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Curtis''''s Botanical Magazine 56

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CURTIS'S BOTANICAL MAGAZINE COMPRISING THK plants of tfte &opaI glands -.-magnified - A'^- Heeve •* Tab 4553 OXYSPORA VAGANS Weak-stemmed Oxyspora Gen Char Calycis tubus oblongus lobi 4, ovati, mucronulati Petala 4, lanceolata, oblique acuta Stamina 8, (m-)seqpali&, Jilamentti planiusculis Anthera ; elongatfe, basi iu calcaria 4-locularis, 4-valvis concavo terminali — duo obtusa producta, connectivo vix perspieuo Capsula Semina minima, scobiformia, vix curva, utrinque aristata, hilo Suffrutices Nepalenses Folia petiolata, elliptico-oblonga, acu- minata, denticulata, 5-7-nervia, superne glabra De Cand Flores albi, subcernui Thyrsus paniculatus, terminali* Oxyspora nutans Oxyspoka vagans Wall Plant Asiat Rar v.\ p.1% £.88 Wall Cat w.4075 subscandens, ramis nutantibus, foliis subcordato-ovatis acnniiuatis crenulatis ciliatis, subtus ramiriis petiolisque leviter tomentosopilosis pilis simpbcibus demum fere (vel omnino) glabris, panicula elongata nutante, connectivo antherarum omnium deorsum calcarato, calyce capsub* fero costato Wall ; JVIelastoma rugosa Eoxb MSS Though not Ej Icon pict in Hart Bot Qilc asservata so strikingly beautiful as the Oxyspora paniculate, by Dr Wallich superb Plantae Asiaticae Rariores,' yet this is very nearly akin to it; and but for the well-known accuracy of my valued friend just mentioned, and the fact of his having seen both species in a living state, I should have been disposed to have considered the present a lax-branched and las-flowered the more so, as he quotes from Dr variety of O.panicidata Roxburgh's MSS a still more lax and drooping variety of this O paniculata is indeed a stouter and stronger plant, with the stem and panicle erect, and " connectivo antherarum longiorum ;" whilst in our plant, which quite accords obsolete calcarato with the Wallichian specimen in my herbarium, the connectivum of the longer anther is less distinctly spurred than the shorter several specimens from Assam, from ones I possess, too, Griffith and others, of some among which it is, at least in the dried The plant state, difficult to say to which they should belong here figured is, however, assuredly the vagans of Drs Roxburgh and Wallich, and has been raised from seeds sent by Dr Hooker from hilly country bordering on the plains in the approach to ff less showy, it is a more graceful plant than the Darjeeling figured in his : — ' paniculata, being truly subscandent and the panicles all very drooping Desor Shrub three to five feet high, loosely branched ; the branches long and weak, drooping, obscurely four-angular, the younger ones tomentose Petioles long Leaves ovate or * cordate-ovate, acuminate, five- to seven-nerved, glabrous above, obsoletely downy with short hairs, or quite glabrous below, where also the nerves are very prominent and red Panicles terminal, drooping, lax, often a foot long Primary branches opposite, secondary forked Calyx-tube elongated, tetragonous, pale reddish-green, with a limb of four small teeth Petals four, of a bright rose-colour, obovate, acute Stamens eight, four long and four short the four smaller anthers are pale-coloured, and have a distinct spur pointing downwards at the back of the connectivum; the four longer ones are deep purple, much curved, and have a small spur Style much decurved W J H Cult This showy plant was raised last year from seeds, and this autumn ; produced flowers It is of a slender habit, with long internodes, and is not disposed to produce lateral branches It grows freely if potted in light loam and leafmould, and kept in a moderately warm stove, and propagates readily by cuttings treated in the usual way / S Kg it The two kinds of stamens Calyx and pistil -.—magnified- ... Volume of In which the Latin Volume of the' Work) are alphabetically arranged Plate Plate 4492 4563 4548 4507 4544 4551 4532 4541 Acanthophippium Javanicum 4531 Hypocyrta iEschynanthus Javanicus

Ngày đăng: 07/11/2018, 22:29


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