; CURTIS'S BOTANICAL MAGAZINE, COMPRISING THE plants; of tfre &opal bartons of Heto, OF OTHER BOTANICAL ESTABLISHMENTS IN GREAT BRITAIN WITH SUITABLE DESCRIPTIONS; SIR WILLIAM JACKSON HOOKER, K.H., D.C.L LL.D., F.R.S and L.S , Vice-President of the Linnean Society, and Director of the Royal Gardens of Kew VOL IX OF THE THIRD SERIES; (Or Vol ' LXXIX of the Whole Work) Another Flora here, of bolder hues, And richer sweets." LONDON: LOVELL REEVE, HENRIETTA STREET, CO VENT GARDEN 1853 Oxon., JOHN EDWARD TiTlOB w HIS EXCELLENCY SIR HENRY BARKLY, K.H., ETC ETC ETC., LATE GOVERNOR OF BRITISH GUIANA, AND NOW OF THE ISLAND OF JAMAICA, WHO, AMIDST THE MANY ARDUOUS DUTIES ATTENDANT UPON HIS HIGH OFFICE HAS PATRONIZED AND ENCOURAGED HORTICULTURE AND BOTANY IN OUR COLONIES, E\}t present Folume is ©etiicatet, BY HIS EXCELLENCY'S FAITHFUL AND ATTACHED FRIEND AND SERVANT W Royal Gardens, Keav, December 1, 1853 J HOOKER LIST OF ORCHIDEOUS PLANTS INDIGENOUS TO ASSAM, AND THE NEIGHBOURING HILLS OF KHASYA, BOOTAN, etc NAMES No Size and Colour of Flower 1* Microstylis Wallichii? Oberonia 3* indifolia Habit Small, par green Minute, yellowish Ter Epi Ditto Ditto sp Liparis sp Small, yellow Ditto 6** sp 7* sp 10 11 Largish, green yellow Small, deep purple yellowish brown „ Otochilus fuscus albus Pholidota imbrieata „ „ Ter Epi Ditto Ditto undulata 12* 13* 14* articulata sp T Coelogyne 15 16 — yellow Largish, white 18** — uniflora 19 barbata 20* 21* precox? maculata Wallichiana ocellata 24* Gardueriana 25 26 27 * # 28 cristata? nava? 90 sp 31 * * sp 32** 33** sp Bolbophyllum leopardinum Khasyanum 36 • sp 43* 44 * * Large, white, yellow, and rose and rose „ „ pale yellow and deep orange „ white and yellow ,, streaked with bright yd „ „ Small, brown and yellow Em Large, yellow and brown Ditto Small, brown and yellow Ditto white and brown Ditto „ pale yellow Ditto ,, white (pretty) Ter „ Largish, pale cinnamon Epi Ditto Large, yellow spotted with purple Ditto Largish, dull yellow Small, greenish Ditto Largish, bright yellow Ditto Small, white, fragrant Ditto Ditto dull purple „ > 35** ** „ white and brown and lateritious unibellatum 37* 38* ,, ' 34 » „ „ „ Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ter Ditto Ditto Ditto Epi Ter sp sp „ undulata 29* fimbriataP 22** 23** and yellow • flavida 17* 39 40 41 42 white and white „ „ „ sp sp sp sp Cirrkopetalum sp sp sp sp Ditto Ditto Small, greenish, fragrant dull purple ,, Large, brown and yellow Largish, dull purple Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto List of Orchideous Plants Indigenous to Assam, etc NAMES No 45** 46* 47 48 49 50 51 52 * * 53* 54* 55* 56 57 58 59* 60 Size sp densinora ferruginea paniculata — — , sp sp , sp anceps cuspidatum Ditto sp Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Largish, white, yellow, and sp orange and brown formosum Very large, white and yell., fragrant longicornu Large, white and orange calceolus Very dark yellow, rose, and purple sulcatum Large, yellow and purple Jcnkinsii lively yellow „ cserulescens deep lively purple „ nohile white rosy purple „ Gibsonii yellow and brown „ stuposum Small, white •Cambridgeanum Large, lively yellow and brown transparens deep lively purple „ like do., various pale rose and purple „ Devonianum Lellerose and yellow ,, Dalhousianum rose, white, and purple ,, multicaule white and purple „ Griffithii pale yellow and orange „ Farmerii lively „ „ „ densiflor pallid white and orange ,, ditto roseum pale rose and orange „ intermedium pale yellow and brown „ sp lively orange ,, sp yellow and brown ,, •i sp like ditto — — — — — — — 66** 67 68* 69 70 71 72 * * 73* 74* — 75** — — — 76* 78** 79 80** 81** 82** 83** 85* 86* 88* -sp 98** 87** 97* — — 95** 96** — — — — — 84 „ — — — — 77 * * 93* 94* Large, pink and yellow yellow and brown, fragrant „ lively yellow and brown „ — hcterocarpum Paxtoni brown Dendrobium Pierardi 63* 64* 65* 92 Minute, rosy Small white chrysanthum 91* 62 90 Epi Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto 61* 89** Habit sp Aporum and Colour of Flower Largish, dull purple Large, white, purple, and yellow Largisb, dull yellow and brown Largisb, white streaked with brown tinged with yellow „ „ ferruginous ,, Small, spotted with purple Largish, white and dull purple „ „ Cirrliopetalum sp Tricosina suavis Eria flava — continued sp „ yellow, pink, and brown pink and yellow „ Largish, yellow and purple Large, pale rose and lively purple white, brown, and purple „ Spathoglottis pubescens Arundina bambusifoha Pliarus grandifolius \Vallichii — maculata >, „ rosy scented albus Apaturia senilis Largish, rose and green Ania latifolia Eulophia virens ? Large, green and white dull yellow and brown sp Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ter Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto List of Orchideous Plants Indigenous to Assam, NAMES No 99** 100** 101** Size etc — continued and Colour of Flower Large, deep purple green and yellow sp ,, purplish green sp ,, Very large, rosy purple, yellow, and brown Vanda teres 102 103** Largish, greenish, white, and purple cristata 104** white and rose multiflora „ 105** Very large, deep blue cserulea 106** Largish, dull purple sp 107** and green sp „ ,, 108** yellow and brown sp „ 109** Camarotis purpurea Small, yellow and purple pale yellow 110 Micropera pallida „ rosy Saccolabium micrantlium 111 „ Largish, lively spotted retusum 112 Small, pale yellow and purple papillosum 113 114* yellow and brown calceolare „ 115** pale ditto and rose sp like ditto „ rosy caroifolium 116 „ green and purple 117 #* dasypogon „ 118* yellow appendiculatum „ 119* rosy and deep purple sp „ 120 * * Sarcanthus sp 121** Small, rosy sp white and yellow 122 * * sp „ Eulophia sp — — 123** sp 124 * * sp 125 * * CEceoclades sp 126 Orides affine 127 odoratum 128 sp leaves linear-lau 129 * * 130 Agrostophyllum Khasyanum 131* Xipliosium acuminatum Acanthophippium sp 132 133* 134* 135 136 137** — sp Cymbidium giganteum pendulum — rosy red „ Large, rosy purple sweet scented Large, like affine, and very sweet scented Small, white Large „ „ „ dull purple white streaked Very large, yellow and brown Large, dull yellow and purple aloifolium eburneum Very 138 139 rnconspicuum longipetalum Small, brown Largish, green and purple 140* 141* cypenfonum sp 142** 143** sp sp * * 144 145** 146** ? 147 148 Euproboscis pygmsea Geodorum dilatatum 149* sp large, white Large, fragrant, yellow, and white brownish purple „ Very large, white Large, white and brown green and dull purple „ yellow and reddish brown „ Minute, yellow Large, white, purple, and yellow deep rosy purple and white „ white „ Largish, white, sweet scented Small, green Phalsenopsis, sp sp 150** 151** Platanthera sp Peristylus sp 162 Habenaria hamigera ? ; List of Orchideous Plants Indigenous to Assam, etc NAMES No Habenaria 153 154 Size and Colour of Flower Small, yellow greenish yellow „ sp sp 155* white „ Large, white Small, rosy white Largish, green Small, purple Largish, golden yellow Small, white Goodyera „ sp rosy white white green and purple red and yellow lively yellow brown and yellow white and green and yellow „ dull purple white Large, „ „ Small, Large, „ „ Small, dull purple ,, M Largish, rosy purple sp green and purple rosy Small green „ „ ^Eschynanthus (3 to ; ,, sp Bonatea sp 175** Opkrys sp 176** sp 177** Anthogonium Epi Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto 164** 165** Cypripediuni venustum 166** msigne 167** Calanthe densiflora 168** sp 169** 170** sp 171** 172 173 174 Habit 162 * * Zeuxine sulcata 163 * * Ancectochilus Eoxburghii (1 sp.) 156** sp 157** Pogonia Joliana 158** sp 159** sp 160** Cyrtosia sp 161** Spiranthes sp — continued ISTepenthes (1 sp.) sp.) ; Hoya (5 or sp.) ; Arum (several) Lilian) Ferns and Lycopodiums (150 to 200 sp.) Palms Caryota, Calamus, etc.) are also indigenous, and can be ; ; (Lmstona, Leoxala, sent if required Plants not marked are common Ditto marked with an asterisk are considered rare Ditto marked with two asterisks are considered very rare, ^charges for a box of cubic feet measurement, containing ±an equal sei lection of the three kinds, will be £5, or 50Eupees, deliverable at Calcutta When Plants which are rare or very rare are required, the charges will be according to the kind taken; for the rare, 1R 8a a Plant; for the very rare, Rupees a directed to be 8ent no * xtra cl*arge will be ' made be ^ ^^ When new Plants, not included made When two boxes or more in the list, are sent, a separate charge will are taken, a discount of 10 per cent will be r allowed Plants can also be sent in glass cases, on the Wardian plan, measuring feet inches in length feet breadth, and feet inches inlieight, for which an extra charge of 20 Rupees will be made Glass covers can also be supplied for the other boxes at an extra charge of 10 Rupees Application to be made to > Messrs , CHARLES CANTOR Assam, August, 1852 & CO., in Calcutta INDEX, In which the Latin Names of the Plants contained Volume of the Third Series (or in the Ninth Seventy-ninth Volume of the* Work) are alphabetically arranged Vlate I/O %&40 4794 4G98 4693 4728 4726 Plate Abies bracteata Abelia uniflora 4731 Fritillaria oxypctala 4701 Galeandra Baueri var ; Allosorus cordatus luteis Aquilegia Kanaoriensis 4697 Gaultheria Azalea amoena 4735 crispiflora ferruginea Gilia (Leptosiphon) lutea 4706 Gymnostacbyum Ceylanicum 4746 Begonia biserrata 4689 rubro-venia 4745 Hsemanthus 4692 4744 4756 4734 4741 4717 4714 4748 4739 Thwaitesii insignis 4704 Impatiens Hookeriana Jerdonise Berberis concinna 4725 Lilium roseum Billbergia thyrsoidea 4723 Littonia modesta Brassavola lineata 4724 Lopezia macrophylla Bravoa geminiflora 1717 Metternichia Principis Brillantaisia Owariensis 4695 Neptunia Calantlie gracilis 4699 Notholsena Campanula 4736 Pandanus pygmscus Vidalii plena sinuata 4729 Cantos bicolor 4700 Cattleya elegans 4752 Passiflora Medusasa 4707 Cereus MacDonaldiaj 4738 Philesia buxifoba 4753 Cirrhopetalum 4709 Pitcairnia ecliinata 4712 cornutuin Coelia macrostachya 4691 Coelogyne maculata 4754 Coleus Blumei 4690 Macraei 4710 Crossandra flava 4755 Dendrobium cymbidioides 4708 heterocarpum 4711 teretifolium 4733 Dicliorisandra leucophthalmos 4750 Dictyanthus Pavonii 4757 Didymocarpus Humboldtiana S-703 Dipladenia flava 4720 Episcia melittifolia 4703 Eriogonum compositum 4742 Erythrochiton Brasiliense floribus 4749 Papaver pilosum 4705 macrocalyx 4751 Plumieria Jarrtesoni 4715 Puya ChiHensis 4696 sulphurea 4718 Rhododendron Dalhousia\ 4721 '• sdaucuin 4730 4737 Rhyncliospernium jasminoidc* 4716 Sandersonia aurantiaca 4743 Schema Mcxicana 4727 Semeiandra grandiflora 4719 Skimmia Japonica 4713 Syphocampylus Orbignianus 4732 Vaccinium ovatum 4722 Xanthorrhcea llastile INDEX, Id which the English Names of the Plants contained in the Ninth Volume of the of the Work) Third Series Seventy-ninth (or Volume are alphabetically arranged Plate Plate 4694 4698 Abelia, large-flowered 4720 Allosorus, heart-leaved 4728 Azalea, bright-flowered 4703 Eriogonum, twice-umbelled 4742 Erytbrochitoii, Brazilian 4726 crisped-flowered 4704 Balsam, Hooker's 4739 Mrs Jerdon's 4746 Begonia, doubly-serrated 4689 red-veined 4692 Mr Thwaites's 474S 4756 Fritillary, sharp-petaled 4697 Gaultheria, rusty 4735 Leptosiphon, or Yellow 4725 Lily, rose-coloured 4723 neat Gilia Littonia, unassuming: 4724 Lopezia, Billbergia, dense-flowered 4734 Brassavola, 4731 4706 Gymnostaehyum, Ceylon 4745 Hsemanthus, sbowy Bell-flower, Vidal's 4744 Berberry, Episcia, Melittis-leaved large-leaved 4747 Metternichia, princely 4699 Notholsena, sinuated line-leaved 4741 Bravoa, twin-flowered 4717 Brillantaisia, Owarian 4752 Passion-flower, Medusean 4738 Philesia, box-leaved 4714 Calanthe, slender 4729 Cantua, two-coloured 4709 Piteairnia, echitiated-flowered 4701 Casqucwort, Bauer's 4705 ; yellow- flowered variety 4700 Cattleya, elegant 4707 Cereus, Mrs M'Donald's great 1753 Cirrhopetalum, horn-bearin°\ Coi'lia, long-spiked 4691 Ccelogyne, spotted-flowered 4090 Coleus, Mr Macrae's 4754 Blum'e's 4693 Columbine, Kanaor 1710 Crossandra, yellow-flowered i ] >eudrobium, Cymbidium-like i "> 4751 Plumieria, Jameson's 4749 Poppy, large hairy 4715 Puya, night-flowering 4/12 large-calyx ed .> 4711 round-headed 4708 various-fruited 4733 Dichorisandra, white-eyed 4750 Pictyanthus, Pavon's 4757 Didymoearpus, llumboldtian 4702 Dipladenia, yellow-flowered 4696 Chilian sulphur-flowered 4721 Bbododendron, glaucous-leaved 4718 Lady Dalhousie's 4730 snowy-leaved " ' 4737 Bbynchospermum, jasmine-flowered 4716 Sandersonia, golden-flowered 4743 Scheeria, Mexican 1736 Screw-pine, dwarf 4727 Semeiandra, large-flowered 4719 Skunmia, Japan 4713 Syphocampylus, D'Orbigny's 4695 Water-Sensitive, the double yellow 4732 Wbortleberry, ovate-leaved 4722 Yellow-gum, spear 468,9 , del et lift 4758 Tab 4753 CIRRHOPETALUM cornutum Horn-bearing Girrhopetalum Nat Ord Orchldace,e Gen Char Sepala ringentia : — Gynandria Monandria lateralibus acuminatis, valde obliqais, basi pro- Tetala nana, apiculata supremo multo longioribus Labellum integrum, cum basi columnae articulatum Columua minima, basi longe producta, apice cornubua duobus petaloideis Anthera bilocularis Pollinia 4, Herbaj epiphjtce, rhizomate quorum interiors multo minora, lamclliformia dactee columns adnatis, — Folia coriacea, avenia repenie, pseiidob/ddos monophyllos gerente Flores dense racemosi, nunc radiati, in apice scapi radicalis Lindl Cirrhopetalum cornutum ; pseudobulbis oblongo-ovatis lsevibus vaginatis, folio solitario oblongo-ligulato in petiolum attenuate, scapis radicalisms vaginatis gracilibus folio brevioribus, floribus terminalibus eleganter radiatitn umbellatis, sepalo superiore ovato concavo ciliato, sepalis lateralibus maximis linearibus elongatis in cornu connatis purpureo-sanguineis, petalis parvis ovatis concavis ciliatis, labello ovato-acuminato carnoso recurvo, columna bicuspidata Cirrhopetalum cornutum 1843, sub t 49 Lindl in Bot Mag 1838 Misc n 138; and n Simons, Mr through received This charming Cirrhopetalum was in our blossomed and Bengal, from the Khasya hills, in eastern curious very flowers, Its Orchideous stove in September, 1853 but umbel radiating or ; in structure, are arranged in a whorled glue bad of that their odour is far from agreeable, resembling inflorescence, the in not In the general structure of the flower, lab our (see Ceylon of the species approaches the C Macraei conare colour, the as 4422), but the sepals and petals, as well reto as united so siderably The lateral sepals are different, semble a large spur or horn of the flower, caiidcx, creeping a from Descr Pseudo-bulbs, several arising large with sheathed oblong-ovate, green, smooth, more or less oblong, large, rather a by membranaceous scales, and terminated tapering and length, in coriaceous, obtuse leaf, more than a span top the on set is it below into an imperfect petiole, by which DECEMBER 1ST, 1853 Scapes one or two from the same pseudo-bulb, and arising from its very base, shorter than the leaf, slender, wiry, erect, jointed in the lower half, and there sheathed with membranaceous brown scales, bearing at the top a radiating umbel of Ovary small, tapering into a dark purple and white flowers upper one small, Sepals extremely unequal short peduncle ovate, very concave, greenish-white, sprinkled with purple, acute, lateral ones more than two inches long, the margin ciliated pendent, the two meeting at the edges, so as to appear one, broad linear, dark purple-blood-colour, green at the tip, nearly Petals in shape and colour rewhite and spotted at the base sembling the upper sepal, but smaller and more ciliated, standing forward, and, with the upper sepal, protecting the organs of fructification Labellum articulated, as it were, on the prolonged base of the column, bent up against the front of the column, and of the bulb : ; itself ovate, fleshy, Column short, bi- sunk between the two points, hemisphePollen-masses of four lobes, two small and two large cuspidate rical recurved, white, spotted Ant/ter-case Pig Flower magnified Column, anther, and labellum Pollen-masses -.—all 4754 TitckcLdf T.Ue&re, Tab 4754 COLEUS Blumbi Blumes Nat Ord Coleus Labiate.—Didynamia Gymnospermia rarius reEexus, vel declinatus fruetifer, ovato-campanulatus, Calyx Gen Char aente buabmtua, vel quinquedentatus suberectus, fauce intus nuda vel hispida, angusinfenoribus deeurrentibus, rarius marginibus membranaceo supremo ovato se inter stepe mfimis ovato-truncatis, latcralibus vel acutis tioribus, omnibus fauce ^lefracto sapras vel decurvo Corolla tubo exserto declinato, coimatis m abbremto obtuse 3^-fido,ntfe- fiatavelseqmdi; Umbo bilabiate, labio superiore SUt^a involvente genitalia cymbiformi, sarins concave, elongate riorc integro Stylus^ connexa vaginantem stylum tubum in basi edentula, FUamenta e subrotundo-compress*, Nueul* subulatus, aBqualiter bifidus n vel, sexflon Verticillastri annuce vel basi perennantes, rarius frutices comnum -peduiiculo laxi,cymbifornm ; tiflori,nunc densissmi, nunc ^«^ ™? ahr f^JZl Folia elongaUs minusve plus fi™f decidua vel a rimisve utrinaue binis, anthesm per comosa, minusve plus anthesin ad apicem racemorum Bentii African*, perpauc* plerumque Asiatic*, f^'^\™ l% subpersistentia, refexa Species utis e a bas serrate obtuse grosse acuminatis ovatis Coleus Blumei; foliis u ict atro-purpji *) macubs (supenie puberulis integerrimis utrinque inf< labio Invent, calym secundis, racemosis pedicellis tieillastris distindis, Bentk semibitida longiore intermedia me riore trifido, lacinia Be Cand Prodr 12 p 75 v 56 in Lab p Senth Blumei Coleus Br.) (non 837 Bijdr.p Blume, scutellarioides Plegtranthus We livitiff are indebted state to for Mr Low, our first knowledge oMte of Clapton iNnrsery, >J£*£ who ecenet tiu lume B bore t even but Java of native a as Jl nf from Belgfum, an is such As * gardens cultivated as only speaks of it and motUed mtensely tang leaves the plant, tremely ornamental the stains sanguineous or purple blotched with deep mt varied prettily are (Bowers of whorled racemes ouia stov no wd: eulbvatod, easily more is Nothing white till and summer, the through flowers it for it, be without r setting in of the winter oot f to loot a from vary possession our in DeIcb The plants « , m Me I *Vffi£* * DECEMBER 1ST, 1853 — and a half high, throughout nearly herbaceous or suffruticose rather angles the square, branches and stems base the at only ovate, rhomboidal Leaves joints the at hairy little obtuse, a ; membranaceous, deeply and coarsely inciso- serrate at the margin, gradually is which base, the well as as entire acuminate, the apex the at hairy petiole, elongated or less more into a attenuated sides the colour of the leaf is yellowish-green, the whole disc dark the margin the near spots into ; breaking sanguineous, or purple to parallel almost running erect, obliquely are principal nerves Inflorescence a terminal elongated whorled spike or the midrib very Pedicels more flowers or six of about Whorls raceme : Tube short, subglobose limb fiveCalyx small, hairy lobed; upper lobe much the largest, oblong, not decurrent at the base, two lateral lobes short, two inferior ones linear, apCorolla purple and white, moderately large, resupiproximate tube funnel-shaped, suddenly refracted nate, hairy on the back limb of two large lips; lower one ovate acute, cymbiform, the short : : : upper shorter, broad, oval reflexed, spreading, three-lobcd, the middle lobe bifid Stamens and style included in the hollow of the inferior lip Fig Front ; and 2, Side view of a flower magnified 4735 Tab 4755 DENDROBIUM cymbidioides, Cymbidium-like Dendrobium Orchidaceje.— Gynandria Monandria Nat Ord Gen Char obliquis cum Sepala membranacea, erecta vel patentia, lateralibua majoribus Petala sepalo supremo sapras Labellum cum pede columnse arti- basi producta columna? eonnatis majora, nunc minora, semper membranacea membrasrcpius trilobum, vel indivisum culatum vel connatum, semper sessile, Anproducta longe basi semiteres, Columna naceum, nunc appendiculatum nunccaulesepiphjie, Herbae collateral.— per paria them bipollicaris centes, Pollbna 1, nunc rltizomate repente pseudobulbifero solitariifasciculati v racemosi, speciosi Mores Folia plana, sapiua venosa Lbtdl bmi, Mis 4-5-goms oblongo-ovatis Dendrobium cymbidioides; pseudobulbis 5-7-flo o, terminali scapo excedentibus, oblomns retusis pseudobulbos vix laochraceis, patcntibus Bequabbus obtusis lineari-oblongis petalis sepalis tumido ovato medio lobo belli disco basi abrupte calloso-lineato, 77 Orchid Spec p et Gen Lindl cymbidioides Dendrobium Desmotrichum 355 Bijdr Blume, p cymbidiodes of herbaria or gardens known either in our &c of Rolhson, Messrs specimens from A plant very little which we received living itesthe b to proves It name any without Tooting Nursery, wooded lofty the of native Blume motrichm cymbidioides of author, that of genus a Java, in Salak of Gede and mountains Dr by tv prop™ with thmk we have, of which all the species to restored or with Lindley, been incorporated but specimens no Lindley had indeed seen »d«eb of and Reinwardt Professor sent to him by bu s from 1, "scarcely (hffenng ; DemoMdJ, P^f™ J* **W**££ «««« triflorum, m* flowers cream-coloured and pseudo-bulbs, uniformly tetragonal threes." in appearing always , f a an oblong-ovate, or ovate Descr Pseudo-bulbs gene short a upon x clustered and or five angles, long with sheathed rallv more or less rathe or obtuse oblong, erecto-patent, bearing at the summit two «V"S""£ "-™""""^£S DECEMBER 1ST, s "> ; >- — retuse, coriaceous leaves, not twice so long as the pseudo-bulbs Scape terminal, arising from the top of the pseudo-bulb, between the two leaves, erect, terete, scarcely scaly, bearing from five to Ovaries pedunculiform, nearly seven moderately large flowers three inches long, erecto-patent, clavate Sepals andpetals uniform, Labellum much shorter linear-oblong, spreading, ochraceous than the sepals, oblong-cordate, white, sprinkled near the base within with dark-purple linear blotches, three-lobed, bearing on the disc tubercles arranged in two or three lines or series j the side lobes are short, obtuse, incurved; ovate obtuse, tumid or convex Column the terminal lobe short, semiterete, de- current, spotted with purple on the plane surface in a three-toothed clinandrium, four, in "Fig two hemispherical Anther sunk 'Pollen-masses parallel series Labellum Column and anther Pollen-masses: magnified $756 Tab 475(5 BILLBERGIA thyrsoidea Dense-flowered Billbergia Nat Ord Monogynia Hexandbia Bbomeliacejs.— ffiquales calycinje, exteriores lacing sexpartiti super! Periaonii Gen Ckar oblique hinc apice mate* ve convolute, aristate spiralis ecaSte^ecte^ patentee v apice longiores, multo exterioribus petaloide* pcta cs SilT^'SSres dda ata i teio Stamma 6, epigyna; , bi