiums for laborers
and comply with other regulations on benefits
• It is recommended that the companies hire laborers to deal with the welfare of
employees under the current law
Trang 331.3.2 Selection process
Selection process is a multi-step process, each step in the process is considered as
a barrier to screen out candidates who do not have enough conditions to go on tothe next steps The number of steps in the selection process is not fixed, but itdepends on the complexity of the job selection process, the nature of the type ofwork to be recruited To be admitted to work at the company, candidates must passall the steps in the selection process that the company has set In order to evaluatethe candidates, there are a number of organizations that perform in different ways.Most organizations reject unsuitable candidates step by step to reduce the number
of people to follow in the process Applying for a job, there are a number oforganizations that work the way for all candidates to participate in the entireselection process to recruit the most suitable candidates How to use it depends onthe recruitment rate of each organization, the financial capacity to allow, thereliability of the information obtained
When design steps and the content of each step in the selection process we havedesigned to obtain information most characteristic and reliable so that the newbasis for the decision to recruit or not
The selection process usually involves the following steps:
Step 1: Initial reception and preliminary interview:
This is the first step in the selection process, the first meeting between businesses andcandidates This step is to establish a relationship between the applicant and the employerand at the same time identifies individuals with appropriate qualifications and capabilities
to work on Decide whether to continue the relationship with that candidate The
Trang 34interview process at this stage identifies individuals who are not able to match the jobthey are applying for, but must be eliminated immediately However, in order for thisdecision to be met, the standards need to be carefully developed bisexual Because theinterviewer's subjective point of view is the most decisive, the arbitrary criteria shouldnot be used to classify the applicant In particular, age, sex, race, religion, ethnicity, andbirth defects should not be used to remove applicants The main reasons for eliminatingapplicants in the first step are that they have not met the education, training or experiencerequirements necessary to perform the job as unskilled as reported, left Insufficientprofessional qualifications and certificates, the results of the interviews show that theyare too weak in terms of professional skills and occupational insufficiency.
Step 2: Refresh your resume
All applicants who apply for employment must apply A job application is one of themost important components of the selection process
Typically, a job application is prepared by the design agency, and the job applicant isresponsible for completing the job application in accordance with the requirements setout by the employer Forms that are designed in a scientific and reasonable manner can
be considered as an important tool for selecting the right candidate for employment, asthe resume gives us credible information past behaviors as well as current skills andexperience, personal psychological characteristics, expectations, desires, and otherspecial abilities Job applications are the basis for other selection methods such asinterviewing methods, job applications, names, places of employment, and otherpersonnel records
When designing the application form, we should carefully consider the information that
is required, the content of the information to be collected to ensure the integrity, accuracyand how the job applicant can answer Properly set requirements Even though there aremany advantages to a resume, there are certain limitations A job application is anobjective procedure that is not a substitute for face-to-face contact between the applicantand his or her representative
On the other hand, the job application only asks for a limited number of issues so it losesthe diversity and richness of the job process, the experience of job applicants, they can’texplain the problems thoroughly, the problem they have made in the past In jobapplicants, they always say good things about themselves just say what they are good for.The cover letter shows us the status in a descriptive way It does not tell us how "or"
Trang 35why through the content of the application form, the test takers will have evidence toselect the next steps or terminate the selection process.
Step 3: Tests for personnel selection
To help the selection grasp the qualities psychology, abilities, skills and special abilitiesother candidates as information on other personnel do not know is exactly and fully.Personality tests give us objective results about human psychological characteristics such
as the innate ability, interest, personality of this individual compared to other individuals.The test helps to find out the special characteristics of the job performance of specificnature
When using multiple choice tests, we should choose the appropriate methods to predictthe performance of the work Then want to build the tests should have those whounderstand the work or have studied about the job is the job description, the jobrequirements for the implementation There are currently many types of tests so choosingwhich one to use is a difficult one To assess aspects of candidates, people often use thetests with the same job that the candidates must do, or the sample tests
In the personnel test, there are many types of tests and different types of tests Individualscan be grouped or grouped according to their structure, or based on the results of theclassification Often people split the human test into the following types of tests:
• Achievement Test
Achievement tests are widely used in a variety of fields such as education, jobperformance assessing how well an individual is mastering the profession, how wellthey know the job, and their achievement or as low as the time of completion of work,test scores, tests Depending on the job and each job that build the test to match
• Ability and ability test
The test of aptitude and ability is primarily used to indicate which individuals havelearned well in training, will perform well in the future, acquire good new knowledge.This type of test is grouped into three categories: neurological ability, instinctive ability,psychoactive ability
Neurology is a test of intelligence It is expressed through verbalarguments, fluency, speed, and other characteristics
Instinctiveness is a test of the individual's ability to perceive perceptions ofinstinctual relationships
Trang 36 Psychological Mobility is a test involving individual skills in performingvarious types of human activities, such as controlling the accuracy,coordination of the senses, the timing of the reaction, the speed of thehands, the dexterity of the hands.
The test for aptitude and ability is often combined into one kind of tests and then used topredict the work in the organization
• Assessment of personality and interests.
This is a test to find out the individual psychological characteristics of the worker, such
as moods, dreams, aspirations of the candidates, wishes, suggestions In fact there aremany types of people There are several different psychological properties, such as thespeed of the reaction, the temperature of the reaction, stimulation, balance, emotion,hardness, persistence, excitement, or suppression These are the characteristics needed foreach job, so this test will allow us to know the physiological state of each person to usefor work reasonably
• Quizzes truthfulness.
Honesty is essential in the use of labor and in all the work of personnel People often usepsychological tests to evaluate honesty These tests often use questions that cover manyaspects, such as the observance of labor discipline without the supervision of executives,personal attitudes towards theft, embezzlement money, and dishonesty at work Allthese tests help us to predict future dishonest behaviors
• Medical tests.
In some special cases to assess the physiological qualities of candidates we can usemedical tests to detect diseases These tests often use the analysis of urine specimens, theanalysis of blood samples
Some things to keep in mind when doing the quizzes:
• Fake status when answering questions when council issues To persuade recruiters
to give false answers, and provide incorrect information This phenomenon willmake it difficult for employers to judge and evaluate the nature of applicants.When faced with information forgery cases, we should dismiss, even forcandidates who are considered excellent
Trang 37• Avoid high imposition phenomena while performing personnel tests, as this will
greatly affect the flexibility and creativity of the candidates, making predictionsrigid
• Maximum need to limit the privacy of applicants during the performance of
personnel tests is often unconscious where one can touch the private thoughts ofthe applicant job This can cause emotional damage to an applicant, such as: faith
in religion, personal stigma, private life, sexual orientation, unrelated emotions towork
• Avoid the wrong way in predicting Using low-confidence tests or low accuracy
will give poor predictions such as good performers can be rejected because of lowtest scores
Step 4: Interview selection
Selection interviews are the process of verbal communication between recruiters and jobapplicants, which is one of the methods of gathering information for decision making.Interviewing methods in the selection process can help to overcome the shortcomings thatthe job application process does not grasp or the types of certificates can not beexhausted
• The goal of the interviews in the selection.
To collect information about job seekers: Because the information collectedfrom other recruitment tools may not be sufficient or unclear, the interviewprocess provides an opportunity for information to be clearer , is explainedmore thoroughly
Company Highlights: Through interviews to help recruiters introduce theircompany, making applicants understand the strengths and advantages of thecompany This is the best form of advertising
In order to provide organizational information to the job seekers, the interviewshould explain the company's situation, such as the company's objectives,management structure, policies on human resources, promotion opportunities,employment
Establish friendships, strengthen communication
• The type of interview.
Nowadays, people often use a variety of interviews to collect information
Interview with the sample
Sample interviews are the form of interviews where pre-designed questions arerequested based on job requirements Sample interviews are a form of questions
Trang 38that are well prepared for interviewers and questions Respondent's response.Interview Process: The interviewer reads out the questions and answers aloud forthe job seeker to select and determine his or her best answer.
Sample interviews have the advantage of identifying the main contents of theinformation to be captured However, it also has the disadvantage that theabundance of information is limited When the person asking for more information
or the respondent wants to ask more is limited so interviewing in the form is liketalking to a voice recorder or answering a questionnaire
Interview with the situation
Case-based interviewing is understood as the process of asking a candidate torespond to a behavior or conduct, handling a situation in a hypothetical situation,
or a situation in the real world Interviewers set out
For this approach, it is important to provide representative and typical situations,which must be based on a detailed, specific work analysis to determine themechanical characteristics essentials and skills in doing the job
Interview with no guidance
Unplanned interview is an interview that the interviewer does not prepare inadvance of the questions, but for the candidates to talk freely around the job, theinterviewer only has the direction for the interview discuss
This type of interview helps to gather information diverse and rich in many areas,but to achieve high efficiency should pay attention to the following issues:
The interviewee must be firmly grasped and understand the job of the vacantpositions in a clear and concise manner
The interviewee must be an expert in interviewing techniques
The interview process should listen carefully, do not interrupt the answers, donot change the topic abruptly, do not go too far with the job
Stress test
Interview is understood as the form of interview in which the interviewer is askingquestions that are heavy, have a lot of questions, or the intensity of the questioning,the way this interview is sought Being in the candidates is altruistic, the work
Trang 39behavior in the tight time It helps organizations find suitable people in stressful jobssuch as sales on holidays, end-of-year or end-of-year payments.
Trang 40Interview with the council
Board interviews are the form of interviews of many people for a candidate This type
of interview is appropriate in the case of placing candidates in key positions in theorganization that need the approval of many members of that organization It avoidsbeing subjective when there is only one interviewer and it creates the flexibility andresponsiveness of the candidates
• The reliability and validity of interviews.
Interviewing is a tool that helps recruiters appreciate many aspects of the candidates,but information from the interviews also has a lot to say about its credibility andaccuracy The test of reliability and validity of the collected information of theinterviews gives us some conclusions:
- Relative reliability is relatively low when two interviewers provide one personwith heterogeneous results
- Reliability of information depends on the interviewer's ability, qualifications,skills and objectives
- Direct contact will often result in higher evaluations by looking at the shape,communication ability, answer to the question, the style, the closeness and thesmart qualities of the candidates
- Well-prepared interviews will give the organization more credible results
- The information obtained by the interviewee is not the only factor that accuratelypredicts the performance of the candidate
The results of interviews also depend on the attitude, mood, emotion, physicalcondition of the interviewer and the respondents At the same time, the interviewer'sassessment was influenced by the interviewer's situation, such as the personinterviewed first, the good or the bad Or, the interviewer idealizes a role model toevaluate the candidates