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Curtis''''s Botanical Magazine 11

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: : CUR TIS' ^- S Botanical Magazine; O R, Flo wer-Garden Difplayed IN WHICH The mofl Ornamental Foreign Plants, Open Ground, the Green -Houfe, and cultivated in the the Stove, are accurately reprefented in their natural Colours TO WHICH ARE ADDED, Their Names, Clafs, Order, Generic and Specific Charaders, according to the celebrated Linnjeus ; their Places of Growth, and Times of Flowering TOGETHER WITH THE MOST APPROVED METHODS OF CULTURE WORK A Intended for the Ufe of fuch Ladies, Gentlemen, and Gardeners, as wifh to become fcientificahly acquainted with the Plants they cultivate CONTINUED BY JOHN SIMS, M.D Fellow of the Linnean Society, U4 V OL dc me* propre* yeux XVII ~ % t' mon S??*^^ mo, « aa ^ " affcntiment aux obfervation, tint 11 iufte, d' u „ ,ni, une ventable jouiflance au l *? P 0it leu que qua nd je n e trouve p« ce c dittf P tou)««» JC fu ' $ I inquietude f ce n'eft pas moi qui voit mil 55 ; Roussxau - ^ parlant de la fynonymii LONDON: Stephen Couchman, Throgmorton-Street CURTIS, N° ft Gcortf sXrcfcent, Black-Friars-Road; Printed by Publifhed by And T , Sold by the principal Bookfellers in Great-Britain MDCCCIII and Ireland N:ji)j C Ixia Secunda ^Jc afe.jfc.ife 597 ] One-Ranked &_& :&, jfe, A, C/j/ir «'* .»k, »' vV c nc SF 'i*^ and Order* Clafs Triandria Monogynia Generic Character — Fid Specific Character GLADIOLUS N ot - 538 Sc 562 and Synonyms acuminato-enfatis foliis Tpatlid viperatus faucem rccurvato-turbinatam fuperante; fumma lacinia fpatulato-ligulata, galeatim incur; vata, laminis rhombeo-ovatls, in- lateralium fimarum imis marginibus apophyfe pelluccntiglandulofa et tuberCulata adauclis GLADIOLUS alatus Thunb Dijf var n 15 p 16 Jacq, 259 Coll 165 IPllld Sp PL I 216 (attamen non Linn, vel Amasn Acad, circa quem vid fupra 586.) orehidijiorus Bot Rep tab 241 SISYRINCHIUM viperatum Pink Pbyt 224./ 8.? 1c rar / GLADIOLUS Root-leaves downwards —8 or more, lincar-enfiform, far acuminate, imbricatcly equitant, far prominent fheathing, — thickifh, cauline (tern midrib round, glaucous, i Rachis flexuofe, diftich, feet high pmplifh ; fpathes convolute-lanceolate, herbaceous, glaucous, ftriated, outer valves rather the longed and continuing beyond the faux ; Corolla downwards turbinate, upwards ringent, three outer fegments acute, inner obtufe ; tube and faux narrow-* turbinate, recurved, equal to the lower fegments j upper fegnient rather the longeft, remote, forming a kind of lip, helmetwile arched, fpatulate-ligulatc, convolute-concave its fide ones rather the fiiorter of the fix, rhomb-ovate, acute, oppofite, recurved-patent with fhorlifii narrow ungues; loweft one of glaucous, with a — ; ; ; ; the- the fame fhape with thefe but rather longer, fmaller, more acute, with a narrower unguis and not fo deeply divided from its lateral ones, which are fpatulate, much the narrowed, with oblong laminae and furnifhed on each fide the bafe of their ungues with a tuberculated, fubcryfialline, glandular excreparts of fructification accumbent to and concealed by fcence the upper fegment Flowers exquifitely fragrant with a fcent of the perfume called Eau de Miel, or, as it appears to others, of Balm, of a greenifh grey colour with fomething of livid hue and brown {tripes Our drawing of this very rare and fingular vegetable was taken at Mr Woodford's, who received the bulbs this Spring from the Cape To all appearance it is equally hardy and of as eafy culture as any of its congeners from the fame country ; many fpecimens flowered together in the above colle&ion, and fhewed fome flight variety both in fize and ; colour The fanciful appellation of viperatus, beftowed by old Piukenet, and which we firft thought might have been fuggefted by the chequered, brownifh appearance of the flowers of fome of its varieties, now appears to us more probably to have been taken from the form of its flowers, which (efpecially as reprefented in his own figure) bring to mind the pofition of the head and appearance of the jaws of the fnake when raifing itfelf for defence againft its enemy and hiffing, in which ftate we often fee them reprefented in cuts accompanying natural hiftory G y°6sl9 ! / Put' b y T ! 'urn r I ' / , ã ^ rô^ C &d Silene Saxatilis ] Stone Catch-Fly % $ *•$ lf[»$fr$ $# $ 4JHMI 3JH&- (Mfh$ C/j/jt U > 4, >'t

Ngày đăng: 07/11/2018, 22:39



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