: vV CUKTIS'S r Gu- MAGAZINE, BOTANICAL ILLUSTRATING AND DESCRIBING Pants of tfie nopal ISotantc ©attorns of 1&eto, ESTABLISHMENTS; BOTANICAL OTHER OF AND EDITED BY SIR DAVID PRAIN, C.M.G., CLE., LL.D., F.R.S, DIRECTOR, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, KEW VOL XIII OF THE FOURTH SERIES {Or Vol C XL III of tlie WJiole Work.) that nature by her mother-wit Could frame in earth, and forme of substance base AY as there ; and all that nature did omit, Art, playing second nature's part, supplyed it.— SPENSER *'or all LONDON L Publishers to the 6, KEEVE & CO., LTD., Home, Cohnial,and Indian Governments, GAEDEN COVENT STREET, HENRIETTA 1917 {Ail rights reserve!.] &> LONDON PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STREET, W WINDMILL CHEAT AND S.E., CET, STR DUKK STREET, STAMFORD I To RICHARD IRWIN LYNCH, M.A., A.L.S., V.M.H., curator, botanic garden, cambridge, skill and enthusiasm whose to as a cultivator, and to whose generosity as a contributor, The Botanical Magazine is indebted for many subjects, this is Kew, Dtcember, 1917 volume cordially dedicated INDEX To Vol XIIT (1917) of the Fourth Series, or Vol CXLIII of the whole Work 8713 8692 8700 8728 8722 8701 8723 8715 8730 8706 8702 8708 8694 8731 Orthrosanthus Aesculus turbinata censis Amorphophallus Kerrii Anguloa Cliftonii 8699 Pilea Forgeti 8717 Pinus tuberculata sinense, 8711 Plagiospermum forma brachypoda 8729 Pleione Pricei 8724 Polygonum Griffithii 8735 Primula nutans var subhirtella, 8733 Prunus Aster fuscescens Berberis aggregata Stapfiana „ Bulbophylkim lilacinum Campanula Ephesia Castilleja miniata Chirita Trailliana Clematis Fargesii var Souliei Corylopsis Willmottiae , Cotoneaster salicifolia, var rugosa 8740 8693 8732 8716 8741 8697 8734 8703 Cryptophoranthus Dayanus Cytisus albus Daphne Giraldii Disanthus cercidifolia Grevillea oleoides Maurandia Purpusii Megacarpaea polyandra Mesembryanfchemum Pil- lansii 8712 8725 8718 8719 8726 Myrsine africana Odontoglossum chiriquense „ platycheilum Oreocharis Forrestii Oresitrophe rupifraga chimbora- autumnalis 8710b Pyrola bracteata uliginosa 8710a „ 8695 Quercus densiflora 8721 Rhododendron CuQeanum discolor 8696 „ Fargesii 8736 „ neriiflorum 8727 „ 8704 Rubus illecebrosus 8737 Sarchochilus solomonensis 8707 Saxifraga manshuriensis 8738 Sechium edule 8705 Senecio Hectori Monroi 8698 „ 8720 Sinofranchetia chinensis 8714 Stauropsis Imthurnii 8739 Syringa Wilsonii 8709 Yanda luzonica 9692 I k imp Tab 8692 AMORPHOPHALLUS Kerrii Siam, Aroideae Amorphophallus, Bl ; Benth Tribe Pythonieae et Hook Amorphophallus Kerrii, N E Brown / Gen Plant, vol iii p 970 in Ke7V Bulletin, 1912, p 43 ; affinis A corrugato, N E Br sed petiolo albido-viridi-maculato, ovariis viridibus stylis brevioribus et appendice levi differt Herba tubevosa perennis Folium solitarium, erectum, glabrum; petiolus m longus, viridis albido-viridi-maculatus lamina trisecta, ramis semel furcatfs pinnatisectis segmenta inferiora 5-10 cm longa, 3-5-5 cm lata, elliptica vel lanceolata segmenta ultima 15-25-' cm longa, -5-7 -5 cm lata, lanceolata, acuta vel acuminata, basi in alam 0*4-2 cm latam decurrentia Pedunculus 25 cm (vel ultra ?) longus, cm crassus, atroviridis vel olivaceo-brunnev>s, ocellis albido-viridibus maculatus Spatha erecta, 15-18 cm longa, 5-6 cm lata, lanceolata, concava apice leviter procurva, acuta, basi breviter convoluta marginibus haud undulatis, viridis, extra ocellis albido-viridibus maculata Spadix spatha multo breyior, stipitata pars f eminea 5-2 cm longa, cm crassa, cylindracea, viridis pars mascula l-5-2'5 cm longa, 1-2-2-5 cm crassa, cylindracea vel ellipsoidea, alba appendix 3*8-5 cm longa, 1-6-2-5 cm crassa, subcylindrica vel obtuse trigono-ovoidea, levis, lacteo-alba vel pallide luteo-viridis Baccae 1*5 cm longae, cm crassae, ellipsoideae, cneruleae N E Bi ^vn ; ; ; " ; • ' ; ; — The handsome Amorphophallus here figured is one of several species of the genus obtained by Dr A F G Kerr in the Chiengmai district, Siam, tubers of which were forwarded by him to Professor H H Dixon for cultivation in the Botanic Garden of Trinity College, Dublin The present species, one of the most strikin-z, flowered there in March in the years 1910, 1911 and 1912 and ripened fruits in July, 1915 ; as is not unusual in the genus, the J eaves appear after the flowers For the fresh material at its various stages utilised in preparing our plate we are indebted to Professor Dixon Mr S G Wild, whose enthusiasm is so well known, and to whom the care of the tubers was intrusted, informs us that A Kerrii is best grown in a compost consisting of two parts good loam with one part each of leafsoil, peat and sand It requires ample pot-room, a genial atmosphere and a temperature January, 1917 ranging from 65° to 70° F during the growing season Corms potted at the beginning of March flower in April and May, when adequate water should be supplied till about the end of September, an occasional application of liquid cow manure being beneficial After September the pots may be stored in heated frames with a minimum temperature of about 45° F., and should be kept quite The corms are readily increased by offsets, and if one is fortunate enough to fertilize the flowers, seeds may be obtained which, if sown as soon as ripe, produce new corms which should flower about their third season dry Description —Herb, perennial, tuberous Leaf solitary, erect, glabrous ; Eetiole over ft long, green, blotched with greenish-white; lamina 3-sect, the ranches once forked, and pinnatisect lower segments 2-4 in long, 1£-2J in wide, elliptic or lanceolate terminal segments 6-10 in long, 2J-3 in wide, lanceolate, acute or acuminate, decurrent below in a wing |—§ in wide Peduncle 10 in long or perhaps in wild plants taller, over } in thick, dark green or olive-brown with greenish -white blotches Spathe erect, 6-9 in long, 2-2J in wide, lanceolate, concave, slightly curved forward at the tip, acute, slightly convolute at the base, margins even, green, outside with greenishwhite blotches Spadix stipitate, much shorter than the spathe female portion f-1 in long, § in thick, cylindric, green male portion f-1 in long, i-f in thick or rather thicker, cylindric or ellipsoid, white appendix 1£-1 f in l° n g> f-1 in- thick, subcylindric or bluntly trigonous-ovoid, smooth, milkywhite or pale yellowish-green Berries f in long, over \ in thick, ellipsoid, blue ; ; ; ; ; — Tab 8692 Fig 1, flowering spadix; 2, male flowers; 3, female flowers; 4, ovary in vertical section, with ovules 5, sketch of an entire plant :— all enlarged except 1, which is of natural size, and 5, which is much reduced ; $693 'inr «mt Brooks — ; Tab 8693 CYTISUS ALBUS Spain and Portugal Leguminosae Cytisus, Linn Benth ; et Tribe Genisteae Hook f Gen Plant, vol i p 484 Cytisus albus, Link, Enum Hort Berol vol ii p 241 DC Prodr vol ii Loud Arboret pars iii p 589, fig 282 Spach in Ann Sc Nat p 153 3me ser vol iii p 152; G Don, Gen Sijst vol iii p 154; Willk et Lange, Prodr Fl Hisp vol iii p 457 C Schneider, Handb Laubholzk ; ; ; ; nee C albus, Haquet, vol ii p 43 ; Bean, Trees