Free ebooks ==> Free ebooks ==> Journalism and the Political Free ebooks ==> Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture (DAPSAC) The editors invite contributions that investigate political, social and cultural processes from a linguistic/discourse-analytic point of view The aim is to publish monographs and edited volumes which combine language-based approaches with disciplines concerned essentially with human interaction – disciplines such as political science, international relations, social psychology, social anthropology, sociology, economics, and gender studies General Editors Ruth Wodak and Greg Myers University of Lancaster Editorial address: Lancaster University, County College South, Department of Linguistics and English Language, Lancaster LA1 4YL, UK and Associate Editor Johann Unger University of Lancaster Advisory Board Irène Bellier Teun A van Dijk Luisa Martín Rojo Michael Billig Konrad Ehlich Jacob L Mey Jan Blommaert Mikhail V Ilyin Paul Chilton Andreas H Jucker Aston University University of Zurich Ron Scollon † J.W Downes J.R Martin Louis de Saussure Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, France Loughborough University Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona Free University, Berlin Polis, Moscow Tilburg University University of Lancaster University of East Anglia University of Sydney Universidad Autonoma de Madrid University of Southern Denmark Christina Schäffner University of Neuchâtel Volume 40 Journalism and the Political Discursive tensions in news coverage of Russia by Felicitas Macgilchrist Free ebooks ==> Journalism and the Political Discursive tensions in news coverage of Russia Felicitas Macgilchrist Georg Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research, Braunschweig, Germany John Benjamins Publishing Company Amsterdam / Philadelphia Free ebooks ==> TM The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Information Sciences – Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ansi z39.48-1984 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Macgilchrist, Felicitas Journalism and the political : discursive tensions in news coverage of Russia / Felicitas Macgilchrist p cm (Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture, issn 1569-9463 ; v 40) Includes bibliographical references and index 1. Russia (Federation) Press coverage United States 2. Russia (Federation) Press coverage Europe 3. Foreign news Political aspects United States 4. Foreign news Political aspects Europe 5. Mass media and language United States 6. Mass media and language Europe 7. Discourse analysis Political analysis-United States 8. Discourse analysis Political analysis Europe. I Title PN4888.R86M33 2011 070.4’49947086 dc22 2010044920 isbn 978 90 272 0631 (Hb ; alk paper) isbn 978 90 272 8730 (Eb) © 2011 – John Benjamins B.V No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, or any other means, without written permission from the publisher John Benjamins Publishing Co · P.O Box 36224 · 1020 me Amsterdam · The Netherlands John Benjamins North America · P.O Box 27519 · Philadelphia pa 19118-0519 · usa Free ebooks ==> Table of contents Acknowledgements ix Preface xi chapter Introduction 1.1 Theoretical orientation 1.2 Research strategy 10 1.3 Russia 12 1.4 Foreign news 13 part i chapter Developing a story: NGOs, legislation and human rights in Moscow 2.1 Corpus: NGO legislation 20 2.2 Chains of equivalence 21 2.3 Lexical variability 27 2.4 Nodal points 30 2.5 Summary 33 chapter Pragmatic deconstruction: Gas as Putin’s political weapon? 3.1 Corpus: Gazprom-Ukraine 35 3.2 Regularities and fissures 36 3.3 Alternative accounts 42 3.4 Threat discourse and economic discourse 47 3.5 Summary 49 chapter The circulation of discourse: Litvinenko, polonium and the KGB 4.1 Corpus: Litvinenko 55 4.2 Linguistic/semiotic mechanisms 55 4.3 Alternatives 69 4.4 Summary 72 chapter Metaphorical politics: The Russian-Chechen conflict 5.1 Corpus and stake inoculation 76 19 35 53 75 Free ebooks ==> Journalism and the Political 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Nation-as-family 80 Budennovsk, southern Russia, 14 June 1995 85 Dagestan, August 1999 89 Dubrovka theatre, Moscow, 23 October 2002 94 Beslan, September 2004 97 Social imaginary 100 Summary 103 part ii chapter Responsibility management 6.1 Allocating responsibility for news stories on Russo-Chechen crises 108 6.2 Allocating responsibility within news stories on Russo-Chechen crises 113 6.3 Combining responsibility within and for news stories 121 6.4 Summary 126 chapter Balance and binaries 7.1 Balance, fairness and conflict 130 7.2 Entextualizing balance 133 7.3 Three threats: Terrorism, militancy and savagery 138 7.4 Summary 154 chapter Complexity reduction 8.1 History, ethnicity and ‘entrepreneurs of violence’ 158 8.2 Historical dis/embedding 160 8.3 Highlanderisation and familiarisation 169 8.4 Alternatives 177 8.5 Summary 178 107 129 157 part iii chapter ‘Positive’ discourse analysis 9.1 Counter-discourse 185 9.2 Counter-discursive strategies 186 9.3 Visualising technologies 199 9.4 Summary 210 183 Free ebooks ==> chapter 10 Concluding thoughts 10.1 Events 213 10.2 Journalists 215 10.3 Society and the political 216 10.4 Research process 219 Table of contents 211 References 223 Index 245 Free ebooks ==> Free ebooks ==> Acknowledgements Particular thanks are due to the journalists and other media workers who took the time to talk to me, sometimes at great length, in Moscow, Berlin, New York and by email and telephone: Günter Bannas, Daniel Brössler, Paul Carvalho, Guy Chazan, CJ Chivers, Andrew Jack, Tom Kent, Sonia Kishkovsky, Steven Lee Myers, Tom Parfitt, Wolfgang Röhl, Michael Schon, Nick Paton Walsh, Markus Wehner and a few others who would prefer to remain anonymous On the academic side, I would first like to thank Werner Schiffauer for support, encouragement and an inspiring ability to think theory together with political practice Thanks for the freedom to explore and write – for not pulling the grass to make it grow faster The stimulating intellectual environment provided by the Anthropology Workshop at the European University Viadrina opened a whole new field for me Thanks also to Christa Ebert, for welcoming my postfoundational approach to the postgraduate colloquium Our discussions were immensely productive for me I have also benefited enormously from feedback on earlier drafts and papers from Paul Chilton, Barbara Christophe, Terry Cox, Tatjana Felberg, Gunther Kress, Hartmut Lenk, Charlotte Lundgren, Marcus Otto, John Russell, Maria Smyshliaeva, Tom Van Hout, Stephen White and participants at the Essex Summer School, although not all will agree with the positions taken in this book I am grateful to the two anonymous reviewers, who helped me to focus more explicitly on parts of the argument presented in Chapters and 10, and to Greg Myers for giving just the right comments at just the right time Thanks to Carol Duncan, Ali Sultani and Sylwia Wewiora for help with acquiring materials, and to my students for reminding me of the value of applied discourse analysis Heartfelt thanks to my other friends and colleagues for constructive discussions and well-needed distractions Marco Frank has now spent almost as much time with the ideas in this book as I have Thanks for your insightful feedback on the entire study and for constantly drawing my attention to new theoretical work; talking with you about these ideas – and so much more – has been more valuable than you can imagine The research for this book was provided by a German Research Foundation (DFG) stipend through the graduate programme ‘Representation-RhetoricKnowledge’ at the Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences (Kulturwissenschaften) of the European University Viadrina The theoretical exchanges in that programme set this research in a quite unforeseen direction I thank all involved Free ebooks ==> Journalism and the political Neumann, Iver B (1996a) Russia and the Idea of Europe: A study in identity and international relations London: Routledge Neumann, Iver B (1996b) Russia as Europe’s Other…l/JMF/Kamusella/index.htm&showurl=http%3A// RSCAS/RSC96_34.html (18 September, 2005) Neumann, Iver B (1999) Uses of the Other: “The East” in European Identity Formation Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press NewsTalk&Text Research Group (2009) Position Paper: Towards a Linguistics of News Production NT&T Working Paper Series, 1, 1–22 from Niggemeier, Stefan (2008, 10 April) Geht sterben geht-sterben/ (15 August, 2008) Nivat, Anne (2001) Chienne de Guerre: A Woman Reporter Behind the Lines of the War in Chechnya: PublicAffairs Nonhoff, Martin (2007) Diskurs, radikale Demokratie, Hegemonie – Einleitung In Martin Nonhoff (Ed.), Diskurs, radikale Demokratie, Hegemonie, (7–23) Bielefeld: transcript Norval, Aletta (2007) Aversive Democracy: Inheritance and originality in the democratic tradition Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Norval, Aletta (2009) Democracy, pluralization and voice Ethics & Global Politics, 2(4), 297–320 Norval, Aletta J (2000) Trajectories of future research in discourse theory In David Howarth, Aletta J Norval & Yannis Stavrakakis (Eds.), Discourse theory and political analysis, (219–236) Manchester: Manchester University Press Nussbaum, Martha C (1996) Patriotism and cosmopolitanism In Joshua Cohen (Ed.), For Love of Country: Debating the Limits of Patriotism, (2–17) Boston: Beacon Press O’Halloran, Kay L (2004) Multimodal Discourse Analysis London: Continuum O’Halloran, Kieran (2003) Critical Discourse Analysis and Language Cognition Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press O’Mahony, John (2001, 12 May) War games The Guardian Saturday Review, p O’Neill, Peter (2000) Grey Wolves Howling: A Novel of Chechnya: Robert D Reed Publishers O’Toole, Michael (1994) The Language of Displayed Art London: Leicester University Press O’Toole, Michael (2004) Opera Ludentes: the Sydney Opera House at work and play In Kay L O’Halloran (Ed.), Multimodal Discourse Analysis: Systemic-Functional Perspectives, (11–27) London: Continuum Oates, Sarah, & White, Stephen (2003) Politics and the media in post-communist Russia Politics, 23(1), 31–37 Ollman, Bertell (2003) Dance of the Dialectic: Steps in Marx’s method Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press OSCE (1998) Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe: Annual Report 1998 (15 August, 2008) OSCE (1999) Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe: Annual Report 1999 (15 August, 2008) Ostrow, Joel M (2002) Leadership, democracy and society: Books about Russia 10 years after the fall: a review article Europe-Asia Studies, 54, 1339–1346 Paddock, Troy R E (1998) Still stuck at Sevastopol: The depiction of Russia during the Russo-Japanese war and the beginning of the First World War in the German press German History, 16(3), 358–376 Parfitt, Tom (2006, 27 Nov) Don’t rush to judgement The Guardian, pp (15 August, 2008) Free ebooks ==> References Parks, Michael (2002) Foreign News: What’s Next? 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(2009) Journalism and Citizenship: New Agendas in Communication New York: Routledge Zschunke, Peter (2000) Agenturjournalismus: Nachrichtenschreiben in Sekundentakt Konstanz: UVK Free ebooks ==> Free ebooks ==> Index 9/11 14, 98, 100, 135, 147, 168 A accuracy, see truthfulness active voicing 112–3 aesthetics 62–3, 220 of smallness and slowness 3, 133 agency 57, 68, 90, 107, 114–7, 119–22, 194–6 discursive 215 of journalists 212, 215–6 of power agonism 10, 207n, 217 Allan, Stuart 212 American Committee for Peace in Chechnya 196–7 antagonism 1, 6n, 7–10, 21–27, 33, 39, 114, 153–5, 206–7 and consensus and politicisation 217 constitutive 4, 211 appraisal theory 28n articulation 3, 6, 46, 97, 135, 140, 170, 197, 203 and hegemony 7, 10 and metaphor 81 and nodal points 33 and rearticulation 208–10 audience 30, 69, 83–4, 187, 203, 206, 210, 218 see also readers authority 6n, 68, 122, 169, 173 and strict father 81–2, 90 of sources 107–12, 121–2, 125–127 averral 109–10 B Bagdikian, Ben 14n Bakhtin, Mikhail 61, 65, 81, 215 balance 84, 98, 113–114, 121, 129–155, 190, 205, 213 Bank of English 65, 148, 196n Basayev, Shamil 87, 89, 91, 96, 112, 115, 121–2, 132, 171–4 Baudrillard, Jean 117, 153 Bednarek, Monika 111n Belarus 44, 46, 49 Berezovsky, Boris 13, 57–8, 63, 67, 70 Billig, Michael 3, 81, 84 blending 199–203, 206 blogs 15, 47, 70–71, 121, 184, 216, 221 Blommaert, Jan 8n, 35n, 85, 133, 215 Bond, James 53–4, 69 Bourdieu, Pierre 101n Breslauer, George 86 British National Corpus 63, 65–6, 148 Brunt, Ros 131 Butler, Judith 2n, 4, 5n, 6, 9–10, 153n, 184, 207, 210, 215–6 C Cammaerts, Bert 10 Carpentier, Nico 10 Castoriadis, Cornelius 101 category entitlement 32n, 58–61, 72, 110–111, 194–6 disentitlement 59 chain of equivalences (see equivalences) Chernomyrdin, Viktor 85–88, 171 Chilton, Paul 12, 84n, 120 Chouliaraki, Lilie 11n, 99–100 churnalism 205 CIA 13 Cienki, Alan 82n civil society 19–20, 28–32, 151–2, 155, 213 clash of civilisations 93, 153–4 CNN effect cognition, distributed 215 cognitive linguistics 80–2 see also blending cold war 35, 38–40, 46, 50, 53–4, 66, 71, 84, 90, 92–3, 114, 153, 214 commercial media, see market logic of journalism Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 43 communication model 69 communism 23, 31, 78, 86, 153 complexification 159, 188–193, 202–3, 210 conceptual integration, see blending concordance 23, 29, 65, 88, 196n conflict entrepreneurs 138, 159–160 Connolly, William consensus 3–4, 9–10, 69, 72, 76n, 188, 195, 199, 217–8 context 39, 85–87, 113, 202–3 argumentative 145, 149, 155 definition 38 in discourse analysis 23, 28n, 49, 65, 176, 210, 213 in news 15, 91, 109–10, 112, 116, 126, 157, 159–60, 167–9, 177 of news 12, 68, 162 contingency 11, 121, 126, 133 perception of 155, 178, 212, 216, 222 of foundations 5, 67, 217 of representations 183–4, 209 of social order 6, 8, 9n, 16, 27, 30, 72, 211, 218 continuative 119, 153 corpus linguistics 20, 23, 31, 65, 196n correspondence theory of meaning COSMAS 65 Free ebooks ==> Index cosmopolitanism 83, 88, 104 counter-discourse 6n, 10–11, 51, 70, 127, 158, 163, 177, 185–98, 203–4, 206, 210 cribbing 60 critical discourse analysis 3–4, 8n, 114, 215, 219 critical discourse moment, definition 11 critical literacy 50, 218–21 curiosity gap 203–204 D deadlines 12, 60, 63, 72, 125 deconstruction 5–6, 37, 41, 49–50, 186, 220, 222 democracy 3, 9–10, 13–14, 164, 205, 214 see also agonism, Putin and balance 136–7, 144, 149, 205 and communism 31 and postfoundationalism 5n and terrorism 154–5 and war 40 as nodal point 66 aversive 217–8 deliberative 3–4, 13, 211, 218 discourse of 23, 32, 206 liberal 6, 31, 208 in Russia 19, 22–30, 36, 65, 80, 86–7, 178, 206–7, 214 radical 5–6, 184, 208–10, 212, 217–8 Derrida, Jacques 6n, 10 design 184 Deuze, Mark 15–6, 121, 130, 204 dialogism 61 discourse definition 2–4, 7, 54, 67 theory 2–10, 81, 185, 205–212 discursive psychology discursive formation discursive metaphor, see metaphor disintermediation 15 dislocation 8–9, 16, 27, 30–1, 39, 217–8, 220 dissidents 21, 56–7, 63–67, 72, 177, 188, 216 Doyle, Gillian 12, 60 E Eagleton, Terry 100 editorials 30, 45–6, 50, 77–8, 85, 88, 97–100, 111, 145–149, 152–5, 162–3, 166, 168, 171 editorial decisions 14–16, 61–3, 69, 71, 84, 97, 110, 126, 129, 131, 133, 169, 185, 192, 196, 203 Edwards, Derek 3, 145n, 158–60, 203 Ehrlich, Susan 57 embedded journalists 126 emergency news 99 Energy Charter Treaty (EU) 43 entextualization 133, 215 Entman, Robert 13–14, 85 equivalences chain of 20–27, 33, 39, 46, 58, 64–65, 71, 147, 186, 194, 198 logic of 22, 26, 33 ethnographic discourse analysis 122 ethnography 12, 53, 68–69, 219, 221–2 eye-witnessing 109n, 110–113, 125 extreme-case formulation 150–151, 195 F Fairclough, Norman 3, 11n, 114, 212, 217 fairness, see balance, objectivity filter method 120 fissures 29–30, 46, 122, 131, 137, 149, 175, 199 and Chechnya 176–178 and hegemony 9–11 and the political 8–9, 33, 49–51, 179 as research programme 4, 10–11, 19, 129, 155, 212, 215–22 floating signifiers 30–1 Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) 21, 25–30, 186 foreign correspondents 14–15, 84, 97, 157, 188, 208, 213, 216, 221 priorities of 25, 107, 110, 130–1, 159–60, 168–9 practices of 2n, 112, 122–3, 126 Foucault, Michel 2, 4, 79, 83 fourth estate 7, 13, 205 Freedom House 20, 22–3 G Galtung, Johan 178, 204 Gardner, Howard 203–4 Gazprom 35–51, 75, 86, 183, 193–4, 203, 213 Georgia 1, 8, 16, 21, 24, 31, 162–3, 200–1, 213 Gergen, Kenneth 173, 184 gerrymandering 85, 162, 176 Gillmor, Dan 127 Gitlin, Todd Glasgow University Media Group Glynos, Jason 7n Gorbachev, Mikhail 87 Gould-Davies, Nigel 86 graduation 28, 115 Gramsci, Antonio H Habermas 3, 4n Halbach, Uwe 132–3, 138n Hall, Stuart 9, 76, 186, 206 Hannerz, Ulf 14, 83n Hassel, Florian 83n, 131 headline as executive summary 36, 125, 192–3 hegemony 1, 7–8, 27, 30, 33, 71–2, 123, 129, 137, 150, 168, 170, 177, 185–6, 207, 210, 213, 217–9, 221–2 and political struggle 149, 154 definition 5, 9–10 hegemonic project 5, 7, 8n, 73, 80, 88, 103–4, 116, 120, 127, 199, 209, 212 definition 76n hegemonize 66, 72, 75, 76n history, monochronic 161–2 Hodge, Bob Holliday, Graham 16 Howarth, David 7n Hughes, James 115n, 131–3, 137–8, 159, 162, 176 Free ebooks ==> human rights 10, 19, 20, 23–25, 29–33, 65, 83, 208 I ideological square 170–2 ideology 2, 9, 21n, 31, 50, 68, 75, 100–1, 208, 219 intention-promoting verbs 118 intertextuality 215 interthinking 215 Irish Republican Army (IRA) 66–7 Islam 3, 80, 89, 97, 129–130, 132, 139, 165 and Caucasus 89–95, 114–117, 169–170 as militant 139–144 as Other 103, 117 as savage 145–154 J Jacobs, Geert 56 Janks, Hilary 50, 219–20 Jørgensen, Marianne 21, 184, 207n K KGB 13, 53–73, 187 Klebnikov, Paul 58 Klinenberg, Eric 14n Kremlin 1, 8, 13, 24–6, 31, 36, 40, 48n, 66, 71, 87, 91, 132, 187, 212, 214, 216 Kreminology 21, 30 Kress, Gunther 3, 61–2, 120, 144, 184 L Lacan, Jacques 6n, 31, 101, 221 Laclau, Ernesto 2–5, 10, 21–2, 26, 66, 102, 185, 205–9, 213, 217 Lakoff, George 80–2, 103 Lefort, Claude 4–5, 7–9, 212 Lewis, Justin 55 Lieven, Anatol 91, 115n, 144, 190, 199 Litvinenko, Alexander 13, 53–73, 183, 213, 216 long conversation 177 Lule, Jack 54, 66, 72 Lull, James 10 Luoma-Aho, Mika Index M Marchart, Oliver 4–6, 8–9, 27, 211–2, 216–8 Macgilchrist, Felicitas 3, 10, 33, 53, 68, 104, 122, 151, 202 market logic of journalism 14, 55, 72, 155, 205 Marlin, Randal 118 Martin, J.R. 28n, 119, 153, 164, 185 Martín Rojo, Luisa Maskhadov, Aslan 92, 96, 163 McNair, Brian 211 Medvedev, Dmitry 40 metaphor 37–41, 50, 53, 61, 126, 129–30, 135, 137, 148, 195, 198, 202 see also nurturant parent, strict father definition 80–81 discursive 76, 79, 81–5, 94, 102–104, 167–8 metaphorical model 80 military-industrial-complex 41 minimal politics 8n, 27, 218 Mouffe, Chantal 2n, 4–5, 10, 21, 26, 185, 205–9, 213 multimodality 61–2, 68, 144 Murdoch, Rupert 14–15, 77–8, 97 myth 54, 66, 72, 101, 171 N Nancy, Jean-Luc negation 186–187, 195, 199, 206–8 network journalism 16 neutrality, see balance, objectivity news agencies 2n, 15, 20, 25–6, 29–30, 36n, 43, 45, 47n, 55–6, 60–4, 69, 109–10, 121–3, 127, 183, 185–7, 221 news agenda 14 news production 10, 12, 53, 67–69, 72, 204–5, 209, 221 news values 32, 69, 204 newswire, see news agencies non-governmental organisations 19–33, 83, 186, 203 nodal point 20, 30–33, 64–67, 206–8 and keywords 31 nominalisation 119–20, 190, 195 Nord-Ost, see Dubrovka Norval, Aletta 4–5, 31n, 217–8 nuclear weapons 71, 113 nurturant parent 75–104, 120, 127, 136, 167–8, 177, 188, 191, 221 definition 83–84 O objectivity 68, 113, 126, 129–131, 136 Orange Revolution 15, 39, 44, 193 Orientalism 2, 80, 158, 169–70, 175, 178 Other 2–6, 19n, 21, 26, 72, 90, 99, 103–4, 116–7, 145, 166, 221 two kinds of 130, 148, 151–155, 164, 170–174 P parody 187, 195, 202–4, 220 Peterson, Mark 58, 68, 109, 215 Phillips, Louise 21, 184, 207n photography 61–3, 140–4, 185, 216 politicisation 9, 212, 215, 217 political economy, see market logic of journalism political, the and balance 131 and language 49 and politics 6–9, 16, 19, 35, 211 moment of 8, 11, 16, 19, 26–7, 30, 33, 67, 107, 127, 183, 211, 216–8 Politkovskaya, Anna 66, 111 Poovey, Mary 101 poststructuralism post-foundational thinking 4–8, 49, 81, 211, 217–9 Potter, Jonathan 3, 58, 79, 85, 110–1, 113, 158 power hierarchical 4, 69n, 82 operations of 3, 7, 10, 40, 79, 81, 104, 207, 212, 216–7 relations 4, 69n, 104, 199, 201–2, 207, 209, 212, 215 Free ebooks ==> Index practice theory 2, 205 preformulation 55–6, 72 press release 32, 55–6, 58, 66, 72, 133, 213 profit-orientation (see market logic of journalism) public relations 14, 28, 55, 58, 63–4, 67, 70–3 public sphere 3, 4n, 211 Putin, Vladimir 90, 136, 209, 216, 221 and Berezovsky 70–1 and Beslan 149, 196 and brutality 135, 151 and democracy 24, 26, 30, 47, 149, 186–7 and Dubrovka 94, 163–4 and Gazprom 194 and power 28, 40–2, 45–6, 50, 195–8 and terrorism 95, 135, 140, 151, 163 and threat 36, 54, 61, 66, 149–53, 220 and Stalin 13, 157, 187, 214 R Rancière, Jacques 4, 5n readers and balance 130 and context 38–9, 98, 116, 139 and hegemony and local relevance 69 and multimodality 61–3, 144 and subversion 9, 50 correspondents’ views of 130–1, 169, 203 letters 97 new role 16, 125–7 political orientation 40, 77–8 reading practices 9, 30, 206 using multiple sources of news 125, 218 readership figures 12, 69, 77–8, 203, 205 reframing 13, 98, 193–9, 203–4, 206, 209, 221 resignification 6, 183–5, 193, 198, 208–10, 221 responsibilisation 40 reproduction and evaluation 97–98 mimetic 32, 60, 109–10, 127, 159, 174 responsibility attribution 117 Riasanovsky, Nicholas 85 Richards, I.A. 80–1 Richardson, John 3, 68, 172 Rieder, Rem 14 Rorty, Richard 184, 207n Rose, David 28n, 119, 153, 185 Ruge, Mary 178, 204 Russell, John 133, 159, 169 Ryklin, Mikhail 117, 153 S Sachs, Jeffrey 86, 102 Said, Edward 2, 158 Sakwa, Richard 89n, 133, 1612, 190n, 214 Schatzki, Theodore security 3, 83–4, 93, 102–3, 114–5, 174 securitisation 151 semiotics (see also multimodality) social 23n sequentiality 175–6 Shimko, Keith 82n Silverman, David 3, 133 Silverstone, Roger 110 Small, Mario 10 social imaginary 80, 100–4, 110, 137, 144, 155, 178, 205–6 social order 3–8, 16, 36, 46, 50–1, 68, 75, 76n, 107, 116, 211–2, 215–7, 222 South Ossetia, see Georgia Soviet Union 22–3, 38–9, 65, 78, 85–6, 95–7, 117, 152–3, 157, 187 and Chechnya 75, 160, 162, 177 and gas subsidies 42–3 Spivak, Gayatri 2, Sreberny, Anabelle 10, 14–5 Stäheli, Urs 31n stereotypes 11, 69, 100, 193, 219 Stern, Jonathan 44 strict father 75–104, 127, 167–8, 188, 221 definition 82–3 subject formation 2–3, 6, 67, 80, 104 (see also subjectivities) subjectivities 76n, 80, 206, 215–6, 218 T Taylor, Charles 101 terrorism 3, 66–7, 76, 97, 102, 132, 153–4, 166, 191 international 89, 97–9, 135–40, 147–51, 168, 171–2, 178, 213 threat, lexis of 28–30 Tishkov, Valery 162, 178 transparency, lexis of 28–30 truthfulness 108–10, 127, 130 U Ukraine 15, 28, 31, 35–51, 183, 193–5, 209, 213 undecidability 5, 8, 211 V van Dijk, Teun 3, 21n, 36, 145n, 172 van Leeuwen, Theo 61–2, 144, 184 Van Hout, Tom 10, 12, 68, 122 vector 61 Velthuis, Olav 60–1 W war on terror (see terrorism, international) Warner, Michael 61, 69 West and the rest, the 6, 16, 35–6, 46, 76, 84, 89, 92–3, 99, 102–4, 190n, 212, 215, 220, 222 Williams, Raymond Wodak, Ruth Wolff, Larry 80 Woodiwiss, Anthony 33 Woods, Ngaire 76 Wooffitt, Robin 112 World Trade Organisation (WTO) 43–5 Y Yeltsin, Boris 58, 79, 85–7, 90–1, 92n, 122, 138, 171–2, 190 Z Zelizer, Barbie 67, 112 Žižek, Slavoj 5n, 6n, 30–1 Free ebooks ==> In the series Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture the following titles have been published thus far or are scheduled for publication: 41 DUNMIRE, Patricia L.: Projecting the Future through Political Discourse The case of the Bush doctrine Expected May 2011 40 MACGILCHRIST, Felicitas: Journalism and the Political Discursive tensions in news coverage of Russia 2011 xiv, 248 pp 39 TEKIN, Beyza Ç.: Representations and Othering in Discourse The construction of Turkey in the EU context 2010 xi, 268 pp 38 ILIE, Cornelia (ed.): European Parliaments under Scrutiny Discourse strategies and interaction practices 2010 vi, 378 pp 37 GALASIŃSKA, Aleksandra and Dariusz GALASIŃSKI (eds.): The Post-Communist Condition Public and private discourses of transformation 2010 xi, 264 pp 36 OKULSKA, Urszula and Piotr CAP (eds.): Perspectives in Politics and Discourse 2010 ix, 416 pp 35 LE, Elisabeth: Editorials and the Power of Media Interweaving of socio-cultural identities 2010 xiv, 239 pp 34 BAZZI, Samia: Arab News and Conflict A multidisciplinary discourse study 2009 xiv, 222 pp 33 HOGAN-BRUN, Gabrielle, Clare MAR-MOLINERO and Patrick STEVENSON (eds.): Discourses on Language and Integration Critical perspectives on language testing regimes in Europe 2009 xiii, 170 pp 32 RAMSAY, Guy: Shaping Minds A discourse analysis of Chinese-language community mental health literature 2008 ix, 149 pp 31 JOHNSTONE, Barbara and Christopher EISENHART (eds.): Rhetoric in Detail Discourse analyses of rhetorical talk and text 2008 viii, 330 pp 30 POWERS, John H and Xiaosui XIAO (eds.): The Social Construction of SARS Studies of a health communication crisis 2008 vi, 242 pp 29 ACHUGAR, Mariana: What We Remember The construction of memory in military discourse 2008 x, 246 pp 28 DOLÓN, Rosana and Júlia TODOLÍ (eds.): Analysing Identities in Discourse 2008 xi, 204 pp 27 VERDOOLAEGE, Annelies: Reconciliation Discourse The case of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission 2008 xiii, 238 pp 26 MILLAR, Sharon and John WILSON (eds.): The Discourse of Europe Talk and text in everyday life 2007 viii, 200 pp 25 AZUELOS-ATIAS, Sol: A Pragmatic Analysis of Legal Proofs of Criminal Intent 2007 x, 180 pp 24 HODGES, Adam and Chad NILEP (eds.): Discourse, War and Terrorism 2007 ix, 248 pp 23 GOATLY, Andrew: Washing the Brain – Metaphor and Hidden Ideology 2007 xvii, 431 pp 22 LE, Elisabeth: The Spiral of ‘Anti-Other Rhetoric’ Discourses of identity and the international media echo 2006 xii, 280 pp 21 MYHILL, John: Language, Religion and National Identity in Europe and the Middle East A historical study 2006 ix, 300 pp 20 OMONIYI, Tope and Joshua A FISHMAN (eds.): Explorations in the Sociology of Language and Religion 2006 viii, 347 pp 19 HAUSENDORF, Heiko and Alfons BORA (eds.): Analysing Citizenship Talk Social positioning in political and legal decision-making processes 2006 viii, 368 pp 18 LASSEN, Inger, Jeanne STRUNCK and Torben VESTERGAARD (eds.): Mediating Ideology in Text and Image Ten critical studies 2006 xii, 254 pp 17 SAUSSURE, Louis de and Peter SCHULZ (eds.): Manipulation and Ideologies in the Twentieth Century Discourse, language, mind 2005 xvi, 312 pp 16 ERREYGERS, Guido and Geert JACOBS (eds.): Language, Communication and the Economy 2005 viii, 239 pp 15 BLACKLEDGE, Adrian: Discourse and Power in a Multilingual World 2005 x, 252 pp 14 DIJK, Teun A van: Racism and Discourse in Spain and Latin America 2005 xii, 198 pp 13 WODAK, Ruth and Paul CHILTON (eds.): A New Agenda in (Critical) Discourse Analysis Theory, methodology and interdisciplinarity 2005 xviii, 320 pp 12 GRILLO, Eric (ed.): Power Without Domination Dialogism and the empowering property of communication 2005 xviii, 247 pp Free ebooks ==> 11 MUNTIGL, Peter: Narrative Counselling Social and linguistic processes of change 2004 x, 347 pp 10 BAYLEY, Paul (ed.): Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Parliamentary Discourse 2004 vi, 385 pp RICHARDSON, John E.: (Mis)Representing Islam The racism and rhetoric of British broadsheet newspapers 2004 xxiii, 262 pp MARTIN, J.R and Ruth WODAK (eds.): Re/reading the past Critical and functional perspectives on time and value 2003 vi, 277 pp ENSINK, Titus and Christoph SAUER (eds.): The Art of Commemoration Fifty years after the Warsaw Uprising 2003 xii, 246 pp DUNNE, Michele Durocher: Democracy in Contemporary Egyptian Political Discourse 2003 xii, 179 pp THIESMEYER, Lynn (ed.): Discourse and Silencing Representation and the language of displacement 2003 x, 316 pp CHILTON, Paul and Christina SCHÄFFNER (eds.): Politics as Text and Talk Analytic approaches to political discourse 2002 x, 246 pp CHNG, Huang Hoon: Separate and Unequal Judicial rhetoric and women's rights 2002 viii, 157 pp LITOSSELITI, Lia and Jane SUNDERLAND (eds.): Gender Identity and Discourse Analysis 2002 viii, 336 pp GELBER, Katharine: Speaking Back The free speech versus hate speech debate 2002 xiv, 177 pp ... Journalism and the Political 1.1 Theoretical orientation The following steps present the logic of the central argument in more depth, and outline the ways in which a range of key theories and. .. analysis, journalism studies, cultural studies, hegemony theory and the recent vibrant theorising of the difference between politics and the political The argument is twofold First, the book argues... institutions and practices involved in policy-making and other activities of the state or political system, the political is used by these thinkers to refer to the ontological level and the institution